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Spain, Bilbao - es/13


Extension to Kabiezes planned for completion 2006. February 1999.   Tenders closed 21st December, 2000 for first 919 m-long x 60 sq m twin-track, single-tube tunnel on second phase of line 2. Roadheaders will be used in limestone marls and claystone with layers of volcanic rock with steel arches, rockbolts, mesh and shotcrete as support. Value $15 million, for commencement mid-2001. Contact transport and public works department, fax +34 9 4501 9018 or visit www.fulcrum.es December 2000.   Open tendering for the design of the superstructure of the Urbinaga-Sestao and Bolueta-Etxebarri sections of Line 2. Deadline 26th February, 2002. The Urbinaga-Sestao section includes a 920 m double-track tunnel plus an underground station and ventilation shafts. Time frame of 24 months. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/ojs/en/frame.htm, OJ S 6, document 4549-2002 or contact Consorcio de Transportes de Bizkaia, Bilbao, fax +34 944231088. Also visit www.cotrabi.com 05/02.Award to Saitec of the design of the Ariz-Basauri stretch of Line 2 for €271,000. Visit www.metrobilbao.net 05/02.   Preinformation notice for the construction of the Sestao-Portugalete section of Line 2 including a 1,760 m tunnel in rock, two cavern stations at Abatxolo and Portugalete, and shafts. Tender value of €44 million. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/ojs/en/frame.htm, OJ S 27, document 20388-2002 or contact the Basque government, Public works and transport division, Bilbao, fax +34 945019786. E-mail di-trans@ej-gv.es 07/02.   Open call for tenders, deadline 31st October, 2002 for construction of the 1,760 m Sestao-Portugalete section of Line 2 with two stations in Abatxolo and Portugalete. Construction using a roadheader with bolts and steel arches as support. Tender value €42.7 million. Opening in mid-2006. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=152818-2002, OJ S 194 or contact Basque government, Bilbao, fax +34 945019786 or 944329189. Visit www.ej-gv.net. More in E-News Weekly # 28. 41/02.  Cinsa is technical advisor in geotechnical engineering to Imebisa for the tunnelling works of the Urbinaga-Sestao section of Line 2. NATM to be used. Visit www.imebisa.es and www.cinsaep.org 12/03.Open call for bids, deadline 4th April, 2005 for construction of section Portugalete-Santurtzi on Line 2. This is a 1.6 km section, with two stations in Penota and Santurtzi. Both stations will be mined, consisting of a cavern with two mezzanines and two entrances/exits. Tender estimated at EUR51.3 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=024847-2005, OJ S 26, or contact the Basque government, Vitoria-Gasteiz, fax +34 945019785. E-mail trans@ej-gv.es. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 46/2004 & 28/2002. 11/05.Open call for tenders, deadline 28th June, 2005 for work management, control and monitoring during construction of the 1.6 km Portugalete-Santurtzi section on Line 2 of the Bilbao metro. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=108001-2005, OJ S 108, or contact Red Ferroviaria Vasca, Bilbao, fax +34 944329189. E-mail jortega@ets-rfv.es 24/05.The Biscay transport authority awarded the construction of the Portugalete-Santurtzi extension of Line 2 to a JV of Nortunel, Urazca and Balzola, for EUR37.5 million. This is a 1.6 km tunnel with two stations. Visit www.cotrabi.com, www.nortunel.com, www.urazca.com and www.balzola.com 43/05.Saitec secured a EUR887,000 contract for the work management, control and monitoring during construction of the 1.6 km Portugalete-Santurtzi section on Line 2 of the Bilbao metro. Visit www.saitec.es 06/06.Open call for tenders, deadline 15th May, 2006 for construction of section Ariz-Basauri on Line 2 of the Bilbao metro. This is an approx. 2 km section for two tracks, section 60 sq m. There will be also four accesses, excavated section 35 sq and total length of 200 metres as well as 13 shafts, for ventilation and elevators, excavated diameter 3.6 m and total length of 425 metres, to be built using raise boring. Geology consists of two different facies, with a very altered zone in between: 30 to 50 MPa marly limestone in the first facies and sandstone and claystone in the second. The tunnel will be built using roadheaders and mechanical means. Support with bolts, wire mesh, shotcrete with/without reinforcing fibres, HEB supports and jet grouting. Mucking-out with loaders and dumpers. Estimated cost: EUR69.1 million. The contract will be awarded in July 2006 for work commencement in September 2006. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=061224-2006, OJ S 59, or contact Basque government, Vitoria-Gasteiz, fax +34 945019451 or 944329189. E-mail ets@ets-rfv.es 19/06.A JV of Obras Subterraneas, Excavaciones Viuda de Sainz, and Excavaciones Cantabricas will build the Aritz-Basauri section on Line 2 of the Bilbao metro. The section goes from the present rolling stock depot in Aritz to the centre of Basauri, near the city hall. The successful bid submitted by the JV is 16% cheaper than the tender estimate and construction will take four months less than planned, once works commence next December. The JV has proposed EUR57,903,530.14 and a time frame of 38 months to do the job. The Aritz-Basauri section will be 2,372 m long, whereof 100 metres in open cut and the remainder in a new underground tunnel. The contract also includes two new stations, one named Aritz and the other one named Basauri. Both stations will be mined caverns, matching the style of the other stations in service on Lines 1 and 2 designed by architect Norman Foster. Visit www.obrassubterraneas.es and www.excavacionescantabricas.es 40/06.Geoconsult Espaí±a bagged a EUR1 million contract for site supervision of the Aziz-Basauri section on Line 2 of the Bilbao metro. This section runs almost fully underground, except for a short portion of only 300 metres near the Ariz workshops. The section also includes the Ariz and Basauri stations. Visit www.geoconsult.es 06/07.Open call for tenders, deadline 4th February, 2008 for conceptual design of the extension to Galdakao of the Bilbao metro. This is a 4.5 km section, 2.5 km of which will run in tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=292744-2007, OJ S 240, or contact Basque government, Bilbao, fax +34 945019018. 52/07-01/08.Open invitation to tender, deadline 28th October, 2008 for construction of the Santurtzi-Kabiezes section on Line 2 of the Bilbao metro. The total length of this dual track section is 2.4 km, whereof 2.3 km will run in tunnel, 40 metres at grade and 112 metres is for the new Kabiezes station. The minimum radius is 250 metres and the maximum gradient is 4.7%. Construction of this section is scheduled to commence at the end of the year. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=253605-2008, OJ S 192, or contact Basque government, Bilbao, fax +34 945018931 or 944316895. E-mail am-aciriano@ej-gv.es 41/08.


Pre-information procedure for installation of E&EM equipment in Ariz-Basauri section, on Line 2 of the Bilbao metro, in construction. Contract value EUR7,706,008, excluding VAT. Scheduled date for start of award procedures: 31.3.2010. Contract duration 16 months. Contact Basque government, att.n Ií±aki Amondarain, Vitoria-Gasteiz, tel +34 945019754, fax +34 945019742, e-mail respcontract-trans@ej-gv.es. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=013499-2010. 04/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20/02/2023, for the construction of the 2.8 km Aperribai-Galdakao section of the Metro Line 5 in Bilbao. The contract includes  Bengoetxe and Galdakao stations and the Olabarrieta and Abusu ventilation and emergency shafts. Click here for bid documents and here where tenders must be sent. Value of contract EUR91.30 million, excluding VAT. Duration of contract 48 months. Contact ETS - Euskal Trenbide Sarea, Bilbao, tel +34 946572600,  email kontratazioa@ets-rfv.eus. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=728162-2022 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=616085-2022. Ref.n. P20023532. 52/22. 



The joint venture of Acciona (25%), Sacyr (25%), Altuna y Uria (25%) and Bycam (25%) secured the EUR 88.1 million contract for the construction of the 2.8 km Aperribai-Galdakao section of the Metro Line 5 in Bilbao. The contract includes  Bengoetxe and Galdakao stations and the Olabarrieta and Abusu ventilation and emergency shafts. Contact ETS - Euskal Trenbide Sarea, Bilbao, tel +34 946572600,  email kontratazioa@ets-rfv.eus. Visit https://www.acciona.com. Ref.n. P20023532. 26/23.. 


Spain, Bilbao - es/12


Some 6 km required: 3 km pipejacked at 1.5 m and 1.2 m internal diameter from Lamiako to University awarded to Ferrovial; and 2.3 km at 3.6 m outside diameter to be bored by Robbins TBM through hard rock from 15 m-diameter shaft by jv of ACS, Obras Subterraneas and Sycasa commencing in mid-1999. February 1999.   Open tendering, deadline 6th March, 2002 for the construction of a 3,750 m interceptor sewer in landfill and rock. A 1.2 m-diameter shield boring machine will be used on 50% of the length, traditional means on 10% and open cut on 40 %. Mechanised tunnelling with pipejacking. Tender value of €12.1 million. Commissioning in December, 2004. Engineering consultancy Saitec designed the project. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/ojs/en/frame.htm, OJ S 14, document 10573-2002 or contact Consorcio de Aguas Bilbao Bizkaia, Bilbao, fax +34 944873110. 08/02.   Open tendering, deadline 6th March, 2002 for the construction of a 2,300 m tunnel to divert the Elguera stream. Outer diameter of 3.60 m and inner diameter of 3 m. A TBM will be used. Shales, marls and limestone. Support with rockbolts, shotcrete, mesh and TH16 steel arches. Tender value of €10 million. Award in June, 2002. Works start in July, 2002 for completion in November, 2004. Engineering consultancy Tecnoconsult designed the project. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/ojs/en/frame.htm, OJ S 14, document 10574-2002 or contact Consorcio de Aguas Bilbao Bizkaia, Bilbao, fax +34 944873110. 09/02.  Award to a jv of Tecsa and Cavosa of a €9.5 million contract to build the 3,750 m Udondo-Erandio interceptor. 39/02.Necso has secured the construction of the 2.3 km tunnel to divert the Elguera stream for €8.1 million. 39/02.Open call for bids, deadline 27th October, 2003 for construction of the Nervion interceptor, section San Miguel-Arriaga-Miraballes. There are four pipejacked sections in rock, total length around 1.5 km, inner diameter 1,600 mm, with two crossings under river Nervií³n. A microtunnelling machine will be used. Depth: 16 to 18 m. Tender value: €10.5 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=157717-2003, OJ S 174, or contact Consorcio de Aguas de Bilbao Bizkaia, Bilbao, fax +34 944873110. 38/03.Ferrovial-Agroman has secured a EUR7.7million contract to build the Nervion interceptor, section San Miguel-Arriaga-Miraballes, including four pipejacked sections in rock, total length around 1.5 km, inner diameter 1,600 mm, with two crossings under river Nervion. A microtunnelling machine will be used at a depth of 16-18 m. Visit www.ferrovial.es 15/04.Open call for bids, deadline 7th April, 2006 for construction of the Ugarte-Kareaga sewer, consisting of a microtunnel of 1.1 km approximately, to be built using a 1,200 mm closed face microtunnelling machine and reinforced concrete jacked pipes, trenches and secondary works. The tender estimate is EUR11.1 million, whereof about EUR7 million for the microtunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=035935-2006, OJ S 33, or contact Consorcio de Aguas, Bilbao, fax +34 944873110. Also visit www.consorciodeaguas.com 10/06.


Spain, Bilbao - es/11

Toll Road Mount Artxanda

Public Works Director Jose Basozabal.Concession and contract to build awarded to jv of Agroman, Cintra and Ferrovial. Three tunnels involved: 1,200 m three-lane at Artxanda; 645 m two-lane at Ugasko-La Salve; and 1,145 m two-lane at Ugasko-Txorierri. Value Pta 15 billion. Work commences 1999, duration 2 years. Concession period 50 years. October 1998.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 31.01.2012, for maintenance and management of the three tunnels at Artxanda: La Salve-Txorierri (three-lane, 1,270 m); Ugasko-Txorierri (two-lane, 1,073 m); and La Salve-Ugasko (two-lane, 1,073 m). Contract value EUR8,753,890.22, duration 15 months. Contact Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia - Diputacion Foral de Bizkaia - Departamento de Obras Publicas y Transportes, Bilbao, tel +34 944067104-6169, fax +34 944067111, e-mail herri_lanak_kontratazioa@bizkaia.net; for specs and docs contact Cianoplan SA, Bilbao, tel +34 944247160, fax +34 944316895, e-mail ajur@cianoplan.es. Time limit for accessing documents: 27.01.2012. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid= 401823-2011. 02/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 15.03.2013, for conservation, maintenance and operation of South Metropolitan Bypass in Bilbao and of the tunnels at Artxanda. Contract duration 96 months, value EUR74 million, excluding VAT. Contact Interbiak Bizkaiko Hegoaldeko Akzesibilitatea, Bilbao, tel +34 944057000, fax  +34 944057001, e-mail info@interbiak.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=032781-2013. 06/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 09.12.2015, for a geological and geotechnics study of the three tunnels at Artxanda: La Salve-Txorierri (three-lane, 1,270 m); Ugasko-Txorierri (two-lane, 1,073 m); and La Salve-Ugasko (two-lane, 1,073 m). Contract value EUR375,941 excluding VAT, duration of the contract is 15 months. Contact Interbiak Bizkaiko Hegoaldeko Akzesibilitatea SA, Bilbao, tel +34 944057000, fax +34 944057001, e-mail info@interbiak.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=374050-2015. Ref.n. Exp 023/2015/Arm /exp. 45/15.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 14.02.2017, for the upgrading of equipment in a tunnel on the AP-8. The EUR16.05 million contract, excluding VAT, is composed of three lots and includes the following tunnels : Urdinbide (695 m,  693 m)/Autzagane and Uretamendi (590 m, 590 m) on the Amrebieta-Muxika section and the Ermua South Bypass Variante Sud, Artxanda and Zaldibar (599 m, 594 m). Contact Interbiak Bizkaiko Hegoaldeko Akzesibilitatea SA, Bilbao, tel 944057000, fax 944057001, e-mail info@interbiak.eus. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=465008-2016, GU S 252 and http://interbiak.bizkaia.eus/ca_detalle_listado_contratista.asp?idContrato=168. Ref.n. Exp. 066/2016/ARM/AT. 01/17.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.11.2017, for the integrated engineering services contract to act as Tunnel inspection body of the Bizkaia road network according to the Tunnel Safety Decree 135/2006. Duration of the contract is from 19/02/2018 to 19/02/2021. Value contract EUR3.81 million, excluding VAT. Contact Diputacion Foral de Bizkaia, Bilbao, attn Seccion de Obras de Contratacion, tel +34 944067934, fax +34 944067819, email contratacionobrapublica@bizkaia.eus. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=403026-2017. Ref.n. 2017/025/073/08. 41/17.


Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka, Aragon - lk/156


Closing Date: 13.03.2019 (Tender Closed)

Postponed from 06.03.2019 to 13.03.2019 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the refurbishment, maintenance and operation of 3.07 km-long Bielsa-Aragnouet tunnel on A138 and its access roads from 2019 to 2022. Estimated contract value EUR6.79 million, excluding VAT, duration 36 months. For bid documents  https://contrataciondelestado.es/wps/poc?uri=deeplink:detalle_licitacion&idEvl=SFKzcov8m3Uuf4aBO%2BvQlQ%3D%3D.

Contact Consorcio para la gestion, Conservacion y Explotacion del Tunel de Bielsa-Aragnouet y sus Accesos, Parzan, email mlorenzo@bielsa-aragnouet.org. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=072734-2019.

Ref.n. (A02010378)-A1/2019. 07/19.


Sri Lanka, Central Province - lk/15


The contract for the main civil works (lot 2) for the second phase of Upper Kotmale hydro power project that amounts to Rs10.7 billion was signed between the Ceylon Electricity Board and Maeda of Japan. The contract will cover the construction of a 35.5 m-high dam at Talawakelle Town, and underground works including a 12,890 m-long headrace tunnel; circular shape, 4.5 m-5.2 m in diameter; a 98 m-high 12 m-diameter upstream surge tank; a 791 m-long underground inclined penstock shaft, 4.5 m-1.45 m in diameter; a 78 m-long draft tunnel, 3 m in diameter; a 58 m-high downstream surge chamber, 8 m in diameter; a 459 m-long tailrace tunnel, 4.5 m in diameter; a 18.8 m-wide, 36.5 m-high and 66.3 m-long underground powerhouse complex; a 451 m-long access tunnel, 5 m wide and 5. m high; a 469 m-long cable tunnel, 4 m wide and 3 m high. Construction of the second phase will be inaugurated by President Mahinda Rajapaksa in January next year. When commissioned, the Upper Kotmale hydro power plant will add 150 MW to the national grid. The total cost is being funded by the Japanese Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC). The project is expected to be completed by 2010. Read E-News Weely 27/2005. Visit www.ukhp.lk and and www.maeda.co.jp 51-52/06.


Sri Lanka, Moragahakanda - lk/14


Lahmeyer International to prepare feasibility study for multipurpose water resources development scheme in north-central Sri Lanka to include 1,050 m-wide dam, 60 m high on Amban Ganga tributary which will provide increased water supplies and may also drive a 10 MW power station. Visit www.lif.de for more details. May 2000.


Sri Lanka, Baduraliya - lk/13

Kukule Ganga Hydro

$200 million job for Ceylon Electricity Board funded mainly by Japan OECF soft loan and involving an underground power station with 5 km-long, 5 m-diameter headrace tunnel presently under construction by contractor SIEC. Consortium of Kajima Kumagai and Hazama is building the dam. February 2000.


Sri Lanka, Colombo - lk/12

Pipejack Flood Control

2.8 m internal diameter outfall for Sri Lanka Land Reclamation and Development Corporation as part of Greater Colombo flood control scheme. December 1999.


Sri Lanka, Colombo - lk/11


80 MW station with two Francis turbines in 50 m-long cavern. 7 km-long pressure tunnel. Six year project for Electricity Board. Finance from Overseas Economic Corporation Fund in Tokyo. April 1998.



Swaziland, Lubombo District - sz/11


The Swaziland Water and Agricultural Development Entreprise (SWADE) signed a EUR22 million contract agreement with CMC of Italy, the company that will construct a 21.4 km feeder canal under the LUSIP (Lower Usuthu Smallholder Irrigation Project). The scheme, which is financed by the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) and the Swaziland government, includes a 1.2 km-long 3.3 m-diameter tunnel, partly lined with reinforced concrete. Work is planned to last 30 months. Visit www.cmc.coop and swade.co.sz 29/06.
