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China, Hunan - cn/73

High Speed Railway

Scetauroute, in partnership with four Chinese engineering firms, has signed an engineering contract related to construction of the infrastructure and installation of the equipement on section 3 (182 km) of the Wuhan-Canton high speed line (900 km) on behalf of Wuhan Guangzhou Passenger Railroad Corporation, a subsidiary of the Ministry of railways. Section 3 is in Hunan province, on each side of Chenzhou, 300 km north of Canton. Its construction will require 66 tunnels (40 km) and two new stations. Scetauroute will be in charge of defining and following up the quality control. The contract will last four years (January 2006 to June 2010). Opening of the line is scheduled for December 2009. Visit www.scetauroute.com 17/06.


China, Shandong Province - cn/72


Qingdao, a port city in east China's Shandong Province, is seeking investments for constructing two subsea tunnels in Jiaozhou Bay. Xinshi Industrial Co. Ltd. is the project developer. The tunnels would connect Xuejia Isle of the Huangdao Island District and Tuandao Isle of Qingdao by crossing at the mouth of Jiaozhou Bay. The subsea tunnels, extending some 6,170 m, will have six lanes capable of accommodating vehicles with a speed of 80 km per hour. The project is expected to cost 3.186 billion yuan (about USD400 million). The investment is expected to be recovered in about 11 years. The tunnels are expected to be completed in four years. 02/06.


China, Pearl River Delta - cn/71


  €2 billion toll bridge project announced to link Lantau Island in Hong Kong with Zhuhai and Macao, west of it. Two artificial islands linked together by a 1.4 km tunnel will be built in the middle of the delta to allow ship navigation. Main financier is Hopewell Group (50%). 37/03.Hong Kong's Highways Department appointed Arup to carry out a feasibility study for the Hong Kong section of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge. The assignment involves preliminary design and an environmental impact assessment for about 12 km of bridge works that will be built in Hong Kong waters from Lantau Island. About 3 km of bridge could be replaced by a tunnel if the elevated structure is found to affect operations at nearby Hong Kong International Airport. The Hong Kong section will connect to the 30 km portion in mainland waters across the mouth of the Pearl River from Macau and Zhuhai. Visit www.hyd.gov.hk and www.arup.comThe only bridge designs that have been done so far are those by Hopewell Holdings. Hopewell's plans show a combined tunnel and bridge. From Zhuhai and Macau traffic would cross on a low-rise concrete bridge before descending into a tunnel under the Pearl River's main navigational channel before emerging close to Hong Kong waters. A low-rise bridge would be used to take traffic to the west coast of Lantau Island. Visit www.hopewellholdings.com 17/04.Arup has won a contract from the Road and Bridge Construction Investment Corporation of Xiamen to carry out the detailed design of the 3.23 billion yuan Xiamen East tunnel in Fujian. Arup secured the deal in partnership with China Communications Second Highway Survey, Design and Research Institute (CCSHI) in Wuhan. The firm will be responsible for designing measures to improve the ground conditions to make the tunnel easier to excavate. Arup will also design the tunnel ventilation equipment, carry out a fire safety assessment and prepare a health monitoring system. Arup will also carry out a construction and operation risk assessment.The link will be China's first subsea tunnel. The 6 km tunnel will be built as part of a 9 km highway linking Xibin in Xiamen's Xiangan district with Wutong on Xiamen Island in the East China Sea. The tunnel will be built using the drill/blast technique through granite bedrock. It will comprise two horseshoe-shaped tunnels, each accommodating a three-lane carriageway, plus a central service tunnel containing power, mechanical, electrical, communications and rescue facilities. The tunnel is expected to be completed in four years. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 23/2004. Visit www.arup.com 28/04.


China, Shanghai - cn/70


Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co. started construction of the 2.2 km Xiangyin Road tunnel in Shanghai, linking Xiangyin Road in Puxi with the planned Wuzhou Avenue in Pudong. The tunnel, which has a total investment of US$145.15 million, will become the sixth tunnel across the Huangpu River when it is completed by the end of 2005. Visit www.stec.net 27/03.


China, Hong Kong - cn/69


Leighton Asia, in joint venture with China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Ltd and Van Oord ACZ, has secured a US$487.2 million land reclamation contract in Hong Kong for the Territory Development Department. Leighton's share is US$218 million. The contract involves the reclamation of a key section of Hong Kong Harbour to form approximately 18 hectares of land including the construction of a rail overrun tunnel for the Airport Railway and one kilometre dual three-lane road tunnel. Project to commence on 28th February, 2003 and is scheduled for completion in September 2007. 09/03.


China, Shanghai - cn/68


  Work has begun on South Station of the Shanghai metro project. The four-line interchange station will connect the Shanghai railway, metro Line 1, the Ming Zhu Line and the planned L1 light rail line on completion in 2004. Initially planned to be built above ground, the station has been redesigned as an underground interchange. Total investment in the project is around US$90.7 million. 38/02.


Thales SEC Transport (TST), the joint venture between Thales and Shanghai Electric, has been awarded the signalling contract for Line 14 of the Shanghai Metro by Shanghai Shentong Metro Group CO. Ltd. The signalling system will be integrated with a supervision solution, significantly improving operational efficiency by providing high-level automated control. Line 14, 38.5 km length with 31 underground stations, will cross Shanghai’s downtown area from east to west, from Fengbang to Jinsui Road.

The fully automated, driverless line will be connected to at least 13 other lines in the network. Visit https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/worldwide/transportation/press-release/shanghai-metro-line-14-goes-fully-automated-and-driverless.


China, Yunnan - cn/67

Chuda Highway

Order worth £500,000 won by Woods Air Movement to supply 171 Jetfoil ventilation fans on the twelve Yun Nan Da Bao tunnels, originally built in 1985 and currently being upgraded. As well as removing polluted air, the fans will also act as emergency fans for smoke extraction. Visit www.flaktwoods.com and www.woods-fans.com. 36/02.


China, Hong Kong - cn/66

Road Bypass

Maunsell Consultants Asia is designing the Central-Wan Chai Bypass and Island Eastern Corridor Link, a 4 km trunk road connecting the Rumsey Street Flyover Extension and the Island Eastern Corridor in Causeway Bay on Hong Kong Island. Includes a 2.3 km dual 3-lane road tunnel and two 700 m 2-lane one-way road tunnels. The contract also includes installation of electrical and mechanical systems, and construction of ancillary buildings for tunnel administration and ventilation. Construction to begin in 2004. Visit www.hyd.gov.hk and www.maunsell.com.hk 24/02.


Hong Kong Highways Department has invited tenders for the construction contract for a tunnelled section of the Central-Wan Chai Bypass. Works commence in March 2013 for completion in January 2017. The main elements of the work include construction of a section of tunnel structure in the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter (CBTS); the Slip Road 8 tunnel structure beneath the existing Victoria Park Road; an extension of pedestrian subway beneath the existing Tsing Fung Street westbound and the associated roadworks and associated drainage and sewerage works. Click here for map. Forms of tender and further particulars are obtainable from Mr. Conrad Ng, AECOM Asia Co. Ltd, Hong Kong, tel (852) 3922 9000, fax (852) 3922 9797, e-mail conrad.ng@aecom.com. Visit http://www.hyd.gov.hk/eng/tender/contracts/2010/HY201008.htm. Contract N. HY/2010/08. 31/12.


The Highways Department signed a EUR3.69 billion ($4.792 billion) contract with China State Construction Engineering for the Central-Wan Chai Bypass (CWB) Project in Hong Kong. The contract involves the construction of a 300 m-long section of twin box tunnel under the seabed of Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter and a 150 m-long slip road tunnel beneath the existing Victoria Park Road and the northern part of Victoria Park. The project is a 4.5 km-long dual three-lane carriageway with a 3.7 km-long tunnel connecting Central to the corridor at North Point via Wan Chai and Causeway Bay. Construction works for the project started in 2009 and will be completed in 2017. Visit www.news.gov.hk/en/categories/infrastructure/html/2013/03/20130314_180211.shtml, www.hyd.gov.hk and http://english.cscec.com/. Contract n. HY/2010/08. 15/13.


Hong Kong Highways Department has invited tenders, deadline 02.08.2013, for the Central – Wan Chai Bypass – Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works Associated with Tunnel Commissioning. The works mainly comprise: road pavement, traffic signage and road marking, tunnel cladding and ceiling finishes, landscape works; Superstructures of Central - Wan Chai Bypass tunnel buildings; Tunnel ventilation system, traffic control and surveillance system, fire services system, building services system and associated Electrical and Mechanical works. Works commence in February, 2014 for completion in 2017.

Click here for map. Forms of tender and further particulars are obtainable from Mr. Conrad Ng, AECOM Asia Co. Ltd, Hong Kong, tel (852) 3922 9000, fax (852) 3922 9797, e-mail conrad.ng@aecom.com. Visit http://www.hyd.gov.hk/en/tender_notices/contracts/prequalifications_and_tender_notices/2011/HY201108.html. Contract N. HY/2011/08. 25/13.


China, Shanghai - cn/65


Construction of the East Fuxing Road tunnel across the Huangpu River is underway. Two 2.6 km tubes will provide two-way traffic. One tube handles traffic heading westwards to Puxi, while the other is for eastbound traffic towards Pudong. Each tube has a diameter of 10.94 metres and two levels. The upper level is 2.6 m-high, designed to be used by private cars and taxis; and the lower level is 4 m-high, designed for larger vehicles. Seven emergency exits will be provided every 300 metres. Shield tunnelling is being used. Completion in December 2004. 23/02.


China, Hong Kong - cn/64

Electric Cables

A jv of Dragages et Travaux Publics and Bouygues TP has been awarded two contracts worth €70 million to design and build four high voltage electricity cable tunnels for CLP Power Hong Kong. Overall length of 5.1 km for installation. The first contract involves the construction of a 1,070 m tunnel in north Kwai Chung using the drill/blast method; and a 650 m tunnel under Tsz Wan Shan Road, to be built by pipejacking using a mixed ground TBM. The second contract involves the construction of a 3,200 m tunnel across the Chi Ma Wan Peninsula by hard rock TBM, running from Pui O to Tai Long Wan along the southern coast of Lantau Island. The contract also covers the construction of a 190 m-long tunnel beneath the Tuen Mun River Channel by pipejacking using a mixed ground TBM. Detailed design is underway, and works on all four tunnels will start towards the end of 2002. Completion within three years. Visit www.clpgroup.com 22/02.Dragages Hong Kong won from CLP Power on 30th November, 2005 another design and build project for a 4.5 km cable tunnel in Hong Kong. The tunnel starts near the CLP Castle Peak power station and passes beneath the mountainous region of Castle Peak, finishing at a shaft near Tuen Mun Town. After the installation of electric cables (to be installed by others) the tunnel will form an integral component of CLP's power systems in the West New Territories region. Most of the 4.5 m-internal diameter tunnel will be constructed in good rock and the tunnel will be bored using a hard rock TBM with a segment erector installing precast segments. This is the fourth contract Dragages has won from CLP Power since 2002. Overall project management is by CLP Power Hong Kong and CLP's consultant is Atkins China. Visit www.bouyguesasia.com, www.clpgroup.com and www.atkins.com.hk 03/06.
