Extension from Paulista through Republica to Luz under the city centre commenced and conversion of two suburban railway lines to metro operations under consideration by secretary for metropolitan transport. Existing metro network will increase by 85 km to 134 km by 2004. April 1999.
Suburban rail authority Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos reports that construction is pushing ahead on the first stage of Sao Paulo metro Line 5 to serve six stations with 6.7 km elevated, 2 km at grade and 0.7 km underground for completion 2002. The line will later be extended to Embuacu on Line 2 via an interchange with Line 1 at Santa Cruz. December 1999.
Prequalification bids have been invited by the end of May, 2000 for construction of the 13.5 km-long underground section of Line 4, part-financed by the World Bank and Brazil's National Bank for Economic & Social Development with the balance from the private sector on a modified BOT basis. The US$2 billion, 12-station line will run from Luz in the city centre to the southwest and is expected to carry about one million passengers a day. The winning private-sector company will build the line and then operate it and keep the profits for a period to be negotiated before handing over all fixed and moving assets. January 2000.
Prequalification for the 12.8 km Yellow Line 4 between Luz and Pí¡tio Vila Sônia. 10.3 km to be shield-driven, of which 5.2 km in soft soil and rock between Fradique Coutinho and Vila Sônia plus 5.1 km in soft soil only between Fradique Coutinho and Luz. Also 1.6 km in NATM and 800 metres in cut-and-cover. First phase, to be completed in 2006, includes five stations in Luz, Repíºblica, Paulista, Pinheiros, and Butantí£ for US$934 million. All stations in NATM except Repíºblica. Prequalifiers to be disclosed on 21st March, 2002. Awarding expected for June, 2002. Second phase includes stations in Higiení³polis, Oscar Freire, Fradique Coutinho, Faria Lima, Tríªs Poderes, and Morumbi. Civil works represent 60%, financed by the World Bank, the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, and the State Treasure. Finishing works, systems and rolling stock to be financed under a 30-year BOT agreement. Total cost of US$1.3 billion. Visit www.metro.sp.gov.br and www.stm.sp.gov.br 51/01.
Lot 1 Luz-Fradique Coutinho has received 15 bids, lot 2 Fradique Coutinho-Vila Sônia has received 14 bids and lot 3 Pí¡tio Vila Sônia has received 16 bids. The bidders are: Fiat / Ivai / Comsa; Hochtief / T'Trans / Pem / Scheider; Impregilo; Ingenieros Civiles / MPE Serveng Civilsan / EBE; Somague / Efacec; OHL / Encalso / Isolux; Dywidag / Cartellone / IECSA / Impulse; Dragados / Techint; CBPO / OAS / Alstom; Bouygues / Carioca Engenheria Construbase; Camargo Correa / Siemens / Mitsui; Andrade Gutierrez / Cobra Instal. Queiroz Galví£o, Wayss & Freytag / Schahin / Constran / Cegelec; Necso / Elecnor; Obayashi / Estacon / Sumitomo; Modern / Construcap / Edwards; Mendes / Balfour Beatty. Preferred bidders to be appointed in November, 2002. Visit www.metro.sp.gov.br 17/02.
$934 million necessary to build the 14 km line, of which $418 million will come from the World Bank, $322 million from the Treasury and $194 million from private investors. Work to start in 2003. Visit www.metro.sp.gov.br 22/02.
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (BIRD) has granted a US$209 million loan for the construction of the US$934 million 12.8 km-long underground Yellow Line 4. Visit www.worldbank.org 28/02.
Metro company Companhia do Metropolitano de Sao Paulo (CMSP) has suspended the process for a tender to build the first phase of the 12.8 km-long Line 4. Nine consortia that prequalified in September 2002 purchased bidding rules. Offers were due on 14th March, 2003. The new date to submit offers is still unknown but will be set within one month. The decision gives the company time to answer the 700 queries regarding the tender process and to sort out legal proceedings from companies who failed to prequalify. Visit www.metro.sp.gov.br 13/03.