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Motorway, Styria & Upper Austria - at/17


Metalltechnik Stückler KG from  St. Michael im Lavanttal secured the EUR 409,364 contract, excluding VAT, for the maintenance and inspection of doors and gates in the Pack tunnels on the A02 South motorway and in the Gleinalm (8.3 km), Gratkorn North (650 m) and South (800 m), Plabutsch (10,085 m, 9,919 m) tunnels on the A9 Pyhrn motorway. Contact Asfinag Service GmbH, Ansfelden, tel +43 5010810000, email office@asfinag.at. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/160556-2025. Ref.n. 119785. 12/25. 

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S Bahn Railway, Frankfurt on Main - de/146

CFT GmbH -Compact Filter Technic from Marl secured the EUR 4,61 million contract, excluding VAT, for tunnel ventilation - in support of fire protection - at the Muehlberg, Kaiserlei, Ledermuseum and Marktplatz stations on line 3680 in Frankfurt am Main. Contact DB InfraGO AG – Geschäftsbereich Personenbahnhöfe, Berlino, tel +49 3029756878, fax +49 6926520154, email Klaus-Dieter.Alten@deutschebahn.com. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/159788-2025. Ref.n. 24FEA78316. 12/25. 

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S Bahn Railway, Frankfurt on Main - de/146

SPL Powerlines Germany GmbH from Langenhagen secured the EUR 3,296,152.83 Euro, excluding VAT, for the catenary system on section 3 of line B of the new light rail/urban railway Europaviertel in Frankfurt am Main, including a 2.2 km tunnel. Contact SBEV - Stadtbahn Entwicklung und Verkehrsinfrastrukturprojekte Frankfurt GmbH, Frankfurt s/Main, tel +49 2218003370, email modlinski@schiffers-bauconsult.de. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/159905-2025. Ref.n. SBEV-2020-0006. 12/25. 

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Motorway, Styria - at/62

Metalltechnik Stückler KG from  St. Michael im Lavanttal secured the EUR 409,364 contract, excluding VAT, for the maintenance and inspection of doors and gates in the Pack tunnels on the A02 South motorway and in the Gleinalm (8.3 km), Gratkorn North (650 m) and South (800 m), Plabutsch (10,085 m, 9,919 m) tunnels on the A9 Pyhrn motorway. Contact Asfinag Service GmbH, Ansfelden, tel +43 5010810000, email office@asfinag.at. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/160556-2025. Ref.n. 119785. 12/25. 

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Motorway, Styria & Upper Austria - at/17

The consortium IKK Group GmbH from Graz/Ingenieurbüro ste.p ZT-GmbH from Graz secured the EUR 984,046.50 contract, excluding VAT, for the planning of upgrading works in the Hungerbichl (510 m) and Kienberg (1,430 m) tunnels on the A09 motorway at Phyrn. Contact Asfinag Bau Management GmbH, attn Hannes Seebacher, Vienna, tel +43 664 6010814240,  email hannes.seebacher@asfinag.at. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/156886-2025. Ref. Provia n. 126880. 11/25. 

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Road , Vestland - no/80

The JV Roldalstunnelen Metrostav Norge AS  Bertelsen & Garpestad AS have secured the EUR 240.87 million (NOK2.8 bn) contract, excluding VAT, for construction stage 1 E134 Roldal-Seljestad, which is located in Ullensvang municipality in Vestland county. Construction phase 1 mainly comprises the construction of the  new Roldalstunnel (12.4 km) between Liamyrane and Seljestad, in addition to the existing road.  Contact Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Moss, tel +47 22073000, email firmapost@vegvesen.no. Visit https://www.vegvesen.no, https://metrostav-norge.no/ and https://www.bg.no/. Ref.n. 24/86721. 11/25. 

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Road , Vestland - no/194

The JV Roldalstunnelen Metrostav Norge AS  Bertelsen & Garpestad AS have secured the EUR 240.87 million (NOK2.8 bn) contract, excluding VAT, for construction stage 1 E134 Roldal-Seljestad, which is located in Ullensvang municipality in Vestland county. Construction phase 1 mainly comprises the construction of the  new Roldalstunnel (12.4 km) between Liamyrane and Seljestad, in addition to the existing road.  Contact Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Moss, tel +47 22073000, email firmapost@vegvesen.no. Visit https://www.vegvesen.no, https://metrostav-norge.no/ and https://www.bg.no/. Ref.n. 24/86721. 11/25. 

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Road , Baden-Württemberg - de/156

Mueller + Hereth Ingenieurburo fur Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH from Karlsruhe secured the contract for construction management, local construction supervision and engineering geological documentation for the construction of the rescue tunnels of the Kirchberg (1 840 m) and Schlossberg (844 m) tunnels at Schiltach in the Black Forest. Contact Ministerium für Verkehr Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, tel  +49 711896860, fax +49 711896869020, email Vergabestelle-sbv@vm.bwl.de. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/152043-2025. 11/25. 

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Railway, Zurich-Thalwil - ch/13

DE planikum AG from  Zurich secured the EUR 2.02 million (CHF1.93 million) contract, excluding VAT, for landscape conservation planning in the Zimmerberg Base Tunnel 2 (ZBT2) construction project. Contact SBB, Zurigo, tel +417900000, email einkauf.bauprojekte.ost@sbb.ch. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/147420-2025. 10/25. 

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Railway, Piedmont - it/173

The Joint Venture Impresa Luigi Notari SpA, Ceprini Costruzioni Srl, Quadrio Gaetano Costruzioni SpA, Costruzioni Linee Ferroviarie SpA e G.C.F. Generale Costruzioni Ferroviarie SpA from Milan have secured the EUR 92.85 million contract, excluding VAT, for the executive design and the extraordinary maintenance works of the Simplon railway pass, Arona - Domodossola line, Arona - Verbania section, aimed at the adaptation to PC80/410 gauge. The section includes the Faraggiana (1183 m) and Stresa (1072 m) tunnels. Contact Rete Ferroviaria Italiana SpA, attn Eng. Luca Lancieri, Rome, email rfi-ad-dac.ge@pec.rfi.it.. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/148653-2025. Ref.n. DAC.0289.2023. 10/25 

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