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Canada, Quebec - ca/42


The Quebec Ministry of Transportation has awarded the EUR726 million (CAD1,142 million) contract for rehabilitation of the 1.5km Louis Hippolyte Lafontaine Tunnel on the A25 and its access roads to the consortium Renouveau La Fontaine, comprising VINCI subsidiaries (50%) – Eurovia, consortium leader, and Dodin Campenon Bernard – and Canadian company Pomerleau (50%).

The  tunnel, beneath the Saint-Lawrence River and opened in 1967, links the eastern part of the Island of Montreal to the city of Longueuil. The works, to be carried out between early 2021 and July 2025, will include tunnel: repairing the structure, installing new fire protection facings, landscaping and architectural finishes, modernising all electrical, E&M and supervisory infrastructure, as well as deploying new technologies to increase operator and user safety (fire safety equipment and smoke evacuation systems); access roads: widening the A20 motorway with the addition of a new bus and carsharing lane, as well as updating 25 km of pavement (on the A25 and A20) and an interchange.  Visit https://www.vinci.com/vinci.nsf/en/press-releases/pages/20200730-1830.htm and https://pomerleau.ca/. 31/20.


Canada, Toronto - ca/41

Subway (Ontario Line)

Closing Date: 18.08.2020 (Tender Closed)

Requests for Qualification (RFQ), deadline 18/08/2020, for the DBFOM (Design Build Finance Operate Maintain) contract for Rolling Stock, Systems, Operations and Maintenance for the entire Ontario Line, for a 30-year term. The contract will involve Rolling Stock: the vehicles (trains); Systems: all track, communications and train control systems for the Ontario Line; the Operations, Maintenance and Storage Facility , the Operations Control Centre and the Backup Operations Control Centre; working collaboratively with the TTC in accordance with future operations and maintenance agreements; integrating fare equipment with the PRESTO system.

The pre-bidding webinar will be on 16/06/2020 at 10:00:00 AM EDT. Contact Infrastructure Ontario , attn Andrew Flynn, tel  416-346-6543, email andrew.flynn@infrastructureontario.ca. For tender information please click here. Ref.n. 0000176892. 23/20.


Requests for Qualification (RFQ), deadline 18/08/2020, for the DBF (Design-Build-Finance) contract for the southern portion of the Ontario Line, from Exhibition/Ontario Place to the Don Yard portal (west of the Don River). The contract will include Civil:  ground works required to build the tunnels and stations; utility and conduit works to prepare for the RSSOM mechanical and electrical systems; guideway structures and facilities to prepare for the track structure to be installed by the RSSOM contractor Stations:  1  above-ground station to be integrated with the existing GO Transit Exhibition Station, 2 underground stations to be integrated with the existing TTC Osgoode and Queen subway stations and 4 new underground stations (King/Bathurst, Queen/Spadina, Moss Park, Corktown); Tunnel: a 6 km tunnel and all associated tunnelling works from Exhibition to Don Yard portal (west of Don River).

The pre-bidding webinar will be on 16/06/2020 at 10:00:00 AM EDT. Contact Infrastructure Ontario , attn Monica Silaghi, tel  416-326-6845, email monica.silaghi@infrastructureontario.ca. For tender information please click here. Ref.n. 0000176859. 23/20.


Infrastructure Ontario and Metrolinx are pleased to announce the preferred proponent teams to deliver the Ontario Line South Civil, Stations and Tunnel (South) and Ontario Line Rolling Stock, Systems, Operations and Maintenance (RSSOM) contracts.  

Ontario Line South contract – Preferred Proponent team: Ontario Transit Group 

  • Applicant Lead: Ferrovial Construction Canada Inc., VINCI Construction Grands Projets 
  • Design Team: AECOM Canada Ltd., COWI North America Ltd., GHD Limited, SENER Group 
  • Construction Team: Ferrovial Construction Canada Inc., Janin Atlas Inc. 
  • Financial Advisor: Agentis Capital 

The scope of work for the South contract includes:  

  • A design-build-finance contract for the southern portion of the Ontario Line, from Exhibition/Ontario Place to the Don Yard portal (west of the Don River) 
  • Civil: ground works required to build the tunnels and stations; utility and conduit works to prepare for the RSSOM mechanical and electrical systems; guideway structures and facilities to prepare for the track structure to be installed by the RSSOM contractor 
  • Stations:  one above-ground station to be integrated with the existing GO Transit Exhibition Station; two underground stations to be integrated with the existing TTC Osgoode and Queen subway stations; four new underground stations (King/Bathurst, Queen/Spadina, Moss Park, Corktown) 
  • Tunnel: a 6 km tunnel and all associated tunnelling works from Exhibition to Don Yard portal (west of Don River)  

Ontario Line RSSOM contract – Preferred Proponent team: Connect 6ix 

  • Applicant Lead: Plenary Americas, Hitachi Rail, Webuild Group (Salini Impreglio Canada Holding Inc.), Transdev Canada Inc. 
  • Design Team: Hitachi Rail, IBI Group Professional Services (Canada) Inc. 
  • Construction Team: Hitachi Rail, Webuild Group (Astaldi Canada Design & Construction Inc. and Salini Impreglio Civil Works Inc.), NGE Contracting Inc 
  • Operations, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Team: Hitachi Rail, Transdev Canada Inc. 
  • Financial Advisors: National Bank Financial Inc., Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation 

The RSSOM scope of work includes: 

  • A design-build-finance-operate-maintain contract for the entire Ontario Line, for a 30-year term 
  • Rolling Stock: design, supply, operate and maintain the vehicles (trains) 
  • Systems: design, build, operate and maintain all track, communications (e.g. network, Wi-Fi, CCTV, passenger information) and train control systems for the Ontario Line 
  • Design, build, operate and maintain the Operations, Maintenance and Storage Facility (where the vehicles are stored; the Operations Control Centre (where staff control train operations and are connected to TTC and GO Transit systems) and Backup Operations Control Centre 
  • Working collaboratively with TTC in accordance with future operations and maintenance agreements 
  • Integrating fare equipment with the PRESTO system 


Visit https://www.infrastructureontario.ca/Preferred-Proponent-Teams-Selected-Ontario-Line-South-and-RSSOM/


Infrastructure Ontario and Metrolinx have awarded a fixed-price contract to Ontario Transit Group for EUR 4.44 bn (CAD6 bn) to design, build and finance the Ontario Line Southern Civil, Stations and Tunnel (South Civil) package.  

The Ontario Transit Group team includes: 

Applicant Lead: Ferrovial Construction Canada Inc., VINCI Construction Grands Projets 

Design Team: AECOM Canada Ltd., COWI North America Ltd., GHD Limited, SENER Group 

Construction Team: Ferrovial Construction Canada Inc., Janin Atlas Inc. 

Financial Advisor: Agentis Capital   


The team will begin mobilizing its design and construction crews, with major works to commence in early 2023. The South Civil contract is anticipated to be completed in 2030.  

Scope of work for the Ontario Line South Civil design-build-finance package includes:  

  • A 6km tunnel and associated tunnelling works from Exhibition to Don Yard portal (west of the Don River) 
  • Groundworks required to build the tunnels and stations; utility and conduit works to prepare for the RSSOM mechanical and electrical systems; guideway structures and facilities to prepare for the track structure to be installed by the RSSOM contractor 
  • Stations: 
    • One above-ground station to be integrated with the existing GO Transit Exhibition Station 
    • Two underground stations to be integrated with the existing TTC Osgoode and Queens subway stations 
    • Four new underground stations (King/Bathurst, Queen/Spadina, Moss Park, Corktown) 

The Ontario Line project is being delivered through various P3, progressive design-build and traditional procurement contracts, which are all being staged accordingly for their successful delivery.  

The Ontario Line will be a 15.6-km new rapid transit line running between the Ontario Science Centre and Exhibition/Ontario Place in Toronto, with 15 stations, including six interchange stations. The new line will provide more than 40 connections to other bus, streetcar, light-rail transit and regional rail services. Click here and ca/41 for tunnelbuilder archive.  Visit https://www.infrastructureontario.ca. 45/22. 



Infrastructure Ontario and Metrolinx have awarded to Connect 6ix the EUR 6.52 bn (CAD9bn) contract to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the Ontario Line Rolling Stock, Systems, Operations and Maintenance (RSSOM) package for a 30-year term. 

The Connect 6ix team includes:  

Applicant Lead: Plenary Americas, Hitachi Rail, Webuild Group (Salini Impreglio Canada Holding Inc.), Transdev Canada Inc. 

Design Team: Hitachi Rail, IBI Group Professional Services (Canada) Inc. 

Construction Team: Hitachi Rail, Webuild Group (Astaldi Canada Design & Construction Inc. and Salini Impreglio Civil Works Inc.), NGE Contracting Inc. 

Operations, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Team: Hitachi Rail, Transdev Canada Inc. 

Financial Advisors:National Bank Financial Inc., Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation 

 Visit https://www.infrastructureontario.ca/. 46/22 


Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and Metrolinx have issued the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the Pape Tunnel and Underground Stations – Progressive Design-Build contract for the Ontario Line North segment. 

The Project will include the design, construction, supply, integration, commissioning and handover of the following key elements, including but not limited to: 3 km of twin running tunnels, associated portals, and cavern for the track double crossover turnouts; two underground stations (Pape and Cosburn) and two portals; underpinning of the existing TTC Pape Station on Line 2; interface with Line 2 TTC subway; three Emergency exit buildings.  

The Applicants’ Meeting shall be held on November 22, 2022, time 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM (Eastern Time)/19:00 – 20:30 (Rome time), Location: Live Remote Webinar 

Visit  https://www.merx.com/ and https://www.infrastructureontario.ca . Ref.n. 0000236200. 46/22. 



Three teams have been shortlisted and invited to bid on the Pape Tunnel and Underground Stations package for the Ontario Line North Segment, which is being delivered using a Progressive Design-Build delivery model. Shortlisted teams were selected based on criteria identified in the Request for Qualifications process that began in November 2022, which included their design and construction experience. 

The following teams and their prime team members were invited to respond to the RFPs: 


Applicant Lead: STRABAG Inc. 

Design Team: STRABAG Inc., Arup Canada Inc. 

Construction Team: STRABAG Inc. 


Pape North Connect 

Applicant Leads: Webuild S.p.A., FCC CONSTRUCCIÓN, S.A. 

Design Team: IBI Group Professional Services (Canada) Inc., AECOM Canada Ltd. 

Construction Team: Webuild S.p.A., FCC CONSTRUCCIÓN, S.A. 


Trillium Subway Partners 

Applicant Leads: Acciona Infrastructure Canada Inc., Eiffage Innovative Canada Inc., Amico Infrastructures Incorporated 

Design Team: WSP Canada Inc. (Lead Designer), Typsa Canada Inc., LEA Consulting Ltd. 

Construction Team: Acciona Infrastructure Canada Inc., Eiffage Innovative Canada Inc. 


Teams will begin preparing proposals that detail how they will deliver this project. Proposals will be evaluated by Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and Metrolinx and the top-ranked team will work collaboratively with Metrolinx during a Development Phase, expected to start in 2024. Once the Development Phase is completed, Metrolinx will have the option to sign a contract with the successful team. 


The Ontario Line will be a 15.6-km new rapid transit line in Toronto running between the Ontario Science Centre and Exhibition/Ontario Place, with 15 stations along the way. The new line will provide more than 40 connections to other subway, bus, streetcar, light-rail transit and regional rail services. 


The Ontario Line project is being delivered through various Public-Private-Partnership (P3), progressive design-build and traditional procurement contracts, which are all being staged accordingly for their successful delivery. Visit https://www.infrastructureontario.ca . Ref.n. 0000236200. 18/23.  



Infrastructure Ontario and Metrolinx have selected Pape North Connect to deliver the Ontario Line Pape Tunnel and Underground Stations contract. The team has signed a Development and Master Construction Agreement (DMCA) with Metrolinx, under a progressive design-build contract.  

The Pape North Connect team includes: 

  • Applicant Leads: Webuild Civil Work Inc., Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas Canada Ltd. 
  • Design Team: Arcadis Professional Services (Canada) Inc., AECOM Canada Ltd. 
  • Construction Team: Webuild Civil Work Inc., Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas Canada Ltd. 

 The scope of work includes 3 km of twin tunnels under Pape Avenue from the Gerrard portal to the Don Valley bridge; two tunnel portals at Gerrard Avenue and Minton Place; one underground station at Pape Avenue and Danforth Avenue (interchange with the TTC’s existing Pape Station on Line 2) and another underground station at Cosburn Avenue and Pape Avenue; three emergency exit/ service buildings; ​underpinning of the existing TTC Pape Station; and a rail switch/crossover in the tunnel near Sammon Avenue. 

Visit https://www.infrastructureontario.ca , https://www.webuildgroup.com/ and  https://www.fccco.com/en/  .



Canada, Quebec - ca/40

Light Rail

Closing Date: 26.06.2020 (Tender Closed)

Request for Qualification, deadline 26/06/2020, for design, construction, financing and maintenance of the LRT line and annexed works in Quebec City. The new line will be 22km long with 35 stations and two terminals.

The alignment will include two tunnels: 2.6km and 0.9 km long. The contract will include tracks and equipment. Value project EUR1.49 bn (CAD 2.3 bn).Contact Ville de Quebec, attn Linda Labbé, Quebec, tel 418

641-6411 2275, email linda.labbe@ville.quebec.qc.ca.  For tender information visit https://seao.ca/. Ref.n. 1350539.  18/20.


Canada, Toronto - ca/39

Subway (Eglinton Crosstown West Extension)

Closing Date: 15.04.2020 (Tender Closed)

Request for Qualifications, deadline 15/04/2020, for the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension tunnel. The Advance Tunnel  contract involves:

•        Tunnelling works for approximately 6 km of the 9.2-km light rail transit extension

•        Design and construction of launch and extraction shafts, tunnels, as well as headwalls for emergency exit buildings and stations

•        Supply tunnel boring machines (TBMs) and install segmental precast concrete tunnel liners

•        Activities necessary to build the tunnel (e.g. utility relocations, supports for shaft and headwalls, temporary power supply, lighting, ventilation, and drainage).

Question acceptance deadline: 01/04/2020. Contact Infrastructure Ontario, attn Zuhal Darawal, tel  416-805-3946, email zuhal.darawal@infrastructureontario.ca. For tender information please click here


Ref.n. 0000172311.  11/20.


Request for Qualifications, deadline postponed from 15/04/2020 to 29/05/2020, for the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension tunnel. The Advance Tunnel  contract involves:

•        Tunnelling works for approximately 6 km of the 9.2-km light rail transit extension

•        Design and construction of launch and extraction shafts, tunnels, as well as headwalls for emergency exit buildings and stations

•        Supply tunnel boring machines (TBMs) and install segmental precast concrete tunnel liners

•        Activities necessary to build the tunnel (e.g. utility relocations, supports for shaft and headwalls, temporary power supply, lighting, ventilation, and drainage).

Postponed question acceptance deadline: 15/05/2020. Contact Infrastructure Ontario, attn Zuhal Darawal, tel  416-805-3946, email zuhal.darawal@infrastructureontario.ca. For tender information please click here.  Ref.n. 0000172311.  18/20.


Infrastructure Ontario and Metrolinx have identified West End Connectors as the First Negotiations Proponent (FNP) to design, build and finance the tunnels for the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension projects - Advance Tunnel Contract.  

The West End Connectors team includes: 

Applicant Lead: Aecon Infrastructure Management Inc., Dragados Canada Inc., Ghella Canada Ltd. 

Construction Team: Aecon Infrastructure Management Inc.,Dragados Canada Inc., Ghella Canada Ltd. 

Design Team: TYPSA Inc., EXP Services Inc., Dr. G. Sauer & Partners Corporation, Pedelta Canada Inc. 

Financial Advisor: ACS Infrastructure Canada, Aecon Concessions, Scotiabank Capital, Ghella Investments & Partnerships 


Of the shortlisted teams invited to submit bids, the FNPs were the highest ranked after the proposals were evaluated. The teams were evaluated based on criteria identified in the Request for Proposals process that began in August 2020. Criteria included design and construction methodology, approach to managing the project and the collaborative behaviours of key individuals of the Proponent teams.  

The identification of West End Connectors as FNP  is the result of an open, fair and competitive procurement process overseen by third-party fairness monitors. For more click ca/39 and visit https://infrastructureontario.ca and http://www.metrolinx.com/. 09/21. 



Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and Metrolinx have awarded a fixed-price contract of $729.2 million to West End Connectors to design, build and finance the tunnels for the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension project. 

The West End Connectors team includes Aecon Infrastructure Management Inc., Dragados Canada Inc., Ghella Canada Ltd (Developer), TYPSA Inc., EXP Services Inc (Design),  

Aecon Infrastructure Management Inc., Dragados Canada Inc., Ghella Canada Ltd (Construction) and ACS Infrastructure Canada, Aecon Concessions, Scotiabank Capital, Ghella Investments & Partnerships (Financial). 

The project is being delivered through IO’s Public-Private Partnership (P3) model, which transfers appropriate risks associated with design, construction and financing of the project to the private sector. 

Construction is expected to begin in spring 2021, with major tunnel boring works to start in spring/summer of 2022.  

The Eglinton Crosstown West Extension Advance Tunnel scope of work includes approximately 6 km of tunnelling for the 9.2-km extension; design and construction of launch and extraction shafts, tunnels, as well as headwalls for emergency exit buildings and stations; supply TBMs and install segmental precast concrete tunnel liners; activities necessary to build the tunnel (e.g. utility relocations, supports for shaft and headwalls, temporary power supply, lighting, ventilation, and drainage). Visit https://infrastructureontario.ca/. 21/21.  


Request for qualifications, deadline 01/02/2022, to design, build, and finance the second tunnelled section, between Jane Street and the future Mount Dennis Station,  at the eastern end of the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension in Toronto, Advance Tunnel Contract 2 (ATC2). Question Acceptance Deadline: 19/01/2022.  Contact Infrastructure Ontario, attn Katherine Czok, email catherine.czok@infrastructureontario.ca, Qassim Dada, email Qassim.Dada@infrastructureontario.ca.  Visit https://www.merx.com. Ref.n. 0000211441 . 03/22. 


The Request for Proposals (RFP) stage has closed for teams to submit their tenders to design, build and finance the second Advance Tunnel Contract (ATC2) for the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension (ECWE). This 500-m tunnel will start east of Jane Street and connect to the future Mount Dennis Station. 

Following a fair, open, and transparent Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process, two teams were shortlisted and invited to respond to an RFP in April of 2022: Acciona-GIP Joint Venture (AGJV) and STRABAG. Both teams submitted their proposals by the RFP deadlines. 

Submissions will be evaluated and IO and Metrolinx expect to award the ATC2 tunnelling contract in Spring 2023. A fairness monitor is overseeing the entire procurement process. 

Visit https://www.infrastructureontario.ca/. 46/22. 


Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and Metrolinx have awarded the EUR 174.61 million (CAD255 million) contract to STRABAG Inc. to design, build and finance the second underground segment of the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension, which includes a 500-m tunnel from east of Jane Street to Mount Dennis Station.

The STRABAG team includes:

  • Developer: STRABAG Inc.
  • Design: WSP Canada Inc. and Dr. G. Sauer & Partners Corporation
  • Construction: STRABAG Inc.
  • Financial Advisor: STRABAG Inc.

Infrastructure Ontario opted for a hybrid contract incorporating elements from both Design-Build and PPP agreements. Strabag’s obligations are limited to the project’s Design, Build, and Financing (DBF) aspects, while the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) responsibilities are excluded from the contracted works.

Enabling works for the project are underway and major construction is expected to begin later in 2024.

The Eglinton Crosstown West Extension Advance Tunnel Contract 2 scope of work includes:

  • Design and supply of mining and tunnelling equipment;
  • Detailed design and construction of the launch and extraction shafts and tunnel portal east of Jane Street;
  • Detailed design and construction of the tunnel between the portal and Mount Dennis Station using the sequential excavation method;
  • Modifications at Mount Dennis Station to accommodate extended Eglinton Crosstown LRT service; and
  • Utility work and road modifications along Eglinton Avenue West to accommodate construction activities. Visit https://www.infrastructureontario.ca/. 08/24.


Request for Qualifications (RFQ), deadline 07/06/2024, for Stations, Rail and Systems (SRS) contract for the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension (ECWE). 

The SRS package of work will be procured through a progressive design-build contract model. The scope of work includes:

  • Seven new stations.
  • Installation, testing, and commissioning of all rail and track components and systems equipment.
  • Roadway modifications and utility works.
  • Coordination with project companies on handover items from the advance tunnelling and elevated guideway contracts.

A recommended Applicants’ Meeting will be held  as Live Webcast Webinar on 2024/04/04 12:00:00 AM EDT. Each Applicant must send the Contact Person a list of proposed attendees for the Applicants’ Meeting on or before April 4, 2024. Question Acceptance Deadline: 2024/05/31.  Contact Infrastructure Ontario, attn

Aida Daemi, tel +1-647-265-4533,  email aida.daemi@infrastructureontario.ca.  Visit https://www.infrastructureontario.ca/ and https://www.merx.com. Ref.n. 0000267022. 13/24.


Canada, British Columbia - ca/38


Closing Date: 21.04.2020 (Tender Closed)

Three pre-qualified bidding teams have been selected to participate in the Request for Proposals (RFP) stage for the contract to build the EUR1.93 bn (CAD2.83 bn) Broadway subway extension project in Vancouver.

The Acciona-Ghella JV, composed of Acciona Infrastructure Canada, Ghella Canada, IBI Professional Services (Canada), DIALOG BC Architecture Engineering Interior Design Planning, Mott MacDonald Canada Ltd, Ingenieria Especializada de Obra Civil e Industrial SA, Parsons and Corporacion Acciona Infraestructuras); the Broadway Connect JV, composed of Dragados Canada, Aecon Infrastructure Management, ACS Infrastructure Canada, Aecon Concessions, a division of Aecon Construction Group, Dragados SA, Aecon Group, Hatch Ltd, WSP Canada, Dr. G. Sauer & Partners, VIA Architecture, Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, a Division of Wood Canada Ltd and Sener; the West 9th Partners, composed of SNC-Lavalin Capital, SNC-Lavalin Constructors Pacific, SNC-Lavalin, SNC-Lavalin Grou will have until next year to submit their bids for the design, build and finance project.  Contact Broadway Subway Project, Vancouver, email BSPContact@gov.bc.ca. For more information click here. 31/19.


The Province of British Columbia announced it has awarded the EUR1.104 bn (CAD1.728 bn) contract to the Broadway Subway Project Corporation - a Acciona (60%) and Ghella (40%) Joint Venture - to design, build, test and partially finance the  Broadway Subway Project, a 5.7 km extension of the Millennium Line from VCC-Clark Station to Broadway and Arbutus in Vancouver, with six new underground stations.  Construction will begin in fall 2020, with the line in service in 2025. 

Contact Broadway Subway Project, Vancouver, email broadwaysubway@gov.bc.ca. For more information click here and visit https://www.broadwaysubway.ca/ and https://www.ghella.com/. 38/20. 



Canada, British Columbia - ca/37

Water Supply

The joint venture between Traylor Infrastructure Canada (60%) and Aecon Infrastructure Inc (40%) has been awarded a $267 million contract by Metro Vancouver (Greater Vancouver Water District) for the Second Narrows Water Supply Tunnel project in British Columbia. The scope of work includes construction of two shafts, one on each side of Burrard Inlet, connected by a 5 m in diameter and 1,100-m tunnel. The north entry shaft will be in North Vancouver and approximately 60 metres deep, while the south exit shaft will be in Burnaby and approximately 110 m deep. The project is scheduled to begin in late 2018, with completion in 2022. Visit http://www.metrovancouver.org, http://www.traylor.com/ and http://www.aecon.com.  44/18.





Canada, Toronto - ca/36

Scarborough Subway

The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) awarded the EUR20.9 million (CAD30 million)   contract FE85-2 for Tunnel Design Services for the Scarborough Subway Extension (SSE) to Hatch Mott MacDonald Limited. Duration contrat five years from the

Notification of Award. The 7.5km three-stop subway was approved by the city council in October 2013. It will extend the existing Bloor-Danforth subway line to Scarborough Town Centre, replacing the aging Scarborough Rapid Transit line, which went into service in 1985. Click here and visit www.hatchmott.com. 05/15.


Request for Qualifications, deadline 15/04/2020, for the Scarborough Subway Extension Tunnel. The Advance Tunnel  contract involves:

•        Tunnelling works for the approximate 8-km subway extension, from Kennedy Station to McCowan Road/Sheppard Avenue

•        Design and construction of launch and extraction shafts, tunnels, as well as headwalls for emergency exit buildings stations

•        Supply tunnel boring machines (TBMs) and install segmental precast concrete tunnel liners

•        Activities necessary to build the tunnel (e.g. utility relocations, supports for shaft and headwalls, temporary power supply, lighting, ventilation, and drainage).

Question acceptance deadline: 01/04/2020. Contact Infrastructure Ontario, attn Solomon Wedderburn, tel  416-427-0726, email solomon.wedderburn@infrastructureontario.ca. For further tender information please click here. Ref.n. 0000172328. 11/20.


Request for Qualifications, deadline postponed from 15/04/2020 to 29/05/2020, for the Scarborough Subway Extension Tunnel. The Advance Tunnel  contract involves:

•        Tunnelling works for the approximate 8-km subway extension, from Kennedy Station to McCowan Road/Sheppard Avenue

•        Design and construction of launch and extraction shafts, tunnels, as well as headwalls for emergency exit buildings stations

•        Supply tunnel boring machines (TBMs) and install segmental precast concrete tunnel liners

•        Activities necessary to build the tunnel (e.g. utility relocations, supports for shaft and headwalls, temporary power supply, lighting, ventilation, and drainage).

Postponed question acceptance deadline: 15/05/2020. Contact Infrastructure Ontario, attn Solomon Wedderburn, tel  416-427-0726, email solomon.wedderburn@infrastructureontario.ca. For further tender information please click here. Ref.n. 0000172328. 18/20.


Infrastructure Ontario and Metrolinx have identified Strabag as the First Negotiations Proponent (FNP) to design, build and finance the tunnels for the Scarborough Subway Extension project -  Advance Tunnel Contract.  

The Strabag team includes:   

Applicant Lead: Strabag AG  

Construction Team: Strabag Inc. 

Design Team: Arup Canada Inc., Brian Isherwood & Associates Ltd. 

Financial Advisor: Strabag Inc.  

Of the shortlisted teams invited to submit bids, the FNPs were the highest ranked after the proposals were evaluated. The teams were evaluated based on criteria identified in the Request for Proposals process that began in August 2020. Criteria included design and construction methodology, approach to managing the project and the collaborative behaviours of key individuals of the Proponent teams. The identification of Strabag as FNP is the result of an open, fair and competitive procurement process overseen by third-party fairness monitors. For more click ca/36 and  visit https://infrastructureontario.ca and http://www.metrolinx.com/. 09/21. 




Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and Metrolinx have awarded a fixed-price contract of EUR 512.90 million (CAD757.1 million) to Strabag to design, build and finance the tunnels for the Scarborough Subway Extension project.  The Strabag team includes Strabag Inc (Construction Team), Arup Canada Inc and Brian Isherwood & Associates Ltd (Design Team) and Strabag Inc (Financial Advisor). Construction is expected to begin in spring 2021, with major tunnel boring works to start in spring/summer of 2022. 

The  Scarborough Subway Extension Advance Tunnel scope of work includes tunnelling works for the 7.8-km subway extension, from Kennedy Station to McCowan Road/Sheppard Avenue; design and construction of launch and extraction shafts, tunnel, as well as headwalls for emergency exit buildings and stations; supplying the TBM and installing segmental precast concrete tunnel liners; activities necessary to build the tunnel (e.g. utility relocations, supports for shaft and headwalls, temporary power supply, lighting, ventilation, and drainage). Visit https://www.infrastructureontario.ca/ . 21/21. 



Request for Qualifications, deadline 12/11/2021, for the Stations, Rail and Systems (SRS) designing and building package for the Scarborough Subway Extension project. 

The SRS  contract involves: 

  • Three new subway stations, with associated bus terminal facilities, at Lawrence Avenue and McCowan Road, Scarborough Centre and a terminal station at McCowan Road and Sheppard Avenue. 
  • Eight emergency exit buildings and other required emergency and life-safety facilities. 
  • Transition section between Kennedy Station and the TBM extraction shaft at Eglinton Avenue East and Midland Avenue. 
  • Installation, testing and commissioning of all systems equipment including track, ventilation, signals, communications, integrated control system, traction power, and all other permanent mechanical and electrical systems. 
  • Four traction power sub stations. 
  • Integration with TTC infrastructure at Kennedy Station as well as with the advance tunnel infrastructure works. 


On 28/09/2021 at 12:00:00 AM EDT will be the pre-bidding event. The question acceptance deadline is the 15/10/2021. Contact Infrastructure Ontario, attn Rebecca Zebeljan, email Rebecca.Zebeljan@infrastructureontario.ca. For further tender information please click here. Ref.n. 0000208606. 37/21. 




The following 3 teams have been shortlisted to submit their proposals for the Stations, Rail and Systems (SRS) designing and building package for the 7.8km Scarborough Subway Extension project connecting to the Line 2 subway.   

  • Dragados - Applicant lead: Dragados Canada Inc; Design prime team member: AECOM Canada, Ltd.Construction prime team member: Dragados Canada Inc.  
  • KSX Integrated Design-Builders- Applicant leads: Peter Kiewit Sons ULC, SNC-Lavalin Constructors (Pacific) Inc; Design prime team members: Peter Kiewit Sons ULC, SNC-Lavalin Constructors (Pacific) Inc; Construction prime team members: Peter Kiewit Sons ULC, SNC-Lavalin Constructors (Pacific) Inc.  
  • Scarborough Transit Connect - Applicant leads: Aecon Infrastructure Management Inc., FCC Construccion SA; Design prime team member: Mott MacDonald Canada Ltd; Construction prime team members: Aecon Infrastructure Management Inc, FCC Construccion SA,  

These groups will have until the summer to submit their plans to Metrolinx and Infrastructure Ontario for evaluation.   

Contact Infrastructure Ontario, attn Rebecca Zebeljan, email Rebecca.Zebeljan@infrastructureontario.ca. Visit Infrastructure Ontario and Metrolinx. Ref.n. 0000208606. 06/22.  



Metrolinx and Infrastructure Ontario (IO) have selected Scarborough Transit Connect as the development partner ((known as the “Dev Co”) to enter the development phase of the Stations, Rail and Systems (SRS) contract for the Scarborough Subway Extension project. The SRS package for the Scarborough Subway Extension is being delivered using a Progressive Design-Build (PDB) model.  

Scarborough Transit Connect is comprised of leading companies with the expertise to deliver a subway project:  

  • Applicant Leads: Aecon Infrastructure Management Inc., FCC Canada Ltd. 
  • Design Prime Team Member: Mott MacDonald Canada Limited 
  • Construction Prime Team Members: Aecon Infrastructure Management Inc., FCC Canada Ltd.  

The scope of work includes:  

  • Design and construction of three new underground stations and bus terminals at each station. 
  • Design and construction of emergency exit buildings and service buildings, and traction power substations. 
  • Installation, testing and commissioning of all systems equipment and interconnection with existing TTC systems. 
  • Design, supply, installation, testing, and commissioning of all rail and track components and a pocket track east of Kennedy Station. 
  • Coordination with the Advance Tunnel contractor on remaining work.  

The Progressive Design-Build model incorporates a multi-stage design process called a development phase. This phase allows for a collaborative approach between the project owner, the contracting partner and other stakeholders who work closely together to finalize the scope, risk allocation and pricing of various elements of the project. Currently, the development phase for SRS is anticipated to be completed in approximately 18 to 24 months. Once the development phase has concluded, Metrolinx and the Scarborough Transit Connect team will then have the option to sign a final agreement to proceed to the construction phase, which would include agreements on detailed designs and a negotiated price.  

For more visit https://infrastructureontario.ca and http://www.metrolinx.com/. 48/22. 


Canada, Ontario - ca/35


Strabag has secured the EUR54 million (CAD 79 million) contract to build the Mid-Halton Outfall Tunnel in Canada. The project centres on the excavation of two 60 m deep shafts and a 6.3 km rock-bored tunnel that is designed to carry treated effluent water from the water treatment plant in Oakville into Lake Ontario. The Mid-Halton Outfall Tunnel will consist of two reaches: The onshore reach will span 4.1 km, while another, 2.2 km reach will be built offshore, ending in a diffuser array beneath Lake Ontario. A TBM with an excavation diameter of 3.6 m will drill through mainly layers of shale and limestone. Construction is set to begin in mid-July 2014 and is expected to be completed within 39 months. Click here and visit http://www.hatchmott.com. 30/14


Canada, Toronto - ca/34

Light Rail

Metrolinx is preparing to call tenders for construction of the Eglinton-Scarborough Crosstown Light Rapid Transit Line (LRT). This LRT will run in 17.5 km of new twin bored tunnel under Eglinton Avenue in Toronto. A contract for the first segment of tunnel, 6.75 km-long from Black Creek to Yonge Street, will be tendered in January 2012, with construction to begin in August 2012. The tenders for two more tunnel segments will follow later in 2012. Visit www.metrolinx.com, www.thecrosstown.ca and www3.ttc.ca/News/2011/October/1013_TTC_establishes_Customer_Liaison_Panel.jsp 44/11.


Award of contract by Metrolinx, value EUR254 million, to Crosstown Transit Constructors, a JV of Obayashi/Kenny/Kenaidan/Technicore for construction of 6.2 km-long Black Creek to Yonge/Eglinton twin tunnels of the Eglinton-Scarborough Crosstown Light Rapid Transit Line (LRT). Tunnelling using Technicore TBMs starts early-2013. Visit www.metrolinx.com, www.merx.com/metrolinx and www.thecrosstown.ca. 37/12.


Award of contract by Metrolinx, value EUR125.7 million, to a JV of Aecon/ACS Dragados Canada for construction of 3.25 km-long east of Brentcliffe Road to east of Yonge Street twin tunnels of the Eglinton-Scarborough Crosstown Light Rapid Transit Line (LRT). Tunnelling starts early-2014 for completion 2016. Visit www.metrolinx.com, www.merx.com/metrolinx and www.thecrosstown.ca. 46/13.


Canada, Vancouver - ca/33


Proposed Port Mann project requires 3 m-diameter, 1.05 km-long water tunnel to be driven under Fraser River between Coquitlam and Surrey at depth of 40 m below surface. Final design being completed first half 2009 by Sandwell Engineering for tender later. Contact Gordon Grams, tel +1 604 638-4595, e-mail ggrams@sandwell.com or visit www.metrovancouver.org. 08/09.
