Ile de France
- fr/121
Road and Motorway
Closing Date:
23.11.2012 (Tender Closed)
Open invitation to tender, deadline 23.11.2012, to provide assistance to general management for safety improvement in the following 10 road tunnels of Ile de France: Belle-Rive (1,080 m, 1,080 m) at Rueil-Malmaison, Moulin (936 m, 540 m) and Guy Mocquet (560 m, 606 m) at Thiais, Antony (850 m), Fresnes (465 m) and La Courneuve (380 m, 354 m) in the homonym municipalities on A86; Sevines (349 m, 349 m) on RN 315 at Gennevilliers, Fontenay (355 m, 355 m) on A12 at Fontenay-Le-Fleury, Chennevieres (460 m, 460 m) on RN 12 at Jouars-Pontchartrain, Taverny (507 m, 507 m) on A115 at Taverny. Contract value range EUR1.0-5.0 million, excluding VAT. For more contact Dirif, Creteil, tel +33 146768724, fax +33 146768902. Visit 46/12.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 12.03.2013, to provide assistance to general management for maintenance and management of roads and motoways, tunnel included, of Ile de France and managed by Dirif. Contract duration 48 months. For more contact Dirif, Creteil, tel +33 146768724, fax +33 146768902, website Visit Bid Code n. DEX-DE-12-015. 06/13.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 02.05.2013, for corrective and preventive maintenance on high voltage equipment and electrical equipment in Taverny tunnel (507 m, 507 m) on A115 and Courneuve tunnel (380 m, 354 m). Duration contract from award to 30.04.2014 with the availability of three extensions until 30.04.2017. Further information from DIRIF, Creteil, tel +33 146768724, fax +33 146768902 and Visit Bid code 13-PCTT-01. 12/13.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 02.05.2013, for corrective and preventive maintenance on low voltage equipment and electrical equipment in above tunnels. Further information from DIRIF, Creteil, tel +33 146768724, fax +33 146768902 and Visit Bid code 13-PCTT-02. 12/13.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 31.10.2013, for technical control of centres for traffic and tunnel operation to be refurbished in Ile-de-France region. Estimated value of contract EUR2.4 million, duration 48 months after award. Contact DIRIF, att.n Cinget Lucas, Rosny-sous-Bois, tel +33 148124512, fax +33 148124510, e-mail for further information; DIRIF, att.n Mrs Magguy Desplan, Creteil, tel +33 146768724, fax +33 143768902, e-mail to whom tenders must be sent. Visit 39/13.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 18.11.2013, to build the emergency exits and to lay a thermal protection on the lower part of the lining of Belle Rive tunnel (1,080 m, 1,080 m) on A6 in Rueil-Malmaison municipality. Duration of contract 17 months after award. Contact Dirif, Creteil, att.n Desplan Magguy, Creteil, tel +33 146768724, fax +33 146768902. Visit Ref n. 13-AOO-BR. 41/13.
SDEL Transport of Nanterre secured the contract for corrective and preventive maintenance on high voltage equipment and electrical equipment in PCTT (Place Control Traffic and Tunnel) and Saint-Denis’ tunnels in Northern Arrondissement. The contract involves the following tunnels: Taverny (507 m, 507 m) on A115, Landy (1,357 m, 1,354 m) on A1, Bobigny-Drancy (2 x 2,220 m), Courneuve (380 m, 354 m), Lumen (2 x 460 m), Norton (2 x 180 m) on A86 North. Contact DIRIF, Creteil, tel +33 146768724, fax +33 146768902. Visit Bid code 13-PCTT-01. 41/13.
Semeru of Antony secured the EUR385,294 contract, excluding VAT, for corrective and preventive maintenance on low voltage equipment and electrical equipment in above tunnels. Further information from DIRIF, Creteil, tel +33 146768724, fax +33 146768902. Visit Bid code 13-PCTT-02. 41/13.
Additional information for the open invitation to tender, deadline 18.11.2013, to build the emergency exits and to lay a thermal protection on the lower part of the lining of Belle Rive tunnel (1,080 m, 1,080 m) on A6 in Rueil-Malmaison municipality. Duration of contract 17 months after award. Contact Dirif, Creteil, att.n Desplan Magguy, Creteil, tel +33 146768724, fax +33 146768902. Visit Ref. n. 13-AOO-BR. 42/13.
Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 14.02.2014, for modernization of the two road tunnels Moulin (936 m, 540 m) and Guy Mocquet (560 m, 606 m) at Thiais. Contract duration 60 months from award. Further information from Driea If/Dirif/Smr/Dmrno, att.n Mr Dronnier Claude, 75732 Cedex 15, tel: +33 140618145, e-mail Tenders to Dirif, Bid Office, Creteil, tel +33 146768724, fax +33 146768902. Visit Rif.n. 14-AOR-THIAIS. 03/14.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 03.03.2014, for maintenance of electrical equipment necessary for the operation of tunnels and control traffic room in the Hauts-de-Seine and Val-de-Marne departments, Ile-de-France. Contact DRIEA-IF/DIRIF/SEER/AGER Sud/PCTT Arcueil, att.n Proust Julien, Arcueil, tel +33 146158909, e-mail for further information and DRIEA IF/DIRIF/SGD/Pole des marches publics, Creteil, tel +33 146768724, fax +33 146768902 for sending tenders. Collegarsi a Ref n. 14-AGERS-PCTT-CFaible. 04/14.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 11.04.2014, for maintenance of self-evacuation and closing devices in road and motoway tunnels of Ile de France, managed by Dirif. The contract is composed of four lots according to the PCTT and involves 20 tunnels. Contract duration 12 months from award. Contact Dirif/SEER/AGER EST /PCTT, att.n Huard Herve, Champigny-sur-Marne, tel +33 149837230, fax +33 14983808 and Visit Ref. n. DEX-DE-13-004. 10/14.
SPIE of Bondoufle secured the EUR593,372.56 contract, including VAT, for the maintenance of PCTT (PC Traffic and Tunnel) HT electric equipment in South Ile-de-France. Contact MEEDDM, att.n M. Desplan Magguy, Creteil, tel +33 146768724, fax +33 146768902, e-mail Visit Ref. n. 14-AGERS-PCTT-CFT. 20/14.
BTP consultants of Montigny-le-Bretonneux secured the EUR31,320 contract for technical control of centres for traffic and tunnel operation to be refurbished in Ile-de-France region (lot 1). Contact MEEDDM, Paris, tel +33 146768724, fax +33 143768902. Visit Ref. n. 13 35 042. 22/14.
Spie Ile-de-france Nord-Ouest of Bondoufle secured the contract for maintenance of electrical equipment necessary for the operation of tunnels and control traffic room in the Hauts-de-Seine and Val-de-Marne departments, Ile-de-France. Contact MEEDDM, att.n Mrs Desplan Magguy, Creteil, tel +33 146768724, fax +33 146768902, e-mail Visit 27/14.
For maintenance of self-evacuation and closing devices in road and motorway tunnels of Ile de France, managed by Dirif, SDEL INFI SAS of Viry-Chatillon secured lot 1, section controlled by Saint-Denis PCTT (5 tunnels) and lot 4, section controlled by Arcueil PCTT (3 tunnels); SPIE of Bondoufle secured lot 2, section controlled by Champigny-sur-Marne PCTT (4 tunnels); Satelec of Viry-Chatillon secured lot 3, section controlled by Nanterre PCTT (8 tunnels). Contact MEEDDM, attn Delavaud Raphael, Creteil, tel +33 146768948, fax +33 146768902, e-mail Visit Ref. n. DEX-DE-13-004. 42/14.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 28.11.2014, for maintenance of ventilation equipment in national road tunnels in Ile-de-France (lot 4). Duration of contract 48 months from award, value EUR1-4 million. Contact MEEDDM, attn Delavaud Raphael, Creteil, tel +33 146768948, fax +33 146768902, e-mail Visit Ref. n. 2014-DET-LOT4. 43/14.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 05.12.2014, for maintenance of inverter for equipment in national road tunnels in Ile-de-France (lot 3). Duration of contract 48 months from award, value EUR200,000- EUR1.0 million, excluding VAT. Further informatrion from DRIEA/DIRIF/SEER/ DET/UPMM, attn Gregory Martin, Creteil, tel +33 141787397, fax +33 146768902, e-mail Tenders to DRIEA/DIRIF/BF/PMP, attn Raphael Delavaudf, Creteil, tel +33 146768948, fax +33 146768902, e-mail Visit Ref. n. 2014-DET-LOT3. 44/14.
Spie Idf No of Saint-Denis secured the EUR7,785,455 contract, excluding VAT, for maintenance of electrical distribution equipment in national roads Ile-de-France. Contact Meeddm, attn Delavaud Raphael, Creteil, tel +33 146768948, fax +33 146768902, e-mail Visit Ref. n. 2014-DET-LOT1. 03/15.
Neoler of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine secured the contract for maintenance of generating sets in national roads Ile-de-France. Contact Meeddm, attn Delavaud Raphael, Creteil, tel +33 146768948, fax +33 146768902, e-mail Visit Ref. n. 2014-DET-LOT2. 03/15.
Semeru of Viry-Chatillon secured the contract for maintenance of automation equipment in national roads Ile-de-France. Contact Meeddm, attn Delavaud Raphael, Creteil, tel +33 146768948, fax +33 146768902, e-mail Visit Ref. n. 2014-DET-LOT7. 03/15.
Semeru of Viry-Chatillon secured the EUR1,950,536 contract for maintenance of detection equipment in national roads Ile-de-France. Contact Meeddm, attn Desplan Magguy, Creteil, tel +33 146768724, fax +33 146768902. Visit Ref. n. 2014-DET-LOT08. 03/15.
The group SDEL transport services/Semeru of Nanterre secured the contract for maintenance of safety and emergency telephone network in national roads Ile-de-France. Contact Meeddm, attn Delavaud Raphael, Creteil, tel +33 146768948, fax +33 146768902, e-mail Visit Ref. n. 2014-DET-LOT10. 03/15.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.04.2015, for maintenance of video equipment in national road and tunnels in Ile-de-France (lot 11). Duration of contract 48 months from award, value EUR1-5 million. For further information contact IRIF/SEER/DET/UPMM, attn Gregory Martin, Creteil, tel +33 141767397, e-mail Tenders to be sent to RIEA / DIRIF, attn Raphael Delavaud, Creteil, tel +33 146768948, fax +33 146768902, e-mail, website Visit Ref. n. 2015-DET-LOT11. 11/15.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.05.2015, for the maintenance of Sirius (Information Service for a User Intelligible Network) and SIREDO (IT data collection) systems in national roads and road tunnels in Ile-de-France (lot 14). Duration of contract 48 months from award, value EUR700,000-3 million. Contact MEEDDM, attn Delavaud Raphael, Creteil, tel +33 146768948, fax +33 146768902, e-mail Visit Ref.n. 2015-DET-LOT14. 15/15.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 27.07.2015, to provide evacuation systems in the two new emergency exits of the tunnel Belle-Rive (1,080 m, 1,080 m) on A86. Contact DMET, attn Nicolas Pitout, Creteil, tel +33 0146764927, e-mail for further information, and Dirif, attn Raphael Delavaud, Creteil, e-mail, website for sending offers. Visit Ref. n. DMET-AEV-BR. 26/15.
Spie Idf No of Bondoufle secured the contract for maintenance of inverters for equipment in national road tunnels in Ile-de-France (lot 3). Contact MEEDDM, attn Delavaud Raphael, Creteil, tel +33 146768948, fax +33 146768902, e-mail Visit Ref. n. 15 33 009. 26/15.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 14.09.2015, for operation and maintenance of radiocommunication systems in 17 road tunnels in Paris. The following 12 tunnels are already equipped with radio system for safety communication: La Porte d'Italie tunnel at Paris in Dept 75; Nogent tunnel (1,794 m, 1,485 m) on A86, cut/cover tunnels Moulin (1,486 m) and Guy Moquet (800 m, 800 m) at Thiais on A86; cut/cover tunnel Fresnes (460 m) on A86 in Dept 94 Val-de-Marne; cut/cover tunnel Antony (590 m) on A86, Saint-Cloud tunnel (833 m, 808 m) on A13 and cut/cover tunnel Belle-Rive at Rueil-Malmaison on A86; the A14 cover at La Defense (zones 1, 2 and 3); the A14/A86 motorway interchange and Nanterre tunnel (4,150 m, 4,150 m) on A14 (zones 4, 5 and 6) in Dept Hauts-de-Seine (92); cut&cover tunnel Landy (1,360 m, 1,360 m) at Saint-Denis-Plaine on A1 and cut/cover at Bobigny - Drancy (2,220 m, 2,220 m) on A86 in Dept Seine-Saint-Denis (93). The following five tunnels are not equipped at this moment with radiocommunication systems: cut/cover tunnel Champigny (380 m, 380 m) on A4 and Bicetre tunnel (1,600 m) on A6B in Dept Val-de-Marne (94); cut/cover tunnel Ambroise Pare (828 m, 828 m) on A13 in Dept Hauts-de-Seine (92); cut/cover tunnel Lumen (570 m, 350 m) on A86 in Dept Seine-Saint-Denis (93) and cut/cover tunnel Taverny (515 m, 515 m) on A115 in Dept Val-d'Oise (95). Contact DIRIF/DMET, attn Vincent Fardeau, Creteil, tel +33 146764925, e-mail Visit Ref n. 15-CONCESSION-RADIO. 31/15.
Segic ingenierie of Verrieres-le-Buisson secured the EUR74,700 contract, excluding VAT, for programming, planning and coordination of long-term safety monitoring for road tunnels on the Paris national network, this includes the installation of Sirius third generation access controls and distribution systems. Contact Meeddm, att.n Mr Guy Poirier, Creteil, tel +33 146768724, fax +33 146768902, e-mail Visit 38/15.
SPIE Ouest-Centre at Saint-Herblain secured the contract for the maintenance of Sirius (Information Service for a User Intelligible Network) and SIREDO (IT data collection) systems on national roads and road tunnels in Ile-de-France (lot 14).. Contact MEEDDM, attn Delavaud Raphael, Creteil, tel +33 146768948, fax +33 146768902, e-mail Visit Ref.n. 2015-DET-LOT14. 39/15.
The JV Bouygues travaux publics / SPIE from Guyancourt secured the EUR4.73 million contract for the upgrading of the tunnels Moulin (1486 m) and Guy Moquet (800 m, 800 m) in Thiais on the A86. The contract includes the construction of 11 emergency exits. Contact MEEDDM, attn Delavaud Raphael, Creteil, tel +33 146768948, fax +33 146768902, e-mail Visit Ref n. AOO-ISSUES-THIAIS. 01/16.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 10.07.2017, for asbestos and lead diagnosis in the Ile-de-France tunnels. The duration of the contract is 48 months from award. You can get further information from Driea/Dirif/SMR/DMET, attn Nathan Tavernier, Creteil, tel +33 0146764923, email, site Tenders to Dirif/Pôle des marchés publics, Creteil, tel +33 0146768724, email Visit Ref. n. 17-AOO-DMET-PL-AM. 24/17.
The joint venture between Raoul Taquet (Triel-sur-Seine), Derichebourg Energie (Creteil), ENTRA (Aubervilliers) secured the EUR9 million contract, excluding VAT, fot the maintenance of lighting in national road tunnels of Ile de France and managed by Dirif. Contact MEEDDM, Creteil, tel +33 0146768724, fax +33 0146768902, email Visit Ref. n. 17-DET-ECLAIRAGE. 41/17.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 07.01.2019, for the maintenance of RAU (Emergency phone network ) and Safety Telephones in road tunnels in Ile-de-France. The duration of the contract is 48 months from award, value EUR0.25-1.75 million, excluding VAT. Offers must be sent to
Contact MEEDDM, Creteil, tel +33 146768724, email Visit
Ref.n. DET-2018-RAU-TSE. 48/18.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 07.02.2019, for maintenance of air conditioning installations in road tunnels and Sirius, the road traffic management and monitoring system, in Ile-de-France. Duration of the contract is 48 months from the award, value EUR0.3-1.2million, excluding VAT. Offers must be sent to
Contact MEEDDM, Creteil, tel +33 146768724, email Visit
Ref.n. DET-2018-Climatisation. 01/19.
CES from Leysse secured the EUR274,100 contract, excluding
VAT, for the preliminary safety dossier and safety dossier to upgrade road
tunnels in Ile-de-France. Contact Paris La Defense, tel +33 146931900, fax +33
146930679, email
NUTS Code FR105. Ref.n. 2018-0106. 10/19.
SPIE Citynetworks from Bondoufle secured the EUR1.2 million contract, excluding VAT, for maintenance of air conditioning installations in road tunnels, and for Sirius the road traffic management and monitoring system, in Ile-de-France. Contact MEEDDM, Creteil, tel +33 146768724, email Visit
Ref.n. DET-2018-Climatisation. 18/19.
Neoler from Conflans Sainte Honorine secured the EUR300,000
contract, excluding VAT, for maintenance of generating sets, tunnel and Sirius
systems on the roads of Ile-de-France. Contact MEEDDM, Creteil, tel +33
146768724, email
Ref.n. DET-2018-GE. 26/19
Open invitation to tender, deadline 18/10/2019, for the modernization of the transmission networks and video surveillance (fixed tranche), for the supervision of the technical rooms and for the installation of Sirius systems (optional tranche) on the following roads and annexed rooms managed by DiRIF: A1, A3, A4, A6, A6a, A6b, A10, A12, A13, A14, A15, A104, A115, A140, RN1, RN2, RN3, RN4, RN6, RN10, RN12, RN13, RN19, RN36, RN104, RN118, RN184, RN186, RN191, RN330 and RN406 in Ile-de-France. Duration of the contract is 41 months. Offers must be sent to click here . Contact MEEDDM, Creteil, tel +33 146764927, email For bid documents click here. Ref.n. 19-AOO-DMET-RVL. 39/19.
The Joint Venture SDEL INFI (Viry-Chatillon)/ Semeru (Rungis)/ Spie Citynetworks (Saint-Denis) secured the EUR7.96 million contract, excluding VAT, for the modernization of the transmission networks and video surveillance, for the supervision of the technical rooms and for the installation of Sirius systems (optional tranche) on the following roads and annexed rooms managed by DiRIF: A1, A3, A4, A6, A6a, A6b, A10, A12, A13, A14, A15, A104, A115, A140, RN1, RN2, RN3, RN4, RN6, RN10, RN12, RN13, RN19, RN36, RN104, RN118, RN184, RN186, RN191, RN330 and RN406 in Ile-de-France. Contact MEEDDM, Creteil, tel +33 146764927, email For tender information please click here. Ref.n. 19-AOO-DMET-RVL. 10/20.
Setec ITS from Paris secured the EUR1.52 million contract, excluding VAT, for general management during safety equipment’s upgrade in the road tunnels at La Defense in Paris. Contact Paris La Defense, attn Mrs Guillaume Marie-Celie, email For further information click here. Ref.n. 2020-0038. 35/20.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 24/06/2021, for maintenance of lighting equipment in tunnels on national road network in Ile-de-France, managed by DIRIF. The contract is composed of 2 lots. For tender documents click here, where tenders must be sent. Contact MEEDDM, Creteil, tel +33 141787225, email For further on the TED tender, please click here and here. Ref.n. 21-AOO-DIRIF-ECL. 25/21.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 18/10/2021, for refurbishment of Landy tunnel on the A1 at Saint-Denis. Click here for documents and here where tenders must be sent. Duration contract 6 months. Contact Meeddm, Creteil, tel +33 0149154373, email Visit Ref.n. 21-AOO-TTX-LANDY-A1. 38/21.
Sdel transport services from Viry Chatillon and Taquet from Triel-sur-Seine secured the EUR 2.33 million contract, excluding VAT, for the maintenance of lighting equipment in tunnels on the national road network in Ile-de-France, managed by DIRIF Contact MEEDDM, Creteil, tel +33 141787225, email Visit Ref.n. 21-AOO-DIRIF-ECL. 52/21.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 28/01/2022, for the project management mission for the renovation of the emergency call network for tunnels in Île-De-France. Click here for tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Duration of contract will be 30 months. Contact meeddm, attn Kaniki Tshiamuanda Ghislain, Creteil, tel +33 699044162, email Visit Ref. AP353. 52/21.
France-Créteil: Engineering services
2021/S 251-667544
Contract notice
Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU
Section I: Contracting authority
Name and addresses
Official name: meeddm
Postal address: 15-17 Rue olof Palme
Town: Créteil
NUTS code: FR107 Val-de-Marne
Postal code: 94046
Country: France
Contact person: M. KANIKI TSHIAMUANDA Ghislain
Telephone: +33 699044162
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
Main activity
Other activity: Transition écologique
Section II: Object
Scope of the procurement
mission de maîtrise d'oeuvre pour la rénovation du Réseau d'appel d'urgence des tunnels en Île-De-France
Main CPV code
71300000 Engineering services
Type of contract
Estimated total value
Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
Additional CPV code(s)
71300000 Engineering services
Place of performance
NUTS code: FR10 Ile-de-France
Estimated value
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 30
This contract is subject to renewal: no
Section IV: Procedure
Administrative information
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 28/01/2022
Local time: 12:00
Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:
Section VI: Complementary information
Date of dispatch of this notice:
Open invitation to tender, deadline 28/01/2022, for project management mission for the renovation of the Landy tunnel lighting on the A1 at Saint-Denis. Click here for tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Duration of the contract is 36 months. Contact Meeddm, attn Serge Angelergue, Creteil, email Visit 52/21.
France-Créteil: Engineering services
2021/S 251-667320
Contract notice
Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU
Section I: Contracting authority
I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: meeddm
Postal address: 15-17 rue Olof Palme
Town: Créteil
NUTS code: FR107 Val-de-Marne
Postal code: 94046
Country: France
Contact person: M. ANGELERGUES Serge Chef de projet AMO
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
I.5)Main activity
Other activity: Transition écologique
Section II: Object
II.1)Scope of the procurement
mission de maîtrise d'oeuvre relative à la rénovation de l'éclairage du tunnel de Landy
II.1.2)Main CPV code
71300000 Engineering services
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.5)Estimated total value
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
71300000 Engineering services
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: FR106 Seine-Saint-Denis
II.2.6)Estimated value
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 36
This contract is subject to renewal: no
Section IV: Procedure
IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.2)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 28/01/2022
Local time: 12:00
IV.2.3)Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
IV.2.4)Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:
Open invitation to tender, deadline 07/02/2022, for the upgrading of the road tunnels at La Defense in Paris. For tender documents, please click here where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR 7.5 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 31 months. Contact Paris La Defense, attn Mrs Harassi Khalida, email Visit Ref.n. 20210203. 52/21.
France-Paris-la-Défense: Construction work for tunnels, shafts and subways
Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU
Section I: Contracting authority
I.5)Main activity
Other activity: Aménagement, gestion, promotion et animation du territoire
Section II: Object
II.1)Scope of the procurement
modernisation des tunnels routiers de desserte du quartier d'affaires de La Défense - voie de l'ancre
Reference number: 20210203
II.1.2)Main CPV code
45221200 Construction work for tunnels, shafts and subways
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.5)Estimated total value
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
45221200 Construction work for tunnels, shafts and subways
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: FR105 Hauts-de-Seine
II.2.6)Estimated value
Value excluding VAT: 7 500 000.00 EUR
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 31
This contract is subject to renewal: no
Section IV: Procedure
IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.2)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 07/02/2022
Local time: 12:00
IV.2.3)Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
IV.2.4)Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:
Open invitation to tender, deadline 14/04/2022, for compliance of the safety equipment power supply, in particular the PST and DFP cabinets, for the tunnel Belle-Rive (1,080 m, 1,080 m) located in the Rueil-Malmaison municipality on the A86 motorway. Click here for tender documents and here where tenders have to be sent. Duration of the contract will be 5 months. Contact Meeddm, Creteil, tel +33 0146768724, email Visit 09/22.
France-Créteil: Electrical installation work
2022/S 042-107852
Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU
Section I: Contracting authority
I.5)Main activity
Other activity: Transition écologique
Section II: Object
II.1)Scope of the procurement
mise en conformité de l'alimentation des équipements de sécurité du tunnel de Belle-Rive (Rueil-Malmaison)
II.1.2)Main CPV code
45310000 Electrical installation work
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.5)Estimated total value
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
45310000 Electrical installation work
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: FR105 Hauts-de-Seine
II.2.6)Estimated value
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 5
This contract is subject to renewal: no
Section IV: Procedure
IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.2)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 14/04/2022
Local time: 12:00
IV.2.3)Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
IV.2.4)Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:
Open invitation to tender, deadline 01/04/2022, for the improving and reinforcing of the fire-fighting network of the Nanterre-Defence tunnel on the A14 Y in the Paris to Province direction. Click here for tender documents and where tenders must be sent. The duration of the contract is 16 months. Contact MEEDDM, Creteil, tel +33 0146768724, email Visit Ref.n. 22-NAN-A14. 10/22.
France-Créteil: Works related to water-distribution pipelines
2022/S 043-110367
Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU
Section I: Contracting authority
I.5)Main activity
Other activity: Transition écologique
Section II: Object
II.1)Scope of the procurement
travaux d'amélioration et de renforcement du réseau d'incendie du tunnel A14 Y - nanterre
Reference number: 22-NAN-A14
II.1.2)Main CPV code
45232150 Works related to water-distribution pipelines
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.5)Estimated total value
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
45232150 Works related to water-distribution pipelines
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: FR105 Hauts-de-Seine
II.2.6)Estimated value
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 16
This contract is subject to renewal: no
Section IV: Procedure
IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.2)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 01/04/2022
Local time: 12:00
IV.2.3)Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
IV.2.4)Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:
Artelia sas from Choisy-le-Roi have secured the EUR174,400 contract, excluding VAT, for the project management undertaking for the renovation of the Landy tunnel lighting on the A1 at Saint-Denis. Contact Meeddm, attn Serge Angelergue, Creteil, email Visit 17/22.
The Joint Venture Spie Citynetworks from Saint-Denis and Spie Facilities from Saint-Denis secured the EUR 224 407.20 contract, excluding VAT, for compliance of the safety equipment power supply, in particular the PST and DFP cabinets, for the tunnel Belle-Rive (1,080 m, 1,080 m) located in the Rueil-Malmaison municipality on the A86 motorway. Duration of the contract will be 5 months. Contact Meeddm, Creteil, tel +33 0146768724, email Visit 34/22.
The Joint Venture Sogea île-de-france from Emerainville and Ei tuyauterie electromecanique from Gargenville have secured the EUR1.10 million contract, excluding VAT, for the improving and reinforcing of the fire-fighting network of the Nanterre-Defence tunnel on the A14 Y in the Paris to Province direction. Contact MEEDDM, Creteil, tel +33 0146768724, email Visit Ref.n. 22-NAN-A14. 27/22.
The Joint Venture Sogea île-de-france from Emerainville and Ei tuyauterie electromecanique from Gargenville have secured the EUR1.10 million contract, excluding VAT, for the improving and reinforcing of the fire-fighting network of the Nanterre-Defence tunnel on the A14 Y in the Paris to Province direction. Contact MEEDDM, Creteil, tel +33 0146768724, email Visit Ref.n. 22-NAN-A14. 27/22.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 27/04/2023, for the improving and reinforcing of the fire-fighting network in the tunnel between Nanterre and La Defence on the A14, axis W. Click here for tender documents and where tenders must be sent. The duration of the contract is 12 months. Contact MEEDDM, Creteil, tel +33 0146768724, email Visit Ref.n. DIMET-RI-NANTERRE. 13/23.
France-Créteil: Travaux relatifs aux conduites d'alimentation en eau
2023/S 061-180615
Base juridique:
Directive 2014/24/UE
Section I: Pouvoir adjudicateur
Adresse à laquelle des informations complémentaires peuvent être obtenues: le ou les point(s) de contact susmentionné(s)
I.4)Type de pouvoir adjudicateur
Ministère ou toute autre autorité nationale ou fédérale, y compris leurs subdivisions régionales ou locales
I.5)Activité principale
Autre activité: Transition écologique
Section II: Objet
II.1)Étendue du marché
travaux d'amélioration et de renforcement du réseau d'incendie du tunnel A14 W - nanterre - la Défense dans le sens Province vers Paris
Numéro de référence: DIMET-RI-NANTERRE
II.1.2)Code CPV principal
45232150 Travaux relatifs aux conduites d'alimentation en eau
II.1.3)Type de marché
II.1.4)Description succincte:
travaux d'amélioration et de renforcement du réseau d'incendie du tunnel A14 W - nanterre - la Défense dans le sens Province vers Paris
II.1.5)Valeur totale estimée
II.1.6)Information sur les lots
Ce marché est divisé en lots: non
II.2.2)Code(s) CPV additionnel(s)
45232150 Travaux relatifs aux conduites d'alimentation en eau
II.2.3)Lieu d'exécution
Code NUTS: FR105 Hauts-de-Seine
Lieu principal d'exécution:
tunnel de l'a14 sur l'axe W entre Nanterre et la Défense, dans le département des Hauts de Seine (92)
II.2.4)Description des prestations:
descriptif succinct des travaux :- le remplacement de portions de canalisations ;- le remplacement et adjonction d'équipements de robinetterie
II.2.5)Critères d’attribution
Critères énoncés ci-dessous
Critère de qualité - Nom: La valeur technique / Pondération: 60
Prix - Pondération: 40
II.2.6)Valeur estimée
II.2.7)Durée du marché, de l'accord-cadre ou du système d'acquisition dynamique
Durée en mois: 12
Ce marché peut faire l'objet d'une reconduction: non
Des variantes seront prises en considération: non
II.2.11)Information sur les options
Options: oui
Description des options:
le maître de l'ouvrage se réserve la possibilité de confier au Titulaire la réalisation de prestations similaires à celles du présent marché, après passation d'un ou de plusieurs marchés négociés en application de l'article R.2122-7 du code de la commande publique
II.2.13)Information sur les fonds de l'Union européenne
Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financé par des fonds de l'Union européenne: non
II.2.14)Informations complémentaires
une visite facultative du site pourra être organisée sous réserve de disponibilité de fermetures de nuit du tunnel.Cette visite sera groupée et effectuée de nuit en compagnie d'un représentant du maître d'ouvrage et du maître d'oeuvre.La date et les modalités de visite sont indiquées à l'article 1-4 du régalement de la consultation
Section III: Renseignements d’ordre juridique, économique, financier et technique
III.1)Conditions de participation
III.1.1)Habilitation à exercer l'activité professionnelle, y compris exigences relatives à l'inscription au registre du commerce ou de la profession
Liste et description succincte des conditions:
le formulaire Dc1 dûment complété et signé. En cas de groupement le Dc1 est signé par tous les cotraitants ; Le pouvoir du signataire pour engager l'entreprise (établi par tout moyen, notamment via la transmission du numéro unique d'identification délivré par l'insee et/ou des délégations internes à l'entreprise).Le formulaire Dc1 est disponible avec sa notice d'utilisation sur le site
III.1.2)Capacité économique et financière
Liste et description succincte des critères de sélection:
le/Les formulaire(s) Dc2 dûment complétés, et notamment le chiffre d'affaires sur les trois dernières années. En cas de groupement il est fourni un Dc2 par cotraitant. Les annexes demandées au Dc2 sont fournies le cas échéant ;déclaration appropriée de banques ou preuve d'une assurance pour les risques professionnels.Le formulaire Dc2 est disponible avec sa notice d'utilisation sur le site
Niveau(x) spécifique(s) minimal/minimaux exigé(s):
le montant du chiffre d'affaires moyen annuel sur les trois dernières années doit être égal à 1 Meuro(S) (H.T.).
III.1.3)Capacité technique et professionnelle
Liste et description succincte des critères de sélection:
les références pour des prestations de nature similaire sur les cinq derniers exercices appuyées de certificats de capacité ;Une présentation des moyens humains et matériels du candidat avec une déclaration indiquant l'outillage, le matériel et l'équipement technique ;Une déclaration indiquant les effectifs moyens annuels du candidat et l'importance du personnel d'encadrement, pour chacune des 3 dernières années
Niveau(x) spécifique(s) minimal/minimaux exigé(s):
le candidat doit présenter le certificat de qualification professionnel ou équivalent listé ci-après, selon la nomenclature des travaux publics édités par la Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics. Les candidats pourront se référer au site de la FNTP ( pour avoir les détails des profils souhaités :ip 5118 :construction de réseaux d'adduction et de distribution d'eau sous pression de DN inférieur ou égale à 300mm en site urbanisé avec reprise de branchements existants ou avec création de branchements neufs
Section IV: Procédure
IV.1.1)Type de procédure
Procédure ouverte
IV.1.3)Information sur l'accord-cadre ou le système d'acquisition dynamique
IV.1.8)Information concernant l’accord sur les marchés publics (AMP)
Le marché est couvert par l'accord sur les marchés publics: non
IV.2)Renseignements d'ordre administratif
IV.2.2)Date limite de réception des offres ou des demandes de participation
Date: 27/04/2023
Heure locale: 12:00
IV.2.3)Date d’envoi estimée des invitations à soumissionner ou à participer aux candidats sélectionnés
IV.2.4)Langue(s) pouvant être utilisée(s) dans l'offre ou la demande de participation:
IV.2.6)Délai minimal pendant lequel le soumissionnaire est tenu de maintenir son offre
Durée en mois: 6 (à compter de la date limite de réception des offres)
IV.2.7)Modalités d’ouverture des offres
Date: 27/04/2023
Heure locale: 14:00
Section VI: Renseignements complémentaires
Il s'agit d'un marché renouvelable: non
VI.2)Informations sur les échanges électroniques
La facturation en ligne sera acceptée
VI.3)Informations complémentaires:
présentation des candidatures et des offres : Les candidats sont invités, pour constituer leur candidature et offre, à prendre connaissance du règlement de la consultation téléchargeable sur le profil acheteur à l'adresse : dossier de consultation est téléchargeable gratuitement sur la plate-forme des achats de l'état (Place) à l'adresse suivante - sous la référence : Dimet-Ri-Nanterre.Le candidat est invité à s'inscrire sur la plate-forme afin d'être destinataire des éventuels avertissements de modification de la consultation. Il vérifiera le paramétrage de sa messagerie électronique afin de s'assurer de la bonne réception des messages de la plate-forme.Les candidatures et les offres des candidats seront entièrement rédigées ou traduites en langue française ainsi que les documents de présentation associés.Les candidats sont invités à se reporter au règlement de la consultationde la présente consultation pour connaître en détail les modalités de remise candidatures et des offres, par voie électronique sur le profil acheteur à l'adresse : offres, mêmes volumineuses, doivent parvenir complètes dans les délais fixés par l'acheteur public. L'Opérateur économique est responsable de l'envoi de son pli électronique dans les délais fixés.Modalités de financement et de paiement : - origine du financement : Budget de l' État - les prix sont révisables en application des modalités fixées dans le cahier de clauses administratives particulières (Ccap) - le règlement des comptes se fera sous la forme d'acomptes mensuels électroniques en application des modalités fixées dans le CCAP - une avance de 5 % sera accordée au titulaire en application des modalités fixées dans le CCAP. Si le titulaire du marché ou son sous-traitant admis au paiement direct est une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise), le taux de l'avance est porté à 30 %. - délai global de paiement : 30 jours - en cas de dépassement du délai de paiement, le taux d'intérêt moratoire applicable sera égal au taux de refinancement de la banque centrale européenne, majoré de 8 points + une indemnité forfaitaire pour frais de recouvrement de 40 euros
VI.4)Procédures de recours
VI.4.1)Instance chargée des procédures de recours
VI.4.4)Service auprès duquel des renseignements peuvent être obtenus sur l'introduction de recours
VI.5)Date d’envoi du présent avis:
The Joint Venture Bouygues energies & Services (Guyancourt), Ineo urban transportation solutions ( Ivry-sur-Seine) and Comatelec schede (Villepinte) secured the EUR3.20 million contract, excluding VAT, for the renovation of the Landy tunnel lighting on the A1 at Saint-Denis. Contact Meeddm, Creteil, email Visit Ref.n. 23-AOO-DIMET-ECLLDY. 15/23.
Semeru from Rungis secured the EUR 1.24 million contract, excluding VAT, for the maintenance of PLC systems, Remote I/O Modules (RIOM) in tunnels and Sirius on the national road network in Ile-de-France. Contact MEEDDM, Creteil, email Visit 23/23.
Negotiated with prior publication of a call for competition, deadline 09/12/2024, for project management and assistance to the contracting authority about operations to install air flow control and to renovate the ventilation system in the Saint-Germain tunnel (1855 m) on the A14 motorway. Click here for tender documents and where tenders must be sent. The duration of the contract is 48 months. Value of the contract is EUR 800,000, excluding VAT. Contact Societe SAPN, Issy les moulineaux, tel +33 (0)141905900, email Visit Ref.n. P2024007498. 46/24.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 23/01/2025, for the renovation of RAU (Emergency phone network ) in road tunnels in Ile-de-France. Click here for bid/tender documents and where tenders must be sent. The duration of the contract is 45 months. Contact Direction regionale et interdepartementale de l'environnement, de l'amenagement et des transports d'ile-de-France, Paris, tel +33 146768724, email Visit Ref.n. DRIEAT-DIRIF-AOO-24-033. 49/24.