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Italy, Brenner - it/103

High Speed Railway

Open call for bids, deadline 3rd June, 2004 for nine vertical and inclined core drills, 400 to 1,200 m long, and tests between the Val di Vizze in Italy and the Italian-Austrian border as part of the Brenner base tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=076894-2004, OJ S 96, or contact Brenner Basistunnel EWIV, Innsbruck, fax +43 5124030110. E-mail heimo.krassnitzer@bbt-ewiv.com 22/04.Negotiated procedure, deadline 31st January, 2005 for checking of the final design project for the Brenner base tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=205187-2004, OJ S 238, or contact Brenner Basistunnel, Innsbruck, fax +43 5124030110. E-mail heimo.krassnitzer@bbt-ewiv.com 51-52/04.The BBT JV set up by Foralith, Plankel, and Grund- Pfahl- und Sonderbau secured a EUR11.8 million contract for nine vertical and inclined core drills, at depths of 400 to 1,200 m, and tests between the Val di Vizze in Italy and the Italian-Austrian border as part of the Brenner base tunnel. Visit www.foralith.ch, www.plankel.at and www.gps-bau.com/home.htm 12/05.Open call for tenders, deadline 22nd June, 2005 for detailed geotechnical and geomechanical mapping in the zone of the Brenner base tunnel between Fortezza, Aica and Innsbruck. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=098897-2005, OJ S 99, or contact BBT SE, Innsbruck, fax +43 5124030110. E-mail heimo.krassnitzer@bbt-se.com 22/05.ILF, TAE and EUT secured a EUR2.8 million contract for the final design of the Fortezza area of the Brenner base tunnel. The contract covers the 4.2 km section from the south portal to the Aica fork; the 4.8 km Aica service tunnel; bypasses to the existing line and connections; and redevelopment of Fortezza station. Visit www.ilf.com and www.eut.bz.it 38/05.Geoprojekt secured a EUR152,250 contract for detailed geotechnical and geomechanical mapping in the zone of the Brenner base tunnel, calibration and interpretation of the data by means of data derived from samples and achievement of geological and geomechanical modelling to characterise the rock mass. The contract also includes a 3D modelling of the stress fields of the entire corridor area. 45/05.The execution of geotechnical and geomechanical tests in laboratory on rocks and soils as well as geological tests in laboratory on surface rock samples or sample pieces has been commissioned to GD Test for EUR304,000. The most important tests are the geomechanical tests carried out on sample pieces selected from about 25,000 m of samples taken from the zone of the Brenner base tunnel project between Innsbruck and Fortezza. Visit www.gdtest.it 49/05.Checking the final projects of the Brenner base tunnel has been commissioned to Rabbit Rina Arsenal Brenner Basistunnel, a joint venture between Genoa-based Rina and í–sterreichisches Forschungs- und Prüfzentrum Arsenal from Vienna. Final projects means the environmental impact statement and the technical project for the Austrian section and the final project for the Italian section. Visit www.rina.org and www.arsenal.ac.at 49/05.Open call for tenders, deadline 15th February, 2007 for construction of a 10.4 km pilot tunnel between Aica and Mules in Bolzano province, south Tyrol, a 1.8 km access adit in Mules, a 400 m connecting tunnel between Aica / Unterplattner and Riga valley and processing and management of the excavated material. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=255287-2006, OJ S 239, or contact Galleria di Base del Brennero, Innsbruck, fax +43 5124030110. E-mail ava@bbt-se.com 51-52/06.Open call for tenders, deadline 2nd May, 2007 for on-site supervision and work management during construction of the 10.4 km pilot bore from Naz-Sciaves to chainage 10+400 in Bolzano province, the 1.8 km Mules access adit, a 400 m connecting tunnel between Aica and Riga valley, and preparation and management of excavated materials. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=69178-2007, OJ S 56, or contact Galleria di base del Brennero / Brenner basistunnel BBT, Innsbruck, fax +43 5124030110. E-mail ava@bbt-se.com 13/07.Open call for tenders, deadline 16th May, 2007 for environmental monitoring for the 10.4 km Aica-Mules pilot tunnel and its access adits in Bolzano province. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=90382-2007, OJ S 74, or contact Galleria di Base del Brennero / Brenner Basistunnel BBT, Innsbruck, fax +43 512 4030110. E-mail ava@bbt-se.com 17/07.Consortium ATB headed by Pizzarotti signed a EUR78.9 million contract to build a 10.4 km pilot tunnel between Aica and Mules in Bolzano province, south Tyrol, a 1.8 km access adit in Mules, a 400 m connecting tunnel between Aica / Unterplattner and Riga valley and processing and management of the excavated material, as part of the Brenner base tunnel project. Click here. Visit www.pizzarotti.it and www.bbt-ewiv.com 30/07.Consortium ATB, whose members are Pizzarotti, Condotte, SELI, Collini, Bilfinger Berger, Alpine Mayreder, Jaeger Bau and Beton- und Monierbau, has been awarded the contract to build the Aica-Mules access adit to the Brenner base tunnel and commissioned its construction to SELI using a TBM. SELI will supply the TBM and ancillary equipment, bore the tunnel and install the support. The excavated diameter is 6.3 m (31 sq m) and the finished inner diameter is 5.6 m. The main underground structure is the Mules access adit, 35 sq m in cross-section, 10% gradient and length of 1,800 m. This first lot will mainly cross the Bressanone granite, a hard rock formation generally of good quality. The high cover and the presence of faults and fractured zones could make tunnelling critical at certain spots. The consortium already owns the TBM (a Wirth machine previously used for the San Francisco project in Ecuador by Odebrecht) and is modifying its diameter and revising it in its facilities. Click ec/18 and here. The supply includes the a double shield rock TBM with back-up and conveyor belt for rock haulage. It is planned to install both precast concrete segments and traditional supports (bolts, wire mesh, steel arches and shotcrete). The rock haulage will be performed by means of a new conveyor belt supplied by Marti Technik. Tunnelling is programmed to commence in April 2008. Visit www.pizzarotti.it, www.condotte.it, www.impresacollini.it, www.selitunnel.com, www.bilfingerberger.de, www.alpine-bau.de, www.jaegerbau.com, www.bemo.net, www.wirth-europe.com and www.martitechnik.ch 46/07.Concer & Partners signed a EUR2.4 million deal for on-site supervision and work management during construction of the 10.4 km pilot bore from Naz-Sciaves to chainage 10+400 in Bolzano province, the 1.8 km Mules access adit, a 400 m connecting tunnel between Aica and Riga valley, and preparation and management of excavated materials. Visit www.concerepartners.it 50-51/07.The joint venture Wasserwirtschaftliche Beweissicherung Brenner Basistunnel and ILF Beratende Ingenieure ZT GmbH has secured the contract for monitoring water Phase IIA of the Brenner Base Tunnel. Contract value EUR1,675,865, duration 31 months. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=082648-2009, OJ S 58 and www.ilf.com. For more contact BBT SE, Dr. Kathrin Eberle in Innsbruck, tel +43 5124030, fax +43 5124030-110, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. 15/09. Invitation to tender, deadline 10.09.2009, for the measurement of emissions before and during the construction exploration tunnels Innsbruck-Steinach-Ahrental and Wolf. Time limit 03.09.2009 for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents. Contract duration 60 days. Contact Dott. Johann Hager, Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE, Innsbruck, tel +43 5124030, fax -110, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=200483-2009. 31/09.Invitation to tender, deadline 08.09.2009, for noise measurement, traffic surveys and site inspections before, during and after the construction of exploration tunnels Innsbruck-Steinach-Ahrental and Wolf. Time limit 01.09.2009 for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents. Contract duration 60 days. Contact Dott. Johann Hager, Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE, Innsbruck, tel +43 5124030, fax -110, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=200484 -2009. 31/09.Invitation to tender, deadline 09.09.2009, for detection and monitoring of vibration and secondary airborne noise before and during construction of the Innsbruck-Ahrental and Steinach-Wolf sections. Time limit 02.09.2009 for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents. Contract duration 60 days. Contact Dott. Johann Hager, Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE, Innsbruck, tel +43 5124030, fax -110, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=200485-2009 31/09.Invitation to tender, deadline 11.09.2009, to perform buildings certification and measurements of geodetic control (with technical assistance from a geologist) before, during and after construction work in Innsbruck-Ahrental and Steinach-Wolf sections. Time limit 04.09.2009 for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents. Contract duration 60 days. Contact Dott. Johann Hager, Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE, Innsbruck, tel +43 5124030, fax -110, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=200486-2009. 31/09.First postponement of open invitation to tender for the management and geological documentation of Innsbruck-Ahrental running tunnel, part of Brenner base tunnel. Deadline now 25.08.2009. Time limit 18.08.2009 for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents. Contact Dr Johann Hager at BBT SE in Innsbruck, tel +43 512403-0, fax -0110, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=217303-2009. 33/09.The JV Plankel/GPS/Tiefbohr of Gewerbepark 70, A-9710 Pöllan secured the contract n. B0041, value EUR1.1 million, for 23 short exploratory boreholes at the Austrian Brenner Base Tunnel section, Lot 1. Visit www.plankel.at, www.gps-bau.com and www.tiefbohr-robier.at. Geotec SpA.of Via G. Barbato 20, I-86100 Campobasso secured the contract n. B0051, value EUR1.1 million, for 22 short exploratory boreholes at the Italian Brenner Base Tunnel section, Lot 2. Visit www.geotecspa.com.For more information contact Dr Johann Hager, Galleria di Base del Brennero Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE, Innsbruck, tel +43 512403-0, fax -0110, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=295478-2009. 44/09.NUA Umweltanalytik GMBH, Südstadtzentrum 4, A-2344 Maria Enzersdorf secured the EUR730,000 contract for the measurement of emissions before and during the construction of exploration tunnels Innsbruck-Ahrental and Steinach-Wolf. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=335983-2009 and www.nua.co.at.JV Bernard/Gebauer/Intergeo, Bahnhofstrasse 19, A-6060 Hall in Tirol secured the EUR2,435,682 million contract for the management and geological documentation of Innsbruck-Ahrental running tunnel, part of Brenner base tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=335984-2009.IC Consulenten Ziviltechniker GesmbH, Schönbrunner Strasse 297, A-1020 Vienna, secured the EUR241,588 contract for detection and monitoring of vibration and secondary airborne noise before and during construction of the Innsbruck-Ahrental and Steinach-Wolf sections. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=336038-2009 and www.ic-group.org.JV Bernard/Speckbacher/Trigonos, Bahnhofstrasse 19, A-6060 Hall in Tirol secured the EUR606,597 contract to perform buildings certification and measurements of geodetic control (with technical assistance from a geologist) before, during and after construction work in Innsbruck-Ahrental and Steinach-Wolf sections. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=341874-2009.Contact for the above Brenner awards is Dr Johann Hager at BBT SE in Innsbruck, tel +43 512403-0, fax -0110, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. 51/09.Award of contract, value EUR63,227,727 excluding VAT, for establishment of Ahrental access tunnel (2.42 km); Ahrental exploration adit (2.515 km); and continuous miner tunnels Innsbruck (2.815 km) and Sillschlucht (290 m) and associated works, to Arbeitsgemeinschaft Erkundungsstollen Brenner Nord of 1100 Wien. More from Dr Johann Hager at BBT SE in Innsbruck, tel +43 5124030, fax +43 5124030-110, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=020235-2010. 04/10.AVD-AI JV of Dornbirn, Austria secured the EUR960,699 contract for geotechnical distortion measurements and geodetic control of Innsbruck-Ahrental running tunnel, part of Brenner base tunnel. Contact Dr Johann Hager at BBT SE in Innsbruck, tel +43 512403-0, fax -0110, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=022676-2010. 06/10.Vicenzetto Srl of Villa Estense have secured the EUR587,987 contract for test drilling and boring work in Brenner Base tunnel. Contact Johann Hager at BBT SE in Innsbruck, tel +43 5124030, fax +43 5124030-110, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=062301-2010 and www.vicenzetto.it. 10/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 31.05.2011, for work supervision of the exploratory tunnel Periadriatica and preparatory field work. Contract value EUR3.8 million excluding VAT, duration 30+6 months. Time limit for accessing documents: 24.05.2011. For more contact Dr Johann Hager, BBT, Innsbruck, tel +43 51240-30, fax -30110, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://www.bbt-se.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=294&Itemid=225. Bid code AP119. 17/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 21.06.2011, for construction of Brenner base tunnel exploratory drive in Periadriatic seam and preparatory works for construction of main buildings at adit mouth. Contract duration 890 days. Time limit for accessing documents 01.06.2011. Further information, specs and docs from Dr Johann Hager at BBT in Innsbruck, tel +43 51240-30, fax -30110, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Time limit for4 accessing documents 15.06.2011. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=136261-2011. Bid Code AP118. 18/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 27.07.2011, for environmental monitoring during construction of Brenner base tunnel exploratory drive in Periadriatic seam, and preparatory works for construction of main buildings at Mules adit. Contract value EUR1,323,000 excluding VAT, duration 43 months. Further information, specs and docs from Dr Johann Hager at BBT in Innsbruck, tel +43 51240-30, fax -30110, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Time limit for accessing documents 20.07.2011. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=176307-2011. Bid Code AP121. 23/11.


Deadline postponed to 14.07.2011 for open invitation to tender for construction of Brenner base tunnel exploratory drive in Periadriatic seam and preparatory works for construction of main buildings at adit mouth. Contract duration 890 days. Further information, specs and docs from Dr Johann Hager at BBT in Innsbruck, tel +43 51240-30, fax -30110, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Time limit for accessing documents 08.07.2011. Bid Code AP118. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=183824-2011. 24/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 02.08.2011, for engineering support in design of works at the Italian Brenner Base Tunnel section. Contract value EUR350,000 excluding VAT duration 24 months. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents26.7.2011.Contact Dott. Johann Hager, Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE, Innsbruck, tel +43 5124030, fax -110, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=191806-2011. Bid Code AP-132. 25/11.


Award of contract, value EUR53,088,909 excluding VAT, to Consorzio Brennero 2011 of Bolzano for construction of Brenner base tunnel exploratory drive in Periadriatic seam and preparatory works for construction of main buildings at adit mouth. Contract duration 890 days. Further information from Dr Johann Hager at BBT in Innsbruck, tel +43 51240-30, fax -30110, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Bid Code AP118. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=325084-2011. 42/11.


Award of contract, value EUR3,085,682 excluding VAT, to Consorzio Brennero Ingegneria of Bressanone for supervision work during the construction of Brenner base tunnel exploratory drive in Periadriatic seam and preparatory works for construction of main buildings at adit mouth. Contact Dr Johann Hager at BBT in Innsbruck, tel +43 51240-30, fax -30110, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Bid Code AP119. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=325400-2011. 43/11.


The JV Pasquali Rausa Engineering Srl/Barbera e ingegneri medical associati secured the contract, value EUR155, 896 excluding VAT, for engineering support in design of works at the Italian Brenner Base Tunnel section. Moe from Dr Johann Hager, Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE, Innsbruck, tel +43 5124030, fax -110, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=356040-2011. Bid Code AP-132. 47/11.


Poyry Infra GmbH (Salzburg) secured the EUR843,963 contract, excluding VAT, for laboratory geological and geotechnical testing of rock and soil samples from the construction of the Brenner Base Tunnel. Contact Galleria di Base del Brennero Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE, attn Dr Johann Hager, Innsbruck, tel +43 5124030, fax +43 5124030110, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=021653-2012 . 05/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 25.07.2012, for design and engineering services for lots Mules II and Mules III of the Brenner Base Tunnel.

Contract duration 270 days, estimated value EUR28 million excluding VAT. Time limit for accessing documents 24.07.2012. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 0471 0622-10, fax -11, e-mail ava@bbtse.com. Visit http://www.bbt-se.com/it/tools/bandi-di-gara/?tx_wcausschreibung_pi1%5BshowUid%5D=52. Bid code AP/139. 17/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 15.06.2012, for a framework agreement for engineering services supporting project preparation and development of numerical modeling for the design of underground and geotechnical structures in the Brenner base tunnel, Italian side, where the tunnel exploratory drive in Periadriatic seam is ongoing along with preparatory works for construction of main buildings at Mules adit. Contract value EUR300,000 excluding VAT, duration 36 months. Time limit for accessing documents 14.06.2012. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 0471 0622-10, fax -11, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://www.bbt-se.com/it/tools/bandi-digara/?tx_wcausschreibung_pi1%5BshowUid%5D=51. Bid Code AP/141. 17/12.


Prior information notice for the project management service for Isarco underground crossing in Brenner Base tunnel. Two lots: n.1 for preliminary works, n.2 for main works. Value contract EUR8.5 million, excluding VAT, duration 78 months after award. Contact BBT SE, att.n Angelo Lombardi, Bolzano, tel +39 0471062210, fax +39 0471062211, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=352569-2012. 46/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.02.2013, for project management of Isarco underground crossing in Brenner Base tunnel. Contract value EUR9 million, excluding VAT, duration 108 months after award. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents 19.2.2013. Contact Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, BBT SE, Bolzano, tel +39 0471062210, fax +39 0471062211, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=395453-2012. 50/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 21.02.2013, for auditing services for the final design of Italian side lots of Brenner base tunnel. The services to be provided are divided into packets of certain and optional services. Contract value EUR1.5 million, excluding VAT, duration 84 months. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 20.02.2013. Contact Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE, att.n Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 04710622-10, fax +39 04710622-11, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=411315-2012. Bid Code n. AP158. 01/13. 


Open invitation to tender, deadline 05.03.2013, for main control surveys services in Austrian design zone I of Brenner base tunnel. Contract value EUR368,000 excluding VAT, duration 72 months. Time limit for accessing documents: 28.02.2013. Contact Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE, att.n Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 04710622-10, fax +39 04710622-11, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=035955-2013. Bid Code n. AP162. 06/13.


The RTP led by Pro Iter srl (Milan) secured the EUR 9.87 million contract, excluding VAT, for design and engineering services for lots Mules II and Mules III of the Brenner Base Tunnel. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 0471 0622-10, fax -11, e-mail ava@bbtse.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=172613-2013. Bid code AP/139. 22/13.


Periodic indicative notice without call for competition for design and construction of Underpassing of Isarco River for Brenner Basis Tunnel. Three sub-lots for a total amount of EUR370 million, excluding VAT. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, att.n Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 0471062210, fax +39 0471062211, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com.Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=259861-2013. 32/13. 


R.T.P. headed by Italferr SPA of Rome secured the EUR 7,690,500 contract, excluding VAT, for project management of Isarco underground crossing in Brenner Base tunnel. Contact Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, BBT SE, Bolzano, tel +39 0471062210, fax +39 0471062211, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=298269-2013. 36/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 07.01.2014, for design and construction of Underpassing of Isarco River for Brenner Basis Tunnel. Three sub-lots for a total amount of EUR365.3 million, excluding VAT. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents, or for accessing documents: 06.01.2014. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, att.n Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 0471062210, fax +39 0471062211, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=328631-2013. Ref. n. AP174. 40/13.


Italcertifer SpA of Florence secured the EUR433,500, excluding VAT, for auditing services for the final design of Italian side lots of Brenner base tunnel. The services to be provided are divided into packets of certain and optional services. Contact Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE, att.n Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 04710622-10, fax +39 04710622-11, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=408926-2013. Bid Code n. AP158. 49/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 01.09.2014, for geological and geotechnical laboratory testing. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, att.n Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 0471062210 , fax +39 0471062211, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=231772-2014. Ref. n. AP187. 28/14.


The RTI Salini Impregilo SpA/Strabag AG-Strabag SpA/Consorzio Cooperative Costruzioni CCC Societa Cooperativa/Collini Lavori at Milan secured the EUR301,308,880 contract, excluding VAT, for design and construction of underpassing of Isarco River for Brenner Basis Tunnel. Three sub-lots. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, att.n Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 0471062210, fax +39 0471062211, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=263148-2014. Ref. n. AP174. 32/14.


Deadline postponed from 01.09.2014 to 22.09.2014 for the open invitation to tender for geological and geotechnical laboratory testing. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents, or for accessing documents: 21.09.2014. Duration of contract 48 months from award, value EUR1.5 million, excluding VAT. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, att.n Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 0471062210 , fax +39 0471062211, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=279361-2014. Ref. n. AP187. 38/14.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 10.12.2014, for the maintenance of the piezometric shafts installed by BBT SE and for the groundwater pollution monitoring along the new Brenner railway tunnel alignment. Value of contract EUR260,000, excluding VAT, duration 36 months from award. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 09.12.2014. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 04710622-10, fax 39 04710622-11, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=389802-2014. Ref.n. AP206. 49/14.


The JV Poyry Infra Gmbh/Gdtest Srl of Salzburg secured the EUR764,619.40 contract, excluding VAT, for geological and geotechnical laboratory testing. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 0471062210, fax +39 0471062211, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=416095-2014. Ref. n. AP187. 49/14.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 02.02.2015, for geological test drilling for the new Brenner railway tunnel. Value of contract EUR3.46 million, excluding VAT, duration 365 days from award. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 01.02.2015. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 04710622-10, fax 39 04710622-11, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=434978-2014. Ref.n. AP213. 01/15.


The awarding procedure for the maintenance of the piezometric shafts installed by BBT SE and for the groundwater pollution monitoring along the new Brenner railway tunnel alignment has been declared unsuccessful. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 04710622-10, fax 39 04710622-11, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=36934-2015. Ref.n. AP206. 06/15.


The JV Ambiente Societa Cooperativa/Landi di Stefano Chiarugi & C. Sas of Carrara secured the EUR2,764,064.22 contract, excluding VAT, for geological test drilling for the new Brenner railway tunnel. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 04710622-10, fax 39 04710622-11, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=74981-2015. Ref.n. AP213. 10/15.


Periodic indicative notice (PIN) without call for competition for construction for Lot Mules 2-3 of the Brenner Base Tunnel. Contract duration 3,285 days from award, estimated value EUR1.35-1.45 billion excluding VAT. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 0471 0622-10, fax -11, e-mail ava@bbtse.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=156356-2015. Ref.n. AP209. 19/15.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 06.08.2015, for environmental monitoring during construction works in the area of Isarco River underpass for the new Brenner railway tunnel. Value of contract EUR1.42 million excluding VAT, duration 90 months from award. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 05.08.2015. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 04710622-10, fax 39 04710622-11, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=205786-2015. Ref.n. AP221. 25/15.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 26.11.2015, for construction for Lot Mules 2-3 of the Brenner Base Tunnel. Contract duration 109 months from award, estimated value EUR1.37 billion, excluding VAT. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 0471 0622-10, fax -11, e-mail ava@bbtse.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=274287-2015. Ref.n. AP209. 32/15.


Invitation to tender, deadline 19.11.2015, for measurements (KTM) for distortions control and laser scanner reliefs (TSC) to control the correct construction of the cross sections of underground works in the Brenner Base tunnel, the lot is the Isarco underground crossing. The time limit is 18.11.2015 for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents. Contract duration will be 71 months from the award. Value contract EUR 2.46 million, excluding VAT. Contact Galleria di Base del Brennero, att.n avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 047106-22/10, fax +39 047106-22/11, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=358321-2015. Ref.n. AP223. 42/15.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 08.02.2016, for technical and inspection services for the Brenner Base Tunnel. Documents can be accessed up until 07.02.2016. The contract duration is 108 months from the award, the estimated value is EUR1.3 million, excluding VAT. Contact  Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, attn Eng Alessandro Marottoli,  Bolzano, tel +39 0471 0622-10, fax -11, e-mail ava@bbtse.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=440382-2015. Ref.n. AP237. 51/15.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 26.02.2016, for environmental monitoring during  construction for Lot Mules 2-3 of the Brenner Base Tunnel. Time limit for accessing documents is up until 25.02.2016. Contract duration is 106 months from award, the estimated value is EUR7.19 billion, excluding VAT. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Alessandro Marottoli, Bolzano, tel +39 0471 0622-10, fax -11, e-mail ava@bbtse.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=462209-2015. Ref.n. AP236. 01/16.


The temporary group composed of Multiproject Srl (mandataria), Veolia Water Technologies Italia SpA, Bioprogramm sc, Studio associate professionisti Geoconsulting int. and Site Srl at Gorizia have secured the EUR703,827 contract, excluding VAT, for environmental monitoring during construction works in the area of the Isarco River underpass for the new Brenner railway tunnel. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 04710622-10, fax 39 04710622-11, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=463772-2016. Ref.n. AP221. 01/16.


Geotec SpA from Campobasso secured the EUR1.88 million contract, excluding VAT, to measure (KTM) for distortion and to do laser scanner reliefs (TSC) to enable the correct construction of the cross sections of underground works in the Brenner Base tunnel, the lot is the Isarco underground crossing. Contact Galleria di Base del Brennero, att.n Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 047106-22/10, fax +39 047106-22/11, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=4455-2016. Ref.n. AP223. 02/16.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 04.04.2016, for static testing of the Brenner Base Tunnel for Lot Mules 2-3. Time limit for accessing documents is up until 03.04.2016. Contract duration is 108 months from the award, the estimated value is EUR560,000, excluding VAT. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Alessandro Marottoli, Bolzano, tel +39 0471 0622-10, fax -11, e-mail ava@bbtse.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=54136-2016 . Ref.n. AP241. 07/16.


The joint venture of Astaldi spa, Ghella spa, Oberosler Cav Pietro, Cogeis spa and  PAC have been named  as the companies to be awarded  Lot Mules 2-3 for the Brenner Base Tunnel. As yet it cannot be confirmed until all the legal checks and requirements have been made and met. The joint venture offered EUR 992,934,000 for the project . For further information visit http://www.bbt-se.com/it/informazione/news-ed-eventi/detail/id/vorlaeufiges-ergebnis-der-ausschreibung-baulos-mauls-2-3/. 10/16.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 26.04.2016, for the geotechnical measurements and laser scanner surveys for Lot Mules 2-3 of the Brenner Base Tunnel. The time limit for accessing the documents is up until the 25.04.2016. The contract duration is 42 months from award, the estimated value is EUR4.32 billion, excluding VAT. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Alessandro Marottoli, Bolzano, tel +39 0471 0622-10, fax -11, e-mail ava@bbtse.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=85905-2016. Ref.n. AP238. 11/16.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 15.06.2016, for environmental services during  construction for Lot Mules 2-3 of the Brenner Base Tunnel. Time limit for accessing documents is up until the 14.06.2016. Contract duration is 84 months from award, the estimated value is EUR351,324.89, excluding VAT. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Alessandro Marottoli, Bolzano, tel +39 0471 0622-10, fax -11, e-mail ava@bbtse.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=143025-2016. Ref.n. AP242. 17/16.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 15.01.2016, for safety coordination in the executive phase of Brenner Base Tunnel construction, Lot Mules 2-3. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 14.01.2016. Duration contract 108 months from award. Value contract EUR5 million, excluding VAT. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel, att.n Eng. Alessandro Marottoli, Bolzano, tel +39 0471062210, fax +39 0471062211, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=395008-2015. Ref.n. AP229. 46/15.


The JV Sintel Engineering Srl (leader), Industrial Engineering Consultans, 3TI Progetti Italia — Ingegneria Integrata SpA, MC Engineering Srl from Rome secured the EUR 3.34 million contract, excluding VAT, for safety coordination in the executive phase of Brenner Base Tunnel construction, Lot Mules 2-3. Contact Brenner Base Tunnel, att.n Eng. Alessandro Marottoli, Bolzano, tel +39 0471062210, fax +39 0471062211, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=144743-2016. Ref.n. AP229. 17/16.


Astaldi SpA — Ghella SpA — Oberosler Cav. Pietro Srl — Cogeis SpA — P.A.C. SpA from Rome secured the EUR 992.93 million contract, excluding VAT, for the construction of Lot Mules 2-3 of the Brenner Base Tunnel. Please contact Brenner Base Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 0471 0622-10, fax -11, e-mail ava@bbtse.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=176243-2016. Ref.n. AP209. 21/16.


Studio di Ingegneria Fragiacomo from Bolzano secured the EUR 222,000 contract, excluding VAT, for static testing of the Brenner Base Tunnel for Lot Mules 2-3. For further information contact Brenner Base Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Alessandro Marottoli, Bolzano, tel +39 0471 0622-10, fax -11, e-mail ava@bbtse.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=179620-2016. Ref.n. AP241. 21/16.


The joint venture of Multiproject Srl (leader), Studio associato professionisti Geoconsulting int., Bioprogramm sc, Veolia Water Technologies Italia SpA and Site Srl at Gorizia have secured the EUR 2.39 million contract, excluding VAT,  for environmental monitoring during  the construction for Lot Mules 2-3 of the Brenner Base Tunnel. Contact Brenner Base Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Alessandro Marottoli, Bolzano, tel +39 0471 0622-10, fax -11, e-mail ava@bbtse.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=189893-2016. Ref.n. AP236. 23/16.


No award made as there were no suitable offers for the open invitation to tender, deadline 08.02.2016, for technical and inspection services for the Brenner Base Tunnel. Contact  Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, attn Eng Alessandro Marottoli,  Bolzano, tel +39 0471 0622-10, fax -11, e-mail ava@bbtse.com. Visithttp://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=313567-2016. Ref.n. AP237. 37/16.


ECO-TER Servizi Integrati per Ecologia and Territorio Srl from Pianoro secured the EUR207,650 contract, excluding VAT, for environmental services during  construction for the Brenner Base Tunnel lot mules 2-3. For further information please contact the Brenner Base Tunnel BBT SE, and ask for Avv. Alessandro Marottoli, Bolzano, tel +39 0471 0622-10, fax -11, e-mail ava@bbtse.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=315544-2016. Ref.n. AP242. 37/16.


Abruzzo Test Srl from Sulmona secured the EUR498,120 contract, excluding VAT, for a laboratory and on-site testing on building materials to be used in the Isarco underground crossing lot for the Brenner Base tunnel. Contact BBT, att.n Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 047106-22/10, fax +39 047106-22/11, e-mail ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=409453-2016. Ref.n. AP227. 47/16.


The joint venture of dott. ing. Angelo Pezzati (Mandatario) — dott. ing. Stefano Caldini — dott. ing. Michael Pfeifer from Florence secured the EUR1 million contract, excluding VAT, for the technical administrative testing (while in progress), for the construction works of lot Mules 2-3. For further information please contact Brenner Base Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 0471 0622-10, fax -11, e-mail ava@bbtse.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=181138-2017. Ref.n. AP258. 20/17.


The joint venture of Gruenenfelder und Partner AG - Studio Meier SA - Trigonos ZT GmbH - TOPOTEC GmbH from Domat/Ems secured the EUR1.07 million contract, excluding VAT, for Topographic Surveillance and surface measurements of part of the Brenner Base Tunnel. For further information please contact Brenner Base Tunnel BBT SE, attn eng. Alessandro Marottoli, Bolzano, tel +39 0471 0622-10, fax -11, email ava@bbtse.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=378146-2017. Ref.n. AP251. 39/17.


JV ILF Consulting Engineers Austria GmbH (mandataria) — ARGE Umwelt-Hygiene Ges.m.b.H. — Geoconsulting int. — Geo.zt GmbH–Poscher Beratende Geologen — EUT GmbH / Srl at Rum/Innsbruck secured the EUR9.26 million contract, excluding VAT, for the monitoring of water resources during the phase III of the Brenner Base Tunnel. The Phase III includes the construction of the main tunnels and the remaining sections of the exploratory tunnels leading the main tubes. Contact Brenner Base Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 0471 062210, fax 39 0471 062211, email ava@bbtse.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=429434-2017.

Ref.n. AP268. 46/17.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 10.04.2018, for  permanent fire protection during the construction phase of Brenner Base Tunnel construction, Lot Mules 2-3. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 09.04.2018. Duration of the contract will be 62 months from award. Value of the contract is  EUR4.92 million, excluding VAT. Contact Brenner Base Tunnel, att.n Eng. Alessandro Marottoli, Bolzano, tel +39 0471062210, fax +39 0471062211, email ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=091038-2018.

Ref.n. AP284. 11/18.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 22.07.2019, for geodetic monitoring in Val di Vizze. The contract concerns the completion of the installation and the subsequent management of a permanent and automated monitoring system with GNSS receivers and total robotic stations aimed at identifying possible surface movements in the Val di Vizze area affected by the underground excavation of the Brenner Base Tunnel (lot Mules 2-3. Duration of the contract will be 48 months. Value of the contract is  EUR750,000, excluding VAT. For bid documents https://www.bandi-altoadige.it where tenders must be sent. Contact Brenner Base Tunnel, Bolzano, tel +39 0471062210, fax +39 0471062211, email ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=285657-2019.

Ref.n. AP307. 26/19.


Cae Spa from San Lazzaro di Savena (BO) secured the EUR524,250 contract, excluding VAT, for geodetic monitoring in Val di Vizze. The contract concerns the completion of the installation and the subsequent management of a permanent and automated monitoring system with GNSS receivers and total robotic stations aimed at identifying possible surface movements in the Val di Vizze area affected by the underground excavation of the Brenner Base Tunnel (lot Mules 2-3. Contact Brenner Base Tunnel, attn Eng Alessandro Marottoli, Bolzano, tel +39 0471062210, fax +39 0471062211, email ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=521245-2019 . Ref.n. AP307. 45/19.y


Open invitation to tender, deadline 29/04/2020, for the geotechnical measurements and laser scanner surveys for Lot Mules 2-3 (Lot2) of the Brenner Base Tunnel. The contract duration is 36 months from award, the estimated value is EUR3,304,900.00 excluding VAT. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, email bbt@bbt-se.com.  For tender information please click here Ref.n. AP321. 11/20.


Postponed from 29/04/2020 to 15/06/2020 the deadline of the open invitation to tender  for the geotechnical measurements and laser scanner surveys for Lot Mules 2-3 (Lot2) of the Brenner Base Tunnel. The contract duration is 36 months from award, the estimated value is EUR3,304,900.00 excluding VAT. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, email bbt@bbt-se.com. For tender information please click here Ref.n. AP321. 20/20.


The contract for the geotechnical measurements and laser scanner surveys for Lot Mules 2-3 (Lot2) of the Brenner Base Tunnel is not awarded. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, email bbt@bbt-se.com.  For tender information please click here.  Ref.n. AP321. 53/20. 



e-Geos SpA from Matera (MT) secured the EUR319,000 contract, excluding VAT, for the monitoring  by satellite radar interferometry of the Val di Vizze-Brenner border section affected by the underground excavation of the Brenner Base Tunnel (lot Mules 2-3). Contact Brenner Base Tunnel, Bolzano, email bbt@bbt-se.com. For further on the tender, please click here. Ref.n. AP308. 05/21. 



The consortium Pini Swiss Engineers Srl from Lomazzo, Pini Swiss Engineers SA di Lugano, Sintel Engineering Srl from Rome, TIB consulting engineering GmbH from Bressanone and Geologia Applicata Studio Associato from Mezzocorona secured the EUR 599,908 contract, excluding VAT, for engineering services to support the internal structures of BBT SE in civil works and safety design and in the development of geological, geomorphological and hydrogeological studies for soil characterization. Contact Galleria di Base del Brennero, Bolzano, email ava@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=452582-2021. Ref.n. AP344. 36/21. 

Italy-Bolzano: Engineering services

2021/S 173-452582

Contract award notice – utilities

Results of the procurement procedure


Legal Basis:

Directive 2014/25/EU

Section I: Contracting entity

I.1)Name and addresses

Official name: Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE
Postal address: Bahnhofplatz 1
Town: Bozen
NUTS code: ITH10 Bolzano-Bozen
Country: Italy
E-mail: ava@bbt-se.com
Internet address(es):
Main address: www.bandi-altoadige.it
Address of the buyer profile: www.bbt-se.com

I.6)Main activity

Other activity: Engineering

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement



II.1.2)Main CPV code

71300000 Engineering services

II.1.3)Type of contract


II.1.6)Information about lots

This contract is divided into lots: no

II.1.7)Total value of the procurement (excluding VAT) (Agree to publish? yes)

Value excluding VAT: 346 566.85 EUR


II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)

71300000 Engineering services

II.2.3)Place of performance

NUTS code: ITH10 Bolzano-Bozen

Section IV: Procedure

IV.2)Administrative information

IV.2.1)Previous publication concerning this procedure

Notice number in the OJ S: 2021/S 072-184690

Section V: Award of contract

Lot No: 1



A contract/lot is awarded: yes

V.2)Award of contract

V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:


V.2.2)Information about tenders

Number of tenders received: 5

The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: yes

V.2.3)Name and address of the contractor

Postal address: Bahnhofplatz 1
Town: Lomazzo (CO)
NUTS code: ITC42 Como
Postal code: 22074
Country: Italy

The contractor is an SME: yes

V.2.3)Name and address of the contractor

Postal address: Bahnhofplatz 1
Town: Lugano
NUTS code: CH0 Schweiz / Suisse / Svizzera
Postal code: 6900
Country: Switzerland

The contractor is an SME: yes

V.2.3)Name and address of the contractor

Postal address: Bahnhofplatz 1
Town: Roma
NUTS code: ITI43 Roma
Postal code: 00198
Country: Italy

The contractor is an SME: yes

V.2.3)Name and address of the contractor

Official name: TIB consulting engineering GmbH
Postal address: Bahnhofplatz 1
Town: Brixen
NUTS code: ITH10 Bolzano-Bozen
Postal code: 39042
Country: Italy

The contractor is an SME: yes

V.2.3)Name and address of the contractor

Official name: GEOLOGIA APPLICATA Studio Associato
Postal address: Bahnhofplatz 1
Town: Mezzocorona
NUTS code: ITH20 Trento
Postal code: 38016
Country: Italy

The contractor is an SME: yes

V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT) (Agree to publish? yes)

Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 599 908.00 EUR

Total value of the contract/lot: 346 566.85 EUR

V.2.5)Information about subcontracting

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:



S.I.A. Servizi per Ingegneria e Ambiente srl from Sant'agata de' goti (BN) secured the EUR 245,271.27 contract, excluding VAT, for short geognostic surveys, with a 50 m maximum depth, to be carried out in various construction sites for the Brenner Base Tunnel - Italian section. Contact Brenner Base Tunnel, Bolzano, email bbt@bbt-se.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=009826-2022. Ref.n. AP316. 01/22.



Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 18/07/2022, for the engineering services for the railway equipment in the Brenner Base Tunnel infrastructure project. The engineering services relate to planning services for the railway equipment and also include supporting activities in the installation phase of the facilities up to their operational launch. The railway equipment therefore includes all technical facilities and installations for future railway operations. After completion of the civil engineering works, the necessary technical equipment will be installed. This includes, among others, ballast less track, railway traction power supply, telecommunication and radiocommunication systems, signal boxes for command, control and train protection systems, modern control engineering, ventilation equipment and safety equipment. For tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent. The contract duration is 10 years, the estimated value is EUR51.39 million excluding VAT. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, email ava@bbt-se.com.  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=303170-2022.  Ref.n. AP257. 24/22.



The restricted invitation to tender for the engineering services for the railway equipment in the Brenner Base Tunnel infrastructure project has been discontinued and the contract was NOT AWARDED. For further information please click here and contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, email ava@bbt-se.com.  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=643852-2022.  Ref.n. AP257. 47/22.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 16/02/2023, for the engineering services for the railway equipment in the Brenner Base Tunnel infrastructure project. For tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent. The contract duration 786 days.  Value of the contract is EUR30,29 million, excluding VAT. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, email ava@bbt-se.com.  Visit https://ted.europa.eu/EN/notice/-/detail/10816-2023.  Ref.n. AP371. 01/23. 


The consortium ISIE from Rome and composed of Italferr SpA (leader) - SWS engineering SpA - ILF Consulting Engineers Austria GmbH - EUT Engineering GmbH secured the EUR 26.65 million contract, excluding VAT, for the engineering services for the railway equipment in the Brenner Base Tunnel infrastructure project. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, email ava@bbt-se.com.  Visit https://www.bbt-se.com/ and https://www.bbt-se.com/fileadmin/ausschreibungen/zip/AP371_Documentazione.zip.  Ref.n. AP371. 21/24. 
