Postponed to 27/02/2025 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the design and construction of the 31.5km Lot 2B: Grinties - Pipirig (km 37+900 – km 69+400), 20 km of which is in tunnel, part of Section II Miercurea Mirajului-Leghin (km 22+000 – km 181+195), motorway A8 Targu Mures - Targu Neamt. Lot 2B involves the more difficult mountain section and includes 16 tunnels, 5 of which with the third lane for slow vehicles. Click here for bid documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of contract EUR1.61 billion (LEU8.18 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 114 months. Contact Compania Nationala de Investitii Rutiere SA, Bucarest, tel +40374808585, email Visit Ref.n 101/2897/09.10.2024 poz.1. 03/25
More Information
Postponed to 05/03/2025 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the design and construction works of the section H Szczyrzyc - Tymbark on the railway line n. 622 as part of the new railway line Podłęże - Szczyrzyc - Tymbark/Mszana Dolna and also modernization of the existing railway line n. 104 Chabówka - Nowy Sącz - Stage II. The tracks between Szczyrzyc and Tymbark will pass through two tunnels 3.8 and 1 km long, railway bridges and viaducts. This part of the new railway connection in Małopolska will be ready in 2029. The estimated construction cost is over EUR 468.23 million (2 billion Polish Slots), which will be financed from budget funds. Click here for bid/tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Contact PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe SA, Warsaw, tel +48 (22) 4732482, email Visit,, and Ref.n. 9090/IRZR1/14771/03784/24/P. 06/25.
Negotiated procedure with prior call for competition, deadline 06/03/2025, for the VP05 contract, about construction services for dredging (Excavation and filling of tunnel trench), part of the planning, implementation and commissioning of the Sound crossing. Click here for tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Deadline for requesting additional information: 28/02/2025 11h00 (UTC+1). Estimated date of sending of invitations to tender: 27/03/2025. Estimated duration of contract is from 30/09/2025 to 30/09/2032. Contact DB InfraGO AG, Francoforte s/Meno, tel +49 4039181657, fax +49 6926521083, email Visit Ref.n. 24FEI76461. 50/24.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 06/03/2025, for a sub-project manager/main construction manager for the E136 Breivika – Lerstad, Lerstad tunnel (2.6 km long) in Alesund. For bid/tender documents click here, where tenders must be sent. Duration of contract 30 months. Contact Norwegian Public Roads Administration, attn Tatiana Maia Pinto Liknes, Moss, tel +47 41521827, email Visit Ref. 24/327785. 05/25.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 10/03/2025, for a tunnel safety manager with direct management of the General Directorate of Road Infrastructures with the functions that include an inspection body for provincial road network tunnels longer than 500 m. The contract is composed of two lots. Click here for bid/tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Contract value EUR1.71 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 3 years. Contact Diputacion Foral of Gipuzkoa, Departamento de Infraestructuras Viarias, Donostia/San Sebastian, tel +34 943112366, email Visit 5-SR-58/2024. 06/25.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 10/03/2025, for a Health and Safety Coordinator (CSPS) for the West Lyon Express Tramway (TEOL) construction. Click here for bid/tender documents and where tenders must be sent. During of contract 108 months. Contact Sytral Mobilites, Lyon, tel +33 487555675, email Visit Ref.n. 24M0116. 07/25.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 11/03/2025, for the executive design and construction of the doubling of the 22km Cosenza - Paola/S. Lucido section, including the twin tube 15.1km Santomarco tunnel and part of the new HS/HC Salerno - Reggio Calabria project line. Click here for bid documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of contract EUR1.94 bn, excluding VAT. Contact Rete Ferroviaria Italiana Spa, Roma, email Visit Ref.n. DAC.0389.2024. 02/25.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 13/03/205, for the refurbishment of BSA (operation and safety) systems on the N09.56 Bex Nord - Martigny route - almost 15.8 km long- including the Arzilier tunnel (440 m) and the Galerie Saint-Maurice (1.2km). Click here for bid documents. Duration of the contract is from 01/06/2025 to 30/06/2030. Contact Astra, Thun, tel +41 584682400, email Visit Ref. N09.56 MP-24002. 03/25.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 14/03/2025, for maintenance, technical inspections and repair of the Branisko (4975 m) and Sibenik (588 m) tunnels and of technological equipment on the Janovce Svinia section of the D1 motorway. Click here for tender documents and here where tenders have to be sent. Value of the contract is EUR 15.01 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 4 years. Contact Narodna dialnicna spolocnost AS, attn Ing Katarina Andrascikova, Bratislava, tel +421258311580, email Visit 98295-2025. Ref.n. 23/10301/2024. 08/25.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 17/03/2025, for the replacement of shaft ventilation on the E39 Floyfjell tunnel. Click here for bid documents and where tenders must be sent. A tender conference will be held on 19/02/2025 at 12h00. Duration of the contract is 1 year. Contact the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, attn Tone Gunn Myhre, Moss, tel +90 203259, e-mail Visit Ref.n. 23/45164. 07/25.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 24/03/2025, for the design and construction of the 27km Section 1, Targu Neamt (Motca) - Targu Frumos (km 0+000 – km 31+500) of motorway A8 Targu Neamt Iasi Ungheni, excluding section km 5+500-10+000 belonging to the motorway A7 Bacu-Pascani. The section 1 includes 4 cut&cover tunnels ( 380 m, 680 m, 400 m and 250 m long). Click here for bid documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR 1.44 bn (RON7.18 million), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 106 months. Contact Compania Nationala de Investitii Rutiere SA, Bucarest, tel +40374808585, email Visit and Ref.n. 101/3791/05.12.2024 poz.1. 07/25.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 27/03/2025, for the complete renovation of the Villabona tunnels 90i and 90ii, length 902 m and 853 m, located on the Leon - Gijon conventional gauge railway line. Value of the contract is EUR16.64 million, excluding VAT. Contact Adif, Madrid, tel +34 647996819, email Visit and Ref.n. 3.24/27507.0240. 07/25.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 31/03/2025, for the construction management during the repair of the Barenburg tunnel (1028 m) and the construction of the new fire-fighting water supply system as part of the maintenance project of the 8.5 km section of the N13 in the Andeer region. For bid/tender documents click here. Duration of contract is from 27/05/2025 to 31/12/2031. Contact Ofrou, Bellinzona, tel +41 584696811, email Visit Ref.n. MP-070091. 07/25
Open invitation to tender, deadline 01/04/2025, for the technical design, the executive design and the construction of the S6 Western road bypass of Szczecin - Section 3 Police - Goleniow (from km 27+403 to km 50+810.20), including a bi-tube tunnel. Click here for bid documents and where tenders must be sent. Contact GDDKiA (Generalna Dyrekcja Drog Krajowych i Autostrad), attn Iwona Gabska, Szczecin, tel +48 914325320, email Visit Ref.n. OSz.D-3.2410.11.2024. 51/24.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 16/05/2025, for a General Contractor to be in charge of tunnel construction and civil engineering works as part of the MehrSpur Zurich – Winterthur project part 240:
The core of the project is the approximately 8.3 km long Bruttener Tunnel with two single-track tubes connected every 500 m by 20 bypasses and the approximately 1 km long branch line from Bassersdorf to Zurich Airport. The tunnel will be accessed from the north via Dietlikon station and from the east via Bassersdorf station. The tunnel will be exited before Winterthur, in Tossmuehle, via the portal across the Kempt River. For further information on the project click here and on the tender, click here. Duration of contract from 01/06/2026 to 30/11/2034. Contact SBB, Zurich, email Visit 48/24.
27.02.2025 Romania
05.03.2025 Poland
06.03.2025 Germany
06.03.2025 Norway
10.03.2025 Spain
10.03.2025 France
11.03.2025 Italy
13.03.2025 Switzerland
14.03.2025 Slovakia
17.03.2025 Norway
24.03.2025 Romania
27.03.2025 Spain
31.03.2025 Sweden
01.04.2025 Poland
16.05.2025 Switzerland is an online news source for tunnelling projects and tunnelling news worldwide. It provides information on tenders and awards as well as providing information of what’s happening in the tunnelling industry.
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