United Kingdom,
- uk/54
Negotiated procedure, deadline 10th September, 2007 to provide programme management services to support the planning, design and construction of the Thames Tideway tunnel. The programme management service will support Thames Water's management of physical, timeplan and cost issues and where appropriate, provide additional technical expertise to assist with the management of the design and delivery of the project. The Tideway tunnel is a large diameter, major sewer interception scheme in London, which will collect flows from 35 combined sewer overflows (CSO) which discharge into the River Thames. Over 30 km of approximately 7.2 m-diameter tunnel will be constructed, 35 CSOs will be connected to the tunnel and a terminal pumping station will transfer flows to treatment at Beckton sewage treatment plant. Construction is expected to commence in 2009 and complete by 2020. Read E-News Weekly 25/2007, 13/2007, 47/2006, 2/2006 & 17/2004. Click here. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=187264-2007, OJ S 150, or contact Thames Water, Reading, fax +44 1189237687. E-mail Procurement.Support.Centre@thameswater.co.uk 33/07.Negotiated call for tenders, deadline 12th January, 2007 for Phase 1 of the Thames tideway tunnel, which consists mainly of the 6.9 km 7 m ID Lee tunnel. Click here. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=297584-2007, OJ S 244, or contact Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Reading, fax +44 1189237687. E-mail procurement.support.centre@thameswater.co.uk 52/07-01/08.Notice of prequalification, with indefinite duration, for ground investigation works (lot 29) for the Thames tideway tunnel. The ground investigation will be undertaken in a number of phases along the proposed tunnel route between Hammersmith (West London) and Beckton (East London), primarily to assist in the modelling of geological, geotechnical and groundwater conditions. Typical borehole depths will be in the region of 50 to 100 m. The Phase 1 works have been provisionally identified as consisting of a total 140 boreholes. Click here. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=20655-2008, OJ S 16, or contact Thames Water Utilities, Reading, fax +44 1189237687. E-mail procurement.support.centre@thameswater.co.uk 05/08.Thames Water has appointed CH2M HILL as programme manager for the Thames tideway tunnel scheme that will prevent overflows from London's sewers entering the Thames. As programme manager, CH2M HILL will help Thames Water to implement the project through all phases, including planning consents, preliminary and final design, construction oversight, stakeholder communication, commissioning and start-up of new facilities. Click here. Visit www.ch2mhill.comThe Thames tideway tunnel project will involve the construction of London's deepest ever tunnel - the Thames tunnel - up to 80 metres beneath ground level, and spanning 32 kilometres beneath the river from Hammersmith in West London to Beckton, in East London. An additional tunnel - the Lee tunnel (7 km) - will run from Abbey Mills in Stratford to Beckton. The tunnels will capture and transfer sewer discharges for treatment, which would otherwise enter the Thames and its tributaries during heavy rainfall. Both tunnels will be more than seven metres wide, running beneath a vast network of existing tunnels, including six subway lines and utilities. The overall programme includes constructing numerous collection and diversion facilities, a large high-head underground pumping station, and a major upgrade at Beckton sewage treatment works. Construction of the Lee tunnel - for which tenders have already been invited - is expected to start in 2009. Click here. The tunnel is due for completion by 2014. Construction of the Thames tunnel, which will prevent discharges from 35 overflow points, is not expected to start until 2012 with completion in 2020. 13/08.Heath Lambert Ltd of Houndsditch, London has been awarded the EUR20 million contract for insurance brokerage for the Thames Tideway project which includes the 32.2 km-long, 7 m-diameter Thames tunnel from Hammersmith to Beckton and the 6.9 km-long Lee tunnel from Stratford to Beckton. Tunnelling is expected to start this year for completion by 2020. The company will work with Thames Water in the design, implementation, maintenance and servicing of its risk management and insurance programme for the project, and will represent Thames Water in the commercial insurance marketplace to obtain best value. More from procurement.support.centre@thameswater.co.uk or contact Matthew Bates at Heath Lambert, tel +44 20 7234 4670, e-mail mbates@heathlambert.com. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=3244-2009 02/09.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 24.07.2009, for Lee Tunnel Insurance Programme. This notice advertises the procurement of non-life insurance cover relating to activities including, but not limited to, the development, enabling, fabrication, construction, tunnelling, erection, installation, testing, commissioning, fitting out, trial running and maintenance of the Lee Tunnel Project. Contact Heath Lambert Group, attn: Philip Watts, 133 Houndsditch, London EC3A 7AH, UK, e-mail LeeTunnel@heathlambert.com. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=1682211-2009 26/09.
MVB Joint Venture, Grove House 551 London Road, Isleworth, Middlesex TW7 4DS, UK has secured the contract for Phase 1 of the Thames tideway tunnel, which consists mainly of the 6.9 km-long, 7 m ID Lee tunnel. Contact Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Reading, fax +44 1189237687, e-mail procurement.support.centre@thameswater.co.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=017702-2010. 05/10.
Expressions of interest invited from specialist organizations to qualify for upcoming contracts to provide legal, financial and commercial advice, and to assist in developing a new delivery model for proposed Thames Tunnel, an interceptor sewer of around 7 m-diameter and 30 km-long between Hammersmith and Beckton, with some 35 CSO shafts, for which implementation planning and design are underway. Construction completion expected 2020. Further information and documentation from Thames Water in Reading, e-mail procurement.support.centre@thameswater.co.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=257916-2010. 35/10.
Invitation to tender by accelerated restricted procedure, deadline 12.12.2011, for provision of financial advice on the development and interrogation of alternative financial vehicles for proposed Thames Tunnel, an interceptor sewer of around 7 m-diameter and 30 km-long between Hammersmith and Beckton, with some 35 CSO shafts, for which implementation planning and design are underway. Construction completion expected 2020. Register interest at www.myTenders.org/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=84379. Further information, specs and docs from Ofwat in Birmingham, tel +44 12164475-00, fax -33, e-mail procurement@ofwat.gsi.gov.uk to where mailed tenders and requests to participate must be sent. Electronic submission acceptable via myTenders.org postbox. Value range EUR580,000-EUR3.48 million. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=371805-2011 48/11.
Award of contract to PWC, London for provision of financial advice to Ofwat, and to assist in developing alternative financial delivery vehicles for proposed Thames Tunnel, an interceptor sewer of around 7 m-diameter and 30 km-long between Hammersmith and Beckton, with some 35 CSO shafts, for which implementation planning and design are underway. Construction completion expected 2020. More from PWC, tel +44 2075835000, website www.pwc.co.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=105586-2012. 14/12.
Periodic indicative notice to provide information to the market about the potential procurement and obtaining market feedback prior to the start of formal procurement for proposed Thames tideway tunnel, which consists mainly of a 25 km-long, 7.2 m-diameter tunnel following the River Thames with shafts up to 80 m-deep and utilising six TBMs. Contact The Supply Chain Manager at Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Paddington, London, tel +44 2031477700, e-mail procurement@tidewaytunnels.co.uk before 23.11.2012. Scheduled date for start of award procedures 15.03.2013. For project background visit tunnelbuilder archive uk/54. For more information on this notice, visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=352570-2012. 45/12.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 13.09.2013, for three contracts for design, construction, commissioning and (during the caretaker period) maintenance of the Thames Tideway Tunnel: C405 Thames Tideway Tunnel - Main Works – West; C410 Thames Tideway Tunnel - Main Works – Central; C415 Thames Tideway Tunnel - Main Works - East. The estimated value of each Lot expressed as a range (excluding VAT) is C405 EUR347.5-579.18 million; C410 EUR695.01-1,100.44 million; C415 EUR579.18 -926.68 million. Duration of contract from 13.05.2015 to 28.03.2023. Contact the Programme Procurement Manager at Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Paddington, London, tel +44 2031477700, e-mail procurement@tidewaytunnels.co.uk. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 12.09.2013. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=252648-2013. 31/13.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 07.10.2013, for framework agreement covering mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, controls and automation works and services for contract C420 Thames Tideway Tunnel. Duration of contract 10 years from 18.07.2014, estimated value EUR59-82.6 million excluding VAT. Further information, specs and docs from Programme Procurement Manager at Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Paddington, London, tel +44 2031477700, e-mail procurement@tidewaytunnels.co.uk, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Register interest at https://thamestidewaytunnel.bravosolution.co.uk. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 04.10.2013. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=298143-2013. 36/13.
The eight shortlisted contractors that will be tendering for the main construction work of the Thames Tideway Tunnel. They will be bidding for one or more of the three work packages which have been split into geographical sections of west, central, and east. The three main works packages are worth a total of up to EUR2.7bn – west EUR354-590 million, central EUR708-1,122 million and east EUR590-945 million. The shortlisted contractors are: for West - Bam Nuttall, Balfour Beatty, Morgan Sindall JV; Costain, Vinci, Bachy JV; Dragados, Samsung JV; and Ferrovial Agroman, Laing O’Rourke JV. For Central - Bam Nuttall/Balfour Beatty/Morgan Sindall JV; Costain/Vinci/ Bachy JV; Ferrovial Agroman/Laing O’Rourke JV; and Skanska/Bilfinger/Razel Bec JV; for East - Bam Nuttall/Balfour Beatty/Morgan Sindall JV; Bechtel/Strabag JV; Bouygues Travaux Publics; Costain/Vinci/Bachy JV; and Hochtief/Murphy JV. The release of the three tenders is being staggered. West will be tendered first, then east, then central. This will be done between November, 2013 and April, 2014. Visit http://www.thamestidewaytunnel.co.uk/2013/10/29/contractors-shortlisted-for-main-work-on-thames-tideway-tunnel/. 45/13.
Periodic indicative notice (PIN) without call for competition for Thames Tideway Tunnel Project. This notice is for the purpose of providing information to the market about the potential procurement, designation and licensing of such infrastructure provider and for obtaining market feedback prior to the start of the formal procurement. Estimated value EUR5,088,883,723, excluding VAT. Scheduled date for start of award procedures: 17.04.2015. Register interest by email to ip.procurement@tidewaytunnels.co.uk, deadline 31.01.2014. Contact Thames Water Utilities Ltd, att.n William Lambe/Ben Prynn, London, tel +44 2031477700, e-mail ip.procurement@tidewaytunnels.co.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=007178-2014. 03/14.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 23.01.2014, for C466 - Bathymetric River Bed Surveys for Thames Tideway Tunnel Project. Duration of contract 18 months from award. Contact Procurement Support Centre at Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Reading, e-mail procurement.support.centre@thameswater.co.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=008665-2014. 03/14.
Port of London Authority of Gravesend secured contract C466 for bathymetric riverbed surveys for the Thames Tideway Tunnel Project. Contact Procurement Support Centre at Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Reading, e-mail procurement.support.centre@thameswater.co.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=304096-2014. 37/14.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 17.11.2014, for C489 - System Integration (SCADA) for Thames Tideway Tunnel Project. Value of contract EUR12.61-18.92 million, excluding VAT, duration from 04.07.2015 to 01.02.2032. Contact Procurement Support Centre at Thames Water Utilities Ltd, London, tel +44 2031477700, e-mail procurement@tidewaytunnels.co.uk. For further information and electronic submission of tenders and requests to participate: http://thamestidewaytunnel.bravosolution.co.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=356028-2014. Ref. TTT C489. 43/14.
G4S Security Services Ltd of Sutton secured the C425 Framework Agreement for Access Control and Security for Thames Tideway Tunnel Project. Contact Programme Procurement Manager at Thames Water Utilities Ltd, London, tel +44 2031477700, e-mail procurement@tidewaytunnels.co.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=403333-2014. 48/14.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 23.12.2014, for C486 — Services for air quality and noise monitoring for early works at nine sites for Thames Tideway Tunnel Project. Estimated value of contract EUR625,000-EUR1.56 million, excluding VAT, duration June 2015 for one year. For further information and electronic submission of tenders and requests to participate contact Procurement Support Centre at Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Reading, e-mail procurement.support.centre@thameswater.co.uk. PQP available at http://www.thamestidewaytunnel.co.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=411262-2014. 49/14.
J Murphy and Sons Ltd of London secured the C437 contract for Utility Protection and Diversion Works for Thames Tideway Tunnel Project. Contact Programme Procurement Manager at Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Reading, e-mail procurement@tidewaytunnels.co.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=44040-2015. 07/15.
The preferred tenderers to build the Thames Tideway Tunnel, have been identified. The world-class companies, which have been chosen after intense competition, will build a component each of the three parts of the tunnel. The contractors are: BMB JV (Joint Venture of BAM Nuttall Ltd, Morgan Sindall Plc and Balfour Beatty Group Limited) for the West contract ; FLO JV (Joint Venture of Ferrovial Agroman UK Ltd, Laing O’Rourke Construction) for the Central contract ; and CVB JV (Joint Venture of Costain Vinci Construction Grands Projects Bachy Soletanche) for the East contract. The contracts are expected to be awarded in the summer, when the investors who will finance and deliver the project as the Infrastructure Provider, are announced. Visit http://www.thamestidewaytunnel.co.uk. 09/15.
Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 15.05.2015, for Independent Technical Assessor for the Thames Tideway Tunnel Project. Estimated value of contract EUR3.88-6.24 million, excluding VAT, duration 48 months from the award. For further information and electronic submission of tenders and requests to participate, visit https://thamestidewaytunnel.bravosolution.co.uk and contact Thames Water Utilities Ltd, attn ITA Procurement Manager, London, tel +44 2031477700, e-mail procurement@tidewaytunnels.co.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=134283-2015. 17/15.
AECOM Infrastructure & Environment UK Ltd of Basingstoke secured the C486 contract for services for air quality and noise monitoring for early works at nine sites for Thames Tideway Tunnel Project. Contact Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Reading, e-mail procurement.support.centre@thameswater.co.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=181207-2015. 29/15.
Bazalgette Consortium comprising Inpp, Allianz, Amber Infrastructure Group, Dalmore Capital Limited, DIF and Swiss Life Asset Managers has been appointed preferred bidder for the Thames Tideway Tunnel licence. The tunnel will be approximately 25 km-long, 7.2 m-diameter and will run up to 65 m below the River Thames. Starting in west London, the main tunnel will follow the route of the Thames to connect with the Lee tunnel, with sewage being transferred to the Beckton Sewage Treatment Works in East London. Construction to commence in 2016 and reach completion by 2023. Visit http://www.thameswater.co.uk/media/press-releases/18853.htm. 29/15.
Mott MacDonald Ltd at Croydon secured the EUR16.69 million contract, excluding VAT, for Independent Technical Assessor for the Thames Tideway Tunnel Project. Contact Thames Water Utilities Ltd, attn ITA Procurement Manager, London, tel +44 2031477700, e-mail procurement@tidewaytunnels.co.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=334738-2015. 40/15.
Bazalgette Tunnel Ltd in London has been designated as infrastructure provider (IP) for the Thames Tideway Tunnel Project. Value contract EUR5.53 billion, excluding VAT. Contact Thames Water Utilities Ltd, att.n Garry Connelly, London, tel +44 2031477700, e-mail garry.connelly@thameswater.co.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=348676-2015. Ref.n. TTT-IP-OJEU. 40/15
Amey OWR Ltd from Oxford secured the EUR20.95 million C489 - System Integration (SCADA) contract, excluding VAT, for the Thames Tideway Tunnel Project. Contact Thames Water Utilities Ltd, att.n Mike Cornelius, Reading, e-mail procurement@tidewaytunnels.co.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid= 380463-2015. Ref. TTT C489. 44/15.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 14.12.2015, for provision of a Defra Technical Adviser for the Thames Tideway Tunnel Project. Duration contract 36 months from award. Contact Defra, att.n Angela Johnson, tel +44 1904455198, e-mail angela.johnson@defra.gsi.gov.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=413646-2015. Ref.n. 413646. 48/15.
BMB, the Joint Venture between BAM Nuttall/Morgan and Sindall/Balfour Beatty are contracted to build the 6 km western section of the 25 km long London Thames Tideway Tunnel. The project cost is EUR549.5 million. Arup and Atkins have been appointed as consulting engineers. The west section will run from Acton in West London to Wandsworth in South West London incorporating seven separate work sites along the route. Works will include design, construction, commissioning and maintenance following construction completion. Visit http://www.arup.com/ and http://www.atkinsglobal.com. For further information use the following links
http://www.atkinsglobal.com/en-GB/media-centre/news-releases/2016/jan/2016-01-08uk .04/16.
The Morgan Sindall precast facility at Ridham Dock in Kent
has been awarded the two year EUR19.22 million (GBP17 million) contract to
supply 4,086 precast concrete tunnel rings for the Thames Tideway Tunnel. Morgan
Sindall with Balfour Beatty and BAM Nuttall are delivering the west section of
the Thames Tideway Tunnel. Visit https://construction.morgansindall.com/news/ridham-precast-concrete-facility-wins-two-year-contract-supply-tunnel-lining-thames-tideway
. 08/18.
Invitation to tender, deadline 20.06.2018, for the
supply and delivery to
BMB Joint Venture (BAM Nuttall, Morgan Sindall PLC
& Balfour Beatty) the
temporary 110v Lighting for the Tideway West
Tunnel. Duration contract
December 2018 to November 2019.
Negotiated procedure, deadline 25.01.2019, for a
computerised maintenance management system (CMMS) in relation to the Tideway
Tunnel Project.
Value of the contract is EUR722,626 (GBP650,000) excluding
VAT. The duration of the contract will be an initial 3 years with extension
options up to a maximum term of 10 years. For further information https://tideway.bravosolution.co.uk
where offers must be sent. Contact
Bazalgette Tunnel Ltd, London, tel +44 2031477700, email dermot.doherty@tideway.london .
Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=546950-2018
Periodic indicative notice for Maintenance Services for the Thames Tideway Tunnel. To express interest in this opportunity and respond to the market engagement, suppliers must register on the Tideway eTendering portal
https://tideway.bravosolution.co.uk by the 7
th December 2020. Contact Bazalgette Tunnel Ltd, London, tel +44 2031477700, email
Procurement@tideway.london. For more information on this notice
click here. 44/20.
United Kingdom,
Greater London
- uk/51
Negotiated procedure, deadline 12th January, 2006 for design and execution of the widening of approx. 102 km of the M25 London orbital motorway, including in particular maintenance and refurbishment work on the Bell Common and Hatfield tunnels (2 x 450 m and 2 x 1.4 km) and implementing measures in the Dartford tunnels (1,429 m / 1,436 m) to meet the requirements of EU Directive 2004/54/EC. The estimated construction cost of the widening is approximately GBP1.5 billion. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=211161-2005, OJ S 214, or contact Highways Agency, Dorking, fax +44 1306878123. E-mail M25DBFOPrequal@highways.gsi.gov.uk 46/05.Restricted procedure, deadline 16th January, 2006 for advise and support on all matters relating to the administration and delivery of the M25 DBFO project, during the pre-award procedures before signature of the DBFO contract, including assistance with tender evaluation/negotiation, andpost-award administration of the DBFO contract, including monitoring of the construction, operations and maintenance. The M25 DBFO project includes, among other things, the maintenance and refurbishment work on the Bell Common and Hatfield tunnels (2 x 450 m and 2 x 1.4 km) and implementing measures in the Dartford tunnels (1,429 m / 1,436 m) to meet the requirements of EU Directive 2004/54/EC. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=235061-2005, OJ S 238, or contact Highways Agency, Dorking, fax +44 1306878123. E-Mail rachel.morley@highways.gsi.gov.uk 52/05-01/06.
Connect Plus (M25) Ltd, Connect Plus House, St Albans Road, South Mimms, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, EN6 3NP, tel +44 2033868-500, fax -501, e-mail ojeu@connectplusm25.co.uk, has secured the contract for design and execution of the widening of 102 km of the M25 London orbital motorway, including maintenance and refurbishment work on the Bell Common and Hatfield tunnels (2 x 450 m and 2 x 1.4 km) and implementing measures in the Dartford tunnels (1,429 m/1,436 m) to meet the requirements of EU Directive 2004/54/EC. Contract value EUR3.9 bn. Contact Mrs Cate Steele, Highways Agency, Bedford, tel +44 1234796-160, fax -017, e-mail Catherine.steele@highways.gsi.gov.uk Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=171733-2009. 28/09.
Invitation to tender by accelerated restricted procedure, deadline 27.07.2009, for provision of a fixed water mist suppression system in both east and west tunnels of the A282 Dartford-Thurrock crossing beneath the River Thames. Scope includes design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning, and extends to supply of water pumping stations, pipework and electronic control systems. Estimated value EUR7.5-10 million, excluding VAT. Contract duration 30 months. Specs and docs from Gay McBride at The Highways Agency in Dorking, RH4 1SZ, tel +44 1306878-472, fax -123, e-mail gay.mcbride@highways.gsi.gov.uk, to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=189546-2009 29/09.
Contract for design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of water mist fire suppression system for both tubes of Dartford-Thurrock road crossing awarded to Fogtec Brandschutz of Koeln, value EUR9.575 million excluding VAT. More from dirk.sprakel@fogtec.com, tel +49 2219622363. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=154300-2010. 22/10.
Connect Plus (M25) Ltd, Connect Plus House, St Albans Road, South Mimms, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, EN6 3NP, teléfono: +44 2033868-500, fax: -501, correo electrónico: ojeu@connectplusm25.co.uk, han conseguido el contrato para el diseño y ejecución de la ampliación de 102 Km de la autopista de circunvalación M25 de Londres, incluyendo los trabajos de mantenimiento y renovación del Bell Common y los túneles Hatfield (2 x 450 m y 2 x 1.4 Km) e implementación de medidas en el túnel Dartford (1,429 m/1,436 m) para cumplir los requisitos de la Directiva 2004/54/EC de la Unión Europea. El valor del contrato es de 3,9 millones de euros. Contacte con Mrs Cate Steele, Highways Agency, Bedford, teléfono: +44 1234796-160, fax: -017, correo electrónico: Catherine.steele@highways.gsi.gov.uk. Visite http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=171733-2009. 28/09.