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Portugal, Madeira - pt/45


Closing Date: 07.02.2023 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 07/02/2023, for the connection between Quebradas to Amparo, 1st Phase – Tunnels. For tender documents, please click here where tenders must be sent.  Value of the contract is EUR 23 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 24 months. Contact Região Autónoma da Madeira-Secretaria Regional de Equipamentos e Infraestruturas-Direção Regional de Estradas, Funchal, email dre.srei@madeira.gov.pt, tel +351 291207272, fax +351 291225688. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=001586-2023.  Ref.n. CPI/6/2022-DRE. 01/23. 


Portugal-Funchal: Construção de túnel rodoviário

2023/S 001-001586

Anúncio de concurso


Base jurídica:
Diretiva 2014/24/UE

Secção I: Autoridade adjudicante

I.1)Nome e endereços
Nome oficial: Região Autónoma da Madeira-Secretaria Regional de Equipamentos e Infraestruturas-Direção Regional de Estradas
Número de registo nacional: 671001329
Endereço postal: Rua Dr. Pestana Júnior, n.º 6, 2.º andar
Localidade: Funchal
Código NUTS: PT300 Região Autónoma da Madeira
Código postal: 9064-506
País: Portugal
Pessoa de contacto: Direção de Serviços Jurídicos da Direção Regional de Estradas
Correio eletrónico: dre.srei@madeira.gov.pt
Telefone: +351 291207272
Fax: +351 291225688
Endereço(s) Internet:
Endereço principal: https://www.madeira.gov.pt/drestradas
Endereço do perfil do adquirente: https://www.madeira.gov.pt/drestradas
Os documentos do concurso estão disponíveis gratuitamente para acesso direto, completo e ilimitado em: https://www.acingov.pt
Para obter mais informações, consultar o endereço indicado acima
As propostas ou pedidos de participação devem ser enviados para eletronicamente para: https://www.acingov.pt
I.4)Tipo de autoridade adjudicante
Autoridades regionais ou locais
I.5)Atividade principal
Outra atividade: Construção e Conservação de Estradas Regionais

Secção II: Objeto

II.1)Quantidade ou âmbito do concurso

Nova Ligação Quebradas – Amparo. 1.ª Fase - Túneis

Número de referência: CPI/6/2022-DRE
II.1.2)Código CPV principal
45221241 Construção de túnel rodoviário
II.1.3)Tipo de contrato
II.1.4)Descrição resumida:

Nova Ligação Quebradas – Amparo. 1.ª Fase - Túneis

II.1.5)Valor total estimado
Valor sem IVA: 23 000 000.00 EUR
II.1.6)Informação sobre os lotes
Contrato dividido em lotes: não
II.2.3)Local de execução
Código NUTS: PT300 Região Autónoma da Madeira
Local principal de execução:

Concelho do Funchal, freguesia de são Martinho

II.2.4)Descrição do concurso:

Nova Ligação Quebradas – Amparo. 1.ª Fase - Túneis

II.2.5)Critérios de adjudicação
Critérios a seguir enunciados
Critério relativo à qualidade - Nome: Valor Técnico da Proposta / Ponderação: 50%
Preço - Ponderação: 50%
II.2.6)Valor estimado
Valor sem IVA: 23 000 000.00 EUR
II.2.7)Duração do contrato, acordo-quadro ou sistema de aquisição dinâmico
Duração em meses: 24
O contrato é passível de recondução: não
II.2.10)Informação sobre as variantes
São aceites variantes: não
II.2.11)Informação sobre as opções
Opções: não
II.2.13)Informação sobre os fundos da União Europeia
O contrato está relacionado com um projeto e/ou programa financiado por fundos da União Europeia: não
II.2.14)Informação adicional

Secção III: Informação de carácter jurídico, económico, financeiro e técnico

III.1)Condições de participação
III.1.1)Habilitação para o exercício da atividade profissional, incluindo requisitos em matéria de inscrição em registos profissionais ou comerciais
Lista e breve descrição das condições:

Alvará de construção emitido pelo Instituto dos Mercados Públicos, do Imobiliário e da Construção, I.P. (IMPIC, I.P.), contendo as seguintes habilitações:

• 3.ª Subcategoria (Túneis e outros trabalhos de geotecnia) da 5.ª Categoria (outros trabalhos): na classe correspondente ao valor da proposta.

• 7.ª Subcategoria (Drenagens e tratamento de taludes) da 5.ª Categoria (outros trabalhos): na classe correspondente à parte dos trabalhos a que respeitam.

Secção IV: Procedimento

IV.1.1)Tipo de procedimento
Concurso aberto
IV.1.3)Informação acerca do acordo-quadro ou sistema de aquisição dinâmico
IV.1.8)Informação relativa ao Acordo sobre Contratos Públicos (ACP)
O contrato é abrangido pelo Acordo sobre Contratos Públicos: não
IV.2)Informação administrativa
IV.2.2)Prazo para a receção das propostas ou pedidos de participação
Data: 07/02/2023
Hora local: 17:00
IV.2.3)Data prevista de envio dos convites à apresentação de propostas ou dos convites para participar aos candidatos selecionados
IV.2.4)Línguas em que as propostas ou os pedidos de participação podem ser apresentados:
IV.2.6)Período mínimo durante o qual o concorrente é obrigado a manter a sua proposta
Duração em meses: 4 (a contar da data-limite para receção das propostas)
IV.2.7)Condições de abertura das propostas
Data: 08/02/2023
Hora local: 10:00

Secção VI: Informação complementar

VI.1)Informação sobre o carácter recorrente
Contrato recorrente: não
VI.3)Informação adicional:

- Caução 2%

- Documentos de habilitação conforme estabelecido no Programa do procedimento

- Documentos da proposta conforme estabelecido no Programa do procedimento

VI.4)Procedimentos de recurso
VI.4.1)Organismo responsável pelos processos de recurso
Nome oficial: Secretário Regional de Equipamentos e Infraestruturas
Endereço postal: Rua Dr. Pestana Júnior, n.º 6, 2.º Piso
Localidade: Funchal
Código postal: 9064-506
País: Portugal
Correio eletrónico: dre.srei@gov.madeira.pt
Telefone: +351 291207272
Fax: +351 291225688
Endereço Internet: https://www.madeira.gov.pt/drestradas
VI.4.2)Organismo responsável pelos processos de mediação
Nome oficial: Secretaria Regional de Equipamentos e Infraestruturas
Endereço postal: Rua Dr. Pestana Júnior, n.º 6, 2.º Piso
Localidade: Funchal
País: Portugal
VI.5)Data de envio do presente anúncio:


The consortium Tecnovia/Afavias from Madeira have secured the EUR22.85 million contract, excluding VAT, for the connection between Quebradas to Amparo, 1st Phase – Tunnels. Contact Região Autónoma da Madeira, Funchal, tel +351 291207272, fax +351 291225688, email dre.srei@madeira.gov.pt. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=338951-2023.  Ref.n. CPI/6/2022-DRE. 23/23. 


Portugal, Lisbon - pt/44


Eyssa - Tesis, Tecnologia de Sistemas Electronicos SA from Lisbon secured the EUR803,880 contract, excluding VAT, for the technical assistance, preventive and corrective maintenance services for the 1725 m Marques de Pombal tunnel in Lisbon. Contact Empresa Municipal de Mobilidade e Estacionamento de Lisboa (EMEL), Lisbon, email aprovisionamento@emel.pt. For further on the tender, please click here. Ref. CPI 34/2020. 03/21. 



Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, S. A. (INCM) from Lisbon secured the EUR7.19 million, excluding VAT, for the refurbishment of the 1.5km Avenida Joao XXI road tunnel in Lisbon. Contact  Município de Lisboa, Lisbona, tel +351 217806100, email dmmc.dges.dle@cm-lisboa.pt. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/553475-2024. 38/24.


Portugal, Centro - pt/43


Closing Date: 11.11.2019 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 11/11/2019, for the refurbishment of the 34km Pampilhosa-Santa Comba Dao section. This tender includes 10 tunnels and 8 bridges, which is part of the Beira Alta line and includes the construction of a 3.2km direct link between the North line and Beira Alta line. Value of the contract is EUR 66 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract 840 days. For bid documents please click here, here and here where offers must be sent. Contact Infraestruturas de Portugal SA, Almada, tel +351 212879780, fax +351 211021839, email marco.abreu@infraestruturasdeportugal.pt

Ref.n. 5010040955. 44/19.


Postponed from 11/11/2019 to 19/11/2019 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the refurbishment of the 34km Pampilhosa-Santa Comba Dao section. This tender includes 10 tunnels and 8 bridges, which is part of the Beira Alta line and includes the construction of a 3.2km direct link between the North line and Beira Alta line. Value of the contract is EUR 66 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract 840 days.  For bid documents click here and here where offers must be sent. Contact Infraestruturas de Portugal SA, Almada, tel +351 212879780, fax +351 211021839, email marco.abreu@infraestruturasdeportugal.pt.  Ref.n. 5010040955. 45/19.


Portugal, Lisbon - pt/42

Flood prevention

Closing Date: 11.06.2018 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 11.06.2018, for the construction of the drainage tunnels and ancillary works in Lisbon. Value of the contract is EUR106.30 million, excluding VAT. Duration contract 1200 days. For bid documents http://www.acingov.pt/agingov/, where offers must be sent.

Contact Municipio de Lisboa, Lisbon, email dmpo.dges.dle@cm-lisboa.pt. Visit





Ref.n. 0001/CPI/DGES/ND/2017. 15/18.


Postponed until 31.10.2018 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the construction of the drainage tunnels and ancillary works in Lisbon.

Value of the contract is EUR106.30 million, excluding VAT. Duration contract 1200 days. For bid documents http://www.acingov.pt/agingov/, where offers must be sent.

Contact Municipio de Lisboa, Lisbon, email dmpo.dges.dle@cm-lisboa.pt. Visit

http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=328684-2018 and

http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=293428-2018 .

 Ref.n. 0001/CPI/DGES/ND/2017. 32/18.


Invitation to tender, deadline 10.09.2018, for inspection services, coordination of safety, environmental and risk management during the construction of the drainage tunnels and ancillary works in Lisbon. Value of the contract is EUR2.75 million, excluding VAT. Duration contract 1200 days. For bid documents http://www.acingov.pt/agingov/, where offers must be sent. Contact Camara Municipal de Lisboa, Lisbon, email dmpo.dges.dle@cm-lisboa.ptt. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=309337-2018





The contract  for the construction of the drainage tunnels and ancillary works in Lisbon was not awarded. Contact Municipio de Lisboa, Lisbon, email dmpo.dges.dle@cm-lisboa.pt. Visit


-2019 . Ref.n. 0001/CPI/DGES/ND/2017. 11/19.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 13/01/2020, for the construction of two drainage tunnels between Monsanto and Santa Apolonia (TMSA, length 5 km, diameter 5.5 m) and between Chelas and Beato (TCB, length 1 km, diameter 5.5 m)  and ancillary works in Lisbon . Value of the contract is EUR140 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 1200 days. For bid documents click here and here , where offers must be sent. Contact Municipio de Lisboa, Lisbon, tel +351 217988000, fax +351 217988000, email geral@cm-lisboa.pt.

Ref.n. 01/CPI/DGES/ND/2019. 43/19.


On the 03/02/2021 the consortium Mota Engil (leader) and Spie Batignolles secured the EUR 132.9 million contract, excluding VAT, for the construction of two drainage tunnels, one basin and 3 shafts for the Lisbon Drainage Master Plan.  The largest tunnel is between the Monsanto and Santa Apolonia river (TMSA, length 5 km, diameter 5.5 m) and the other tunnel is between Chelas and Beato (TCB, length 1 km). For tender documents please visit https://www.acingov.pt/acingovprod/1/. Contact Municipio de Lisboa, Lisbon, tel +351 217988000, fax +351 217988000, email geral@cm-lisboa.pt. Ref.n. 01/CPI/DGES/ND/2019.  05/21. 


Mota-Engil, Engenharia e Construcao SA from Porto secured the EUR139 million contract, excluding VAT, for the construction of two drainage tunnels between Monsanto and Santa Apolonia (TMSA, length 5 km, diameter 5.5 m) and between Chelas and Beato (TCB, length 1 km, diameter 5.5 m)  and ancillary works in Lisbon . Contact Municipio de Lisboa, Lisbon, tel/fax +351 217988000, email geral@cm-lisboa.pt. For further on the tender, please click here. Ref.n. 01/CPI/DGES/ND/2019. 18/21. 



Portugal, Madeira - pt/41


Closing Date: 10.04.2017 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 10.04.2017, for the Levada do Norte - Lanço Sul - Tunel do Espigao project, which involves the  renovation of existing infrastructure for conveying and storing water for irrigation purposes, and to reduce  water losses. The contract includes the construction of a 4.9m tunnel between Ameixieira and Espigao to be used for irrigation water transport and for water storage (minimum 15 000 m3) and other ancillary works.Value of the contract is EUR13.5 million, excluding VAT. Duration contract 640 days. Contact ARM - Aguas e Residuos da Madeira SA, Funchal, tel +351 291201020, fax +351 291201021, email geral@aguasdamadeira.pt. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=068227-2017. Ref.n. 06.0039. 08/17.


Postponed until 29.09.2017 is the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the Levada do Norte - Lanço Sul - Tunel do Espigao project, which involves the  updating of existing infrastructure for conveying and storing water for irrigation purposes, and to reduce  water losses. The contract includes the construction of a 4.9m tunnel between Ameixieira and Espigao to be used for irrigation water transport and for water storage (minimum 15 000 m3) and other ancillary works. The value of the contract is EUR15.5 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 900 days. Contact ARM - Aguas e Residuos da Madeira SA, Funchal, tel +351 291201020, fax +351 291201021, email geral@aguasdamadeira.pt. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=216647-2017. Ref.n. 06.0039. 24/17.


The open invitation to tender, deadline 16.10.2017, for the Levada do Norte - Lanço Sul - Tunel do Espigao project, which involves the renovation of existing infrastructure for conveying and storing water for irrigation purposes, and to reduce  water losses and the construction of a 4.9m tunnel between Ameixieira was not awarded.  Contact ARM - Aguas e Residuos da Madeira SA, Funchal, tel +351 291201020, fax +351 291201021, email geral@aguasdamadeira.pt. Visit



http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=371946-2017 .

Ref.n. 06.0039. 52/17.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 05.02.2019, for the Levada do Norte - Lanço Sul - Tunel do Pedregal, project, involving the construction of a 5405 m tunnel between Ameixieira (Serra d'Água) and Pedregal (Ribeira Brava) and of a 200 m tunnel between the main tunnel and Ribeira da Varanda for conveying and storing water for irrigation purposes. Value of the the contract is EUR17.5 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 660 days. Contact ARM - Aguas e Residuos da Madeira SA, Funchal, tel +351 291201020, fax +351 291201021, email geral@aguasdamadeira.pt. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=542825-2018 .

Ref.n. 06.0039. 50/18.


The JV between Afavias, Engenharia e Construções SA from Calheta and Tecnovia Madeira, Sociedade de Empreitadas SA fromFunchal secured the EUR16.60 million contract, excluding VAT, for the Levada do Norte - Lanço Sul - Tunel do Pedregal, project, involving the construction of a 5405 m tunnel between Ameixieira (Serra d'Água) and Pedregal (Ribeira Brava) and of a 200 m tunnel between the main tunnel and Ribeira da Varanda for conveying and storing water for irrigation purposes. Contact ARM - Aguas e Residuos da Madeira SA, Funchal, tel +351 291201020, fax +351 291201021, email geral@aguasdamadeira.pt. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=221303-2019.

Ref.n. 06.0039. 20/19.


Portugal, North Region - pt/40


The consortium headed by Ferrovial Agroman, of which local company MSF is also a member, has been selected by Iberdrola to build the Gouvaes hydroelectric plant on the Tamega river, in northern Portugal. The project will cost EUR80 million and is to be completed in 47 months. It comprises construction of the underground main machine hall (120 m long, 20 m wide and 44 m high) to hold four 220 MW generators (880 MW in total) and the underground transformer hall (80 m long, 17 m wide, 14 m high). Ferrovial Agroman will also be in charge of digging 5 km of tunnels and 8 vertical shafts measuring up to 320 m and with a diameter of 7 m. Visit https://www.iberdrola.com. 03/17.


Portugal, Madeira - pt/39


Open invitation to tender, deadline 16th June, 2008 for construction of the new Calheta hydropower plant, including an approx. 2 km-long 50 sq m water tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=104688-2008, OJ S 77, or contact Empresa de Electricidade da Madeira, Funchal, fax +351 291233324. E-mail eem@eem.pt 19/08.


Portugal, Braganí§a - pt/38


Open call for tenders, deadline 31st January, 2008 for construction of the 170 MW Baixo Sabor scheme in Braganí§a district, including a 123 m-high upstream dam and a 43 m-high downstream dam, which will house underground two generating units each fed by independent tunnels. A tunnel will also divert the river on its left bank. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=214124-2007, OJ S 174, or contact EDP, Lisbon, fax +351 210012320 or 220013509. E-mail antonioferreira.costa@edp.pt or antonioabreu.aguiar@edp.pt 49/07.Bento Pedroso Construí§íµes, the Portuguese branch of Norberto Odebrecht of Brazil, and Lena Engenheria e Construí§íµes won a EUR257.3 million contract to build the 170 MW Baixo Sabor scheme in Braganí§a district, including a 123 m-high upstream dam and a 43 m-high downstream dam, which will house underground two generating units each fed by independent tunnels. A tunnel will also divert the river on its left bank. Visit www.odebrecht.com 32-33/08.


Portugal, Central Region - pt/37


Open call for bids, deadline 16th October, 2007 for construction of the Palhais hydropower scheme in Sertí£ municipality, district of Castelo Branco, including a 22 m-high dam, a water intake, a 2,220 m-long headrace tunnel, other civil works for a penstock, the powerhouse building and its associated platform. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=186422-2007, OJ S 150, or contact Hidroerg, Lisbon, fax +351 213627500. E-mail hidroerg@mail.telepac.pt 33/07.


Portugal, Region North - pt/36


Open call for tenders, deadline 26th March, 2007 for design and construction of the Trofa railway bypass, in Porto district and Ave subregion, including a 1,404 m-long rail tunnel and other associated works. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=2317-2007, OJ S 3, or contact REFER, Vila Nova de Gaia, fax +351 22105105/6. E-mail dn@refer.pt 03/07. Open call for tenders, deadline 23rd July, 2007 for site supervision during construction of the Trofa railway bypass, including a 1,404 m-long rail tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=114569-2007, OJ S 93, or contact REFER, Vila Nova de Gaia, fax +351 221051505. E-mail dn@refer.pt 21/07.A consortium comprising Soares da Costa and Spie Batignolles Europe has won a EUR15.7 million tender to design and build the first phase of the Trofa railway bypass on the Minho line, in Porto district and Ave subregion. The first phase of the 3,555 m rail bypass is a 1,404 m-long 85 sq m tunnel that has to be completed in 730 days. Visit www.refer.pt, www.soaresdacosta.pt and www.spiebatignolles.fr 06/08.DHV clinched a EUR1.2 million deal for site supervision during construction of the Trofa railway bypass, including a 1,404 m-long rail tunnel. Visit www.dhv.com 14/08.

