Tunnelbuilder Promoting the world's tunnelling industry to a huge qualified audience

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Buyers Guide


There have been continued advances made in the technology of all forms of tunnelling face machines, with an increasing emphasis on system ergonomics and improvements in efficiency through the use of electronics. The result is an increasing equipment sophistication and adaptability, together with an improved working environment that demands a new breed of tunneller who is more technically proficient and carries ever-greater responsibility for maintaining the performance capabilities of the new generations of tunnelling machines

Profiles are displayed alphabetically, to view a profile simply click on the correct box below.

Reference projects

In terms of equipment delivery, tunnelbuilder clients account for most of the world’s tunnelling projects. Each client maintains a list of reference projects, both as a historical record and as a means of gauging their competency for future work. These valuable documents can be accessed by clicking on our the ‘View References’ button in our client’s profiles shown below. All lists are subject to periodic update.


4STREETS is a young and dynamic construction company that continuously invests in the development of human resources, in the enhancement of equipment, and in the design of innovative machinery to solve operational issues, even the most complex, always respecting the environment and exploiting new digital technologies. In particular, 4STREETS is specialized in the construction of tunnels and underground works, as well as in interventions on bridges.

A.S.T Bochum

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Advanced Concrete Technologies

Concrete Mixing and Transportation Equipment.


Conveyor Equipment and Systems.

Alpine Cutters

Road headers, Rotary Drum Cutters, Scaling and Soil Conditioning Equipment.


Electric and Electronic Equipment and Systems.


Manufacturers of next generation "Macro Synthetic Structural Fibres”


BAJAJ Fibre Tuff

The Bajaj Group - Nagpur is based in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India, and was incorporated in 1961. Bajaj Reinforcements LLP (ISO 9001:2008) are manufacturers of next generation "Macro Synthetic Structural Fibres” called  BAJAJ FIBRE TUFF (a replacement for Steel Fibre)and is used as welded wire mesh in Pavements (Floors) and shotcrete applications (using fibres) for construction in Tunnels.

The Bajaj groups turnover is now over 5 Billion annually. Bajaj Reinforcements LLP has successfully introduced and supplied fibers to prestigious "Tunnel Projects" in various states of India. BAJAJ fibre tuff has so far been used in more than 45 kms of tunnelling projects.

As of now the Ministry of Road Transport and Highway, Government of India has approved use of Macro Synthetic Polypropylene Fibres (Bajaj FibreTuff) for the "Z- Morth Tunnel, Zojila Tunnel Projects which will be India's longest road tunnel and Asia's longest "Bi- Directional Tunnel"

BAJAJ have successfully introduced Bajaj Fibre Tuff in "Railway Tunnel Projects" such as, RVNL Rishikesh – Karanpryag Projects, the Irrigation Tunnel- Palmaru Ranga Reddy LIS Telangana, and the Madhya Bharat Hydro Electric Power Plant Sikkim.

BAJAJ have supplied fibres to all major infrastructural companies such as L&T, AFCONS, ITD Cementation India Ltd, MEIL and many others. All these contractors appreciated the quality and performance of BAJAJs fibres in Fibre Tuff.  As a result they are experiencing high demand for their high quality product “Bajaj FibreTuff”. For further information on BAJAJ FIBRE TUFF please visit their website https://www.brllp.in/fibre-tuff.html or email export@brllp.in.

To view our latest brochures please click the links below for the Fibre Tuff Brochure click here and for  the Fibre Guard brochure please click here.

Contact details: EMAIL: fibretuff@brllp.in or export@brllp.in 
PHONE: 9130098079 or 07104281000.


Geological, Geotechnical Services and Equipment. Shaft Drilling and Raiseboring Equipment. Slurry Services and Machines.

Black Diamond Cutters

Hardrock and EPB Disc Cutters

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Design and manufacturing of MV and LV electrical equipment for safe and Hazardous area

Various High Speed Railway (Milan-Genoa, Naple-Bari, Milan-Verona)– Italy

Brenner Basis Tunnel  - Italy

Haga rock Tunnel – Sweden

Hydroelectric  project – Australia

Grand Paris Underground project – France

DAM project  - Tajikistan

Hydroelectric  project – Ethiopia

Panama canal expansion – Panama

Sewage tunnel construction – U.A.E.

Proyecto Hydrosogamoso – Colombia

Ingula pumped storage – South Africa

Sisimiut hydroelectric - Greenland

Civil work construction – Libya

High-speed railway –Switzerland

Hydroelectric power plant –Venezuela

Karahjukar hydroelectric - Iceland

Genoa, Milan, and Rome subways - Italy

Hydroelectric power plant Gibe III - Ethiopia

Alptransit Gotthard - Switzerland

High-speed railway - Italy

Major highways - Italy

For more info please contact: comm@cearsistemi.it


Concrete plants, mixers, pumps and mobile shotcrete equipment


underground construction

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CM Lafer

Machinery, equipment and other products designed and manufactured in-house for tunnelling.


Machine and Equipment for Tunnelling and Construction Yards.

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Compressed Air Work

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Cotti & Marchi

Design and installation of electrical systems

Since 1952 Cotti&Marchi has been operating in the field of electrical systems with the design and the installation of industrial, residential and technological systems, and with the construction of transformer substations for any need (containerised for large construction sites, armoured for tunnels, etc.). The Company has both its own technical office responsible for designing and order management, and its own operational teams working in construction sites in order to provide maintenance services at a later time when system installations are completed.
The design and installation of the electrical systems also extends to tertiary industry as office buildings, with normal and emergency lighting systems, structured wiring systems and building automation.
Cotti&Marchi has created a specific area related to building electrical transformer transportable substations, both containerised for large construction sites, that armoured tunnel substations for use in tunnel during construction and also when the work is realized.
Nowadays the evolution of the technology involves also traditional heating and air-conditioning systems, water and sanitary systems, air/water exchange and treatment systems, gas plants: in each of these systems the electronic component plays an important and essential role managing the systems, if necessary, also with remote control.
For these reasons, we have enlarged our field of activities including the mechanical installations, ranging from those at the service of industrial processes, such as the cooling and heating systems for industrial machinery and process tanks, the plants for the production and distribution of necessary fluids to the various processes (chilled water, hot water, superheated water, steam for technological purposes, compressed air for technological and instrumental uses), to the gas and fluids distribution systems.
We also realize the waste water collection systems, residential or industrial, installing treatment systems of industrial waste water resulting from the various processes.
The activities also include the installation of dedusting and smoke reduction systems, in addition to air conditioning systems for the machines and process equipments, offices, workshops and CED areas. To improve significantly the environmental comfort and to reduce energy consumption, we design and install heating and cooling systems, using radiant panels, floor and ceiling, attached with a system for the environmental humidity control.
So in order to provide, if well accepted, our customers with the opportunity of a single company in charge and to guarantee better services, in addiction to the production of electrical and mechanical systems, we provide a global service both for new systems that for the maintenance of existing systems.
In this way our customers can enjoy a post-sales service, concerning technical assistance, management and maintenance of systems: this service is realized by a simple work schedule of maintenance with periodic maintenance works to check the correct functioning of the systems and replace the components worn-out.

Underground engineering equipment – Tunnels

China Railway Construction Heavy Industry Corporation Limited (CRCHI) is a large professional enterprise focusing on the research, design, manufacture, and service of underground engineering equipment and rail transit system. CRCHI has created three mature industrial sections, which are tunnel boring machine, drilling & blasting equipment and rail track system.

CREG Wirth

Daigh - Da-Mite

Drilling Services and Equipment. Explosive Materials and Services, Underground Excavation Services and Equipment.

David R. Klug & Associates Inc

Concrete Reinforcement, Precast Concrete Linings and Tunnel Lining and Support Materials.

Elasto Plastic Concrete

Fibre Concrete Reinforcement, Synthetic Fibre, Concrete Mixing, Transportation, Tunnel lining and Support Materials.


Equipment for Production, Support, Transport and Environment

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Geo-Instruments, Inc

Geological, Geotechnical, Instrumentation Equipment and Services.

GeoKon Inc

Geological, Geotechnical, Instrumentation Equipment and Services.

GEO-SLOPE International Ltd


manufacturer of construction equipment

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Häny AG

When it comes to reinforcing, sealing and anchoring we do not compromise.

Convincing systems and devices

We are your global partner for state-of-the-art mixing and injection technology. Wherever building sites, rock, anchorages or tunnel constructions need to be reinforced or sealed we are at work.

Häny mixing and injection technology offer solutions for:

  • ground improvement: tube injections, soil-mix procedures, injection screens
  • tunnel construction: injections for reinforcing and sealing the ground, pipe screen injections, mortar back-filling injections, cotact injections
  • anchorages: earth and rock anchors, floor nailing, borin anchors
  • ditch-free building: pipe jacking, micro-tunnelling, directional drilling
  • special civil engineering: slotted and narrow wall construction, pile foundations
  • pre-stressed concrete: injection of the cable channels

Häny customers secure advantages through:

  • individual and cost-effective system configuration
  • competent advice and high flexibility
  • little wear and tear and low maintenance costs
  • high-quality and user-friendly products

tunnelling systems

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Komatsu Mining Corp

Conveyor Equipment and System, Drilling Services, Mining Equipment, Mucking Systems, Rock Drills, Shaft Drilling.

LD Cutters Drilling Technology

For more information contact - lgoodden@ldcutters.com

Lovsuns Tunneling Canada Ltd

Earth Pressure Balance Machines, Rock TBM, Tunnel Boring Equipment.

Malcom Drilling Co Inc

Drilling Services and Equipment. Ground Improvement Equipment, Grouting, Shaft Drilling and Raiseboring Equiptment.


The Underground Technology Team (UTT) is the division of MAPEI dedicated to underground works.

McDowell Equipment

Microtunneling Equipment, Tools, and Supplies
Mining Equipment
Shotcrete Equipment, Supplies, and Services
Tunnel Haulage Systems
Underground Excavation Services and Equipment
Underground Locomotives and Rail Haulage Equipment


Jet Grouting and Drilling Solutions

Microtunneling Inc

Tunnel Boring Equipment.

Mighty Shield Industries Sdn Bhd

Concrete Reinforcement, Precast Concrete Lining.

Mining Equipment

sale and rent of rolling stock, mine hoists and ventilation fans.

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design and fabrication of transportation systems and solutions, TBM backup, start and run-out shaft systems, ancillary equipment and logistics

awaiting update

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Solutions for Tunnelling and Mining
Construction Chemicals
Rock Reinforcement

Normet has a broad underground offering:

  • Equipment for concrete spraying and transport, explosives charging, scaling, lifting, installation works, and
  • Construction chemicals for sprayed concrete, admixtures for all types concrete, injection systems for rock improvement, reinforcement systems for high deformation conditions, spray applied waterproofing systems and needed chemicals for Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) technology covering hard rock, Earth Pressure Balance (EPB), open face and slurry type machines.
  • High quality and innovative rock reinforcement products that reduce the risk and consequences of accidents and facilitate high productivity in challenging rock conditions.
  • Services for underground mining and tunnelling, including for example spare parts, rental equipment, equipment refurbishment, performance and field services.


E&M equipment for tunnels

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machinery, tools, equipment and other products designed and manufactured in-house for tunnelling and microtunnelling

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road, railway, tunnel equipment

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for tunnel boring machines

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special equipment designers and manufacturers

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Rutherford Global Power

temporary electrical equipment and cables for the international tunnelling, mining and general construction industries


Thiess Hochtief  JV - Parramatta Rail Link Tunnel - Australia

Wayss & Freytag - SMART Tunnel - Malaysia

Impresa Pizzarotti S.p.A. -  Reggio Calabria - Salerno Highway Italy

Thiess John Holland JV - Lane Cove Tunnels - Australia

Gammon Skanska JV - Nam Wan Road Tunnel -Hong Kong

IMPREGILO S.p.A. - STEP 2 Project Abu Dhabi -UAE

Baulderstone-Hornibrook-Bilfinger Berger JV - Cross City Tunnel - Australia

C.M.C. di Ravenna - Theun Hinboun Expansion Project - Laos

Sacyr-Impregilo-Jan De Nul-Cusa JV - Third Set of Locks Project - Panama

Japan-Turkey JV - Dubai Metro Rail Tunnel Project - Dubai

Impregilo --- Fe Grande JV - Angostura Constructora Project - Chile

OIV Tocoma (Odebrecht-Impregilo J.V.) - Tocoma Dam - Puerto Ordaz - Venezuela

Penta Ocean  MTR - XRL Section 825 - Hong Kong

Thiess-John Holland JV - Eastlink Mitchum to Frankston Project - Australia

Impresa Pizzarotti S.p.A. - Tunnel des Oudayas Rabat - Morocco

CONSORCIO IMPREGILO-OHL - El Quimbo Hydro Project - Colombia

Kier/LangORourke/Kaden -MTR - SIL Section 901 - Hong Kong

Astaldi -Torno JV - Metropolitana Linea 5  Milan - Italy

STRABAG AG-JAEGER BAU GmbH - Koralmtunnel KAT2 - Austria

Dragages/Maeda JV - MTR WIL Section 703 - Hong Kong

Leighton-Baulderstone- Bilfinger JV - Brisbane North South Bypass - Australia

Dragados Sisk JV - London Crossrail C305 - United Kingdom

Nishimatsu Corporation MTR - KTE Section 1001 - Hong Kong

BAM Ferrovial Kier JV - London Crossrail C300 -United Kingdom

Redpath Mining - Kestrel Mine Extension Project - Australia

Sato Kogyo Downtown Line 3 MRT - Section C928-932 - Singapore


Equipment for tunnels and mines

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Concrete mixing plants and mineral processing plants

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tunnel construction

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Schauenburg MAB GmbH

Microtunneling and Slurry Services.

Schnabel Foundation Co

Ground Improvement Equipment Services.

Seli Overseas SpA

Their major expertise are in the fields of EPB TBM soft ground technology and TBM rock tunnelling using double and single shield TBMs.

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Tunnelling Division - Leading Tunnelling & Ground Engineering Contractor

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Global Tunnel Conveyors

+39 0971 485073


Our facilities, employees, core competencies, know-how, and on-going investment in our business, allow us to continually update our technology so that we can offer to Customers our own solution for CONTINUOUS CONVEYOR.

It is globally recognized as the most efficient and effective solution for the handling of material extracted by tunnel boring machine (TBM). This equipment is specifically engineered to smoothly handle the transport of materials from the tunnel excavation site to the surface and beyond. Large Belt Storage capacity increases TBM utilization, reduces construction time and results in lower costs. The continuous handling of higher tonnages of muck and spoil is a visible, real time benefit.

World Renowned Australian Designer and Manufacturer of Tunnel Boring Machines.

Incorporated in 1990, TERRATEC is the world-renowned Australian designer and manufacturer of Tunnel Boring Machines, Raise Boring Machines and other custom-made products for tunnelling and mining applications.

TERRATEC’s success is based on the experience and excellence of its engineering team. The team includes engineers with over 40 years experience in the design and manufacture of tunneling and mining machines who have also worked on some of the world’s largest underground projects. TERRATEC is fully managed by Engineers and this gives quick and efficient solutions to meet the Customer’s expectations.

TERRATEC products are well-known in the industry as Robust, Durable and Safe, basic principles which must prevail in the conception of any equipment made to work in the extreme conditions encountered underground. As a provider of Total Tunnelling Solutions, TERRATEC’s scope of work extends to include operation and maintenance of boring equipment during the execution of works as well as supply of ancillary equipment.

Today, TERRATEC is well placed to meet the growing global market, demanding the highest Quality and Reliability of Equipment for fast and efficient execution of tunneling Projects anywhere in the World.

TLT - Turbo

Suppliers of energy efficient ventilation solutions

Suppliers of energy efficient ventilation solutions


Instrumentation Equipment and Services.


Ventilation fans for all situations

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