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Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic, Rio Blanco - do/11


  Robbins TBM completed 8.6 km headrace and moved onto second 11 km tunnel. May 1995.



Ecuador, Quito - ec/19


Closing Date: 03.11.2011 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender for technical assistance for design of the 22 km-long underground Quito metro Line 1 postponed from 21.10.2011 to 03.11.2011. Contract comprises 3 lots: Lot 1, 3 km-long with 2 stations; Lot 2, 10 km-long with 6 stations; and Lot 3, 8.8 km-long with 7 stations. Contract duration 8 months. Contact Metro de Madrid, SA, att.n Vicente Somoano Casillas, Madrid, tel +34 913798800, fax +34 915017800, e-mail Vicente_Somoano_Casillas@mail.metromadrid.es. Offers to ger.contratacion@mail.metromadrid.es. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid= 292810-2011 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=329299-2011. 43/11.


Metro de Madrid have signed the contract for technical assistance for design of the 22 km-long Quito underground metro Line 1. Contract comprises three lots: Lot 1, 3 km-long with 2 stations; Lot 2, 10 km-long with 6 stations; and Lot 3, 8.8 km-long with 7 stations. Contact Metro de Madrid, SA, att.n Vicente Somoano Casillas, Madrid, tel +34 913798800, fax +34 915017800, e-mail Vicente_Somoano_Casillas@mail.metromadrid.es. Visit www.metromadrid.es/es/comunicacion/prensa/2012/Marzo/noticia5.html. 13/12.


Postponed from 27.05.2013 to 10.06.2013, the deadline for notice of qualification system for Phase 2 of Quito metro Line 1 construction. Phase 2 includes construction of access tunnel to alignment, line tunnel and stations; supply and installation of equipment. Contact Empresa Publica Metropolitana Metro de Quito (EPMMQ), att.n Presidente de la Comision Tecnica de Precalificacion, Quito, tel + 593 2 3331697- 0741 - 1821, e-mail  fase2@metrodequito.gob.ec. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=133555-2013 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=162353-2013. Bid Code n. SDP-01-2013-METRO DE QUITO-BID-CAF-BEI. 21/13.


The four consortia pre-qualified for the Phase 2 of Quito metro Line 1 construction have to send their technical and financial tenders before 07.04.2014. The companies are from Italy, Brazil, Spain, Ecuador, Portugal, Mexico and Korea. The four consortia are: JV Ansaldo – Impregilo - Herdoiza Crespo; Consortium Línea 1 Metro de Quito: Acciona and Odebrecht; Consortium Metro de Quito DOH: Dragados-Constructora OAS-Hyundai Construction; Consortium Obrascon Huarte Lain S.A.-OHL-Ingenieros Civiles Asociados S.A.

The contract will be awarded by the end of May for a start in June. Click ec/19 for tunnelbuilder archive. Visit http://www.metrodequito.gob.ec/noticia.php?c=1593. 05/14.


The consortium comprising of Acciona Infrastructure (Spain, 50%) and Norberto Odebrecht (Brazil, 50%) has been  awarded the EUR1.4 billion contract to build the second phase of Line 1 of the Quito Metro, including the construction of a 22,072 metres of tunnels, 13 new stations, carriage sheds, workshops, and all the railway facilities required. Rolling stock was not included within the scope of the contract.  But equipment and system integration and commissioning will have to be  coordinated between the contractor and the supplier of the rolling stock. Visit http://www.metrodequito.gob.ec/noticia.php?c=1716. 45/15.


Ecuador, Banos - ec/18


  Odebrecht is building the San Francisco hydro scheme, located downstream of the existing Agoyan power plant, on the left bank of the Pastaza river, on the border between Tungurahua and Pastaza provinces in central Ecuador. The project will make use of water discharged from the Agoyan power plant and diverted from the Verde river. Interconnection is made through a 60 m-long tunnel linking to an underground interconnecting chamber, from which a 11.3 km-long 7 m-diameter headrace tunnel will connect to a surge tank. Before reaching the surge tank, the penstock tunnel divides in two vertical stretches, with the upper concrete-lined section connecting with the surge tank and the lower steel-lined stretch connecting with the two generators in the 230 MW underground power house. The water will be discharged into the Pastaza river through a low pressure tunnel. Conelec, the national electricity authority, awarded the contract in March 2000 to Hidropastaza, a joint company controlled by Hidro Agoyan (80%) and Odebrecht (20%). The concession company will build the project under a 30-year BOT concession agreement for USD306 million. Construction to take five years. As of March, 2005 the underground powerhouse has been excavated. The tunnel will be excavated by a 7 m-diameter Wirth double shield TBM, which will be operated by SELI under the supervision of Odebrecht. Visit www.odebrecht.com, www.wirth-europe.com and www.selitunnel.com 10/05.


Ecuador, Guayaquil - ec/17


Lahmeyer International will carry out the feasibility study for the new San Eduardo tunnel in Guayaquil. This 1.4 km tunnel will relieve traffic in Carlos Julio Arosemena and El Bombero avenues, northeast of the city. The study will determine, amongst other things, if a single or double-tube tunnel can be built under San Eduardo hill. Contract value: US$430,000. The study will be completed within 60 days. Studies and detailed design financed by the government (75%) and the city (25%). Once the feasibility is completed, tenders will be invited for detailed design. Visit www.lahmeyer.de 39/03.The Andean Development Corporation (CAF) approved a USD35 million loan to finance the San Eduardo tunnel project in Guayaquil. The San Eduardo tunnel will be 3,315 m in length and will cost USD7.4 million. Visit www.caf.com 14/04.The Andean Development Corporation (CAF) granted a USD35 million loan to Ecuador for financing the San Eduardo tunnel planned by the city of Guayaquil, budgeted at USD74 million. The project is part of a new north-south connection including two 3.75 km parallel tunnels. 35/04.Lahmeyer International has been selected to complete definitive design studies for the San Eduardo tunnel in Guayaquil. The study is due in June or July 2005. A bidding process will start almost immediately after and civil works are set to begin between October 2005 and January 2006. The two-way 1,320 m-long 102 sq m tunnel will have three lanes running in each direction and will connect the northern and southern parts of the city. CAF to provide USD35 million in financing for the USD74 million project. Visit www.lahmeyer.de 39/04.The government and the city of Guayaquil have signed an agreement clearing the way for USD35 million in financing to build the San Eduardo tunnel in the city. 70% will come from the central government but financed by a credit from the Andean Development Corporation (CAF) to be allocated in 2006. The remaining 30% will come from the city.The San Eduardo tunnel is a 1.3 km 102 sq m twin bored tunnel. The geology is the Cayo formation, composed of compact and solid sandstone intercalations, lutites and breccia inclined 22 degrees to the south. Class I, II and III according to classification of the rock mass by Bienawski. The tunnel will be excavated by an excavator equipped with hydraulic hammer at the portals and then drilling and blasting. Support with grouted and resin bolts, HEB steel arches, steel pipes for forepoling, simple and double welded mesh, shotcrete without fibres and concrete reinforced with fibres. Planned equipment include fans every 50 m, lighting, monitoring and firefighting systems. There will be three cross passages each 350 m between the tunnels with steel gates resistant to high temperatures and 42 m-wide lay-bys in the middle where the rock mass is of better quality (Class I). 48/05.The four bidders for the construction of the San Eduardo tunnel are José Cartellone / Messaikos, with an offer of USD56,962,915; Astaldi / Compaí±í­a General de Construcciones, with USD50,112,308; OHL / Semaica, the lowest bidder with USD49,936,985; and Constructor San Eduardo, with USD57,449,418. Click ec/17. Visit www.guayaquil.gov.ec 49/05.The city of Guayaquil awarded to OHL and Semaica a nearly USD50 million contract to build the 1.3 km San Eduardo tunnel. The contract is scheduled to be signed at the end of the month. Maximum period for construction is 24 months. Visit www.ohl.es and www.semaica.com 08/06.A JV between Louis Berger Group, Tahal Consulting Engineers and Consultoria Tecnica Cia. Ltda. has been selected to supervise the construction by the OHL-Semaica JV of the 1.3 km San Eduardo tunnel in north Guayaquil. Visit www.louisberger.com and www.tahal.com 19/06.


Ecuador, Pichincha - ec/16


Tendering opened since 30th January, 2002 for the renovation of the Avenida Interoceí¡nica, closed since June, 1999. During the first phase will be constructed the 1,180 m south tunnel, with two lanes and equipped with fire detection, ventilation, lighting, signalling, monitoring and drainage. The first portion of the north tunnel, 200 metres in length, will be constructed simultaneously. Consulting firms are Astec, Higgeco, and Leí³n y Godoy. First phase to cost $18 million. Work to commence in June, 2002. E-mail Astec to Eng. Alberto Pérez, astec@asteconsult.com or lroggiero@asteconsult.com. Also e-mail Leon y Godoy to Eng. Carlos Leí³n Romero, dbrigs1@dbrigs.com.ec 06/02. Award to Argentinian contractor José Cartellone of the construction of the south tunnel as part of the rehabilitation of the Interoceí¡nica road which links Quito with the Valle de Tumbaco. The portals of this 1,216 m-long tunnel will be built in cut-and-cover (58.67 m and 25 m). The 11 m-wide tunnel will accommodate two 3.5 m-wide lanes and 1 m-wide sidewalks. Height to the smoke extractors of 5.67 m and height to the top of 6.7 m. Support with steel arches and concrete lining. Anti-fire devices, drainage, ventilation, lighting and electric power. Contract value US$18.4 million. Maximum time frame November 2003. The second stage of the project will require to build the north tunnel. Visit www.cartellone.com.ar 49/02.


Ecuador, Banos - ec/15


  Hidroagoyan, Odebrecht and Ansaldo/Coemsa awarded 30-year BOT contract by Conelec for $302 million San Francisco run-of-river hydro scheme with 11.2 km-long headrace. Drill/blast to be used for 413 m at top end and 847 m at penstock end, from where Robbins 7 m-diameter TBM will drive remaining 9.8 km in granite and gneiss starting April, 2003. Visit www.odebrecht.br and www.robbinstbm.com 28/01.


Ecuador, Guayaquil - ec/14


Sequential excavation of top heading, bench and invert due to commence by OHL/Semaica on 2 x 140 sq m three-lane tunnels using ITC-Schaeff excavators from four portals. Tubes are 805 m-long and 1.33 km-long of which 264 m and 585 m respectively are natural tunnel and the remainder cut-and-cover. Friable, weathered rock will be arched, bolted and shotcreted. 12 m umbrella drilling may be required in sections, and 80 cm-thick reinforced, waterproofed in-situ concrete lining will be installed throughout. Contract value $60 million for completion September, 2002. Visit www.schaeff.com December 2000.


Ecuador, Manabi - ec/13

Water Transfer

  11.4 km-long x 4.04 m-diameter segmentally-lined TBM tunnel underway by Brazilian contractor Odebrecht using Robbins TBM. More from scabrera@ec.odebrecht.com October 2000. Odebrecht reports progress of more than 1 km/month by Robbins double-shielded TBM on 11.4 km-long x 3.5 m internal diameter tunnel lined with hexagonal steel-fibre reinforced segments. Best 24h daily advance 67.4 m; best 7-day week 400 m; best month September, 2000 with 1.505 km of lined tunnel. Assymetrical backup designed by SELI runs on its own track to one side of the tunnel, allowing forward access for trains along the parallel track. Completion expected by end-2000. Second 4.1 km-long tunnel will start February, 2001 for completion by June 2001. Owner is Centro de Rehabilitacion de Manabi, and designer a jv of Engevix/Acolit. More from daniloa@ec.odebrecht.com or visit www.robbinstbm.com October 2000.Odebrecht reports breakthrough of 4.04 m-diameter Robbins double-shield TBM at La Esperanza-Poza Honda on 13th December, 2000. Final statistics: length 11.49 km; start boring 17th February, 2000; best day 67.43 m; best week 413.57 m; best month 1,568.59 m; average 39.05 m/day; TBM utilisation 36.9 %. Visit www.odebrecht.com and www.robbinstbm.com 04/01.Odebrecht reports breakthrough of 4.5 km x 4.04 m-diameter Tunnel 3 by Robbins double-shielded TBM after 69 working days in soft, dry and homogeneous sedimentary rock at 65.86 m/day setting hexagonal precast concrete segmental lining with a 3.5 m i.d. TBM utilisation 50.8% with best 24 h advance 101.01 m, best 7-day week 535 m, best month 1,842 m. Visit www.odebrecht.com and www.robbinstbm.com 24/01.


Ecuador, Agouyan - ec/12

  Vianini-Entrecanales using Atlas Copco drillrigs. May 1995.


Ecuador, Papallacta - ec/11

Water Transfer - TBM

  Robbins model 105-144 drove 5.8 km of 6.2 km x 3 m internal diameter tunnel in volcanic tuff at 3,717 m elevation. Contractor Kunz experienced major crown fallouts at 5 km mark with ravelling ground and water. Some 1,200 cu m of material flowed into the TBM drive. Drill/blast relief heading from exit portal met struggling TBM after 400 m in May, 1990. See also Hall of Fame entry. October 1991.
