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Italy, Parma - it/35

Light Rail

Pre-announcement of intention to invite tenders for construction and operation of new metro system for Comune di Parma, details from fax +39 052 121 8451. Monitor http://ted.eur-op.eu.int for further announcements. May 2000.Open call for tenders, deadline 24th June, 2005 for final design for the mass rail transit lines Highway-Railway Station-University Campus, Airport-Railway Station and Railway Station-Traversetolo. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=088582-2005, OJ S 90, or contact Metro Parma, Parma, fax +39 0521038074 or 0521944846. E-mail aanti@tin.it or repro@eft.it or visit www.metro-parma.it. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 8/2005 & 20/2004. 22/05.Restricted call for tenders, deadline 16th March, 2007 for design and construction of Lines A and C of the light rail system in Parma. Line A will link the north highway interchange with the University Campus in the south, serving 20 stations, whereof 11 underground (Bormioli, San Leonardo, Trento, Central station, Pace, Garibaldi, Caprazucca, Barbieri, Farnese, Montanara, and South interchange). Line C will connect the central railway station with the airport, using the existing rail tracks that will be disused after completion of the Milan-Bologna high speed link. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=33685-2007, OJ S 28, or contact Metro Parma, Parma, fax +39 0521038074. E-mail p.gabbi@metroparma.com. Also visit www.metroparma.it and read E-News Weekly 20/2004. 09/07.


Italy, Verona-Venice - it/34

High Speed Railway

European invitation to tender for 78 km-long railway with 10 km of tunnels of which the 8 km Mont Berici, south of Vicenza, is the most significant. Client will be TAV. April 2000.


Italy, Castellanza - it/33


  Restricted invitation to tender for construction of 4 km-long railway line with 2 km tunnel. Deadline 28th February, 2000. Contact Ferrovie Nord, Milan, fax +39 02 869 2838. January 2000.  Restricted tendering, deadline 1st March, 2002 for the construction of two shield-driven tunnels, 3.7 km-long, under river Olona, four connecting tunnels to be bored using traditional methods, and eight shafts (launch and exit shafts, ventilation, emergency exit, etc.). Budget of €46.6 million. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/ojs/en/frame.htm, OJ S 16, document 11783-2002 or contact Ferrovie Nord Milano, Milan, fax +39 028691231. 05/02.Strabag, Torno Internazionale, Cogeis and Romagnoli secured a EUR36.7 million contract from Ferrovie Nord Milano (FNM) to sink underground the tracks in Castellanza, including 2 x 1,855 m of bored tunnel and 2 x 1.9 km in cut-and-cover. The bored tunnel will be dug using a revamped 8.15 m-diameter Wirth EPB TBM, previously used on Contract 240 of the Channel tunnel rail link in London. The TBM length without back-up is 12 m (110 m with it). The cutterhead installed power is 2,800 kW. The TBM transformer rating is 2 x 1,800 kVA. The machine is equipped with 29 thrust cylinders, each with a force of 2,215 kN at 360 bar, and a total thrust of 64,235 kN. The cutterhead has 16 cutters, 21 rippers, 102 scrapers and 20 centre cutting tools supplied by TunnelTec. Mucking-out with conveyor belt. Finished diameter will be 7.15 m. Lining with 30 cm-thick concrete segments, eight pieces plus the key per ring. The launch shaft is under construction. Also four cross passages between both tubes. Excavation start on 1st July, 2005 for completion in March 2007. Visit www.wirth-europe.de, www.strabag.at, www.torno.com, www.cogeis.it and www.romagnoli.net 09/05.


Italy, Treviso - it/32


  Italian State Railway company Ferrovie dello Stato has issued a restricted invitation to tender for construction of a 2.85 km-long soft ground tunnel using face excavators in the mountains near Monte Zucco on the Treviso-Calalzo railway line. Deadline 15th February, 2000. Contact Sr Collazuol at ultve@iol.it or fax +39 4178 5987. January 2000.   SELI-Monti jv to commence excavation in June, 2001 of $20 million, 2.71 km-long, single tube using 8.03 m-diameter NFM EPB shield in gypsum and dolomite, installing reinforced concrete segmental lining. Completion expected February, 2002. Visit www.seli.it 16/01.   Boring underway by SELI/Monti on 50 sq m, 2.7 km-long single-tube Monte Zucco tunnel using 8 m-diameter NFM EPB in gypsum and dolomite erecting 7.7 m/7.0 m diameter steel reinforced concrete segmental lining. Completion February, 2002. Visit www.seli.it and www.geodata.it 29/01.


Italy, Rome - it/31

Metro Line B1

$380 million project will link Bologna Square with Conca d’Oro Square. Twin-tube line will be driven 3.2 km using 5.8 m-diameter EPB TBM and 4 x 150 m-long stations will be built at depths of 20 to 25 m by a variety of methods. Design by Rocksoil and Studio 80. Invitations to tender expected Autumn, 2000 for a construction start in May, 2001. December 1999.  Bidding later in 2001 for 3.8 km underground extension to line B from Bologna station to Conca d'Ora with four intermediate stations. Visit www.reed.edu/~reyn/transport.html and www.atac.roma.it 10/01.Restricted call for bids, deadline 10th October, 2003 for design and construction of branch B1 running from Bologna to Conca d'Oro. It is a 3.8 km underground section with four stations. Tender value: €379 million, of which €2.6 million for design and €376.5 for construction. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=144514-2003, OJ S 158, or contact City of Rome, fax +39 065740033. E-mail p.lattanzi@comune.roma.it 36/03.The tender for the design and construction of branch B1 running from Bologna to Conca d'Oro was nearly declared void because many candidates did not bid eventually, estimating the project not profit-making. The only bidder is Risalto, a consortium between Rizzani de Eccher, Salini and Todini. Line B1 is a 3.8 km underground branch off Line B with four stations. Visit www.comune.roma.it/dipVII/traspub/linea_b1/home.html 16/04.The design and construction of Line B1 running from Bologna to Conca d'Oro (3.8 km) has been awarded to Maire Engineering (previously Fiat Engineering) and consortium Risalto (Rizzani de Eccher, Salini and Todini) for EUR358.7 million. Four stations in Nomentana, Annibaliano, Gondar and Conca d'Oro. Construction management by Roma Metropolitane. Preparatory work (relocation of utilities) has started. A TBM will be used. Ground freezing to avoid settlements in Rome's sensitive subsoil. Construction will take five years. Visit www.rizzanideeccher.com, www.todini.it and www.fiatengineering.com 45/04.Open call for bids, deadline 16th November, 2005 for archeological monitoring and assistance during ground surveying and construction of branch B1 Bologna-Conca d'Oro (3.8 km), off Line B of the Rome metro. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=185386-2005, OJ S 188, or contact Roma Metropolitane, Rome, fax +39 06454640111. E-mail p.lattanzi@romametropolitane.it 41/05.Societa Cooperativa Archeologia received a EUR314,400 contract for archeological monitoring and assistance during ground surveying and construction of branch B1 Bologna-Conca d'Oro (3.8 km), off Line B of the Rome metro. Visit www.archeologia.it 10/06.Consortium Risalto (RIzzani de Eccher, SALini and TOdini) has subcontracted the construction of Line B1, a branch off Line B from Bologna to Conca d'Oro (3.8 km) with four stations (Nomentana, Annibaliano, Gondar and Conca d'Oro), to SELI for EUR42.2 million. The length is 2 x 2,810 metres. The excavated diameter is 6.8 m and the inner diameter is 5.8 m. The geology is a sedimentary complex of the ancient Tiber River (fluvial, marsh and lake sediments) comprising of alluvial sands, alluvial clay, clayish silts and sandy silts. Construction with two EPB TBMs. Support and lining with 35 cm-thick prefabricated concrete segments (6 + 1). Mucking-out with loco and muck wagons. Tunnelling to commence in January 2008. About 800 metres will also be built using traditional methods. Read E-News Weekly 18/2002. Visit www.selitunnel.com, www.selitecnologie.com and www.romametropolitane.it 20/06.Restricted call for tenders, deadline 30th March, 2007 for drawing up a list of professionals for assignments dealing with preliminary and detailed designs, as well associated technical and administrative work, in case of lack of skilled personnel or difficulties to meet the design schedule, in case of work particularly difficult or dealing with architecture and the environment, or in case of integrated projects requiring a wide scope of competences. Among the projects are Line B1 Bologna-Conca d'Oro-Ionio; Line C (sections T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 T6a, T6b, T7, C1, C2); Linea D; upgrading of Line A Anagnina-Ottaviano; extensions of Line A Anagnina-Romanina and Battistini-Casal Selce; extension of Line B Eur Laurentina-Castel di Leva; extension of Line B1 Ionio-Bufalotta; and other projects. Click here, here and here. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=6509-2007, OJ S 6, or contact Roma Metropolitane, Rome, fax +39 06454640111. E-mail progettazione@romametropolitane.it 04/07.


SELI signed a contract with JV Salini Costruttori Spa, Tecnimont Spa and Icop Spa for excavation of a new section between Conca d'Oro and Jonio stations, on line B1. This includes excavation of a 950 m-long tunnel, crossing of the 150 m-long Jonio station, and supply and placement of 40 cm-thick precast concrete segments. The Herrenknecht EPB TBM, which has a diameter of 9.79 m and a total length of 80 m, will be driven from the Conca D'Oro station box. The alignment is through river deposits consisting of gravel in silty sand matrix characterized by poor geotechnical properties, with the groundwater table 17 m above the tunnel crown. The tunnel will be internally lined with precast concrete segments, 40 cm-thick and 1.4 m-long, in a 7+1 configuration. It will have an internal diameter of 8.65 m and an external diameter of 9.45 m. Excavation will begin in April, 2010. For more visit tunnelbuilder archive it/31 and here. Visit www.selitunnel.com and www.herrenknecht.com. 04/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 13.05.2019, for maintenance of electric distribution in tunnels and stations of the B1 Metro Line in Rome. The value of the contract is EUR462,251.91, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 24 months. For bid documents http://www.atac.roma.it. Contact ATAC Spa, attn Serenella Anselmo/Patrizia Avantario, Rome, tel +39 0646954132/4556, fax

+39 0646954553, email patrizia.avantario@atac.roma.it. Visit


Ref. n. 34/2019 15/19.


Salcef SpA (Roma)/IM.A.F. srl (Napoli) Joint Venture secured the contract for ordinary and extraordinary maintenance work on the metro lines B and B1 superstructures. Contact Atac SpA,  attn Sata Talone, Rome,  email protocollo@cert2.atac.roma.it. For further on the tender, please click here. Ref.n. 60/2020. 03/21.  


Open invitation to tender, deadline 08/03/2021, for the emergency service for the suction of liquids due to flooding in stations, underpasses with tracks, railway tunnels, underground lines A, B, B1 and C, Rome Lido, Rome Viterbo and Rome Giardinetti regional railways.  The value of the contract is EUR491,839.30, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 36 months. Contact ATAC Spa, attn Ilaria Ranieri, Rome,  email protocollo@cert2.atac.roma.it. Click here for bid documents and here for further on TED Tender. Ref. n. 07/2021. 06/21.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20/04/20221, for  the maintenance service of electrical distribution in tunnels, stations and depots.  The value of the contract is EUR3.51 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 36 months. Contact ATAC Spa, attn Serenella Anselmo, Rome,  , tel + 39064695, fax  +39064695, email serenella.anselmo@atac.roma.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=125648-2022. Ref.n. 24/2022. 11/22.

Italy-Rome: Repair and maintenance services of electrical distribution equipment

2022/S 048-125648

Contract notice – utilities


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/25/EU

Section I: Contracting entity

I.1)Name and addresses
Postal address: VIA PRENESTINA, 45
Town: Roma
NUTS code: ITI43 Roma
Country: Italy
Contact person: Serenella anselmo
E-mail: serenella.anselmo@atac.roma.it
Internet address(es):
Main address: http://www.atac.roma.it/
I.6)Main activity
Urban railway, tramway, trolleybus or bus services

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

Servizio di manutenzione della Distribuzione Elettrica in galleria, nelle stazioni e nei depositi.

II.1.2)Main CPV code
50532400 Repair and maintenance services of electrical distribution equipment
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.5)Estimated total value
Value excluding VAT: 3 506 270.61 EUR
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: ITI43 Roma
II.2.6)Estimated value
Value excluding VAT: 3 506 270.61 EUR
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 36
This contract is subject to renewal: no

Section IV: Procedure

IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.2)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 20/04/2022
Local time: 12:00
IV.2.3)Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
IV.2.4)Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:


Danieletti Impianti Srl from Pavone del Mella (BS) secured the EUR2.28 million contract, excluding VAT, for the maintenance service of electrical distribution in tunnels, stations and depots. Contact ATAC Spa, attn Serenella Anselmo/Massimo Forgia, Roma, tel + +39 0646954132/4719, fax  +39 0646954553, email massimo.forgia@atac.roma.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=715289-2022. Ref.n. 24/2022. 52/22. 


Italy, Tuscay, Umbria and Marche - it/30


Contract for 2 x 5.96 km-long road tunnel in Apennines awarded to jv of Secol and Romagnoli using roadheader with rockbolts, shotcrete and steel arches. December 1999.ANAS, the Italian national road administration, approved on 23rd April, 2008 the EUR1.66 million final design of the Mercatello sul Metauro-San Stefano di Gaifa section on the E78 expressway in Marche region. The 33 km section, whereof 12.5 km of tunnel and 5.5 km of viaduct, will complete the E78 in Marche. The section crosses the Metauro river valley in Sant' Angelo in Vado, Urbania and Fermignano municipalities. The project will be divided into six lots. The E78 will connect, from west to east, Grosseto in Tuscany to Fano in Marche, briefly crossing northern Umbria. It is a high capacity road corridor aimed at connecting the Thyrrenian and Adriatic coasts in central Italy. Visit www.provincia.ps.it/lavoripubblici/2_progettaz_dl/Grosseto-Fano/home%20E78%20Grosseto-Fano.htm 18/08.


The JV CO.E.STRA. SpA - Consorzio Cooperative Costruzioni - CCC - SECOL SpA - (C. Lotti & Associati-Geodata) in Florence, secured the EUR175.2 million contract, excluding VAT, for the four lanes adaptation of the Grosseto-Siena section, km 30+040 to km 41+600, on the E78 expressway, Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8. The section includes the following natural tunnels: Casal di Pari (1,528 m), Poggio Terriccio (413 m) and Greppoli (106 m). Code n.FI 45/08. For more click here. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=093333-2011. 15/11.


Strabag subsidiary Adanti SpA and consortium partner Vittadello Intercantieri (Padova) will upgrade some 11 km of State Road 223 between Grosseto and Siena in Tuscany. The contract includes the planning and building of three junctions, six tunnels up to 1.5 km in length, and five viaducts, one of which is 900 m in length with piers up to 95 m tall. Adanti's share of the EUR161 million contract amounts to around 65 percent. Construction starts spring 2012 and will take 2.5 years. Original award annulled, see it/30. Visit www.strabag.com and www.intercantieri.com. 38/11.



Open invitation to tender, deadline 16/09/2021, for the upgrading of the existing Casal di Pari tunnel (towards Siena) on the Grosseto-Siena section of the E78 S.G.C. Grosseto – Fano expressway. The contract includes the environmental monitoring during the works. The value of the contract is EUR 28,30 million (15.47 of which belonging to the OG4 category), excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 540 days. For tender documents click here, where tenders must be sent.  Contact Anasa SpA, attn Eng. Francesco Pisani, Rome tel +39 06490326, email appalti.lavori@postacert.stradeanas.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=398724-2021. 33/21.


Works - 398724-2021


Italy-Rome: Roadworks

2021 / S 151-398724

Contract notice


Legal Basis:

Directive 2014/24 / EU

Section I: Contracting authority


Name and addresses

Official name: ANAS S.p.A

Postal address: via Monzambano 10

Town: Rome

NUTS code: ITI1A Grosseto

Postal code: 00185

Country: Italy

Contact person: RUP Eng. Francesco Pisani

E-mail: appalti.lavori@postacert.stradeanas.it

Telephone: +39 06490326

Internet address (es):

Main address: www.stradeanas.it

Address of the buyer profile: https://acquisti.stradeanas.it



The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at: https://acquisti.stradeanas.it

Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address

Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via: https://acquisti.stradeanas.it

Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted to the abovementioned address


Type of the contracting authority

Body governed by public law


Main activity

Other activity: Road Infrastructures

Section II: Object


Scope of the procurement



FI 85/21

Reference number: CIG: 8796817309


Main CPV code

45233140 Roadworks


Type of contract



Short description:

International Itinerary E78 S.G.C. Grosseto - Fano. Grosseto-Siena section. Improvement interventions of the existing Casal di Pari Tunnel (Siena direction) ”. The environmental monitoring service during construction is also provided. Tender-based Executive Project. CUP code: F24E18000110001


Estimated total value

Value excluding VAT: 28 295 776.54 EUR


Information about lots

This contract is divided into lots: no




Place of performance

NUTS code: ITI1A Grosseto

Main site or place of performance:

Municipality of Civitella Paganico in the province of Grosseto (GR). Tuscany region


Description of the procurement:

The total amount of the contract is € 28,295,776.54 as follows: € 26,209,866.62 for works, € 198,621.06 for the environmental monitoring service in progress, € 1,887,288.86 for security charges not subject to discount.

Main category

OG 4 Works of Art in the Underground € 15,467,441.13

classification VII separable with mandatory qualification (VIII with reference to the entire amount of the contract)

Additional categories

OG 3 Roads, Highways, Bridges, Viaducts € 3,152,379.63

classification IV BIS separable with compulsory qualification

OG 10 Public Lighting Systems € 2,625,526.58

classification IV separable with compulsory qualification

OG 11 Technological Plants € 1,509,546.69

classification III BIS separable with compulsory qualification

OS 8 Waterproofing works € 898,096.32

classification III separable with compulsory qualification

OS 12 A Road Safety Barriers € 595,654.34

classification II separable with compulsory qualification

OS 23 Demolition of works € 3,848,510.78

classification IV BIS separable with NOT compulsory qualification

All amounts include security charges.

Nature and extent of the services

Body work € 13,842,827.57

Tailor-made works € 12,367,039.05

Environmental Monitoring Plan € 198,621.06

Safety charges € 1,887,288.86

Amount of credit not subject to reduction

Safety charges pursuant to Legislative Decree 81/2008 € 1,887,288.86

Each of the activities deducted from the contract can be subcontracted within the limit of 50% pursuant to art. 105, paragraph 2, of the Code, as amended by the Simplification Decree 31 May 2021, n. 77.

This is a mixed contract of works and services pursuant to art. 28 of Legislative Decree 50/2016. The main object is the execution-only works, pursuant to art. 59, paragraph 1, of the Legislative Decree. 18 April 2016, n. 50 (hereinafter also just "Code"), and art. 2, paragraph 2 of the law of 11 September 2020, n. 120, published in GURI n. 228 of 14 September 2020, of conversion with amendments to the D.L. 16 July 2020, n. 76 (so-called Simplification Decree), as well as the Law Decree no. 77 of 31 May 2021 published in GURI no. 129 of 31 May 2021. The intervention is included in the 2016-2020 Program Agreement, signed between the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility and Anas and approved with CIPE Resolution no. 65 of 07.08.2017 (GU n. 292 of 15.1.2017), and in the subsequent update of the same Planning Agreement approved with CIPE Resolution n.36 of 24.07.2019 (GU n. 20 of 25.01.2020) made enforceable by Decree Interministerial MIT - M.E.F. n.399 of 09.17.2020.

The executive project was validated by the Sole Process Manager, with a report dated 05/13/2021 pursuant to art. 26 paragraph 8 of Legislative Decree 50/2016. The contract is awarded on the basis of the criterion of the most economically advantageous offer identified on the basis of the best quality / price ratio, pursuant to art. 95, paragraph 2, of the Code.

The evaluation of the technical offer and the economic offer will be carried out based on the following maximum scores: 70 points for the technical offer and 30 points for the economic offer


Award criteria

Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents


Estimated value


Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system

Duration in days: 540

This contract is subject to renewal: no


Information about variants

Variants will be accepted: no


Information about options

Options: no


Information about European Union funds

The procurement is related to a project and / or program financed by European Union funds: no


Additional information

The intervention does not allow the subdivision into functional lots. The opening of the administrative envelope and the activities related to the verification of the participation requirements will be carried out only towards the successful bidder, by virtue of the procedural inversion pursuant to art. 133, paragraph 8, of the Code, extended application to ordinary sectors by art. 8, paragraph 7, lett. c) of D. Simplification

Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information


Conditions for participation


Suitability to pursue the professional activity, including requirements relating to enrollment on professional or trade registers

List and brief description of conditions:

The declarations / documents indicated therein are requested in the manner specified in the Tender Regulations


Economic and financial standing

Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents


Technical and professional ability

Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents


Conditions related to the contract


Contract performance conditions:

At the time of the contract, the successful bidder must provide final security and insurance policies established pursuant to art. 103 of the Code and in accordance with the procedures set out in the Regulations. The state of progress of the works (SAL) and the related payments are defined in the tender documents. Pursuant to art. 35, paragraph 18, of the aforementioned Code, the payment of an advance equal to 30% on the value of the contract is envisaged (percentage increased by art. 207 of the "Relaunch" Law Decree no. 34 of 19 May 2020)

Section IV: Procedures




Type of procedure

Open procedure


Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system


Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: yes


Administrative information


Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate

Dates: 09/16/2021

Local time: 12:00


Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates


Languages ​​in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:



Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender

Duration in months: 6 (from the date stated for receipt of tender)


Conditions for opening of tenders

Dates: 09/20/2021

Local time: 12:00

Information about authorized persons and opening procedure:

Date and time will be communicated to all participants according to the procedures indicated in the Tender Rules Anyone can attend the race, in the manner indicated in paragraph 2.4 of the Rules.

Section VI: Complementary information


Information about recurrence

This is a recurrent procurement: no


Information about electronic workflows

Electronic invoicing will be accepted

Electronic payment will be used


Additional information:

a) Under penalty of non-remediable irregularities in the offers, the required documentation, as specified in the Tender Regulations, must be received within the deadline referred to in point IV.2.2) exclusively online, the competitors, therefore, not yet registered on the Purchasing Portal ANAS will have to register on the aforementioned ANAS Purchasing Portal https://acquisti.stradeanas.it within the prescribed deadline, according to the procedures and provisions contained in the Tender Regulations.

b) In order to guarantee the authenticity and integrity of all the documents requested, as well as to complete the online offer, the legal representative of the economic operator must obtain a valid digital signature certificate issued in advance. as indicated in the tender regulations. Deeds and documents not digitally signed or signed with a digital signature certificate different from the above will not be considered valid and effective, and therefore will result in exclusion from the tender, except as provided for by art. 83, paragraph 9 of the Code.

c) Under penalty of exclusion, in the case of temporary groupings of companies or consortia to be formed or of EEIGs, the required documentation must be digitally signed, in the manner indicated in the Regulations, except for the provisions of art. 83, paragraph 9 of the Code.

d) This announcement does not bind ANAS S.p.A. at the next award. ANAS S.p.A. expressly reserves the right to cancel the tender or to modify or postpone the terms at any time and at its sole discretion, without the competitors being able to make claims of any kind and nature. The award, also subject to the fulfillment of all the conditions, of any nature whatsoever, including those related to the total financing of the contract, of the law, of the regulations and of the insolvency proceedings preparatory to the performance of the service, is not binding for ANAS S.p.A. and does not give the right to stipulate the contract or to any claim, claim, expectation or request of any kind by the competitors and the successful bidder.

As regards the obligations and charges relating to the implementation of the stipulation of the Protocol of Legality, please refer to the provisions of the Tender Regulations.

e) This call for tender is published following the Determination to contract, the details of which are identified in the tender regulations.

f) The Specifications, the contract scheme, the Special Tender Specifications and the complementary documentation are made available through the publication on the ANAS Portal and on the ANAS Purchasing Portal https://acquisti.stradeanas.it, within the section "Bandi and Notices ".

g) For anything not expressly stated in this announcement and in the Regulations and related annexes, reference is made to the contractual documents based on the tender, as well as to any other legislative and regulatory provision in force, as applicable.

h) The competitor, if he were the successful tenderer of the design based on the tender, must produce suitable documentation to demonstrate that the experience acquired in carrying out the previous design assignment could not distort competition.

i) As regards the obligations inherent to adherence to the "Operating Protocol for the monitoring of financial flows", please refer to the provisions of the Tender Regulations


Procedures for review


Review body

Official name: Regional Administrative Court with territorial jurisdiction

Town: Grosseto

Country: Italy


Review procedure

Precise information on deadline (s) for review procedures:

Within 30 days from the publication or notification or certain knowledge, acquired through another form, of the deed to be challenged


Date of dispatch of this notice:



Open invitation to tender, deadline 21/09/2023,  for  works and services contract involving S.G.C. Grosseto - Fano (E78), Section Selci - Lama (E45) - S. Stefano di Gaifa - Adaptation to 2 lanes of the approximately 6 km long Guinza tunnel (Lot 2) and of the Guinza - Mercatello Ovest section (Lot 3). Environmental and geotechnical monitoring services are provided. For tender documents click here, where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR 93.76 million, excluding VAT, with EUR 17.92 million belonging to OG4 category. Duration of the contract will be 925 days. Contact Anas SpA, attn Eng. Vincenzo Catone, Rome, tel +39 06 490326, email appalti.lavori@postacert.stradeanas.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=485975-2023. Ref.n. AN 49/23. 36/23. 



Open invitation to tender, deadline 21/09/2023,  for  works and services contract involving S.G.C. Grosseto - Fano (E78), Section Selci - Lama (E45) - S. Stefano di Gaifa - Adaptation to 2 lanes of the approximately 6 km long Guinza tunnel (Lot 2) and of the Guinza - Mercatello Ovest section (Lot 3). Environmental and geotechnical monitoring services are provided. Value of the contract is EUR 93.76 million, excluding VAT, with EUR 17.92 million belonging to OG4 category. Duration of the contract will be 925 days. Contact Anas SpA, attn Eng. Vincenzo Catone, Rome, tel +39 06 490326, email appalti.lavori@postacert.stradeanas.it. Visit  https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/485975-2023. Ref.n. AN 49/23. 36/23.


CEC - Consorzio Stabile Europeo Costruttori Soc. Cons. a r.l. from Perugia secured the EUR 80.62 million contract for works and services contract involving S.G.C. Grosseto - Fano (E78), Section Selci - Lama (E45) - S. Stefano di Gaifa - Adaptation to 2 lanes of the approximately 6 km long Guinza tunnel (Lot 2) and of the Guinza - Mercatello Ovest section (Lot 3). Environmental and geotechnical monitoring services are provided. Contact Anas SpA, attn Eng. Vincenzo Catone, Rome, tel +39 06 490326, email appalti.lavori@postacert.stradeanas.it. Visit https://www.stradeanas.it. Ref.n. AN 49/23. 07/24.


Italy, Catania - it/29


Restricted tendering for underground extension to railway with four stations. Deadline 22nd December, 1999. Contact Ministry of Transport and Shipping, fax +39 0954 31022. November 1999.


Italy, Dolonne - it/28


Final tunnel in a series constructed along the Val d’Aosta to complete motorway link from Torino to the Mont Blanc tunnel awarded to jv of Impregilo and CMB. Twin 3 km tubes will have carriageway widths of 8.5 m. October 1999.


Italy, Trentino - it/27


  Initial design for 3.5 km single tube tunnel between Mezzolombardo and La Rupe in the autonomous province of Trento-Higher Adige. Exploratory/service tunnel to be driven at 4.8 m-diameter on parallel alignment in about one year’s time, probably using roadheader in dolomite. Expect invitation to tender for main tunnel in 2002. October 1999.   Restricted invitation to tender for excavation of 4.8 m-diameter investigation tunnel in dolomite for 3.5 km-long Mezzolombardo road tunnel. Contact PAT in Trento, fax +39 046 123 7737. Notice appeared 8th February, 2001 in European Gazette and at http://ted.eur-op.eu.int 08/01.  Excavation of 3.7 km-long pilot tunnel started early March by a jv of Giolai Costruzioni and De.Mo.Ter, east of Mezzolombardo between north Trento and Rocchetta. Outer diameter of 5.2 m and inner diameter of 4.9 m. South portal is located nearby Rupe and north portal next to the crossroads between provincial road 64 'Fai della Paganella' and SS 43 in Val di Non. The contractors are using a Wirth TBM. Design by Studio Geoingegneria. Completion expected in September 2002. Tenders for the main tunnel to be invited in 2003. Visit www.wirth-europe.com 36/02.Open call for tenders, deadline 22nd January, 2004 for design and build contract for the Trento north-Rocchetta road link, section Zambana Vecchia-connection with trunk road SS 43 to Fai della Paganella. Includes the Rupe tunnel, a 3,710 m-long single-tube tunnel, whereof 500 m will be bored in Ladin dolomites, 400 m in clay, 350 m in Raibl dolomites and 2,460 in main dolomites. Cross section: 155 m², width: 14.2 m and height: 8.4 m. A 5 m-diameter pilot tunnel has been excavated parallel to the future tunnel and will be used as an emergency tunnel when the new tunnel opens. Excavation cost: €33 million. Financing by Trento province. Time frame: 1,200 days from awarding date. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=186505-2003, OJ S 207, or contact Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Trento, fax +39 0461496460. E-mail rita.pancher@provincia.tn.it 47/03.Restricted call for tenders, deadline 28th September, 2005 for safety coordination during construction, measurements and operating management for the Trento north-Rocchetta roadway, section Zambana Vecchia-connection with road SS 43 to Fai della Paganella. The project includes the 3,710 m-long Mezzolombardo single-tube tunnel, whereof 500 m will be bored in Ladin dolomites, 400 m in clay, 350 m in Raibl dolomites and 2,460 in main dolomites. Cross section: 155 sq m. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=145944-2005, OJ S 146, or contact Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Trento, fax +39 0461496460. 35/05.The contract to design and build the 3,710 m-long Mezzolombardo single-tube tunnel on the Trento north-Rocchetta roadway, section Zambana Vecchia-connection with road SS 43 to Fai della Paganella, has been awarded to Collini, Cossi Costruzioni and IN.CO Ingegneri Consulenti, for EUR59.8 million. A pilot tunnel has already been bored. Click it/27. Visit www.cossi.com, www.incospa.it and www.provincia.tn.it/informa/bandi 35/05.Green light given by the technical committee for public works to construction of section Zambana Vecchia-Connection with road SS 43 to Fai della Paganella on the North Trento-Rocchetta section in Trento province. The project has been modified to include a twin bored tunnel in Mezzolombardo under Mount Corno, while only a single bored tunnel was planned initially. Work to start on 12th April for a duration of 1,250 days. The tunnel is also named Rupe.The north tunnel to Valle di Non is 3,633 m long (1,338 metres straight, 1,386 metres in curves and 908 metres of gradual change from straight to curved alignment). The south tunnel to Trento is 3,655 m long (1,436 metres straight, 1,409 of curves and 808 metres of gradual change from one type to the other). Maximum gradient of 1.63% in both tunnels. In view of the second bore added to the bypass, construction will cost EUR84,357,000. Tunnelling cost, including the cross passages between the two bores, iwill amount to EUR5,700 per metre. Click it/27. 15/06.A JV formed by Scetauroute, Presents, ATA Engineering, Studio Geo-Ingegneria and Stain Engineering received a EUR2.6 million contract for safety coordination during construction, measurements and operating management for the Trento north-Rocchetta roadway, section Zambana Vecchia-connection with road SS 43 to Fai della Paganella. The project includes a twin-tube tunnel under Monte Corno in Mezzolombardo, lengths of 3,633 m and 3,655 m. Click it/27. Visit www.scetauroute.fr, www.presents.fr, www.atagroup.com and www.stain-web.com/index2.html 26/06.The tunnel is built by Collini and Cossi Costruzioni, using a Hitachi Zaxis 350 excavator equipped with hydraulic hammer (north tunnel) and an Atlas Copco H 175 jumbo in a first stage at the south tunnel (500 metres) before shifting to a modern WL3C drill rig. Visit www.atlascopco.com and www.hitachi-c-m.com/global/products/index.html 26/06.


Italy, Turin - it/26


  30-year concession to design, build and operate system based on 9.6 km, 7.3 m excavated diameter twin-track tube running west-east at a depth of up to 22 m with 15 stations. 6.5 km to be shield-driven and the section between Paradiso and the depot will be cut-and-cover. Connection to state railway at Porto Susa station. Tenders to be invited in 2000 for awards late-2000 and completion 2005. August 1999.   Systra/Geodata awarded $13 million management contract for 11 km system of which 9.6 km in tunnel with 15 underground stations, 12 of which should be cut-and-cover. Construction expected to commence early-2001. Metro system will be fully-automatic with driverless trains. For more information contact geodata@geodata.it January 2000. Open invitation to tender for construction of 2.35 km-long tunnel with five stations, deadline 11th December, 2000. Contact SATTI, fax +39 011 576 4340. Details in European Gazette or visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int November 2000.   Award of lot 3 of $320 million single-tube, twin-track first phase to jv led by Grassetto comprises 3.2 km bored tunnel with five stations and four service shafts. Lot 4 comprising 2.6 km bored tunnel with five stations and five shafts let to Fincosit/SELI. Three 7.7 m-diameter EPBs required before end-2001 to work at depths of 10-25 m erecting 300 mm-thick precast segmental lining. Phase 2 with 4.5 km of tunnel and seven stations, value $154 million, will bid soon for construction start March, 2002. Visit geodata@geodata.it 19/01.   Open invitation to tender, deadline 1st August, 2001, for construction of 2.5 km of line 1 tunnels with five stations. More from SATTI, fax +39 011 576 4340 or visit www.geodata.it 27/01.   Award of design contract for 4.6 km-long phase 2 of line 1 with seven stations between Porta Nuova and Lingotto to consortium of Systra, Geodata, Metropolitana Milanese and Studio Quaranta. Invitations to tender for construction, value $150 million, expected early-2002. Visit www.geodata.it 32/01.   Lot 5 on the Collegno-Porta Nuova stretch of Line 1 awarded to a jv of Grandi Lavori Fincosit, SELI, CCC, Rodio, Interstrade, and CO.GE.FA. for Euro79.4 million. Includes the construction of five stations at XVIII Dicembre, Porta Susa, Vinzaglio, Re Umberto, and Porta Nuova plus a TBM-driven 2.5 km double-track tunnel, six intermediate shafts, the TBM launch shaft, and a 75 m connecting portion between the latter and Principi d'Acaja station. Visit www.satti.it and www.metrotorino.it 46/01. Lovat reports an order received in November, 2001 from a jv of Grandi Lavori Fincosit and SELI for the design and manufacture of a large 7.77 m-diameter TBM to excavate 3.5 km of tunnel. Earlier in June, 2001, Lovat had received a first order from the Grandi Lavori Fincosit-SELI-Grassetto jv for a first TBM, of the same diameter, to bore a 3.85 km section. The two EPB TBMs Model RME306SE will be used on Line 1. They are equipped with fully hydraulic bi-directional, variable speed mixed ground cuttingheads. The geology consists of cobbles, gravel, sand, and fines. A precast segmental concrete lining will be installed and the tunnels will have an inner diameter of 6.9 metres and an outer diameter of 7.5 metres. Visit www.lovat.com, www.metrotorino.it and www.satti.it 03/02.The second Lovat EPB shield TBM, named 'Madama Cristina', has started its job on 19th February at Principi d'Acaja station on metro line 1 in Turin. Contractors Grandi Lavori Fincosit and SELI will drive 2.6 km of tunnel up to Pozzo Strada (lot 4). The 70 m-long machine weighs 700 tonnes and is equipped with a 7.77 m-diameter cutting head and 38 hydraulic jacks. It is identical to the first Lovat TBM, named 'Valentina', which started its job on lot 3 Fermi-Pozzo Strada in early October 2002. Visit www.lovat.com, www.metrotorino.it and www.satti.it. 09/03.Open call for tenders, deadline 9th May, 2005 for construction of Porta Nuova-Lingotto section of metro line 1. Includes a 94 m curved bored section and its launch shaft (shaft A), a 197 m cut-and-cover stretch, a 276 m nearly straight dual-track bored tunnel and its launch shaft (shaft B) and other associated works. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=047517-2005, OJ S 49, or contact Gruppo Torinese Trasporti, Turin, fax +39 01157643 or 0115592750. E-mail fortunato.v@gtt.to.it. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 11/2003 & 33/2002. 12/05.Lauro and Cogefa pocketed a EUR14.3 million contract to build a 94 m curved bored section and its launch shaft (shaft A), a 197 m cut-and-cover stretch, a 276 m nearly straight dual-track bored tunnel and its launch shaft (shaft B) and other associated works, as part of section Porta Nuova-Lingotto on Line 1. Visit www.cogefacostruzioni.it and www.cogefanet.com 37/05.Open call for tenders, deadline 24th July, 2006 for construction of section Marconi-Lingotto on Line 1 consisting of six stations (Marconi, Nizza, Dante, Carducci/Molinette, Spezia and Lingotto), five intermediate shafts, a 2.9 km dual-track tunnel to be excavated with an EPB TBM and other ancillary works. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=111651-2006, OJ S 104, or contact GTT, Turin, fax +39 0115764330 or 0115592750. E-mail fortunato.v@gtt.to.it 24/06.Maire Engineering and Ghella will build the Marconi-Lingotto section on Line 1 consisting of six stations (Marconi, Nizza, Dante, Carducci/Molinette, Spezia and Lingotto), five intermediate shafts, a 2.9 km dual-track tunnel to be excavated with an EPB TBM and other ancillary works. Visit www.maireengineering.it/maire.htm and www.ghellagroup.com 51-52/06.Open invitation to tender, deadline 22nd April, 2008 for detailed design and safety coordination during design of the Lingotto-Bengasi section of Turin's driverless automated line 1. This 1,880 m section will run in a single bore, TBM-built tunnel, 7.70 m outer diameter and 6.60 m inner diameter. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=54468-2008, OJ S 39, or contact GTT, Turin, fax +39 0115764330 or 0115592705. E-mail fornunato.v@gtt.to.it 10/08.A team of Systra, Geodata and Studio Quaranta scooped a EUR880,900 contract for the detailed design and safety coordination during design of the Lingotto-Bengasi section of Line 1 in Turin. This 1,880 m section will run in a TBM-built single bored tunnel, 7.70 m outer diameter and 6.60 m inner diameter. Click here. Visit www.systra.com, www.geodata.it and www.quaranta.to 30/08.


A JV of Sifel SpA/F.lli Ronco SpA from Spigno Monferrato (AL) secured the four year contract, value EUR6.9 million, for the electrical installations for the Porta Nuovo-Lingotto section, metro Turin. Visit www.gtt.to.it, www.fratellironco.it, www.sifelspa.com and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=141346-2009.23/09A JV of Coopsette Soc. Coop./Kopa Engineering Spa/Otis Spa/Otis Servizi Srl at Castelnovo Sotto (RE) was awarded the contract, value EUR28.5 million, for the completion of civil equipment on the Porta Nuova – Lingotto section, Line 1 metro Turin (Lot 3). Visit www.gtt.to.it www.coopsette.it www.kopaeng.it www.otis.com and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=141323-2009. 23/09


Invitation for expressions of interest, duration 3 years, for construction of Lingotto-Bengasi section of line 1 of Turin driverless metro. Estimated contract value EUR77.2 million, excluding VAT. Requests to participate in the first selection no later than 28.02.2011. Contact Infratrasporti.To SRL Torino, tel +39 01155927-11, fax -50, e-mail infrato@infrato.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=374759-2010. 51/10.


Infratrasporti TO. S.r.l. ,JV Seli (capogruppo mandataria)/Coopsette secured the contract for the construction of Lingotto-Bengasi section of line 1 of Turin driverless metro. The new underground section, length 1.9 km, double track, includes two stations and two shafts. It will be built with a TBM EPB.Contract value EUR 71.8million, excluding VAT. For further information contact Infratrasporti.To SRL Torino, tel +39 01155927-11, fax -50, e-mail infrato@infrato.it. Visit www.infrato.it, www.selitunnel.com and www.coopsette.it. 49/11


Seli/Coopsette JV secured the construction contract for the Lingotto-Bengasi section of line 1 of Turin driverless metro. The new twin-track 1.9 km-long underground section includes two stations and two shafts. An EPB TBM will be used for the tunnels. Contract value EUR 71.8 million, excluding VAT. For further information contact Infratrasporti.To SRL Torino, tel +39 01155927-11, fax -50, e-mail infrato@infrato.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=028534-2012. 05/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 09.07.2012, for safety and health coordination during the construction of Lingotto-Bengasi section of line 1 of Turin driverless metro and complementary services. Contract value EUR1,062,118.40 excluding VAT, duration 44 months. Contact Infratrasporti To Srl, Turino, tel +39 01155927-11, fax -50, e-mail infrato@infrato.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=154213-2012. 21/12.


The JV Geodata Engineering SpA - Ing. Luigi Quaranta - Ing. Maria Vania Abbinante of Torino secured the EUR796,588.80 contract, excluding VAT, for safety and health coordination during the construction of Lingotto-Bengasi section of line 1 of Turin driverless metro and complementary services. Contact Infratrasporti To Srl, Turin, tel +39 01155927-11, fax -50, e-mail infrato@infrato.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=090070-2013. 12/13.


The technical and legal meetings between Infra.To, the Turin company mandated to implement the Metro, and the JV Edilmaco/CCC, ranked third in the awarding process for the Lingotto-Bengasi section construction, ended in a positive way. CCC (Consorzio Cooperative Costruzioni) and Edilmaco, composed by Cogefa and Mattioda, took over the contract previously awarded to Seli/Coopsette. The new section involves the construction of two stations (Italia'61 - Piedmont Region and Bengasi), three ventilation shafts and a 1.9 km-long tunnel to be driven with TBM. The work will start in full swing in May for a three years duration. Commissioning of the underground is in 2017. Visit




Open invitation to tender, deadline 09.05.2016, for the design of line 2 of the Turin driverless metro. The 14.5km driveless line will connect Rebaudengo station in the North-East with Cimitero Parco  station in the South West. There are 24 stations, and the option for future extensions. The contract value is  EUR 6,68 million, excluding VAT. The time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents is until 04.05.2016. For further information contact Turin Municipality, att.n Eng. Giorgio Marengo, Turin, tel +39 011/01123241, fax +39 011/0113-3239, e-mail giorgio.marengo@comune.torino.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=80257-2016. Ref.n. 16/2016. 11/16.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 27.10.17, for the preventive verification of the executive design of the 1750 m section Fermi-Collegno Centro (Lot 1) on the western extension Collegno-Cascine Vica  of Line 1 in Turin. The contract value is  EUR366 429.77, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is from  01/11/2017 to 30/04/2018. For further information contact Infratrasporti.To Srl, attn arch. Vanni Cappellato, Turin, tel +39 0115592711, fax +39 0115592750, email infrato@infrato.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=379779-2017. 40/17.


The joint venture between Geodata Engineering SPA/AI Studio SPA/Neosia Tecnimont SPA/Studium SAS, secured the EUR564,509.37 contract, excluding VAT, for the design of the 1750 m section Fermi-Collegno Centro (Lot 1) on the western extension Collegno-Cascine Vica  of Line 1 in Turin. The section will include new stations Certosa  and Collegno Centro. The first part of the section and the stations will be built using the cut & cover system while the last part of the section will be excavated using the traditional method. Contact Infratrasporti, TO Srl, attn arch. Vanni Cappellato, Turin, tel +39 0115592711, fax +39 0115592750, email infrato@infrato.itVisit  http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=333103-2017. Ref.n. 2017/S 062 -116861. 40/17.


The joint venture between Sifel SpA/Mont-Ele Srl/Ciemmeci Srl secured the EUR3.71 million contract, excluding VAT, for the electrical systems for HT, terminal, channel, HT and LT cables connected to the VAL System and for the carpentry gangways on the Lingotto-Bengasi Section  of Line 1 in Turin. Duration of the contract will be 486 days.  For further information contact Infratrasporti.To Srl, attn arch. Vanni Cappellato, Turin, tel +39 0115592711, fax +39 0115592750, email infrato@infrato.it. Visit  http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=333103-2017. Ref.n. INFRA.TO N. 3/2017. 40/17.


The joint venture Studio Oikos Srl/Res.nova Spa at Turin secured the EUR1.52 million contract, excluding VAT, for the maintenance of general but not system equipment on the Fermi-Lingotto Section  of Line 1 in Turin: stations, shafts and tunnels. For further information contact Gruppo Torinese Trasporti Spa, attn Dr.ssa Laura Malabaila, Turin, tel +39 0113044-312, fax +39 0113044-311, email infogare@gtt.to.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194551-2018. Ref.n. 42/2016. 18/18.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 23.07.2018, for the construction and for the equipment of the Fermi-Collegno Centro section (Lot 1) on the western extension of Line 1 in Turin. The contract value is EUR 62.29 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 1260 days. For further information contact Infratrasporti.To Srl, attn arch. Vanni Cappellato, Turin, tel +39 0115592711, fax +39 0115592750, email infrato@infrato.it. Visithttp://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=260123-2018.

Ref.n. 1/2018. 25/18.


The joint venture between Astaldi and NBI secured the EUR61,69 million contract, excluding VAT, for the construction and to provide the equipment for the Fermi-Collegno Centro section (Lot 1) on the western extension of Line 1 in Turin. For further information contact Infratrasporti.To Srl, attn arch. Vanni Cappellato, Turin, tel +39 0115592711, fax +39 0115592750, email infrato@infrato.it.

Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=520221-2018.

Ref.n. 1/2018. 48/18.


The JV between ICI Italiana Costruzioni Infrastrutture (Rome), Monaco Spa (Rome), Aleandri SpA (Bari) and Gimac Holding Srl (Caserta) secured the EUR58.21 million contract, excluding VAT, for the construction and supply of equipment for the Fermi-Collegno Centro section (Lot 1) on the western extension of Line 1 in Turin. Contact Infratrasporti.To Srl, attn arch. Vanni Cappellato, Turin, tel +39 0115592711, fax +39 0115592750, email infrato@infrato.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=171343-2019.

Ref.n. 1/2018. 15/19.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 18.09.2019, for the construction of the Collegno Centro - Cascine Vica section (Lot 2) on the western extension of Line 1 in Turin. The contract value is EUR78.15 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 1200 days. For further information contact Infratrasporti.To Srl, attn arch. Vanni Cappellato, Turin, tel +39 0115592711, fax +39 0115592750, email infrato@infrato.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=297318-2019.

Ref. n. 6/2019. 26/19.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 12/11/2019, for coordination on safety and health during construction the Collegno Centro - Cascine Vica section (Lot 2) on the Collegno - Cascine Vica extension of Line 1 in Turin. The contract value is EUR 961 037.46, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 1470 days. For further information contact Infratrasporti.To Srl, attn arch. Vanni Cappellato, Turin, tel +39 0115592711, fax +39 0115592750, email infrato@infrato.it. For tender documents click here. Ref. n. 7/2019. 45/19.


The JVI ICI spa / Gimac Holding Srl secured the EUR71.54 million contract for construction of the Collegno Centro - Cascine Vica section (Lot 2) on the extension of metro Line 1 in Turin: 1650 m in tunnel with two new stations Leumann and Cascine Vica and a intecharge park. Click here for further tender information. 04/20.


The JV ICI Italiana Costruzioni Infrastrutture (Rome)/ GIMAC Holding (Caserta) secured the EUR 71.74 million contract, excluding VAT, for the construction of the Collegno Centro - Cascine Vica section (Lot 2) on the western extension of Line 1 in Turin. Contact Infratrasporti.To Srl, attn arch. Vanni Cappellato, Turin, tel +39 0115592711, fax +39 0115592750, email infrato@infrato.it. For further information please click here.Ref. n. 6/2019. 16/20.


The JV SYSTRA S.A.(capogruppo)/TECNIMONT CIVIL CONSTRUCTION S.P.A./ITALFERR S.P.A./SYSTRA-SOTECNI S.P.A./AI STUDIO – ASSOCIAZIONE PROFESSIONALE/SAS Ar.théme Associés/STUDIUM S.A.S. DI FRIDA OCCELLI from Rome secured the EUR3.34 million contract, excluding VAT, for the outline proposals of line 2 of the Turin driverless metro. The 14.5km driverless line will connect Rebaudengo station in the North-East with Cimitero Parco  station in the South West. There are 24 stations, and the option for future extensions. Contact Turin Municipality, att.n Eng. Giorgio Marengo, Turin, tel +39 011/01123241, fax +39 011/0113-3239, email giorgio.marengo@comune.torino.it.  For tender information please click here Ref.n. 16/2016. 42/17.


Awarded the contracts for the assistance to Infra.To. for the design of the metro equipment involving stations, tunnels and structures on the metro in Turin.  

  • RTI  Stain Engineering Srl, Sint Ingegneria Srl and Ferro Studio Di Ingegneria Srl, value contract EUR1.14 million
  • Siip S.R.L. Servizi Ingegneria Innovativa Personalizzati, value of the contract is EUR829,691.81 , excluding VAT;

Contact Infratrasporti.To Srl, attn Eng. Roberto Crova, Turin, tel +39 0115592711, email infrato@infrato.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=190103-2022. Ref. n. 64/2022. 15/22.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 11/11/2022, for the construction of electrical systems for high currents, terminals, new channels and line cables for low currents to complete the construction of the Collegno - Cascine Vica extension of Line 1 in Turin. For tender documents, please click here where tenders must be sent. The contract value is EUR 16.14 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 595 days. Contact Infratrasporti.To Srl, attn arch. Fabio Bolognesi, Turin, tel +39 0115592711, email infrato@infrato.it.  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=554677-2022. 42/22. 


Italy-Turin: Other electrical installation work

2022/S 196-554677

Contract notice


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: Infratrasporti.To Srl
Postal address: Corso Novara, 96
Town: Torino
NUTS code: ITC11 Torino
Postal code: 10152
Country: Italy
Contact person: arch. Fabio Bolognesi
E-mail: infrato@infrato.it
Telephone: +39 0115592711
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://www.infrato.it/
Address of the buyer profile: https://www.infrato.it/
I.5)Main activity
Other activity: Settori speciali

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement


Reference number: 149
II.1.2)Main CPV code
45317000 Other electrical installation work
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.5)Estimated total value
Value excluding VAT: 16 138 223.77 EUR
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
45262400 Structural steel erection work
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: ITC11 Torino
II.2.6)Estimated value
Value excluding VAT: 16 138 223.77 EUR
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in days: 595
This contract is subject to renewal: no

Section IV: Procedure

IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.2)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 11/11/2022
Local time: 14:00
IV.2.3)Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
IV.2.4)Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:


The JV ITS Controlli Tecnici SpA/Socotec Construction SaS secured the EUR 1.40 million contract, excluding VAT, for the preventive verification of the Rebaudengo-Politecnico section definitive design,  metro Line 2,  Turin.  Contact Città di Torino, attn Eng Giorgio Marengo, Turin,  tel +39 01101123169, email infrastrutture.mobilita@cert.comune.torino.it. Visit  http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=109496-2022. Ref.n. 89/2021. 09 /22. 


Open invitation to tender, deadline 30/07/2024, for the assignment of the Project Management Consulting (PMC) and design verification service to support the extraordinary commissioner of the Turin automatic metro Line 2. The contract includes integrated engineering services to support the Commissioner Prof. eng. Chiaia for project management aimed at managing tenders regarding the choice of system and rolling stock; the construction of civil works on the Rebaudengo-Porta Nuova section (Lot 1); the option for services for the subsequent Porta Nuova-Politecnico section (Lot 2). The first section of Turin metro Line 2 will be 9.7 km long with 13 stations and a completely underground workshop depot.

Click here for bid/tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of contract EUR16.13 million, excluding VAT.  Contact Extraordinary Commissioner for construction of Turin metro Line 2, attn Arch. Fabio Bolognesi, Turin, tel +39 11 5592711, email infrato@infrato.it. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/386128-2024, GU S 125. 27/24.
