Inauguration of new expressway section linking Brescia to Lake Garda and Val Sabbia includes the Tormini road-fork with three new tunnels: Monte Covolo (1.87 km) on the SS 45 national road; La Guarda (1.6 km) and Monte Castello (1.26 km) on the SS 237. The 4.4 km-long tunnel between Ponte Re and Sabbio Chiese on SS 237 will open this month. More from Eugenio Merzagora, e-mail Sept 2000. Engineering design underway by Spea, Sina, Tecnic, and Rocksoil consortium for section of motorway linking Valtrompia and A4 routes with six single-tube tunnels totalling 11.1 km. Construction tenders expected early-2003, for start late-2003. Visit 45/01.