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United States, Washington - us/42

Seattle Light Rail

  Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority appraising bids for design/build of tunnels and deep stations from Convention Place to 45th St station. Prequalified bidders are Modern Transit Constructors (Modern Continental/SA Healy/Impregilo/Hochtief/Parsons/Robison); Obayashi (Obayashi/Atkinson/Jacobs); Puget Link Constructors (Traylor/Shea/Frontier-Kemper); and Puget Sound Constructors (Hatch Mott MacDonald/Sverdrup/Sauer/Golder). March 2000.   The design/build contract for the Puget Sound tunnels and deep stations will be bid in late February 2000. Prequalified joint ventures are: Modern Transit Constructors (Modern Continental, S.A.Healy/Impregilo, Hochtief Ag, Parsons Transportation Group and Robison Construction); Obayashi (Obayashi Corp., Atkinson Construction, with Jacobs Associates Design Consultant); Puget Link Constructors (Traylor Bros. Inc., J.F. Shea Co. Inc., Frontier Kemper Constructors Inc.); Puget Sound Constructors, LLC and Hatch Mott McDonald-Sverdrup JV design consultant, Dr. G. Sauer- design sub consultant and Golder Associates- Geotechnical Sub consultant). March 2000. The Obayashi/Atkinson team is reported to have dropped out, and it is reliably reported that there are only two remaining of the four prequalified teams that were competing for this design/build project. June 2000. Modern Transit Constructors has been chosen as contractor-elect to design and build the 7.2 km-long Central Link light rail tunnel in Seattle, WA. The contract will be for the twin-bore tunnels only and does not include trackwork, signals and power. Negotiations are proceeding with Modern Transit Constructors with a view to awarding the contract by early-November. The joint venture is led by Modern Continental, with S A Healy, Impregilo, Parsons Transportation, Robison and Dumez-GTM. The runner-up team, Puget Link Construction comprises Traylor Brothers, J.F. Shea, Frontier-Kemper and Atkinson Construction, with Hatch Mott McDonald-Sverdrup JV as design consultant and Golder Associates as geotechnical subconsultant. Visit www.soundtransit.org Sept 2000.Negotiations with Modern Transit Constructors, a consortium headed by Modern Continental Construction Co. Cambridge, MA, with S.A. Healy, McCook, IL; Impregilo, Italy; Dumez-GTM, France; Parsons Transportation Group, Pasadena, CA and Roison Construction Group, Sumner, WA are reported to have been suspended due to potential cost overruns. The proposed design-build subway tunnel was more than $200 million over the Transit Agency budget estimate of $557 million. The board will study new options on construction methods to reduce cost. Visit www.soundtransit.org and www.moderncontinental.com December 2000.There are two bids to build a light rail tunnel through Beacon Hill as part of contract 710 of the 22.4 km initial segment from Convention Place in downtown Seattle to Tukwila. However, the lowest bid from Obayashi is USD280 million, USD41 million higher than Sound Transit's USD239 million estimate. The other bid is from Kiewit and its partners Traylor, Frontier Kemper and Beton und Monierbau in Beacon Hill Constructors with USD305 million. The project includes the entire tunnel and station complex, consisting of a 15.24 m-diameter main shaft to house the elevators leading to the concourse tunnel connecting a 5.75 m-inner diameter 1.6 km twin tunnel, a 9 m-diameter auxillary shaft to house emergency stairs, a ventilation adit, cross passages, surface buildings, architectural finishings, landscaping, mechanical and electrical work, elevators, ventilation fans, etc., except systems work (power supply and communications, etc.). The contract also includes the adjacent McClellan station (aerial station and aerial guideway at the east portal and aerial guideway at the west portal). A 30 m-deep shaft has been sunk to investigate the Beacon Hill tricky glacial soils. Contract to be awarded by end of May or June 2004 for start of station excavation at fall 2004 and start of tunnel boring with EPB TBMs in 2005. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 30/2003 & 13/2003. Visit www.soundtransit.org 22/04.Sound Transit has awarded URS Corporation a three-year contract to provide construction management services for the Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel (DSTT) project. The project is part of the 22.5 km Central Link. The light rail will travel under downtown, sharing the 13-year-old tunnel with buses. The 2.1 km tunnel was built with rails for future light rail. However, they need to be insulated from the ground, and the roadbed is 15.2 cm too high to accommodate trains and newer buses. The tunnel will remain closed for two years for a retrofit that includes a new short cut-and-cover "stub tunnel" at Pine Street where trains can stop and turn around. All the buses that now use the tunnel will return to the surface during construction. URS will manage the DSTT retrofit totalling approximately USD60 to USD80 million in construction. Other work includes upgrades and improvements to the mechanical, electrical, fire, and safety systems, a state-of-the-art communications system, and a new integrated signalling system for both buses and trains. Construction is scheduled for completion in June 2007. Read E-News Weekly 22/2004. Visit www.urscorp.com and www.soundtransit.org 23/04.Balfour Beatty Construction bid USD82.7 million to retrofit the 2.1 km downtown Seattle bus tunnel for joint rail-bus use, which is nearly USD11 million (12%) less than Sound Transit's estimate. The contract, which includes construction of a short, dead-end tunnel under Pine Street, is a major component of Sound Transit's 22.5 km light rail line from downtown Seattle to Tukwila. Preliminary work on the new Pine Street stub tunnel between Seventh and Terry avenues could start in about four months. That tunnel will provide space for trains to turn around. The entire tunnel project is estimated to take 21 months. Visit www.soundtransit.org and www.balfourbeatty.com 30/04.Northlink Transit Partners, a joint venture of Earth Tech, HNTB, and Jacobs Associates, was awarded a USD38.9 million contract by Sound Transit for the final design of the University Link light rail extension. The 5.1 km extension will run in tunnel from Westlake station to the University of Washington, with stations at Capitol Hill and on the UW campus near Husky Stadium. The final design project includes a tunnel crossing under the Lake Washington Ship Canal between Portage Bay and Union Bay. Earth Tech's responsibilities will include providing project control systems, managing the design of the two rail stations, tunnel ventilation, mechanical and electrical systems. The project is expected to take two years to complete. Construction is scheduled to begin at fall 2008, with service starting in 2016. Read E-News Weekly 50/2006, 24/2004 & 13/2003. Visit www.soundtransit.org/x1171.xml, www.earthtech.com, www.hntb.com and www.jacobssf.com 03/07.Jacobs Engineering Group announced that the Seattle Tunnel and Rail Team (START), a joint venture between Jacobs and CH2M Hill, has been selected to receive a construction management services contract from Sound Transit to extend light rail service to connect the region's three most densely populated urban centres in Washington state (downtown Seattle, Capitol Hill/First Hill and the University district). The 5.1 km project entails constructing two parallel tunnels that run northward from Westlake to the University of Washington, with stations at Capitol Hill and on the University of Washington campus near Husky Stadium. It is anticipated that the new addition will start operation in 2016 and add 70,000 daily riders to the regional light rail system. Visit www.jacobs.com, www.ch2m.com and www.soundtransit.org/x1171.xml 29/08.Initial contract for site preparation on University Link awarded to West Coast contractor Condon-Johnson & Associates, www.condon-johnson.com/seattle/, value EUR13.93 million. Contact Eric Dybevik, tel +1 206 575 8248, e-mail edybevik@condon-johnson.com. Meantime, voter approval gained for 58 km-long expansion of Link light rail system with 19 stations including 20 km extension north from University of Washington to Lynnwood with underground stations at Brooklyn and Roosevelt. Contact Jeff Munnoch jeff.munnoch@soundtransit.org or visit www.soundtransit.org. 52/08.


Jacobs/CH2M HILL JV secured the seven-year construction management contract, value $75.5 million, for the Northgate Link Extension Project. The Northgate Link Project is extending the line 4.2 miles farther north from the University to the urban village of Northgate, and includes two 3.6-mile twin bored tunnels, two underground stations, and an arterial guideway with a light rail station. Visit www.jacobs.com and www.ch2m.com. 45/12.


Solicitation CN 0001-13, deadline 28.05.2013, for Northgate Link Extension Contract N125 - TBM Tunnels (UW to Maple Leaf Portal). This Contract includes approximately 5.8 km of segmentally lined, twin-bored running tunnels consisting of 3 reaches: 2.6 km from the Maple Leaf Portal to the Roosevelt Station, 1.7 km from the Roosevelt Station to the U District Station, and 1.5 km from U District Station to University of Washington Station (UWS). The work includes 23 cross passages excavated at intervals between the bored tunnels using sequential excavation methods. It also includes placement of the tunnel invert slab, walkways and utilities, as well as shoring, dewatering and excavation for the Maple Leaf Portal, Roosevelt Station and U-District Station. Finally, TBM retrieval at the Roosevelt Station and UW Station, and completion of interfaces at the UWS are included in the scope of this contract. Contact Lourdes Bonifacio, Contracts Specialist, e-mail lourdes.bonifacio@soundtransit.org and Ray Fernandez, Sr. Contract Specialist, e-mail raymund.fernandez@soundtransit.org. Visit http://soundtransit.ebidsystems.com/solicitation.aspx?uid=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&sID=2310. 14/13.


Seattle Light Rail

Apparent low bid of EUR332.420 million (USD440.321 million) received from JCM Northlink LLC, a JV of Jay Dee, Frank Coluccio and Michels, for Northgate Link Extension Contract N125 - TBM Tunnels (UW to Maple Leaf Portal). Six bids were received ranging between USD440 million and USD517 million against engineers estimate of USD595 million. The contract includes approximately 5.8 km of segmentally lined, twin-bored running tunnels in three reaches: 2.6 km from the Maple Leaf Portal to the Roosevelt Station; 1.7 km from the Roosevelt Station to the U District Station; and 1.5 km from U District Station to University of Washington Station (UWS). The work includes 23 cross passages to be mined using sequential excavation. More from Lourdes Bonifacio, Contracts Specialist, e-mail lourdes.bonifacio@soundtransit.org and Ray Fernandez, Sr. Contract Specialist, e-mail raymund.fernandez@soundtransit.org. Visit www.soundtransit.org/Projects-and-Plans/Northgate-Link-Extension. 23/13.


Sound Transit awards the EUR142.83 million contract (USD152 million) to Hoffman Construction to build the underground Roosevelt station for the Northgate Link Extension. Construction will begin in early 2017 for light rail extension opening in 2021.

The contract includes elevators and escalators, mechanical and electrical equipment, fire protection and emergency ventilation systems, as well as surface features and landscaping. Please visit http://www.soundtransit.org/About-Sound-Transit/News-and-events/News-releases/sound-transit-awards-contract-hoffman-construction. 48/16.


Kiewit-Hoffman AJV, Sound Transit General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) for the East Link Extension, Seattle to South Bellevue (E130) Heavy Civil GC/CM project is soliciting bids, deadline 08.12.2016, for tunnel electrical (Bid Package #3.P.1 ) and tunnel & alignment fire suppression (Bid Package #3.P.2). Tenders have to be sent to Kiewit-Hoffman AJV, Seattle, Washington. Contact Christyn Halliday, e-mail Christyn-halliday@hoffmancorp.com. Visit https://www.ebidexchange.com/Solicitation.aspx?cid=b7ed7fa3-38ea-40d0-854d-357a810a8d41&uid=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&sid=89344 and http://www.hoffmancorp.com/hoffman_opps/sound-transit-e130-east-link-extension-bp-3p1-3p2/. Ref.n. CN 0004-15C BP3.P.1 and BP3.P.2- 48/16.


United States, California - us/41

Los Angeles Metro

  The 10.1 km North Hollywood section of L A metro will open this month, adding three stations to the system at Hollywood/Highland, Universal City, and North Hollywood, bringing the subway length to 28 km with 16 stations. The running tunnels were excavated in two contracts by Traylor/Frontier Kemper and Obayashi, and two of the stations were constructed by Tutor Saliba, while the terminus station at North Hollywood was completed by Kajima. Construction management was supplied by Hatch Mott MacDonald and Parsons Engineering, who brought the project in almost on time and within budget. June 2000.Optional routes for USD5-7 billion metro extension are 19.2 km from Purple Line Wilshire/Western along Wilshire Blvd or 20 km from Red Line Hollywood/Highland along Santa Monica Blvd. Awaiting decision on routing before raising finance. Visit www.metro.net or take a virtual tour at www.metrovr.net/metro/. 08/09.


Request for Proposal OP39602864 for supply of LED tunnel lighting system for Red Line. Download documents at www.metro.net/ebb/vendor2.asp?solicitationid=2321&solicitationnumber=op39602864.

Pre-bid conference 22.02.2012 at 13.00 h at Procurement Dept, One Gateway Plaza, Union Station, LA, CA 90012. Forecast award date 30.06.2012. Contract administrator Elizabeth Hernandez, tel +1 213 922-7334, fax –1004, e-mail hernandezel@metro.net. 07/12.


The Frontier-Kemper/Tutor Perini JV secured the EUR347.80 million (USD410 million) contract to excavate the 4.17 km (2.59 miles) of twin tunnels for the third section of the Purple Line Extension between Century City and the Westwood/VA Hospital in Los Angeles. FTA (Federal Transit Administration) approved the LONP (Letter of No Prejudice). The first two segments of the project between Wilshire/Western and Century City are under construction. Visit https://thesource.metro.net/2018/09/21/fta-approves-metros-request-to-be-reimbursed-for-early-work-activities-on-purple-line-extensions-section-three/,


and https://boardagendas.metro.net/board-report/2018-0152/. Contract n.

C1151. 39/18.


The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority awarded to the JV Tutor Perini/O&G the EUR1.19 bn (USD1.36 bn) contract to design and build the Purple Line Extension Section 3 rail system and the two stations: Westwood/UCLA and Westwood/VA Hospital. Visit http://investors.tutorperini.com. 12/19.




United States, Colorado - us/40

Plateau Creek Water Transmission

Ute Water Conservancy District has awarded a $14.1 million contract for a 4 km-long, 3.18 m-diameter tunnel in sandstone and siltstone to a jv of Affholder and Barnard Construction. Affholder will use a Robbins hardrock TBM on a 20-month programme commencing April, 2000. January 2000.   Contractor reports two sections of tunnel required, lengths 3.1 km and 1 km. Geology is sandstone up to 25,000 psi, shales and siltstones to be supported by rockbolts, wire mesh, and shotcrete. TBM upgraded by Robbins with new main bearing and cutterhead. Tunnel designed by Lachel & Associates of Denver, CO for GEI Consultants of Englewood, CO. More information from www.robbinstbm.com May 2000.   Robbins reports major upgrade of Affholder TBM to cope with harder 25,000 psi ground. Modifications include new water-cooled motors to increase power from 500 hp to 800 hp, larger diameter gripper rams, and new main bearing and cutterhead. Tunnel designer is Lachel & Associates led by GEI Consultants of Englewood, CA. Visit www.lachel.com and www.robbinstbm.com June 2000.   Second Plateau Creek tunnel 3.05 km-long in sandstone will be holed through by Affholder using modified 3 m-diameter Robbins Model 91-155 TBM on March 16th, 2001. See Recordbreakers (Hall of Fame) for details of first drive. Visit www.robbinstbm.com 11/01.  Holethrough of 3.18 m-diameter Robbins TBM reported by Affholder 16th March, 2001 at $58 million, 3.15 km-long Plateau Creek Lower Canyon tunnel in sandstone and shale east of Grand Junction, CO. Maximum advance 69.7 m in a single 12 h shift claimed as a world record for this diameter tunnel in hard rock. Visit www.geiconsultants.com and www.robbinstbm.com 16/01.


United States, Ohio - us/39

Sewage Interceptor

    Big Walnut Augmentation/Rickenbacker Interceptor comprises 5.31 km of 4.45 m-diameter sewer tunnel in soft ground plus open cut reaches, manholes, and flow diversion structures. Lead designer is URS Greiner Woodward Clyde. Currently under design. Expect mid to late 2000 bid. Maintain contact at www.urscorp.com December 1999.  Big Walnut Augmentation/Rickenbacker Interceptor under design by URS Greiner Woodward Clyde as 5.54 km of 4.45 m-diameter soft ground drive with open cut reaches, manholes and flow diversion structures. Expect bid mid to late 2000. Maintain contact at www.urscorp.com January 2000.The bidders for the Big Walnut/Rickenbacker Interceptor in Columbus, Ohio are a JV of Traylor Bros., Jay Dee Contractors and Michels Pipeline Construction (lowest bid with $90.8 million), Affholder ($107.77 million) and a JV between Kenny Construction, J.F. Shea and Kassouf/Mole/Murray Hill ($107.85 million). The Big Walnut/Rickenbacker project is a 5.3 km 4.3 m ID sewer tunnel, a 1,250 m 4.3 m diameter pipe placed via open-cut methods, as well as seven shafts. Bolted and gasketed precast concrete segments will support the tunnel, which requires the use of full EPB or slurry TBM in glacial till and outwash with high groundwater table. The tunnel is the first of two projects designed to reduce stormwater overflow into the Scioto River and Big Walnut Creek, as well as transport flow to the wastewater treatment plant. The second project, the Outfall Augmentation Sewer, is expected to be tendered in 2004. URS Corp. is the lead designer for the City of Columbus with Lachel & Associates providing tunnel specialist services. 44/03.Lovat has delivered on 30th September a new EPB TBM model RME193SE Series 21200 for the Big Walnut Augmentation/Rickenbacher Interceptor (BWARI) tunnel project located on the south side of Columbus, Ohio. The contractor is a JV of Jay Dee, Michels and Traylor. The project is part of a series of improvement projects that will increase flow capacity for sewers conveying sewage from a large part of Columbus to the city's southerly wastewater treatment plant. Part one consists of approximately 7 km of 4.6 m-diameter tunnel. The machine is to bore through a geological profile comprised of two primary types of soil deposits characterised as glacial till and glacio fluvial outwash materials. Additional soil deposits of uniform fine sands and man-made fill may also be encountered.The TBM will be erecting a primary tunnel lining consisting of a bolted and gasketed, precast concrete segments, configured as five pieces plus one key piece. Visit www.lovat.com 42/04.The McNally/Kiewit JV took delivery of their new Lovat TBM RME167SE series 21500, to be used for the Big Walnut Outfall Augmentation Sewer, Part II for the City of Columbus. This is the second Lovat TBM being used for the project. This is an EPB machine, equipped with a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) for the cutting head. The cutting head drive operates from 2.2 rpm to 4 rpm, with constant horsepower. The major benefit of a VFD cutting head drive is that it is approximately 20% more efficient than that of a traditional hydraulic drive. A two-component grout system (grout and accelerant), injected through each segment's lifting hole, will be used. This allows very fast grout setting times for ring support. The grout system is interlocked with the machine's advance, thereby preventing the TBM from advancing unless the grout is being injected at the correct volume/pressure.The TBM is expected to drive through glacial till composed of clay, silt, sand, cobbles, gravel, boulders as well as glacio-fluvial / outwash and uniform fine sands. Water pressure is expected at 1.5 bar to a maximum of 2 bar. Visit www.lovat.com 30/05.


United States, Oregon - us/38


    1.5 km of 1.91 m-diameter soft ground tunnel plus numerous open cut reaches, shafts and connections. URS Greiner Woodward Clyde is geotechnical and tunnel design consultant, teamed with Montgomery Watson. Owner is City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services. Invitations to bid expected late-1999 or early 2000. Details from www.urscorp.com December 1999.


United States, Rhode Island - us/37

Combined Sewer Overflow

  Assessment of ground conditions anticipated for phase 1 comprising 4.8 km-long, 7.9 m-diameter main spine tunnel; a 9.1 m-diameter shaft at each end for TBM installation and recovery; seven intermediate vertical drop shafts with connecting adits; and a large circular shaft at the southern end to house the pumpstation. Sandstone, siltstone/shale and graphitic shale predominate, with coal appearing in places. Long reaches at the southern end of the alignment are anticipated to be in good-to-average rock. Bidding expected year 2000. More information from Haley & Aldrich, fax +1 617 886 7600. November 1999. Chamber 22 m high x 22 m wide x 38 - 48 m long in design for pump station at south end of spine tunnel. Visit www.haleyaldrich.com Sept 2000.   Construction of three-phase CSO programme will commence mid-2001. Bid documents available mid-May and prebid meeting rescheduled for date to be advised in June, 2001 for phase 1 contract 01:302.06-C for 5.01 km-long, 8.27 m-diameter main spine tunnel in rock; seven adits totalling 1.3 km; two 8.27 m-diameter, 79.57 m-deep work shafts; tunnel pump station cavern 95.5 m-deep, 37.2 m-long x 19 m-wide x 20.7 m-high, connected to surface by 10.18 m-diameter utility shaft and 3.5 m-diameter access shaft; one 2.86 m-diameter drop shaft with 95 cm-diameter vent shaft, 76.38 m-deep. Contact ghughes@louisberger.com 16/01. Administrative delays on the preparation of contract 01:302.06-C (Tunnel) for the Narragansett Bay Commission have led to a resheduling of the tender for Contract 6 as follows: the contract will be advertised on 4th June, 2001; the prebid conference is on 19th June; bid opening 21st August; award will be made during early October, with notice to proceed on 1st November. Contact is Joseph Pratt, tel +1 401 521 5980, or visit www.louisberger.com 22/01. Bids opened 25th September for Narragansett Bay Commission Main Spine Tunnel and Ancillary Facilities, Contract 01:302.06-C as follows: Shank/Balfour Beatty, $163,527,245; JF Shea/Frontier Kemper, $167,600,000; Modern Continental, $227,357,950. Engineer's Estimate, $174,995,088. More from ghughes@louisberger.com or visit www.louisberger.com 40/01.In Providence, the Shank/Balfour Beatty jv has been awarded the contract to build a 5 km waste water tunnel, the Combined Sewer Overflow, in the Narragansett Bay. Visit http://narrabay.com 05/02.76 m-deep 4.9 km-long 7.92 m ID tunnel under Rhode Island's capital Providence under construction by Shank/Balfour Beatty JV using a Hitachi Zosen TBM. Lining with precast concrete segments and concrete final lining. Work on the USD318 million first phase of the CSO project began in May 2001 and is scheduled to be completed in spring 2008. The tunnel under construction will stretch from the Field's Point wastewater treatment plant to a foundry complex just west of downtown. The tunnel is designed to hold 235 million litres of the sewage-rainwater mix that would otherwise overflow sewer lines and flow into the Woonasquatucket and Providence Rivers. The project also includes a 35.66 m-long x 18.4 m-wide x 19.8 m-high cavern excavated using the drill/blast method by an Atlas Copco two-boom jumbo, six shafts and several adits.Two more phases are planned after that, possibly ending in 2020, which would involve building more pipes connected to a second wastewater treatment plant at Bucklin Point in East Providence, and constructing another 4.8 km tunnel from that plant to Central Falls. Total cost could reach USD1 billion. Visit www.narrabay.com 03/05.


Bidding alert for construction of Woonasquatucket CSO Interceptor that will connect to existing 5 km-long storage tunnel. Works include approximately 5.25 km of 1.27 m to 1.9 m-diameter near surface sewers in soil and rock; several connection and control structures; a 70 m-deep, 8.6 m-diameter work shaft; and a 70 m-deep, 573 m-long, 2.55 m-diameter tunnel in rock. Bidding scheduled for September, 2010. For project history since 1999, visit tunnelbuilder archive us/37. For background, visit www.narrabay.com/AboutUs/Facilities/MajorInitiatives/CSO.aspx. 37/10.


Request for Qualifications, deadline 27/09/2019,  for the Pawtucket Tunnel Project, first part of the Phase III of the NBC’s Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO). The project includes ancillary underground features (i.e. drop shafts, launch shaft, receiving shaft, tunnel pump station shaft, adit tunnels) to support the functionality of the tunnel to serve as a CSO storage facility. The Pawtucket Tunnel is a rock tunnel, 140-ft to 180-ft below the ground surface, located north of the BPWWTF from 804 School  Street to 660 Roosevelt Avenue in Pawtucket, RI, adjacent to the Blackstone River (see Figure 1). The tunnel is approximately 11,600 feet in length with a 30-foot inside diameter.

Visit http://www.narrabay.com/umbraco/surface/RFP/RFPFile?id=642&type=P.

Ref.n. 308.01C. 38/19.


The CB3A joint-venture composed of the US-based subsidiary of Bouygues Travaux Publics (65%) and local civil works contractor Barletta Heavy Division (35%) secured the €394 million Pawtucket Tunnel Project contract in the Rhode Island Delta, approximately 75 km south of Boston.  The project includes the design and construction of the 3.5 km Pawtucket tunnel and its ancillary structures, the excavation of three main shafts and 4 drop shafts.   The tunnel will be excavated along the Seekonk River using a TBM specially designed to accommodate the varied geology of the route. Its 9-m internal diameter will enable it to collect and store a significant proportion of the region's rainwater, wastewater and industrial water pending treatment by the water treatment plant. CB3A will be supported by engineering company Aecom to carry out the design. The contract is for a period of 48 months. Visit https://www.bouygues.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/pr_pawtucket_12.01.2021.pdf. 02/21. 


United States, Washington - us/36

Pierce County Interceptor Sewer

Refurbished 1.98 m-diameter Lovat soft ground pipejacking EPB underway with Frank Coluccio Construction on 914 m section of Spanway Loop bypass interceptor at depths of 5 m below water table in compact to very dense medium-grained sands, fine sand, silt, gravel and some till. November 1999.  Frank Coluccio to excavate 1.97 km x 5.08 m-diameter Seattle Denny Way/Lake Union CSO using refurbished Lovat EPB. Visit www.lovat.com 27/01.


United States, Virginia - us/35

Combined Sewer Outfall

Prequalification for bidding in early-2000 for 1.9 km TBM tunnel with finished diameter of 4.45 m with 320 mm unreinforced concrete lining, two shafts, a pumping station and three 640 mm drilled ventilation shafts. Scheme also includes 445 m of smaller diameter pipelines. More details from Ed Cronin, Greeley Hansen, e-mail ecronin@greeley-hansen.com November 1999.  Tunnel now under bid at 2.1 km long with diameter acceptable between 5.25 m and 5.9 m. Contact ecronin@greeley-hansen.com March 2000.


United States, Ohio - us/34

Cleveland Wastewater

  Contract awarded by Northeast Regional Sewer District to KM&M/Kenny jv for 4.1 km-long, 6.36 m finished diameter TBM tunnel with cast-in-place concrete lining together with shafts, drop structures and 500 m of exploratory drive. Completion time 4 years. November 1999. Robbins 235-280 TBM ex-Morocco will be used for $51.5 million Mill Creek drive in Chagrin shale at depths of up to 80 m. Machine is presently at Robbins' Solon, OH workshops for major conversion from single shield to double shield and upgrade with addition of a ring beam erector for the proposed rib and lagging primary support. Robbins will also provide new TBM gantry back-up, 900 mm-wide tunnel conveyor, and vertical shaft conveyor. Design by Montgomery Watson with Parsons Brinckerhoff, Dawn Engineering and URS. Visit www.robbinstbm.com and www.urscorp.com June 2000.KM&M/Kenny will install ring beam primary support with meshed crown and timber-lagged invert in 100 Mpa shales, followed by CIP reinforced concrete, internal diameter 6.09 m. Robbins Model 234-280 TBM under refurbishment at Solon will be supplied with backup system, and horizontal and vertical conveyors. Start date late-November, 2000. Visit www.robbinstbm.com October 2000.


United States, Illinois - us/33

Fermilab Collider

Plans and specifications issued for construction of accelerator tunnels, underground halls and surface buildings. Contract administration by Rich Farritor, tel +1 630 840 4611. November 1999.Fermilab project awarded to S.A. Healy Company with Notice to Proceed issued on March 3rd, 2000. Mobilisation underway. May 2000.Fermilab announced contract award to S A Healy value $30.5 million for two caverns, two access shafts, and 1.2 km of drill/blast tunnel at 20 - 100 m depth in dolomite and shale. Healy has offered to use its 6.6 m-diameter Robbins TBM for the tunnel. Drill/blast excavation underway on two 8 m-diameter shafts to depths of 38 m and 107 m at ends of proposed tunnel. Contract completion scheduled January, 2002. Visit www.harza.com June 2000.

