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Italy, Piedmont - it/136


ENEL awarded the construction of the headrace tunnel for the Crevola Toce III hydropower scheme to a joint venture led by SELI (82%), with Monti (14%) and Giacomini Comm. Alberto (4%) as other partners. Visit www.montispa.it, www.agifin.com/giacominispa/index_giacominispa.html and www.selitunnel.com or www.selitecnologie.comThe length of the headrace tunnel is 9,128 m. Its cross-section is 13.85 sq m, the outer diameter is 4,200 mm and the inner diameter equals 3,900 mm. A TBM will bore 8,589 metres while 565 metres will be drilled and blasted.From the geological point of view, the area of the headrace tunnel entirely involves litotypes belonging to lower Pennidic Units and among these the bedrock through which the tunnel will be excavated is composed of Valgrande gneiss (fine grain granitic gneiss), a series of Teggiolo metasediments (carbonatic rocks of the Mesozoic age comprising marble, dolomites and micaschists) intercalated between the Valgrande gneiss and the Antigorio gneiss (ortogneiss), metasediments of the Baceno syncline, a carbonatic sequence interbedded between the Baceno micaschists and the Antigorio gneiss, consisting of dolomitic marble and/or micaschists, calcareous clayey schists, dolomitic marble and anhydrite, and Baceno micaschists and micaschists. The tunnel path runs mainly through the Antigorio gneiss, but the detailed analysis of the preliminary studies identified a series of geomechanical issues that the tunnelling will face through the metasediments, approximately at chainage 6,500 and stretching for a length of 350 to 500 metres. The metasediments comprises the following lithology: marble and averagely to highly fractured calcareous clayey schists, massively to averagely fractured anhydrites, locally with micaceous contents, and dolomitic sediments completely wheatered with characteristics of soil.The TBM and the back-up have been completely designed by SELI and will be constructed in SELI's facilities in Aprilia. The basic concept is to produce a compact TBM system easy to transport, assemble and operate and capable of reducing the construction costs while keeping the typical productivity and versatility of double schield TBMs. It is a notable technical innovation especially studied for multiple use in small diameter tunnels, for small to medium lengths. The TBM System DSU Compact will be outfitted to install traditional supports: rock bolts, welded mesh, steel arches, shotcrete, fibre-glass rods and steel bars, as required by the geological conditions. The rock will be run out on a conveyor belt to the mouth of the tunnel.Tunnelling is programmed to begin on 16th June, 2008 and to end on 15th September, 2010. 06/08.


Italy, Tuscany - it/135

High Speed Railway

Restricted call for bids, deadline 28th November, 2007 for safety improvements in the San Donato and Castiglione tunnels, respectively 10,954 m and 7,390 m long, on the Florence-Rome line. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=249632-2007, OJ S 205, or contact Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, Florence, fax +39 0552366507. 45/07.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 25.09.09, for safety improvements, civil engineering works not included, in San Donato tunnel (lot 1) and Castiglione tunnel (potential lot 2) on the DD Florence-Rome line. Contact RFI, Florence, tel +39 (0)55 235-2277, fax -6548. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=206850-2009. 33/09.


The JV Biothermit Srl (CGM)/Elettri-Fer Srl secured the EUR253,709 contract for operation and emergency equipment for safety improvements in 9.3 km-long Orte tunnel on the DD Florence-Rome line. Contact RFI, Florence, tel +39 (0)55 235-2277, fax -6548. Visit www.gare.rfi.it/cms-file/allegati/gare-rfi/DLE_RM_2011_028_ESITO.pdf. 36/11.


Periodic indicative notice without call for competition for the renewal of the emergency phone system in 9.3 km-long Orte tunnel on the DD Florence-Rome line. Value contract EUR1.3 million, excluding VAT. Contact RFI SpA, Rome, tel +39 0647308900, fax +39 0647308821, email acquisti@rfi.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&languageen&docid=459173-2015. 53/15. 


Italy, Friuli-Venezia Giulia - it/134


Open call for tenders, deadline 8th November, 2007 for detailed design, safety coordination during detailed design and associated assignments (surveying, geotechnical and geological studies, etc.) as part of the upgrading of road SS13 "Pontebbana" from the south ring road in Udine to Pordenone province's road system, first lot on the section from Ronche di Fontanafredda interchange to Ponte della Delizia. The project includes a 1.4 km single-tube two-lane cut-and-cover tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=212880-2007, OJ S 173, or contact Amministrazione provinciale di Pordenone, Pordenone, fax +39 0434231347. E-mail lavoripubblici@provincia.pordenone.it 41/07.Restricted call for tenders, deadline 14th February, 2008 for executive design and construction as part of the upgrading of road SS13 "Pontebbana" damaged by flooding in 2003. There is a 1 km tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=299861-2007, OJ S 246, or contact ANAS, Rome, fax +39 064456224 or 0644462009. E-mail r.memoli@stradeanas.it 02/08.A group of engineering firms led by Pro Iter, teaming with Eng Team & Partners, C&T Engineering, Geosyntech and Spain's FHECOR, scooped a EUR764,600 contract to prepare the final design, safety coordination during final design and associated assignments (surveying, geotechnical and geological studies, etc.) as part of the upgrading of road SS13 "Pontebbana" from the south ring road in Udine to Pordenone province's road system, first lot on the section from Ronche di Fontanafredda interchange to Ponte della Delizia. The project includes a 1.4 km single-tube two-lane cut-and-cover tunnel. Visit www.proiter.it, www.engteam.it, www.cetengineering.it, www.geosyntech.it and www.fhecor.es 19/08.A joint venture of Vidoni and Alma CIS scooped a EUR44.9 million contract for executive design and construction as part of the upgrading of road SS13 "Pontebbana" damaged by flooding in 2003. There is a 1 km tunnel. Visit www.vidonispa.it and www.almacis.it 32-33/08.


The JV Alissa Costruzioni–SIEI Impianti Elettrici Industriali S.r.l. of Padua province secured the EUR1.1 million contract, excluding VAT, for extraordinary maintenance in Coccau tunnel on road SS13 Pontebbana in Tarvisio municipality (UD). The contract includes drainage, refurbishment of lining, and new lighting equipment in tunnel located at km 225,000 -l km 225,500.  Duration of works 180 days. Contact Anas Spa, Trieste, tel +39 (0)40 5602111, fax +39 (0)40 577225. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/54390. Bid Code n. TS24-12. 13/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 23.06.2014, for refurbishment and upgrading in Coccau tunnel and bridge on road SS13 Pontebbana in Tarvisio municipality (UD). Duration of works 180 days. Contact Anas Spa, Bid/contract Office, Trieste, tel +39 (0)40 5602405, fax +39 (0)40 577225. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/65057. Bid Code n. 01/2014. 22/14.


Ronzoni Srl at Seveso secured the EUR1,059,506 contract, excluding VAT, for refurbishment and upgrading in Coccau tunnel and bridge on road SS13 Pontebbana in Tarvisio municipality (UD). Contact Anas Spa, Bid/contract Office, Trieste, tel +39 040 5602405, fax +39 040 577225. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/66073.

Ref. n. 01/2014. 28/14.


Italy, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy and Piedmont - it/133


Notice of works contract, deadline 23rd October, 2007 for upgrading of the lighting in the three-lane Mena tunnel (2 x 315 m) on the Udine-Carnia-Tarvisio highway A23 in Udine province; in 11 three-lane tunnels on the Genoa-Savona highway A10: Mervalo (right tube only, 336 m), Crevari (716 m / 436 m), Borgonuovo (right tube, 722 m), Lupara (right tube, 321 m), Arenzano (right tube, 238 m), Maxetti (right tube, 624 m), Cogoleto II (right tube, 361 m), Beuca (right tube, 641 m), Lerone (left tube, 357 m), Don Bosco (left tube, 442 m) and Rossello (left tube, 476 m); in 24 tunnels on the Genoa Voltri-Arona section of highway A26 and the A8-A26 junction: Pero Grosso (263 m / 243 m), Manfreida (780 m / 676 m), Casa Monacchi (921 m / 871 m), Casa delle Volpe (271 m / 274 m), Massimo Risso (980 m / 956 m), Turchino (2 x 969 m), Del Busa (258 m / 297 m), Pietraguzza (439 m / 434 m), Bertè (2 x 899 m), Anzema (848 m / 825 m), Poggio (455 m / 469 m), Broglio (175 m / 207 m), Castello (501 m / 479 m), Montí  (771 m / 749 m), Lagoscuro (266 m / 271 m), Roccadarme (525 m / 550 m), Ciutti (543 m / 542 m), Setteventi (409 m / 386 m), Tagliolo (2 x 464 m), Olimpia (862 m / 852 m), Val Sesia (2 x 656 m), Fontaneto I (209 m / 243 m), Fontaneto II (183 m / 185 m) and Bogogno (2 x 199 m); in four three-lane tunnels on the Gallarate-Gattico junction of highway A8, section Gallarate-Sesto Calende: Mambrino (2 x 211 m), Melissa (2 x 341 m), Riviera (2 x 578 m) and Dorbiè (2 x 548 m); and in the Barco three-lane tunnel (2 x 562 m) on the Milan-Naples highway A1, section Chiusi-Ceprano in Rome province. Read E-News Weekly 35/2007 & 1/2007. Click here. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=215606-2007, OJ S 176, or contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Rome, fax +39 0643634206. E-mail gareappalti@autostrade.it 38/07.JV Consorzio Stabile GEFI Impianti - SIE Solari S.p.A. (FI) secured contract EUR12.250 million for upgrading of the lighting in the three-lane Mena tunnel (2 x 315 m) on the Udine-Carnia-Tarvisio highway A23 in Udine province; in 11 three-lane tunnels on the Genoa-Savona highway A10: Mervalo (right tube only, 336 m), Crevari (716 m / 436 m), Borgonuovo (right tube, 722 m), Lupara (right tube, 321 m), Arenzano (right tube, 238 m), Maxetti (right tube, 624 m), Cogoleto II (right tube, 361 m), Beuca (right tube, 641 m), Lerone (left tube, 357 m), Don Bosco (left tube, 442 m) and Rossello (left tube, 476 m); in 24 tunnels on the Genoa Voltri-Arona section of highway A26 and the A8-A26 junction: Pero Grosso (263 m / 243 m), Manfreida (780 m / 676 m), Casa Monacchi (921 m / 871 m), Casa delle Volpe (271 m / 274 m), Massimo Risso (980 m / 956 m), Turchino (2 x 969 m), Del Busa (258 m / 297 m), Pietraguzza (439 m / 434 m), Bertè (2 x 899 m), Anzema (848 m / 825 m), Poggio (455 m / 469 m), Broglio (175 m / 207 m), Castello (501 m / 479 m), Montí  (771 m / 749 m), Lagoscuro (266 m / 271 m), Roccadarme (525 m / 550 m), Ciutti (543 m / 542 m), Setteventi (409 m / 386 m), Tagliolo (2 x 464 m), Olimpia (862 m / 852 m), Val Sesia (2 x 656 m), Fontaneto I (209 m / 243 m), Fontaneto II (183 m / 185 m) and Bogogno (2 x 199 m); in four three-lane tunnels on the Gallarate-Gattico junction of highway A8, section Gallarate-Sesto Calende: Mambrino (2 x 211 m), Melissa (2 x 341 m), Riviera (2 x 578 m) and Dorbiè (2 x 548 m); and in the Barco three-lane tunnel (2 x 562 m) on the Milan-Naples highway A1, section Chiusi-Ceprano in Rome province. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=050303-2009 OJ S 35. 09/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 23.11.2017, for upgrading work under the D.l. n. 264/2006, PSG Phase 2, Lot 4B, in tunnels Manfreida (676 m, 780 m), Di Casa Monacchi (871 m, 921 m), Massimo Risso (980 m, 956 m), Turchino (969 m, 969 m) and Bertè (899 m, 899 m) on the A26 motorway Genova - Gravellona Toce, section interchange A26-A12 GE–Ventimiglia - Masone. The contract value is EUR7.82 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 420 days from the award. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, attn eng Antonio Trotta, Rome, tel +39 0643632581, fax +39 0643634206, email autostradeperlitalia@pec.autostrade.it and gareappalti@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=396977-2017. Bid Code n. 0263/A26. 41/17.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 22.01.2019, for the maintenance works on the Autostrada dei Fiori, Section A6 - Torino – Savona, km 0+000 – km 123+684 and the Fossano Connection. The maintenance works include tunnels. Value of the contract is EUR1.62 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 48 months. Contact Autostrada dei Fiori Spa, Imperia, tel +39 0116650-420, fax +39 0116650-303, email dag.ac.a6@pec.autostradadeifiori.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=552211-2018.51/18.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 09.04.2019, to provide the E&M and special equipment maintenance and upgrading on the Autostrada dei Fiori, Section A6 - Torino – Savona, km 0+000 – km 123+684 and the Fossano Connection.

Value of the contract is EUR12 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 48 months. Offers must be sent to Studio Notarile Angelo Mascolo e Associati, Torino, tel +39 0116650-420, fax +39 0116650-303, email  dag.ac.a6@pec.autostradadeifiori.it.  Further information  from Autostrada dei Fiori Spa, Torino, tel +39 0116650-420, fax +39 0116650-303, email dag.ac.a6@pec.autostradadeifiori.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=104572-2019.



The joint venture between Neocos Srl from Borgomanero (NO), Soitek Srl from Agrigento (AG), Mancino Srl from Masate (MI) secured the EUR7.82 million contract, excluding VAT,  for upgrading work under the D.l. n. 264/2006, PSG Phase 2, Lot 4B, in tunnels Manfreida (676 m, 780 m), Di Casa Monacchi (871 m, 921 m), Massimo Risso (980 m, 956 m), Turchino (969 m, 969 m) and Bertè (899 m, 899 m) on the A26 motorway Genova - Gravellona Toce, section interchange A26-A12 GE–Ventimiglia - Masone. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, attn eng Fabio Visintin, Roma, tel +39 0109916212, email fabio.visintin@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=321111-2019.

Bid Code n. 0263/A26. 28/19.


RAEL di Carioti Giuseppe e C. Srl from Genoa secured the EUR12million contract, excluding VAT,  to provide the E&M and specialised equipment maintenance and upgrading on the Autostrada dei Fiori, Section A6 - Torino – Savona, km 0+000 – km 123+684 and the Fossano Connection. Further information  from Autostrada dei Fiori Spa, Imperia, tel +39 0116650-420, email dag.ac.a6@pec.autostradadeifiori.it. For tender information please click here 20/20.


The JV Tre Più Impresa srl/Consorzio Integra soc. coop. and the JV MGA srl Manutenzioni Generali Autostrade/TLS srl secured the EUR12.10 million contract, excluding VAT, for bridges, viaducts, tunnels, joints, special equipment (Lot 1) on Autostrade per l’Italia motorway, Genoa Department 1.

The JV  Consorzio nazionale cooperative di produzione e lavoro Ciro Menotti s.c.p.a. - Ecotraffic srl - SIAS SpA from Ravenna secured the EUR1.86 million contract, excluding VAT, for vertical signs (Lot 3)  on Autostrade per l’Italia motorway, Genoa Department 1. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, direzione 1° tronco Genova, attn Stefania Vignolo, Genoa, tel +39 0104104361, fax +39 0104104400/302, email svignolo@autostrade.it. For tender information please click here. Ref n.26/GE/2019. 27/20.


Awarded the contracts for geo-radar investigations aiming to check tunnel lining conditions. Total value of the contract is EUR3.43 million, excluding VAT. The tender is composed of 4 lots:

Lot 1 - Akron srl from Bovisio Masciago, value EUR1.33 million, excluding VAT, Departments DT1 Genoa - motorways A12 and A26.

Lot 2 - Mts engineering srl from Lecco, value EUR530,234.49, excluding VAT, Departments DT1 Genova - autostrada A10.

Lot 3 - Socotec Italia srl from Lainate,  value EUR1.17 million, excluding VAT,  Departments DT4 Firenze, DT5 Fiano Romano, DT6 Cassino e DT7 Pescara.

Lot 4 - Rina services SpA from Genoa, value EUR 356.024,01, excluding VAT, Departments  DT1 Genoa (motorway A7), DT2 Milan, DT3 Bologna and DT9 Udine.

Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, Rome, email acquisti-operations@pec.autostrade.it. For tender information please click here. 30/20


Open invitation to tender, deadline  27/01/2021, for maintenance of horizontal signalling on new pavement, Viacard and Telepass lanes and for painting of tunnel side walls on the following motorways:  A7 Genoa-Serravalle  from Km 33 to Km 84, A12 Genoa-Sestri Levante from Km 0 to Km 48, A10 Genoa-Savona from Km 0 to Km 45, A26 Genoa-Gravellona Toce from Km 0 to  Km 197 and the following connections: A26/A7 Predosa-Bettole; A26/A4 Stroppiana Santhià; A26/A8 Gattico Fiume Ticino.  Click here for tender documents. The contract value is EUR21.01 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract  will be 1460 days. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Departments  DT1, attn Stefania Vignolo, Genoa, tel +39 0104104361, fax +39 0104104400/302, email svignolo@autostrade.it.  For further information on the tender please click here. Ref.n. 119/GE/2020. 53/20. 



Open invitation to tender, deadline 11/01/2021, for maintenance of motorway, tunnels, safety and acoustic barriers, pavement, buildings and structures in the Turin and Cuneo Provinces (Piedmont)  and in Savona Province (Liguria), Lot 1.  Click here for tender documents. Tenders to be sent to Studio notarile Angelo Mascolo e associati, Turin, tel +39 0116650-420, fax +39 0116650-303, email dag.ac.a6@pec.autostradadeifiori.it.  Contract value EUR16.14 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 365 days. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Imperia, tel +39 0116650-420, fax 39 0116650-303, email dag.ac.a6@pec.autostradadeifiori.it.  For further information on the tender click here. 53/20. 



 Postponed from 27/01/2021 to 03/03/2021 the deadline of the open invitation to tender  for maintenance of horizontal signalling on new pavement, Viacard and Telepass lanes and for painting of tunnel side walls on the following motorways:  A7 Genoa-Serravalle  from Km 33 to Km 84, A12 Genoa-Sestri Levante from Km 0 to Km 48, A10 Genoa-Savona from Km 0 to Km 45, A26 Genoa-Gravellona Toce from Km 0 to  Km 197 and the following connections: A26/A7 Predosa-Bettole; A26/A4 Stroppiana Santhià; A26/A8 Gattico Fiume Ticino.  Click here for tender documents.

New contract value is EUR28.56 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract  will be 1460 days. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Departments  DT1, attn Stefania Vignolo, Genoa, tel +39 0104104361, fax +39 0104104400/302, email svignolo@autostrade.it.  For further information on the tender please click here. Ref.n. 119/GE/2020. 04/21. 



Open invitation to tender, deadline  26/03/2021, for the external manager for the safety for all tunnels by  D.L. n. 264/2006 and located on Autostrade per l’Italia motorways, Genoa Department 1: A7- Genova-Serravalle, A12- Genova-Sestri Levante, A10 - Genoa-Savona, A26- of the Genoa Voltri-Gravellona Toce tunnels + branches. Value of the contract EUR 809,200, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 24 months. Contact Autostrade per L'Italia SpA, attn Stefania Vignolo, Genoa, tel +39 0104104361, fax +39 0104104400/302, email svignolo@autostrade.it. For further on the tender, please click here. GU S 032. Ref. n. 72ACC/GE/2020. 07/21. 



Prior information notice, deadline 25/02/2021, for the for preventive and corrective maintenance and for the supply of spare parts for the Industrie CBI longitudinal fans installed in the tunnels under the responsibility of Direzione di Tronco di Genova di Autostrade per l'Italia SpA. Contact Autostrade per l’Italia SpA, Direzione di tronco di Genova,  Genova, tel +39 010 41041.  Visit  https://autostrade.bravosolution.com. Ref.n. DT1_66ACC/GE/2020. 07/21.


Request for expressions of interest, deadline 22/06/2021, for supply and maintenance of Thermostick’s Fire detection linear  systems installed in the tunnels belonging to Departments DT1 Genoa. Value contract EUR 211,098.16. Duration of the contract will be 4 years from award. Contact Autostrade per l’Italia SpA, attn Eng Patrizia Fumarola, Rome. For further on tender, please click here. Ref.n. 27ACC/GE/2021. 24/21. 



The Joint Venture S A.I.S.E.F. SpA from Mondovì (CN) and STEAS srl from Melegnano (MI) secured the EUR 16.14 million contract, excluding VAT,  for maintenance of motorway, tunnels, safety and acoustic barriers, pavement, buildings and structures in the Turin and Cuneo Provinces (Piedmont)  and in Savona Province (Liguria), Lot 1.  Contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Imperia, tel +39 0116650-420, fax 39 0116650-303, email dag.ac.a6@pec.autostradadeifiori.it.   For further information on the tender please click here. 27/21. 



Open invitation to tender, deadline 26/10/2021, for an external manager for all tunnel safety as part of the D.L. n. 264/2006 located on Autostrade per l’Italia motorways, Genoa Department 1: A7- Genova-Serravalle, A12- Genova-Sestri Levante, A10 - Genoa-Savona, A26- of the Genoa Voltri-Gravellona Toce tunnels + branches in Genoa, Savona, Alessandria, Novara and Verbania provinces). For tender documents, please click here. Value of the contract will be  EUR 829,936 Euro, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 24 months. Contact Autostrade per L'Italia SpA, attn Nicola Santeufemia, Genoa, tel +39 0104104363, fax +39 0104104400/302, email nicola.santeufemia@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=458257-2021. Ref. n. 72ACC/GE/2021. 38/21.



The contract for the open invitation to tender, deadline  26/03/2021, for the external manager for the safety for all tunnels by  D.L. n. 264/2006 and located on Autostrade per l’Italia motorways, Genoa Department 1, was not awarded. Contact Autostrade per L'Italia SpA, attn Nicola Santeufemia, Genoa, tel +39 0104104363, fax +39 0104104400/302, email nicola.santeufemia@autostrade.it. For further on the tender, please click here http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=326388-2021. GU S 032. Ref. n. 72ACC/GE/2020. 26/21. 


DBA PRO. SpA  from Belluno secured the EUR 85,751.05 Euro contract, excluding VAT, for design engineering services, safety coordination during the design phase and checks for the upgrading of the electrical substations serving the tunnels of the Genoa Department. Contact Autostrade per L'Italia SpA, attn Paolantonio Mazzarella, Rome, email paolantonio.mazzarella@autostrade.it. Visit  http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=464284-2021. Ref. n. 72ACC/GE/2021. 38/21. 


CBI SERVICE Srl from Milan secured the EUR 470,827.70 contract, excluding VAT,  for preventive and corrective maintenance and for the supply of spare parts for the Industrie CBI longitudinal fans installed in the tunnels under the responsibility of Direzione di Tronco di Genova di Autostrade per l'Italia SpA. Contact Autostrade per l’Italia SpA, attn Nicola Santeufemia,  Genoa, tel +39 0104104363, fax+39 0104104400/302.  Visit  http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=484277-2021. Ref.n. DT1_66ACC/GE/2020. 38/21.


Lombardi SA Ingegneri Consulenti from Bellinzona-Giubiasco (Switzerland) secured the EUR 805,421.92 contract, excluding VAT,  for an external manager for all tunnel safety as part of the D.L. n. 264/2006 located on Autostrade per l’Italia motorways, Genoa Department 1: A7- Genova-Serravalle, A12- Genova-Sestri Levante, A10 - Genoa-Savona, A26- of the Genoa Voltri-Gravellona Toce tunnels + branches in Genoa, Savona, Alessandria, Novara and Verbania provinces). Contact Autostrade per L'Italia SpA, attn Nicola Santeufemia, Genoa, tel +39 0104104363, fax +39 0104104400/302, email nicola.santeufemia@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=203207-2022


Italy, Emilia Romagna, Marche and Abruzzo - it/131


Notice of works contract, deadline 19th September, 2007 for upgrading of the lighting, ventilation and safety equipment in the Banzole tunnel (1,216 m / 1,290 m) on the Milan-Naples highway A1 in Bologna province and in four tunnels on the Bologna-Bari-Taranto highway A14 in Ascoli Piceno and Teramo provinces: Pedaso (1,076 m / 1,087 m), Castello di Cupramarittima (1,022 m / 1,130 m), Castello di Grottammare (1,227 m / 1,229 m) and Solagne (1,258 m / 1,278 m). Read E-News Weekly 1/2007. Click here. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=180053-2007, OJ S 145, or contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Rome, fax +39 0643634206. E-mail gareappalti@autostrade.it 34/07.Satrel Spa (Prato) secured the contract for upgrading lighting, ventilation and safety equipment in the Banzole tunnel (1,216 m/1,290 m) on the Milan-Naples A1 highway in Bologna province and in four tunnels on the Bologna-Bari-Taranto A14 highway in Ascoli Piceno and Teramo provinces: Pedaso (1,076 m/1,087 m), Castello di Cupramarittima (1,022 m/1,130 m), Castello di Grottammare (1,227 m/1,229 m) and Solagne (1,258 m/1,278 m). Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=006170-2009. 04/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 21.11.2017, for upgrading work under the D.l. n. 264/2006, PSG Phase 2, Lot 6, in tunnels Pedaso (1076 m, 1087 m), San Basso (846 m, 846 m), Castello di Cupramarittima (1130 m, 1097 m), San Cipriano (610 m, 590 m), Castello di Grottammare (1227 m, 1229 m), Montesecco (760 m, 770 m), Croce di San Benedetto (628 m, 648 m) and Monterenzo (864 m, 867 m) on motorway A14 Bologna - Bari - Taranto. The contract value is EUR10.20 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 469 days from the award. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, attn eng Savino Seccia, Rome, tel +39 0643632253, fax +39 0643634206, email autostradeperlitalia@pec.autostrade.it and gareappalti@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=396973-2017. Bid Code n. 0466/A14. 41/17.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 24.11.2017, for upgrading work under the D.l. n. 264/2006, PSG Phase 2, Lot 6B, in tunnels Colle Di Marzio (622 m, 602 m), San Marco (980 m, 770 m), Colle Marino (1004 m, 951 m), Colle Pino (586 m, 591 m), Pianacce (966 m, 966 m), Cappelle (554 m, 696 m), Immacolata Dx (562 m) and Immacolata Vaccari SX (910 m) on the A14 motorway Bologna - Bari - Taranto. The contract value is EUR10.81 millions, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 651 days from the award. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, attn eng Savino Seccia, Rome, tel +39 0643634247, fax +39 0643634206, email gareappalti@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=396976-2017. Bid Code n. 0465/A14. 41/17.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 17.01.2019, for the supply of LED lighting in the adit section of the following 5 motorway tunnels: Melarancio (1144 m, 580 m) on Milan-Naples A1 motorway, San Marco (980 m, 770 m), Colle Marino (1004 m, 951 m), Colle Pino (586 m, 591 m) and Pianacce (966 m, 966 m) on the A14 motorway Bologna - Bari - Taranto. The contract value is EUR464.333,92, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 12 months.  Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, attn Paolantonio Mazzarella, Rome, tel +39 0643632064, email paolantonio.mazzarella@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=543094-2018 .

Bid Code n. 27619. 50/18.


The JV of Valori Scarl (Rome)/I.G. Group Srl (Rome) secured the contract for upgrading work under the D.l. n. 264/2006, PSG Phase 2, Lot 6, in tunnels Pedaso (1076 m, 1087 m), San Basso (846 m, 846 m), Castello di Cupramarittima (1130 m, 1097 m), San Cipriano (610 m, 590 m), Castello di Grottammare (1227 m, 1229 m), Montesecco (760 m, 770 m), Croce di San Benedetto (628 m, 648 m) and Monterenzo (864 m, 867 m) on motorway A14 Bologna - Bari - Taranto. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, Rome, tel +39 0643632253, fax +39 0643634206, email

autostradeperlitalia@pec.autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=037609-2019.

Bid Code n. 0466/A14. 05/19.


Open invitation to tender, deadline  20/07/2020, for the maintenance of the horizontal signs and the painting of the side walls of the tunnels on the following motorways: A1 Milan-Naples sections Campegine-Sasso Marconi from km 119+500 to km 210+100 and connection with R43; A13 Bologna-Padova, sections Bologna-Padova from km 0+000 to km 116+735; connection with SS16 at Ferrara South from km 0+000 to km  116+6+270; connection with SS16 at Padova South from km 0+000 to  km 4+338; A14 Bologna-Bari-Taranto, sections Bologna-Cattolica from km 0+000 to km 144+247; connection with Casalecchio from km 0+000 to km 5+700; ring  144+road Bologna from km 0+000 to km 22+231; green section from km 0+000 to km 3+300; section toward Ravenna from km 0+000 to km 29+800. For tender documents https://autostrade.bravosolution.com where tenders must be sent. The value of the contract is EUR17.48 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the  contract is 24 + (24 optional) months. Contact  Autostrade per l'Italia Spa, Casalecchio di Reno (BO), tel +39 051599419, fax +39 051599439, email acquisticontratti.3tronco@autostrade.it. For further tender information please click here. Ref.n. 002/BOLOGNA/2020. 23/20.


Italy, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Veneto - it/130


Notice of works contract, deadline 19th September, 2007 for upgrading of the lighting, ventilation and safety equipment in six tunnels on the Udine-Carnia-Tarvisio highway A23 in Udine province: Raccolana (1,390 m / 1,423 m), Dogna (1,596 m / 1,597 m), Clap Forat (1,647 m / 1,675 m), Pietratagliata (1,344 m / 1,380 m), Spartiacque (1,773 m / 1,796 m) and Sant'Antonio (1,232 m / 1,256 m). Read E-News Weekly 1/2007. Click here. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=180051-2007, OJ S 145, or contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Rome, fax +39 0643634206. E-mail gareappalti@autostrade.it 34/07.Notice of works contract, deadline 19th September, 2007 for upgrading of the lighting, ventilation and safety equipment in two tunnels on the Udine-Carnia-Tarvisio highway A23 in Udine province: Pontebba (2,213 m / 2,278 m) and Tarvisio (2,347 m / 2,362 m). Read E-News Weekly 1/2007. Click here. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=180056-2007, OJ S 145, or contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Rome, fax +39 0643634206. E-mail gareappalti@autostrade.it 34/07.Notice of works contract, deadline 19th September, 2007 for upgrading of the lighting, ventilation and safety equipment in three tunnels on the Udine-Carnia-Tarvisio highway A23 in Udine province: Lago (1,536 m / 1,561 m), Moggio Udinese (1,553 m / 1,583 m) and Zannier (1,439 m / 1,564 m) and in two tunnels on the Venice-Belluno highway A27 in Belluno province: Monte Baldo (1,864 m / 1,865 m) and Fadalto (1,016 m / 2,055 m). Read E-News Weekly 1/2007. Click here. Visit www5.autostrade.it/applica/gare/gareapp.nsf (ref. number 0190/RETE) or contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Rome, fax +39 0643634206. E-mail gareappalti@autostrade.it 34/07.Tuscany-based Satrel secured three contracts for lighting, ventilation and safety works in tunnels on highway A23 Udine-Carnia-Tarvisio, in Udine province, and on highway A27 Venezia-Belluno, in Belluno province. The first contract is worth EUR8.1 million and is for six tunnels on the A23: Raccolana (1,390 m / 1,423 m), Dogna (1,596 m / 1,597 m), Clap Forat (1,647 m / 1,675 m), Pietratagliata (1,344 m / 1,380 m), Spartiacque (1,773 m / 1,796 m) and Sant'Antonio (1,232 m / 1,256 m). The second contract totals EUR4.4 million and involves two tunnels on the A23: Pontebba (2,213 m / 2,278 m) and Tarvisio (2,347 m / 2,362 m). The third contract has a value of EUR7.2 million and concerns three tunnels on the A23: Lago (1,536 m / 1,561 m), Moggio Udinese (1,553 m / 1,583 m) and Zannier (1,439 m / 1,564 m) as well as two tunnels on the A27: Monte Baldo (1,864 m / 1,865 m) and Fadalto right tube (1,016 m). Click here. Visit www.satrelspa.it 38/08.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 22.11.2017, for upgrading work under the D.l. n. 264/2006, PSG Phase 2, Lot 3C, in tunnels Pagonia (952 m, 952 m), Spartiacque (1800 m, 1773 m), Tarvisio (2362 m, 2347 m) and San Antonio (1260 m, 1238 m) on the A23 highway Udine-Carnia-Tarvisio, section Pontebba-state border, in Udine province. Value of the contract is EUR6.57 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 360 days from the award. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, attn Eng Matteo De Santis, Rome, tel +39 0643634553, fax +39 0643634206, email gareappalti@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=396974-2017. Bid Code n. 0104/A23. 41/17.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.11.2017, for upgrading work under the D.l. n. 264/2006, PSG Phase 2, Lot 3B, in tunnels Dogna (1596 m,1647 m), Clap Forat (1674 m, 1641 m), Pietratagliata (1344 m, 1380 m) and Pontebba (2278 m, 2213 m) on the A23 motorway Udine-Carnia-Tarvisio. The value of the contract is EUR5.46 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 302 days from award. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, attn Eng Matteo De Santis, Rome, tel +39 0643634553, fax +39 0643634206, email gareappalti@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=396975-2017. Bid Code n. 0105/A23. 41/17.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 30.11.2017, for upgrading work under the D.l. n. 264/2006, PSG Phase 2, Lot 3A, in tunnels Del Lago (1492, 1561 m), Campiolo (834 m, 881 m), Moggio Udinese (1583 m, 1573 m), Zannier (1504 m, 1437 m) and Raccolana (1436 m, 1410 m) on the A23 motorway Udine-Carnia-Tarvisio. The value of the contract is EUR6.71 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 350 days from award. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, attn Eng Matteo De Santis, Rome, tel +39 0643634553, fax +39 0643634206, email gareappalti@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=408318-2017. Bid n. 0106/A23. 42/17.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 30.11.2017, for upgrading work under the D.l. n. 264/2006, PSG Phase 2, Lot 3A, in tunnels Del Lago (1492, 1561 m), Campiolo (834 m, 881 m), Moggio Udinese (1583 m, 1573 m), Zannier (1504 m, 1437 m) and Raccolana (1436 m, 1410 m) on the A23 motorway Udine-Carnia-Tarvisio. The value of the contract is EUR6.71 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 350 days from award. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, attn Eng Matteo De Santis, Rome, tel +39 0643634553, fax +39 0643634206, email gareappalti@autostrade.it.  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=409012-2018.

Bid n. 0106/A23. 38/18.


The JV Neocos Srl/Soitek Srl/Mancino Srl from Borgomanero secured the EUR4.06 million contract, excluding VAT, for upgrading work under the D.l. n. 264/2006, PSG Phase 2, Lot 3B, in tunnels Dogna (1596 m,1647 m), Clap Forat (1674 m, 1641 m), Pietratagliata (1344 m, 1380 m) and Pontebba (2278 m, 2213 m) on the A23 motorway Udine-Carnia-Tarvisio. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, attn Eng Matteo De Santis, Rome, tel +39 0643634553, fax +39 0643634206, email gareappalti@autostrade.it. Visit


Bid Code n. 0105/A23. 05/19.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 11/03/2020, for the fire safety and emergency management service, fire-fighting emergency services and first aid on the road, compensatory measures linked to traffic diversions in the  equipped tunnels on the A23 and A27 motorway. Value of the contract is EUR1.35 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 1095 days. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, Tavagnacco (UD), tel +39 0432578283, fax +39 0432578229, email  acquisticontratti.9tronco@autostrade.it. Visit  http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=033815-2020. Bid Code n. 009/UDINE/2020. 04/20.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 03/07/2020, for ordinary maintenance work on horizontal signs including painting of tunnels - A23 and A27 motorways. Value of the contract is EUR12.46 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 1460 days. For tender documents click https://autostrade.bravosolution.com. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, Tavagnacco (UD), tel +39 0432578283, fax +39 0432578229, email  acquisticontratti.9tronco@autostrade.it. For tender information please click here, Bid Code n. 019/Udine/2019. 21/20.


Gruppo servizi associati SpA from Rome secured the EUR1.34 million contract, excluding VAT,  for the fire safety and emergency management service, fire-fighting emergency services and first aid on the road, compensatory measures linked to traffic diversions in the  equipped tunnels on the A23 and A27 motorway. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, Tavagnacco (UD), tel +39 0432578283, fax +39 0432578229, email  acquisticontratti.9tronco@autostrade.it. For further information on the tender click here. Bid Code n. 009/UDINE/2020. 50/20.



Open invitation to tender, deadline 15/02/2021, for the fire safety and emergency management service, fire-fighting emergency services and first aid on the road compensatory measures linked to traffic diversions in the equipped tunnels on the A23 and A27 motorway. Value of the contract is EUR3.50 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 1461 days. For tender documents click here. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, Tavagnacco (UD), tel +39 0432578283, fax +39 0432578229, email  acquisticontratti.9tronco@autostrade.it. For tender information please click here. Ref.n. 025/Udine/2020. 02/21. 



The contract for the open invitation to tender, deadline 15/02/2021, for the fire safety and emergency management service, fire-fighting emergency services and first aid on the road. Which includes compensatory measures linked to traffic diversions in the equipped tunnels on the A23 and A27 motorway was not awarded. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, Tavagnacco (UD), tel +39 0432578283, fax +39 0432578229, email  acquisticontratti.9tronco@autostrade.it. For tender information please click here and here. Ref.n. 025/Udine/2020. 07/21. 



The Joint Venture Sioss Srl from Ronchi dei Legionari (GO), Seven Service Srl from Napoli and Veneta Sicurezza e segnaletica stradale Srl from Padua secured the EUR12.21 million contract, excluding VAT,  for ordinary maintenance work on horizontal signs including the painting of tunnels - A23 and A27 motorways. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, Tavagnacco (UD), tel +39 0432578283, fax +39 0432578229, email acquisticontratti.9tronco@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=443324-2021. Bid Code n. 019/Udine/2019. 35/21. 


Italy, Liguria and Piedmont - it/129


Notice of works contract, deadline 19th September, 2007 for upgrading of the lighting, ventilation and safety equipment in five tunnels on the Genoa-Sestri Levante highway A12 in Genoa province: Monte Castelletti (1,328 m / 1,342 m), Giovanni Maggio (1,792 m / 1,804 m), La Maddalena (2 x 1,451 m), L'Anchetta (1,421 m / 1,458 m) and Santa Giulia (1,170 m / 1,188 m). Read E-News Weekly 1/2007. Click here. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=180050-2007, OJ S 145, or contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Rome, fax +39 0643634206. E-mail gareappalti@autostrade.it 34/07.Notice of works contract, deadline 19th September, 2007 for upgrading of the lighting, ventilation and safety equipment in five tunnels on the Genoa-Sestri Levante highway A12 in Genoa province: Montesperone (1,666 m / 1,668 m), Monte Quezzi (1,312 m / 1,320 m), Camaldoli (1,322 m / 1,325 m), Apparizione (1,063 m / 1,074 m) and Monte Giugo (1,676 m / 1,678 m). Read E-News Weekly 1/2007. Click here. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=180055-2007, OJ S 145, or contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Rome, fax +39 0643634206. E-mail gareappalti@autostrade.it 34/07.Notice of works contract, deadline 12th September, 2007 for upgrading of the lighting, ventilation and safety equipment in the Monte Castelletto tunnel (1,907 m / 2,006 m) on the Genoa-Sestri Levante highway A12 in Genoa province. Read E-News Weekly 1/2007. Click here. Visit www5.autostrade.it/applica/gare/gareapp.nsf (ref. number 0076/A12 GE-SL) or contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Rome, fax +39 0643634206. E-mail gareappalti@autostrade.it 34/07.Notice of works contract, deadline 19th September, 2007 for upgrading of the lighting, ventilation and safety equipment in three Milan-bound tunnels on the Genoa-Serravalle highway A7 in Genoa province: Gabbia (1,160 m), Boccardo (1,064 m) and Giovi (1,776 m) and in three tunnels on highway A26 in Verbano-Cusio-Ossola province: Mottavinea (1,816 m / 1,869 m), Mottarone 1 (1,211 m / 1,214 m) and Mottarone 2 (1,698 m / 1,732 m). Read E-News Weekly 1/2007. Click here. Visit www5.autostrade.it/applica/gare/gareapp.nsf (ref. number 0192/RETE) or contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Rome, fax +39 0643634206. E-mail gareappalti@autostrade.it 34/07.Notice of works contract, deadline 12th September, 2007 for upgrading of the lighting, ventilation and safety equipment in the Massino Visconti tunnel (2,745 m / 2,774 m) on highway A26 in Novara province. Read E-News Weekly 1/2007. Visit www5.autostrade.it/applica/gare/gareapp.nsf (ref. number 0227/A26) or contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Rome, fax +39 0643634206. E-mail gareappalti@autostrade.it 34/07.Consorzio Stabile Gefi Impianti (FI) has secured the contract, value EUR9.4 million, for upgrading of the lighting, ventilation and safety equipment in five tunnels on the Genoa-Sestri Levante highway A12 in Genoa province: Montesperone (1,666 m/1,668 m), Monte Quezzi (1,312 m/1,320 m), Camaldoli (1,322 m/1,325 m), Apparizione (1,063 m/1,074 m) and Monte Giugo (1,676 m/1,678 m). Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=050301-2007 OJ S 35. 09/09.


Silvio Pierobon dell'Ing. S.Pierobon & C Sas (Belluno) have been awarded the contract, value EUR373,238, for refurbishment of Dell'Anchetta tunnel (1,458 m, 1,421 m) on A12 Genova-Sestri Levante. Contract duration 98 days. Supervision by Spea Ingegneria. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia. Visit www.spea-autostrade.it and www.autostrade.it, bid code 04/GE/2009. 16/09.Gruppo Fontana Costruzioni Stradali (Boario Terme) secured the contract, value EUR438,174 for hydraulic facilities and trimming piers in the following four tunnels on A12 Genova-Sestri Levante, in Genova Province, in Genova, Rapallo and Lavagna municipalities: Costa di Monte Moro (234 m, 148 m), Sant'Agostino 1 (247 m, 231 m), Sant'Agostino 2 (378 m, 366 m) and Sant'Anna (835 m, 861 m). Contract duration 56 days. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Genova, fax +39 (0)10 4104302-400, e-mail franco.pivetta@autostrade.it. Visit www5.autostrade.it/applica/gare/gareapp.nsf, bid code 70/GE/2008. 16/09. STEAS (Melegno) secured the contract, value EUR212,102, for the refurbishment of La Maddalena tunnel (2 x 1,451 m) on A12 Genova-Sestri Levante. Contract duration 82 days, supervision by Spea Ingegneria. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia. Visit www.spea-autostrade.it and www.autostrade.it, bid code 07/GE/2009. 16/09.


MGA Srl (Licciana Nardi, Massa Carrara Province) secured the contract, value EUR482,744 for water drainage and trimming piers in two tunnels on A12 Genova-Sestri Levante: Santa Giulia (1,188 m, 1,170 m) and Rio Alto (411 m, 425 m). Contract duration 48 days. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Genova, fax +39 (0)10 4104302-400, e-mail franco.pivetta@autostrade.it. Visit www.autostrade.it, Bid Code 11/GE/2008. 17/09.


IMET SpA secured the contract, value EUR4.18 million, for video surveillance, fire detection and communication systems in most tunnels on the A12 Genoa-Sestri Levante and A10 Genova-Savona. Contact Carla Biaciucci, Autostrade per l'Italia, Rome, tel +39 6 43631, fax +39 6 43634206, e-mail gareappalti@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=253120-2009. Codice 0207/RETE. 38/09.


Gubela SpA at Castiglione delle Stiviere (MN) secured the EUR622,000 contract for painting maintenance of side walls in tunnels on the A7, A10, A12 and A26 motorways in Liguria. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Genova, tel +39 010 41041, fax +39 010 4104302, e-mail franco.pivetta@autostrade.it. Visit http://www5.autostrade.it/applica/gare/gareapp.nsf/0/AEEFE89FA5F24232C1257E040057E448/$file/ESITO%20GARA%2049%20GE%20%202014.pdf?openelement. Ref. n. 49/GE/2014. 13/15.


Open invitation to tender, closing date 13.02.2017, for upgrading work under the D.l. n. 264/2006 of the Monte Sperone tunnel (1.666 m / 1.668 m)  on the A12 Genova-Sestri Levante motorway. The value of the contract is EUR3,160,929.71 excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 288 days from commission. Contact Autostrade per l’Italia SpA, Rome, tel +39 06 43634247, fax +39 06 43534206, email gareappalti@autostrade.it. Visit http://www5.autostrade.it/applica/gare/gareapp.nsf/vwBDESDT/CCF6939984941586C125809D004B30CD?opendocument&initPos=3&lang=IT&Lavori. Ref.n. 0107/A12. 06/17


Open invitation to tender, deadline 06.02.2018, for upgrading work under  the D.l. n. 264/2006 of tunnels Monte Moro (950 m, 933 m), Monte Giugo (1676 m, 1678 m), Sessarego (540 m, 583 m), Monte Castelletti (1328 m, 1342 m) and Castelletto (2006 m, 1907 m) on the A12 Genova-Sestri Levante motorway (PSG Phase 2 Lot 7C). Value contract EUR9.03 million, excluding VAT. Duration contract 420 days from award. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, Roma, attn Eng. Davide Vecchio, Rome, tel +39 0643632855, fax +39 0643634206, email gareappalti@autostrade.it. Offers to be sent to Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, Protocollo Office, Rome, tel +39 0643631, fax +39 0643634206, email gareappalti@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=504571-2017 .Bid code n. 0111/A12GE-SL. 02/18.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 28.03.2018,  for the upgrading (DL. n. 264/2006, PSG Phase 2, Lot 7B) of tunnels Rivaloro II (547 m), Rivaloro III, Monte Veilino (588 m, 593 m) , Monte Quezzi (1.312 m / 1.320 m), Camaldoli (1.322 m / 1.325 m) and Apparizione (1.063 m / 1.074 m) sull’autostrada A12 Genova-Sestri Levante, in provincia di Genova on the Genoa-Sestri Levante highway A12 in Genoa province. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, attn Eng Davide Vecchio, Rome, tel +39 0643632855, fax +39 0643634206, email gareappalti@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=066364-2018.

Bid Code n. 0110/A12 GE-SL. 07/18.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 13.04.2018, for the upgrading (DL. n. 264/2006, PSG Phase 2, Lot 5D) of the following tunnels on the A26 Genova Voltri - Gravellona Toce: Massino Visconti (2745 m, 2774 m), Mottavinea (1816 m, 1869 m), Stresa II (580 m, 551 m), Mottarone 1 (1211 m / 1214 m) and  Mottarone 2 (1698 m / 1732 m). Valueof the contract is EUR6.21 million, excluding VAT (EUR2.65 million belonging to OG4). Duration of the contract is 217 days from award. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, attn Eng. Matteo De Santis, Rome, tel +39 0643634553, fax +39 0643634206, email gareappalti@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=099600-2018. 10/18.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 22.09.2018, for upgrading work under the D.l. n. 264/2006 of the following tunnels on the Genoa-Sestri Levante highway A12 in Genoa province:  Giovanni Maggio (1792 m / 1804 m), San Bartolomeo (615 m / 605 m),  La Maddalena (2 x 1451 m), L’Anchetta (1421 m / 1458 m) e Santa Giulia (1170 m / 1188 m) and Sant'Anna (835 m / 861 m), PSG Phase 1, LotD .  The value of the contract is EUR9.58 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 381 days from the award. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, attn Eng Davide Vecchio, Rome, tel +39 0643632855, fax +39 0643634206, email gareappalti@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=153912-2018.

Ref.n. 0112/A12 GE-SL. 15/18.


The JV between Consorzio Stabile S.A.C. S.c. a.r.l. - Alfieri Impianti di Domenico Alfieri & c. Sas di Torrecuso secured the EUR6.13 million contract, excluding VAT, for upgrading work under the D.l. n. 264/2006 of tunnels for Monte Moro (950 m, 933 m), Monte Giugo (1676 m, 1678 m), Sessarego (540 m, 583 m), Monte Castelletti (1328 m, 1342 m) and Castelletto (2006 m, 1907 m) on the A12 Genova-Sestri Levante motorway (PSG Phase 2 Lot 7C). Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, Roma, attn Eng. Davide Vecchio, Rome, tel +39 0643632855, fax +39 0643634206, email gareappalti@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=518363-2018.

Bid code n. 0111/A12GE-SL. 47/18.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 15.03.2018, for upgrading of the tunnels Gabbia (1160 m), Prodonno (796 m), Monreale (957 m), Boccardo (1064 m), Giovi (1776 m), Campora 383 m), Bolzaneto I (102 m), Brasile (746 m), Monte Galletto (614 m) and San Bartolomeo (567 m)  on the Genoa-Serravalle highway A7 (Phase 2, Lot4A). Value contract EUR7.90 million, excluding VAT, of which EUR4.47 million belonging at  OG4 category. Duration contract 462 days from award. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, attn Eng. Antonio Trotta, Rome, tel +39 0643632581, fax +39 0643634206, email gareappalti@autostrade.it. For bid documents click here. 04/18.


The JV S.A.C. Costruzioni Consorzio Stabile from Torrecuso (leader) and Alfieri Impianti & C. Sas from Torchiara secured the EUR5.56 million contract, excluding VAT, for the upgrading of the tunnels Gabbia (1160 m), Prodonno (796 m), Monreale (957 m), Boccardo (1064 m), Giovi (1776 m), Campora 383 m), Bolzaneto I (102 m), Brasile (746 m), Monte Galletto (614 m) and San Bartolomeo (567 m)  on the Genoa-Serravalle highway A7 (Phase 2, Lot4A). Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, attn Eng. Maurizio Mazzola, Rome, tel  +39 0109916206, email maurizio.mazzola@autostrade.it. For bid documents click here. 36/19.


The JV Tre Più Impresa srl/Consorzio Integra soc. coop. and the JV MGA srl Manutenzioni Generali Autostrade/TLS srl secured the EUR12.10 million contract, excluding VAT, for bridges, viaducts, tunnels, joints, special equipment (Lot 1) on Autostrade per l’Italia motorway, Genoa Department 1.

The JV  Consorzio nazionale cooperative di produzione e lavoro Ciro Menotti s.c.p.a. - Ecotraffic srl - SIAS SpA from Ravenna secured the EUR1.86 million contract, excluding VAT, for vertical signs (Lot 3)  on Autostrade per l’Italia motorway, Genoa Department 1. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, direzione 1° tronco Genova, attn Stefania Vignolo, Genoa, tel +39 0104104361, fax +39 0104104400/302, email svignolo@autostrade.it. For tender information please click here. Ref n.26/GE/2019. 27/20.


The contracts have been awarded for geo-radar investigations aiming to check tunnel lining conditions. Total value of the contract is EUR3.43 million, excluding VAT. The tender is composed of 4 lots:

Lot 1 - Akron srl from Bovisio Masciago, value EUR1.33 million, excluding VAT, Departments DT1 Genoa - motorways A12 and A26.

Lot 2 - Mts engineering srl from Lecco, value EUR530,234.49, excluding VAT, Departments DT1 Genova - autostrada A10.

Lot 3 - Socotec Italia srl from Lainate,  value EUR1.17 million, excluding VAT,  Departments DT4 Firenze, DT5 Fiano Romano, DT6 Cassino e DT7 Pescara.

Lot 4 - Rina services SpA from Genoa, value EUR 356.024,01, excluding VAT, Departments  DT1 Genoa (motorway A7), DT2 Milan, DT3 Bologna and DT9 Udine.

Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, Rome, email acquisti-operations@pec.autostrade.it. For tender information please click here 30/20.


Open invitation to tender, deadline  27/01/2021, for maintenance of horizontal signalling on new pavement, Viacard and Telepass lanes and for painting of tunnel side walls on the following motorways:  A7 Genoa-Serravalle  from Km 33 to Km 84, A12 Genoa-Sestri Levante from Km 0 to Km 48, A10 Genoa-Savona from Km 0 to Km 45, A26 Genoa-Gravellona Toce from Km 0 to  Km 197 and the following connections: A26/A7 Predosa-Bettole; A26/A4 Stroppiana Santhià; A26/A8 Gattico Fiume Ticino.  Click here for tender documents. The contract value is EUR21.01 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract  will be 1460 days. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Departments  DT1, attn Stefania Vignolo, Genoa, tel +39 0104104361, fax +39 0104104400/302, email svignolo@autostrade.it.  For further information on the tender please click here. Ref.n. 119/GE/2020. 53/20. 



 Postponed from 27/01/2021 to 03/03/2021 the deadline of the open invitation to tender  for maintenance of horizontal signalling on new pavement, Viacard and Telepass lanes and for painting of tunnel side walls on the following motorways:  A7 Genoa-Serravalle  from Km 33 to Km 84, A12 Genoa-Sestri Levante from Km 0 to Km 48, A10 Genoa-Savona from Km 0 to Km 45, A26 Genoa-Gravellona Toce from Km 0 to  Km 197 and the following connections: A26/A7 Predosa-Bettole; A26/A4 Stroppiana Santhià; A26/A8 Gattico Fiume Ticino.  Click here for tender documents.

New contract value is EUR28.56 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract  will be 1460 days. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Departments  DT1, attn Stefania Vignolo, Genoa, tel +39 0104104361, fax +39 0104104400/302, email svignolo@autostrade.it.  For further information on the tender please click here. Ref.n. 119/GE/2020. 04/21. 



Open invitation to tender, deadline  26/03/2021, for the external manager for the safety for all tunnels by  D.L. n. 264/2006 and located on Autostrade per l’Italia motorways, Genoa Department 1: A7- Genova-Serravalle, A12- Genova-Sestri Levante, A10 - Genoa-Savona, A26- of the Genoa Voltri-Gravellona Toce tunnels + branches. Value of the contract EUR 809,200, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 24 months. Contact Autostrade per L'Italia SpA, attn Stefania Vignolo, Genoa, tel +39 0104104361, fax +39 0104104400/302, email svignolo@autostrade.it. For further on the tender, please click here. GU S 032. Ref. n. 72ACC/GE/2020. 07/21. 



Prior information notice, deadline 25/02/2021, for the for preventive and corrective maintenance and for the supply of spare parts for the Industrie CBI longitudinal fans installed in the tunnels under the responsibility of Direzione di Tronco di Genova di Autostrade per l'Italia SpA. Contact Autostrade per l’Italia SpA, Direzione di tronco di Genova,  Genova, tel +39 010 41041.  Visit  https://autostrade.bravosolution.com. Ref.n. DT1_66ACC/GE/2020. 07/21.



Request for expressions of interest, deadline 22/06/2021, for supply and maintenance of Thermostick’s Fire detection linear  systems installed in the tunnels belonging to Departments DT1 Genoa. Value contract EUR 211,098.16. Duration of the contract will be 4 years from award. Contact Autostrade per l’Italia SpA, attn Eng Patrizia Fumarola, Rome. For further on tender, please click here. Ref.n. 27ACC/GE/2021. 24/21. 



Open invitation to tender, deadline 26/10/2021, for an external manager for all tunnel safety as part of the D.L. n. 264/2006 located on Autostrade per l’Italia motorways, Genoa Department 1: A7- Genova-Serravalle, A12- Genova-Sestri Levante, A10 - Genoa-Savona, A26- of the Genoa Voltri-Gravellona Toce tunnels + branches in Genoa, Savona, Alessandria, Novara and Verbania provinces). For tender documents, please click here. Value of the contract will be  EUR 829,936 Euro, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 24 months. Contact Autostrade per L'Italia SpA, attn Nicola Santeufemia, Genoa, tel +39 0104104363, fax +39 0104104400/302, email nicola.santeufemia@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=458257-2021. Ref. n. 72ACC/GE/2021. 38/21.



The contract for the open invitation to tender, deadline  26/03/2021, for the external manager for the safety for all tunnels by  D.L. n. 264/2006 and located on Autostrade per l’Italia motorways, Genoa Department 1, was not awarded. Contact Autostrade per L'Italia SpA, attn Nicola Santeufemia, Genoa, tel +39 0104104363, fax +39 0104104400/302, email nicola.santeufemia@autostrade.it. For further on the tender, please click here http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=326388-2021. GU S 032. Ref. n. 72ACC/GE/2020. 26/21. 


DBA PRO. SpA  from Belluno secured the EUR 85,751.05 Euro contract, excluding VAT, for design engineering services, safety coordination during the design phase and checks for the upgrading of the electrical substations serving the tunnels of the Genoa Department. Contact Autostrade per L'Italia SpA, attn Paolantonio Mazzarella, Rome, email paolantonio.mazzarella@autostrade.it. Visit  http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=464284-2021. Ref. n. 72ACC/GE/2021. 38/21. 


CBI SERVICE Srl from Milan secured the EUR 470,827.70 contract, excluding VAT,  for preventive and corrective maintenance and for the supply of spare parts for the Industrie CBI longitudinal fans installed in the tunnels under the responsibility of Direzione di Tronco di Genova di Autostrade per l'Italia SpA. Contact Autostrade per l’Italia SpA, attn Nicola Santeufemia,  Genoa, tel +39 0104104363, fax+39 0104104400/302.  Visit  http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=484277-2021. Ref.n. DT1_66ACC/GE/2020. 38/21.



Lombardi SA Ingegneri Consulenti from Bellinzona-Giubiasco (Switzerland) secured the EUR 805,421.92 contract, excluding VAT,  for an external manager for all tunnel safety as part of the D.L. n. 264/2006 located on Autostrade per l’Italia motorways, Genoa Department 1: A7- Genova-Serravalle, A12- Genova-Sestri Levante, A10 - Genoa-Savona, A26- of the Genoa Voltri-Gravellona Toce tunnels + branches in Genoa, Savona, Alessandria, Novara and Verbania provinces). Contact Autostrade per L'Italia SpA, attn Nicola Santeufemia, Genoa, tel +39 0104104363, fax +39 0104104400/302, email nicola.santeufemia@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=203207-2022. Ref. n. 72ACC/GE/2021. 17/22.


Italy, Lombardy - it/128


Restricted call for tenders, deadline 10th September, 2007 for final and construction design as well as construction of the first lot of Como orbital motorway, first lot of Varese orbital motorway, the A8-A9 section of the highway connection between Dalmine, Como, Varese and Gaggiolo Pass and associated works. This 87 km project, named Pedemontana highway, includes 40 kilometres of tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=168844-2007, OJ S 137, or contact Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda, Milan, fax +39 0267741256. E-mail posta@pedemontana.com 33/07.Restricted call for tenders, deadline 10th September, 2007 for final design for sections B1, B2, C, D, second lot of the Como orbital motorway, second lot of Varese orbital motorway of the highway connection between Dalmine, Como, Varese and Gaggiolo Pass and associated works. This 87 km project, named Pedemontana highway, includes 40 kilometres of tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=170809-2007, OJ S 138, or contact Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda, Milan, fax +39 0267741256. E-mail posta@pedemontana.com 33/07.The four bidders to construct the Pedemontana highway in Lombardy are Strabag, Sacyr, CCC, and Impregilo. Pedemontana means foothills in Italian. A "pedemontana" is generally a road at the foot of a mountain or hills. The project comprises a main highway connection from the A8 in Cassano Magnano in Varese province to the A4 in Osio Sotto and Brembate in Bergamo province, the Varese bypass highway and the Como bypass highway. The entire project stretches for 77 km. More than 48 km of connecting roads, either new or upgrades of existing roads, is also necessary. About 59.5% will run at grade, 5.6% on viaduct and 34.9% in tunnel. The highway will carry three lanes and an emergency lane per direction between Meda and Vimercate in Milan province, while all the other roadways will carry only two lanes and an emergency lane in each direction. Visit www.pedemontana.com 45/07.On 29th April, 2008, a consortium headed by Impregilo has been provisionally awarded a contract worth about EUR630 million for the final and constructional designs and construction of the first stretch of the Pedemontana Lombarda motorway, from highway A8 in Cassano Magnago to highway A9 in Lomazzo, and the first sections of the Como and Varese bypass roads and associated works. The contract is expected to be signed in July 2008. Impregilo, which has been named as general contractor in the deal, said it owned 47% of the consortium. Italian builder Astaldi holds a 24% share. The other consortium members are private companies Pizzarotti (18%) and Itinera (11%). The project involves the construction of approximately 47 km of motorway and secondary roads, about 13 km of tunnels as well as 1.7 km of bridges and viaducts. Construction work is scheduled to begin on 10th March, 2010 and is expected to take about three years to complete. Completion is expected on 31st July, 2012 for the first lot of the Como bypass road and on 31st July, 2013 for the first lot of the Varese bypass road and the section from the A8 to the A9. The final designs will be coordinated with the designs of the remaining sections, which is programmed to be completed by the end of the year for approval scheduled for spring 2009. Visit www.pedemontana.com, www.impregilo.it and www.astaldi.com 20/08.Open invitation to tender, deadline 17th July, 2008 for construction checking of the final design of the Pedemontana highway connection between Dalmine, Como, Varese and Gaggiolo Pass and associated works. Click it/128. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=135863-2008, OJ S 101, or contact Austostrada Pedemontana Lombarda, Milan, fax +39 0267741256. E-mail posta@pedemontana.com 23/08.A consortium led by Technital teaming up with Idroesse Infrastrutture, Engineering and Technital Services (ETS), SPM Consulting, Girpa, Errevia and Proginvest scooped a EUR19.7 million contract to carry out the final design for sections B1, B2, C, D, the second lot of the Como orbital motorway, the second lot of Varese orbital motorway of the highway connection between Dalmine, Como, Varese and Gaggiolo Pass and associated works. This 87 km project, named Pedemontana highway, includes 40 kilometres of tunnel. Visit www.technital-spa.com, www.idroesse.com, www.spm-spa.it, www.girpa.it, www.errevia.com, www.proginvest.it and http://www.pedemontana.com 27/08.


Restricted call for tenders, deadline 02.08.2010 for design and construction of B1, B2, C, D sections and associated works of the motorway connection between Dalmine, Como, Varese and Gaggiolo. Contract value EUR2.25-2.35 billion, duration 2,180 days. Contact Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda SpA , attn Giuliano Lorenzi, Milan, tel +39 02677412-1, fax -56, e-mail posta@pedemontana.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=159330-2010 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=183313-2010. 30/10


The JV Strabag/Grandi Lavori Fincosit/Impresa Costruzioni Giuseppe Maltauro/Adanti has been awarded the EUR1.68bn contract, VAT not included, for design and construction of B1, B2, C, D sections and associated works of the motorway connection between Dalmine, Como, Varese and Gaggiolo. Contact Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda SpA, attn Eng. Giuliano Lorenzi, Milano, tel +39 026774121, fax +39 0267741256, e-mail posta@pedemontana.com. Visit

http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=409016-2011. 02/12.


JV Conteco/Rina Check/No Gap Controls (Milano) has been awarded the EUR540,735 contract, VAT not included, for civil engineering consultancy services concerning validation of design of  B1, B2, C, D sections and associated works of the motorway connection between Dalmine, Como, Varese and Gaggiolo. Contact Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda SpA, attn Eng. Giuliano Lorenzi, Milano, tel +39 026774121, fax +39 0267741256, e-mail posta@pedemontana.com. Visit

http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=141210-2012. 19/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 29.06.2012, for general management and safety coordination during construction of B1, B2, C, D sections and associated works of the motorway connection between Dalmine, Como, Varese and Gaggiolo. Contract value EUR54.7 million, duration 1,640 days. Time limit for requests for documents is 15.06.2012. Contact Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda SpA , attn Giuliano Lorenzi, Milan, tel +39 02677412-1, fax -56, e-mail posta@pedemontana.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=150764-2012. 20/12.


Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda SpA invites expressions of interest, deadline 16.06.2015, to identify which credit institutions to invite to the selection procedure through multiple direct invitations, for the award of a medium/long term loan agreement, maximum EUR2.95 billion value, and for EUR200 million guarantee facility, earmarked to the release of the sureties pursuant for the proper execution of the works or proper performance of the operations covered by the Pedemontana Lombarda Motorway concession. Contact Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda SpA, Assago, e-mail pedemontana@pec.it. Visit http://www.pedemontana.com/Binary/UFFICI/GARE_E_CONTRATTI/2015-05-FINANZIAMENTO_SENIOR/PUBLIC_NOTICE_TO_ACQUIRE_EXPRESSIONS_OF_INTEREST.pdf. 20/15.


Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda S.p.A. (APL) is inviting expressions of interest, deadline 30.11.2018, for design, construction and management of the Dalmine, Como, Varese, Gaggiolo pass connection and its ancillary works. Expressions of interest must be sent to APL, email pedemontana@pec.it. Visit http://www.pedemontana.com/Binary/UFFICI/GARE_E_CONTRATTI/AVVISI_POST_INFORMAZIONE/2018.10.11-CONSULTAZIONE_PRELIMINARE/Avviso_di_consultazione_preliminare_di_mercato.pdf





11 Joint ventures or companies sent their expressions of interest for design, construction and management of the Dalmine, Como, Varese, Gaggiolo pass connection and its ancillary works.  Visit http://www.pedemontana.com/Binary/UFFICI/COMUNICAZIONE/COMUNICATI_STAMPA/APL_-_Comunicato_Stampa_03.12.2018.pdf.



Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 05/06/20, for the design and build sections B2 (12.7 km between Lentate sul Seveso and Cesano Maderno) and C (20 km between Cesano Maderno and Milan’s A51 eastern by-pass) of the new Pedemontana Lombarda highway. Value of the contract EUR1,43 million, excluding VAT.  Duration of the  contract 1350 days. Contact Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda SpA, attn Eng. Giuseppe Sambo, Assago (MI), tel  +39 026774121, fax +39 0267741256, email pedemontana@pec.it. For further information on the tender, please click here and here. Ref.n. CIG 8228236B24. 20/20. 



The consortium Webuild, along with Astaldi (70%)/Pizzarotti (30%) has been selected as the best bidder for a €1.26-billion contract. The contract is to design and build sections B2 (12.7 km between Lentate sul Seveso and Cesano Maderno, with a 2.5 km cut&cover tunnel) and C (20 km between Cesano Maderno and Milan’s A51 eastern by-pass, with a 6.5 km cut&cover tunnel). This project is part of the new Pedemontana Lombarda highway. Contact Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda SpA, attn Eng. Giuseppe Sambo, Assago (MI), tel  +39 026774121, fax +39 0267741256, email pedemontana@pec.it. Visit https://www.webuildgroup.com/en and https://www.pizzarotti.it/. Ref.n. CIG 8228236B24. 09/21.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 25/03/2021, for ordinary maintenance, emergency and SOS services after vehicular accidents, for environmental services, for extraordinary maintenance works and the necessary supplies  on the  A36 - A59 - A60 and ex SS 35 Lentate Bypass and other roads of Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda SPA. Value of the contract is EUR5,51 million, excluding VAT.  Duration of the contract 1095 days. Contact Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda SpA, Assago (MI), tel  +39 026774121, fax +39 0267741256, email pedemontana@pec.it. For further information on the tender, please click here and here. Ref.n. CIG 8631560CA2. 09/21. 


Italy, Lombardy - it/127


Notice of works contract, deadline 31st December, 2007 to upgrade, bring to standards and manage the equipment in the tunnels operated by ANAS in Lombardy. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=163330-2007, OJ S 133, or contact ANAS, Rome, fax +39 0644464413. E-mail dir.projectfinancing@stradeanas.it 31/07.ANAS, the Italian national road administration, has declared in the public interest on 23rd April, 2008 the offer of Gemmo, Uniland, Consorzio Ravennate delle Cooperative di Produzione e Lavoro and Sintel Engineering to upgrade, bring to standards and manage the equipment in the tunnels operated in Lombardy. The group of companies will take advantage of a pre-emption right over other bidders. Visit www.gemmo.com, www.consrav.net and www.sintelitalia.com 19/08.Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 15th September, 2008 for concession contract for the upgrade of the safety equipment and subsequent management of 93 tunnels totalling 133.4 km on 16 national roads throughout eight of the 11 Lombardian provinces. The first year will be dedicated to the design, works will last three years and the management is for 17 years. The required investment amounts to EUR149.6 million. Click it/127. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=184427-2008, OJ S 138, or contact ANAS, fax +39 064456224 or 0644462009. E-mail dir.projectfinancing@stradeanas.it 32-33/08.


TunnelGest, comprising Gemmo SpA, Uniland Scarl, Consorzio Ravennate delle Cooperative di Produzione e Lavoro, Sintel Engineering Srl and Sinelec, has been awarded the EUR235 million concession contract for the upgrade of the safety equipment and subsequent management of 103 ANAS tunnels in Lombardy totalling 138 km in length. The 21 yr concession includes 1 yr for design, 3 yr for installation, and 17 yr management. Visit www.stradeanas.it 16/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 14.08.2009, for soundproofing of La Guarda tunnel (1,585 m) as part of SP IV -Tormini Barghe section, refurbishment works. End of Lot 1 from Vobarno to Sabbio Chiese. Value EUR323,010. Contact ANAS SpA, Lombardy Dept, U.O.Tenders and contracts, Milan, tel. + 39 (0)2 82685-1, fax -501. Bid Code: MI019-09. Visit www.stradeanas.it. 28/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.04.2010, for O.M. equipment and services on the following ANAS national roads in Lombardy: S.S. n. 12-33-36-37-38-38dirA-38dirB-39-42-45 bis-233-301-336-340-340dir-341-344-394-526-626 and NSA n. 26-66-77-77bis-125-174-188. Contract value EUR2.66 million. End of work: 31.12.2010. For more, contact Anas SpA, Ufficio Gare e Contratti, tel +39 (0)2 82685251, fax -501, e-mail: mi-garecontr@postacert.stradeanas.it. Tenders to ANAS SpA, Compartimento della Viabilití  per la Lombardia, via C. d'Ascanio 3, 20142 Milano. Visit www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/17956. Bid Code MI008-10. 13/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 28.06.2010, for painting of the following tunnels on SS38: Bolladore (2,748 m), Mondadizza (1,494 m), Le Prese (983 m), Verzeda, S. Antonio (2,360 m), Tola (1,757 m) and Cepina (3,241 m). Contract value EUR290,000 excluding VAT, duration 60 days. Contact ANAS, Bids and contrac office, tel +39 (0) 82685251, fax +39 (0) 82685501, e-mail mi-garecontr@postacert.stradeanas.it. Offers to ANAS, Compartimento della Viabilita della Lombardia, via C. d'Ascanio n. 3 - 20142 Milano. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/22818. Bid code MI012-10. 23/10.


The company Edilstrade Srl (Rome) secured the EUR172,319 contract, excluding VAT, for painting of the following tunnels on SS38: Bolladore (2,748 m), Mondadizza (1,494 m), Le Prese (983 m), Verzeda, S. Antonio (2,360 m), Tola (1,757 m) and Cepina (3,241 m). Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/28002.Bid code MI012-10. 40/10Eurotel Srl (Tv) secured the EUR1.5 million contract, for O.M. equipment and services on the following ANAS national roads in Lombardy: S.S. n. 12-33-36-37-38-38dirA-38dirB-39-42-45 bis-233-301-336-340-340dir-341-344-394-526-626 and NSA n. 26-66-77-77bis-125-174-188. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/28155. Bid Code MI008-10. 40/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 09.02.2011, for Lot1 completion work as part of SP IV -Tormini Barghe section refurbishment works on SS 237. Contract value EUR745,900 excluding VAT, duration 60 days. Contact ANAS SpA, Lombardy Dept, U.O.Tenders and contracts, Milan. Bid Code MI049-10. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/33981. 02/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline, 09.01.2012, for painting San Roberto tunnel (1,086 m, 1,086 m) to complete Lot 1 of Bergamo interurban axis with a new link to the SS 342 in Mapello. Contract value EUR540,400 excluding VAT, duration 60 days. Contact ANAS, Bids and contract office, tel +39 02 82685-251, fax -501, e-mail mi-garecontr@postacert.stradeanas.it. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/46458. Bid code MI012-11. 01/12.


Ferri Srl secured the EUR381,267.64 contract, VAT not included, for painting San Roberto tunnel (1,086 m, 1,086 m) to complete Lot 1 of Bergamo interurban axis with a new link to the SS 342 in Mapello. Contract duration 60 days. Contact ANAS, Bids and contract office, tel +39 02 82685-251, fax -501. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/48366. Bid code MI012-11. 12/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 27.04.2012, for O.M. technologies equipment along national roads of numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 maintenance centres. Contract value EUR2.2 million, VAT not included, duration 300 days. Contact Anas, Ufficio Gare e Contratti, Milano, tel +39 02 82685-251, fax -501. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/48352. Bide Code n. MIF114659. 14/12.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 10.10.2012, for second part of lot 1 of Morbegno bypass between Cosio and Tartanto junctions on SS 38 Stelvio, including Selva Piana (2,846 m/2,777 m)  and Paniga (2,765 m/2,747 m) tunnels. Contract value EUR226.2 million, duration 1,400 days of which 150 days for design and 1,250 for construction. Contact Anas SpA, attn Condirezione Generale Legale e Patrimonio – Servizio Gare, Roma, tel +39 (0)6 490326, fax +39 (0)6 44462009, e-mail d.decarolis@stradeanas.it. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/50663.Bid Code: MI10-12. 33/12.


The JV Tecnis SpA/Cogip Infrastrutture SpA/Sintec SpA secured provisional contract for design and construction of the second part of lot 1 of Morbegno bypass between Cosio and Tartanto junctions on SS 38 Stelvio, including Selva Piana (2,846 m/2,777 m)  and Paniga (2,765 m/2,747 m) tunnels. Contact Anas SpA, attn Condirezione Generale Legale e Patrimonio – Servizio Gare, Roma, tel +39 (0)6 490326, fax +39 (0)6 44462009, e-mail d.decarolis@stradeanas.it. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/sala_stampa/comunicati_stampa/dettaglio/arg/comunicati/id/9866. Bid Code: MI10-12. 49/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline, 21.04.2015, for painting San Roberto tunnel (1,086 m, 1,086 m) to complete Lot 1 of Bergamo interurban axis with a new link to the SS 342 in Mapello. Contract value EUR284,900 excluding VAT, duration 30 days. Contact ANAS, Bids and contract office, Milan, tel +39 02 82685-251, fax -501, e-mail mi-garecontr@postacert.stradeanas.it. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/70683. Bid code MILAV104-14. 16/15.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 30/06/2020, for data transmission services and related accessory services for Lombardia tunnels’ network.

Contract value EUR1.3 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 36 months.

Contact Anas SpA, Rome, email acquisti@postacert.stradeanas.it.  For tender information please click here and here. Ref.n. DGACQ 01-20. 25/20.


Italy, Marche - it/126


Public works concession, deadline 16th November, 2007 for design, construction and operation of a 6.7 km road connection between Ancona harbour and motorway A-14 and road SS 16. The project includes the Palombella tunnel (north tube, 1,077.89 m / south tube, 1,078.77 m), which is a chain of cut-and-cover-bored- cut-and-cover-bored-cut-and-cover sections, and the Ghettarello tunnel (north tube, 3,095 m / south tube, 3,168 m). Read E-News Weekly 14/2005. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=154179-2007, OJ S 126, or contact ANAS, Rome, fax +39 0644464413. E-mail dir.projectfinancing@stradeanas.it 30/07.ANAS, the Italian national road administration, has declared in the public interest on 23rd April, 2008 a proposal submitted by a joint venture formed by Impregilo (leader, with a 47% share), Astaldi (24%), Pizzarotti (18%) and Itinera (11%) as concessionaire of the project finance initiative for the construction and management of the road link between the Port of Ancona and motorway A14 and the Adriatica national road SS 16. The project value amounts to approx. EUR580 million. The 30-year concession contract will be awarded further to an invitation to tender in negotiated procedure, in which the concessionaire will take advantage of a pre-emptive right. The new road consists of a double carriageway road extending for approx. 11 km, of which 8 km is main road network and the remaining section road links. The alignment, extending mainly underground, includes the construction of approx. 4 km of twin-bore tunnels and two viaducts of a global length of approx. 1.6 km. The duration of the works, including the design phase and tests, is expected to be of 72 months. Click it/126. Visit www.impregilo.it, www.astaldi.com, www.pizzarotti.it and www.itinera-spa.it 19/08.
