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Iceland, Kí¡rahnjíºkar - is/14


Replacement for the abandoned Fljotsdalur project will utilise three dams with capacity of 8.5 million cu m of water which will feed underground powerhouse with maximum dimensions 90 m-long x 18 m-wide x 40 m-high through a 40 km-long x 7.5 m-diameter TBM-driven headrace tunnel and 500 m-high x 6 m-diameter penstock shaft. A 650 m-long access adit will be required for the powerhouse together with a 1.6 km-long x 8 m-wide tailrace tunnel. A 400 m-high x 5 m-diameter surge shaft, a 11 km-long x 6.5 m-diameter TBM-driven diversion tunnel and 12.7 km of 5 m-high drill/blast horseshoe section tunnels will also be required. Detailed design will take until 2002 with construction commencing 2003 for completion in 2006. Visit www.lv.is for the fuller picture. July 2000. Invitation to prequalify, deadline 2nd October, 2001, for construction of 40 km-long Vatnjokull headrace and associated tunnels. Contact Landsvirkjun, fax +354 5159006. Visit www.lv.is 35/01.   Landsvirkjun, the national power company, has prequalified four candidates for the 39.8 km headrace tunnel that will carry water flow east from the Hí¡lslí³n reservoir, then northeast under Fljí³tsdalsheií°i to an underground power station at the uppermost reaches of Fljí³tsdalur valley. They are Impregilo; Balfour Beatty; a joint venture of NCC, Hochtief and Iceland Prime Contractor (IPC); and a joint venture of Skanska, ístak, E. Pihl & Sí¸n and Vinci.The tunnel will head eastward to a juncture with a diversion tunnel from the Ufsarlí³n reservoir. From there, a single tunnel continues north-east to the Teigsbjarg escarpment. The tunnel between the Hí¡lslí³n reservoir and the Teigsbjarg escarpment is 39.8 km-long, approximately 7 m in diameter and will be drilled using full-face TBMs (23.7 km) and drill/blast (16.1 km). The tunnel from the Ufsarlí³n reservoir totals 13.3 km (phase 2, component 2), is 5.5 m in diameter and will also be TBM-driven and blasted (9.9 km / 3.4 km). Access to the tunnel is via four adits, one at the Hí¡lslí³n reservoir, one in the Glíºmsstadadalur valley (2.8 km), one at river Axarí¡ (2.7 km) and one at the Teigsbjarg escarpment (1.4 km).River Jökulsí¡ í¡ Dal will be diverted past the Kí¡rahnjíºkar dam site, using two underground diversion tunnels. Rivers Kelduí¡, Grjí³tí¡, Innri-Saudí¡, Ytri-Saudí¡, Fellsí¡ and Sultarranaí¡ will be diverted into the Ufsarlí³n reservoir through the Kelduí¡rgöng tunnel (2 km-long, 4.5 m in diameter) and the Grjí³tí¡ tunnel (1,750 m, 5 m in diameter). This is called the Hraun diversion (phase 2, component 4).Also 1.7 km 4.5 m-diameter surge tunnel, to be drilled/blasted.Geology will consist of basaltic formations. The tendering phase for the headrace tunnel will start on 29th November, 2002. Main contracts to be awarded in March 2003 for commissioning in 2007. The lead consultants are the Kí¡rahnjíºkar Engineering JV including VST Consultants, Almenna Consultants, Rafteikning Consultants - all Icelandic - Elektrowatt-Ekono of Switzerland and Montgomery Watson Harza of the US.The powerhouse will be located underground and will be approximately 115 m-long, 14 m-wide and with a maximum height of 34 m. Tranformer room approximately 100 m-long, 13 m-wide and 16 m-high. Access to the powerhouse and to the transformer room will be through a blasted 800 m-long tunnel extending from the Fljí³tsdalur (Nordurdalur) valley. A separate 800 m-long 4 m-diameter cable tunnel will extend from the transformer room to the switchgear house. Drill/blast excavation. From the power station, the water will run via a 1.1 km-long 9 m-diameter tailrace tunnel, to be blasted, that opens into the Fljí³tsdalur valley. Visit www.karahnjukar.is 46/02.   Restricted procedure, deadline 9th December, 2002 for construction supervision of civil works. Lot KAR-66 is for a 54 km headrace tunnel, 5.5 m to 7.6 m in diameter, excavated by TBM and drill/blast. Lot KAR-67 is for two 400 m-long pressure shafts, an underground powerhouse, a 800 m-long access tunnel and a 1,100 m-long tailrace tunnel. Lot KAR-68 is for the Hraunaveita diversion which includes drill/blast tunnels. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=174364-2002, OJ S 219, or contact Landsvirkjun, Reykjaví­k, fax +354 5159006. 47/02.   State electricity producer Landsvirkjun opened bids for two construction projects, a dam and a headrace tunnel it had estimated to be worth around €590 million. Italian construction group Impregilo has been named lowest bidder. Impregilo offered to build the tunnel for about €285 million, 7% under the tender value. Balfour Beatty, in JV with E. Phil & Sí¸n and ístak, proposed €538 million and Eurohydro JV tendered about €419 million. Skanska, NCC and Vinci withdrew from the race prior to the opening of bids. A final decision on awarding the contracts will be made in January. Icelandic Prime Contractor (IPC) and NCC just started blasting a 700 m access tunnel at Mt. Fremri from the west bank of river Jökulsí¡ í¡ Dal. The 6 m-high x 6 m-wide tunnel was not scheduled to start until 2003 but it has been decided to speed the project up to keep it within schedule. Completion is programmed for April 2003. Visit www.karahnjukar.is 51/02.   Icelandic power producer Landsvirkjun has announced it chose Italian construction group Impregilo to build the dam and tunnels worth ISK47 million for the hydropower plant due to provide energy for a 322,000 tonne aluminium smelter that Alcoa plans to build. Landsvirkjun is expected to sign final deals with both Impregilo and Alcoa regarding the power plant and aluminium smelter in March. Landsvirkjun accepted three tunnel drives instead of two and the construction of a wider tunnel for the Jökla river bypass at the dam site during the construction phase. It has been agreed to widen the headrace tunnel by 0.4 metre to 7.2-7.6 metres. Impregilo will undertake as an additional task the full-face drilling of the section of the diversion tunnel for river Jökulsí¡ í­ Fljí³tsdal to the intake tunnel, involving a total of just under 10 km of the 14 km diversion tunnel. Work to commence in late March or early April. Drilling equipment will be delivered to Iceland end of 2003. Visit www.landsvirkjun.is, www.karahnjukar.is/en and www.impregilo.it 08/03.   Open call for bids, deadline 19th May, 2003 for civil works construction of an underground power station cavern (115 x 14 x 34 m), an access tunnel, pressure shafts, two 3.5 m-diameter 410 m-long pressure tunnels, a transformer chamber (103 x 13.5 x 16 m), a cable tunnel, and a tailrace tunnel. Project completion programmed for 1st November, 2007. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=040120-2003, OJ S 46, or contact Landsvirkjun, Reykjavik, fax +354 5159006. E-mail Th. Halldorsson Innkaup@lv.is. 11/03. Open call for bids, deadline 19th May, 2003 for design, furnishing and installation of steel linings, butterfly valves and ultrasonic flow meters for distributors, pressure shafts, valve chambers and connected tunnels. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=040121-2003, OJ S 46, or contact Landsvirkjun, Reykjavik, fax +354 5159006. E-mail Th. Halldorsson Innkaup@lv.is. Visit www.landsvirkjun.is and www.karahnjukar.is 11/03.Open call for bids, deadline 15th June, 2003 for construction supervision for the civil works of the underground power station, tunnels, pressure shafts and underground structures. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=076356-2003, OJ S 85, or contact Landsvirkjun, Reykjavik, fax +354 5159006. E-mail innkaup@lv.is 19/03.The Kí¡ranjíºkar underground power house (contract KAR-15) will be built by the Fosskraft JV including Hochtief, E. Pihl & Son of Denmark, and Icelandic contractors ístak and Iceland Prime Contractors. The power house calls for the construction of a 7.5 x 7.2 m access tunnel, a 4 x 4 m cable tunnel, a 115 x 14 x 34 m power house cavern, a 103 x 13.5 x 16 m transformer cavern, two penstocks, each 410 m-long and 3.5 m in diameter, and a 9 x 9 m tailrace tunnel. Contract value: €36.7 million. Visit www.hochtief.de, www.pihl-as.dk and www.istak.isA joint venture led by Mott MacDonald and comprising Lí­nuhönnun, Fjarhitun and HNIT from Iceland plus European companies SWECO, Norconsult and Coyne et Bellier has been appointed by national power company Landsvirkjun to oversee construction of the 190 m-high concrete faced rockfill dam and 60 km of tunnels. The dam and tunnels are part of the Kí¡rahnjíºkar power station being built to supply energy to US company Alcoa's new aluminium smelter. As lead consultant, Mott MacDonald will direct the single integrated construction supervision team which will be created and based near the Vatnajökull glacier. Mott MacDonald will project manage all dam construction work and will provide specialist expertise for the 7.2-7.6 m-diameter tunnel, 33 km of which will be created using TBMs and the remaining 27 km using drill/blast techniques. It is anticipated that the dam will be completed in late 2006 and the tunnelling by the middle of 2008. Visit www.mottmac.com, www.coyne-et-bellier.fr, www.sweco.se and www.norconsult.noDevelopment of the Kí¡rahnjíºkar power station entails harnessing the glacial rivers Jökulsí¡ í¡ Dal and Jökulsí¡ í­ Fljí³tsdal and creating the 57 sq km Hí¡lslí³n water storage reservoir and the smaller Ufsarlí³n reservoir. From the Hí¡lslí³n reservoir, water will be conveyed through an underground headrace tunnel eastward joining another tunnel from the Ufsarlí³n reservoir. The water will then be carried in a single tunnel north eastward to the Teigsbjarg escarpment, where it will drop through two steep penstocks to the underground power house. There the water will enter six generating units in the power house and then travel through a tailrace tunnel and canal into the course of the glacial river Jökulsí¡ í­ Fljí³tsdal. The hydro power station will have an installed capacity of 690 MW, and a power generating capacity of 4460 GWh per year. The dam will be constructed in the Jökulsí¡ í¡ Dal river to create the Hí¡lslí³n reservoir. Visit www.karahnjukar.is 39/03.Open call for bids, deadline 4th May, 2004 for contract KAR-21, Ufsarveita Diversion. Excavation of the 3.4 km drill/blast section of the Jökulsí¡ tunnel, 6 m in diameter, and construction of the Ufsarlí³n power intake and the intake canal. Also new road construction works and improvements to existing road. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=018352-2004, OJ S 21, or contact Landsvirkjun, Reykjavik, fax +354 5159006. E-mail innkaup@lv.is. Also visit www.landsvirkjun.is and www.karahnjukar.is 07/04.Arnarfell won contract KAR-21 for ISK1.9 billion which includes the construction of the Ufsarveita diversion, consisting of a 3.4 km 6 m-diameter drill/blast section of the Jokulsí¡ tunnel, the Ufsarlí³n power intake and intake canal and 13 km of road works. The largest tunnelling project of its kind ever undertaken solely by an Icelandic contractor, it will involve the movement and clearance of some 100,000 cu m of rock and soil. Visit www.karahnjukar.is and www.arnarfell.is 37/04.Open call for tenders, deadline 24th January, 2006 for contract KAR-24 of the Kí¡rahnjíºkar hydroelectric project. This contract includes the construction of two diversion tunnels, each about 2 km long and 4.5 m wide, together with intake and outlet canals. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=212618-2005, OJ S 215, or contact Landsvirkjun, Reykjavik, fax +354 5159006. E-mail innkaup@lv.is. Also visit www.landsvirkjun.is 46/05.Open call for bids, deadline 14th February, 2006 for contract KAR-67, construction supervision of the Ufsarstí­fla dam and the Hraunaveita diversion, including two drill-and-blast tunnels, each 2,000 m long and 4.5 m wide. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=248398-2005, OJ S 251, or contact Landsvirkjun, Reykjavik, fax +354 5159006. E-mail innkaup@lv.is 02/06.


Iceland, Fljotsdalur - is/13


Restricted tendering for construction of 32 km-long tunnel, deadline 20th January, 2000. Fax Landsvirkjun +354 151 59006 for details. January 2000.   Planned installed capacity of power station will be 210 MW. A 43 sq km reservoir will be formed at Eyjabakkar connected to a 31.2 km-long headrace tunnel, of which 28 km will be TBM bored at 5.0 – 5.5 m-diameter. This will feed three Pelton vertically-mounted turbines in an underground powerhouse via a 450 m steel-cased penstock shaft. The drill/blast sections of the headrace tunnel will be 27 sq m cross-section. A 1 km tailrace tunnel will discharge the water into the River Jokulsa. A 700 m-long powerhouse access tunnel will house a switchgear cavern and control station. The first 155 m of this tunnel was developed by drill/blast some ten years ago. TBM excavation will produce 1.5 m cu m of spoil and blasting will yield another 400,000 cu m. Some 50,000 cu m of concrete and injection aggregates will be required. Fljotsdalur is needed to power a proposed aluminium smelter at Reydarfjordur scheduled to go onstream at end-2003, so underground construction will have to restart by mid-2000. Estimated project cost $315 million. For a complete history and background to this scheme visit www.lv.is February 2000. Project abandonment reported at www.lv.is July 2000.


Iceland, Vestfirdir - is/12


  8.7 km-long Breidadals-Botnsheidi tunnel to connect three valleys on peninsula with all-weather access. Joint venture of Skanska/Istak/Selmer/Pihl carried out $35 million excavation. Main section is two-way tunnel but shorter diversions into the valleys are single-lane with pass-by every 160 m. August 1995.  Opened to traffic. December 1995.


Iceland, Hvalfjordur - is/11

Subsea Highway

  Fjord crossing 5.7 km long with deepest point 155 m below MSL and under 40 m of water. Minimum rock cover 35 m in basalt, scoria and sedimentary rocks. Q system rock mass classification with support by rockbolts and shotcrete. Concession owned by Spolur; turnkey design/construct contract by jv of Istak of Iceland, Pihl & Son of Denmark, and Skanska of Sweden, with O T Blindheim preparing conceptual design. May 1996.  Breakthrough reported by Skanska March, 1998 and tunnel opened for traffic in mid-year. October 1998.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 30/11/2021, for breakdown and car recovery in the Hvalfjordur sub-sea tunnel (5770 m) on Route 1. For tender documents click here, where tenders must be sent. Duration of the contract will be 18 months. Contact Vegagerdin, attn Gisli Gislason, Reykjavik, email  gigi@vegagerdin.is. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=560427-2021 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=548872-2021. Ref.n. 21-123. 44/21. 


Iceland-Reykjavik: Breakdown and recovery services for cars

2021/S 212-560427


Notice for changes or additional information


(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 2021/S 209-548872)

Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU

Section I: Contracting authority/entity

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: Vegagerðin
National registration number: 6802692899
Postal address: Borgartún 7
Town: Reykjavik
NUTS code: IS Ísland
Postal code: 105
Country: Iceland
Contact person: Gísli Gíslason
E-mail: gigi@vegagerdin.is
Internet address(es):
Main address: http://www.vegagerdin.is/

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

Hvalfjordur Tunnel, Vehicle Rescue 2022-2024

Reference number: 21-123
II.1.2)Main CPV code
50118100 Breakdown and recovery services for cars
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.4)Short description:

The project includes car rescue in Hvalfjordur tunnel. The work is removal and transport of cars, carriages and other vehicles that disrupts traffic and threatens traffic safety both in or near the tunnel, e.g. due to breakdowns, mishaps or accidents.

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:
VI.6)Original notice reference
Notice number in the OJ S: 2021/S 209-548872

Section VII: Changes

VII.1)Information to be changed or added
VII.1.2)Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section number: IV.2.2)
Place of text to be modified: Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Instead of:
Date: 23/11/2021
Local time: 14:00
Date: 30/11/2021
Local time: 14:00
Section number: IV.2.6)
Place of text to be modified: Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender, Tender must be valid until
Instead of:
Date: 04/01/2022
Date: 11/01/2022
Section number: IV.2.7)
Place of text to be modified: Conditions for opening of tenders
Instead of:
Date: 23/11/2021
Local time: 14:15
Date: 30/11/2021
Local time: 14:15
VII.2)Other additional information:


Gisli Stefan Jonsson ehf from Akranes secured the EUR 461,706.88 (ISK64.5 million) contract, excluding VAT, for breakdown and car recovery in the Hvalfjordur sub-sea tunnel (5770 m) on Route 1. Contact Vegagerdin, attn Gisli Gislason, Reykjavik, email  gigi@vegagerdin.is. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=348486-2022. Ref.n. 21-123. 26/22.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 17/01/2023, for operation and maintenance services in a sub-sea tunnel (5770 m) on Route 1. Click here for tender documents and here where tenders must be sent. Duration of the contract will be 24 months. Contact Vegagerdin, attn Gisli Gislason, Gardabaer, email gigi@vegagerdin.is. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=668858-2022. Ref.n. 22-098. 48/22. 



The contract for the 2023-2025 operation and maintenance services in a sub-sea tunnel (5770 m) on Route 1 was not awarded. Contact Vegagerdin, attn Gisli Gislason, Gardabaer, email gigi@vegagerdin.is. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=654634-2023. Ref.n. 22-098. 44/23. 



India, Madhya Pradesh - in/105


Closing Date: 13.05.2024 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 13/05/2024, for the design & construction of twin tunnel (Up & Down by Shield TBM), Cut& Cover, Cross-passages with/without sump, Ramps, 7 Underground Stations (Indore Railway station, Rajwada, Chota Ganpati ,Bada Ganpati, Ramchandra Nagar, BSF/Kalani Nagar and Airport) including Architectural finishing, Plumbing  works in the entire underground section from km 5+862 to km14+482.347-14+488 for the Indore Metro Rail Project, Package IN-05R. This is the only underground package of the 33.53 km Indore Metro Phase 1 project. The Pre Bid Meeting Place will be held on 12-Apr-2024 11:00 AM. Contact Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited (MPMRCL), Berkheda City Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. Visit https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app. Tender Ref. n. 569/MPMRCL/2024/IN05R, Tender ID. 2024_MPMRA_190668_1. 12/24..


India, Mizoram - in/104


Ircon International Limited has been awarded the LOA (letter of award) from National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation(NHIDCL)  for construction with drill&blast method of Twin Tube Uni-directional Aizawl Bypass Tunnel of 2.5 km and its approaches of 2.1 km from km 10.600 to km 15.200 (Package-2) on Sairang - Phaibawk section of NH-6 in the State of Mizoram on EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) Mode at a quoted bid price of EUR735.14 million (INR630.66 Crores). For further on trhe project click here. Duration of the contract 36 months. Contact National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation (NHIDCL), attn Mohammad Khalid, New Delhi. Visit https://www.bseindia.com/xml-data/corpfiling/AttachLive/f86a1680-4a66-4499-91fe-df29f7e638b1.pdf and https://eprocure.gov.in/.  Ref.n. 2023_NHIDC_ 775279_1. 12/24.



India, Kerala - in/103


Closing Date: 23.02.2024 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 23/02/2024, for the construction of a twin tube road tunnel (two-lanes in each traffic direction) in the Kozhikode and Wayanad districts of Kerala State on an EPC Basis. The project includes a four-lane approach road for direct connectivity between Anakkampoyil - Kalladi - Meppadi from Km 0.460 to Km 8.735, Package II. The value of the EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) contract is EUR 181,32 million (INR 16.43 bn). Duration of the works will be 1460 days. The Pre-bid meeting will be on 01-Feb-2024 03:30 PM. Contact Konkan Railway Corporation Ldt, Navi Mumbai. Visit https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app. Ref.n. 2023_KRCL_175966_1.  49/23.  


India, Delhi - in/102


Closing Date: 19.09.2023 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 19/09/2023, for the construction of a road tunnel with its approaches from Shiv Murti interchange on NH-248BB/NH-48 to Nelson Mandela Marg (NH-148AE) from km 0.000 to km4.983 in New Delhi on an Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) basis . The contract value is EUR 223,52 million (INR19.94 bn). Duration of works 1461 days. Contact National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), attn Mohammad Safi, email mohammadsafi@nhai.org. Visit https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app.  Ref.n. NHAI/Delhi /NH-148AE/2023. 34/23. 


India, Jammu and Kashmir - in/101


Closing Date: 24.07.2023 (Tender Closed)

RFP, deadline 24/07/2023,  for Consultancy Services for a Feasibility Study, Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing pre-construction services for Construction of the Twin Tube Uni-directional Sheshnag tunnel (10.8 km) under Ganesh top hill including approaches from km 60.400 (Chandanwadi) to km 82.700 (Near Sangam Top ) on Khanabal-Baltal section of NH-501 in the UT of Jammu & Kashmir on EPC Mode. Click here for tender submission. Contact NHIDCL, attn B.Shivprasad, New Delhi, tel +91-11-23461674, email shivprasad.152p@gov.in.   Visit https://nhidcl.com/tenders/tendors/uploads/9d496/tendor/RFP%20for%20DPR%20of%20Sheshnag%20Tunnel.pdf . Ref.n. NHIDCL/J&K/NH-501/Sheshnag Tunnel/DPR /2022-23. 28/23. 


India, Assam - in/100


Closing Date: 10.07.2023 (Tender Closed)

Notice Inviting Bids, deadline 10/07/2023,  for Consultancy Services for preparation of Detailed Project Report and for Pre-Construction activities towards Construction of 4-lane and 15.6km tunnel Connectivity across River Brahmaputra between Gohpur (on NH-15) and Numaligarh (on NH-715) in the State of Assam. Click here for bid submission. Contact NHIDCL, attn K. C. Bhatt, New Delhi, tel +91-11-23461626, email kc.bhatt@gov.in, ed5@nhidcl.com.   Visit https://nhidcl.com/tenders/tendors/uploads/18b25/C2-bg.pdf and  https://nhidcl.com/tenders/tendors/uploads/18b25/tendor/RFP.pdf. Ref.n. NHIDCL/ASSAM/2023-24/G-NG/Tunnel/DPR/. 26/23. 



Notice Inviting Bid, deadline 10/07/2023,  for Consultancy Services for preparation of Detailed Project Report and for Pre-Construction activities towards Construction of 4-lane and 15.6km tunnel Connectivity across River Brahmaputra between Gohpur (on NH-15) and Numaligarh (on NH-715) in the State of Assam. Click here for bid submission. Contact NHIDCL, attn K. C. Bhatt, New Delhi, tel +91-11-23461626, email kc.bhatt@gov.in, ed5@nhidcl.com.   Visit https://nhidcl.com/tenders/tendors/uploads/18b25/C2-bg.pdf and  https://nhidcl.com/tenders/tendors/uploads/18b25/tendor/RFP.pdf. Ref.n. NHIDCL/ASSAM/2023-24/G-NG/Tunnel/DPR/. 26/23. 

