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Brazil, Rio de Janeiro - br/19

Ring Road

2 x 1,104 m Grota Funda tunnel to link Recreio and Guaratiba as part of the dualling of Avenida das Américas awarded to a jv of Construcap (Brazil) and Modern (US) for R$ 72 million. Project has been approved by the state environmental control commission. Construction to commence in October, 2002. 35/02.Open call for tenders, deadline 23rd January, 2008 for construction and 25-year operation of the 2 x 1.1 km Serra da Grota Funda tunnel, which will link Baixadas de Jacarepaguí¡ and Guaratiba, in the west area of Rio de Janeiro. The project is budgeted at BRL900 million. Contact Secretaria Municipal de Obras e Servií§os Píºblicos, Rua Afonso Cavalcanti nº 455 - 9º andar, sede da Geríªncia de Licitaí§íµes, Cidade Nova, Rio de Janeiro. Tel. +55 25032633 or 25032567 and e-mail odli@pcrj.rj.gov.br or visit www.rio.rj.gov.br/smo 52/07-01/08.


Brazil, Serro do Mar - br/18


  Second 20.23 km-long carriageway of Ecovias dos Imigrantes, Sao Paulo to Praia Grande under construction by CR Almeida and Impregilo with three drill/blast tunnels for completion December, 2002. 3,146 m-long TD1 is complete, and becomes the longest Brazilian road tunnel. 2,080 m-long TD2 to be completed May, 2002, and 3,005 m-long TD3 in July, 2002. Four Atlas Copco drillrigs have excavated 1.2 million cu m of rock for concrete production. Design by Geodata. Visit www.ecovias.com.br and www.boomer-rig.com 44/01.


Brazil, Recife - br/17


Construction has started on the 9 km-long section of metro Line 2 from Fernandinho to Prazeres in Recife City. February 2000.


Brazil, Rio de Janiero - br/16

Metro Line 4

Rio Barra consortium selected for R$400 million BOT concession to build 16 km-long line 4 to serve the rapidly growing Barra da Tijuca area, which is separated from the old city to the west of the Pedra Branca mountains. Line 4 will start from Jardim Oceanico in Barra and run east through Sao Conrado before tunnelling under the mountains to Joquei Clube, Humaita and Sao Joao. December 1999.


Brazil, Rio de Janeiro - br/15

Metro Line 3

Technical and economic feasibility study for line 3 to be carried out by Noronha Engenharia/Parsons Corporation consortium, reporting within one year to National Bank for Economic and Social Development. Estimated to cost $665 million, the line will connect Alcantara, Sao Goncalo and Niteroi with Rio through a 4 km tunnel beneath Guanabara Bay. Initial project plans include construction of 16 km of track to sao Goncalo and a light rail connection to Itaborai on the Flumitrens line. November 1999.   National Bank for Economic & Social Development has put together R$186 million funding package for the Rio de Janeiro metro extension to Rua Siqueira Campos in Copacabana. Work will get underway in January, 2000 and opening is envisaged by end-2002. December 1999.   The prequalifiers for the civil engineering works of two sections of Line 3, the first between Rio and Niterí³i including a 4 km subsea tunnel, and the second between Niterí³i and Itaboraí­­, are: Constructora Fluminense, a consortium of Queiroz Galvao and Carioca Engenharí­­a; Mendes Junior; and Constructor Metro Rio, a consortium headed by Andrade Gutiérrez also including the contractors OAS, Caramgo Correa and CBPO. Visit www.metrorio.com.br/index.asp 10/01.   Rio de Janeiro state will auction on 8th February, 2002 a contract to build the first phase of Line 3 between Niteroi and Sí£o Goní§alo. At least 26 companies have so far expressed interest. The project has been split into two phases, starting with the easiest stretch between Niteroi and Sí£o Goní§alo, 22 km in length with 14 stations. A 4 km tunnel under the Bay requires to invest US$400 million. Financing from the federal government has not yet been approved. It is believed revenues from Opportrans, the concessionaire of Lines 1 and 2, will be used for civil construction. A jv of engineering consultancies Noronha Engenharia, Parsons Brinckeroff International and Ernst & Young has been working on the project. Visit www.noronha.com and www.pbworld.com 04/02.


Brazil, Camboriu - br/14

Highway - NATM

Santa Catarina tunnel under Morro do Boi hill is 1.0 km-long with face section of 100 m킲 in rock and 120 m킲 in soil. Finished dimensions will be height 9.4 m and width 14.4 m. Shotcrete lining using wet thin stream method will consume 5,500 m3 applied by Aliva AL-500 equipped with AL-307 spraying boom, AL-285 spraying machine and AL-403 dosing unit. Sept 1999.  1 km-long Morro do Boi tunnel in Santa Catarina region reported open to traffic in 2000. 44/01.


Brazil, Salvador de Bahia - br/13


Prequalification bids submitted for 11.9 km first phase of proposed 14.5 km metro from Lapa to Piraja and Pau de Lima on behalf of Companhia Brasilieira de Trens Urbanos. Two underground stations and 1.4 km of tunnel. $15 million World Bank seed funding. Interested groups are Adtranz, Alstom, AnsaldoBreda, Bombardier, CAF, Siemens and T'Trans. Potential operators include RATP, ATM Milano and RENFE. Bidding managed by Secretariat for Investment Promotion and Special Projects. November 1999.   First contracts for the US$307 million project awarded to Siemens and two Brazilian companies, Camargo Correa and Andrade Gutierrez. It is hoped to open the metro in 2003. Funding will be split between the World Bank, which will provide $150 million, the Brazilian federal government $40 million, the state of Bahia and the city of Salvador $67 million, and the private sector $50 million. Suppliers will be responsible for maintenance under a 25-year renewable contract. March 2000.  The design studies of the Line 1 extension to Pau de Lima and Line 2 have been commissioned to Metropolitana Milanese. Financing by the Inter-American Development Bank.The first phase of Line 1 between Lapa and Pirají¡,11.9 km in length, is under construction by Camargo Corríªa and Andrade Gutierrez since April 2000. Completion in 2003. The route runs 1.5 km in tunnel, 4 km elevated and 6.4 km at grade and serves 8 stations, two of which underground in Lapa and Pirají¡. In January 2002, excavation of the tunnel began using NATM, at a depth of 32 metres. Expected daily speed of 2-3 metres and three drives. On 30th April, 2002, work progress had reached 361 metres. Rolling stock supplied by Siemens.The 9.4 km Line 2 will run east to west and link the suburban rail terminal at Calí§ada to the bus station Rodovií¡ria. Visit www.metrodesalvador.com.br and www.metropolitanamilanese.it 24/02.


Brazil, Fortaleza - br/12


Shortlist of contractors to build US$329 million first phase of metro involving 2.3 km underground in city centre and to convert existing 22 km suburban line together with nine stations and depot. Second phase worth US$182 million to convert 19 km line to metro operation. Nov 1998.  Alstom reports award of US$87 million turnkey contract for 24 km line with 17 stations (three of which are underground) linking Joao Felipe in the city centre to Villa Das Flores in the suburbs. March 1999.


The State of Ceará’s Secretary for Infrastructure secured to the FTS East Line consortium composed by Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructure and the  Brazilian construction company Ferrera Guedes (Beloniging to Agis Group) the EUR350 million (BRL1.47 bn) contract to build the Phase 1 of East Line of the Fortaleza Metro (Brazil). Duration works 48 months.  The contract involves the construction of the track from Tirol-Moura Brasil station to  the train depot, located beyond Papicu station. The project includes 7.3 km of tunneling, of which 6 km will be built by TBM, in addition to four underground stations (Central Chico da Silva, Colegio Militar, Nunes Valente and Papicú) and one ground-level station (Tirol-Moura Brasil). Visit http://www.sacyr.com and https://sacc.cge.ce.gov.br/UploadArquivos/20181030.1063358.Integra.CONTRATO.PDF. 28/18.


Brazil, Sao Paulo - br/11

Metro Line 4

  Extension from Paulista through Republica to Luz under the city centre commenced and conversion of two suburban railway lines to metro operations under consideration by secretary for metropolitan transport. Existing metro network will increase by 85 km to 134 km by 2004. April 1999. Suburban rail authority Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos reports that construction is pushing ahead on the first stage of Sao Paulo metro Line 5 to serve six stations with 6.7 km elevated, 2 km at grade and 0.7 km underground for completion 2002. The line will later be extended to Embuacu on Line 2 via an interchange with Line 1 at Santa Cruz. December 1999.   Prequalification bids have been invited by the end of May, 2000 for construction of the 13.5 km-long underground section of Line 4, part-financed by the World Bank and Brazil's National Bank for Economic & Social Development with the balance from the private sector on a modified BOT basis. The US$2 billion, 12-station line will run from Luz in the city centre to the southwest and is expected to carry about one million passengers a day. The winning private-sector company will build the line and then operate it and keep the profits for a period to be negotiated before handing over all fixed and moving assets. January 2000.   Prequalification for the 12.8 km Yellow Line 4 between Luz and Pí¡tio Vila Sônia. 10.3 km to be shield-driven, of which 5.2 km in soft soil and rock between Fradique Coutinho and Vila Sônia plus 5.1 km in soft soil only between Fradique Coutinho and Luz. Also 1.6 km in NATM and 800 metres in cut-and-cover. First phase, to be completed in 2006, includes five stations in Luz, Repíºblica, Paulista, Pinheiros, and Butantí£ for US$934 million. All stations in NATM except Repíºblica. Prequalifiers to be disclosed on 21st March, 2002. Awarding expected for June, 2002. Second phase includes stations in Higiení³polis, Oscar Freire, Fradique Coutinho, Faria Lima, Tríªs Poderes, and Morumbi. Civil works represent 60%, financed by the World Bank, the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, and the State Treasure. Finishing works, systems and rolling stock to be financed under a 30-year BOT agreement. Total cost of US$1.3 billion. Visit www.metro.sp.gov.br and www.stm.sp.gov.br 51/01.   Lot 1 Luz-Fradique Coutinho has received 15 bids, lot 2 Fradique Coutinho-Vila Sônia has received 14 bids and lot 3 Pí¡tio Vila Sônia has received 16 bids. The bidders are: Fiat / Ivai / Comsa; Hochtief / T'Trans / Pem / Scheider; Impregilo; Ingenieros Civiles / MPE Serveng Civilsan / EBE; Somague / Efacec; OHL / Encalso / Isolux; Dywidag / Cartellone / IECSA / Impulse; Dragados / Techint; CBPO / OAS / Alstom; Bouygues / Carioca Engenheria Construbase; Camargo Correa / Siemens / Mitsui; Andrade Gutierrez / Cobra Instal. Queiroz Galví£o, Wayss & Freytag / Schahin / Constran / Cegelec; Necso / Elecnor; Obayashi / Estacon / Sumitomo; Modern / Construcap / Edwards; Mendes / Balfour Beatty. Preferred bidders to be appointed in November, 2002. Visit www.metro.sp.gov.br 17/02.   $934 million necessary to build the 14 km line, of which $418 million will come from the World Bank, $322 million from the Treasury and $194 million from private investors. Work to start in 2003. Visit www.metro.sp.gov.br 22/02.   The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (BIRD) has granted a US$209 million loan for the construction of the US$934 million 12.8 km-long underground Yellow Line 4. Visit www.worldbank.org 28/02.   Metro company Companhia do Metropolitano de Sao Paulo (CMSP) has suspended the process for a tender to build the first phase of the 12.8 km-long Line 4. Nine consortia that prequalified in September 2002 purchased bidding rules. Offers were due on 14th March, 2003. The new date to submit offers is still unknown but will be set within one month. The decision gives the company time to answer the 700 queries regarding the tender process and to sort out legal proceedings from companies who failed to prequalify. Visit www.metro.sp.gov.br 13/03.  Consortium Via Amarela (CBPO Engenharia, OAS, Alstom and Queiroz Galví£o is the lowest bidder for contracts 1 and 2 of the first stage of the line, with bids of US$304 million and US$254 million approximately. A three-month period has now open to analyse the bid. The first stage of Line 4, with a budget of US$1.26 billion, requires 12.8 km of tunnels and five stations in Butantí£, Pinheiros, Paulista, Repíºblica and Luz. It is planned to be ready in 2006. The second stage will add six more stations. Visit www.stm.sp.gov.br 28/03.Consortium Via Amarela including CBPO Engenharia, OAS, Queiroz Galví£o and Alstom will be responsible for the construction of the first stage of line 4. This first stage includes 12.8 km of tunnel between Vila Sonia depot and Luz station. There are five stations (Butantí£, Pinheiros, Paulista, Repíºblica and Luz). The Camargo Corríªa-led consortium including Andrade Gutierroz and Siemens will build the Vila Sonia rolling stock maintenance depot. The contracts should be signed within 30 days. Work will start in November 2003.The second stage includes six more stations (Morumbi, Tríªs Poderes, Faria Lima, Fradique Coutinho, Oscar Freire and Higiení³polis), which will take 36 months to build. An extension of the line to Taboao da Serra is under study. Visit www.stm.sp.gov.br and www.metro.sp.gov.br 38/03.The Via Amarela consortium, comprising of Odebrecht, Queiro & Galvao, OAS and Alstom, subcontracted to SELI part of the construction of Line 4 Yellow. It is a 12.8 km line between Vila Sonia and Luz, fully underground, which consists of a single-tube tunnel, whereof approximately 7.7 km by an Herrenknecht EPB TBM, 4.5 km using three-boom jumbos as per NATM and 800 m in cut-and-cover. The TBM diameter is 9.5 m. Precast concrete segments reinforced with fibres, using Same moulds. Conveyor belt behind the TBM and Schoema muck haulage equipment. TBM to start in September 2006. Visit www.herrenknecht.com, www.schoema-locos.de and contact s.a.m.e@samesnc.comThere are also 11 stations (using the cut-and-cover method at Morumbi, Tres Poderes, Faria Lima, Fradique Coutinho and Republica and NATM at Butanta, Pinheiro, Oscar Freire, Paulista, Higiení³polis and Luz) and 11 shafts. Geology is gneiss saprolite, gneiss, clay, alluvium and sands. SELI's part of the EUR480 million contract amounts to EUR30 million. First phase underway, including construction of Butanta, Pinheiros, Paulista, Republica and Luz stations, Vila Sonia rolling stock depot and cut-and-cover stretch. Second phase will include Morumbi, Tres Poderes, Faria Lima, Fradique Coutinho, Oscar Freire and Higienopolis stations as well as TBM and NATM tunnels. Line 4 Yellow will intersect with Line 1 Blue in Luz, Line 2 Green in Paulista and Line 3 Red in Republica. Visit www.selitunnel.com and www.metro.sp.gov.br/expansao/amarela/teamarela.shtml 41/05.Agencia Estado has reported progress on Line 4 extension to connect Lux district with Vila Sonia district with total length of 12.8 km and 11 stations. The SELI EPB www.selitunnel.com has completed 5.8 km from Faria Lima to Republica, and is under maintenance ready to relaunch in February, 2009 for the remaining 1.6 km run to Luz. Completion expected end-July, 2009. The 5.4 km section from Faria Lima to Patio da Vila Sonia is under construction using NATM techniques. For details of geology visit tunnelbuilder archive br/11 and for alignment map visit www.metro.sp.gov.br/ingles/expansion/sumary/alignment/tealignment.shtml. 04/09.


Poyry and Brazilian consultant EBEI have been awarded the five-year contract for project management services for the 12.8 km extension of the new Sao Paolo Line 4 metro. The scope of services includes project management, technical and financial assistance, and providing tools for cost and quality control and scheduling. Visit www.poyry.com. 28/09.


Isolux Corsan (Madrid) has been awarded the two contracts for the second phase of the construction of Metro Line 4 in Sao Paulo. The project has a total budget of EUR239 million. Line 4, or Yellow Line, connects downtown Sao Paulo to the southwest of the city. The first EUR70 million contract includes construction of new access and completion of civil works of the following stations: Sao Paulo-Morumbi, Fradique Coutinho, Oscar Freire and Higienopolis-Mackenzie, and construction of a city bus terminal-interchange. The second EUR169 million contract includes the underground construction of the Villa Sonia station, to be performed through the interconnection of different tunnels, most notably that of the interconnection and the body of the station, with cross-sections of 185 sq m and 156 sq m respectively. Train access to the new station will require NATM excavation of a 1.85 km-long tunnel comprising 1.35 km double track with a cross-section of 95 sq m and 0.5 km single track with a cross-section of 41 sq m. Visit http://www.isoluxcorsan.com/en/communication/press-releases/. 20/12.


TC-Linha 4 Amarela, the joint venture of Tiisa Infraestrutura, Investimentos S/A and Comsa S/A has been selected, among 10 other offers, to complete the second phase of the metro driveless Line 4 in Sao Paulo. The value of the contract is EUR223.20 million (BRL858.74 million). The second phase comprises the completion of the two-station western section of the line from Butanta to Vila Sonia. This line is currently already used by trains travelling to and from the depot. Also part of the contract is the completion of three intermediate stations on the initial operating section between Butanta and Luz.

Line 4-Yellow began operating at full capacity in October 2011 with six stations - Butanta, Pinheiros, Faria Lima, Paulista, Republica and Luz, which made up the first phase of the operation.

The joint venture of Isolux-Corsan and Corvium was awarded the phase 2 contract in 2012, but the agreement was terminated last July after the contractor failed to complete the works on schedule. Only one of the stations, Fradique Coutinho, was completed before the contract was terminated.

The second phase was launched with the delivery of Fradique Coutinho station on the 15.11.2014. There are four new stations under construction. Services are expected to begin operating fully to Sao Paulo-Morumbi and Vila Sonia in 2019.

When the second phase is completed, Line 4-Yellow will be 12.8 km long and have 11 stations, linking the Luz station region, in the city center, to the Vila Sonia neighborhood, in the West region. Visit http://www.metro.sp.gov.br/consorcio-tclinha-4-amarela-vence-licitacao-de-obras-da-segunda-fase-da-linha-4-de-metro.fss. 24/16.



Bulgaria, Burgas Province - bg/19


Prior information notice for the detailed design and completion of the railway tunnel n.1 (2811 m, 385 m of which will be cut & cover) in the section between Lozarevo - Prilep (km 16 + 684.29 to km 24 + 800) on the Karnobat - Sindel  railway line, whose doubling and electrification is on going.  Value of the contract is EUR19.40million (BGN37.95 million), excluding VAT. Estimated date of publication of contract notice: 08/03/2021. 

Contact Natsionalna kompaniya Zhelezopatna infrastruktura,  attn Maya Yordanova Mateykova-Georgieva, Sofia, tel +359 29322458, email m.mateikova@rail-infra.bg. For further on the tender, please click here. 05/21. 



Open invitation to tender, deadline 10/04/2023, for the doubling and electrification of the Lozarevo - Prilep section (km 16 + 684.29 to km 24 + 800), part of the Karnobat - Sindel  railway line doubling and electrification project. Click here for bid documents and where tenders must be sent. The EUR100.87 million (BGN197.29 million) contract, excluding VAT, is composed of two lots. 

  • Lot 1 - Completion of the 2811 m railway tunnel n.1 (385 m of which in cut & cover) on the Lozarevo - Prilep section, value EUR60.02 million (BGN117.38 million), excluding VAT, with a duration of 1200 days.   
  • Lot 2 - Doubling and electrification of the Lozarevo - Prilep section, value EUR40.86 million (BGN79.91 million), excluding VAT, with a duration of 1780 days.   

CContact Natsionalna kompaniya Zhelezopatna infrastruktura,  attn Desislava Slavcheva, Sofia, tel +359 29323079, fax +359 29310663, email d.slavcheva@rail-infra.bg. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=097440-2023. 07/23.  


Postponed to 09/05/2023 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the doubling and electrification of the Lozarevo - Prilep section (km 16 + 684.29 to km 24 + 800), part of the Karnobat - Sindel  railway line doubling and electrification project. Click here for tender documents and where tenders must be sent. The EUR100.87 million (BGN197.29 million) contract, excluding VAT, is composed by two lots. 

  • Lot 1 - Completion of the 2811 m railway tunnel n.1 (385 m of which in cut & cover) on the Lozarevo - Prilep section, value EUR60.02 million (BGN117.38 million), excluding VAT, with a duration of 1200 days.   
  • Lot 2 - Doubling and electrification of the Lozarevo - Prilep section, value EUR40.86 million (BGN79.91 million), excluding VAT, with a duration of 1780 days.   

Contact Natsionalna kompaniya Zhelezopatna infrastruktura,  attn Desislava Slavcheva, Sofia, tel +359 29323079, fax +359 29310663, email d.slavcheva@rail-infra.bg . Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=247554-2023 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=212330-2023. 17/23.  


The Consortium DZZD FERROVIA NORD-SUD 2023 from Sofia, EDILIZIA GLOBALE AD from Sofia and  EVOLUZIONE LTD from Sofia have secured the EUR 60.02 million (BGN117.38 million) contract, excluding VAT, for the completion of the 2811 m railway tunnel n.1 (385 m of which in cut & cover) on the Lozarevo - Prilep section (km 16 + 684.29 to km 24 + 800), part of the Karnobat - Sindel  railway line doubling and electrification project (Lot 1). Contact Natsionalna kompaniya Zhelezopatna infrastruktura,  attn Desislava Slavcheva, Sofia, tel +359 29323079, fax +359 29310663, email d.slavcheva@rail-infra.bg. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=503546-2023 . 35/23.  
