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Italy, Lombardia - it/197

Riverbank protection

Closing Date: 05.02.2013 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 05.02.2013, for riverbank protection works in Val Torreggio, municipality of Torre di S. Maria (SO). Value contract EUR7.6 million, which EUR1.4 million (18.42 percent) coming from OG4. Duration of contract 880 days after award. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 29.01.2013. Contact Quirino Gianoli, Sondrio Province, Sondrio, tel +39 342531284, fax +39 342210217, e-mail francesca.mottalini@provinciasondrio.gov.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=395178-2012. 51/12.


Italy, Liguria - it/196


Closing Date: 07.01.2013 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 07.01.2013, for detailed design and construction of the new lift Scassi between via Cantore and Corso Scassi at Genova Sampierdarena. Value contract EUR3.69 million, of which EUR1.54 million (42.13%) belonging to OG4. Duration of contract 360 days after award. Click here for the technical report. Contact  Comune di Genova, Genova, tel +39 0105572291, fax +39 0105572240, e-mail ccontratti@comune.genova.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=365801-2012. 48/12.


Italy, Emilia Romagna-Toscana - it/195

High Speed Railway

Closing Date: 03.12.2012 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 03.12.2012, for design and construction of the air input and exhaust gases extraction equipment in the Castelvecchio, Osteria, Diaterna, Montecalvo, Riosto, Quinzano, Brentana, Rovigo, Osteto, Marzano, San Giorgio, Firenzuola, Carlone adits and for civil works in the new Tecnological Chamber, Castelvecchio adit on the AV/AV Bologna-Firenze. Contract value EUR 9.44 million. Contact Italferr SpA, att.n Maria Teresa Guagliardi, Rome, tel +39 06 49752827, fax +39 0649752445, e-mail gareappalti.it@legalmail.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=323825-2012. Bid Code PA-1195. 42/12.


The JV Cooperativa Edile Appennino, Soc.Coop/Riva Gaetano SaS di Riva Gaetano & C of Monghidoro secured the EUR3.31 million contract, excluding VAT, for design and construction of the air input and exhaust gases extraction equipment in the Castelvecchio, Osteria, Diaterna, Montecalvo, Riosto, Quinzano, Brentana, Rovigo, Osteto, Marzano, San Giorgio, Firenzuola, Carlone adits and for civil works in the new Tecnological Chamber, Castelvecchio adit on the AV/AV Bologna-Firenze. Contact Italferr SpA, att.n Maria Teresa Guagliardi, Rome, tel +39 06 49752827, fax +39 0649752445, e-mail gareappalti.it@legalmail.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=142004-2015. Bid Code PA-1195. 18/15.


Italy, Emilia Romagna-Marche-Puglia - it/194


Closing Date: 19.11.2012 (Tender Closed)

Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 19.11.2012, for construction of new 1.1 km tube of the Cattolica railway tunnel, and for excavating new profile in old tube. Both tubes to be adapted to Ministerial Decree "Safety in Railway Tunnels" dated October 28, 2005 between Cattolica and Pesaro on the Bologna - Bari railway. Contract value EUR9.24 million, duration 702 days. Contact Italferr SpA, Bari, tel + 39 (0)80 5960250, +39 (0)80 5960245. Visit http://www.gare.italferr.it/cms/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=7d8e580edcf4a310VgnVCM1000008916f90aRCRD. Bid code PA-1196. 42/12.


Salcef SpA at Roma secured the EUR9.06 million contract, excluding VAT, for construction of new 1.1 km tube of the Cattolica railway tunnel, and for excavating new profile in old tube. Both tubes to be adapted to Ministerial Decree "Safety in Railway Tunnels" dated 28.10.2005 between Cattolica and Pesaro on the Bologna-Bari railway. Contract value EUR9.24 million, duration 702 days. Contact Italferr SpA, att.n Fabrizio Italiano, Roma, Bari, tel +39 0649752178, +39 0649752445. Visit http://www.gare.italferr.it/cms-file/allegati/gare-italferr/PA-1196_ESITO.pdf and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=240231-2013. Bid code PA-1196. 29/13.


Italy, Campania - it/193


Closing Date: 27.08.2008 (Tender Closed)

Invitation to tender, deadline 27.08.2008 for upgrade of the Montemiletto tunnel left carriageway between Avellino and Benevento on highway A16 Naples-Canosa. The 876 m tunnel was built in the 1960s and carries two lanes. Visit www5.autostrade.it/applica/gare/gareapp.nsf/vwBDDT/0B0289EBD2BAB76FC12574740039B3FB?opendocument&initPos=3 or contact Autostrade per l’Italia, Rome, fax +39 0776308225, e-mail apalmigiani@autostrade.it or apauciullo@autostrade.it. 29/08.


Gruppo Fontana Costruzioni Srl (Milano) secured the EUR233,630 contract for the refurbishment of 876 m Montemiletto tunnel, right and left carriageways at km 060+267, on the section Napoli-Candela of the A16 Napoli-Canosa motorway. Contact Autostrade per l’Italia, Cassino, tel +39 0776 308229 fax +39 0776 308225, e-mail dt6appalti@autostrade.it. Visit  http://www5.autostrade.it/applica/gare/gareapp.nsf/0/9A2BC5454DD35972C1257A750039E5BB/$file/esito%20gara%20cod.%20app.%20014_ca_12.pdf?openelement. Bid Code N. 014/CA/12. 41/12.


Italy, Sardegna - it/192

Electric Cables

Closing Date: 20.08.2012 (Tender Closed)

Postponed from 03.08.2012 to 20.08.2012 the deadline for the invitation to tender by restricted procedure for preliminary design for the 350 km-long undersea interconnection cable duct between Italy (Cagliari, Sardegna) and Algeria (Lehenaya, east of Annaba). Further information from Adriana Palmigiano at Terna SpA in Rome, tel +39 (0)68313-8149, fax -9018, e-mail adriana.palmigiano@terna.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=234351-2012 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=218059-2012. 31/12.


Italy, Countrywide - it/191

High Speed Railway

Ansaldo STS SpA (Genova) secured the EUR736,420 contract, VAT not included, for emergency equipment in HS/HC railway tunnels. Contact RFI, attn Salvatore Dell'Andro, Rome, tel +39 0647308866, fax +39 0647308843, e-mail s.dellandro@rfi.it. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=222941-2012. Bid Code n. DGQ1 7061. 30/12


Italy, Sicily - it/190


Closing Date: 24.08.2012 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 24.08.2012, for traditional excavation in 1 m increments of 807 m of Lercara tunnel on 94 km-long Palermo-Agrigento line using fibreglass bolting of face and reinforced shotcrete as forward support. Contract duration 1,034 days, value EUR29.5 million excluding VAT. Contact Nicola Martino or Flaminia Scuteri at RFI in Palermo, tel +39 0916034018/3552, fax +39 0916033374, e-mail n.martino@rfi.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=187587-2012. 24/12.


Sicurbau SRL of Torrecuso (BN) secured the contract, value EUR23.3 million excluding VAT, for traditional excavation in 1 m increments of 807 m of Lercara tunnel on 94 km-long Palermo-Agrigento line using fibreglass bolting of face and reinforced shotcrete as forward support. Contact Nicola Martino or Flaminia Scuteri at RFI in Palermo, tel +39 0916034018/3552, fax +39 0916033374, e-mail n.martino@rfi.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=365801-2012. 47/12.


Italy, Campania - it/189


Closing Date: 27.07.2012 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 27.07.2012, for design, safety management and construction of number 1 section of lot 2 of the 5 km-long Salerno Porta Ovest link, including the Cernicchiara (900 m) and Ligea (1,500 m) twin-tube road tunnels and a 600 m mono directional tunnel exit from A3. Contract value EUR116,925,587 excluding VAT, duration 1,100 days. Contact Autorita portuale di Salerno, Salerno, e-mail autoritaportuale@porto.salerno.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=167775-2012. 25/12.


Italy, South Tyrol - it/188


Closing Date: 16.07.2012 (Tender Closed)

Restricted call for tenders, deadline 16.07.2012, for ideas competition for the design of the Giudicarie-Alto Garda-Vallagarina railway, linking Rovereto, Mori and Tione, mainly in tunnel. Contact Provincia autonoma di Trento, attn Paolo Fontana, Trento, tel +39 0461496444, fax +39 0461496422, e-mail serv.appalti@provincia.tn.it. Visit  http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=138352-2012. 19/12.
