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Romania, Moldova & Transylvania - ro/25


Closing Date: 15.01.2025 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 15/01/2025, for the design and construction of the 31.5km Lot 2B: Grinties - Pipirig (km 37+900 – km 69+400), 20 km of which is in tunnel, part of Section  II Miercurea Mirajului-Leghin (km 22+000 – km 181+195), motorway A8 Targu Mures - Targu Neamt. The Section II is composed of 6 lots:  Lot 1b: Miercurea Nirajului - Sarateni (km 22+000 – km 45 +400) - Lot 1c: Sarateni - Joseni (km 45+400 – km 77+800) - Lot 1d: Joseni - Ditrau (km 77+800 – km 92+195) - Lot 2a: Ditrau - Grinties (km 0+000 – km 37+900) - Lot 2b: Grinties– Pipirig (km 37+900 – km 72+000) - Lot 2c: Pipirig - Vanatori Neamt (Leghin) (km 72+000 – km 89+000. Lot 2B  involves the more difficult mountain section and includes 16 tunnels, 5 of which with the third lane for slow vehicles. Click here for bid documents and here where tenders must be sent. Value of contract EUR1.61 billion (LEU8.18 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 114 months. Contact Compania Nationala de Investitii Rutiere SA, Bucarest, tel +40374808585, email licitatii@cnir.ro. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/710777-2024. 48/24.


Postponed to 29/01/2025 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the design and construction of the 31.5km Lot 2B: Grinties - Pipirig (km 37+900 – km 69+400), 20 km of which is in tunnel, part of Section  II Miercurea Mirajului-Leghin (km 22+000 – km 181+195), motorway A8 Targu Mures - Targu Neamt. The Section II is composed of 6 lots:  Lot 1b: Miercurea Nirajului - Sarateni (km 22+000 – km 45 +400) - Lot 1c: Sarateni - Joseni (km 45+400 – km 77+800) - Lot 1d: Joseni - Ditrau (km 77+800 – km 92+195) - Lot 2a: Ditrau - Grinties (km 0+000 – km 37+900) - Lot 2b: Grinties– Pipirig (km 37+900 – km 72+000) - Lot 2c: Pipirig - Vanatori Neamt (Leghin) (km 72+000 – km 89+000. Lot 2B  involves the more difficult mountain section and includes 16 tunnels, 5 of which with the third lane for slow vehicles. Click here for bid documents and here where tenders must be sent. Value of contract EUR1.61 billion (LEU8.18 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 114 months. Contact Compania Nationala de Investitii Rutiere SA, Bucarest, tel +40374808585, email licitatii@cnir.ro. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/788316-2024 and https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/751329-2024. 52/24.


Postponed to 27/02/2025 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the design and construction of the 31.5km Lot 2B: Grinties - Pipirig (km 37+900 – km 69+400), 20 km of which is in tunnel, part of Section  II Miercurea Mirajului-Leghin (km 22+000 – km 181+195), motorway A8 Targu Mures - Targu Neamt. Lot 2B  involves the more difficult mountain section and includes 16 tunnels, 5 of which with the third lane for slow vehicles. Click here for bid documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of contract EUR1.61 billion (LEU8.18 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 114 months. Contact Compania Nationala de Investitii Rutiere SA, Bucarest, tel +40374808585, email licitatii@cnir.ro. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/23750-2025. Ref.n 101/2897/09.10.2024 poz.1. 03/25


Open invitation to tender, deadline 17/02/2025, for the supervision services during design and construction of the 37.9km Lot 2A: Ditrau - Grinties (km 0+000 – km 37+900), including 19 tunnels (13 bidirectionals with a lenght between 110 m and 500 m; 6 monodirectional with a lenght between 100 m and 380 m), part of Section  II Miercurea Mirajului-Leghin (km 22+000 – km 181+195), motorway A8 Targu Mures - Targu Neamt. Click here for bid documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of contract EUR15.25 million (LEU75.87 million), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 118 months. Contact Compania Nationala de Investitii Rutiere SA, Bucarest, tel +40374808585, email licitatii@cnir.ro. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/18461-2025. Ref.n. DG3413/11.11.2024 Poz. 4. 03/25.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 24/03/2025, for the design and construction of the 27km Section 1, Targu Neamt (Motca) - Targu Frumos (km 0+000 – km 31+500) of motorway A8 Targu Neamt Iasi Ungheni, excluding section km 5+500-10+000 belonging to the motorway A7 Bacu-Pascani. The section 1 includes 4 cut&cover tunnels ( 380 m, 680 m, 400 m and 250 m long). Click here for bid documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR 1.44 bn (RON7.18 million), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 106 months. Contact Compania Nationala de Investitii Rutiere SA, Bucarest, tel +40374808585, email licitatii@cnir.ro. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/87161-2025 and https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/47224-2025. Ref.n. 101/3791/05.12.2024 poz.1. 07/25.


Postponed to 05/03/2025 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the design and construction of the 31.5km Lot 2B: Grinties - Pipirig (km 37+900 – km 69+400), 20 km of which is in tunnel, part of Section  II Miercurea Mirajului-Leghin (km 22+000 – km 181+195), motorway A8 Targu Mures - Targu Neamt. Lot 2B  involves the more difficult mountain section and includes 16 tunnels, 5 of which with the third lane for slow vehicles. Click here for bid documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of contract EUR1.61 billion (LEU8.18 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 114 months. Contact Compania Nationala de Investitii Rutiere SA, Bucarest, tel +40738958893, email licitatii@cnir.ro. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/117621-2025 and https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/112432-2025. Ref.n 101/2897/09.10.2024 poz.1. 09/25 


Open invitation to tender, deadline 10/03/2025, for supervision services during design and construction of the 31.5km Lot 2B: Grinties - Pipirig (km 37+900 – km 69+400), 20 km of which is in tunnel, part of Section  II Miercurea Mirajului-Leghin (km 22+000 – km 181+195), motorway A8 Targu Mures - Targu Neamt. Lot 2B  involves the more difficult mountain section and includes 16 tunnels, 5 of which with the third lane for slow vehicles. Click here for bid documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of contract EUR15.76 million (LEU78.43 million), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 118 months. Contact Compania Nationala de Investitii Rutiere SA, Bucarest, tel +40374808585, email licitatii@cnir.ro. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/140310-2025https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/138656-2025 and https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/40604-2025. Ref.n 101/3413/11.11.2024 Poz. 5. 10/25 


Postponed to 24/04/2025 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the design and construction of the 27km Section 1, Targu Neamt (Motca) - Targu Frumos (km 0+000 – km 31+500) of motorway A8 Targu Neamt Iasi Ungheni, excluding section km 5+500-10+000 belonging to the motorway A7 Bacu-Pascani. Section 1 includes 4 cut&cover tunnels ( 380 m, 680 m, 400 m and 250 m long). Click here for bid documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR 1.44 bn (RON7.18 million), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 106 months. Contact Compania Nationala de Investitii Rutiere SA, Bucarest, tel +40374808585, email licitatii@cnir.ro. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/155815-2025. Ref.n. 101/3791/05.12.2024 poz.1. 11/25


Romania, Oltenia & Banat - ro/24


Closing Date: 03.07.2023 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 03/07/2023, for the design and rehabilitation works  of the Craiova-Drobeta Turnu Severin-Caransebeș railway, part of the East/East-Mediterranean corridor, Lot 3 Igiroasa (Cap Y) – Drobeta Turnu Severin (Cap X), km 331 +000- km 362+632.  The lot includes the new twin-tube Balota tunnel, length 6189 m to be built by TBM. Click here for the tender documents. Value of the contract will be EUR680.02 million (RON3.38 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of contract is 135 months. Contact Compania Nationala de Cai Ferate CFR SA, attn Mirela Toma, Bucarest, tel +40 372843221, fax +40 213192401, email mirela.toma@cfr.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=329245-2023, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=307503-2023, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=290983-2023 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=222472-2023. Ref.n. 17.A/1/425/15.03.2023. 22/23. 



Open invitation to tender, deadline 03/07/2023, for the design and rehabilitation works for Lot 4 and Lot 5 of the Craiova-Drobeta Turnu Severin-Caransebeș railway, part of the East/East-Mediterranean corridor. 

  • Lot 4, Drobeta Turnu Severin (Cap X) - Cap X Baile Herculane, km 362+632 -km 404+250, including the following 7 tunnels Motu (150m), Baba (83 m), Vir (93 m), Virciorova (92 m), Bahna (115 m), Alion (199 m) and Tufari (399 m) to be modernizated. Value of contract EUR323.15 million (RON1.61 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of contract 135 months. 
  • Lot 5, Cap X Baile Herculane - Cap X Po Nou Poarta, km 404+250- km 436+887, including  the Rachitoberg tunnel (496 m) to be modernizated and the new cut&cover Poarta I tunnel (1279 m). Value of contract EUR321.26 million (RON1.60 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of contract 123 months. 

Click here for tender documents. Contact Compania Nationala de Cai Ferate CFR SA, attn Mariana Ilie, Bucarest, tel +40 372843255, fax +40 213192401, email mariana.i.ilie@cfr.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid= 308027-2023. Ref.n. 17.A/1/671/26.04.2023. 22/23. 



Open invitation to tender, deadline 26/06/2023, for the design and rehabilitation works for the Craiova-Drobeta Turnu Severin-Caransebeș railway, part of the East/East-Mediterranean corridor, Lot 6 Cap X Po Nou Poarta - Caransebes, km 436 +887- km 474+046,53.  The lot includes the 2 new cut&cover tunnels Poarta II (500 m) and Poarta III (305 m) and the tunnels Fenes (271 m) and Tampa (268 m) to be upgraded and modernised. Click here for the tender documents. Value of the contract is EUR293.23 million (RON1.46bn), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 135 months. Contact Compania Nationala de Cai Ferate CFR SA, attn Oana Otilia Mandras, Bucarest, tel +40 91122148, fax +40 213192401, email Oana.Mandras@cfr.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=268887-2023. Ref.n. 17.A/1/663/25.04.2023. 22/23. 



Postponed to 25/09/2023 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the design and rehabilitation works for Lot 4 and Lot 5 of the Craiova-Drobeta Turnu Severin-Caransebeș railway, part of the East/East-Mediterranean corridor. 

Lot 4, Drobeta Turnu Severin (Cap X) - Cap X Baile Herculane, km 362+632 -km 404+250, including the following 7 tunnels Motu (150m), Baba (83 m), Vir (93 m), Virciorova (92 m), Bahna (115 m), Alion (199 m) and Tufari (399 m) to be modernizated. Value of contract EUR 323.15 million (RON1.61 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of contract 135 months.  

Lot 5, Cap X Baile Herculane - Cap X Po Nou Poarta, km 404+250- km 436+887, including  the Rachitoberg tunnel (496 m) to be modernizated and the new cut&cover Poarta I tunnel (1279 m). Value of contract EUR321.26 million (RON1.60 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of contract 123 months.   Click here for tender documents. Contact Compania Nationala de Cai Ferate CFR SA, attn Mariana Ilie, Bucarest, tel +40 372843255, fax +40 213192401, email mariana.i.ilie@cfr.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=535564-2023http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=517207-2023, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=457761-2023 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=359592-2023. Ref.n. 17.A/1/671/26.04.2023. 38/23. 


Postponed to 25/09/2023 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the design and rehabilitation works  of the Craiova-Drobeta Turnu Severin-Caransebeș railway, part of the East/East-Mediterranean corridor, Lot 3 Igiroasa (Cap Y) – Drobeta Turnu Severin (Cap X), km 331 +000- km 362+632.  The lot includes the new twin-tube Balota tunnel, length 6189 m to be built by TBM. Click here for the tender documents. Value of the contract will be EUR680.02 million (RON3.38 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of contract is 135 months. Contact Compania Nationala de Cai Ferate CFR SA, attn Mirela Toma, Bucarest, tel +40 372843221, fax +40 213192401, email mirela.toma@cfr.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid= 534379-2023, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=519247-2023 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=361444-2023. Ref.n. 17.A/1/425/15.03.2023. 38/23. 


The contract for the design and rehabilitation works of the Igiroasa (Cap Y) - Drobeta Turnu Severin (Cap X) section, km 331 +000- km 362+632 (Lot 3)  of the Craiova-Drobeta Turnu Severin-Caransebeș railway has been not awarded. Click here for further information. Contact Compania Nationala de Cai Ferate CFR SA, attn Mirela Toma, Bucarest, tel +40 372843221, fax +40 213192401, email mirela.toma@cfr.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=589269-2023. Ref.n. 17.A/1/425/15.03.2023. 40/23.  


The contract  for the design and rehabilitation works of Drobeta Turnu Severin (Cap X) - Cap X Baile Herculane section, km 362+632 -km 404+250 (Lot 4) and of Cap X Baile Herculane - Cap X Po Nou Poarta section, km 404+250- km 436+887 (Lot 5) of the Craiova-Drobeta Turnu Severin-Caransebeș railway has not been awarded 

Click here for further information. Contact Compania Nationala de Cai Ferate CFR SA, attn Mariana Ilie, Bucarest, tel +40 372843255, fax +40 213192401, email mariana.i.ilie@cfr.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=588198-2023. Ref.n. 17.A/1/671/26.04.2023. 40/23. 


The contract for the design and rehabilitation works of the section Cap X Po Nou Poarta - Caransebes, km 436 +887- km 474+046,53 (Lot 6) on the Craiova-Drobeta Turnu Severin-Caransebeș railway has been not awarded.  For further information click here. Contact Compania Nationala de Cai Ferate CFR SA, attn Oana Otilia Mandras, Bucarest, tel +40 91122148, fax +40 213192401, email Oana.Mandras@cfr.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=586388-2023, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=549034-2023, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=517126-2023, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=420966-2023, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=394592-2023 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=357306-2023. Ref.n. 17.A/1/663/25.04.2023. 40/23. 



Open invitation to tender, deadline 14/10/2024, for the design and rehabilitation works for Lot 4 and Lot 5 of the Craiova-Drobeta Turnu Severin-Caransebeș railway, part of theOrient/East-Mediterranean corridor. Value of contract EUR1.17bn (RON5.80 bn), excluding VAT.
  • Lot 4, Drobeta Turnu Severin (Cap X) - Cap X Baile Herculane, km 362+632 -km 404+250, including the following 7 tunnels Motu (150m), Baba (83 m), Vir (93 m), Virciorova (92 m), Bahna (115 m), Alion (199 m) and Tufari (399 m) to be modernizated. Duration of contract 135 months.
  • Lot 5, Cap X Baile Herculane - Cap X Po Nou Poarta, km 404+250- km 436+887, including  the Rachitoberg tunnel (496 m) to be modernizated and the new cut&cover Poarta I tunnel (1279 m). Duration of contract 123 months.

Oltenia & Banat - ro/24
Closing date: 30/09/2024
Open invitation to tender, deadline 30/09/2024, for the design and rehabilitation works for the Craiova-Drobeta Turnu Severin-Caransebeș railway, part of the Orient/East-Mediterranean Corridor, Lot 6 Cap X Po Nou Poarta - Caransebes, km 436 +887- km 474+046,53.  The lot includes the 2 new cut&cover tunnels Poarta II (550 m) and Poarta III (305 m) and the refurbishment of the Fenes (271 m) and Tampa (268 m) tunnels. Click here https://e-licitatie.ro/pub/notices/c-notice/v2/view/100180348 for the tender documents. Value of the contract is EUR528.29 million (RON2.63bn), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 135 months. Contact Compania Nationala de Cai Ferate CFR SA, attn Oana Otilia Mandras, Bucarest, tel +40 91122148, fax +40 213192401, email Oana.Mandras@cfr.ro. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/533680-2024https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/501353-2024https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/492672-2024https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/451701-2024https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/444469-2024https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/419069-2024https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/415032-2024https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/397596-2024https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/368874-2024https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/361656-2024 and https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/306807-2024. Ref.n. 17.A/1/613/20.05.2024. 36/24.

Oltenia & Banat - ro/24
Closing Date: 16/09/2024
Open invitation to tender, deadline 16/09/2024, for the design and rehabilitation works  of the Craiova-Drobeta Turnu Severin-Caransebeș railway, part of the Orient/East-Mediterranean corridor, Lot 3 Igiroasa (Cap Y) – Drobeta Turnu Severin (Cap X), km 331 +000- km 362+632.  The lot includes the new twin-tube Balota tunnel, length 6189 m to be built by TBM. Click here https://e-licitatie.ro/pub/notices/c-notice/v2/view/100180342 for the tender documents. Value of the contract will be EUR1.24 bn (RON6.15bn), excluding VAT. Duration of contract is 135 months. Contact Compania Nationala de Cai Ferate CFR SA, attn Sonia Neacsu, Bucarest, tel +40 372843221, fax +40 213192401, email sonia.neacsu@cfr.ro. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/501517-2024https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/493065-2024https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/451153-2024https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/444732-2024https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/410842-2024https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/407139-2024https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/360829-2024 and https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/307100-2024.  Ref.n. 17.A/1/617/20.05.2024. 34/24


Romania, Bucharest - ro/23


Closing Date: 09.06.2022 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 09/06/2022, for the design and construction of the  Lugoj-Deva section, motorway A1, Lot 2 (km27 + 620 – km 56 + 220): sub-section E and for the completing of the 9.13 km sub-section D, including a 2.13 km tunnel. Click here for tender documents. Value of the contract will be EUR524.37 million (RON2.59 bn), excluding VAT: Duration of the contract is 117 months.Contact Nationala de Admnistrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere SA, attn Horia Mihai Nicolae, Bucarest, tel +40 212643299, fax +40 212643298, email achizitiipublicebuget@andnet.ro. Visit

http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=216992-2022 . Ref.n. 16054368/2022/2983/S/12. 17/22. 


The Joint Venture Spedition Umb from Bacau, SC SA & PE Construct  Srl from Bacau,  Tehnostrade Srl  from  Bacau and Euro-Asfalt from Sarajevo have secured the EUR 372.03 million (RON1.83 bn) contract, excluding VAT, for the design and construction of the  Lugoj-Deva section, motorway A1, Lot 2 (km27 + 620 – km 56 + 220): sub-section E and for the completing of the 9.13 km sub-section D, including a 2.13 km tunnel. Contact Nationala de Admnistrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere SA, attn Horia Mihai Nicolae, Bucarest, tel +40 212643299, fax +40 212643298, email achizitiipublicebuget@andnet.ro. Visit  

http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=600164-2022. Ref.n. 16054368/2022/2983/S/12. 44/22.  


Romania, Transylvania - ro/22


Prior information notice for the design and execution of Infrastructure works, Traffic automation, Power supply connection related to the project of the Giluu - Floresti - Cluj-Napoca - Baciu - Apahida - Jucu - Bonțida metro/train - stage I of the Cluj fast metropolitan transport system. Estimated date of publication of the contract notice will be 11/03/2022. The value of the contract is EUR 1.48 bn (RON7.33 bn), excluding VAT. Contact Municipiul Cluj-Napoca from Cluj-Napoca, tel +40 264596030, fax +40 264431575, email achizitiipublice@primariaclujnapoca.ro and/or Comuna Floresti, attn Marius Manu, Floresti, tel +40 0264265101, email primaria@floresticluj.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=086324-2022. Ref. n. 4305857-2022-19. 07/22. 

Romania-Cluj-Napoca: Underground railway works

2022/S 035-086324

Prior information notice

This notice is for prior information only


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: Municipiul Cluj-Napoca
National registration number: 4305857
Postal address: Strada Moţilor, Nr. 1-3
Town: Cluj-Napoca
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 400001
Country: Romania
E-mail: achizitiipublice@primariaclujnapoca.ro
Telephone: +40 264596030
Fax: +40 264431575
Internet address(es):
Main address: www.primariaclujnapoca.ro
Address of the buyer profile: www.primariaclujnapoca.ro
I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: COMUNA FLORESTI
National registration number: 4485391
Postal address: Strada: AVRAM IANCU , nr. 170, Sector: -, Judet: Cluj, Localitate: Floresti, Cod postal: 407208
Town: Floresti
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 407208
Country: Romania
Contact person: MARIUS MANU
E-mail: primaria@floresticluj.ro
Telephone: +40 0264265101
Internet address(es):
Main address: www.floresticluj.ro
I.2)Information about joint procurement
The contract involves joint procurement
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at:
Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address
I.4)Type of the contracting authority
Regional or local authority
I.5)Main activity
General public services

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

Proiectare și Execuție lucrări de Infrastructură (structură de rezistență, cale de rulare, finisaje, sisteme de instalații), Automatizare trafic, Racordare alimentare cu energie electrică) aferente obiectivului de investiție Magistrala I de metrou Cluj

Reference number: 4305857-2022-19
II.1.2)Main CPV code
45234122 Underground railway works
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.4)Short description:

Proiectare și Execuție lucrări de Infrastructură (structură de rezistență, cale de rulare, finisaje, sisteme de instalații), Automatizare trafic, Racordare alimentare cu energie electrică aferente obiectivului de investiție

„Tren metropolitan Gilău – Florești – Cluj-Napoca – Baciu – Apahida – Jucu – Bonțida – etapa I a sistemului de transport metropolitan rapid Cluj: Magistrala I de metrou și tren metropolitan, inclusiv legătura dintre acestea. Componenta 1. Magistrala I de metrou Cluj”

II.1.5)Estimated total value
Value excluding VAT: 7 331 922 737.00 RON
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Main site or place of performance:


II.2.4)Description of the procurement:

Proiectare și Execuție lucrări de Infrastructură (structură de rezistență, cale de rulare, finisaje, sisteme de instalații), Automatizare trafic, Racordare alimentare cu energie electrică aferente obiectivului de investiție

„Tren metropolitan Gilău – Florești – Cluj-Napoca – Baciu – Apahida – Jucu – Bonțida – etapa I a sistemului de transport metropolitan rapid Cluj: Magistrala I de metrou și tren metropolitan, inclusiv legătura dintre acestea. Componenta 1. Magistrala I de metrou Cluj”

II.2.14)Additional information
II.3)Estimated date of publication of contract notice:

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1.8)Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: yes

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.3)Additional information:

Documentatia de atribuire care face obiectul acestei proceduri va fi pusa la dispozitie celor interesati prin intermediul anuntului de participare.

VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:


Open invitation to tender, deadline 24/06/2022, for the design and execution of infrastructure works, traffic automation and power supply connection. The project is the Giluu - Floresti - Cluj-Napoca - Baciu - Apahida - Jucu - Bonțida metro/train - stage I of the Cluj fast metropolitan transport system. For tender documents, please click here. The value of the contract is EUR1.35 bn (RON6.67 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 96 months. Contact Municipiul Cluj-Napoca from Cluj-Napoca, tel +40 264596030, fax +40 264431575, email achizitiipublice@primariaclujnapoca.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=211218-2022 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=139764-2022. Ref. n. 4305857-2022-19. 17/22.


Romania-Cluj-Napoca: Underground railway works

2022/S 079-211218


Notice for changes or additional information


(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 2022/S 055-139764)

Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU

Section I: Contracting authority/entity

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: Municipiul Cluj-Napoca
National registration number: 4305857
Postal address: Strada: Moţilor, nr. 1-3
Town: Cluj-Napoca
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 400001
Country: Romania
E-mail: achizitiipublice@primariaclujnapoca.ro
Telephone: +40 264596030
Fax: +40 264431575
Internet address(es):
Main address: www.primariaclujnapoca.ro
Address of the buyer profile: www.e-licitatie.ro

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

Proiectare și Execuție lucrări de Infrastructură (structură de rezistență, cale de rulare, finisaje, sisteme de instalații), Automatizare trafic, Racordare alimentare cu energie electrică aferente obiectivului de investiție Magistrala I de metrou Cluj

Reference number: 4305857-2022-19
II.1.2)Main CPV code
45234122 Underground railway works
II.1.3)Type of contract

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.6)Original notice reference
Notice number in the OJ S: 2022/S 055-139764

Section VII: Changes

VII.1)Information to be changed or added
VII.1.2)Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section number: IV.2.2
Instead of:
Date: 09/05/2022
Date: 24/06/2022
Section number: IV.2.7
Instead of:
Date: 09/05/2022
Date: 24/06/2022
Section number: IV.2.6
Instead of:
Date: 09/03/2023
Date: 24/04/2023
VII.2)Other additional information:


Postponed to 22/09/2022 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the design and execution of infrastructure works, traffic automation and power supply connection. The project is the Giluu - Floresti - Cluj-Napoca - Baciu - Apahida - Jucu - Bonțida metro/train - stage I of the Cluj fast metropolitan transport system. For tender documents, please click here. The value of the contract is EUR 1.35 bn (RON6.67 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 96 months. Contact Municipiul Cluj-Napoca from Cluj-Napoca, tel +40 264596030, fax +40 264431575, email achizitiipublice@primariaclujnapoca.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=463331-2022, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=343209-2022 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=317413-2022. Ref. n. 4305857-2022-19. 37/22. 



Postponed from 22/09/2022 to 28/10/2022  the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the design and execution of infrastructure works, traffic automation and power supply connection. The project is the Giluu - Floresti - Cluj-Napoca - Baciu - Apahida - Jucu - Bonțida metro/train - stage I of the Cluj fast metropolitan transport system. For tender documents, please click here. The value of the contract is EUR 1.35 bn (RON6.67 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 96 months. Contact Municipiul Cluj-Napoca from Cluj-Napoca, tel +40 264596030, fax +40 264431575, email achizitiipublice@primariaclujnapoca.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=522850-2022. Ref. n. 4305857-2022-19. 39/22.  



The Joint Venture Gulermak Agır Sanayi Insaat ve Taahhut AS from Ankara, S.C. Alstom Transport SA from Bucurest, Gulermak Spolka z Ograniczna Odpowiedzialnoscia from Warsaw, Arcada Company from Galati have secured the EUR1.82 bn (RON9.06 bn) contract, excluding VAT, for the design and execution of infrastructure works, traffic automation and power supply connection. The project is the Giluu - Floresti - Cluj-Napoca - Baciu - Apahida - Jucu - Bonțida metro/train - stage I of the Cluj fast metropolitan transport system. Contact Municipiul Cluj-Napoca, attn Virgil Porutiu, Ramna Gabor, Lucia Lupea, Maria Opris, Cluj-Napoca, tel +40 264596030, fax +40 264431575, email achizitiipublice@primariaclujnapoca.ro and Comuna Floresti, attn Marius Manu, Floresti, tel +40 0264265101, fax +40 0264265101, email primaria@floresticluj.ro.  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=323158-2023. Ref. n. 4305857-2022-19. 22/23.   


Systra from Paris/ Metrans Engineering from Bucharest secured the EUR 40.19 million (RON200.02 million) Project Management Consultancy (PMC) contract to supervise the design and construction of the Giluu - Floresti - Cluj-Napoca - Baciu - Apahida - Jucu - Bonțida metro/train - stage I of the Cluj fast metropolitan transport system.. Contact Municipiul Cluj-Napoca, attn Ramona Gabor, Cluj-Napoca, tel +40 264596030, fax +40 264431575, email ramona.gabor@primariaclujnapoca.ro. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/608976-2024. Ref. n. 4305857/2023. 48/24.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 16/01/2024, for the Project Management Consultancy (PMC) contract to supervise the design and construction of the Giluu - Floresti - Cluj-Napoca - Baciu - Apahida - Jucu - Bonțida metro/train - stage I of the Cluj fast metropolitan transport system. For tender documents, please click here. The value of the contract is EUR42,51 million (RON211.57 million), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 156 months. Contact Municipiul Cluj-Napoca, attn Ramona Gabor, Cluj-Napoca, tel +40 264596030, fax +40 264431575, email ramona.gabor@primariaclujnapoca.ro. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/008423-2024https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/603309-2023 and https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/181692-2023. Ref. n. 4305857/2023. 01/24.


Romania, Transylvania - ro/21


Closing Date: 11.01.2021 (Tender Closed)

Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 11/01/2021, for the design and construction of the Brașov-Targu Mureș-Cluj-Oradea motorway, section 3B: Mihaiești-Suplacu de Barcau, subsection 3B3: Porta Salajului-Zalau, km 25 + 500-km 40 + 637, including 2.89km twin-tube tunnel Meseș and subsection 3B4: Zalau-Nusfalau km 40 + 660 (km 40 + 637 3B3) -km 66 + 500. Duration of the contract is 108 months. The value of the contract is EUR916.12 million (RON4.46 bn), excluding VAT. Contact CNAIR (Compania Naționala de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere), attn Valentin Florin Trifan, Bucarest, tel +40 212643299, fax +40 212643298, email achizitiipublicebuget@andnet.ro For further information on the tender click here and here.  Ref n. 16054368/2020/1999/S/10. 47/20.   



The estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender to selected candidates for the design and construction of the Brașov-Targu Mureș-Cluj-Oradea motorway, section 3B, has been postponed from  19/02/2021 to 29/03/2021. Contact CNAIR (Compania Naționala de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere), attn Valentin Florin Trifan, Bucarest, tel +40 212643299, fax +40 212643298, email achizitiipublicebuget@andnet.ro.  For further information on the tender click here and here.  Ref n. 16054368/2020/1999/S/10. 05/21.  



Not awarded the contract for the restricted invitation to tender, deadline 29/03/2021, for the design and construction of the Brașov-Targu Mureș-Cluj-Oradea motorway, section 3B: Mihaiești-Suplacu de Barcau, subsection 3B3: Porta Salajului-Zalau, km 25 + 500-km 40 + 637, including 2.89km twin-tube tunnel Meseș and subsection 3B4: Zalau-Nusfalau km 40 + 660 (km 40 + 637 3B3) -km 66 + 500. Contact CNAIR (Compania Naționala de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere), attn Valentin Florin Trifan, Bucarest, tel +40 212643299, fax +40 212643298, email achizitiipublicebuget@andnet.ro.  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=202525-2023. Ref n. 16054368/2020/1999/S/10. 14/23. 


Romania, Muntenia - ro/20


Closing Date: 04.06.2019 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 04.06.2019, for the design and construction of the 9.86 km Tigveni- Curtea de Arges, Section4 (km 81 + 900 - km 91 + 761), on the Sibiu-Pitest motorway, including the 1.35 Momaia tunnel. Duration of the contract is 120 months. The value of the contract is EUR420 million (LEU2 bn), excluding VAT. Contact Compania Naționala de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere SA, attn Horia Nicolae, Bucarest, tel +40 212643299, fax +40 212643298, email laura.axente@andnet.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=111621-2019 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=218011-2019. Ref n. 16054368/2019/2219S10. 20/19.


Postponed to 23.07.2019 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the design and construction of the 9.86 km Tigveni- Curtea de Arges, Section4 (km 81 + 900 - km 91 + 761), on the Sibiu-Pitest motorway, including the 1.35 Momaia tunnel. Duration of the contract is 120 months.

The value of the contract is EUR420 million (LEU2 bn), excluding VAT.

Contact Compania Nationala de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere SA, attn Horia Nicolae, Bucarest, tel +40 212643299, fax +40 212643298, email laura.axente@andnet.ro. Visit




Ref n. 16054368/2019/2219S10. 26/19.


The following 10 companies/associations have submitted offers for the design and construction of the 9.86 km Tigveni- Curtea de Arges, Section4 (km 81 + 900 - km 91 + 761), on the Sibiu-Pitest motorway, including the 1.35 Momaia tunnel:

  • Aktor Technical Societe Anonyme (Aktor SA);
  • Asocierea Alsim Alarko Sanayi Tesisleri Ve Ticaret AS - Makyol Insaat Sanayi Turizm Ve Ticaret AS;
  • China Railway 14th Bureau Group CO, LTD;
  • Asocierea IC Ictas Insaat Sanayi Ve Ticaret AS - Constructii SA;
  • Impresa Pizzarotti & C SpA;
  • Asocierea Kalyon Insaat Sanayi Ve Ticaret AS - Met-Gun Insaat Taahhut Ve Ticaret AS;
  • Mapa Insaat Ve Ticaret AS;
  • Porr Construct SRL;
  • Strabag SRL;
  • Asocierea Rizzani de Eccher SpA - Tirrena Scavi SpA - Ozgun Insaat Taahhut Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi.

The value of the contract is EUR420 million (LEU2 bn), excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 60 months: 16 months for the design and 44 months for the construction. Contact Compania Naționala de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere SA, attn Horia Nicolae, Bucarest, tel +40 212643299, fax +40 212643298, email laura.axente@andnet.ro. Visit http://www.cnadnr.ro/ro/comunicare/comunicate-de-presa/interes-general/10-oferte-pentru-proiectarea-%C8%99i-execu%C8%9Bia-sec%C8%9Biunii-4.

Ref n. 16054368/2019/2219S10. 36/19.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 23/11/2020, for the design and construction of the 37.4 km Cornetu - Tigveni , Section 3 (km 44 + 500 - km 81 +900) on the Sibiu-Pitesti motorway, including  a 1.7km tunnel. Duration of the contract is 137 months. The value of the contract is EUR1.19 bn (RON5.81 bn), excluding VAT. Contact CNAIR (Compania Naționala de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere), attn Valentin Florin Trifan, Bucarest, tel +40 212643299, fax +40 212643298, email achizitiipublicebuget@andnet.ro. For bid documents click here and for further information on the tender here, here, here and here.  Ref n. 16054368/2020/2002/S10. 46/20.  


Postponed from 23/11/2020 to 27/11/2020 the deadline of the restricted invitation to tender for the design and construction of the 37.4 km Cornetu - Tigveni , Section 3 (km 44 + 500 - km 81 +900) on the Sibiu-Pitesti motorway, including  a 1.7km tunnel. Duration of the contract is 137 months. The value of the contract is EUR1.19 bn (RON5.81 bn), excluding VAT. Contact CNAIR (Compania Naționala de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere), attn Valentin Florin Trifan, Bucarest, tel +40 212643299, fax +40 212643298, email achizitiipublicebuget@andnet.ro. For further information on the tender click here Ref n. 16054368/2020/2002/S10. 47/20.   



Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 29/01/2021, for  the design and construction of the 30.35 km Boita - Cornetu , Section 2 (km 14 + 150 - km 44 +500) on the Sibiu-Pitesti motorway, including  7 tunnels which will be 4335 m in total. Duration of the contract is 148 months. The value of the contract is EUR1.08 bn (RON5.27 bn), excluding VAT. Contact CNAIR (Compania Naționala de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere), attn Valentin Florin Trifan, Bucarest, tel +40 212643299, fax +40 212643298, email achizitiipublicebuget@andnet.ro. For bid documents click here and for further information on the tender here.  Ref n. 16054368/2020/2021/S/10. 50/20.   



Postponed from 29/01/2021 to 16/02/2021 the deadline of the restricted invitation to tender  for  the design and construction of the 30.35 km Boita - Cornetu , Section 2 (km 14 + 150 - km 44 +500) on the Sibiu-Pitesti motorway, including  7 tunnels which will be 4335 m in total. Duration of the contract is 148 months. The value of the contract is EUR1.08 bn (RON5.27 bn), excluding VAT. Contact CNAIR (Compania Naționala de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere), attn Valentin Florin Trifan, Bucarest, tel +40 212643299, fax +40 212643298, email achizitiipublicebuget@andnet.ro. For tender documents click here and for further information on the tender here. Selected companies will be invited to send offers by 26/03/2021 instead of by 09/03/2021.  Ref n. 16054368/2020/2021/S/10. 05/21.  



Porr Construct from Bucharest have secured the EUR 339.47 million (RON1.68 bn) contract, excluding VAT, for the design and construction of the 9.86 km Tigveni- Curtea de Arges, Section4 (km 81 + 900 - km 91 + 761), on the Sibiu-Pitest motorway, including the 1.35 Momaia tunnel. Contact Compania Naționala de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere SA, attn Horia Nicolae, Bucarest, tel +40 212643299, fax +40 212643298, email achizitiipublicebuget@andnet.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=065300-2022. Ref n. 16054368/2019/2219S10. 06/22. 


The Joint venture Mapa Insaat ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi (Ankara) and Cengiz Insaat Sanayi ve Ticaret AS (İstanbul)  secured the EUR 858.63 million (ROI4.25 bn) contract, excluding VAT, for  the design and construction of the 30.35 km Boita - Cornetu , Section 2 (km 14 + 150 - km 44 +500) on the Sibiu-Pitesti motorway, including  7 tunnels which will be 4335 m in total. Contact CNAIR (Compania Naționala de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere), attn Valentin Florin Trifan, Bucarest, tel +40 212643299, fax +40 212643298, email achizitiipublicebuget@andnet.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=097159-2022.  Ref n. 16054368/2020/2021/S/10. 08/22.  


The consortium composed of Webuild (leader with a 90% stake) and the local partner Tancrad (10%)  secured  a contract worth more than EUR 1 billion to build Lot 3 of the Sibiu-Pitesti Highway in Romania. Lot 3 is the most complex part of the highway because it will cross the Carpathian Mountains between Cornetu and Tigveni for 37.4 km, of which 12.5 km will include bridges and viaducts, and the 1.7 km long Poiana twin tunnel.  

The contract will be 85% financed by European Union funds and the remaining 15% by state funds.  In addition to the tunnel, bridges and viaducts, Lot 3 includes the design and construction of more than 23 km of a double-lane highway, two interchanges at Valeni and Cornetu, 18 km of consolidation works, the construction of a maintenance and control centre, and work to preserve the environment. There will also be an animal crossing at Olt River. It will help reduce traffic congestion between Cornetu and Tigveni by providing an alternative route to national roads.  

Contact CNAIR (Compania Naționala de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere), Bucarest, tel +40 212643299, fax +40 212643298, email achizitiipublicebuget@andnet.ro. Visit https://www.webuildgroup.com/en/. Ref n. 16054368/2020/2002/S10. 19/22.  


Open invitation to tender, deadline 21/01/2025, for the supervision during design and construction of the 37.4 km Cornetu - Tigveni , Section 3 (km 44 + 500 - km 81 +900) on the Sibiu-Pitesti motorway, including  a 1.7km tunnel. Click here for bid documents and where tenders must be sent. The value of the contract is EUR20.39 million (RON101.40 million), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 191 months. Contact CNAIR (Compania Naționala de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere), attn Nicolae Horia, Bucarest, tel +40 212643299, fax +40 212643298, email horia.nicolae@andnet.ro. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/665-2025 and https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/715635-2024. Ref n. 6054368/2024/2715/S/13. 02/25.


Romania, National - ro/19

Road and Motorway

Closing Date: 24.05.2018 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 24.05.2018, for maintenance of bridges, underpasses, road surfaces and tunnels in the lasi district. Maintenance of retaining walls and flood prevention. The contract is composed of 9 lots. Duration of the contract is 48 months. Contact Compania de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere, attn Barbulescu Ioana Silvia, Bucarest, tel +40 212643310, fax +40 213186650, email achizitiipublicebuget@andnet.ro.









S.C. Teo Trans Consulting Srl from  Bucarest secured the EUR 16.84 million contract, excluding VAT, for maintenance of bridges, underpasses, road surfaces and tunnels in the Costanta D.R.D.P (Roads & Bridges Regional Department): maintenance of retaining walls and flood prevention. The contract is composed of 6 lots: Lot 1 SDN (National Road Section) Constanta, Lot 2 SDN Tulcea, Lot 3 SDN Braila, Lot 4 SDN Slobozia, Lot 5 SDN Calarasi, Lot 6 Motorways A2 and A4. Duration of the contract is 4 years. Contact Compania de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere, attn Barbulescu Ioana Silvia, Bucarest, tel +40 212643310, fax +40 213186650, email achizitiipublicebuget@andnet.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=404257-2018.



S.C. Constructii Generale Oltenia Srl from  Bucharest secured the EUR14.05 million contract, excluding VAT, for maintenance of bridges, underpasses, road surfaces and tunnels in the Bucharest D.R.D.P (Roads & Bridges Regional Department): maintenance of retaining walls and flood prevention. The contract is composed of 8 lots: Lot 1 SDN (National Road Section) South Bucharest S, Lot 2 SDN Alexandria, Lot 3 SDN North Bucharest, Lot 4 SDN Ploiesti, Lot 5 SDN Buzau, Lot 6 Targoviste, Lot 7 Motorways Section, Lot 8 SDN Pitesti. Duration of the contract is 4 years. Contact Compania de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere, attn Barbulescu Ioana Silvia, Bucharest, tel +40 212643310, fax +40 213186650, email achizitiipublicebuget@andnet.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=404255-2018.



Romania, Timisoara - ro/18


Prior information notice of intention to commence bids for construction of road tunnels in Michelangelo complex on 18.01.2012. Contract duration 18 months, value EUR11.8 million. More from Corina Radu at Municipiul Timisoara, tel +40 256408-453, fax -477, e-mail achizitiipublice@primariatm.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=335584-2011. 43/11.


Renewed prior information notice of intended start of award procedures for construction of Michelangelo road complex, value EUR11.8 million excluding VAT, duration 18 months. More from Corina Radul at Municipiul Timisoara, tel +40 2564084-78, fax –77, e-mail achizitiipublice@primariatm.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=111503-2012. 15/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 25.10.2012, for construction of Michelangelo road complex, value EUR11.6 million excluding VAT, duration 16 months. Further information, specs and docs from Corina Radul at Municipiul Timisoara, tel +40 2564084-78, fax –77, e-mail achizitiipublice@primariatm.ro. Time limit for requests for documents 22.10.2012. Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to Municipiul Timisoara, fao ghiseul 9 sau 10. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=272439-2012. NUTS Code RO424. 35/12.


Romania, Bacau - ro/17


Prior information notice of intended start of award procedures on 30.06.2009 for two-year contract to construct ramps and 270 m-long tunnel between Oituz and Stefan Guse streets in Bacau municipality. Value around EUR5.2 million. Contact Corina Neaga at Municipiul Bacau, tel +40 23458-1849, fax -8757, e-mail corina.neaga@primariabacau.ro. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=029661-2009 06/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 02.07.2009, for tunnel construction between Oituz and Stefan Guse, value EUR5.25 million. Specs and docs from Corina Neaga at Municipiul Bacau, tel +40 23458-1849, fax -8757, e-mail corina.neaga@primariabacau.ro. 22/09. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=141565-2009


Award of contract to Procom of Ceprano, Italy, value EUR4.82 million excluding VAT, to construct ramps and 270 m-long tunnel between Oituz and Stefan Guse streets in Bacau municipality. More from Procom, tel +39 077591-1197, fax -8506, e-mail info@procomsrl.it and from corina.neaga@primariabacau.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=246148-2009. 37/09.


Romania, National - ro/16


Restricted call for bids, deadline 17th November, 2005 for technical assistance for the preparation of a railway project. The objective is to integrate the Pan European Corridor IV in Romania into the European railway network. This implies the rehabilitation of the existing lines, the upgrading of the sections to higher speed (160 km/h) and modernisation of the stations, the signalling and telecommunication systems on different sections. Section Predeal-Brasov is a 26 km double, electrified line and the feasibility study includes an optional solution involving an 8 km mountain tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194617-2005, OJ S 198, or contact National Railway Company, Bucharest, fax +40 4213158549. 42/05.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 26.07.2010, for geological and geophysical prospecting services along the railway section Bra?ov-Sighi?oara-Co?lariu. Total value of contract EUR5.13 millionThree lots: open air investigations and 120 days duration contract for Lot 1/Section 1 (Brasov-Sighisoara) and Lot2/Section 2 (Sighisoara-Coslariu); tunnel investigations and 200 days duration contract for Lot 3/Sections 1 and 2 (Bra?ov - Co?lariu). Time limit for receipt of requests for documents, or for accessing documents, 19.07.2010. Bid Code K264. Contact Italferr SpA Bucarest Office, Romania, att.n Stefano Caldini, tel +40 311051792, fax +40 311051793, e-mail: acquisti.italferr@legalmail.it. Visit http://www.gare.italferr.it/cms-file/allegati/gare-italferr/CAPITOLUL_I_-_Fisa_de_Date_a_Achizitiei.pdf and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=173011 -2010. 25/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 11.04.2011, for rehabilitation of lot 1 SRCF Brasov tunnel and lot 2 SRCF Timisoara tunnel. Both contracts are 12 months duration. Further information, specs and docs from Ion Preda at CFR in Bucharest, tel/fax +40 213192433, e-mail ion.preda@cfr.ro to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visithttp://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=059243-2011. 08/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.10.2011, for rehabilitation and upgrading infrastructure of 28.2 km of Brasov-Simeria railway, section 2 Coslariu-Sighisoara, including two tunnels totalling 1.37 km. Further information, specs and docs from Ion Preda at CFR in Bucharest, tel +40 2131-58549, fax -92432, e-mail ion.preda@cfr.ro to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Time limit for access to documents 19.10.2011. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=280295-2011. 36/11.


The JV Swietelsky CF SRL/Sopmet SA/Dafora SA secured the contracts for rehabilitation of lot 1 SRCF Brasov tunnel (EUR2.9 million, excluding VAT) and lot 2 SRCF Timisoara tunnel (EUR2 million, excluding VAT). Both contracts are 12 months duration. Further information from Ion Preda at CFR in Bucharest, tel/fax +40 213192433, e-mail ion.preda@cfr.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=400947-2011. 01/12.


Award of contract 21 to JV FCC/Alpine Bau/AZVI, value EUR199.7 million excluding VAT, for rehabilitation and upgrading infrastructure of 28.2 km of Brasov-Simeria railway, section 2 Coslariu-Sighisoara, including two tunnels totalling 1.37 km. Further information from Valentin Marin at CFR in Bucharest, tel +40 2131-99528, fax –92432, e-mail valentin.marin@cfr.ro. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=107444-2012. 14/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 16.04.2014, for rehabilitation of SCB, telecommunications and cabling on SRCF railway lines in four lots, including two tunnels. Total value EUR25 million, duration of contracts up to 25 months from award. Further information, specs and docs from Eugen Zubkov at CFR in Bucuresti, tel +40 372843255, fax +40 213158549, e-mail eugen.zubkov@cfr.ro, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=063424-2014. 09/14.


Additional information about open invitation to tender, deadline 16.04.2014, for rehabilitation of SCB, telecommunications and cabling on SRCF railway lines in four lots, including two tunnels. Total value EUR25 million, duration of contracts up to 25 months from award. Further information, specs and docs from Eugen Zubkov at CFR in Bucuresti, tel +40 372843255, fax +40 213158549, e-mail eugen.zubkov@cfr.ro, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=106153-2014. 13/14.


Postponed from 16.04.2014 to 30.04.2014 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for rehabilitation of SCB, telecommunications and cabling on SRCF railway lines in four lots, including two tunnels. Total value EUR25 million, duration of contracts up to 25 months from award. Further information, specs and docs from Eugen Zubkov at CFR in Bucuresti, tel +40 372843255, fax +40 213158549, e-mail eugen.zubkov@cfr.ro, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=128610-2014. 16/14.

