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Spain, Figueras-Perpignan - es/21

High Speed Railway

RENFE, the state railway company, announced plans to link France with Spain from La Junquera to Madrid to connect with existing line to Seville. August 1998.   $150 billion programme announced for infrastructural projects for years 2000 to 2006 with public/private funding in ratio 2:1. To include high speed lines Cordoba-Malaga, Madrid-Valencia, and Madrid-Valladolid. August 1999.   Prequalification expected 2001 for contractors for proposed $650 million Perpignan, France to Figueras, Spain rail link, which will include 8 km-long tunnel. Visit www.boe.es 08/01.   The main French and Spanish contractors teamed up to prequalify for the design, build, maintenance and operate concession notice, which expired on 1st October, 2001. The competing jvs are: Vinci, Ferrovial; Bouygues, Dragados; Eiffage, ACS; Spie Batignolles, FCC, Comsa, OHL, Proser; Necso, Sacyr; and RFF (Réseau Ferré de France) and its Spanish counterpart GIF (Gestor de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias), the state-owned bodies in charge of rail infrastructure, with public engineering firms of both countries. Bids submission before March, 2002. The 2 x 8,141 m-long tunnel will cross the Pyrenees at Le Perthus Pass with 7,317 m in France and 845 m in Spain. Project valued at Euros714 million expected to be commissioned in 2005. Visit http://ted.eur-op.int, document S 127-086319. 41/01.   The six consortia prequalified in December, 2001 for the concession of the international high speed section between France and Spain, have all handed a proposal on 2nd April, 2002. They are: Ferromed, a jv of Réseau Ferré de France, Gestor de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias, Setec, and Ineco; Acciona / Sacyr; Dragados / Bouygues / DTP Terrassement / DV Construction; TP Ferro, a consortium between Eiffage / ACS / Appia / Forclum / Ví­as y Construcciones / Cobra / Semi / Api / Electrén; FCC / OHL / Comsa / Proser / Corporacií³n General de Transporte / Rascon / Caja Madrid / Connex / Spie; and Vinci / Ferrovial. There is a 8 km tunnel in very hard rock under the Perthus pass, valued at €610 million. 15/02.   Euroferro, a consortium of Dragados, Bouygues Travaux Publics, DTP Terrassement and DV Construction, has been named preferred bidder for the concession of the Perpignan-Figueras high speed train between France and Spain. There will be a 2 x 8.2 km tunnel under the Perthus Pass. The line is due to open in 2005. 29/02.   The Spanish and French governments have concluded without reaching an agreement the negotiations with Euroferro, a consortium of Dragados, Bouygues, DTP Terrassement and DV Construction, for the awarding of a 50-year concession to build and operate the Figueras-Perpignan high speed line. The breaking-off of the talks is due "to the impossibility of both governments to accept the last requests of the consortium, incompatible with the principles that govern the concession". The consortium requested guarantees regarding a minimum traffic to ensure the profitability of the concession and regarding also "posible risks that may appear during the construction". Dragados explains the failed negotiation by the refusal from the Spanish and French governments to give "a series of financial guarantees" requested by the consortium.The €890.1 million bid submitted by Euroferro to build the link was not the cheapest but it was the shortest construction time with 51 months and work seven days a week. The share of the public subsidy in the consortium's bid was also 30% lower than in the other bids.The Spanish-French intergovernmental commission set up to select the concessionaire for the Figueras-Perpignan high speed link is now to invite bids from the interested tenderers. It is estimated that six to eight weeks will be necessary to replace Euroferro. The five JVs that bidded along with Euroferro are Ferrovial and Vinci; FCC, OHL, Comsa, Proser, Caja Madrid and Connex; ACS and its subsidiaries Cobra, Ví­as y Construcciones and Electren with French contractor Eiffage; a consortium composed of Necso and Sacyr; and Réseau Ferré de France, Gestor de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias, Setec and Ineco.The Figueras-Perpignan line is 45.4 km in length, of which 24.6 km in France and 20.85 km in Spain. The project includes a 8,171 m tunnel under Le Perthus Pass in the Pyrenees, estimated to cost €335 million. It is now thought that the Figueras-Perpignan line will not be ready until 2007-2008 or even 2009-2010 according to the most pessimistic estimates. 17/03.   Notice of works concession, deadline 18th June, 2003 for the international section between Figueras and Perpignan of the high speed line between Spain and France. The concession is for the design, construction, maintenance and operation of a new 45.5 km line, 24.6 km of which in France and 20.9 in Spain, for passenger and freight traffic, including the Perthus twin-tube tunnel, approximately 8.2 km in length. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=079444-2003, OJ S 89, or contact Ministerio de fomento, Madrid, fax +34 91 5979342, e-mail midorrego@mfom.es or visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=079443-2003, OJ S 89, or contact Ministère de l'équipement, des transports, du logement, du tourisme et de la mer, Paris-La Défense, fax +33 140811661, e-mail louis.brisset@equipement.gouv.fr 20/03.  The four consortia bidding for the construction and operation under concession of the Perpignan-Figueras high speed link, budgeted at €714 million, are Dragados / ACS / Eiffage; Ferrovial-Agromí¡n / Vinci; Necso / Ití­nere (Sacyr Vallehermoso) / Bouygues / FCC; and Gestor de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (GIF) and its French counterpart Réseau Ferré de France (RFF). The 45 km section requires the building of a double tunnel, 8.717 km-long, to cross the Pyrenees. 26/03.The Spanish and French governments have shortlisted two consortia for the concession contract of the high speed section between the two countries. The first consortium is ACS-Dragados and Eiffage, and the second is a team of Gestor de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (GIF) and its French counterpart Réseau Ferré de France (RFF). The budget is €714 million. Award expected before end of year. This section is 45.5 km in length and includes a 2 x 8,717 m tunnel to cross the Pyrenees in Le Perthus. 48/03.TP Ferro has been selected for build and operate under concession the international high speed rail section between Perpignan, France and Figueras, Spain. TP Ferro includes ACS-Dragados and Eiffage. Construction cost amounts to €952 million. The line length is 44.4 km, of which 24.6 km in France and 19.8 km in Spain. The main structure is the Le Perthus tunnel across the Pyrenees. This tunnel will span 8.3 km, of which approximately 7.3 km in France and 1 km in Spain. It is a dual-tube tunnel, one for each direction, that will be fitted with the latest safety equipment. Two double-shield TBMs will be used, starting from Spain. The construction of an intermediate access adit has been planned in the central part of the tunnel for geological investigation and ground treatment of the most difficult area. Time frame for commissioning is 60 months from signature of contract. Visit www.mfom.es, www.grupoacs.com, www.dragados.es and www.eiffageconstruction.fr 02/04.A consortium between Ingerop, Sener, Arcadis and Tuc Rail has been selected to design and execute the project management for the international high speed section between France and Spain, including a twin bore tunnel through the Pyrenees. The rail section will be more than 44 km in length and the first trains are expected to run in 2009. Click fr/16 & es/21. Visit www.ingerop.com, www.sener.es, - www.arcadis.nl and www.tucrail.com 15/04.Open call for bids, deadline 23rd May, 2005 for construction management of the Figueras-Perpignan section. This section includes a 8,717 m twin bored tunnel under the Perthus Pass. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=074572-2005, OJ S 77, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@mfom.es or cpublic@mfom.es 17/05.Ineco and Payma Cotas secured a EUR2.1 million contract for construction management of the Figueras-Perpignan section, which includes a 8,717 m twin bored tunnel under the Perthus mountain pass. Visit www.ineco.es and www.paymacotas.com 40/05.
