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Romania, Moldova & Transylvania - ro/25


Closing Date: 05.03.2025

Postponed to 05/03/2025 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the design and construction of the 31.5km Lot 2B: Grinties - Pipirig (km 37+900 – km 69+400), 20 km of which is in tunnel, part of Section  II Miercurea Mirajului-Leghin (km 22+000 – km 181+195), motorway A8 Targu Mures - Targu Neamt. Lot 2B  involves the more difficult mountain section and includes 16 tunnels, 5 of which with the third lane for slow vehicles. Click here for bid documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of contract EUR1.61 billion (LEU8.18 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 114 months. Contact Compania Nationala de Investitii Rutiere SA, Bucarest, tel +40738958893, email licitatii@cnir.ro. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/117621-2025 and https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/112432-2025. Ref.n 101/2897/09.10.2024 poz.1. 09/25 
