TELT secured to 13 European engineering companies for the
general management during the construction of the French section of the base
tunnel of Moncenisio on new rail link Lyon-Turin. Value contract EUR 90 million.
The contract is composed of three lots
including the tunnel between Italy-France border and the adit at
Villard-Clement in Saint-Julien-Montdenis municipality.
Lot 1: the JV ALLTI (Alliance Lyon Turin Ingenierie)
composed of Arcadis and BG Ingenieurs Conseils, Neosia (ex Tecnimont Civil
Construction), Lombardi Ingenierie and Amberg secured the 24 km section from
the Villerodin-Bouget/Modane survey gallery to be built by 2 TBMs. Duration
contract 10 years. Value EUR40 millions, excluding VAT.
Lot 2 : The JV Setec TPI (leader) with Systra, Italferr and
Pini Swiss Engineers secured the 21 km section between the La Praz and
Saint-Martin-la-Porte survey tunnels to be built by 3 TBMs. Duration contract
10 years. Value EUR37 millions, excluding VAT.
Lot 3 : the JV
Inalpage, composed of Egis (leader) with Ingerop, Alpina and Geodata secured
the 5 km section from Villard-Clement adit., to be built with NATM method.
Duration contract 4.5 years. Value EUR13.7 millions, excluding VAT.
Contact TELT sas, attn Geraldine Decarre, Le Bourget-du-Lac,
tel +33 479685679, fax +33 479685683, email