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Switzerland, Bulle - ch/41


Proposed $125 million, 5.3 km bypass will require two single-tube tunnels at Planchy and beneath the Treme, total length 2.4 km. Canton of Fribourg approval referendum scheduled for Spring, 2001. December 2000.


Switzerland, Canton of Geneva - ch/40


Preliminary studies underway by Canton engineering department for 4.5 km-long tunnel under city as part of connection between La Praille and Eaux-Vives, and on towards Annemasse in France. December 2000.Tenders invited by the state of Geneva, department of planning, equipment and housing (DAEL) to build lots 3 and 5 of the Cornavin/Eaux-Vives/Annemasse (CEVA) railway between Switzerland and France. Deadline 15th November, 2002. Lot 3 includes the 2,110 m-long Pinchat tunnel and a partly underground station. Cost estimate CHF150 million. Lot 5 requires the 1,628 m-long Champel tunnel and an underground station. Cost estimate CHF103 million. Award expected in mid-March 2003. Contact DAEL, Direction de projet CEVA, rue David-Dufour 5, 1221 Genève, tel. +41 223274351, fax +41 223274718. E-mail alain.pirat@etat.ge.ch. Visit www.geneve.ch/dael/welcome.html 43/02.The draft studies and follow-up of the approval procedure of designs are underway for contracts 3 and 5 of the Cornavin-Eaux-Vives-Annemasse (CEVA) railway between Switzerland and France. Contract 3 has been awarded to Groupement GE-Pinchat, including Bonnard & Gardel, Geotechnique Appliquee Deriaz, Solfor and SD Ingenierie for CHF4.5 million. It runs from Carouge station to Bachet and includes the 2,110 m-long Pinchat tunnel and a partly underground station.Contract 5 has been awarded to Groupement GECA, including Stucky, B+S Ingenieure, Epars & Deraud and Gysi Leoni Mader SG for CHF2.9 million. It runs from Champel station to Hopital and requires the 1,628 m-long Champel tunnel and an underground station. Visit www.ceva.ch 21/05.Open invitation to tender, deadline 1st December, 2008 for construction of the 2,036 m-long Pinchat tunnel on the Cornavin-Eaux-Vives-Annemasse (CEVA) line between Geneva and the French border. The contract also includes cut-and-cover construction and an access shaft to the Carouge Bachet stop. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=189668-2008, OJ S 141, or contact SBB-CFF-FFS, Lausanne, fax +41 512243462. E-mail eric.pointet@sbb.ch or muriel.volluz@sbb.ch. Visit the project's website at www.ceva.ch 31/08.Open invitation to tender, deadline 1st December, 2008 for environmental follow-up during construction of the Cornavin-Eaux-Vives-Annemasse (CEVA) line between Geneva and the French border. Click ch/40. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=197116-2008, OJ S 146, or contact SBB-CFF-FFS, Lausanne, fax +41 512242992 or 51223245002. E-mail ernest.boget@sbb.ch or infoceva@etat.ge.ch. Visit www.ceva.ch 32-33/08.Open invitation to tender, deadline 10th December 2008, for construction of lot 25.11 of the Cornavin-Eaux-Vives-Annemasse (CEVA) line between Geneva and the French border, including the 1,430 m Champel tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=226026-2008, OJ S 168, or contact SBB-CFF-FFS, Lausanne, fax +41 227160689. E-mail eric.pointet@sbb.ch. Visit www.ceva.ch 37/08.


Marti Genève SA di Meyrin (Switzerland) secured the contract for construction of Lot 25.11 of the Cornavin-Eaux-Vives-Annemasse (CEVA) line between Geneva and the French border, including the 1,430 m Champel tunnel. Contact Gérald Viquerat, Chemins de fer fédéraux suisses CFF Infrastructure, Projets - Projets CEVA, Geneva, tel +41 227160683, fax +41 227160689, e-mail gerald.viquerat@ceva.ch. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=024613-2010 and www.martisageneve.ch. 06/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 25.08.2014, for construction of the four security exits (Drize, Pinchat, Stand de Tir) of the 2,036 m-long Pinchat and 1,430 m-long Champel  tunnel on the Cornavin-Eaux-Vives-Annemasse (CEVA) line between Geneva and the French border. Contact Project CEVA, att.n Gerald Viquerat, Ginevra, e-mail gerald.viquerat@ceva.ch. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=196319-2014. Ref n.1123968. 24/14.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 29.08.2014, for refurbishment of railway platform in junction and bridge of junction and for the upgrading of the 1,038 m-long Batie tunnel on the Cornavin-Eaux-Vives-Annemasse (CEVA) line between Geneva and the French border (Lot LTx 12.20). Further information from http://www.simap.ch/shabforms/servlet/Search?NOTICE_NR=790059. Contact Project CEVA, att.n Gerald Viquerat, Ginevra, e-mail gerald.viquerat@ceva.ch. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=225719-2014. Ref n.I-PJ-CEVA-1123966. 27/14.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 08.12.2014, for delivery and installation of firefighting equipment in tunnels, cut/cover and safety tunnels on the Cornavin-Eaux-Vives-Annemasse (CEVA) line between Geneva and the French border. Further information from http://www.simap.ch/shabforms/servlet/Search?NOTICE_NR=833859. Contact Project CEVA, att.n Gerald Viquerat, Ginevra, e-mail gerald.viquerat@ceva.ch. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=311968-2014. Ref n. 1123978/1123979/1123980/1123981/1123982. 38/14.


Marti Construction SA of Meyrin secured the EUR11.14 million contract, excluding VAT, for refurbishment of railway platform in junction and bridge of junction and for the upgrading of the 1,038 m-long Batie tunnel on the Cornavin-Eaux-Vives-Annemasse (CEVA) line between Geneva and the French border (Lot LTx 12.20). Contact Project CEVA, att.n Gerald Viquerat, Ginevra, e-mail gerald.viquerat@ceva.ch. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=7219-2015. Ref n.I-PJ-CEVA-1123966. 03/15.


Martin Sanitaires SA of Geneva secured the EUR4,924,254.92 contract for delivery and installation of firefighting equipment in tunnels, cut/cover and safety tunnels on the Cornavin-Eaux-Vives-Annemasse (CEVA) line between Geneva and the French border. Contact Project CEVA, att.n Gerald Viquerat, Ginevra, e-mail gerald.viquerat@ceva.ch. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=269580-2015. 32/15.


From the end of 2016 to the end of 2019, the Alpiq and Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group consortium, under Alpiq’s lead, will equip the 16-km rail route CEVA (Cornavin − Eaux-Vives − Annemasse) with railway technology for the customers SBB and the Canton of Geneva. The order value for the consortium amounts to EUR62-55 million. Visit http://www.alpiq.com/news-stories/media-releases/media_releases.jsp?news=tcm:95-147352. 32/16.


Pizzarotti SA from Lugano secured the EUR5.46 million contract, excluding VAT, for construction of the four security exits of the 2,036 m-long Pinchat tunnel (Drize, Plateau de Pinchat, Stand de Tir) and 1,430 m-long Champel tunnel (Plateau de Champel) on the Cornavin-Eaux-Vives-Annemasse (CEVA) line between Geneva and the French border. For more, visit http://www.simap.ch/shabforms/servlet/Search?NOTICE_NR=915565. Contact Project CEVA, att.n Gerald Viquerat, Ginevra, e-mail gerald.viquerat@ceva.ch. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=222867-2016. Ref n.1123968. 32/16.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 05.05.2017, to provide equipment in the safety exits of tunnels, and cut&cover tunnels - Pinchat and Champel tunnels, Val d'Arve, Geneva Eaux Vives, Franck Thomas, Gradelle and Foron - Cut&Cover tunnels of the Cornavin-Eaux-Vives-Annemasse (CEVA) line. The duration of the contract is from 01/10/2017 to 31/12/2019. For further information http://www.simap.ch/shabforms/servlet/Search?NOTICE_NR=953833. Tenders to be submitted to Projet CEVA, att.n Gerald Viquerat, Geneva, email gerald.viquerat@ceva.ch. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=060821-2017. 09/17.


Switzerland, Baregg - ch/39


  $75 million third 1.39 km-long three-lane tube with 143 sq m cross-section awarded to jv of Petsch, Ghelma, Baresel, and Hinteregger to be constructed using two roadheaders in sandstone, clay, silts and marl. Rockbolts, steel arches and shotcrete support. Preconsolidation carried out from 3.5 m-diameter x 320 m-long TBM exploratory drive which will now be extended by 700 m using 3.2 m Robbins TBM. Expected geological conditions poor, but construction should be complete for August 2003. Engineering by Gahler & Partner, www.gpag.ch Visit www.robbinstbm.com November 2000.


Switzerland, Salgesch - ch/38


Open invitation to tender, deadline 30th November, for 960 m-long, twin-tube Hubit tunnel on T9 main road between Sierre and Leuk in Rhone valley to commence March, 2001. Contact DSF, tel +41 27 6063500. Work proceeding on adjoining 2.8 km Varen and 1.37 km Leuk tunnels. Parallel 4.2 km A9 motorway tunnel on opposite side of river in design. October 2000.Award of $50 million, 960 m-long, twin-tube Hubil road tunnel for proposed $350 million Sierre-Leuk A9 motorway to consortium of Losinger, Evequoz, Deneriaz, Imboden, Theler, Arnold and Zufferey. Sponsored by DSF, tel +41 2760 63500. Visit www.losinger.ch 29/01.  


Switzerland, Zurich - ch/37


Second underground station with four tracks to be built beneath central station with 4.8 km-long single-tube tunnel connection to Oerlikon in sedimentary rock and molasse. CFF has set aside $80 million for preparatory work with a view to starting main construction in 2005 for opening 2012. Contact through www.cff.ch November 2000. SFr580 million financing approved by an overwhelming majority (82%) of the Zurich people by referendum on 22nd September, 2001. Construction start delayed to 2006. The project had been earlier approved by the Zurich Canton so that final approval is now pending by the federal government. 42/01.   Preliminary design contract for approximately €1.4 million for two out of four design lots of new 11.8 km railway line, of which more than 50% will be underground through the city centre, awarded to Electrowatt Infra and Basler & Hofmann as part of Rail 2000 programme. Project co-financed by the Swiss Federal Railways and the Canton of Zurich. Visit http://www.bahn2000zh.ch/new.htm, www.poyry.fi and www.ewe.ch 44/01.  A JV between Electrowatt Infra, part of the Jaakko Pöyry Group, and Basler & Hofmann has been commissioned by the Swiss federal railways and the Canton of Zurich to design a new four-track underground station beneath the Zurich main station, a 5 km-long 11 m-diameter double-track railway tunnel, four escape and rescue galleries, and a construction shaft with a diameter of 22 m. The underground station and the tunnel are part of the new centre line between Zurich airport and the main station. The new line will be opened to service by 2012 and the total project cost will be about €1 billion. Visit www.poyry.com, www.ewi.ch and www.bhz.ch 35/03.Electrowatt Infra, which is part of the Jaakko Poyry Group, has been awarded in JV with Basler & Hofmann a tunnel engineering contract by the Swiss Federal Railways and the Canton Zurich. The engineering services will be delivered between September 2005 and July 2013. The value of Electrowatt Infra's contract is EUR8 million. This contract is for section 2 Loewenstrasse station and section 3 Weinberg tunnel and is a continuation to the assignment commenced in 2003. It comprises the design of a new underground station beneath Zurich's main station and a 5 km railway tunnel. The station and tunnel are part of the new circle line, which will link Altstetten in the west of Zurich with Oerlikon in the north and increase the transport capacity of the railway network in the business area of the city. Electrowatt Infra's services include the preparation of tender documents, technical and financial bid evaluation, detail design, supervision, settlement monitoring, quality control and project management. Visit www.ewi.ch, www.poyry.com and www.bhz.ch 43/05.Open call for tenders, deadline 19th January, 2007 for construction of the Weinberg tunnel (lot 3.2) on the Altstetten-Zurich central station-Oerlikon line, section 3. The contract is for the Brunnenhof launch shaft, a 4.5 km 95 sq m twin-track tunnel to be built by means of a TBM in soft rock for most of the length (4.1 km), 100 metres of tunnel using conventional methods, four escape and rescue tunnels totalling 2.4 km, with a section of 21 sq m, to be built also using conventional means, and approx. 115 metres of wide forepoling. Read E-News Weekly 33/2006. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=161247-2006, OJ S 149, or contact CFF, Zurich, tel. +41 443871500. 33-34/06.A consortium of Implenia, Wayss & Freytag, Bilfinger Berger and PraderLosinger will build the Weinberg tunnel as well as the underground pathway of the existing station's southern part. Access shafts are also part of the contract, worth CHF350 million. The 4.5 km single bored dual-track Weinberg tunnel will feature a 9.74 m inner diameter and a 10.94 m outer diameter. Other underground structures include a 22 m-diameter 34 m-deep temporary access shaft and a new underpass in the southern part of the railway station. The geology is molasse (marls and sands). The tunnel will be driven using a mixshield TBM and lined by 30 cm-thick precast concrete segments and 30 cm-thick cast-in-place concrete. A conveyor belt is envisaged to evacuate the spoil. Tunnelling is scheduled to commence in September 2008 for breakthrough in 2010. Visit www.implenia.com, www.wf-ingbau.de, www.bilfingerberger.de and www.praderlosinger.ch 49/07.The new Löwenstrasse station will be built by a Marti-led consortium. The station will be 500 m long, whereof 420 metres for the platforms, its inner height will be five metres and its outer height 11 metres. Its width is variable (up to 45 metres). Click here. Visit www.martiag.ch 49/07.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 21/10/2022, for the renewal of the existing track in the tunnel Sihl (1.4 km), section Zurich Selnau - tunnel portal (Lot 2). The Sihl tunnel connects the SZU railway lines with the Main Zurich Station. For further information click here (German) and/or here (French). Duration of the contract is from 01/03/2023 to 06/12/2023. Contact Sihltal Zürich Uetliberg Bahn SZU AG, Zürich, email ausschreibung@szu.ch. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=525382-2022 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=467822-2022. Ref.n. 8237. 39/22. 


Switzerland-Zurich: Construction work

2022/S 185-525382


Notice for changes or additional information


(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 2022/S 164-467822)

Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU

Section I: Contracting authority/entity

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: Sihltal Zürich Uetliberg Bahn SZU AG
Postal address: Wolframplatz 21
Town: Zürich
NUTS code: CH0 Schweiz / Suisse / Svizzera
Postal code: 8045
Country: Switzerland
E-mail: ausschreibung@szu.ch
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://www.simap.ch
Address of the buyer profile: www.szu.ch

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

SZU Zürich – Giesshübel Erneuerung Fahrbahn Sihltunnel, Los 2

Reference number: 8237
II.1.2)Main CPV code
45000000 Construction work
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.4)Short description:

Dans un premier lot, la voie sans ballast endommagée entre Zurich HB SZU et Zurich Selnau a été assainie en 2019. Le tronçon restant entre Zurich Selnau et le portail du tunnel sera remis en état dans un second lot, en 2023, dans le cadre du présent appel d’offres. En plus du renouvellement de la voie existante dans le tunnel sous la Sihl, la voie ballastée existante entre le portail du tunnel et l’extrémité du passage routier supérieur Tunnlestrasse sera également remplacée par une voie sans ballast. En raison des déficits statiques existants, des mesures de renforcement seront appliquées au niveau du passage souterrain pour piétons Freigutstrasse, de la construction en rampe II et du passage routier supérieur Tunnelstrasse en parallèle au renouvellement de la voie. À la suite du passage routier supérieur, un nouveau mur en dalles préfabriqué (system Ribbert) d’une longueur de 115 m sera érigé à l’extérieur de la courbe.

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:
VI.6)Original notice reference
Notice number in the OJ S: 2022/S 164-467822

Section VII: Changes

VII.1)Information to be changed or added
VII.1.2)Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section number: IV.2.2)
Place of text to be modified: Date limite de réception des offres ou des demandes de participation
Instead of:
Date: 14/10/2022
Local time: 12:00
Date: 21/10/2022
Local time: 12:00
Section number: IV.2.7)
Place of text to be modified: Modalités d’ouverture des offres
Instead of:
Date: 17/10/2022
Date: 24/10/2022
VII.2)Other additional information:


Walo Bertschinger AG from Dietikon have secured the contract for EUR5.22 million (CHF5.15 million), excluding VAT, for the renewal of the existing track in the tunnel Sihl (1.4 km), section Zurich Selnau - tunnel portal (Lot 2). The Sihl tunnel connects the SZU railway lines with the Main Zurich Station. For further information click here (German). Contact Sihltal Zurich Uetliberg Bahn SZU AG, Zürich, email ausschreibung@szu.ch. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=086724-2023. Ref.n. 8237. 06/23.  



Switzerland, Lausanne - ch/36


$100 million new line with 14 stations to be built for Vaud Canton between Ouchy in the south and Epalinges in the north will be 6 km long with 1.8 km in single 7.5 m-diameter tunnel excavated by roadheader in molasse and moraine with sprayed concrete support. Restricted invitations to tender closed 7th July, 2000 with a view to starting construction early-2002 for commissioning 2005. Contact Service des Routes, tel +41 213 167069. Alstom will supply $25 million fully-automated, driverless train control system and $50 million 15 two-car, rubber-tyred train sets. Visit www.alstom.com July 2000. The Swiss Confederation is to grant Sfr70 million until 2007 to finance the 6 km extension of Line 2, known as Métro-Ouchy, between the central station and Croisettes in Epalinges in the northeast thus reducing the financial burden of the Vaud Canton to Sfr305 million. At least 70% of the alignment will be underground. There will be 14 stations on an average gradient of 5.7%. The overall budget totals Sfr590 million. Visit http://www.dinf.vd.ch/target/body/gp_transport/doss_avenir/b_dav_metro_ne.html 09/02.Preparatory work has started on Line 2. Contracts 1100 and 1200 will be built by a consortium formed by Deneriaz, Zschokke Locher, Grisoni Zaugg, and Walo Bertschinger. Contract 1100 includes two tunnels (238 m and 246 m), a 28 m-long cut-and-cover stretch and a 77 m-long station. Contract 1200 encompasses two tunnels (306 m and 265 m), two cut-and-cover portions (41 m and 12 m) and one 33 m-long station. Visit www.deneriaz.chContract 1300 has been secured by Losinger and Frutiger. It includes a 136 m tunnel. Contract 1400 goes to Losinger. It requires two tunnels (63 m and 486 m), a 161 m cut-and-cover tunnel and a 33 m-long station. Visit www.losinger.chJPF Construction, Induni, Evequoz and Getra secured contract 1500 which includes a 503 m tunnel, a 69 m cut-and-cover tunnel and a 58 m-long station.Contract 1700 will be constructed by Marti Tunnelbau and Batigroup. It includes a 665 m tunnel, a 41 m cut-and-cover stretch and a 33 m-long station. Visit www.martiag.chContract 1900 includes a 452 m tunnel, a 72 m cut-and-cover portion and a 100 m-long station. It will be built by Infra Tunnel and Bernasconi. Visit www.infratunnel.chContract 2000, awarded to Batigroup, Marti Travaux, Perrin Frères and Bertholet & Mathis, includes a 30 m cut-and-cover stretch. Visit www.batigroup.comContract 2100 has been awarded to JPF Construction and includes a 68 m cut-and-cover portion. Also visit www.t-l.ch 22/04.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 22.12.2016, for engineering services for underground equipment (EQUI) for the m2-m3 metro lines in Lausanne. Further information from http://www.simap.ch/shabforms/servlet/Search?NOTICE_NR=930051. Contact Techdata SA, att.n Etienne Rass, Epalinges. Tenders to be sent to DGMR, Lausanne. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=363306-2016. Ref.n. MP 2016.05.232. 42/16


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.09.2019, for the design, tender and construction of the M3 Lausanne metro line section, from Lausanne-Flon to Blecherette, including 3 km in tunnel and 5 underground stations. The bid is composed of 5 lots: Lausanne-Gare and Lausanne-Flon stations (Lot 1); the tunnel from Lausanne-Flon to Beaulieu and the Chauderon station (Lot 2); the tunnel from Beaulieu to Plaines-du-Loup and the Beaulieu and Casernes stations (Lot 3); the tunnel from Plaines-du-Loup to Blecherette and the Plaines-du-Loup and Blecherette stations (Lot 4); a maintenance building at Blecherette (Lot 5). Duration contract from 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2027. For further information http://www.simap.ch/shabforms/servlet/Search?NOTICE_NR=1085665. Contact Direction générale de la mobilité et des routes DGMR direction des metros, Lausanne, email metro-m3@vd.ch. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=320785-2019.

Bid Code n. FLO-BLE - AR/GC. 28/19.


Switzerland, Sörenberg - ch/35

Gas pipeline

  Joint venture of Ilbau, Cogeis and Scheifele taking delivery of 4.5 m-diameter Herrenknecht shielded hardrock TBM for 5.2 km gas pipeline tunnel through marl and disturbed sandstones, siltstones and mudstones erecting six-piece 3.8 m i.d. dowelled and gasketed precast concrete segmental lining in rings 1.5 m-wide and 250 cm thick. Possibility of gas in sedimentary deposits. Boring to commence July on 15-month schedule. Visit www.herrenknecht.com May 2000.5.3 km extension of gas pipeline between Belgium and Italy in Canton Lucerne awarded to jv with Ilbau as technical leader, value $30 million. Rockmore will supply drilling consumables from its Austrian plant. Visit www.strabag.at and www.rockmore-intl.com October 2000. Consortium of Strabag, Cogeis, Specogna and Scheifele using 4.56 m-diameter Herrenknecht hardrock TBM with trunk conveyor belt on 5.2 km segmentally-lined tube at 5 % gradient in Sörenberg mélange, flysch and globigerina marl. TBM, which has automatic power cut-off if gas is detected, launched August, 2000 on ten month run. 2.2 km completed by end-November. Best week 200 m; best day 38 m in 18 h. Unique compact 26 m-high belt storage tower with 300 m capacity. Visit www.strabag.at and www.herrenknecht.de 02/01.4.56 m-diameter Herrenknecht hardrock TBM averaging 18 m/day working 24/7 with 18 h/day operating, peaking at 36 m/day. Around 4 km of 5.2 km drive completed, all at 5% upgrade. Up to 150 m/week being maintained in Sorenberg melange. Lining with rings of six tapered, gasketed segments 1.5 m wide and 250 mm thick, with internal diameter 3.8 m. TBM ahead of schedule, with completion expected May, 2001. Visit www.strabag.com and www.herrenknecht.com 14/01.


Switzerland, Bern - ch/34


Open tendering underway for the 300,000 cu m Moutier road tunnel, deadline 31st August, 2000. Apply to the National Highways Office, Roads and Bridges, Canton of Bern, Reiterstrasse 11, 3011 Bern, Switzerland, fax +41 31 3856117. May 2000.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 27.01.2010, for axial and jet fans in the tunnels Moutier (1,191 m, 1,172 m) and Graitery (2,462 m) on A16 between Roches and Court, Lot EM 5.1. Contract duration 01.03.2010 – 26.10.2012. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 18.11.2009. Contact M. Viktor Ruch, Office des ponts et chaussées del Bern canton, Section construction national roads, Bern, tel +41 316333543, fax +41 316333580, e-mail viktor.ruch@bve.be.ch. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=308012-2009. 47/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 11.05.2010, for video surveillance and detection of events systems for the tunnels of Moutier (1,191 m/1,172 m) and Graitery (2,462 m) on A16 between Roches and Court. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 08.03.2010. Contract duration: 01.09.2010 - 31.01.2012. Contact Mr Viktor Ruch, Bridge and roads office, national roads section, Canton Bern, Bern, tel +41 3163335-43, fax -80, e-mail viktor.ruch@bve.be.ch. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=045072-2010. 07/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 02.07.2010, for painting in the tunnels of Moutier (1,191 m/1,172 m) on A16 between Roches and Court. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 16.06.2010. Contact M. Alain Koenig, bridge and roads office, national roads section, Bern, tel +41 3163335-11, fax -80, e-mail alain.koenig@bve.be.ch. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=161610-2010. 23/10.Open invitation to tender, deadline 02.07.2010, for SOS doors in the tunnels of Moutier (1,191 m/1,172 m) on A16 between Roches and Court. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 16.06.2010. Contact M. Alain Koenig, Bridge and roads office, national roads section, Bern, tel +41 3163335-11, fax -80, e-mail alain.koenig@bve.be.ch. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=161611-2010. 23/10.


Switzerland, Tscharner - ch/33

Material Transport

Herrenknecht 9.53 m-diameter TBM equipped with two rockbolting drills ordered by Marti AG for 2.5 km drive at Vigier cement plant commencing in Spring, 2000. Details from www.herrenknecht.com April 2000.


Switzerland, Zurich - ch/32

Airport Service

  Wayss and Freytag reports on projects at Kloten airport using its 6.2 m-diameter Herrenknecht EPB in sand, silt, moraine and coarse gravel to install 6 m o.d. x 5.4 m i.d. segmental lining in 490 m-long baggage service tunnel and 1.784 km pedestrian passenger tunnel. Visit www.wayss-freytag.de April 2000. Award of two tunnels to link proposed midfield dock to main terminal: rail passenger transport tunnel 970 m x internal diameter 5.4 m is being constructed by consortium of Zschokke, Locher, Prader, Wayss u Freytag, and Walo Bertschinger using Herrenknecht Mixshield. Visit www.amberg.ch; and three compartment road tunnel, 2 x 667 m x 54 sq m for traffic plus 1 x 38 sq m for baggage, to be built by cut-and-cover beneath airport runway. Completion November, 2002 at total cost of $120 million. December 2000.

