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France, Reunion - fr/13

Water Transfer

  9.5 km TBM drive awarded to jv of Spie Batignolles, Sotrabas, Razel-Pico and Bilfinger & Berger. Second drive of 8.4 km due for award. March 1998.  Two tunnels, the 8 km Galerie Salazie Amont from the Mat river to the Pluis river and the 9.65 km x 3.2 m-diameter Galerie Salazie Aval from the Pluis river to the Fleurs-Jaunes river will allow transfer of water from the east of the island to the west. The Amont is being driven by a jv led by Bouygues and the Aval by a jv led by Spie Batignolles, both of which include Razel, Pico, Sotrabas, and Bilfinger & Berger. Two Herrenknecht TBMs are in use in basalts and similar volcanic rocks with maximum cover of 1,000 m. Fax M Coulet of Razel/Pico in Reunion, +262 44 9820 for progress and visit www.herrenknecht.com for further details of the TBM specifications. February 2000.


France, Paris - fr/12


Extension 650 m from La Madeleine to St Lazare commenced construction by jv of Chantiers Modernes, Bouygues, Quillery and Perforex. Further 700 m under consideration between Tolbiac-Massena and Tolbiac-Nationale for 1999 and northern extension to Brochant is planned. December 1998.   $120 million shelved project for new workshops and 677 m southwards extension between Bibliotheque F Mitterand and Olympiade stations to be reactivated. Call for tenders imminent with a view to starting construction before end-2000. January 2000. Restricted tendering deadline 2nd May, 2000 for construction for RATP of rolling stock garage and maintenance tracks for 14th metro line at Olympiades station including 700 m of twin-track tunnel. Contact Dept ITA, unite IDI, bureau P 6028 fax +33 141 953310. April 2000. RATP, the Paris metro operator, explains that the "geological accident" which left a 15 m-deep crater in the night of 15th February in the playground of a school was unpredictable and is due to a very weak limestone layer. The last measurements taken the day before the collapse revealed no anomalies. Up to 3,000 cubic metres and 400 square metres have been swallowed in the collapse above the Bibliothèque Franí§ois Mitterrand-Olympiades section of Line 14 under construction by Bouygues. A 15 m-wide 145 m-long underground rolling stock garage and maintenance workshop is under construction in limestone at a depth of 10 m underneath the school. Tunnelling of the vault was under way but no support had been installed yet when the landslip happened.The City of Paris has lodged a complaint to the Administrative Court so that an independent expert be appointed to determine the exact origin of the collapse. The city also commissioned a geological investigation of the Paris subsoil to BRGM (Mining and Geology Research Centre). The Ministry of transport has also ordered a technical investigation to the Conseil Général des Ponts et Chaussées, an inspectorate body of the ministry. Fifteen families living in a neighbouring building have been evacuated and will stay in hotels for six weeks until reinforcement work, which began on 21st February, is finished. Visit www.ratp.fr, www.brgm.fr and www.equipement.gouv.fr 10/03.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 23.03.2012, for engineering studies for Saint Lazare-Saint-Ouen 14th metro line extension in Paris, comprising a 5.6 km-long tunnel with 4 new stations. Contract duration 66 months. Contact Isabelle Forn at RATP in Paris, tel +33 158769-926, fax -468, e-mail isabelle.forn@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=067156-2012. 10/12.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 02.04.2012, for safety certification (OQA) for Saint Lazare-Saint-Ouen 14th metro line extension in Paris, comprising a 5.6 km-long tunnel with 4 new stations. Contract duration 66 months. Contact Isabelle Forn at RATP in Paris, tel +33 158769-926, fax -468, e-mail isabelle.forn@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=079344-2012. 11/12.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 02.04.2012, for inspection and control services for geotechnical, geological and hydrogeological studies for Saint Lazare-Saint-Ouen 14th metro line extension in Paris, comprising a 5.6 km-long tunnel with 4 new stations. Contract duration 66 months. Contact Isabelle Forn at RATP in Paris, tel +33 158769-926, fax -468, e-mail isabelle.forn@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=081925-2012. 12/12.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 16.05.2012, for technical control services for Saint Lazare-Saint-Ouen 14th metro line extension in Paris, comprising a 5.6 km-long tunnel with 4 new stations. Contract duration 66 months. Contact Isabelle Forn at RATP in Paris, tel +33 158769-926, fax -468, e-mail isabelle.forn@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=125706-2012. 17/12.


Awarded, the EUR210,000 contract, VAT not included, for safety certification (OQA) for Saint Lazare-Saint-Ouen 14th metro line extension in Paris, comprising a 5.6 km-long tunnel with 4 new stations. Contact Isabelle Forn at RATP in Paris, tel +33 158769-926, fax -468, e-mail isabelle.forn@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=324939-2012. 42/12.

Awarded, the EUR652,216 contract, VAT not included, for engineering studies for Saint Lazare-Saint-Ouen 14th metro line extension in Paris, comprising a 5.6 km-long tunnel with 4 new stations. Contact Isabelle Forn at RATP in Paris, tel +33 158769-926, fax -468, e-mail isabelle.forn@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=323459-2012. 42/12.

Awarded the EUR233,296 contract, VAT not included, for technical control services for Saint Lazare-Saint-Ouen 14th metro line extension in Paris, comprising a 5.6 km-long tunnel with 4 new stations. Contact Isabelle Forn at RATP in Paris, tel +33 158769-926, fax -468, e-mail isabelle.forn@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=323456-2012. 42/12.

Awarded the EUR 298,802 contract, VAT not included, for inspection and control services for geotechnical, geological and hydrogeological studies for Saint Lazare-Saint-Ouen 14th metro line extension in Paris, comprising a 5.6 km-long tunnel with 4 new stations. Contact Isabelle Forn at RATP in Paris, tel +33 158769-926, fax -468, e-mail isabelle.forn@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=323454-2012. 42/12.


Apave Parisienne of Paris secured the EUR233,296 contract for technical control services for Saint Lazare-Saint-Ouen 14th metro line extension in Paris, comprising a 5.6 km-long tunnel with four new stations. Contract duration 66 months. Contact Isabelle Forn at RATP in Paris, tel +33 158769-926, fax -468, e-mail isabelle.forn@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=349492-2012 and www.apave.com. 45/12.

Segic Ingenierie/ESE JV of Verrieres le Buisson secured the EUR652,216 contract for engineering studies for Saint Lazare-Saint-Ouen 14th metro line extension in Paris, comprising a 5.6 km-long tunnel with four new stations. Contract duration 66 months. Contact Isabelle Forn at RATP in Paris, tel +33 158769-926, fax -468, e-mail isabelle.forn@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=349490 -2012 and www.segic-ingenierie.fr. 45/12.

Bureau Veritas of La Defense secured the EUR115,600 contract for safety certification (OQA) for Saint Lazare-Saint-Ouen 14th metro line extension in Paris, comprising a 5.6 km-long tunnel with four new stations. Contract duration 66 months. Contact Isabelle Forn at RATP in Paris, tel +33 158769-926, fax -468, e-mail isabelle.forn@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=349487-2012 and www.bureauveritas.fr. 45/12.

Tractebel Engineering SA Coyne et Bellier/Tractebel Engineering JV of Gennevilliers secured the EUR298,802 contract for inspection and control services for geotechnical, geological and hydrogeological studies for Saint Lazare-Saint-Ouen 14th metro line extension in Paris, comprising a 5.6 km-long tunnel with four new stations. Contract duration 66 months. Contact Isabelle Forn at RATP in Paris, tel +33 158769-926, fax -468, e-mail isabelle.forn@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=349485-2012. 45/12.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 12.06.2013, for Saint-Lazare to Clichy-Saint-Ouen 14th metro line extension in Paris (Lot 1). The contract includes the construction of a 3.6 km-long tunnel by TBM with two new stations, Pont Cardinet and Porte de Clichy. Contact Isabelle Forn at RATP in Paris, tel +33 158769-926, fax -468, e-mail isabelle.forn@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=148511-2013. 19/13.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 06.09.2013, for extension of line 14 Lot 2 involving construction of 2.2 km of 8 m-internal diameter tunnel from Clichy-Saint-Ouen to Pleyel with 120 m-long station at Mairie de Saint-Ouen and three shunts of lengths 120/52/30 m and diameters 20-23 m at depths of 27/24/20 m. Contract duration 60 months. Further information, specs and docs from Isabelle Forn at RATP in Paris, tel +33 158769-926, fax -468, e-mail isabelle.forn@ratp.fr, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=209887-2013. NUTS FR101. 26/13.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 11.12.2013, for extension of line 14 Lot TO3 involving construction of 160 m-long, 15 m-diameter, 23 m-deep station at Clichy-Saint-Ouen. Contract duration 50 months. Further information, specs and docs from Myriam Fontaine-Boulle at RATP in Paris, tel +33 158770195, fax +33 158769468, e-mail myriam.fontaine-boulle@ratp.fr, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=364794-2013. NUTS FR106. 45/13.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 30.04.2014, for track construction works for 5.8 km Saint Lazare-Saint-Ouen 14th metro line extension in Paris. The contract comprises 2 lots: lot 24 and lot 25. Contract duration 40 months. Contact Jerome Brochot at RATP in Fontenay-sous-bois, tel +33 158771358, fax +33 158769582, e-mail jerome.brochot@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=109848-2014. Ref. n. 14-0071. 14/14.


The JV Bouygues TP/Soletanche Bachy France/Soletanche Bachy tunnels/CSM Bessac of Guyancourt secured the EUR164.90 million contract, excluding VAT, for extension of line 14 Lot 2 involving construction of 2.2 km of 8 m-internal diameter tunnel from Clichy-Saint-Ouen to Pleyel with 120 m-long station at Mairie de Saint-Ouen and three shunts of lengths 120/52/30 m and diameters 20-23 m at depths of 27/24/20 m. Contact Isabelle Forn at RATP in Paris, tel +33 158769-926, fax -468, e-mail isabelle.forn@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=225473-2014. Ref. n. MOP14-0083. 28/14.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 09.01.2015, for 5.8 km electric alimentation work in the underground extension of line 14 (Lot T26) from Saint-Lazare to Mairie de Saint-Ouen. Contract duration 36 months from award. Further information, specs and docs from M. Yves Tisseron at RATP in Fontenay-sous-Bois Cedex, tel +33 3158771466, fax -468, e-mail yves.tisseron@ratp.fr. Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to http://ratp.e-marchespublics.com/. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=414030-2014. Ref.n. GDI 14-0096. 49/14.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 17.03.2015, for upgrading of LW electrical equipment in the existing stations and control hall of  Line 14, following its extension to Mairie de Saint-Ouen. Contract duration 60 months from award. Contact RATP in Paris, tel +33 3158771466, fax +33 158786213, e-mail sandrine.grillat@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=065608-2015. Ref.n. 15-0029-GDI. 09/15.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 30.04.2015, for technical control for  the southern extension of Line 14 from Olympiades station to Orly Airport. Duration of contract 123 months from award. Contact RAP, Paris, Societe du Grand Paris, website http://ratp.e-marchespublics.com/. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=128169-2015. Ref. n. MOP-HA150055. 16/15.


The JV Spie Batignolles TPCI/DODIN Campenon Bernard/Chantiers Modernes Construction/Sogea TPI/Botte Fondations/Spie Fondations of Boulogne-Billancourt secured the EUR60 million contract, excluding VAT, for extension of line 14 Lot TO3 involving construction of 160 m-long, 15 m-diameter, 23 m-deep station at Clichy-Saint-Ouen. Contact Myriam Fontaine-Boulle at RATP in Paris, tel +33 158770195, fax +33 158769468, e-mail myriam.fontaine-boulle@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=135006-2015. Ref.n. MOP/HA 14-0152. 17/15.


Negotiated Procedure, deadline 25.09.2015, for maintenance of self-contained emergency lighting units (BAES) in the stations and in the tunnels of the lines 3, 13 and 14 of the Paris metro. The contract is divided into two lots. Duration is 12 months from the award. Contact RATP, att.ne Susan Canelas-Drezet, Paris, tel +33 158770629, email susan.canelas-drezet@ratp.fr. Log in http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=it&docid=313787-2015, OJ S 172. Ref. GDI HAS 15-0193. 37/15.


The invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 09.01.2015, for 5.8 km electric work in the underground extension of line 14 (Lot T26) from Saint-Lazare to Mairie de Saint-Ouen has been discontinued. Contact M. Yves Tisseron at RATP in Fontenay-sous-Bois Cedex, tel +33 158771466, e-mail yves.tisseron@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=313778-2015. Ref.n. GDI 14-0096. 38/15. 


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 09.10.2015, for 5.8 km of electrical work for the underground extension of line 14 (Lot T26) from Saint-Lazare to Mairie de Saint-Ouen. The contract is composed of two lots. Contract duration will be 40 months from award. For further information contact M. Yves Tisseron at RATP in Fontenay-sous-Bois Cedex, tel +33 158771466, fax +33 158769534, e-mail yves.tisseron@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=324176-2015. Ref.n. GDI 15-0206. 38/15.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 02.10.2015, for the low voltage electrical work in the Pont Cardinet and Porte de Clichy stations, tunnels and additional works, for metro line 14  extension to Mairie de Saint-Ouen in Paris. Duration contract  38 months from the award. Contact RATP, Paris, website http://ratp.e-marchespublics.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=324175-2015. Ref.n. 15-0126-MOP. 38/15.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 16.10.2015, for the work of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing and fumes disposal stations at the Pont Cardinet and Porte de Clichy stations in the 5.8 km tunnels of Paris, Florence, Fillion and Klock (lot T14) The contract is part of extension Line 14 from Gare Saint-Lazare to Mairie de Saint-Ouen to ease the existing congestion on line 13.Duration contract 36 months from award. Contact RATP, Paris, tel +33 158769920, fax +33 158769368, e-mail cecile.migeon@ratp.fr.Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=337491-2015. Ref.n. MOP/HA 15-0150. 39/15.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 26.02.2016, for finishing work on the Clichy Saint-Ouen and Mairie de Saint-Ouen stations which are in about 4.3 km  tunnels also includes additional works, for metro line 14  extension to Mairie de Saint-Ouen in Paris, Lot T09. Duration of the contract is 29 months from the award. Contact RATP, Paris, tel +33 158769379, fax +33 158769589, e-mail stephane.candellari@ratp.fr.  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=19343-2016. Ref.n. MOP15-0139. 03/16.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 18.03.2016, for the maintenance and providing of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing and fumes disposal at Clichy Saint-Ouen and Mairie de Saint-Ouen station, in suburban tunnels and in associated structures  at  Glarner, Pierre et Cachin (lot T15). The contract is part of extension Line 14 from Gare Saint-Lazare to Mairie de Saint-Ouen to ease the existing congestion on line 13. Duration of the contract is 29 months from award. Contact RATP, att.n Migeon-Amartin Cecile, Paris, e-mail cecile.migeon@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=50787-2016. Ref.n. DHA_2016MOP7417. 07/16.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 09.09.2016, for general and works planning, pilotage and coordination of tunnel and stations for an extension to Mairie de Saint-Ouen  of line 14 in Paris. Contract duration 36 months after award. Contact RATP, attn Myriam Fontaine-Boulle, Paris, tel +33 158770195, fax +33 158769468, e-mail myriam.fontaine-boulle@ratp.fr. Tenders to be sent tohttps://ratp.bravosolution.com/web/login.html. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=268088-2016. Ref.n. DHA_2016MOP10113. 31/16.


COLAS IDFN Genie Civil from Clichy secured the EUR990,000 contract for the creation of a ventilation structure in the Place d'Italie - National section of line 6 at Paris. Contact RATP, att.n Mounira Soilihy, Paris, tel +33 158774495, e-mail mounira.soilihy@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=452073-2016. Ref.n. DHA_2016MP9582. 52/16.


France, Rhone-Alps - fr/11

High Speed Railway

Public enquiry considered route proposal which may include 54 km tunnel under Mt Ambin amongst others. March 1998.   Mt Ambin base tunnel now known as AlpeTunnel and 52 km alignment is being defined by long exploration boreholes. Proposed railway will shave 3 h off the journey from Lyon in France to Turin in Italy and is a top priority project within the EU. Route will carry 10.5 million passengers and 14 million t freight each year. Tunnel will take six years to construct and will cost $5 billion. Design is for twin 8 m-diameter tubes with 30 to 50 m separation linked by cross passages. Located mainly in calceschists, metamorphic basement rocks, Triassic dolomites and quartzites with schists, Jurassic marls and limestones, sandstones and flysch. Window access at Venaus (7 km-long), Modane (6.5 km-long), La Praz (8.7 km-long), and St Martin la Porte (1 km-long). $315 million preliminary design investigation programme will include some tunnels between 2001 and 2007, when work should commence on main tunnels for six years. Commissioning scheduled for 2015. Second 12 km-long tunnel required on Italian side to bypass Bussoleno. Sept 1999.   Six deep exploration holes of between 2 and 3 km underway on Alpetunnel alignment between Torino and Chambery by jv AlpExploDrilling comprising Dentag Europe, BRR and Foralith. Currently completing 1.8 km hole at Avrieux using Wirth B5 and will move to Etache for a 3 km hole using a Dentag drillrig. Visit www.foralith.ch for more information. Sept 1999. Underground station at Modane will increase projected cost to $6 billion. Preliminary work schedule under consideration for 2001-2006 financed 50% by EU to include geotechnical investigations in the Suze valley and construction of adits and pilot tunnels. Decision due later this year on final alignment. June 2000.   Agreement signed between governments for $10 billion Lyons-Turin (F-I) line with 52 km base tunnel for construction 2006-2015. Access tunnels should start at St Martin la Porte (F), La Praz (F), Modane (F) and Venaus (I) during 2002. Feeder routes will also require tunnels, notably for 14 km beneath Epine (F) and Dullin (F) ranges, 20 km beneath Chartreuse (F) mountains, and 12 km under Belledonne (F) mountains. The 12 km Bussoleno (I) and 8 km Borgone (I) tunnels are also on the main alignment. Visit www.alpetunnel.fr 07/01.   Italian-Swiss committee will promote new $3.5 billion, 160 km-long railway on Paris-Turin alignment with 48.5 km-long tunnel under Grand St Bernard Pass between Martigny and Val d'Aosta. Visit www.cff.ch and www.alpetunnel.fr 22/01.   Invitation to negotiate contract, deadline 3rd September, 2001, for construction of 4 km-long access adit and two investigation tunnels at Modane for Lyon-Turin rail link. Also, prequalification, deadline 6th September, 2001, for engineering design of same. Contact Alpetunnel-GEIE, fax +33 47 960 9704. Visit www.alpetunnel.fr 34/01.   Negotiated procedure, deadline 29th November, 2001, for soil investigation and on site tests as part of the Lyons-Turin HSR. Lot 1 is for excavation of a 2 km-long 72-96 sq m drift to be drilled/blasted. Lot 2 is for two 30-40 sq m tunnels, 1.5 km each. Option for another two tunnels of 500 m and 300 m. Visit http://ted.eur-op.int, document S 206-141380 or contact Alpetunnel GEIE, Chambéry, fax +33 4 79609704. Also visit www.alpetunnel.com 45/01.   Tenders invited by Lyon-Turin Ferroviaire, the former Alpetunnel GEIE, for engineering services to analyse the bids, prepare the contracts, manage and follow up the excavation of a 2,000 m drift (contract 1), and two investigation galleries, 1.5 km to 1.8-2 km (contract 2). Part of the Lyon-Turin basis tunnel. Visit www.alpetunnel.com and www.transalpine.com 49/01.   Tenders for work supervision, deadline 14th January, 2002, for a 4 km drift (contract 1) and two investigation tunnels (contract 2) of 2.5 and 3 km. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int, document S 240-165437 or fax +33 479685659. Visit www.alpetunnel.com and www.transalpine.com 52/01.   Award to a jv of EEG Simecsol, SNCF Ingénierie, Geodata of Italy, and Bonnard et Gardel of Switzerland of an engineering assistance contract for the draft and detailed design and the preparation of documents as part of the La Praz adit and pilot tunnel. The adit is approx. 2.8 km-long for the east option and 3 km for the west one, cross section 70 sq m. The pilot tunnel is approx. 3 km for the east option and 2 km for the west one, cross section 25 sq m. Visit www.alpetunnel.com 04/02.   Two negotiated procedures for the construction and work supervision of the 70 sq m adit and 25 sq m pilot tunnel. Deadlines for construction set to 4th March, 2002 and for work supervision to 21st February, 2002. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/ojs/en/frame.htm, OJ S 13, document 9950-2002, and OJ S 15, document 11422-2002 or contact Lyon-Turin Ferroviaire, Chambéry, fax +33 4 79685659. Also visit www.alpetunnel.com 05/02.   Negotiated deal for hydrogeological studies for the international section of the Lyon-Turin high speed link between Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne and Cianocco. This section includes the Maurienne-Ambin basis tunnel (52.7 km) and the 12.5 km Bussoleno tunnel. A first report is due in October, 2002. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/ojs/en/frame.htm, OJ S 43, document 34038-2002, fax +33 4 79685659 or E-mail alpetun@icor.fr with copy to sabine.dallacosta@ltf-sas.com 10/02.   Restricted procedure, deadline 8th April, 2002 for geotechnical studies as part of the draft design for the passenger and freight link across the Belledonne massif. Lot 2 deals with core drills for the Belledonne tunnel. Geology consists of alluvium, glacial deposit, limestone, schists, micaschists, gneiss, granite, etc. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/ojs/en/frame.htm, OJ S 51, document 39894-2002 or contact Réseau Ferré de France, Lyon, fax +33 472840579. 12/02.   Restricted procedure, deadline 11th April, 2002 for technical studies dealing with the draft design of the Belledonne tunnel, civil engineering structures and earthworks. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/ojs/en/frame.htm, OJ S 66, document 51951-2002 or contact Réseau Ferré de France, Lyon, fax +33 472840579. 15/02.Eiffage, in jv with Condotte d'Acqua and GRA, has scooped a €82 million contract to build a 4 km drift in Modane, 3 km of which with a high gradient. This is the first tunnelling contract. Work has started on 18th March, 2002. Completion in 2005. Visit www.eiffage.fr and www.condottespa.it 15/02.   Fiat Engineering has won a contract to draw up preliminary designs for work and safety equipment for the 53 km Turin-Lyon tunnel. The contract is worth €1 million and will be carried out in cooperation with Italferr and French companies Setec, Systra and SNCF Ingénierie. Visit www.fiatengineering.it 20/02.   Award to a jv of EEG Simecsol, SNCF Ingénierie, Bonnard et Gardel, and Sea Consulting of a work supervision engineering contract for a 4 km drift (lot 1) and two investigation tunnels (lot 2) of 2.5 and 3 km in Modane and Villarodin-le-Bourget. Contract value €2.1 million. Visit www.alpetunnel.com 29/02.Award to a jv of Scetauroute and Antea-Alpina of work supervision engineering contract for a 2 km drift in Saint-Martin-la-Porte. Contract value €2.37 million. 29/02.   Negotiated procedure, deadline 12th November, 2002 for geophysical exploratory services for the Chartreuse tunnel to identify lignite galleries in Saint-Didier-de-la-Tour and Saint-André-le-Gaz on a length of 2 km and a width of 400 m. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=159061-2002, OJ S 201, or contact Réseau Ferré de France, fax +33 472840579. E-mail alain.colomb@rff.fr 44/02.   Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 14th February, 2003 for core drilling for the 12 km-long Bussoleno tunnel. Lot 1 is for eight vertical boreholes in alluvial ground spread out on a length of 580 m with a maximum depth of 150 m, or ten vertical boreholes on a length of 840 m, maximum depth 200 m. Lot 2 is for six vertical boreholes in rock, length of execution 2,140 m and maximum depth 540 m, or seven vertical boreholes, length 2,720 m and maximum depth 580 m. Lot 3 is for five vertical boreholes in rock on a length of 2,530 m at a maximum depth of 870 m, or four vertical boreholes, maximum depth 950 m, plus one 400 m horizontal borehole, to be executed on a length of 3,100 m. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=202642-2002, OJ S 252, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambéry, tel. +33 479685666 or 67 and +39 0115579221. E-mail pierre.dhe@ltf-sas.com, franco.gallara@ltf-sas.com and xavier.dermendrail@ltf-sas.com 02/03.   A JV of Razel, its mother company Bilfinger Berger, Pizzarotti and Granulats Rhône-Alpes has been commissioned to build the 2,040 m descending drift in Saint-Martin-la-Porte (lot 1) for €40.4 million. Visit www.ltf-sas-com and www.razel.fr 11/03.Open call for bids, deadline 9th April, 2003 for geological investigation and core drills. Lot 1 is a 1.3 km-deep 30° inclined borehole in the Modane-Chavières area including data logging, BHTV, and tests. Lot 2 is a 100 m-deep vertical borehole in the Saint-Julien area including tests. Lot 3 is a 1.1 km-deep vertical borehole in the Houiller (Orelette) area including data logging, BHTV and tests. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=036403-2003, OJ S 42, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambéry, fax +33 479609704. E-mail pierre.dhe@ltf-sas.com for administrative info and xavier.darmendrail@ltf-sas.com and nathalie.monin@ltf-sas.com for technical info. 11/03.   Atlas Copco will rent a Rocket Boomer XL3 C drilling jumbo to the JV composed of Razel, Bilfinger Berger, Pizzarotti and GRA for drill/blast excavation of a 2,040 m drift in Saint-Martin-la-Porte, 7 km from the French entrance of the future base tunnel. This exploratory drift features a variable cross section of 80-100 sq m. The drive will be slightly climbing on the first 900 m and then descending on 1,100 m (8% gradient). Geology consisting of limestone and marls, dolomites, anhydrite, gypsum, sandstone, schists and carbonaceous schists. Up to 169,000 cubic metres of spoil will be removed, 29,000 cu m of concrete and 6,400 cu m of shotcrete will be necessary as well as 2,100 tonnes of steel arches and 77,000 metres of anchoring bolts. Other machinery at the worksite include, in particular, an Atlas Copco Boltec 435H rock bolting rig. Preparatory work started on 4th March, 2003 and the project will last 25 months. The first blast is planned for July 2003. More from franck.boudreault@atlascopco.com. Visit www.atlascopco.fr and www.razel.fr 22/03.   Restricted call for bids, deadline 4th July, 2003 for geophysical investigation for the 52 km base tunnel and the 12 km Bussoleno tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=099075-2003, OJ S 110, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambéry, fax +33 479609704. E-mail pierre.dhe@ltf-sas.com and nathalie.monon@ltf-sas.com 25/03.Open call for bids, deadline 24th July, 2003 for aeraulics study as part of the draft design of the 12 km Bussoleno tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=099055-2003, OJ S 110, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambéry, fax +33 479686097 or 5675. E-mail pierre.dhe@ltf-sas.com and eddy.verbesselt@ltf-sas.com 25/03.Negotiated procedure, deadline 3rd October, 2003 for engineering studies for the draft design of the passenger and freight line linking the Alpine furrow to Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=139699-2003, OJ S 153, or contact Réseau Ferré de France, Lyon, fax +33 472840579. Also visit www.rff.fr/pages/projets/fiche_projet.asp?code=302 36/03.Restricted procedure, deadline 29th September, 2003 for construction of the 7 km-long 6 m-diameter Venaus exploratory tunnel, with option for three more kilometres. Overburden of 2 km and 2.5 km for the optional 3 km. To be driven mainly using a hard rock gripper TBM. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=150092-2003 and http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=150093-2003, OJ S 163, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambéry, fax +33 479685683. E-mail vincenzo.degregorio@ltf-sas.com and lorenzo.brino@ltf-sas.com 37/03.Two contracts have been awarded for core drills for the 12 km-long Bussoleno tunnel in Italy. RCT won contract 1 for eight vertical boreholes in alluvial ground spread out on a length of 580 m with a maximum depth of 150 m, or ten vertical boreholes on a length of 840 m, maximum depth 200 m. Amount: €323,200. More from rct@mi.nettimo.it. Contract 2 is for six vertical boreholes in rock, length of execution 2,140 m and maximum depth 540 m, or seven vertical boreholes, length 2,720 m and maximum depth 580 m. It is won by Geotecno for €1.9 million. More from mfo@geotecnosrl.it. Contract 3 has been declared void for failing to attract bids within the client's budget. This contract is for five vertical boreholes in rock on a length of 2,530 m at a maximum depth of 870 m, or four vertical boreholes, maximum depth 950 m, plus one 400 m horizontal borehole, to be executed on a length of 3,100 m. Visit www.ltf-sas.com 42/03.Restricted call for bids, deadline 21st November, 2003 for core drilling and exploratory boring for the Bussoleno tunnel (12 km). Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=180607-2003, OJ S 200, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambéry, fax +33 479685683. E-mail pierre.dhe@ltf-sas.com or xavier.darmendrail@ltf-sas.com 44/03.A JV between Scetauroute and Metropolitana Milanese has secured a €108,700 contract to conduct an aeraulics study as part of the draft design of the 12 km Bussoleno tunnel. Visit www.scetauroute.fr and www.metropolitanamilanese.it 44/03.Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 8th December, 2003 for environmental measurements for the Venaus exploratory tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=185215-2003, OJ S 205, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambéry, fax +33 479685683 and +39 0122641052. E-mail pierre.dhe@ltf-sas.com and piergiuseppe.gilli@ltf-sas.com 45/03.Open invitation to tender, deadline 5th January, 2004 for a 500 m vertical or inclined core drill. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=192010-2003, OJ S 213, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambéry, fax +33 479685683. E-mail sgt.dde-isere@equipement.gouv.fr 46/03.Geophysik GGD won a €191,720 contract for preparing seismic profiles from core drills F65 and F75 for the base tunnel, a €184,460 contract for preparing seismic profiles from core drills S42, S49 and S8 for the Bussoleno tunnel, and a €55,260 contract for evaluation of the depth of the vertical faults for the base tunnel. Visit www.geophysik-ggd.com 51/03.Geoexpert won a €42,700 contract for two hybrid seismic profiles, 1 km and 600 m in length, for the base tunnel. Visit www.geoexpert.ch 51/03.Geoinvest won a €33,600 contract for electrical profiles for the Bussoleno tunnel. Visit www.geoinvest.it and www.ltf-sas.com 51/03.Open invitation to tender, deadline 14th April, 2004 for project construction management for the Venaus exploratory tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=026791-2004, OJ S 30, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail vincenzo.degregorio@ltf-sas.com 10/04.Negotiated procedure, deadline 2nd July, 2004 for assistance to the client for the reference draft design, the detail design of the Italian part and the public inquiry in France and Italy. Contract 5 deals with tunnels. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=087067-2004, OJ S 106, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail vincenzo.degregorio@ltf-sas.com or lorenzo.brino@ltf-sas.com 25/04.Negotiated procedure, deadline 19th July, 2004 for assistance to the client for the reference draft design for the international section of the base tunnel between Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, France and Bruzolo, Italy. The reference draft design is an intermediate stage between the conceptual design and the detail design. There are seven contracts. Contract 0 is for general coordination. Contract A1 deals with operation and maintenance, contract A2 with safety, contract B1 with civil engineering, contract B2 with geology, contract B3 with railway and non-railway equipment and contract B4 with environment. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=094328-2004, OJ S 112, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail vincenzo.degregorio@ltf-sas.com or geraldine.berthier@ltf-sas.com 25/04.Negotiated procedure, deadline 28th June, 2004 for making compatible urbanism documents (land use plan, development plan, maps, etc.) between Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne and the Italian border as part of the public inquiry. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=094345-2004, OJ S 112, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail vincenzo.degregorio@ltf-sas.com, jacques-ricard@ltf-sas.com, geraldine.berthier@ltf-sas.com or nicole.delbe@ltf-sas.com 25/04.Information meetings will be held in Paris on 17th June and in Rome on 18th June. Visit www.ltf-sas.com/fr/couponreponseapr.pdf for registration to these meetings. 25/04.Qualification procedure for safety studies as part of the reference draft design for the international section of the base tunnel between Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, France and Bruzolo, Italy. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=095916-2004, OJ S 114, or contact LTF, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail vincenzo.degregorio@ltf-sas.com, stephane.bouquier@ltf-sas.com, geraldine.berthier@ltf-sas.com or nicole.delbe@ltf-sas.com 26/04.Negotiated procedure, deadline 16th August, 2004 for a 800 m inclined core drill for the base tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=105133-2004, OJ S 124, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. 28/04.Negotiated procedure, deadline 15th September, 2004 for compliance control of the reference draft design of the French-Italian section between Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne and Bruzolo. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=107876-2004, OJ S 127, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail vincenzo.degregorio@ltf-sas.com, lorenzo.brino@ltf-sas.com, geraldine.berthier@ltf-sas.com or nicole.delbe@ltf-sas.com 29/04.Negotiated procedure, deadline 1st September, 2004 for construction by means of a TBM of the 7 km Venaus exploratory tunnel with a cover of 2 km, with option for three more kilometres with a cover of 2.5 km. This is a re-tender as the previous tender process has been declared void. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=129218-2004, OJ S 149, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. 35/04.Negotiated procedure, deadline 1st September, 2004 for construction of the 3 km Modane access adit, with a 12% gradient. This is a re-tender further to the cancellation of a previously awarded contract, when one kilometre had been bored. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=129216-2004, OJ S 149, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 28/2004 & 24/2004. 35/04.Negotiated procedure, deadline 17th December, 2004 for construction of the La Praz adit, 2.5 km in length with a 12% gradient, for ground exploration and access to the future base tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=191764-2004, OJ S 222, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. 48/04.A consortium formed by Arcadis, Metropolitane Milanese, Scetauroute and Semaly has won a EUR2 million contract to perform extensive safety surveys on two tunnels, including the 53 km base tunnel, on the future Lyon-Turin line between France and Italy. The consortium will study the possible effects of an accident inside the tunnel with dangerous goods including toxic gases or flammable liquids and help determine whether the planned safety measures inside and around the tunnels are sufficient to mitigate the effects of such events. The survey will be finalised in May 2005. The railway line will be used for passenger transport, including high speed rail travel, and for freight transportation. The latter will also include the transportation of dangerous goods and trucks. Visit www.ltf-sas.com, www.arcadis-global.com, www.metropolitanamilanese.it, www.scetauroute.com and www.semaly.com 51-52/04.Razel, its parent company Bilfinger Berger, and Pizzarotti secured a EUR51.4 million contract to finish the Modane exploratory tunnel to access to the future base tunnel. This award is subsequent to a rebid further to the cancellation of a previously awarded contract, after 1 out of 4 km had already been blasted. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 28/2004. Visit www.razel.fr, www.bilfinger.de and www.pizzarotti.it 02/05.Periodic notice for construction of the Modane exploratory tunnel and access adit to the future base tunnel. This is the third time the project is tendered. 2,914 m of tunnel remains to be drilled. Last year, LTF decided to terminate the initial contract awarded to Eiffage and Condotte d'Acqua. Then, the project was retendered and awarded to Razel, Bilfinger Berger and Pizzarotti at the end of 2004. However, the initial contractors appealed against the award at the Grenoble administrative court which, in an injunction order taken on 22nd December, 2004 obliges LTF to relaunch the bid procedure, for the third time. Estimated cost: EUR55 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=019845-2005, OJ S 20, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail sylvie.dufour@ltf-sas.com, jean-yves.peltier@ltf-sas.com and christian.fournier@ltf-sas.com. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 28/2004. 05/05.Periodic notice for construction of the 2.5 km La Praz exploratory tunnel and access adit to the future base tunnel. This is the second time the project is tendered as the first bidding procedure has been declared void by LTF. Estimated cost: EUR51 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=019850-2005, OJ S 20, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail sylvie.dufour@ltf-sas.com, jean-yves.peltier@ltf-sas.com and christian.fournier@ltf-sas.com. 05/05.Periodic notice for lead engineering for construction of the 2.5 km La Praz exploratory tunnel and access adit to the future base tunnel. Estimated cost: EUR3 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=019850-2005, OJ S 20, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail sylvie.dufour@ltf-sas.com, jean-yves.peltier@ltf-sas.com and christian.fournier@ltf-sas.com. 05/05.Periodic notice for safety coordination during construction of the 2.5 km La Praz exploratory tunnel and access adit to the future base tunnel. Estimated cost: EUR150,000. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=019847-2005, OJ S 20, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail sylvie.dufour@ltf-sas.com, jean-yves.peltier@ltf-sas.com and christian.fournier@ltf-sas.com. 05/05.The construction of the 6 m-diameter Venaus investigatory tunnel under the Ambin massif near Susa has been commissioned to a JV headed by CMC and including Strabag, Bentini Costruzioni, Cogeis and Geotecna for EUR84.3 million. The contract awarded by Lyon Turin Ferroviaire (LTF) is for a 7 km tunnel, with option for a further 3 km. Cover above the tunnel of approximately 2,000 m (2,500 m for the optional three kilometres). A hard rock Gripper TBM will be used. Work to commence next spring to last three years. Visit www.ltf-sas.com, www.cmcra.it, www.strabag.at and www.cogeis.it 07/05.Negotiated procedure, deadline 4th April, 2005 for construction of the Modane exploratory adit (2.9 km) to the future base tunnel. Tender estimate: EUR55 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=040807-2005, OJ S 42, or contact LTF, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail jean-yves.peltier@ltf-sas.com or christian.fournier@ltf-sas.com 10/05.Negotiated procedure, deadline 26th April, 2005 for engineering, including work management during construction of the 2.5 km La Praz exploratory tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=060119-2005, OJ S 62, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail jean-yves.peltier@ltf-sas.com and sylvie.dufour@ltf-sas.com 14/05.Periodic notice for excavation of the 2.5 km La Praz access and exploratory adit in Savoy. Gradient 12%. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=076907-2005, OJ S 79, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail descenderie-la-praz@ltf-sas.com 18/05.Negotiated procedure, deadline 26th May, 2005 for safety and health coordination during construction of the 2.5 km La Praz access and exploratory adit. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=075853-2005, OJ S 78, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail jean-yves.peltier@ltf-sas.com, sylvie.dufour@ltf-sas.com and geraldine.berthier@ltf-sas.com 18/05.Periodic notice for construction supervision of the 2.9 km Modane access and exploratory adit in Savoy. Tender estimate: EUR3 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=083536-2005, OJ S 86, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail moe-modane@ltf-sas.com 19/05.Negotiated procedure, deadline 13th June, 2005 for construction of the La Praz access and exploratory adit, approximate length 2.5 km. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=089076-2005, OJ S 90, or contact LTF, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail descenderie-la-praz@ltf-sas.com 21/05.Lyon Turin Ferroviaire has awarded for EUR52.7 million, after a third bidding process, the completion of the Modane-Villarodin Bourget access adit to the Lyon-Turin base tunnel to Razel (leader), its mother company Bilfinger Berger, and Pizzarotti. The Modane access adit is located nearly half-way on the future base tunnel alignment (at 28.5 km from the west portal). It spans 4 km, whereof 1,086 m has already been excavated between mid-2002 and May 2004, as part of a first contract later cancelled. Maximum gradient: 12%. Section of 65 to 80 sq m. Estimated time for completion is three years. Read E-News Weekly 28/2004. Visit www.lyonturin-ferroviaire.com/, www.razel.fr and www.pizzarotti.it 38/05.The La Praz access adit will be built by Spie Batignolles TPCI (leader), its affiliate Sotrabas, Ghella and Cogeis, for EUR61.5 million. This adit is located 20 km from the west entrance of the future base tunnel. It is 2,572 m long. Section: 80 sq m. Construction is estimated to take three years. Visit www.lyonturin-ferroviaire.com, www.spiebatignolles.fr, www.ghella.com and www.cogeis.it 38/05.Negotiated procedure, deadline 17th November, 2005 for construction management of the Modane exploratory tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194558-2005, OJ S 197, or contact Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail moe-modane@ltf-sas.com 42/05.Schmidhalter & Pfammater Ingenieure (SPI) secured a EUR2.7 million contract for work management during construction of the 2.5 km La Praz exploratory tunnel. Visit www.spi.ch 42/05.Presents secured a EUR82,900 contract for safety and health coordination during construction of the 2.5 km La Praz access and exploratory adit. Visit www.presents.fr 42/05.Socotec secured a EUR1.4 million contract for the compliance control of the reference draft design of the French-Italian section between Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne and Bruzolo. Visit www.socotec.fr 42/05.Foraco secured a EUR1.2 million contract to drill a 800 m inclined borehole for the Lyon-Turin base tunnel. Visit www.foraco.com 42/05.Geos and D'Appolonia secured a EUR509,000 contract for safety studies as part of the reference draft design for the international section of the base tunnel between Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, France and Bruzolo, Italy. Visit www.geos.tm.fr and www.dappolonia.it 43/05.The Razel / Bilfinger Berger / Pizzarotti JV awarded Atlas Copco a contract to supply four drill rigs for the Modane-Villarodin Bourget access adit. The fleet includes one Rocket Boomer WL3 C, to be delivered this week, for drilling blast holes and for ground investigation; one Rocket Boomer L2 C, delivered in early November, a versatile machine capable of drilling holes for traditional 9 m roof bolting and blast holes; one Boltec LC, to be delivered in January 2006, for mechanised bolting; and one Diamec U6, to be delivered by the end of November, for core drilling ahead of the face. The machines will be used to complete the job. 1,086 m of 4 km has been excavated on a previous contract before its cancellation due to a disagreement between the contractors and the client. Click fr/11. Visit www.atlascopco.com and www.lyonturin-ferroviaire.com 47/05.Atlas Copco secured a contract to supply four drilling rigs for the 2,572 m-long 80 sq m La Praz access tunnel to the future Maurienne-Ambin base tunnel on the Lyon-Turin high speed link. The machines include one Rocket Boomer WL3 C for tunnelling; one Rocket Boomer L2 C, a versatile machine for traditional bolting and bolting of 9 m bolts according to specifications, tunnelling and ground investigation drillling; and two Boltec LCs for mechanised bolting. The deliveries are scheduled between January and March 2006. The L2 C has been delivered at the site on 14th January. Drilling started on 16th January. With the La Praz deal, Atlas Copco pockets the third of all three tunnelling equipment contracts for the three access adits (in Saint-Martin-la-Porte, Modane/Villarodin-Bourget and La Praz) on the French side of the project. Read our Lyon-Turin focus in the special 200th issue of E-News Weekly, tunnelbuilder's e-mail newsletter by subscription. Click fr/11. Visit www.atlascopco.com, www.boomer-rig.com, www.rockreinforcement.com and www.lyonturin-ferroviaire.com 04/06.Negotiated procedure, deadline 27th March, 2006 for three ground investigation drillings (F130, F131, F132) for the base tunnel in the Maurienne valley. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=053741-2006, OJ S 51, or contact LTF, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail jean-yves.peltier@ltf-sas.com 12/06.Negotiated procedure, deadline 27th March, 2006 for three ground investigation drillings (F133, F134, F135) for the base tunnel in the Maurienne valley. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=053743-2006, OJ S 51, or contact LTF, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail jean-yves.peltier@ltf-sas.com 12/06.Negotiated procedure, deadline 27th March, 2006 for a ground investigation drilling (F136) for the base tunnel in the Maurienne valley. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=053748-2006, OJ S 51, or contact LTF, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail jean-yves.peltier@ltf-sas.com 12/06.Negotiated procedure, deadline 27th March, 2006 for a ground investigation drilling (F140) for the base tunnel in the Maurienne valley. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=053750-2006, OJ S 51, or contact LTF, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail jean-yves.peltier@ltf-sas.com 12/06.Negotiated procedure, deadline 3rd May, 2006 for environmental studies for the Lyon Saint-Exupery-Chapareillan section, divided into two subsections: Lyon Saint-Exupery to entrance of the Chartreuse tunnel (54 km whereof 16 km of tunnel) and entrance of the Charteuse tunnel to Chapareillan (23 km of tunnel). Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=083764-2006, OJ S 79, or contact RFF, Lyon, fax +33 472846571. E-mail sylvie.girard@rff.fr 18/06.Negotiated procedure, deadline 3rd May, 2006 for environmental studies for the Laissaud - Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne section, divided into two subsections: the Belledonne tunnel (20 km) and two route alternatives in La Chambre in Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne (8 km at grade and a 4 km tunnel under the Rocheray massif or 3 km at grade and a 9 km tunnel under Rocheray). Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=083762-2006, OJ S 79, or contact RFF, Lyon, fax +33 472846571. E-mail sylvie.girard@rff.fr 18/06.Negotiated procedure, deadline 3rd May, 2006 for geological investigations for the Lyon-Chapareillan section and the Laissaud - Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne section. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=083760-2006, OJ S 79, or contact RFF, Lyon, fax +33 472846571. E-mail sylvie.girard@rff.fr 18/06.A EUR2.8 million contract for construction management of the remaining 2.9 km of the Modane-Villarodin Bourget access adit to the Lyon-Turin base tunnel went to Lombardi. Read E-News Weekly 2/2006. Visit www.lombardi.ch and www.ltf-sas.com 21/06.Negotiated procedure, deadline 14th June, 2006 for geological surveying, measurements and mapping in several areas of the international section of the Lyon-Turin base tunnel. Read E-News Weekly 2/2006. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=110595-2006, OJ S 103, or contact LTF, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail geraldine.decarre@ltf-sas.com 24/06.CSI has bagged a EUR583,000 contract for three ground investigation drillings (F130, F131, F132) for the Lyon-Turin base tunnel in the Maurienne valley. 30/06.Foraco received a EUR3.6 million contract for three ground investigation drillings (F133, F134, F135) for the Lyon-Turin base tunnel in the Maurienne valley. Visit www.foraco.com 30/06.COFOR received a EUR1.7 million contract for one ground investigation drilling (F136) for the Lyon-Turin base tunnel in the Maurienne valley. They also received another contract, also worth around EUR1.7 million, for another ground investigation drilling (F140) for the Lyon-Turin base tunnel in the Maurienne valley. Visit www.spac.fr 30/06.Restricted call for tenders, deadline 30th October, 2006 for follow-up of ground and infrastructure movements, and geodesy for the La Praz, Modane and Saint-Martin-la-Porte access adits to the Lyon-Turin base tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=195876-2006, OJ S 184, or contact LTF, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail delphine.croizier@ltf-sas.com 42/06.Antea, BRGM and Geodata secured a EUR337,600 contract for geological surveying, measurements and mapping in several areas of the international section of the Lyon-Turin base tunnel. Visit www.antea-ingenierie.fr, www.brgm.fr and www.geodata.it 11/07.Atlas Espace Dimension (AED), Gascogne Génie Civil and Geoworks bagged a EUR693,200 contract to follow up ground and infrastructure movements and perform geodesy works at the La Praz, Modane and Saint-Martin-la-Porte access adits to the Lyon-Turin base tunnel. Visit www.aed-montagne.com, www.ggctopo.com and www.geoworks.com 11/07.Negotiated procedure, deadline 7th May, 2007 for studies (seven contract packages) for the international section of the Lyon-Turin high speed line. These seven contracts are for operation and maintenance (lot 1), safety (lot 2), civil engineering, geology and environment (lot 3), railway and other equipment (lot 4), follow-up for the fulfilment of these contracts (lot 5), specialist assistance (lot 6), and economic and socio-economic studies (lot 7). Read E-News Weekly 15/2007, 7/2007, 1/2007, 2/2006, 50/2005, 46/2005 & 34/2005. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=86272-2007, OJ S 70, or contact LTF, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail michel.bogacz@ltf-sas.com 16/07.Negotiated call for tenders, deadline 10th September, 2007 for engineering services for the approx. 80 km international cross-border section between Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne in France and Susa valley in Italy. The 53 km base tunnel is the major challenge on that section. The studies deal with operation and maintenance (lot 1), safety (lot 2), civil engineering, geology and environment (lot 3), railway technology and other equipment (lot 4), construction follow-up (lot 5), specialised consultancy (lot 6), economic and socio-economic studies (lot 7), geodesy and topography (lot 8), soil and rock exploration and surface exploration (lot 10). Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194966-2007, OJ S 156, or contact LTF, Chambery, fax +33 479685683. E-mail michel.bogacz@ltf-sas.com 34/07.Negotiated procedure, deadline 01.12.2008, for contract to review project studies for the joint working party of the Lyon-Turin railway. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=285629-2008, OJ S 214, or contact Stéphanie Nicoud at Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, fax +33 4 79 68 56 83, e-mail stephanie.nicoud@ltf-sas.com 45/08.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 29.05.2009, for evaluation consultancy services for studies concerning passenger traffic on the common French-Italian section of the international section between Saint-Jean de Maurienne and Val di Susa of the new rail link Lyon-Turin. The framework agreement, with one operator, will run for 52 months, value EUR290,000. Latest date for receipt of requests for documents, or for accessing documents, is 25.05.2009. Contact Nicoud Stéphanie, LTF SAS, Chambery, tel +33 4796856-69, fax -83, e-mail stephanie.nicoud@ltf-sas.com. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=132866-2009. 21/09.


The tender for the new draft design study for the new alignement on the Italian side of the international section of the Lyon-Turin high speed line has been allocated in three contracts. The contract for civil engineering, geology, environment and overall coordination was assigned to the JV Bonnard et Gardel, Arcadis, Lombardi, Amberg, Tecnimont, SEA Consulting and Studio Quaranta; the contract for operation, maintenance and installations has been secured by JV Italferr, Systra and Inexia; the contract for security has been assigned to JV Bonnard et Gardel, Amberg, Lombardi, Arcadis and Tecnimont. Visit www.bg-21.com www.arcadis-us.com www.lombardi.ch www.amberg.ch www.mairetecnimont.it www.seaconsult.eu www.quaranta.to www.italferr.it www.systra.com and www.inexia-ingenierie.com. For more visit www.ltf-sas.com. 23/09.


Negotiated call for tenders, deadline 15.03.2010, for engineering services for environmental impact assessment for the French access of the Lyon-Turin high-speed line. Contact Pierre Denaes at RFF, Direction régionale Rhône Alpes Auvergne - service administratif et financier in Lyon, tel +33 47284-5297, fax -6571, e-mail pierre.denaes@rff.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=054354-2010. 09/10.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 13.08.2010, for two lots of exploration work involving underground test drilling and tunnelling. Lot 1 is for 4 x 300 m of traditional reconnaissance drives, estimated value EUR70-90 million excluding VAT, duration 30 months. Lot 2 is for 1.2 km-long machine-driven exploratory tunnel, estimated value EUR120-180 million excluding VAT, duration 50 months. Location Saint-Martin la Porte, Val de Maurienne, Savoie. Further information, specs and docs from Stephanie Nicoud at LTF-SAS in Chambery, tel +33 4796856-69, fax -83, e-mail fonction.marches@ltf-sas.com to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Time limit for accessing documents 06.08.2010. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=203290-2010. 28/10.


Speed Railway The awarding procedure for the invitation to tender by negotiated procedure for two lots of exploration work involving underground test drilling and tunnelling for Saint-Martin la Porte in Val de Maurienne has been discontinued. Contact Stephanie Nicoud at LTF-SAS in Chambery, tel +33 4796856-69, fax -83, e-mail fonction.marches@ltf-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=367332-2011. 48/11.


France- Rhone-Alps - fr/11 &  Italy Lyon-Turin - it/80

The awarding procedure for the invitation to tender by negotiated procedure for two lots of exploration work involving underground test drilling and tunnelling for Saint-Martin la Porte in Val de Maurienne has been discontinued. Contact Stephanie Nicoud at LTF-SAS in Chambery, tel +33 4796856-69, fax -83, e-mail fonction.marches@ltf-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=367332-2011. 48/11.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 18.02.2013, for exploratory tunnels excavation along base tunnel alignment on the Lyon-Turin high-speed link, starting from Saint-Martin la Porte. Contract value EUR250-500 million, excluding VAT, duration 120 months. Further information, specs and docs from Stephanie Nicoud at LTF-SAS in Chambery, tel +33 4796856-69, fax –83, e-mail stephanie.nicoud@ltf-sas.com and virginie.cocquerez@ltf-sas.com. Time limit for accessing documents 11.02.2013. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=408171-2012. 01/13.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 16.09.2013, for framework agreement for site preparation work at Bussoleno-Susa site (phase 1) for the new rail link Lyon-Turin. The framework agreement, with 25 maximum participants, will run for 48 months after award, value EUR24-85 million. The contract comprises four lots. Further information, specs and docs from Stephanie Nicoud at LTF-SAS in Chambery, tel +33 4796856-69, fax –83, e-mail fonction.marches@ltf-sas.com. Time limit for accessing documents 09.09.2013. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=242506-2013. Framework agreement n.14. 30/13.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 16.09.2013, for framework agreement covering procedures, studies, construction management, control compliance/validation studies, coordination of safety and health protection, technical-administrative, static and functional control during construction, environmental supervision for site preparation work at Bussoleno-Susa site (phase 1) for the new rail link Lyon-Turin. The framework agreement, with 25 maximum participants, will run for 48 months after award, value EUR13-47 million. The contract comprises seven lots. Further information, specs and docs from Stephanie Nicoud at LTF-SAS in Chambery, tel +33 4796856-69, fax –83, e-mail fonction.marches@ltf-sas.com. Time limit for accessing documents 09.09.2013. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=242641-2013. Framework agreement n.13. 30/13.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 14.02.2014, for framework agreement covering financial studies for the cross border section for the new rail link Lyon-Turin and for the associates assistance to LTF and Commission Intergouvernementale (CIG). The framework agreement will run for 45 months, value EUR200-600,000, excluding VAT. Further information, specs and docs from Stephanie Nicoud at LTF-SAS in Chambery, tel +33 4796856-69, fax –83, e-mail fonction.marches@ltf-sas.com. Time limit for accessing documents 07.02.2014. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid= 437907-2013. 52/13.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 16.04.2014, for framework agreement covering assistance to the project management for traffic, economic and socio-economic studies for the new Lyon-Turin rail link. The framework agreement will run for 42 months, value EUR150,000, excluding VAT. Further information, specs and docs from Stephanie Nicoud at LTF-SAS in Chambery, tel +33 4796856-69, fax –83, e-mail fonction.marches@ltf-sas.com. Time limit for accessing documents 09.04.2014. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=100073-2014. 14/14.


The 9 km-long exploratory tunnel excavation along base tunnel alignment on the Lyon-Turin high-speed link, starting from Saint-Martin la Porte, toward Italy, has been awarded to Spie Batignolles TPCI (leader) and its affiliate Sotrabas, Eiffage TP, Ghella, CMC Ravenna, Cogeis. Read the press release. Contact LTF-SAS in Chambery, tel +33 4796856-69, fax –83. Visit www.ltf-sas.com and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=170221-2014. Ref. n. C14064.20/14.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 24.09.2014, for framework agreement covering test drilling, engineering, environmental, geological and geophysical consultancy services to complete dossier for the new Lyon-Turin rail link between Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne and Bussoleno. Contract is composed in six lots, duration from 17.11.2014 to 31.12.2015, with two optional extensions from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2016 and from 01.01.2017 to 31.12.2017. Range value EUR2.48-5.70 million, excluding VAT. Further information, specs and docs from Stephanie Nicoud at LTF-SAS in Chambery, tel +33 4796856-69, fax –83, e-mail fonction.marches@ltf-sas.com. Time limit for accessing documents 17.09.2014. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=205692-2014. 26/14.


Negotiated procedure, deadline 29.08.2014, for the certification of the project costs for the cross border section for the new rail link Lyon-Turin. Duration of contract 24  months, value EUR150,000-350,000, excluding VAT. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 22.08.2014. Contact Stephanie Nicoud at Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, tel +33 479685669, fax +33 479685683, e-mail fonction.marches@ltf-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=250362-2014. 30/14.


Invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline 15.09.2014, for framework agreement covering construction-site supervision services for the new Lyon-Turin rail link. Contract duration 48 months from award, value EUR1,310,000-6,450,000, excluding VAT. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 08.09.2014.Contact Stephanie Nicoud at LTF Sas in Chambery, tel +33 479685669, fax –83, e-mail fonction.marches@ltf-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid= 255999-2014. 31/14.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 01.09.2014, for environmental coordination of geological works from Saint-Martin-la-Porte, during the construction period of the new Lyon-Turin rail link. Value of contract EUR160-750,000, excluding VAT, duration 120 days from award. Time limit for accessing documents 25.08.2014. Contact Stephanie Nicoud at LTF Sas in Chambery, tel +33 479685669, fax –83, e-mail fonction.marches@ltf-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=255994-2014. 32/14.


Finance Consult of Paris secured the EUR350,000 contract, excluding VAT, for framework agreement covering financial studies for the cross border section for the new rail link Lyon-Turin and for the associates assistance to LTF and Commission Intergouvernementale (CIG). Contact Stephanie Nicoud at LTF-SAS in Chambery, tel +33 4796856-69, fax –83, e-mail fonction.marches@ltf-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid= 313671-2014. Ref. n.C14122. 38/14.


Awarded the contract for framework agreement covering procedures, studies, construction management, control compliance/validation studies, coordination of safety and health protection, technical-administrative, static and functional control during construction, environmental supervision for site preparation work at Bussoleno-Susa site (phase 1) for the new rail link Lyon-Turin. Contact Stephanie Nicoud at LTF-SAS in Chambery, tel +33 4796856-69, fax –83, e-mail fonction.marches@ltf-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=318296-2014. Framework agreement n.13. 39/14.


Awarded the AC19 framework agreement covering test drilling, engineering, environmental, geological and geophysical consultancy services to complete dossier for the new Lyon-Turin rail link between Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne and Bussoleno. Contact Stephanie Nicoud at LTF-SAS in Chambery, tel +33 4796856-69, fax –83, e-mail fonction.marches@ltf-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=418039-2014. 52/14.


The Group Tractebel Engineering SA/TUC Rail of Bruxelles secured the EUR350,000 contract, excluding VAT, for the certification of the project costs for the cross border section for the new rail link Lyon-Turin. Contact Stephanie Nicoud at Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, Chambery, tel +33 479685669, fax +33 479685683, e-mail fonction.marches@ltf-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=64122-2015. 09/15.


Fama has signed with the JV Spie Batignolles, Ghella, Cogeis, CMC Ravenna, Eiffage TP, which has as project director Florent Martin, the contract for the supply of the production segments and their accessories for the construction of the New Transalpine Railway Turin-Lyon as far as Saint Martin La Porte. Visit http://www.famaspa.it/en/News/44/Firma-del-contratto-per-la-realizzazione-della-Nuova-Linea-Ferroviaria-Transalpina-Torino---Lione/ and http://tunnelbuilder.com/suppliers/FAMA/. 21/15.


The awarding procedure for framework agreement covering construction-site supervision services for the new Lyon-Turin rail link has been discontinued. Contact Stephanie Nicoud at LTF Sas in Chambery, tel +33 479685669, fax –83, e-mail fonction.marches@ltf-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=224170-2015. 27/15.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 25.04.2016, for environmental engineering consultancy services (except for the survey of Saint-Martin-la-Porte) on the French section of the international section of the new rail link Lyon-Turin. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents is the 18.4.2016. Value of the contract is EUR4-7 millions, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 14 years. For further information contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, att.n Geraldine Decarre, Chambery, tel +33 479685679, fax +33 479685683, e-mail fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=107698-2016. 14/16.


The awarding procedure for environmental engineering consultancy services has been discontinued (except for the survey of Saint-Martin-la-Porte) on the French section of the international section of the new rail link Lyon to Turin. For further information contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, att.n Geraldine Decarre, Chambery, tel +33 479685679, fax +33 479685683, e-mail fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=116117-2016. 14/16


EGIS structures et environnement/Alpina SpA from Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines secured the EUR 6 million contract for general management during construction of Avrieux shafts and underground work for the Villarodin-Bourget/Modane tunnel on the new Turin-Lyon high-speed railway. The shafts are for ventilation and safety for the future tunnel in Modane. Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, attn Geraldine Decarre, Chambery, tel +33 479685679, fax +33 479685683, e-mail fonction.marches@telt-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=307675-2016 and http://www.egis.fr. 36/16.



Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 09.11.2016, for environmental engineering consultancy services (except for the survey of Saint-Martin-la-Porte) on the French section of the international section of the new rail link from Lyon-Turin. Value of the contract is EUR3,927,000, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 72 months. Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, att.n Geraldine Decarre, Chambery, tel +33 479685679, fax +33 479685683, e-mail fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=345744-2016. 41/16.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 12.12.2016, for supply and delivery of electricity and related services for the Villarodin-Bourget/Modane tunnel on the new Turin-Lyon high-speed railway. Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Le Bourget-du-Lac, tel +33 479444240, fax +33 479685683, e-mail fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=401476-2016 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=408719-2016. 47/16.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 02.12.2016, for general management during the construction of the French section of the base tunnel of Moncenisio on new rail link Lyon-Turin. The bid is composed of  three lots: 2 x 22 km in tunnel, duration 168 months, value EUR45 millions, excluding VAT (Lot 1); 2 x 24 km in tunnel, duration 168 months, value EUR45 millions, excluding VAT (Lot 2); 2 x 2,5 km in tunnel, duration 144 months, value EUR20 millions, excluding VAT (Lot 3). The contract includes the preparation of the tenders for the construction. For further information contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, att.n Geraldine Decarre, Le Bourget-du-Lac, tel +33 479685679, fax +33 479685683, e-mail fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=355503-2016. 41/16.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 31.08.2017, for construction of Avrieux shafts and underground work for the Villarodin-Bourget/Modane tunnel for the new Turin-Lyon high-speed railway. The shafts are for ventilation and safety for the future tunnel in Modane. Value contract EUR300 million, excluding VAT. Duration contract 96 months. For further information http://fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com and contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Le Bourget-du-Lac, tel +33 479444245, fax +33 479685683, email fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=235338-2017. 26/17.


Postponed to 02.10.2017 the deadline of the negotiated invitation to tender for construction of Avrieux shafts and underground work for the Villarodin-Bourget/Modane tunnel for the new Turin-Lyon high-speed railway. The shafts are for ventilation and safety for the future tunnel in Modane. Value contract EUR300 million, excluding VAT. Duration contract 96 months. For further information http://fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com and contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Le Bourget-du-Lac, tel +33 479444245, fax +33 479685683, email fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=295499-2017 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=357139-2017. 37/17.


Open invitation to tender for the following services: Hardware maintenance and periodic support for TELT's IT infrastructure.  Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS,  Savoie Technolac, Bâtiment Homère, 13 allée du Lac de Constance, CS 90281, Le Bourget Du Lac, 73375 either call on telephone: +33 479685650 or e-mail: fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit the main website www.telt-sas.com  for further information click here http://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:452257-2017:TEXT:EN:HTML&src=0&tabId=0 . 46/17.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 30.11.2017, for hardware maintenance and periodic support for TELT's IT infrastructure.  Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS,  Savoie Technolac, Bâtiment Homère, 13 allée du Lac de Constance, CS 90281, Le Bourget Du Lac, 73375 either call on

telephone: +33 479685650 or e-mail: fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit the main website www.telt-sas.com  for further information click






Socotec from Chambery secured the EUR1.43 million, excluding VAT, for environmental engineering consultancy services (except for the survey of Saint-Martin-la-Porte) on the French section of the international section of the new rail link from Lyon-Turin. Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Le Bourget-du-Lac, tel +33 479685650, fax +33 479685683, e-mail fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=002321-2018 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=002334-2018 .02/18.


TELT secured to 13 European engineering companies for the general management during the construction of the French section of the base tunnel of Moncenisio on new rail link Lyon-Turin. Value contract EUR 90 million. The contract is composed of  three lots including the tunnel between Italy-France border and the adit at Villard-Clement in Saint-Julien-Montdenis municipality.

Lot 1: the JV ALLTI (Alliance Lyon Turin Ingenierie) composed of Arcadis and BG Ingenieurs Conseils, Neosia (ex Tecnimont Civil Construction), Lombardi Ingenierie and Amberg secured the 24 km section from the Villerodin-Bouget/Modane survey gallery to be built by 2 TBMs. Duration contract 10 years. Value EUR40 millions, excluding VAT.

Lot 2 : The JV Setec TPI (leader) with Systra, Italferr and Pini Swiss Engineers secured the 21 km section between the La Praz and Saint-Martin-la-Porte survey tunnels to be built by 3 TBMs. Duration contract 10 years. Value EUR37 millions, excluding VAT.

Lot 3 :  the JV Inalpage, composed of Egis (leader) with Ingerop, Alpina and Geodata secured the 5 km section from Villard-Clement adit., to be built with NATM method. Duration contract 4.5 years. Value EUR13.7 millions, excluding VAT.

Contact TELT sas, attn Geraldine Decarre, Le Bourget-du-Lac, tel +33 479685679, fax +33 479685683, email fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit http://www.telt-sas.com/it/contratti-direzione-lavori-francia/. 05/18.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 23.03.2018, for the assistance to the contracting authority and for studies during the construction of the transborder section for the new Lyon-Turin rail link. Value of the contract is EUR25 million, excuding VAT, for 168 months duration.  Contact TELT sas, Le Bourget du Lac, email fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=038092-2018 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=038078-2018. 05/18.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 28.05.2019, for the construction of the base tunnel of the Lyon-Turin Railway Link Cross-border Section from the French Side — Operational Worksites 5, 6/7 and 8. The contract is composed of 3 lots.

             Lot 1, Work site n.5 (base tunnel excavation from Villarodin-Bourget/Modane decline), value EUR1bn, excluding VAT, duration 102 months;

             Lot 2, Work site n.6/7 (base tunnel excavation from  La Praz and Saint-Martin-la-Porte declines), value EUR1.13bn, excluding VAT, duration 98 months;

             Lot 3, Work site n.8 (base tunnel excavation from Villard-Clement gates), value EUR180 million, excluding VAT, duration 98 months.

For further information https://telt.achatpublic.com/accueil/  where offers must be sent.

In accordance with article R.2185-1 of the Public Procurement Code (former article 98 of Decree n. 2016-360), candidates and bidders are reminded that the tender can be withdrawn, at any moment of the procedure, up until the signing of the contract. In this case, bidders do not have any right to sign the contract, or to be reimbursed for the expenses they incurred as part of their application. The tender can be withdrawn by the Contracting Entity because of economic, legal, or technical reasons, or following a decision of the 2 States. Contact TELT sas, Le Bourget du Lac, tel +33 479685650, fax +33 479685683, email fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. For bid documents click here, here and here. Ref.n. T7. 11/19.


Additional information on the negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 28.05.2019, for the construction of the base tunnel of the Lyon-Turin Railway Link Cross-border Section from the French Side - Operational Worksites 5, 6/7 and 8. The contract is composed of 3 lots:-

• Lot 1, Work site n.5 (base tunnel excavation from Villarodin-Bourget/Modane decline), value EUR1bn, excluding VAT, duration 102 months;

• Lot 2, Work site n.6/7 (base tunnel excavation from  La Praz and Saint-Martin-la-Porte declines), value EUR1.13bn, excluding VAT, duration 98 months;

• Lot 3, Work site n.8 (base tunnel excavation from Villard-Clement gates), value EUR180 million, excluding VAT, duration 98 months.

For further information https://telt.achatpublic.com/accueil/  where offers must be sent. Contact TELT sas, Le Bourget du Lac, tel +33 479685650, fax +33 479685683, email fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. For bid documents click here and here. Ref.n. T7. 13/19.


The Consortium Artelia Ville & Transport (Choisy-le-Roi, F), Tuc Rail (Bruxelles, B), Aecom (Madrid, E) and Geodes (Torino) secured the contract for the assistance to the contracting authority and for studies during the construction of the transborder section for the new Lyon-Turin rail link. Contact TELT sas, Le Bourget du Lac, email fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=341192-2019 and


Ref.n. C17306.  30/19.


Three contracts have been awarded for general management during the construction of the French section of the base tunnel of Moncenisio on the new Lyon-Turin rail link.
•    The EEIG (European Economic Interest Grouping) ALLTI from Aix-les-Bains, composed of the following 9 companies Lombardi Ingegneria (Milan, IT), BG Ingenieurs Conseils SA  (Losanna, CH), Lombardi SA Ingenieurs-Conseils (Minusio, CH), Tecnimont civil construction SPA (Milan, IT), BG Ingenieurs conseils SAS (Ivry-sur-Seine, FR), Amberg infrastructures (Las Rosas, Madrid, ES), Arcadis (Villeurbanne, FR), Amberg Engineering SA (Regensdorf-Watt, CH), Lombardi Ingenierie Lyon (Lyon, FR) secured Lot 1 (general management during underground work from Villarodin-Bourget/Modane
•    Setec TPI mandatory of the Joint Venture Setec (Paris, FR)/ Systra (Paris, FR), Italferr (Rome, IT), Pini Swiss Engineers (Lugano, CH) secured Lot 2 (general management during underground work from Saint-Martin-la-Porte and La Praz, excluding ongoing reconnaissance works);
•    Egis structures & Environment, mandatory of the Joint Venture Egis structures & environment (Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, FR), Ingerop (Reuil-Malmaison, FR), Alpina (Milan, IT), Geodata Engineering (Turin, IT) secured Lot 3 (general management during underground work from
Villard-Clement portals). Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Le Bourget-du-Lac, email
fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. For bid documents click here. 39/19.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 08/10/2019, for maintenance of TELT’s telepresence system for the new Lyon-Turin railway link project. Duration of the contract is 36 months. For bid documents
https://telt.achatpublic.com/accueil/ where offers must be sent. Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Le Bourget du Lac, tel +33 479685650, fax  +33 479685683, email Fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. For bid documents click here and here. Ref. Maint_TP. 39/19.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 11/12/2019, for the audit of the information systems of TELT. Value contract EUR50,000, excluding VAT.

Duration of the contract is 6 months. For bid documents https://telt.achatpublic.com/accueil/ where offers must be sent. Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Le Bourget du Lac, email fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. For further tender information please click here .



Connect SpA  from  Pianezza (TO)  secured the EUR82,266 contract, excluding VAT, for maintenance of TELT’s telepresence system for the new Lyon-Turin railway link project. Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Le Bourget du Lac, tel +33 479685650, fax  +33 479685683, email Fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. For tender documents please click here . Ref. Maint_TP. 04/20.


Connect SPA from Pianezza (TO) secured the EUR82,266.03 contract, excluding VAT, for maintenance of TELT’s telepresence system for the new Lyon-Turin railway link project.  Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Le Bourget du Lac, tel +33 479685650, fax  +33 479685683, email Fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com.  For tender  documents please click here. Ref. Maint_TP.  05/20.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 09/07/2020, for assistance to the General Management for economic and socio-economic studies of the cross-border section of the Lyon-Turin railway line. Value of the contract is EUR412,000, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 12 months. For bid documents https://telt.achatpublic.com/accueil/  where tenders have to be sent. Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Le Bourget du Lac, tel. +33 479685650, fax  +33 479685683, email fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. For tender information please click here 22/20.


The contract for TELT functional, organizational and technical audit services was not awarded Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Le Bourget du Lac, email fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. For further tender documents please click here.  Ref. S47. 02/21. 



The JV ALLTI (Alliance Lyon Turin Ingénierie) GEIE from Aix-les-Bains, Arcadis ESG from Paris, Lombardi Ingenierie from Lyon, Neosia SPA from Milan, BG Ingenieurs Conseils from Ivry-sur-Seine and Amberg Infraestructuras SA from Madrid secured the EUR 19.24 million contract, excluding VAT, for project management service for management and use of excavated materials on the French side of the cross-border section of the Lyon-Turin railway line. Duration contract 168 months. Contact TELT SAS, Le Bourget du Lac, email fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com.  For further on the tender, please click here. Ref. S37.  02/21. 


The three lots for the French section of the base tunnel of the international section of the new rail link Lyon to Turin have been awarded.  

The consortium Eiffage Genie Civil (group head) /Spie Batignolles/Ghella/Cogeis  secured the EUR1.47 bn contract for the construction of the 22 km stretch of tunnel between the existing Villarodin-Bourget/Modane tunnel and Italy (Lot 1). Duration of the contract will be 72 months. Two TBMs will be used  towards Turin and the traditional  method  of tunnelling will be used towards  Lyon. The Modane safety site, the communication branches located every 333 m between the two tunnels, necessary for  maintenance  and safety,  and all the  niches  and transverse  tunnels  for  operation and safety, will also be done in this phase. Visit https://www.eiffagegeniecivil.com/.   

The consortium  Vinci Construction Grands Projets (group head) / Dodin Campenon Bernard/Vinci Construction France TP Lyon /WeBuild secured the EUR1.43 bn contract for the construction of the 23 km section of tunnel between Saint-Martin-la-Porte/La Praz and Modane (Lot 2). Excavation continues along  the  10-km-long  section, already  completed  at  Saint-Martin-la-Porte, towards Italy. All 23 km of the twin-tube between Saint-Martin-la-Porte, La Prazand Modane will be excavated. Duration of the contract is 65 months. Three TBMs will be used  , while the more geologically complex sections will be excavated using traditional methods.  The territories of the municipalities of Saint-Martin-la-Porte, Saint-Michel-de-Maurienne, Orelle, Saint André, Villargondran and Saint-Julien-Mont-Denis will be involved. The La Praz safety site, communication branches every 333 m between tunnels, technical rooms, niches and tunnels for operation and safety will also to be built in this lot. Visit https://www.vinci.com and https://www.webuildgroup.com/en/.   

The consortium  Implenia Suisse (group head) / Implenia France / NGE / itinera / Rizzani de Eccher secured the EUR228 million contract for the construction of the 3 km tunnel  section between the French entrance portal at Saint-Julien-Montdenis and Saint-Martin-la-Porte (Lot 3). Excavation in this section will be carried out using the traditional method. There are also works planned on the Villard-Clément platform between the artificial tunnel to the west (the cut and cover tunnel, already built) and the natural entrance of the tunnel into the mountain to the east. In addition, there will be communication branches every 333 metres between the two tunnels, technical rooms and niches for operation and safety. Duration of the contract is 70 months. Visit https://implenia.com/.  

For further information, please click here and visit https://www.telt-sas.com/en. 27/21.  


The contracts for the construction of the base tunnel of the Lyon-Turin Railway Link Cross-border Section from the French Side - Operational Worksites 5, 6/7 and 8, have been awarded: 

  • the Joint Venture Eiffage Génie Civil from Vélizy-Villacoublay,  Spie Batignolles from Nanterre, Ghella from Rome and Cogeis from Quincinetto secured the EUR1.61 billion contract, excluding VAT, for Lot 1, Work site n.5 (base tunnel excavation from Villarodin-Bourget/Modane decline); 
  • the Joint Venture Vinci Construction Grands Projets from Rueil-Malmaison, Dodin Campenon Bernard from Toulouse,  Vinci Construction France TP Lyon from Villeurbanne and WeBuild from Milan secured the EUR1.66 bn contract, excluding VAT, for Lot 2, Work site n.6/7 (base tunnel excavation from  La Praz and Saint-Martin-la-Porte declines); 
  • the Joint Venture Implenia Suisse from Dietlikon, Implenia France from Archamps,  NGE from Tarascon,  Itinera from Tortona and Rizzani de Echer from Pozzuolo del Friuli secured  the EUR304.83 million contract, excluding VAT, for Lot 3, Work site n.8 (base tunnel excavation from Villard-Clement gates). 

Contact TELT sas, Le Bourget du Lac, tel +33 479685650, fax +33 479685683, email fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=517558-2021 (French), http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=517557-2021 (Italian) and  http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=517556-2021 (English). Ref.n. T7. 41/21. 


The Joint Venture EIFFAGE GC INFRA LINEAIRES - ETS FOREZIENNE / EIFFAGE ROUTE CENTRE EST / EIFFAGE GENIE CIVIL - ETS RESIREP SAINT-ETIENNE from Montmelian, EIFFAGE ROUTE CENTRE EST from La Motte Servolex and EIFFAGE GENIE CIVIL - ETS RESIREP ST ETIENNE from SORBIERS secured the EUR1.18 million contract, excluding VAT,  for the site road (Lot 1) to be used as a Modane bypass by the trucks involved in the new Lyon-Turin base tunnel construction, site n.5 Villarodin-Bourget/Modane. Contact TELT sas, Le Bourget du Lac, tel +33 479685650, fax +33 479685683, email fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=459558-2021. Ref.n. T10. 37/21


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20/06/2022, for updating of the LTF2004 geodesic system and the reference points’ coordinates of the operational sites on the new Turin-Lyon railway line. For tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR 430,500 excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 12 months. Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Le Bourget du Lac, tel +33 479685650, fax +33 479685683, email fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=245745-2022. Ref. n. MS70 - C210348. 20/22.


France-Le Bourget-du-Lac: Topographical services

2022/S 089-245745

Contract notice – utilities


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/25/EU

Section I: Contracting entity

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS
Postal address: Savoie Technolac - Bâtiment Homère - 13 allée du Lac de Constance - BP 281
Town: Le Bourget du Lac
NUTS code: FRK27 Savoie
Postal code: 73375
Country: France
Contact person: Direction Achats
E-mail: fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com
Telephone: +33 479685650
Fax: +33 479685683
Internet address(es):
Main address: www.telt-sas.com
Address of the buyer profile: https://telt.achatpublic.com/accueil/
I.6)Main activity
Railway services

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement


Reference number: MS70 - C210348
II.1.2)Main CPV code
71351810 Topographical services
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.5)Estimated total value
Value excluding VAT: 430 500.00 EUR
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
71356300 Technical support services
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: FRK27 Savoie
NUTS code: ITC1 Piemonte
II.2.6)Estimated value
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 12
This contract is subject to renewal: no

Section IV: Procedure

IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.2)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 20/06/2022
Local time: 13:00
IV.2.3)Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
IV.2.4)Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:
French, Italian

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:


Open invitation to tender, deadline 08/07/2022, for the assistance to Commitment for the consultation documents (CD) for the Virtual infrastructure manager’s contract for TELT. For tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR 200,000 excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 24 months. Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Le Bourget du Lac, tel +33 479685650, fax +33 479685683, email fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=351171-2022http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=319825-2022 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=272448-2022. Ref.n. MS81. 27/22.  


France-Le Bourget du Lac: Infrastructure works consultancy services

2022/S 123-351171


Notice for changes or additional information


(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 2022/S 098-272448)

Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/25/EU

Section I: Contracting authority/entity

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS
Postal address: Savoie Technolac - Bâtiment Homère - 13 allée du Lac de Constance - BP 281
Town: Le Bourget du Lac
NUTS code: FRK27 Savoie
Postal code: 73375
Country: France
Contact person: Fonction contrats de projet France
E-mail: fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com
Telephone: +33 479685650
Fax: +33 479685683
Internet address(es):
Main address: www.telt-sas.com
Address of the buyer profile: https://telt.achatpublic.com/accueil/

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

Missions d'Assistance à maîtrise d'ouvrage (AMO) pour la rédaction des documents de la consultation (DC) du marché public de "Gestionnaire d'infrastructure virtuelle" pour TELT

Reference number: MS81
II.1.2)Main CPV code
71311300 Infrastructure works consultancy services
II.1.3)Type of contract

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.6)Original notice reference
Notice number in the OJ S: 2022/S 098-272448

Section VII: Changes

VII.1)Information to be changed or added
VII.1.2)Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section number: IV.2.2
Instead of:
Date: 01/07/2022
Local time: 13:00
Date: 08/07/2022
Local time: 13:00
Section number: IV.2.7
Instead of:
Date: 01/07/2022
Local time: 15:00
Date: 08/07/2022
Local time: 15:00
VII.2)Other additional information:


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 07/12/2022, for the treatment and manipulation of inert and sulphated materials coming from the excavation of the base tunnel of the new Turin-Lyon railway link project. For tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract - composed by 2 lots - is EUR25.50 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 120 months. Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Le Bourget du Lac, email fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=560672-2022. Ref. n. T21. 44/22. 


France-Le Bourget-du-Lac: Excavating and earthmoving work

2022/S 197-560672

Contract notice – utilities


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/25/EU

Section I: Contracting entity

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS
Postal address: Savoie Technolac - Bâtiment Homère - 13 allée du Lac de Constance - BP281
Town: Le Bourget du Lac
NUTS code: FRK27 Savoie
Postal code: 73375
Country: France
Contact person: Fonction Contrats de Projets France
E-mail: fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com
Internet address(es):
Main address: www.telt-sas.com
Address of the buyer profile: https://telt.achatpublic.com/accueil/
I.6)Main activity
Railway services

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

Accueil et travaux de valorisation de matériaux inertes et sulfatés issus du creusement du tunnel de base du projet de nouvelle liaison ferroviaire Lyon-Turin

Reference number: T21
II.1.2)Main CPV code
45112000 Excavating and earthmoving work
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.5)Estimated total value
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: yes

Accueil et valorisation de matériaux inertes issus de l’excavation (hors matériaux sulfatés), acheminés par voie routière

Lot No: 1
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
45112000 Excavating and earthmoving work
90000000 Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: FRK27 Savoie
II.2.6)Estimated value
Value excluding VAT: 13 860 000.00 EUR
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 120
This contract is subject to renewal: no

Accueil et valorisation de matériaux inertes issus de l’excavation (hors matériaux sulfatés), acheminés par voie ferroviaire

Lot No: 2
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
45112000 Excavating and earthmoving work
90000000 Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: FRK27 Savoie
II.2.6)Estimated value
Value excluding VAT: 11 640 000.00 EUR
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 120
This contract is subject to renewal: no

Accueil et valorisation de matériaux sulfatés issus de l'excavation, acheminés par voie routière

Lot No: 3
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
45112000 Excavating and earthmoving work
90000000 Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: FRK27 Savoie
II.2.6)Estimated value
Value excluding VAT: 7 590 000.00 EUR
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 120
This contract is subject to renewal: no

Section IV: Procedure

IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.2)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 07/12/2022
Local time: 14:00
IV.2.3)Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
IV.2.4)Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:


Open invitation to tender, deadline 14/11/2022, for the project management assistance services (AMO) in the field of public procurement under French law for the new Turin-Lyon railway link project. For tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent. Duration of the contract will be 48 months. Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Le Bourget du Lac, tel +33 479685650, fax  +33 479685683, email fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=560850-2022. Ref. n. MS86. 44/22. 



Open invitation to tender, deadline 04/05/2023, for topographic services of the new Lyon-Turin base tunnel, on the French side. For tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR421,000 excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 12 months. Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Chambery, tel +33 479685650, email fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=225981-2023, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=225687-2023, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=185745-2023 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=184178-2023. Ref.n. MS72. 16/23.   



The Joint Venture GEME composed of the French companies EUROVIA Alpes / Carrieres du Bassin Rhonalpin / SATM / Granulats VICAT / SPIE BATIGNOLLES VALERIAN / SPIE BATIGNOLLES MALET / VINCI Construction Terrassements / GIE GMM 73 have secured the EUR799.7 million contract for the recovery of excavation materials on the French side of the Mont Cenis base tunnel. With a view to sustainable development and circular economy. TELT has chosen to aim for maximum reuse of materials extracted during civil works. It is estimated that of the 37 million tons of these excavated earth and rocks, of which approximately 30 million tons extracted in France, over 50% will be reused in the works. A reuse objective that could reach 60% thanks to the recent agreement signed by the Intergovernmental Commission on behalf of the Italian and French governments. For the first time in Europe, in fact, it becomes possible to reuse excavation materials beyond national borders, considering the international section of the Turin-Lyon as a "single construction site". 

Depending on their characteristics, materials have different uses and destinations. In particular, a part will be treated in two valorization sites (one near Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne and the other in Modane) where these rocks will be processed to create the concrete to be reused on the base tunnel construction sites. Another part will be used on the construction site of the new tracks in the Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne basin, where the railway embankments will be built. 

Finally, the materials that cannot be reused in the international section of the new line will still be directed towards authorized storage sites or former quarries to be restored. 

Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Le Bourget du Lac, email fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit https://www.telt.eu/ and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=781596-2023. 40/23. 



The Joint Venture Sintegra/Geofit Expert/Gascogne Genie Civil/Geoworks/Geatop have secured the EUR 5.74 million contract, excluding VAT, for external topographic control services of the new Lyon-Turin base tunnel. Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Chambery, tel +33 479685650, email fonction.contrats@telt-sas.com. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/59368-2025. Ref. n. S57. 06/25.



Georgia, Munich - ge/37

Ring Road

Weiser GmbH from Munich secured the contract for maintenance and inspection of the firefighting systems in the Munich road tunnels. Contact Landeshauptstadt München, Baureferat, Monaco, email bekanntmachungen.vz2.bau@muenchen.de. For further on the tender, please click here. Ref.n. J60143419. 02/21.



Georgia, Tbilisi - ge/20


Closing Date: 09.09.2020 (Tender Closed)

Prior information notice without call for competition, deadline 09/09/2020, for the Tbilisi Metro Project, requiring the procurement of 10 new metro cars, the modernization of depot – tbc and the metro tunnel rehabilitation – tbc. Contact Tbilisi Transport Company, Tbilisi, attne Sig  Giorgi Dolidze, tel +995 577 22 82 78, email gdolidze@metro.ge, cc: mbaratashvili@metro.ge. Visit TED and click here for more information. Ref.n. 9507-GPN-51392. 38/19.


Georgia, Imereti - ge/19


Closing Date: 13.07.2018 (Tender Closed)

Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 13.07.2018, for the consultancy service for the supervision of the construction of approximately 13 km Ubisa-Shorapani (F3) road section for the E-60 Highway, including 9 double tunnels (from 300 m to 1,6 km length). Value of the contract is EUR10.3 million, excluding VAT. Contact Roads Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, attn. Mr. Levan Kupatashvili, Tbilisi, email info@georoad.ge, n.papunidi@gmail.com, vakhtang.razmadze@georoad.ge. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=252099-2018.

Ref. n. GTC/CS/QCBS-03. 24/18.


Georgia, Mtskheta-Mtianeti Region - ge/18


Closing Date: 27.03.2017 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 27.03.2017, for the construction of  a 1.2km tunnel in the Devdoraki Gorge includes construction of nearby roads to connect to the highway of the Mtskheta-Stepantsminda-Larsi with Russia.Value. The contract, including VAT, is EUR22.44 million (GEL59.75 million). Construction works should be finished within a year after the signing of the agreement. This road section is located in Kazbegi municipality. Further information from Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, Department of Roads of Georgia, attn Shalva Julakidze, Levan Rostomashvili , Tbilisi, tel          +995 322 370508 (284, 292), 595 219055, email levan.rostomashvili@georoad.ge. Visit http://www.georoad.ge. Rif.n. DAP170000034     . 12/17.


Georgia, Shida Kartli - ge/17


IRD Engineering Srl from Rome secured the EUR1.08 million (GEL3.09 million) contract for supervision of construction works for upgrading of the E60 Highway Zemo Osiauri-Chumateleti (Rikoti Tunnel East Portal section) (Lot 1 - km0 - km5+800) (Lot 2 - km5+800-km14+066). The contract includes 21 bridges and 5 tunnels, and their related structures, and the upgrading and widening of the Rikoti tunnel, a 1722m single tube tunnel. The duration of the contract is 38 months. Works will be carried out under the EWHCIP (East-West Highway Corridor Improvement Project), a project financed by the World Bank which aims to upgrade the Georgian part of the European Route E60, which connects the Poti Port on the Black sea to the Azerbaijan border. For further information please visit http://www.georoad.ge/?lang=eng&act=tenders&func=menu&uid=1484308259. Ref.n. EWHCIP/CS/QCBS-01. 03/17.


Georgia, Abkhazia - ge/16


Closing Date: 05.01.2018 (Tender Closed)

Prior information notice without call for competition, deadline 05.01.2018, for Enguri HPP Rehabilitation Project Phase IV,  The EUR33 million project  includes civil works on the 15.1 km headrace tunnel, E&M works on Enguri switchyard, hydro-mechanical on penstocks and gates, Enguri reservoir sediment management and consultancy assignment. Contact Engurhesi Ltd., Tbilisi, attn Mr  Malkhaz Tskvitishvili, tel +995 32 188011, fax +995 32 188022, emails Info@engurhesi.ge, malkhaz@caucasus.net. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=009599-2017 and http://www.ebrd.com/work-with-us/procurement/p-pn-170105c.html. Ref.n. 8521-GPN-04304. 02/17.


Georgia, Svaneti - ge/15


Salini Impregilo signed in Tibilisi an EPC contract worth USD575 million for the design and construction of the Nenskra hydroelectric project in the mountainous region of Svaneti, in the northwest of the Country. The project will be composed of a asphalt face rockfill dam (135 m high and 820 m long), a weir on the Nakra river (9 m high and 50 m long). The project includes a transfer tunnel (14.4 km long with 3.5 m diameter), a  headrace tunnel (15.6 km long and 4.5 m diameter). The transfer tunnel will take Nakra River’s water to the new reservoir, optimizing the project’s performance. The tunnel will be built by TBMs. The once the contract is signed the time given is 62 months  within which time the work will have to be completed. Visit http://www.salini-impregilo.com/en/. 39/15.


Invitation for pre-qualification, deadline 06.12.2018, for the detailed design, procurement and construction of a 130m high rockfill dam with asphaltic face on thee Nenskra River. This includes a 15km long concrete lined headrace tunnel, a 1.8km long steel penstock, an open-air powerhouse with an installed capacity of 280MW, a 9m height concrete weir on Nakra River, a 12.5km long concrete lined transfer tunnel from the weir to the dam reservoir, and all ancillary and related works. The Contract is expected to be implemented from beginning of May 2019 to end of April 2024. Contact JSC Nenskra Hydro , att.ne Mr. Youngtak Choi and/or Dr. Fadi Hachem, Tbilisi,  email youngtak.choi@nenskrahydro.ge and/or fhachem@stucky.ch.

Visit https://www.ebrd.com/work-with-us/procurement/p-pn-181107b.html and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=491430-2018.

Ref.n. 9275-GPN-46778. 45/18.
