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France, Marseille - fr/73

Ring Road

Open invitation to tender, deadline 20th May, 2008 for assistance to the preparation and signing of a PPP contract for the L2 ring road in Marseille. The L2 ring road is a 9 km infrastructure to join highways A50 to Aubagne and Toulon in the east and A7 to Aix-en-Provence in the north. The 5.2 km east section will open in 2011. Its construction is under way. The 2 x three-lane north section will run in shallow cut-and-cover tunnel on 75% of its 3.8 km alignment. The north section will open in 2015. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=59763-2008, OJ S 43, and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=96056-2008, OJ S 72, or contact DRE PACA, Marseille, fax +33 491284366. Visit www.l2marseille.com 12/08.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 16/05/2023, for the maintenance work on the national roads of the Interdepartmental Directorate of Mediterranean Roads. The tender is composed of 7 lots. Lots 1, 2 and 4 include tunnel cleaning services.  For tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent.  Duration of the contract is 48 months. Contact Dirmed, Marseille, email Marchespublics.dreal-paca@developpement-durable.gouv.fr.  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=218882-2023. Ref.n. DIRMED-P2-23-007. 15/23. 


France, Lyon - fr/72


Restricted call for tenders, deadline 28th January, 2008 for design and construction contract for the heavy refurbishment of the 1,750 m Croix-Rousse tunnel in Lyon. This includes also boring a safety tunnel parallel to the existing road tunnel. Read E-News Weekly 43/2007. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=286140-2007, OJ S 235, or contact Communauté urbaine de Lyon, Lyon, fax +33 478957097. 50-51/07.Open invitation to tender, deadline 12.01.2009, for engineering supervision of renovation and upgrading of 1.753 km-long N6 Croix-Rousse tunnel, including excavation of emergency escape tunnel parallel to main tunnel. Contact Communaute Urbaine de Lyon, fax +33 478 957097, or visit http://marches.grandlyon.com. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=303379-2008 50/08.


Dodin Campenon Bernard leading JV of Dodin Campenon Bernard/Chantiers Modernes/Spie Batignolles Tpci/Cegelec/GTIE Transports Enfrasys/Setec Als/ Setec Tpi/Setec Its/ Strates/Vergely, of Parc d'affaires Silic, 4 Place des Etats-Unis, BP 70205, F-94518 Rungis cedex secured the EUR172.4 million design and construction contract for the heavy refurbishment of the 1,750 m Croix-Rousse tunnel in Lyon. This includes boring a safety tunnel parallel to the existing road tunnel. More from Communaute Urbaine de Lyon, fax +33 478 957097, or visit http://marches.grandlyon.com. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=131685-2009. 21/09.


The consortium Spie Sud Est/Yvroud Europeenne des Fluides, Feyzin secured the EUR7.6 million contract for equipment maintenance in the Grand Lyon tunnels, the most important of which are Fourviere (1,850 m), Croix-Rousse (1,750 m), Brotteaux-Servient and Vivier-Merle (336 m). For more, contact Communaute Urbaine de Lyon, fax +33 478 957097, or visit http://marches.grandlyon.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=058386-2010. 10/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 21.03.2011, for supervision during design and refurbishment work for tunnels managed by Communaute Urbaine de Lyon (Grand Lyon). More from Communaute Urbaine de Lyon, fax +33 478 957097. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=028712-2011. 05/11.


The JV Ingerop/HGM Guy Huguet SAS and Setec ITS/Setec TPI/Setec ALS secured the four-year contract for supervision during design and refurbishment work for tunnels managed by Communaute Urbaine de Lyon (Grand Lyon). Contact Communaute Urbaine de Lyon, fax +33 478 957097. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=245823-2011. 35/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 24.10.2011, for engineering support services during refurbishment work for road tunnels at Lyon. Contract value EUR700,000-2.8 million, duration four years. More from Communaute Urbaine de Lyon, fax +33 478 957097. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=285929-2011. 38/11.


Restricted call for tenders, deadline 04.06.2012, for supervision during the making safe of 1,850 m Fourviere tunnel at Lyon. For more, contact Communaute Urbaine de Lyon, fax +33 478 957097 and http://marches.grandlyon.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=134799-2012. Bid code 2012-VTU-001. 19/12.


Competitive dialogue, deadline 26.11.2012, for design, construction and financing of safety retrofitting in the four tunnels on Boulevard Peripherique du Nord de Lyon (BPNL): Duchere (1,100 m), Rochecardon (1,131 m), Caluire (3,713 m) and Quai Bellevue (550 m). The contract includes BPNL management, maintenance and refurbishment. Contract duration 20 years, value EUR88 million, VAT not included. Contact Contrat de partenariat BPNL, Lyon, e-mail cp.bpnl@grandlyon.org. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=294396-2012. 39/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 04.02.2013, for maintenance and refurbishment work in the following tunnels managed by Communaute Urbaine de Lyon (Grand Lyon): Croix-Rousse (1,753 m), Fourviere (1,850 m), Brotteaux-Servient and Vivier-Merle (336 m), Tchecoslovaques (316 m), rue Terme (460 m), Depose Minute Part Dieu, and Voute Ouest de la Gare de Perrache. Contract value: EUR1,375,000–1,500,000 excluding VAT. Contact Communaute Urbaine de Lyon, Lyon, fax +33 478957097, website http://marches.grandlyon.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=412168-2012. 01/13.


The JV Maia Sonnier/Spie Sud Est/Colas RAA with sub contractor Yvroud/Aximum/Asten/RCA/colas Ile-de-France secured the EUR4.95 million contract, excluding VAT, for maintenance and refurbishment work in the following tunnels managed by Communaute Urbaine de Lyon (Grand Lyon): Croix-Rousse (1,753 m), Fourviere (1,850 m), Brotteaux-Servient and Vivier-Merle (336 m), Tchecoslovaques (316 m), rue Terme (460 m), Depose Minute Part Dieu, and Voute Ouest de la Gare de Perrache. Contact Communaute Urbaine de Lyon, Lyon, fax +33 478957097, website http://marches.grandlyon.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=237359-2013. 29/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 28.10.2013, for consulting services and analysis by experts of the dossiers on the security status of the tunnels of Grand Lyon. According to the results, the prefect will renew management of the tunnels. Duration of contract four years. Contact  Communaute urbaine de Lyon, Lyon, fax +33 478957097. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=309315-2013. 38/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 28.10.2013, for assistance to general management during operations related to road tunnels managed by Communaute Urbaine de Lyon (Grand Lyon). More from Communaute Urbaine de Lyon, fax +33 478 957097. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=312679-2013. 38/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 06.01.2014, for 2014 equipment maintenance in the Grand Lyon tunnels, the most important of which are Fourviere (1,850 m), Croix-Rousse (1,750 m), Brotteaux-Servient and Vivier-Merle (336 m). The contract will be renewed for 2015, 2016 and 2017. For more contact Communaute Urbaine de Lyon, fax +33 478 957097. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=366183-2013. Ref. n. 13VTU006. 45/13.


CA Ingenierie of Basset secured the EUR180,000 contract, excluding VAT, for consulting services and analysis by experts of the dossiers on the security status of the tunnels of Grand Lyon. Contact  Communaute urbaine de Lyon, Lyon, fax +33 478957097. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=015692-2014. 03/14.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 28.04.2014, for safety improvement in Fourviere tunnel. The contract is composed of two lots. Lot 1 (ref.n. 14VTU001), involving works in tunnel, comprises six technical lots; Lot 2 (ref.n. 14VTU002), involving works in buildings, comprises four technical lots. Contact Communaute Urbaine de Lyon, Lyon, fax +33 478957097, website http://marches.grandlyon.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=079630-2014. 11/14.


Additional information about the open invitation to tender, deadline 28.04.2014, for safety improvement in Fourviere tunnel. The contract is composed of two lots. Lot 1 (ref.n. 14VTU001), involving works in tunnel, comprises six technical lots; Lot 2 (ref.n. 14VTU002), involving works in buildings, comprises four technical lots. Contact Communaute Urbaine de Lyon, Lyon, fax +33 478957097, website http://marches.grandlyon.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=087523-2014. 12/14.


Enfrasys representative of the JV Enfrasys/SDEL transport services at Rillieux-la-Pape secured the 2014-164 contract, value EUR12.8 million, excluding VAT, for equipment maintenance in the Grand Lyon tunnels, the most important of which are Fourviere (1,850 m), Croix-Rousse (1,750 m), Brotteaux-Servient and Vivier-Merle (336 m). The contract will be renewed for 2015, 2016 and 2017. Contact Communaute Urbaine de Lyon, fax +33 478 957097. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=119384-2014. Ref. n. 13VTU006. 15/14.


The JV Fayat/Sanef/Mirova of Bordeaux secured the EUR425.83 million contract, including 20 percent VAT, for design, construction and financing of safety retrofitting in the four tunnels on Boulevard Peripherique du Nord de Lyon (BPNL): Duchere (1,100 m), Rochecardon (1,131 m), Caluire (3,713 m) and Quai Bellevue (550 m). The contract includes BPNL management, maintenance and refurbishment. Contact Communaute urbaine de Lyon, Lyon, e-mail cp.bpnl@grandlyon.org. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=405384-2014. 49/14.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 13.04.2015, for detailed inspection and report about Engineering (lot 1) and equipment (lot 2) in Croix-Rousse (1,753 m) and Fourviere (1,850 m) tunnels. Duration of contract 24 months from award. Contact Metropole de Lyon, Lyon, fax +33 478957097, website http://marches.grandlyon.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=077774-2015. Ref. n. 15VTU001 lot 1  and 15VTU002 lot 2. 10/15.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 04.05.2015, for administrative, legal, financial assistance  for the company awarded the PPP contract for funding, design and construction of safety retrofitting and management of Boulevard Peripherique du Nord de Lyon (BPNL). The BPNL includes tunnels Duchere (1,100 m), Rochecardon (1,131 m), Caluire (3,713 m) and Quai Bellevue (550 m). Contact Lyon Municipality, Lyon, fax +33 478957097. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=99911-2015. Ref.n. 15VTU004.13/15.


The JV BG ingenieurs conseil/HGM ingenierie of Lyon secured the EUR2.8 million contract, excluding VAT, for technical assistance to the safety retrofitting and operation of Boulevard Peripherique du Nord de Lyon (BPNL), including tunnels. Contact Metropole de Lyon, Lyon, fax +33 478957097. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=200258-2015. Ref.n. 14VTU007- 24/15.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 29.07.2016, for the maintenance and refurbishment work on boulevards and in the following tunnels managed by Metropole de Lyon: Croix-Rousse (1,753 m), Fourviere (1,850 m), Brotteaux-Servient, Vivier-Merle (336 m), Tchecoslovaques (316 m), rue Terme (460 m), Depose Minute Part Dieu and Voute Ouest de la Gare de Perrache. The value of the contract is EUR1-4 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is  4 years. Contact Metropole de Lyon, Lyon, fax +33 426993078, e-mail voirie-marches@grandlyon.com, website http://marches.grandlyon.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=207606-2016. 25/16.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20/07/2020, for the maintenance and refurbishment work for expressways and tunnels on the Métropole de Lyon.

The value of the contract is EUR8 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is  24 months. Contact Metropole de Lyon, Lyon, fax +33 426993078, email voirie-marches@grandlyon.com. For tender information please click here .

Ref.n. 20-VRT-002. 22/20.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 12/08/2020, for the main maintenance and renewal works on expressways and road tunnels of the Metropolis of Lyon. The value of the contract is EUR16 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is  48 months. For tender information please click here, where tenders must be sent, and here. Contact Metropole de Lyon, Lyon, fax +33 426993078, email voirie-marches@grandlyon.com. Ref.n. 20-VRT-007. 26/20.


The JV Perrier TP - Agence Rhone (Saint-Priest)/Colas Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne SAS (Saint-Priest) secured the EUR16 million contract, excluding VAT, for the main maintenance and renewal works on expressways and road tunnels for the Metropolitan Area of Lyon. For tender information please click here. Contact Metropole de Lyon, Lyon, fax +33 426993078, email voirie-marches@grandlyon.com. Ref.n. 20-VRT-007. 46/20.



Open invitation to tender, deadline 06/05/2022, for works on horizontal signaling on expressways and road tunnels of the Metropolis of Lyon. For tender information please click here, where tenders must be sent. The value of the contract is EUR2 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 24 months. Contact Metropole de Lyon, Lyon, fax +33 426993078, email voirie-marches@grandlyon.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=176071-2022. Ref.n. 22-VRT-02. 14/22.


France-Lyon: Road-surface painting work

2022/S 067-176071

Contract notice


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: métropole de Lyon
Postal address: 20, rue du Lac - cs33569
Town: Lyon Cedex 03
NUTS code: FRK26 Rhône
Postal code: 69505
Country: France
Contact person: Délégation Gestion & Exploitation de lÂ’Espace Public Direction Ressources - Service Administration et finances - Unité marchés DGEEP - 69505, Lyon Cedex 03, F
E-mail: voirie-marches@grandlyon.com
Fax: +33 426993078
Internet address(es):
Main address: http://marchespublics.grandlyon.com
Address of the buyer profile: http://marchespublics.grandlyon.com
I.5)Main activity
Other activity: Eau, assainissement, voirie, aménagement urbain, déchets

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

travaux de signalisation horizontale sur les voies rapides et dans les tunnels de la Métropole de Lyon

Reference number: 22-VRT-02
II.1.2)Main CPV code
45233221 Road-surface painting work
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.5)Estimated total value
Value excluding VAT: 2 000 000.00 EUR
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
45233221 Road-surface painting work
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: FRK26 Rhône
II.2.6)Estimated value
Value excluding VAT: 2 000 000.00 EUR
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 24
This contract is subject to renewal: yes
Description of renewals:

période ferme de 2 ans reconductible tacitement 1 fois 2 ans

Section IV: Procedure

IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.2)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 06/05/2022
Local time: 17:00
IV.2.3)Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
IV.2.4)Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:


Open invitation to tender, deadline 05/09/2022, for maintenance and repair work as well as for the execution of emergency works on highways, infrastructures and tunnels managed by Metropole de Lyon following damage related to road events or bad weather. For tender information please click here, where tenders must be sent. The value of the contract is EUR3.2 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 24 months. Contact Metropole de Lyon, Lyon, email voirie-marches@grandlyon.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=411053-2022. Ref.n. 22-VRT-03. 30/22. 



Aximum (Aximum Agence Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne Établissement de Lyon) from Saint-Priest secured the EUR 2 million contract, excluding VAT, for works on horizontal signaling on expressways and road tunnels of the Metropolis of Lyon. Contact Metropole de Lyon, Lyon, fax +33 426993078, email voirie-marches@grandlyon.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=489416-2022 . Ref.n. 22-VRT-02. 36/22. 


Open invitation to tender, deadline 17/03/2025, for major maintenance and renewal work on the carriageways and tunnels of the Lyon Metropolitan Area. The work to be carried out includes the manufacture, transport and application of asphalt mixes on the expressways and tunnels of the Lyon Metropolitan Area, for the major maintenance and renewal of the pavements within this area. Click here for tender information and here where tenders must be sent. The value of the contract is EUR14million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 48 months. Contact Metropole de Lyon DGEEP, Lyon, tel +33 04 78634040, email scp-assistance@grandlyon.com. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/104214-2025. Ref.n. 25-VRT-01. 09/25. 


France, Rhone - Alps - fr/71


Negotiated call for bids, deadline 12th November, 2007 for adaptation of the water catchment at Les Bois hydropower station in Upper Savoy, further to the melting of the Mer de Glace glacier. The contract includes the drilling and blasting of an exploratory and access tunnel (10% gradient, length of 800 m to 1 km, more than 3 m in diameter), the digging of exploratory galleries under the glacier with hot water (500 m to 1 km), the boring of the permanent headrace tunnel (8% gradient, length of 600 m to 800 m, diameter 3.40 m), a tank under the glacier, an inclined shaft (100% gradient, 45 to 60 m of level difference, 3 m in diameter) and concreting of the invert of the exploratory and access tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=247195-2007, OJ S 203, or contact EDF, Le-Bourget-du-Lac, fax +33 479606344. E-mail jean-christophe.perroux@edf.fr 43/07.


France, Rhone - Alps - fr/70


CSM Bessac leads a joint venture, whose other partner is Implenia, to build a 2.3 km-long 2.5 m ID waste water tunnel, using one of its newly produced compressed air balance backhoe TBM. The project includes a start shaft in France and an exit shaft in Switzerland. The tunnel lining will be made of six precast concrete segments per ring. The supplier of the segment plant and moulds, the producer of the segments and the supplier of the mucking-out equipment are still not known. The geology is molasse. The project owner is GLCT Choully. CSM Bessac will also supervise the works. The project is currently in the preparatory phase. Visit www.csmbessac.com, www.implenia.com and www.glct-choully.com 29/07.


France, Provence - Alps - French Riviera - fr/69


Open call for tenders, deadline 25th September, 2006 for preliminary study for an approx. 2 km tunnel under Mont Alban between Nice and Villefranche-sur-Mer. Read E-News Weekly 12/2006. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=159862-2006, OJ S 148, or contact Communaute d'Agglomeration de Nice Cote d'Azur, Nice, fax +33 489981033 or 489981646. 33-34/06.Coyne et Bellier, Scetauroute, CETE Méditerranée and Laurent Barbier Architecte secured a EUR146,850 preliminary study for a 2 km tunnel under Mont Alban between Nice and Villefranche-sur-Mer. Read E-News Weekly 12/2006. Visit www.coyne-et-bellier.fr and www.scetauroute.com 05/07.Open invitation to tender, deadline 12.02.2009, for safety audits of tunnels in Alps Maritimes Department as follows. Lot 1: east tunnel of Cap Estel (620 m) on RD 6098; Castillon (790 m, 750 m) on RD 2566a; and Saorge (370 m) on RD 38. Lot 2: west tunnel of Mescla (1,006 m) and Reveston (327 m) on RD 6102; Pagary (300 m) on RD 2565; Traverses (445 m) and Petite Clue on RD 28; Saint Arnoux (328 m) on RD 6. Conditional tranches: Saorge (647 m) on RD 6204 (Lot 1) and Condamine (755 m) on RD 2204 B (Lot 2). Contact President Consiglio Generale delle Alpi Maritime, Nice, fax + 33 489042030. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=1138-2009. 02/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.11.2009, for safety consultancy services for tunnels in Alps Maritimes Department whose length is more 300 m. Lot 1: east tunnel of Cap Estel (620 m) on RD 6098; Castillon (790 m, 750 m) on RD 2566a; and Saorge (370 m) on RD 38. Lot 2: west tunnel of Mescla (1,006 m) and Reveston (327 m) on RD 6102; Pagary (300 m) on RD 2565; Traverses (445 m) and Petite Clue on RD 28; Saint Arnoux (328 m) on RD 6. Conditional tranches: Saorge (647 m) on RD 6204 (Lot 1) and Condamine (755 m) on RD 2204 B (Lot 2). Contact President Consiglio Generale delle Alpi Maritime, Nice, fax + 33 489042030. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=281884-2009. 43/09.


Invitation to tender using restricted procedure, deadline 01.12.2009, for studies and safety works in the mono-directional 2,770 m-long tunnel on the left bank of Paillon in the city district of Nice. Contract value EUR1.7 million, excluding VAT. Contact Communauté Urbaine Nice Côte d'Azur, Nice, tel +33 489981000, fax +33 489981033, e-mail marchespublics@nicecotedazur.org. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=306401-2009. 46/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 12.04.2012, for electricity supply, lighting and ventilation equipment in tunnel and mini-tunnel in the Municipality of Nice. Contact Metropole Nice Cote d'Azur, Nice, tel +33 4899810-00, fax -33, e-mail dao@nicecotedazur.org and thierry.baccialone@nicecotedazur.org. Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to Direction des achats et marches publics, Nice, www.e-marches06.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=070493-2012. 12/12.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 28.06.2012, for maintenance of electricity supply, lighting and ventilation equipment in tunnel and mini-tunnel in the Municipality of Nice. Contact Metropole Nice Cote d'Azur, Nice, tel +33 4899810-00, fax -33, e-mail dao@nicecotedazur.org and thierry.baccialone@nicecotedazur.org. Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to Direction des achats et marches publics, Nice, www.e-marches06.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=162220-2012 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=163476-2012. 22/12.


Satelec of Mouans Sartoux secured the contract for maintenance of electricity supply, lighting and ventilation equipment in the tunnel and mini-tunnel in the Municipality of Nice. Contact Metropole Nice Cote d'Azur, Nice, tel +33 489981000, fax -33, e-mail dao@nicecotedazur.org. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=386365-2012. 50/12.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 13.05.2014, for general management for safety upgrading  of monotube Mescla (1,017 m) and Reveston (327 m) tunnels on RD 6102. Contact President du Conseil general des Alpes-Maritimes, Nice, tel +33 489042128, fax +33 489042989. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=117124-2014. Ref.n. 14S0049. 15/14.


BG Ingenieurs Conseils of Marseille secured the contract for general management for safety upgrading of monotube Mescla (1,017 m) and Reveston (327 m) tunnels on RD 6102. Contact President du Conseil general des Alpes-Maritimes, Nice, tel +33 489042128, fax +33 489042989. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=156152-2015. Ref.n. 14S0049. 19/15.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 05.11.2015, for electricity supply, lighting and ventilation equipment in a tunnel and mini-tunnel in the Municipality of Nice. Duration contract 1 year with the availabilty of three yearly renewals. Contact Metropole Nice Cote d'Azur, Nizza, tel +33 497133244, fax +33 497133735, e-mail dgadesroutes@nicecotedazur.org o dao@nicecotedazur.org, sito www.e-marches06.fr.. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=339484-2015. Ref.n. PEGOA-2015-002. 40/15.


Societe Satelec SAS in Mouans Sartoux secured the contract for electricity supply, lighting and ventilation equipment in two tunnels in the Municipality of Nice. Contact Metropole Nice Cote d'Azur, Nizza, tel +33 489981000, fax +33 489981033, e-mail dao@nicecotedazur.org. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=35412-2016. Ref.n. NCA-15-0361. 05/16.


Egis structures et Environnemet from Saint-Quentin-en-Yveline and André Mascarelli from Marseille secured the EUR889,498 contract, excluding VAT, for the project management for the upgrading of safety of the 2770 m Liautaud tunnel in Nice. Contact Metropole Nice Côte d'Azur, Nice, tel+ 33 489981000, email  dao@nicecotedazur.org. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=182613-2017. Ref.n. NCA-16-0261. 20/17.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 08.11.2017, for extension works and for maintenance of electrical equipment on road department tunnels. The contract duration is for one year, with possible extensions of upto 4 years. The maximum value of the contract is EUR1.25 million each year. For more information, specs and docs contact the president of general council of Alpes-Maritimes in Nice, tel +33 497186368, website www.e-marches06.fr to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=390570-2017. Ref.n. 17S0134. If you require consultation to provide personnel for this project please contact sam@tunneljobs.com. 40/17.


Competitive procedure with negotiation, deadline 22.02.2018, for the upgrading of safety of the 2770m Liautaud tunnel in Nice. Duration of the contract is 18 months. Contact Metropole Nice Cote d'Azur, Nice, tel +33 489981000, fax +33 497132919, email dao@nicecotedazur.org. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=027863-2018. Ref.n. NCA-17-0657. 04/18.


The Group Satelec/Jean Graniou-Citéos at Mouans Sartoux secured the EUR5 million contract, excluding VAT, for extension works and for maintenance of electrical equipment on road department tunnels. Contact Alpes-Maritimes  Departement  Nice, tel +33 497186368, email marches@departement06.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=043366-2018. Ref.n. 17S0134. 05/18.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 11/03/2020, for maintenance of SOS installations mainly in road tunnels in Alps Maritimes Department. Value of the contract is EUR400,000, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 12 months.  For tender documents please use  http://www.e-marches06.fr where tenders must be sent. Contact Departement des Alpes-Maritimes, Nice, tel +33 497186000, email marches@departement06.fr. For further tender information please click here Ref.n. 9S0369.  07/20.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20/05/2020, for the operation of  6 semi-watertight doors for the 2770m Liautaud tunnel in Nice. Duration of the contract is 48 months. Contact Metropole Nice Cote d'Azur, Nice, tel +33 497132000, email dao@nicecotedazur.org. For tender information please click here and here. Ref.n. 20N0012. 13/20.


The Joint Venture NGE GC  (Tarascona), Gagneraud Construction (Paris), Nicolo (Saint-Jeannet), La Nouvelle Sirolaise de Construction (Colomars), Satelec (Viry-Chatillon) secured the EUR23.47 million contract, excluding VAT, for the upgrading of safety for the 2770m Liautaud tunnel in Nice.

Contact Metropole Nice Cote d'Azur, Nice, tel +33 489981000, email dao@nicecotedazur.org. For tender information please click here. Ref.n. NCA-17-0657. 20/20.


The JV INEO Provence et Cote d'Azur  from Aix-en-Provence/Axima Concept from  Paris La Defense secured the EUR 1,265,141.00 contract, excluding VAT, for maintenance of lighting and ventilation equipment in the tunnels of the Municipality of Nice. Duration of the  contract will be 12 months, renewable for three consecutive times. Contact Metropole Nice Cote d'Azur, Nice, tel ++33 497132348, email dao@nicecotedazur.org. For tender information please click here Ref.n. 19n0615.  30/20.


Citelum Nice-Cote d'Azur from Saint-Laurent-du-Var secured the EUR51,640 contract, excluding VAT, for maintenance of SOS installations mainly in road tunnels in Alps Maritimes Department. Contact Departement des Alpes-Maritimes, Nice, tel +33 497186000, email marches@departement06.fr.  For further tender information please click here. Ref.n. 9S0369.  31/20.


  SNA Prosperi from Nice secured the EUR 265 200.00  contract, excluding VAT,  for the operation of  6 semi-watertight doors for the 2770 m Andre Liautaud tunnel in Nice. Contact Metropole Nice Cote d'Azur, Nice, tel +33 497132000, email dao@nicecotedazur.org. For tender information please click here. Ref.n. 20N0012. 46/20. 



Cerema (Centre d’Etudes sur les Risques, l’Environnement, la Mobilite et l’Amenagement) from Aix-en-Provence secured the EUR1.20 million contract, excluding VAT, for the development and testing of a framework contract for the integrated management of departmental infrastructures in the Roy valley. Contact Departement des Alpes-Maritimes, Nice, tel +33 497186000, email marches@departement06.fr.  For further tender information please click here. Ref.n. 20S0306.  04/21. 



Open invitation to tender, deadline 16/05/2023, for the maintenance work on the national roads of the Interdepartmental Directorate of Mediterranean Roads. The tender is composed of 7 lots. Lots 1, 2 and 4 include tunnel cleaning services.  For tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent.  Duration of the contract is 48 months. Contact Dirmed, Marseille, email Marchespublics.dreal-paca@developpement-durable.gouv.fr.  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=218882-2023. Ref.n. DIRMED-P2-23-007. 15/23. 


France-Marseille: Road-maintenance works

2023/S 072-218882

Contract notice


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: dirmed
Postal address: 16 rue Antoine Zattara Cs70248
Town: Marseille Cedex 03
NUTS code: FRL04 Bouches-du-Rhône
Postal code: 13331
Country: France
E-mail: Marchespublics.dreal-paca@developpement-durable.gouv.fr
Internet address(es):
Main address: http://Enroute.mediterranee.developpement-durable.gouv.fr
Address of the buyer profile: https://www.marches-publics.gouv.fr
I.5)Main activity

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

travaux d'entretien courant sur le Réseau National Structurant de la Direction Interdépartementale des Routes Méditerranée - 7 lots

Reference number: DIRMED-P2-23-007
II.1.2)Main CPV code
45233141 Road-maintenance works
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.5)Estimated total value
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: yes

travaux d'entretien courant sur les routes nationales de la Direction Interdépartementale des Routes Méditerranée-Lot 1 District des Alpes Du Sud_05

Lot No: 1
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
45233141 Road-maintenance works
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: FRL02 Hautes-Alpes
II.2.6)Estimated value
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 48
This contract is subject to renewal: yes
Description of renewals:

marché d'une durée de 12 mois reconductible 3 fois soit 48 mois au total


travaux d'entretien courant sur les routes nationales de la Direction Interdépartementale des Routes Méditerranée-Lot 2 District des Alpes Du Sud_04

Lot No: 2
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
45233141 Road-maintenance works
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: FRL01 Alpes-de-Haute-Provence
II.2.6)Estimated value
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 48
This contract is subject to renewal: yes
Description of renewals:

marché d'une durée de 12 mois reconductible 3 fois soit 48 mois au total


travaux d'entretien courant sur les routes nationales de la Direction Interdépartementale des Routes Méditerranée -Lot 3 District Rhône Cévennes Ouest_30_34_48

Lot No: 3
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
45233141 Road-maintenance works
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: FRJ12 Gard
NUTS code: FRJ13 Hérault
NUTS code: FRJ14 Lozère
II.2.6)Estimated value
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 48
This contract is subject to renewal: yes
Description of renewals:

marché d'une durée de 12 mois reconductible 3 fois soit 48 mois au total


travaux d'entretien courant sur les routes nationales de la Direction Interdépartementale des Routes Méditerranée - lot 4 District Urbain_13

Lot No: 4
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
45233141 Road-maintenance works
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: FRL04 Bouches-du-Rhône
II.2.6)Estimated value
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 48
This contract is subject to renewal: yes
Description of renewals:

marché d'une durée de 12 mois reconductible 3 fois soit 48 mois au total


travaux d'entretien courant sur les routes nationales de la Direction Interdépartementale des Routes Méditerranée - lot 5 District Urbain_83

Lot No: 5
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
45233141 Road-maintenance works
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: FRL05 Var
II.2.6)Estimated value
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 48
This contract is subject to renewal: yes
Description of renewals:

marché d'une durée de 12 mois reconductible 3 fois soit 48 mois au total


travaux d'entretien courant sur les routes nationales de la Direction Interdépartementale des Routes Méditerranée - lot 6 District Rhône Cévennes_84

Lot No: 6
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
45233141 Road-maintenance works
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: FRL06 Vaucluse
II.2.6)Estimated value
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 48
This contract is subject to renewal: yes
Description of renewals:

marché d'une durée de 12 mois reconductible 3 fois soit 48 mois au total


travaux d'entretien courant sur les routes nationales de la Direction Interdépartementale des Routes Méditerranée - lot 7 District des Alpes Du Sud_38

Lot No: 7
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
45233141 Road-maintenance works
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: FRK24 Isère
II.2.6)Estimated value
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 48
This contract is subject to renewal: yes
Description of renewals:

marché d'une durée de 12 mois reconductible 3 fois soit 48 mois au total

Section IV: Procedure

IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.2)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 16/05/2023
Local time: 22:00
IV.2.3)Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
IV.2.4)Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:


SETEC TPI from Paris have secured the EUR 70,900 contract, excluding VAT, for expansion of the safety dossiers of the Alpes-Maritimes tunnels. Contact Departement des Alpes-Maritimes, Nice, tel +33 497186000, email marches@departement06.fr.  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=366793-2023. Ref.n. 2022m0407.  26/23. 


Bureau Alpes Controles Sas from Annecy have  secured the EUR157,837 contract, excluding VAT, for periodic inspection of the Alpes-Maritimes tunnels. Contact Departement des Alpes-Maritimes, Nice, tel +33 497186000, email marches@departement06.fr.  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=524269-2023. 37/23. 


Open invitation to tender, deadline 30/01/2025, for technical inspections of the underground works of the T2 tramway line and the main tunnels of the Metropole Nice Cote d'Azur (MNCA) road network. The tunnels are divided into those with a length greater than or equal to 300 m - André Liautaud (2770 m), Cap Estel (620 m) and André Malraux (430 m) - and those with a length less than 300 m. Click here for bid documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of contract EUR 4 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 48 months. Contact Metropole Nice Cote d'Azur, Nice, tel +33 489982079, email dao@nicecotedazur.org. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/778369-2024. Ref.n. 24N0555. 01/25


The group INEO Provence er Cote d’Azur/INEO Reseaux Sud secured the EUR1.19 million contract, for the maintenance of electrical power, lighting and ventilation equipment in the tunnel of Metropole Nice Cote d'Azur (MNCA) road network. Contact Metropole Nice Cote d'Azur, Nice, tel +33 497133774, email dao@nicecotedazur.org. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/503-2025. Ref.n. 24N0020. 02/25.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 07/04/2025, for periodic detailed inspections of the 91 road tunnels located in Alps Maritimes Department. Click here for bid documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR 210,000, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 36 months. Contact CG des Alpes-Maritimes, Nice, tel +33 497186000, email cpatritti@departement06.fr. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/140671-2025. Ref.n. 2024M0345 - DRIT.  10/25. 


France, Marseille - fr/68


Open call for tenders, deadline 19th December, 2005 for safety and health coordination during design and construction of the north-south axis in Marseille, including the 1 km Joliette tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=206141-2005, OJ S 209, or contact Communaute Urbaine Marseille Provence Metropole, Marseille, fax +33 491997196 or 491997171. 47/05.Open call for tenders, deadline 20th December, 2005 for engineering for safety aspects regarding the north-south axis in Marseille, including the 1 km Joliette tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=212466-2005, OJ S 215, or contact Communaute Urbaine Marseille Provence Metropole, Marseille, fax +33 491997196 or 491997171. 47/05.Open call for tenders, deadline 6th January, 2006 for aeraulics studies for the 1 km Joliette tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=213298-2005, OJ S 215, or contact Communaute Urbaine Marseille Provence Metropole, Marseille, fax +33 491997196 or 491997171. 47/05.Open call for bids, deadline 23rd March, 2006 for safety engineering for the 1 km Joliette tunnel in Marseille. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=021137-2006, OJ S 19, or contact Communaute Urbaine Marseille Provence Metropole, Marseille, fax +33 491997196 or 491997171. 06/06.The Centre d'Etude des Tunnels (CETu) received a EUR67,600 contract for engineering for safety aspects regarding the north-south axis in Marseille, including the 1 km Joliette tunnel. Visit www.cetu.equipement.gouv.frAlstom Bergeron received a EUR61,000 contract for aeraulics studies for the 1 km-long Joliette tunnel in Marseille. Visit www.cerg-alstom.com 20/06.Notice of concession, deadline 24th April, 2007 for design, financing, and construction of the Prado Sud tunnel in Marseille, related technical amenities, accesses and traffic supervision and management facilities. This is an approx. 2 x 1.4 km toll tunnel with two lanes per tube, with height limited to 3.2 m. The tunnel will be forbidden to vehicles heavier than 3.5 tonnes and those carrying dangerous cargoes. Read E-News Weekly 8/2007 for more. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=47456-2007, OJ S 39, or contact Communauté urbaine Marseille Provence Métropole, Marseille, fax +33 491997196 or 491997171. E-mail anne-marie.queyrel@marseille-provence.fr or denis.savino@marseille-provence.fr 10/07.The Marseille Provence Metropolis Urban Community has selected the consortium led by VINCI Concessions (58.5%) in partnership with Eiffage (41.5%) for the financing, design, construction, maintenance and operation of the Prado Sud toll tunnel in Marseille. The project consists of a public service management contract with a concession duration of 46 years, including the design and build period. The 1.5 km Prado Sud tunnel will be an extension to the Prado Carénage tunnel and will link the A50 motorway to the local road network at Avenue du Prado 2 and Boulevard Michelet. There will be two traffic decks, both with two lanes in both directions, with width restrictions and a height restriction of 3.20 m. The design complies with current regulatory requirements in terms of safety, and will be equipped with a permanent monitoring system. The total investment amount is EUR193 million, of which EUR146 million for the studies and construction. Construction will be carried out by a consortium of VINCI Construction France (58.5%) and Eiffage Travaux Publics (41.5%). Operation of the toll tunnel will be entrusted to the Société Marseillaise du Tunnel Prado Carénage, whose shareholders are VINCI and Eiffage. The tunnel should begin operating in spring 2013. Read E-News Weekly 8/2007. Visit www.vinci.com and www.travauxpublics.eiffage.com 07/08.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 15.12.2009, for electrical wiring and fitting of lighting and signalling equipment in 1 km-long Joliette tunnel. Estimated value of contract, EUR6 million, excluding VAT. Further information, specs and docs from Communauté Urbaine Marseille Provence Métropole, Direction des Infrastructures, Marseille, tel +33 4919971-50, fax -71. Offers to Provence Métropole, Direction des affaires juridiques - service des marchés, Marseille, tel +33 49199-9900, fax -7196. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=294691-2009. 44/09.Open invitation to tender, deadline 15.12.2009, for ventilation installations in 1 km-long Joliette tunnel including 14 jet fans, four extraction fans and associated equipment. Estimated value of contract, EUR1.6 million, excluding VAT. Further information from Communauté Urbaine Marseille Provence Métropole, Direction des Infrastructures, Marseille, tel +33 4919971-50, fax -71. Offers to Provence Métropole, Direction des affaires juridiques - service des marchés, Marseille, tel +33 49199-9900, fax -7196. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=296046-2009. 44/09.


Spie Sud-Est of Feyzin has been awarded the contract for installation of safety, electrical, lighting and signalling equipment in 1 km-long Joliette tunnel, value EUR4,595,578, excluding VAT. For more visit fr/68 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=102413-2010. 15/10.


Contract for ventilation, smoke dispersal and air conditioning in 1 km-long Joliette tunnel awarded to Seitha Technique de Realisation of Villeurbanne, value EUR850,000 excluding VAT. For more visit fr/68 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=102373-2010. 15/10.


Seitha Technique et Realisation at Villeurbanne (F) secured the EUR850,000 contract, excluding VAT, for ventilation installations in 1 km-long Joliette tunnel. Contact Communauté Urbaine Marseille Provence Métropole, Marseille, tel +33 491999900, fax +33 491997196, e-mail marches@marseille-provence.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=102373-2010 and www.aximaseitha-gdfsuez.com. 15/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 29.07.2010, for refurbishment of the bi-tube 600m tunnels under the old harbour in Marseille, including construction of three new emergency exits and update of video-control, ventilation and lighting systems. Further information, specs and docs from Communauté urbaine MPM, Direction des infrastructures, Marseille, tel +33 4919971-33, fax -71, e-mail marches@marseille-provence.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=-163617-2010. 24/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline delayed until 27.08.2010, for refurbishment of the bi-tube 600 m-long tunnels under the old harbour in Marseille, including construction of three new emergency exits and update of video-control, ventilation and lighting systems. Further information, specs and docs from Communauté urbaine MPM, Direction des infrastructures, Marseille, tel +33 4919971-33, fax -71, e-mail marches@marseille-provence.fr. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=216123-2010. 30/10.


Award of contract to Eiffage of Vitrolles, value EUR14,978,958 excluding VAT, for renovation of bi-tube 600 m-long tunnels under the old harbour in Marseille including construction of three new emergency exits and update of video control, ventilation and lighting systems. More from marches@marseille-provence.fr tel +33 491999900. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=370675-2010. 50/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 08.03.2013, for maintenance of signalling equipment in Communaute urbaine Marseille Provence Metropole tunnels: Joliette/Major (1.4 km),  Vieux Nord-Sud and Sud-Nord (3.8 km), St Charles (780 m) and their adits. Contract duration one year, value EUR280,000 excluding VAT. Tenders have to be sent to Communaute urbaine Marseille Provence Metropole, Marseille, tel +33 491999900, fax +33 491997196. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=026652-2013. Bid code n. 2013-015. 05/13.


Santerne Marseille of Marseille secured the EUR227,409.57 contract, excluding VAT, for maintenance of signalling equipment in Communaute urbaine MPM tunnels: Joliette/Major (1.4 km),  Vieux Nord-Sud and Sud-Nord (3.8 km), St Charles (780 m) and their adits. Contract duration one year. Contact Communaute urbaine MPM, Marseille, tel +33 491999900, fax +33 491997196. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=200271-2013. Bid code n. 2013-015. 26/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 13.09.2013, for maintenance of ventilation and smoke equipment in Communaute urbaine Marseille Provence Metropole tunnels: Joliette/Major (1.4 km), Vieux Port and St Charles (780 m). Tenders have to be sent to Communaute urbaine Marseille Provence Metropole, Marseille, tel +33 491999900, fax +33 491997196. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=256100-2013. Bid code n. 2013-118. 31/13.


ORTEC Environnement/Clemessy of Marseille secured the contract for the maintenance of pumping systems and networks for rainwater and groundwater collecting  in Joliette (1,180 m), Vieux Port (580 m, 593 m), St. Charles (550 m) and Major (1,418 m) tunnels managed by the Communaute urbaine Marseille Provence Metropole. Contact Communaute urbaine MPM, Marseille, tel +33 491999900, fax +33 491997196. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=002397-2015. Ref. n. 2013-152-pf. 02/15.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 10.04.2015, for refurbishment of HW/LW electrical equipment in tunnels in Marseille. Contract value EUR544,833.60, excluding VAT. Further information, specs and docs from Communaute urbaine MPM, Direction des infrastructures, Marseille, tel +33 491999900, fax +33 491997196 and http://marchespublics.marseille-provence.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=072423-2015. 10/15.


Spie Sud Est at Feyzin secured the EUR371,506 contract, excluding VAT, for refurbishment of HW/LW electrical equipment in tunnels in Marseille. Contact Communaute urbaine MPM, Direction des infrastructures, Marseille, tel +33 491999900, fax +33 491997196 and http://marchespublics.marseille-provence.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=336208-2015. 39/15.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 05.12.2016, for safety markings for closing tunnels in Marsiglia. Value of the contract is EUR70 million, excluding VAT. Further information, specs and docs from Métropole Aix-Marseille Provence, Marsiglia, fax +33 495095781, e-mail marches@marseille-provence.fr e http://marchespublics.marseille-provence.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=378573-2016. Ref.n. 71160170. 45/16.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 06.02.2017, for maintenance of radio broadcasting in the tunnels operated by Aix Marseille Provence. Value of the contract is EUR57,746.30, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 1 year. Further information, specs and docs from Metropole Aix-Marseille Provence, Marseille, tel +33 491999900, fax +33 491997196, e-mail marches@ampmetropole.fr   and https://marchespublics.ampmetropole.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=451450-2016. Ref.n. 71160226. 52/16.


Monachino Stephane from Saint-Victoret secured the EUR 35,340 contract, excluding VAT,  for safety markings ithin a tunnel in Marseille. Contact Metropole Aix-Marseille Provence, Marseille, tel +33 491999900, fax +33 491997196, email marches@ampmetropole.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=189679-2017. Ref.n. 71160170. Contract T17 048. 21/17.


Santerne Marseille from Marseille and Enfrasys/Santerne from Rillieux-la-Pape  secured the EUR466 569.17 contract, excluding VAT, for maintenance of ventilation equipment in the following tunnels: Joliette/Major (1.4 km), Vieux Port and St Charles (780 m) in Marseille. Contact Metropole Aix Marseille Provence at Marseille, tel +33 491999900, fax +33 491997196, email marches.marseilleprovence@ampmetropole.fr. Visit


. Ref.n. 71170433. 34/18.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 25/09/2019, for delivery and maintenance of electric equipment (HV and LV) in the tunnels operated by Aix Marseille Provence. Value of the contract is EUR 521,124.78, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 48 months. For bid documents https://marchespublics.ampmetropole.fr. Tenders have to be sent to https://marchespublics.ampmetropole.fr/?page=entreprise.EntrepriseAdvancedSearch&AllCons&refConsultation=3186&orgAcronyme=t5y.

Contact Metropole Aix-Marseille Provence, Marseille, tel +33 491999900, fax +33 491997196, email Marches.marseilleprovence@ampmetropole.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=400014-2019.

Ref.n. 71190303. 35/19.


Postponed from 25/09/2019 to 02/10/2019 the deadline of the open invitation to tender  for delivery and maintenance of electric equipment (HV and LV) in the tunnels operated by Aix Marseille Provence. Value of the contract is EUR 521,124.78, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 48 months. For bid documents https://marchespublics.ampmetropole.fr.

Tenders have to be sent to https://marchespublics.ampmetropole.fr/?page=entreprise.EntrepriseAdvancedSearch&AllCons&refConsultation=3186&orgAcronyme=t5y. Contact Metropole Aix-Marseille Provence, Marseille, tel +33 491999900, fax +33 491997196, email Marches.marseilleprovence@ampmetropole.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=450399-2019.

Ref.n. 71190303. 39/19.


Spie Citynetworks from Feyzin secured the contract for delivery and maintenance of electric equipment (HV and LV) in the tunnels operated by Aix Marseille Provence. Value of the contract is EUR662,071.71. Contact Metropole Aix-Marseille Provence, Marseille, tel +33 491999900, fax +33 491997196, email Marches.marseilleprovence@ampmetropole.fr. VFor tender information please click here. Ref.n. 71190303. 10/20.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 07/06/2022, for the supply and installation of signalling equipment in Communaute urbaine Marseille Provence Metropole tunnels: Saint Loup (100 m), Joliette (1.180 m), Vieux Port (580 m, 593 m), St Charles (550 m) and Major (1.418 m). For bid documents, please click here where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR1.22 million, excluding VAT. Duration contract 48 months. Contact  Metropole d’Aix Marseille Provence, Marsiglia, tel +33 491999900, fax  +33 491997196, email Marches.marseilleprovence@ampmetropole.fr.. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=240638-2022. Ref. n. 71220123. 21/22. 



SNEF from Avignon have secured the EUR 999,908.72 contract, excluding VAT, for the supply and installation of signalling equipment in Communaute urbaine Marseille Provence Metropole tunnels: Saint Loup (100 m), Joliette (1,180 m), Vieux Port (580 m, 593 m), St Charles (550 m) and Major (1,418 m). Contact Metropole d’Aix Marseille Provence, Marsiglia, tel +33 491999900, fax  +33 491997196, email Marches.marseilleprovence@ampmetropole.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=602021-2022. Ref. n. 71220123. 44/22.  


Open invitation to tender, deadline 22/05/2023, for the maintenance of ventilation equipment in the tunnels Joliette (1012 m), Vieux Port (603 m, 597 m), St Charles (550 m), Major (1.418 m) and Saint Loup (TC South : 289 m TC Middle : 147 m TC North : 220 m). For tender documents, please click here, where tenders must be sent. Duration of the contract is 48 months. Value of the contract will be EUR1.3 million, excluding VAT. Contact Metropole d’Aix Marseille Provence, Marsiglia, tel +33 491999900, fax  +33 491997196, email Commandepublique-entreprises@ampmetropole.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=229277-2023. Ref. n. 71230048. 16/23.   


France-Marseille: Services d'exploitation de tunnels

2023/S 076-229277

Avis de marché


Base juridique:
Directive 2014/24/UE

Section I: Pouvoir adjudicateur

I.1)Nom et adresses
Nom officiel: metropole d aix marseille provence
Adresse postale: 58 bd Charles Livon
Ville: Marseille
Code NUTS: FRL04 Bouches-du-Rhône
Code postal: 13007
Pays: France
Point(s) de contact: Direction de la Commande Publique - Service des Marchés
Courriel: Commandepublique-entreprises@ampmetropole.fr
Téléphone: +33 491999900
Fax: +33 491997196
Adresse(s) internet:
Adresse principale: http://www.ampmetropole.fr
Adresse du profil d’acheteur: https://marchespublics.ampmetropole.fr
Les documents du marché sont disponibles gratuitement en accès direct non restreint et complet, à l'adresse: https://marchespublics.ampmetropole.fr/?page=Entreprise.EntrepriseAdvancedSearch&AllCons&id=507111&orgAcronyme=t5y
Adresse à laquelle des informations complémentaires peuvent être obtenues: le ou les point(s) de contact susmentionné(s)
Les offres ou les demandes de participation doivent être envoyées par voie électronique via: https://marchespublics.ampmetropole.fr/?page=Entreprise.EntrepriseAdvancedSearch&AllCons&id=507111&orgAcronyme=t5y
I.4)Type de pouvoir adjudicateur
Autre type: Etablissement Public de Coopération Intercommunale
I.5)Activité principale
Services généraux des administrations publiques

Section II: Objet

II.1)Étendue du marché

maintenance des équipements de ventilation spécifiques aux tunnels

Numéro de référence: 71230048
II.1.2)Code CPV principal
63712320 Services d'exploitation de tunnels
II.1.3)Type de marché
II.1.4)Description succincte:

le présent accord-cadre a pour objet la maintenance des équipements de ventilation spécifiques aux tunnels. Procédure de passation : Appel d'offres ouvert en application des articles Article R2124-2 1° et suivants Code de la commande publique

II.1.5)Valeur totale estimée
II.1.6)Information sur les lots
Ce marché est divisé en lots: non
II.2.2)Code(s) CPV additionnel(s)
63712320 Services d'exploitation de tunnels
II.2.3)Lieu d'exécution
Code NUTS: FRL04 Bouches-du-Rhône
Lieu principal d'exécution:


II.2.4)Description des prestations:

les prestations concernent les équipements de ventilation spécifique aux tunnels et consistent à : - des opérations de diagnostic et d'intervention de réparation : elles sont déclenchées selon les événements et réalisées avec des délais différents selon les équipements concernés- de la maintenance préventive déclenchée à la demande de l'exploitant- de la fourniture d'équipements et leur éventuelle installation - des Inspections Détaillées Périodiques de certains équipements

II.2.5)Critères d’attribution
Critères énoncés ci-dessous
Critère de qualité - Nom: Valeur technique / Pondération: 20
Critère de qualité - Nom: Délai d'exécution pour la réalisation du diagnostic de la défaillance et intervention / Pondération: 10
Prix - Pondération: 70
II.2.6)Valeur estimée
Valeur hors TVA: 1 300 000.00 EUR
II.2.7)Durée du marché, de l'accord-cadre ou du système d'acquisition dynamique
Durée en mois: 48
Ce marché peut faire l'objet d'une reconduction: non
Des variantes seront prises en considération: non
II.2.11)Information sur les options
Options: non
II.2.13)Information sur les fonds de l'Union européenne
Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financé par des fonds de l'Union européenne: non
II.2.14)Informations complémentaires

Section III: Renseignements d’ordre juridique, économique, financier et technique

III.1)Conditions de participation
III.1.2)Capacité économique et financière
Liste et description succincte des critères de sélection:

déclaration concernant le chiffre d'affaires global et le chiffre d'affaires du domaine d'activité, portant sur les trois derniers exercices disponibles en fonction de la date de création de l'entreprise ou du début d'activité de l'opérateur économique, dans la mesure où les informations sur ces chiffres d'affaires sont disponibles (sur papier libre, DUME ou Dc2 transmis en annexe)

III.1.3)Capacité technique et professionnelle
Liste et description succincte des critères de sélection:

liste des principaux services fournis au cours des trois dernières années indiquant le montant, la date et le destinataire public ou privé.Les prestations de services sont prouvées par des attestations du destinataire ou, à défaut, par une déclaration de l'opérateur économique

Niveau(x) spécifique(s) minimal/minimaux exigé(s):

-Certificat(S) de qualification professionnelle établi(s) par des organismes indépendants- habilitations électriques : BR -B2v - bC - bE en BT ou équivalent- cACES Nacelle ou équivalentl'acheteur accepte tout moyen de preuve équivalent ainsi que les certificats équivalents d'organismes établis dans d'autres Etats membres

Section IV: Procédure

IV.1.1)Type de procédure
Procédure ouverte
IV.1.3)Information sur l'accord-cadre ou le système d'acquisition dynamique
Le marché implique la mise en place d'un accord-cadre
Accord-cadre avec un seul opérateur
IV.1.8)Information concernant l’accord sur les marchés publics (AMP)
Le marché est couvert par l'accord sur les marchés publics: oui
IV.2)Renseignements d'ordre administratif
IV.2.2)Date limite de réception des offres ou des demandes de participation
Date: 22/05/2023
Heure locale: 12:30
IV.2.3)Date d’envoi estimée des invitations à soumissionner ou à participer aux candidats sélectionnés
IV.2.4)Langue(s) pouvant être utilisée(s) dans l'offre ou la demande de participation:
IV.2.6)Délai minimal pendant lequel le soumissionnaire est tenu de maintenir son offre
Durée en mois: 8 (à compter de la date limite de réception des offres)
IV.2.7)Modalités d’ouverture des offres
Date: 23/05/2023
Heure locale: 08:00

Section VI: Renseignements complémentaires

Il s'agit d'un marché renouvelable: non
VI.2)Informations sur les échanges électroniques
La facturation en ligne sera acceptée
VI.3)Informations complémentaires:

les candidats devront remettre les déclarations, certificats et attestations prévus aux articles R. 2142-1, R.2143-3 et R. 2143-11 du Code de la commande publique, permettant de vérifier que le candidat satisfait aux conditions de participation à la consultation : cf. Article 8 du Règlement de la consultation.------------------------------------le critère valeur technique sera apprécié au regard du mémoire technique en fonction du (des) sous critère(s) pondéré(s) indiqué(s) ci-dessous. * Sous-Critère A : L'Adéquation des moyens humains : 25 % * Sous-Critère B : La pertinence des moyens matériels : 25 %* Sous-Critère C : Pertinence de la méthodologie d'exécution des prestations : 50 %------------------------------------Les candidats pourront obtenir le dossier de consultation jusqu'à la date limite de remise des offres indiquée dans l'avis d'appel public à la concurrence correspondant. Tous les documents seront remis gratuitement.Pour obtenir le dossiersur la plateforme électronique : https://marchespublics.ampmetropole.fr/Il sera demandé au candidat effectuant un retrait de nous fournir une adresse mail. Celle-Ci sera utilisée pour lui transmettre les éventuels renseignements complémentaires.L'attention des candidats est attirée sur la nécessité de fournir une adresse mail valide et régulièrement consultée.------------------------------------conformément à l'article R2132-7 du Code de la Commande Publique, la remise des offres par voie dématérialisée est obligatoire. La remise des offres sous forme dématérialisée sera effectuée à l'adresse : https://marchespublics.ampmetropole.fr/------------------------------------Il s'agit d'un accord-cadre au sens des articles R. 2162-2 et suivants du Code de la commande publique conclu avec un opérateur économiquel'accord-cadre fixe toutes les stipulations contractuelles, il sera exécuté au fur et à mesure de l'émission de bons de commande dans les conditions fixées aux articles R. 2162-13 et R. 2162-14 du code de la commande publique. -----------------------------------Montants minimum et maximum :L'Accord-Cadre est passé avec un montant minimum de 50 000,00 euros HT et un montant maximum de 1500 000,00 euros HT pour la durée totale du contrat

VI.4)Procédures de recours
VI.4.1)Instance chargée des procédures de recours
Nom officiel: tribunal administratif de Marseille
Adresse postale: 31 rue Jean-François Leca
Ville: Marseille
Code postal: 13002
Pays: France
Courriel: greffe.ta-marseille@juradm.fr
Téléphone: +33 491134813
Fax: +33 491811387
Adresse internet: http://www.telerecours.fr
VI.4.2)Organe chargé des procédures de médiation
Nom officiel: comité consultatif interrégional de règlement amiable - préfecture de région
Adresse postale: place Félix Baret, CS 80001
Ville: Marseille Cedex 06
Code postal: 13282
Pays: France
Téléphone: +33 48435400
VI.4.3)Introduction de recours
Précisions concernant les délais d'introduction de recours:

- Un recours en référé précontractuel peut être introduit depuis le début de la procédure de passation jusqu'à la signature du marché par la personne publique. A partir de la signature du marché ce recours n'est plus ouvert. (Application des articles L.551-1 et suivants et R.551-1 et suivants du Code de justice administrative). - un recours en référé contractuel peut être introduit conformément aux dispositions de l'article L 551.13 du Code de justice administrative au plus tard le trente et unième jour suivant la publication d'un avis d'attribution du contrat. En l'absence de la publication d'avis ou de la notification mentionnées à l'alinéa qui précède, la juridiction peut être saisie jusqu'à l'expiration d'un délai de six mois à compter du lendemain du jour de la conclusion du contrat. Toutefois ce recours n'est pas ouvert au demandeur ayant fait usage du recours prévu à l'article L. 551-1 dès lors que l'acheteur a respecté la suspension prévue à l'article L. 551-4 et s'est conformé à la décision juridictionnelle rendue sur ce recours. - un recours en contestation de validité du contrat ou de certaines de ses clauses peut être exercé par les tiers au contrat dans un délai de deux mois à compter de la publication de l'avis d'attribution (Conseil d'etat, ass., 4 avril 2014, " Département de Tarn-Et-Garonne ", no 358994)

VI.4.4)Service auprès duquel des renseignements peuvent être obtenus sur l'introduction de recours
Nom officiel: tribunal administratif de Marseille
Adresse postale: 31 rue Jean-François Leca
Ville: Marseille
Code postal: 13002
Pays: France
Courriel: greffe.ta-marseille@juradm.fr
Téléphone: +33 491134813
Fax: +33 491811387
Adresse internet: http://www.telerecours.fr
VI.5)Date d’envoi du présent avis:


Postponed from 22/05/2023 to 02/06/2023 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the maintenance of ventilation equipment in the tunnels Joliette (1012 m), Vieux Port (603 m, 597 m), St Charles (550 m), Major (1.418 m) and Saint Loup (TC South : 289 m TC Middle : 147 m TC North : 220 m). For tender documents, please click here, where tenders must be sent. Duration of the contract is 48 months. Value of the contract will be EUR1.3 million, excluding VAT. Contact Metropole d’Aix Marseille Provence, Marsiglia, tel +33 491999900, fax  +33 491997196, email Commandepublique-entreprises@ampmetropole.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=277623-2023. Ref. n. 71230048. 19/23.    


France, Provence - Alps - French Riviera - fr/67


Open call for tenders, deadline 13th September, 2005 for conceptual design and public inquiry for the French side of the new Tende tunnel in Alpes-Maritimes department. The existing single-tube tunnel is a notoriously dangerous passage under Tende Pass in southern Alps, connecting France and Italy. It is too narrow to allow for two-way traffic of heavy vehicles. The old tunnel, opened in 1882, will be enlarged and entirely refurbished. The entire project will consist mostly of new portals on the Italian and French sides, a new 3,252 m tunnel to dual the existing one, to be built from Italy, and the widening of the existing tube (3,186 m), to be done from France. Both carriageways will be 6.5 m in width. The project cost is estimated at EUR168.3 million. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 13/2005. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=147883-2005, OJ S 148, or contact DDE des Alpes-Maritimes, Nice, fax +33 493727395. E-mail jean-jacques.cadiou@equipement.gouv.fr 33-34/05.Open call for tenders, deadline 18th October, 2006 for ground investigations and drilling work for the new Tende Pass tunnel between France and Italy. Read E-News Weekly 13/2005. Click fr/67. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=174293-2006, OJ S 162, or contact DDE des Alpes-Maritimes, Nice, fax +33 493727395. E-mail jean-jacques.cadiou@equipement.gouv.fr 36/06.Open call for tenders, deadline 22nd November, 2006 for geotechnical investigation, core drilling and testing for the new Tende tunnel on road RN 204. Read E-News Weekly 41/2006, 13/2005 & 40/2004. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=203274-2006, OJ S 191, or contact DDE des Alpes-Maritimes, Nice, fax +33 493727395. E-mail jean-jacques.cadiou@equipement.gouv.fr 42/06.Open invitation to tender, deadline 07.01.2009, for land survey for proposed EUR213.8 million Tende Pass tunnel link on RN 204 between France and Italy. Contact DRE, Marseilles, fax +33 4 91284366, e-mail bureau-marche.bccp.csm.dre-paca@developpementdurable.gouv.fr. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=314913-2008 51/08.


French company Cofor SAS of Maisse secured the contract value EUR879,995 for land survey for Tende Pass tunnel link on RN 204 between France and Italy. Contact DRE, Marseilles, fax +33 4 91284366, e-mail bureau-marche.bccp.csm.dre-paca@developpementdurable.gouv.fr, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=115534-2009. 19/09.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 28.07.2009, for the construction of the new Col di Tenda twin tube tunnel and ancillary works on SS 20 Valle di Roja and Colle di Tenda, in Piemonte. Contract value EUR176 million, excluding VAT. For more in Italian click here and here and contact ANAS, Direzione Generale, Dott. Geol. Salvatore Papale, Rome, tel +39 064446-4716, fax -2009, e-mail d.decarolis@stradeanas.ithttp://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=167702-2009 Bid code: TO 07/09. 26/09.


Additional information and postponed deadline to 24.08.2009 for the restricted invitation to tender for the construction of the new Col di Tenda twin tube tunnel and ancillary works on SS 20 Valle di Roja and Colle di Tenda, in Piemonte. Contact ANAS, Direzione Generale, Dott. Geol. Salvatore Papale, Rome, tel +39 064446-4716, fax -2009, e-mail d.decarolis@stradeanas.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=198038-2009. 30/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 13.01.2010, for interconnection system for ventilation equipment in Tenda tunnel on SS 20 Valle di Roja and Colle di Tenda (CN). Contract value EUR835,021. Contact ANAS SpA, Piedmont Department, U.O. Tenders and Contracts, Turin, tel +39 (0)11 573911, fax +39 (0)11 5660906. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/13777. Bid code: 2009PA058. 50/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 12.04.2010, for development and delivery of the software for safety management and supervision systems in, and safety installations for, the new Tende tunnel on SS 20. Contract value EUR205 880, excluding VAT. Contact ANAS SpA, Piedmont Department, U.O. Tenders and Contracts, Turin, tel +39 0115739226, fax +39 0115660906, e-mail TO-GareCont@postacert.stradeanas.it. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=038741-2010. 07/10.


The JV Termotecnica Salvatori Snc - Stacchio Impianti Srl secured the EUR604,141.01 contract for interconnection system for ventilation equipment in Tenda tunnel on SS 20 Valle di Roja and Colle di Tenda (CN). Contact ANAS SpA, Piedmont Department, U.O. Tenders and Contracts, Turin, tel +39 (0)11 573911, fax +39 (0)11 5660906. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/22037. Bid code: 2009PA058. 20/10.


The company SPS Srl (Turin) secured the EUR165,704 contract, excluding VAT, for development and delivery of the software for safety management and supervision systems in, and safety installations for, the new Tende tunnel on SS 20. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=253302-2010 and http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/28052. 40/10.


The JV Grandi Lavori Fincosit SpA/Toto Costruzioni Generali SpA/Progin SpA secured the provisional contract for design and construction of the new twin-tube, 3.3 km-long Col di Tenda tunnel on SS 20 Valle di Roja and Colle di Tenda, part of European corridor E74. Total investment EUR209 million, 58 percent Italy and 42 percent France. The French end will be new, and at the Italian end the xisting tunnel will be enlarged and refurbished. Anas received 13 tenders. For more click here. Visit www.glf.it, www.totospa.it and www.progin.it. 09/12.


The JV Grandi Lavori Fincosit SpA/Toto SpA (designer Progin SpA) secured the EUR117.5 million contract for construction of the new twin-tube, 3.3 km-long Col di Tenda tunnel on SS 20 Valle di Roja and Colle di Tenda and ancillary work. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=122764-2012 and www.glf.it, www.totospa.it and www.progin.it. 17/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 13.02.2014, for laboratory and in situ tests on building materials and the Tenda’s water source prior to construction of the new twin-tube Colle di Tenda tunnel on the SS 20 and ancillary works including construction of intake structure of the source S. Macario. Contract value EUR423,272, excluding VAT, duration 2,280 days after award. Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 11.02.2014. Contact ANAS SpA, Piedmont Department, U.O. Tenders and Contracts, Turin, tel +39 (0)115739226, fax +39 (0)115660906, e-mail to-garecontr@postacert.stradeanas.it. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=431142-2013. Ref. n. TOLAV034-13. 52/13.


The JV LGT Laboratorio Geotecnico Srl/SO.SPE.R.I.T. Srl of Ruda (UD) secured the EUR170,578.79 contract for laboratory and in-situ tests on building materials and the Tenda’s water source prior to construction of the new twin-tube Colle di Tenda tunnel on the SS 20 and ancillary works including construction of intake structure of the source S. Macario. Contact ANAS SpA, Turin, tel +39 (0)115739226, fax +39 (0)115660906, e-mail to-garecontr@postacert.stradeanas.it. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=374271-2014. Ref. n. TOLAV034-13. 45/14.


Anas part of the Consortium Edilmaco from Turin secured the EUR102.5 million contract for the last 77% of the construction of the new Col di Tenda tunnel on the SS 20 Valle di Roja, part of the European corridor E74. The project includes a new one-way tunnel which will be 3.3 km-long, 9 m wide and 4.80 m high. The tunnel will be used to go from Italy to France. The traffic from France to Italy will use the existing tunnel, which will be widened. Visit https://www.stradeanas.it/it/tunnel-di-tenda-anas-stipulato-il-contratto-d%E2%80%99appalto-con-l%E2%80%99impresa-edilmaco-il-riavvio-dei-lavori.



France, Marseille - fr/66


Negotiated procedure, deadline 8th October, 2004 for safety works in the 4,639 m-long dual-track single-tube La Nerthe tunnel, including mainly emergency lighting and markers, electric supply boxes, and a telecom system. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=152134-2004, OJ S 177, or contact SNCF, Marseille, fax +33 495042877. E-mail jacques.colonge@sncf.fr 39/04.


France, Ile-de-France - fr/65


Preinformation notice for safety and health protection assignment during the design phase of the Châtillon-Vélizy-Viroflay tramway. Length is 7 km, whereof 1.6 km in tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=082988-2004, OJ S 102, or contact County Council of Yvelines, Versailles, tel. +33 139077878 or 7785. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 35/2002. 23/04.Open call for bids, deadline 3rd September, 2004 for health and safety coordination as part of the construction of the 7 km Chatillon-Velizy-Viroflay tram line, including 1.6 km in tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=127260-2004, OJ S 147, or contact Conseil général de Yvelines, Versailles, fax +33 139078836 or 139077106. 35/04.Open call for tenders, deadline 20th June, 2005 for safety engineering as part of the construction of the Chatillon-Velizy-Viroflay tram line. This approx. 13 km line includes a 1.6 km tunnel and two underground stations. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=104125-2005, OJ S 104, or contact Conseil General des Yvelines, Versailles, fax +33 139078836 or 139077106. Visit www.achatpublic.com 23/05.Design contest notice, deadline 3rd October, 2005 for engineering for the design and construction of the underground stretch on the Viroflay-Velizy-Chatillon tram line. The contract is for a 1.6 km-long and 7.2 m ID bored tunnel, a cut-and-cover entrance under road RD53, an access and emergency shaft, two 25 m-deep underground stations and their connections to two railway stations. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=167306-2005, OJ S 168, or contact Conseil General des Yvelines, Versailles, fax +33 139078836 or 139077106. 37/05.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 13.04.2010, for design, delivery and installation of electrical distribution apparatus, as part of the construction of the 14.2 km Chatillon-Velizy-Viroflay tram line, including 1.6 km in tunnel. Two lots: CAT-01 e CAT-02. Contract duration 61 months. Contact Yves Tisseron at RATP, department EST-HA, in Fontenay-sous-Bois Cedex, tel +33 158771466, fax +33 158769534, e-mail yves.tisseron@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=096309-2010 and www.tramway-chatillon-viroflay.fr. 14/10.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 22.05.2012, for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning design, delivery and installation work in the underground section of the 14.2 km Chatillon-Velizy-Viroflay tram line (lot FLU-04). Contract duration 35 months.

Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=125693-2012.

Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 22.05.2012, for design, delivery and installation of LW and lighting equipment lot BT-02. Contract duration 34 months. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=125695-2012.

Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 22.05.2012, for design, delivery and installation of ventilation system lot FLU-03. Contract duration 35 months. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=125696-2012.

Contact Myriam Fontaine-Boulle at RATP, in Fontenay-sous-Bois Cedex, tel +33 158770195, fax +33 158769468, e-mail myriam.fontaine-boulle@ratp.fr. 17/12.


Cegelec of Rueil-Malmaison secured the contract for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning design, delivery and installation work in the underground section of the 14.2 km-long Chatillon-Velizy-Viroflay tram line (lot FLU-04). Contact RATP, att.n Myriam Fontaine-Boulle, Paris, tel +33 158770195, fax +33 158769468, e-mail myriam.fontaine-boulle@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=102012 -2013. Bid Code n.MOP HA 12-0034. 14/13.


SDEL Transport of Viry-Chatillon secured the contract for design, delivery and installation of LW and lighting equipment lot BT-02. Contact Myriam Fontaine-Boulle at RATP, in Fontenay-sous-Bois Cedex, tel +33 158770195, fax +33 158769468, e-mail myriam.fontaine-boulle@ratp.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=387291-2013. Ref n. MOP/HA 12-0036. 47/13.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 28/05/2020, for study, delivery, installation and maintenance of tunnel ventilation and smoke extracting system in tunnels on RATPS network (metro, railway and tramway). Contract duration will be 84 months. For tender documents please click here where tenders must be sent and here. Contact RATP, attn Pauline Lepesqueux, Paris, email Pauline.LEPESQUEUX@ratp.fr. Ref.n. DHA_2020GDI15518. 19/20.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 28/05/2020, for study, delivery, installation and maintenance of tunnel ventilation and smoke extracting system in tunnels on RATPS network (metro, railway and tramway). Contract duration will be 84 months. For tender documents please click here where tenders must be sent . Contact RAPT, attn Frederic Grando, Paris, email frederic.GRANDO@ratp.fr. Ref.n. DHA_2020GDI15518. 12/21.



Yvroud from Aiton secured the EUR 19.72 million contract, excluding VAT,  for study, delivery, installation and maintenance of tunnel ventilation and smoke extracting systems in tunnels on the RATPS network (metro, railway and tramway). Click here for further information on the tender. Contact RATP, attn Frederic  Grando, Paris, email frederic.grando@ratp.fr. Ref.n. DHA_2020GDI15518. 14/21. 



France, Frejus - fr/64


Negotiated procedure, deadline 21st June, 2004 for renovation of the French section (7 km) of the Frejus rail tunnel as well as 465 m on the Italian side. Includes civil engineering and track work. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=075614-2004, OJ S 93, or contact RFF, Lyon, fax +33 472846571. E-mail josselin.martel@rff.fr 21/04.Negotiated procedure, deadline 18th May, 2005 for renovation of the 13.5 km Frejus tunnel (civil engineering, tracks, high and low voltage) on two sections: 7 km of tunnel between the Frejus control room and Modane and 500 m of tunnel between the Frejus control room and Bardonecchia. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=076954-2005, OJ S 79, or contact Reseau Ferre de France, Lyons, fax +33 472846571. 18/05.


Contract award to Razel division of Bilfinger Berger based in Orsay, value EUR130,082,364 excluding VAT, for construction of the 13.5 km-long Frejus safety tunnel between Savoie, France and Piedmont, Italy. Details from Director General at SFTRF in Modane, tel +33 479202600, fax +33 479053120, e-mail marchespublics@tunneldufrejus.com. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=143996-2009 22/09.


Negotiated procedure, deadline 16.11.2016, for maintenance of fire fighting equipment in the Frejus rail tunnel. Duration of the contract is from 02/01/2017 to 31/12/2019. Contact SNCF reseau, La Plaine Saint-Denis, tel  +33 185579529, e-mail ext.abcportage.fatima.ya@reseau.sncf.fr., Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=382165-2016. Ref.n. 40959.  44/16.


Direction operationnelle transport & mobilite in Feyzin secured the contract for maintenance of the firefighting equipment on the French section of the Frejus railway tunnel. Contact SNCF, attn Hedi Yahia Berrouiguet, Parigi,  email ext.cks.hedi.yahia-berrouiguet@reseau.sncf.fr. For further information please click here. 35/20.
