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Italy, Campania - it/207


C.O.M.I. Compagnia Meridionale Impianti Srl (Naples) secured the EUR412,310 contract for installation of firefighting equipment in 1,810 m Parco della Reggia tunnel and for construction of the SS7 and 265 bypass between Capua and Maddaloni. Contact Anas, Campania Road department, Bids and contract Office, Naples, tel +39 081 7356111- 229, fax +39 081 621411, 2399679, e-mail NA-GareContr@postacert.stradeanas.it. Visit http://www.gazzettaufficiale.it/atto/contratti/caricaDettaglioAtto/originario;jsessionid=oyxR481vGtWCG06YwtcGQQ__.ntc-as1-guri2a?atto.dataPubblicazioneGazzetta=2014-03-05&atto.codiceRedazionale=T14BGA3356. Bid code n. NALAV010-13. 13/14.
