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Bulgaria, Sofia - bg/18


Closing Date: 03.08.2018 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 03.08.2018, for the modernization of the railway section Elin pelin – Kostenets (km 22 + 554 to km to km 73 + 598), including 23 bridges and viaducts, as well as 20 km of tunnels. The contract is composed of 3 lots. Contact National Railway Infrastructure Company Bulgaria, Attn Stoyanka Todorova, Sofia, tel +359 2932-2458, fax +359 2931-0663, email st.todorova@rail-infra.bg. Visit


http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=136714-2018 ,



http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=333747-2018 .



The Consortium Cengiz Construction-Duygu Engineering secured the EUR255.03 million (LEV498.80 million) contract, excluding VAT, for the modernization of the Lot 1 (Elin Pelin - Verinsko) of railway section Elin Pelin - Kostenets, railway line Sofia - Plovdiv. The Lot 1  (km 22+554 to km

42+200) includes the construction of four single track tunnels with the

length of 15.2km. Contact National Raiway Infrastrcture Compaby Bulgary, attn Penka Gidionova, Sofia, tel +359 29323685, fax +359 29310663, email p_gidionova@rail-infra.bg.  For further tender information please click here. 52/19.


The consortium Strabag AG - Bulgaria Branch, Strabag Sp.z.o.o. - Bulgaria Branch, Strabag Rail GmbH (total 51%) and GP Group AD (49%) secured the EUR202.72 million (LEV394.53 million) contract, excluding VAT, for the Lot 3 (Nemirovo - Kostenets) on section Elin Pelin - Kostenets of the railway line Sofia - Plovdiv. The Lot 3  (km 62 + 400 to km 73 + 598) includes the modernization of 8 double-track tunnels for a 5.5km total, 2 viaducts and 11 bridges. Contact National Raiway Infrastrcture Compaby Bulgary, attn Penka Gidionova, Sofia, tel +359 29323685, fax +359 29310663, email p_gidionova@rail-infra.bg.  For further tender information please click here. 31/20.


Bulgaria, Sofia - bg/17

Struma Motorway

Closing Date: 25.02.2016 (Tender Closed)

The deadline has been postponed from 25.01.2016 to 25.02.2016 for the open invitation to tender for design and construction of the 4.46 km Struma Motorway section, from km 366 + 000 to Km 370 + 460,  2 km of which is a tunnel near Jeleznitza village (Lot 3.1). Struma motorway will connect Pernik, about 20 km south west from Sophia to the Greek border. Value of the contract is EUR 102.21 million, excluding VAT. Contact National Company Strategic Infrastructure Projects, att.n Miglena Manolova, Sofia, tel 359 24243923/889025544, fax +359 24243921, e-mail office@ncsip.bg. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=28852-2016, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=442812-2015 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=424561-2015. 05/16.


The awarding procedure for the open invitation to tender for design and construction of the 4.46 km Struma Motorway section, from km 366 + 000 to Km 370 + 460,  2 km of which is a tunnel near Jeleznitza village (Lot 3.1) has been discontinued. Struma motorway will connect Pernik, about 20 km south west from Sophia to the Greek border. Contact National Company Strategic Infrastructure Projects, att.n Miglena Manolova, Sofia, tel 359 24243923/889025544, fax +359 24243921, e-mail office@ncsip.bg. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=129140-2017. 14/17.


The contract for design and construction of 2km twin tube Jeleznitsa/Zheleznitsa Tunnel on Struma Motorway has been signed. It will be the longest road tunnel built in Bulgaria. The contract was awarded to DZZD AM Struma Tunnel 2018, in which includes GP Group, Global Construction and Via Plan. The value of the contract amounts to EUR94.78 million (BGN185.37 million), exclusive of VAT. Contact Road Infrastructure Agency, attn Anton Dinev, Sofia, tel +359 29173215, fax +359 29522563, email A.dinev@api.bg.  Visit http://www.api.bg/index.php/en/prescentar/novini/contract-design-and-construction-zheleznitsa-tunnel-struma-motorway-has-been-signed/





Open invitation to tender, deadline 19.02.2019, for design and construction of the 10.4 km section, from km 389+100 to km 399+500, on the left carriageway from Kulata to Sofia in the 23.6 Kresna - Krupnik section, of Struma Motorway (Lot 3.2.2). This Lot includes the bypass of Kresna which is 5.5 km long (from km 396+137 to km 401+691), the tunnels Tisata (171 m), Sveta Nedelya (1,3 km), tunnel Kresna 1 (358 m) and Kresna 2 (230 m), 11 viaducts with an approximate length of 5 km as well as 9 overpasses and underpasses. Value of the contract is EUR220.12 million (BGN430.53 million), excluding VAT. Duration contract 1556 days. For bid documents http://www.api.bg/PROXY/index2.php?/public/index.jsp?proc=1093. Contact Road Infrastructure Agency, attn Biserka Borisov, Sofia, tel +359 29173396, fax +359 29173398, email b.s.borisova@api.bg. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=066265-2019,







Open invitation to tender, deadline 27.11.2017, for design and construction of the 4.46 km Struma Motorway section, from km 366 + 000 to Km 370 + 400 ( Lot 3.1).

The tender procedure is divided into 3 lots - for the Zheleznitsa tunnel

(2 km) near Jeleznitza village and for the road before and after the facility. Struma motorway will connect Pernik, about 20 km south west from Sophia to the Greek border. Value of the contract is EUR 127 million, excluding VAT. For bid documents http://www.api.bg/PROXY/index2.php?/public/index.jsp?proc=972. Contact Road Infrastructure Agency, attn Dimitar Peltekov, Sofia, tel +359 29173283, fax +359 29522563, email d.peltekov@api.bg. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=412898-2017.



Open invitation to tender, deadline 14.02.2019, for design and construction of 13.2 km of the Struma motorway in the 23.6 km section between Kresna and Krupnik,  through the Kresna Gorge (Lot 3.2.1). The Lot

3.2.1 includes the section on the left carriageway of the motorway, from km 375+860 to km 389+100, and the adjacent road links. In this section it will be built  the 3 tunnels Simitli (211 m), Rakitna (1 135 m) and Stara Kresna (1 052 m), 10 viaducts with a total length of 3.5 km and 3 underpasses and overpasses. Value contract EUR227.42 million (BGN444.80 million), excluding VAT. Duration contract 1556 days. For bid documents http://www.api.bg/PROXY/index2.php?/public/index.jsp?proc=1090. Contact Road Infrastructure Agency, attn Elena Asenova, Sofia, tel +359 29173396, fax +359 29173398, email e.asenova@api.bg. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=066266-2019,







Bulgaria, Vratsa - bg/16

Radioactive waste disposal

Closing Date: 16.07.2010 (Tender Closed)

Call for expressions of interest, deadline 16.07.2010, for technical design and preparation of intermediate safety assessment report for national disposal facility for short-lived low and medium active radioactive wastes, adjacent to Kozloduy nuclear power plant. Two conceptual designs required, one for near surface trench-type repository, the other for tunnel repository. More from Boris Pekov at SERAW in Sofia, tel +359 2 962-4948, fax -5078, e-mail btp@dprao.bg. Contact sheet available at www.ebrd.com/oppor/procure/opps/contact_sheet.doc. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=150226-2010. 21/10.


Bulgaria, Provinces of Vidin, Montana, Vratsa and Sofia - bg/15


In August 2007, the Bulgarian ministry of transport awarded Iberinsa and ILF the design services for the modernization of the approx. 270 km railway line from Vidin to Sofia. The entire section comprises numerous bridges, tunnels, stations and other constructions. The main objective is to upgrade the respective railway line in compliance with the requirements of European transport corridor IV, to eliminate current restrictions in order to meet European standards. The project comprises the elaboration of a technical and financial feasibility study, the conceptual design and the preparation of a tendering strategy. Visit www.iberinsa.es and www.ilf.com 50-51/07.


Bulgaria, Sofia - bg/14


A EUR137.4 million contract was signed by the Roads Executive Agency with the Turkish consortium Mapa-Cengiz Construction, for the construction of the Lyulin motorway. The 18.8 km Lyulin motorway will start from Sofia's southern bypass toll road and has to reach the Daskalovo road junction to the west of the Bulgarian capital via Souhodol, Golyamo Bouchino and Malo Bouchino. The project envisages the construction of three tunnels (1,269 metres) and 26 bridges and viaducts, since the motorway will pass through the Stara Planina mountain. The new motorway will consist of two lanes in each direction with a central reservation and emergency hard shoulders. The future motorway is part of the European transport corridor IV in its stretch Vidin-Sofia-Kulata and corridor VIII in its stretch Gyueshevo-Kyustendil-Sofia-Trakia motorway-Burgas. It will provide a quicker drive from the northwestern border with Romania and Serbia to Greece in the south. The project is funded by the ISPA programme of the EU, through a EUR111.3 million grant, and the remaining EUR37.1 million of the financing will be provided by the Roads Executive Agency. The project will start in October and should be completed in three years. 35/06.


Bulgaria, Deve Bair - bg/13


Tenders expected mid-2002 for border crossing project Bulgaria to FYR of Macedonia with 2.36 km-long NATM rock tunnel, half in each country. Contact Transprojekt AD, Bulgaria. 37/01.


Bulgaria, Gabrovo - bg/12


Financial support received for 3.2 km-long Shipka tunnel in Balkans between Turnovo and Dtara Zagora for which feasibility studies and preliminary design are underway. Japanese Investment Fund will be involved in financing $114 million scheme. Contact vtvuchev@geology.bas.bg to request follow-up. May 2000.  Construction to start during 2001 on 3.3 km-long tunnel under Mount Shipka for E85 road from Ruze to Makaza for Road Executive Agency, value $105 million. Visit www.bulgaria.govrn.bg 10/01.


Five bids, ranging from EUR37-43.6 million, excluding VAT, have been received for design and construction of Gabrovo bypass from km 0+000 to km 31+000. The project, including the 3.22 km-long tunnel passing under Shipka peak, will be implemented in two phases: Phase 1 is for programme period 2007-2013. The total length of the section is 23.254 km. Phase 2, including construction of the Shipka tunnel, will be in 2014-2020, value around EUR150 million. Visit http://www.api.government.bg/index.php/Home/3237-Five-Price-Offers-Have-Been-Opened-for-Design-and-Construction-of-Gabrovo-Bypass. 03/13.


The following 7 companies/groups:

•             Duygu Muhendislik Insaat Turizm; Ticaret ve Sanayi;

•             DZZD Consortium PSVT, with participants Patni Stroezhi – Veliko Tarnovo, Hydrostroy and Patengineeringstroy-T;

•             Kolin Insaat, Turizm Sanayi ve Ticaret;

•             Shipchenski Prohod Association, with participants Trace Group Hold and Alve Consult;

•             DZZD Tunel Shipka, with participants Dogus Insaat Ve Ticaret,  Via Construct Group and Via Plan;

•             GEOPAT SHIPKA  Association, with participants Geostroy  and Patstroy - 92;

•             China Communication Construction Company Ltd

sent tenders for  the public procurement for design and construction of a 10.553 km section (7.6 km new construction and 2.9 km reconstruction of the existing road I-5 Gabrovo – Kazanlak), including 5 tunnels with a total length of 4,011 km. The Shipka tunnel will be 3.22 km and the other 4 tunnels are smaller - 171 m, 240 m, 90 m and 290 m respectively. The indicative value of the contract is EUR133.66 million ( BGN 267,23), excluding VAT. Duration works 1280 days, or nearly 3 and a half years.

Visit http://www.api.bg. 18/20.


The following 6 companies/groups:

•             Association Shipka 1 Consultants , with participants 3TI Progetti Italia - Ingegneria Integrata, PI EU Consult and Kontpas;

•             Infra Invest Shipka DZZD, with participants Plan Invest Plovdiv, Infra Control, Infraproject Consult and Metroconsult BG;

•             Gabrovo/Bipka Consultants DZZD, with participants Strol - 1000  and Infram;

•             DZZK PatConsult 2000 Three Eu IRD, with participants PatConsult 2000, Three Eu and IRD Engineering;

•             DZZD Transconsult-Sveko , with participants Transconsult -BG and Sveko EnergoProekt;

•             Bridge PII- SGS 2020, with participants Putinvest-Engineering AD, SGS Czech Republic and Garnets BG.

sent tenders for  the public procurement for construction supervision in the design and construction of  a 10.553 km section (7.6 km new construction and 2.9 km reconstruction of the existing road I-5 Gabrovo – Kazanlak), including 5 tunnels with a total length of 4,011 km. The Shipka tunnel will be 3.22 km and the other 4 tunnels are smaller - 171 m, 240 m, 90 m and 290 m respectively. The indicative value of the construction supervision order is EUR3.19 million (BGN 6.24 million), excluding VAT.

Duration works 1280 days, or nearly 3 and a half years. Visit http://www.api.bg. 18/20.


Bulgaria, Sofia - bg/11


  Plans for three line system totalling 52 km with 49 stations have been resuscitated. Design requires 11 km of single and twin-track EPB tunnel and nine underground stations using NATM techniques. Mixed ground comprises sand, gravel and clay. Tunnel diameters 5.2 m and 9.2 m. Sept 1999.Taisei won the bid for the construction of a 2.4 km extension from downtown Sveta Nedelya square to the southward Dragan Tsankov Boulevard on line 1. Taisei will bore 4.8 km of twin tunnel and will build two stations, one at Sofia University and one at the Bulgarian National Radio. The contract is worth USD83.4 million. Financing by the Japanese Bank for International Cooperation. The extension is due for delivery by October 2007. The 12 km metro line 1 has eight stations at the moment. The addition by 2007 will extend the length to 15 km. Visit www.taisei.co.jp 41/04.The prequalification phase for construction of the 6.5 km section of the Sofia subway connecting Nadezhda borough with Cherni Vrah boulevard ended on 3rd September. The second phase started on 5th December and the contract is to be concluded in February 2008. The building works are to start in 2008 and to be complete in 45 months. The route will have a total of seven underground stations, stretching from Nadezhda borough down southeast to the central railway station, Tzum department store, the National Palace of Culture to Cherni Vrah boulevard.Ten companies and consortia have handed in their offers. The list includes Pizzarotti-SELI; Condotte-Ansaldo; FCC; OHL; Metrostav; Greek consortium Aktor-Terna; J&P Avax also from Greece; Geotechmin, the only local candidate not part of any alliance with foreign corporations; Glavbolgarstroy in partnership with Hochtief; and Moststroy with Turkey's Dogus Group. This is the first subway project co-financed by the European Union. 50-51/07.Open invitation to tender, deadline 19th June, 2008 for development of a final design and construction of a 6.4 km metro section with seven stations from Nadezhda Road junction to the central railway station, St. Nedelya Square, NPC and Cherni Vrah Boulevard. The procurement is divided in two lots. The first lot stretches for 4.42 km and includes four stations (from Nadezhda Road junction to the central railway station). It has a cost of BGL400.46 million. The second lot stretches for 2.6 km and has three stations (from Patriarh Evtimiy Boulevard to Cherni Vrah Boulevard). It should be built for no more than BGL155.55 million. The design and construction of two underground stations (MS8-II and MS11-II) and the tunnel section after the second one is not included. Two underground stations (MS9-II and MS10-II) and the tunnels between them are not included either as they are already constructed. The scope of the procurement includes construction, overhaul of the already constructed sections, architectural construction, electro-mechanical equipment including railway and contact rail, transport automatics, etc. until full completion of the section and its putting into operation. The geology is detailed in the preliminary design. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=82375-2008, OJ S 61, and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=100604-2008, OJ S 75, or contact Metropoliten, Sofia, fax +359 29877892. E-mail ob_por_metro@abv.bg 20/08.Metroproject of Sofia has been awarded the technical design for the 4,130 m Obelya station-Nadezhda Road junction of Sofia’s second metro line, including four stations. 22/08.A consortium headed by Systra, with Infraproject and Metroconsult as partners, signed a EUR6.3 million contract (VAT not included) for engineering and assistance to Sofia metro operator Metropolitan for the 6.4 km section of Line 2 with seven stations from Nadezhda Road junction to Cherni Vrah Boulevard. Visit www.systra.com, http://infrapro.com, www.metroconsult.com and www.metropolitan.bg 24/08.Open invitation to tender, deadline 15th September, 2008 for design and construction of a 2,150 m underground extension of Line 1, with two underground stations and underground car park under Tsarigradsko shose Blvd. The metro section goes from Mladost I to Tsarigradsko shose Blvd. in the direction of Druzhba Road and Sofia Airport. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=156809-2008, OJ S 118 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=172405-2008, OJ S 130, or contact Metropoliten, Sofia, fax +359 29877892. E-mail ob_por_metro@abv.bg 27/08.Turkish company Dogus has been selected to construct the section of Line 2 from Nadezhda Road junction via the central railway station to Patriarch Evtimiy Blvd. This 3.8 km section has four stations. The contract has a value of BGN329.1 million. A Bulgarian joint venture named Metro Treis will build a 2.6 km section from Patriarch Evtimiy Blvd to Cherni Vrah Blvd. This second section has three stations. The contract is worth BGN142 million. The second line of the Sofia metro is expected to be completed within 45 months and its construction to start in September. About BGN370 million for the construction of the second line will be provided by the EU funding programmes, whereas the remaining BGN100 million will come from the Bulgarian state and the city of Sofia. Visit www.dogusinsaat.com.tr and www.metropolitan.bg html 31/08.Turkish construction firm Dogus and the Metro Trace consortium signed an agreement with the municipal company Metropoliten for the construction of the second line of the Sofia metro on 27th August. The two companies won a tender for construction of the section Nadezhda-Central railway station-Sveta Nedelya Square-Cherni Vruh Boulevard. Dogus will construct the 3.8 km section, with four stations, running from Nadezhda to Patriarh Evtimii Boulevard. The company offered BGN329.1 million to build the stretch. Metro Trace will construct the remaining 2.6 km segment of the new subway line, with three stations, for BGN142 million. Metro Trace is a joint venture led by Trace Group Hold with Trace Sofia and SB Engineering as partners. Dogus and Metro Trace will break ground on the project by the end of the year. Construction, under the terms of the contract, has to be completed in 45 months. In 2012, Sofia will have two metro lines with a total length of about 31 km and it expects to transport more than 420,000 passengers daily. Click bg/11. Visit www.dogusinsaat.com.tr and www.tracebg.com/en/home 38/08.Open invitation to tender, deadline 05.01.2009, for construction of underground station on Line 1 of Sofia metro. Contact Krasimira Georgieva or Iskra Ilieva, tel +359 2 921 2034, e-mail ob_por_metro@abv.bg or visit www.metropolitan.bg 47/08 http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=296695-2008 47/08.


Award of contract, value EUR18.642 million, for construction of underground railway station at Sofia metro to Geotechmin, Sofia, contact Mihail Lazarov, tel +359 2-9650115, fax -9526080, e-mail m.lazarov@geotechmin.com. Visit www.metropolitan.bg. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=100688-2009 16/09.


Award of contract, value EUR14.14 million excluding VAT, to Stroyinject AD www.stroyinject.com for cut and cover construction of underground station on Line 1. More from info@stroyinject.com, tel +359 280731-11, fax -33 or contact Krasimira Georgieva at Metropolitan EAD in Sofia, tel +359 29212034, e-mail ob_por_metro@abv.bg http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=120294-2009 19/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 03.09.2009, for construction of km 1+800 - km 4+139.4 section of Sofia second metro line. The bids, divided in two lots, include the construction of two 1,200 m and 870 m tunnels, two stations and underground parking. Contact Iskra Ilieva and Krasimira Georgieva, Metropoliten EAD, str. Kniaz Boris ? 121, Sofia, tel +359 29212722-034, fax +359 29877892, e-mail ob_por_metro@abv.bg. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=192454-2009. 30/09.


Pooling Metro Build, Eik 175772134, picco Cherni, n. 92, BG-1407 Sofia, tel + 359 281699-00, fax -99 secured the Lot 1 contract, value EUR27.3 million, for construction of km 1+800 to km 3+100 section of Sofia metro line 2. Consorzio Metro - 2009, UIC 175.768.972, Cherkovna Street, n.37, BG-1505 Sofia, tel + 359 294269-10, fax -11, secured the Lot 2 contract, value EUR17.7 million, for construction of km 3+100 km -4+139.40 section of Sofia metro line 2. Contact Iskra Ilieva and Krasimira Georgieva, Metropoliten EAD, str. Kniaz Boris I, 121, Sofia, tel +359 29212722034, fax +359 29877892, e-mail ob_por_metro@abv.bg. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=350370-2009. 52/09.


Deadline postponed from 03.02.2010 to 15.02.2010 for open invitation to tender for the construction of Obelia-Vr?bnitsa-Nadežda section, Line II, metro Sofia. The contract has two lots. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents is 15.02.2010. Contract duration 26 months. Contact Prof. Iskra Ilieva, Metropolitan Sofia, tel +359 29212722 / 29212034, fax + 359 29877892, e-mail ob_por_metro@abv.bg. Send offers to Adelina Stoichkova, Metropolitan Sofia, tel + 359 29212012. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=347801-2009, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=356956-2009 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=360809-2009. 02/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 09.02.2012, for the 4,968 m extension of Diameter I Sofia metro line from Tsarigradsko Shose station to Sofia Airport. Four stations included: MS20-23. Further information from Metropoliten EAD, Engg Krasimira Georgieva and Iskra Ilieva, Sofia, tel +359 29212034-722, fax +359 29877892. Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to Adelina Stoichkova, tel +359 29212012. Time limit for accessing documents 30.01.2012. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=392400-2011. 51/11.


Deadline postponed from 09.02.2012 to 27.02.2012 for open invitation to tender for company list for 4,968 m extension of Diameter I Sofia metro line from Tsarigradsko Shose station (not included) to Sofia Airport. Four stations included: MS20, MS21, MS22 and MS23. Further information from Metropoliten EAD, Engg Krasimira Georgieva and Iskra Ilieva, Sofia, tel +359 29212034-722, fax +359 29877892, e-mail ob_por_metro@abv.bg. Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to Adelina Stoichkova, tel +359 29212012. Time limit for accessing documents 17.02.2012.Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=408847-2011. 02/12.


Stanilov-Metroprojekt (Sofia) secured the EUR11.99 million contract, VAT not included, for the 1,046 m lot1, from Tsarigradsko Shose station (not included) to km 3+184.90, including MS20 station, for extension of Line I Sofia metro. Metro Druzhba (Sofia) secured the EUR32.55 million contract, VAT not included, for the 1,825 m lot 2, from km 3+184.90 to km 5+010.00, including MS21 station, for extension of Line I Sofia metro. Contact Metropoliten EAD, Engg Krasimira Georgieva and Iskra Ilieva, Sofia, tel +359 29212034-722, fax +359 29877892, e-mail ob_por_metro@abv.bg. Visit

http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=273221-2012 and

http://stanilov.bg/ and www.tracebg.com. 36/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 12.11.2012, for design and construction of km 15+450 -18+070 extension of metro Line 1 in Sofia. Bid comprises two lots: underground section, length 1,550 m, including stations MS14 and MS15 (lot 1); underground section, length 1,070 m, including station MS16 and car parking for 80 vehicles. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 02.11.2012. Contract duration 14 months. For more, contact Metropoliten EAD, Ingg Krasimira Georgieva and Iskra Ilieva, Sofia, tel +359 29212034-722, fax +359 29877892, e-mail ob_por_metro@abv.bg. Send tenders to Adelina Stoichkova, tel +359 29212012. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=295795-2012. 41/12.


The consortium Metro Sifer at Plovdiv secured the EUR25 million contract, excluding VAT, for the construction of Diameter I Sofia metro line from Podporuchik Nedelcho Bonchev Street to Sofia airport, lot 3. Further information from Metropoliten EAD, Engg Krasimira Georgieva and Iskra Ilieva, Sofia, tel +359 29212034-722, fax +359 29877892, e-mail ob_por_metro@abv.bg. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=334789-2012. 44/12.


Metropolitan  EAD announced the list of participants for the extension of the line1 subway in Sofia. Evaluation criteria used most economically advantageous tender.

Metropolitan SA selected the contractors for executive design and construction of the 2.7 km-long extension of Line1 in Sofia, three stations included. Build Metro Mladost, including GP Group/Stanilov/Ingegneria Gruppo 04/BIAS-M was awarded lot1, from MS13 (km 15 +450 in Mladost I) to km 17 +000, length 1,550 m with two stations. Geometry, comprising Geotechmin/Geostroy/Metroproekt Bulgaria was awarded lot 2, from km 17 +000 to MS16 (km 18 +070 in Business Park Mladost IV), length 1,070 m, with a station and parking lot. Visit http://www.metropolitan.bg/bg/news/view/107.html. 10/13.



Postponed from 22.07.2013 to 05.08.2013 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for design and construction of km 10+452 -11+752 extension of metro Line 2 in Sofia including one station. The first section km 10+452 to km+11+233 will be built with NATM method, the last section in cut/cover. Contact Metropolitan, att.n Iskra Ilieva and Krasimir Georgiev, tel 359 29212722/29212034, fax 359 29877892, e-mail ob_por_metro@abv.bg for information and Adelina Stoichkova, tel 359 29212012 for sending the tenders. Time limit for accessing documents: 26.07.2013. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=180887-2013, http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=167125-2013, and http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=139538-2013. 23/13.


Postponed from 05.08.2013 to 12.08.2013 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for design and construction of km 10+452 -11+752 extension of metro Line 2 in Sofia including one station. The first section km 10+452 to km+11+233 will be built with NATM method, the last section in cut/cover. Contact Metropolitan, att.n Iskra Ilieva and Krasimir Georgiev, tel 359 29212722/29212034, fax 359 29877892, e-mail ob_por_metro@abv.bg for information and Adelina Stoichkova, tel 359 29212012 for sending the tenders. Time limit for accessing documents: 02.08.2013. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=251155-2013. 31/13.


Prior Information Notice for design and implementation of phase 1, metro line 3 extension in Sofia. The new underground section (p.k. 4 +950 - p.k.11+966,34) will include seven stations. The contract is composed of four lots: lot 1, section from km 11 +966.34 (starting shaft of TBM) to km 8 +996.69 (end of MS 11) with two stations; lot 2, section from km 8 +996.69 (end of MS 11) to km 6 +561.05 (end of MC 8) with three stations; lot 3, section from km 6 +561.05 (end of MC 8) to km 4 +950, with two stations and a tunnel section; lot 4, a tunnel section to be driven with a TBM, from km 11 +966.34 (starting shaft) to 5 km 248.57 (output shaft). Contact Engg. Iskra Ilieva and Krasimira Georgieva, Metropolitan Sofia, Sofia, tel +359 29212034/29212722, fax +359 29877892. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=070626-2014. 10/14.


The JV Metro Cherni Vrah 2013 of Sofia, whose members are Stanilov Ltd, Metro-project Prague and G.P. Group Ltd, with sub-contractor Start Engineering AD, signed the EUR21.65 million contract for design and construction of km 10+452 -11+752 extension of metro Line 2 in Sofia including one station. Contact Metropoliten EAD, att.n Iskra Ilieva and Krasimira Georgieva, tel 359 29212722/29212034, fax 359 29877892. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=087717-2014. 12/14.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 29.05.2014, for selection of contractors for design and implementation of phase 1, metro line 3 extension in Sofia. The new underground section (p.k. 4 +950 - p.k.11+966,34) will include seven stations. The contract is composed of four lots: lot 1, section from km 11 +966.34 (starting shaft of TBM) to km 8 +996.69 (end of MS 11) with two stations; lot 2, section from km 8 +996.69 (end of MS 11) to km 6 +561.05 (end of MC 8) with three stations; lot 3, section from km 6 +561.05 (end of MC 8) to km 4 +950, with two stations and a tunnel section; lot 4, a tunnel section to be driven with a TBM, from km 11 +966.34 (starting shaft) to 5 km 248.57 (output shaft). Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 19.05.2014. Further information from Engg. Iskra Ilieva and Krasimira Georgieva, Metropolitan Sofia, Sofia, tel +359 29212034/29212722, fax +359 29877892. Tenders to be sent to Adelina Stoichkov, Metropolitan Sofia, Sofia, tel +359 29212012. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=070626-2014. 15/14.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 15.01.2015, for project and construction of phase 1, metro line 3 extension in Sofia. The new underground section (p.k. 4 +950 - p.k.11+966,34) will include seven stations and launch/exit shafts for TBM. The contract is composed of four lots. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 05.01.2015. Further information from Engg. Iskra Ilieva and Krasimira Georgieva, Metropolitan Sofia, Sofia, tel +359 29212034/29212722, fax +359 29877892, e-mail ob_por_metro@abv.bg. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=110144-2014, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=127033-2014 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=381653-2014. 46/14.


Postponed from 15.01.2015 to 22.01.2015, the deadline of the open invitation to tender for project and construction of phase 1, metro line 3 extension in Sofia. The new underground section (p.k. 4 +950 - p.k.11+966,34) will include seven stations and launch/exit shafts for TBM. The contract is composed of four lots. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 12.01.2015. Further information from Engg. Iskra Ilieva and Krasimira Georgieva, Metropolitan Sofia, Sofia, tel +359 29212034/29212722, fax +359 29877892, e-mail ob_por_metro@abv.bg. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=393368-2014. 47/14.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 01.09.2016, for project and construction of phase 2, metro line 3 extension in Sofia. The new section from km 11 + 941.33 to 15+ 749.00 will include 4 stations 15, 16, 17 and 18, duration of the contract is 36 months.

The contract is divided into 2 lots : Lot 1, from km11+ 941.33 to km 14+277.56, with 2 underground stations, value EUR47.03 million, excluding VAT; Lot 2 from km 14+ 277.56 to km 15+ 749.00 m with  2 underground stations and a railway stop, value EUR43.97 million, excluding VAT. Further information from Eng Krasimira Georgieva, Metropolitan Sofia, Sofia, tel +359 29212034/29212722, fax +359 29877892, e-mail tenders@abv.bg. The procurement documents are available at http://metropolitan.nit.bg/proczeduri-po-zop/treta-metroliniya-s-chetiri-metrostanczii/. Tenders to be submitted to Metropolitan Sofia, attn Adelina Stoichkova, Sofia, tel +359 29212012, e-mail metro@metropolitan.bg. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=234350-2016. 28/16.


Postponed from 01.09.2016 to 19.09.2016 the deadline for the open invitation to tender for project and construction of phase 2, metro line 3 extension in Sofia. The new section from km 11 + 941.33 to 15+ 749.00 will include 4 stations 15, 16, 17 and 18, the duration of the contract is 36 months.

The contract is divided into 2 lots: Lot 1, from km11+ 941.33 to km 14+277.56, with 2 underground stations, value EUR47.03 million, excluding VAT; Lot 2 from km 14+ 277.56 to km 15+ 749.00 m with  2 underground stations and a railway stop, value EUR43.97 million, excluding VAT. Further information from Eng Krasimira Georgieva, Metropolitan Sofia, Sofia, tel +359 29212034/29212722, fax +359 29877892, e-mail tenders@abv.bg. The procurement documents are available at http://metropolitan.nit.bg/proczeduri-po-zop/treta-metroliniya-s-chetiri-metrostanczii/. Tenders to be submitted to Metropolitan Sofia, attn Adelina Stoichkova, Sofia, tel +359 29212012, e-mail metro@metropolitan.bg. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=258227-2016. 30/16.


Postponed from 19.09.2016 to 03.10.2016 the deadline for the open invitation to tender for the construction of phase 2, metro line 3 extension in Sofia. The new section from km 11 + 941.33 to 15+ 749.00 will include 4 stations 15, 16, 17 and 18. The duration of the contract is 36 months.

The contract is divided into 2 lots: Lot 1, from km11+ 941.33 to km 14+277.56, with 2 underground stations, value EUR47.03 million, excluding VAT; Lot 2 from km 14+ 277.56 to km 15+ 749.00 m with  2 underground stations and a railway stop, value EUR43.97 million, excluding VAT. Further information from Eng Krasimira Georgieva/ Iskra Ilieva, Metropolitan Sofia, Sofia, tel +359 29212034/29212722, fax +359 29877892, e-mail tenders@metropolitan.bg. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=320314-2016. 38/16.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 15/04/2020, for  technical projects work, involving construction, delivery of essential equipment and the commissioning of the new section from km 4 + 340.00 to km 1 + 280.00 of the metro line 3 extension  in Sofia. The new section will include 3 underground stations MC2, MC3 and MC4, and 2 ventilation systems between the stations. The contract is divided into 4 lots. The duration of the contract is 39 months. The value of the contract is EUR112.48 million (BG220 million), excluding VAT. Contact Metropolitan Sofia, attn Eng Krasimira Georgieva, Sofia, tel +359 29212034/29212722, fax +359 29877892, email kgeorgieva@metropolitan.bg. For tender documents please click here, tenders to be submitted to Metropolitan Sofia, attn Adelina Stoichkova, Sofia, tel +359 29212012, fax +359 29872244, email metro@metropolitan.bg.

For further tender information please click here and here. Ref.n. 000632256. 13/20.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 14/04/2021, for the 5666 m extension of the metro Line 3 in Sophia from Shipka Street to Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd. with 6 underground stations. For tender documents please use this link https://app.eop.bg/today/74483, where tenders must be sent.  Value of the contract is EUR 270,98 million (BGN530 million), excluding VAT. The contract is composed of 5 lots. Duration of the contract is 42-48 months. Contact Metropolitan EAD, attn Krasimira Georgieva, Sophia, tel +359 29212034, email kgeorgieva@metropolitan.bg. For further tender information please click here. 02/21. 



Postponed from 14/04/2021 to 10/05/2021 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the 5666 m extension of the metro Line 3 in Sophia from Shipka Street to Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd. with 6 underground stations. For tender documents please use this link https://app.eop.bg/today/74483, where tenders must be sent.  Value of the contract is EUR 270,98 million (BGN530 million), excluding VAT. The contract is composed of 5 lots. Duration of the contract is 42-48 months. Contact Metropolitan EAD, attn Krasimira Georgieva, Sophia, tel +359 29212034, email kgeorgieva@metropolitan.bg. For further tender information please click here. 05/21.  



Postponed from 10/05/2021 to 10/06/2021 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the 5666 m extension of the metro Line 3 in Sophia from Shipka Street to Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd. with 6 underground stations. For tender documents please use this link https://app.eop.bg/today/74483, where tenders must be sent.  Value of the contract is EUR 270,98 million (BGN530 million), excluding VAT. The contract is composed of 5 lots. Duration of the contract is 42-48 months. Contact Metropolitan EAD, attn Krasimira Georgieva, Sophia, tel +359 29212034, email kgeorgieva@metropolitan.bg. For further tender information please click here. 18/21.   



Postponed to 31/08/2021 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the extension of the metro Line 3 in Sophia from Shipka Street to Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd with 6 underground stations, Lots 1,3,4 and 5. Lot 2 is suspended.  For tender documents please use this link https://app.eop.bg/today/74483, where tenders must be sent.  Value of the contract is EUR 270,98 million (BGN530 million), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 42-48 months. Contact Metropolitan EAD, attn Krasimira Georgieva, Sophia, tel +359 29212034, email kgeorgieva@metropolitan.bg. For further tender information please click here and here. 27/21.    



The Joint Venture DZZD Siemens Mobility from Sofia, Siemens Mobility EOOD from Sofia and Siemens Mobility GmbH from Munich secured the EUR 15.30 million (BG29.92 million) contract, excluding VAT, for technical projects work, involving construction, delivery of essential equipment and the commissioning of the new section from km 4 + 340.00 to km 1 + 280.00 with 3 underground stations of the metro line 3 extension  in Sofia: railway traffic control and management systems (Lot 4). Contact Metropolitan Sofia, attn Eng Krasimira Georgieva, Sofia, tel +359 035929212034, fax +359 035929877892, email kgeorgieva@metropolitan.bg. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=521400-2021. Ref.n. 000632256. 41/21.


Two contracts have been secured for the metro line 3 extension  in Sofia.  Trace Group Hold from Sofia secured the EUR 38.39 million (BG75.08 million) contract, excluding VAT, for the new section from km3 + 645.00 to km2 + 581.20 with underground MC3 station and ventilation system (Lot 2);  G.P. Group JSC from  Sofia  secured the EUR 24.63 million (BGN48.18 million) contract, excluding VAT,   for the new section from km4 + 340.00 to km3 + 645.00 with the underground MC4 station (Lot 3) .  

Contact Metropolitan Sofia, attn Eng Krasimira Georgieva, Sofia, tel +359 035929212034-+359 29212722, fax +359 035929877892, email kgeorgieva@metropolitan.bg. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=599270-2021. Ref.n. 000632256. 47/21. 


HSS Group from Sofia secured the EUR 32.21 million (BGN63 million) contract, excluding VAT, for the design and construction of the new metro Line 3 section from km.2 + 581.20 to km.1 + 280.00, including the MC2 underground station. Contact Metropolitan Sofia, attn Eng Krasimira Georgieva, Sofia, tel +359 29212034/29212722, fax +359 29877892, email kgeorgieva@metropolitan.bg. Visit  http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=634498-2021.Ref.n. 000632256. 50/21.


Siemens Mobility Ltd from Sofia have secured the EUR 34.73 million (BGN67.93 million) contract, excluding VAT, for  Lot5 (design, supply, installation and commissioning of systems for control and management of train traffic, communications and platform barrier doors) for the extension of the metro Line 3 in Sophia from Shipka Street to Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd with 6 underground stations. Contact Metropolitan EAD, attn Krasimira Georgieva, Sophia, tel +359 29212034, email kgeorgieva@metropolitan.bg.  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=609609-2022 and https://app.eop.bg/today/74483. 44/22.     



Canada, British Columbia - ca/47


The following 9 contracts with a total value of EUR43.17 million (CAD56.7 million) have been awarded for technical and engineering expertise to support the Province’s delivery of the Highway 99 Tunnel Program to replace the Massey Tunnel, which will improve mobility along the corridor between Richmond and Delta. 

  • COWI North America Ltd, Owner's Engineering Service (Immersed Tube Tunnel), Value EUR15.42 million (CAD15 million); 
  • R.F. Binnie and Associates Ltd, Owner's Engineering Service (Highway and Civil Works), Value EUR15.42 million (CAD15 million); 
  • Golder Associates, Archaeological Services, Value EUR1.60million (CAD2.10 million) 
  • Golder Associates, Environmental Services, Value EUR11.25 million (CAD14.77 million); 
  • Sartori Environmental Inc, Independent Environmental Monitor for the Corridor Improvement Projects, Value EUR551,990 (CAD725,000) 
  • TyPlan Consulting, Marine Navigation Advisor, Value EUR245,147 (CAD322,000) 
  • Lucent Quay Consulting Inc, Communication and Engagement Services (Highway 99 Tunnel Project/Steveston Interchange Project), Value EUR3.19 million (CAD4.19 million); 
  • Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Ltd, Hydrotechnical and River Hydraulics Services, Value EUR3.35 million (CAD4.40 million) 
  • RAM Engineering Ltd, Marine Construction Advisor, Value EUR153,788 (CAD202,000). 

Visit https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2022TRAN0012-000176. 06/22. 


Request for Proposals, deadline 08/08/2022, for a Contractor to undertake a Test Dredge in support of the Fraser River Tunnel Project, which will replace the existing George Massey Tunnel. The Test Dredge will consist of an excavation and related works within the Fraser River, approximately 300 meters upstream from the George Massey Tunnel, with the purposes of assess feasibility of the in-river excavation schedule; assess stability of the upstream and downstream slopes of the excavation; determine potential for erosion and migration of the proposed side slopes; understand feasibility and effectiveness of scour protection on the side slopes of the excavation; Determine changes to flow patterns and rates of sedimentation in the excavation.Electronic proposals has to be submitted to email FRTproposalcontact@gov.bc.ca. Visit https://new.bcbid.gov.bc.ca/page.aspx/en/bpm/process_manage_extranet/4057.  Ref.n FRTP ENG 2023 12. 30/22. 


Request for Qualifications, deadline 14/09/2023, to invite interested parties to indicate their interest in, and their qualifications for, the 800 m Fraser River tunnel project. The project includes replacement of the existing George Massey tunnel with an eight-lane, toll-free immersed-tube tunnel. The new tunnel will have three general-purpose lanes and a dedicated transit lane in each direction, as well as a separated walking and cycling path. The Project also includes either replacement or repurposing of the existing Deas Slough Bridge, and decommissioning of the Existing Tunnel once the New Tunnel is operational. Contact Fraser River Tunnel Project, Vancouver, email Contact.FRTP@gov.bc.ca. Visit https://bcbid.gov.bc.ca/, https://www.infrastructurebc.com/ and  https://news.gov.bc.ca/. Ref.n.171267. 28/23. 


Th Cross Fraser Partnership with Bouygues Construction Canada Inc., Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas Canada Ltd and  Pomerleau BC Inc, supported by design and engineering consultants Arcadis Canada Inc has been selected by the Province of British Columbia as the preferred proponent for the Fraser River Tunnel Project. The project will see a new toll-free, eight-lane immersed tunnel built to replace the aging George Massey Tunnel between Bridgeport Road in Richmond and Ladner Trunk Road in Delta. The environmental assessment continues in parallel with the development of the project design and early works with major construction starting in 2026. Visit https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2024MOTI0092-001159. 32/24.


Canada, Alberta - ca/46

Light Rail

Closing Date: 07.06.2022 (Tender Closed)

Request for Qualifications (RFQ), deadline 07/06/2022, to Design, Build and Finance (DBF) with a Development Phase for Green Line LRT - Phase 1 in Calgary. The Phase 1 Project will include 18 km of LRT; 13 stations – including 4 underground stations in downtown and 2 elevated stations in the southeast; tunnel in downtown; bridges; sections of elevated track; park and ride facilities; and a new Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) maintenance and storage facility.  

The procurement strategy allows the Green Line Board to select a Development Partner in early 2023 following the Request for Proposal (RFP) stage, from the RFQ short-listed candidates. The Development Partner will work collaboratively with the Green Line team on design progression providing flexibility to innovate, optimize and manage cost, risk and schedule concerns. The Development Phase is expected to take approximately 12-months. Contact  City of Calgary, attn Verica Gigic, tel +1 403-268-4087, email  verica.gigic@calgary.ca and Shahroz.Ehsan@calgary.ca. For further on the tender, please click here and here. Ref.n. AB-2022-02211.  22/22.  




Bow Transit Connectors (Barnard Constructors of Canada, LP, Flatiron Constructors Canada Ltd, and WSP Canada Inc) and City Link Partners (Aecon Infrastructure Management Inc, Dragados Canada Inc, Acciona Infrastructure Canada Inc, Parsons Inc, and AECOM Canada Ltd) have been shortlisted through RFQ for main construction of Green Line Phase 1, from Shepard to Eau Claire, in Calcary. 

Phase 1 is the largest infrastructure project to be constructed in the City’s history and will build the 18km core of the Green Line, constructing the most technically complex section of the new LRT line to support future expansion to the north and south.   

As Bow Transit Connectors and City Link Partners advance through the procurement process, Green Line will connect local contractors and suppliers with the teams to explore project opportunities.  

Contact  City of Calgary, attn Verica Gigic, tel +1 403-268-4087, email  verica.gigic@calgary.ca and Shahroz.Ehsan@calgary.ca. For further on the procurement status please click here and ca/46.  Visit https://www.calgary.ca/green-line/. Ref.n. AB-2022-02211.  14/23.   

