Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.11.2009, for safety consultancy services for tunnels in Alps Maritimes Department whose length is more 300 m. Lot 1: east tunnel of Cap Estel (620 m) on RD 6098; Castillon (790 m, 750 m) on RD 2566a; and Saorge (370 m) on RD 38. Lot 2: west tunnel of Mescla (1,006 m) and Reveston (327 m) on RD 6102; Pagary (300 m) on RD 2565; Traverses (445 m) and Petite Clue on RD 28; Saint Arnoux (328 m) on RD 6. Conditional tranches: Saorge (647 m) on RD 6204 (Lot 1) and Condamine (755 m) on RD 2204 B (Lot 2). Contact President Consiglio Generale delle Alpi Maritime, Nice, fax + 33 489042030. Visit 43/09.