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Belgium, Brussels Metro - be/13

Line 1 Extension

Contract awarded to jv of Van Rymenant and Sacre at value FF4.5 bn. Financing scheme required. May 1998.$35 million, 2.7 km extension to line B1 from Roi Baudouin to Veeneyde under construction by Van Rymenant-Sacre for completion November, 2001. Three underground stations and 1.7 km of cut-and-cover tunnel in silts with diaphragm walls. Further extension to Erasme Hospital planned. Designed by Tractebel. Visit www.tractebel.be November 2000.Negotiated procedure, deadline 25.11.2008, for 4 km-long metro Nord extension from Gare Du Nord to Bordet with 7 stations. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=276406-2008, OJ S 206 or contact Anne-Catherine Bauduin, SPF Mobilité et Transports, Brussels, fax + 32 2 7342020, e-mail anne-catherine.bauduin@mobilit.fgov.be 46/08.


Seco Sprl from Brussels secured the EUR3.60 million contract, excluding VAT, for technical control and fire safety services (lot 1) and health and safety coordination (lot 2) during extension works towards the North, from Gare Du Nord to Bordet station and Haren which is part of the Brussels metro line. For further information contact Anne-Catherine Bauduin, SPF Mobilité et Transports, Brussels, tel +32 27390688, fax + 32 2 7342020, e-mail adjudications.beliris@mobilit.fgov.be , aanbestedingen.beliris@mobilit.fgov.be. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=66192-2016. Ref.n. DIT- 09/16.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 03.02.2017, for impact evaluations on the 5 km Metro North  extension at Brussels toward  Schaerbeek and Evere with 7 stations, aiming to obtain planning and environmental permits. The contract is composed by 2 lots. Offers to be sent to https://eten.publicprocurement.be/etendering/viewWorkspacesBasedOnExtUrl.do?wsName=DIT- For further information Direction infrastructure de transport, att.n Mrs A.C. Bauduin, Bruxelles, tel +32 27390688, fax + 32 2 7342020, e-mail adjudications.beliris@mobilit.fgov.be e/o aanbestedingen.beliris@mobilit.fgov.be. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=460271-2016. Ref.n. DIT- 01/17 .


Stratec from Bruxelles secured the contract for impact evaluation on Gare du Nord station  (Lot1) from works linked to the 5km Metro North  extension project in Brussels toward Schaerbeek and Evere. Contact Direction infrastructure de transport, Bruxelles, tel +32 22774688, email adjudications.beliris@mobilit.fgov.be. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=292848-2018. Ref.n. DIT- 29/18.


Aries Consultants from Bierges secured the contract for impact evaluation on tunnels, stations and depot (Lot 2)  from works linked to the 5km Metro North  extension project in Brussels toward Schaerbeek and Evere. Contact Direction infrastructure de transport, Brussels, tel +32 22774665, email aanbestedingen.beliris@mobilit.fgov.be. For tyender documents click here .Ref.n. Beliris- 47/19.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 14/07/2020, for the extension towards North – from Gare du Nord and Bordet – of the metro line in Brussels. The contract includes construction of 4.5km of tunnels by TBM, a TBM launch shaft, 7 stations and a connection  to the depot and maintenance centre at Haren (lot 3).  The value of the contract is EUR600 million, excluding VAT, the duration of the contract is 74 months. For tender documents please click here and here. Tender offers must be registered here. For further information Direction infrastructure de transport, Bruxelles, tel +32 22774665, email aanbestedingen.beliris@mobilit.fgov.be. Ref.n. Beliris- 20/20.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 09/07/2020, for mobility studies and coordination assistance for the metro line 3 extension towards Schaerbeek and Evere in Brussels. The contract includes construction of almost 5km of tunnels with 7 stations: 4 at Schaerbeek (Liedts, Colignon, Verboekhoven, Riga) and 3 at Evere (Tilleul, Paix, Bordet). The duration of the contract is 96 months. For tender documents please click here and here and tenders must be sent here. For further information Direction infrastructure de transport, Brussels, tel +32 22774665, email aanbestedingen.beliris@mobilit.fgov.be. Ref.n. Beliris-



Additional information for the open invitation to tender, deadline 09/07/2020, for mobility studies and coordination assistance for the metro line 3 extension towards Schaerbeek and Evere in Brussels. The contract includes construction of almost 5km of tunnels with 7 stations: 4 at Schaerbeek (Liedts, Colignon, Verboekhoven, Riga) and 3 at Evere (Tilleul, Paix, Bordet). The duration of the contract is 96 months. For tender documents please click here and here and tenders must be sent here. For further information Direction infrastructure de transport, Brussels, tel +32 22774665, email aanbestedingen.beliris@mobilit.fgov.be. Ref.n. Beliris- 27/20.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20/11/2020, for assistance with acoustic and vibration issues for the metro line 3 extension towards Schaerbeek and Evere in Brussels. The contract includes construction of almost 5km of tunnels with 7 stations: 4 at Schaerbeek (Liedts, Colignon, Verboekhoven, Riga) and 3 at Evere (Tilleul, Paix, Bordet). The duration of the contract is 96 months. For tender documents please click here and here and tenders must be sent here. For further information Direction infrastructure de transport, Bruxelles, tel +32 22774688, email adjudications.beliris@mobilit.fgov.be. Ref.n. Beliris-  44/20. 



The JV Stratec (Brussels), Agora (Brussels) and Transport & Mobility Leuven (Leuven) secured the EUR5.85 million contract, excluding VAT, for mobility studies and coordination assistance for the metro line 3 extension towards Schaerbeek and Evere in Brussels. The contract includes construction of almost 5km of tunnels with 7 stations: 4 at Schaerbeek (Liedts, Colignon, Verboekhoven, Riga) and 3 at Evere (Tilleul, Paix, Bordet). Contact Direction infrastructure de transport, Brussels, tel +32 22774665, email aanbestedingen.beliris@mobilit.fgov.be. For further on the tender, please click here. Ref.n. Beliris- 03/21. 



The JV BAM Contractors composed of BAM Galere from Chaudfontaine and Soletanche Bachy France from Rueil-Malmaison  secured the EUR44.23 million contract, excluding VAT, for a 150 m tunnel  beneath the Gare du Nord rail network in Brussels and two worksite shafts – P5 (on the Rue d’Aerschot side) and P6 (on the Gare du Nord side). Contact Direction infrastructure des transports publics, Brussels,  tel +32 22774688, email adjudications.beliris@mobilit.fgov.be. For further tender information please click here. Ref.n. Beliris- 51/20. 



Tractebel Engineering SA from Brussels secured the EUR 607,550 contract, excluding VAT, for assistance with acoustic and vibration issues for the metro line 3 extension towards Schaerbeek and Evere in Brussels. The contract includes construction of almost 5km of tunnels with 7 stations: 4 at Schaerbeek (Liedts, Colignon, Verboekhoven, Riga) and 3 at Evere (Tilleul, Paix, Bordet. For further information contact Direction infrastructure de transport, Brussels, tel +32 22774688, email adjudications.beliris@mobilit.fgov.be. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=477381-2021. Ref.n. Beliris-  38/21.


Negotiated procedure with prior call for competition, deadline 19/01/2023, for the construction of the new depot at Haren, part of the North extension of the Brussels metro line 3. Click here for tender documents and here where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract will be EUR101 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 96 months. Contact Beliris, Brussels, tel +32 22774665, email aanbestedingen.beliris@mobilit.fgov.be. Visit  http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=605002-2022, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=560706-2022, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=401430-2022 and  

http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=278070-2022. Ref.n. Beliris- 47/22. 

België-Brussel: Bouwen van magazijnen

2022/S 210-605002


Kennisgeving van veranderingen of aanvullende informatie


(Supplement op het Publicatieblad van de Europese Unie, 2022/S 140-401430)

Richtlijn 2014/25/EU

Afdeling I: Aanbestedende dienst/instantie

I.1)Naam en adressen
Officiële benaming: Directie Vervoerinfrastructuur
Nationaal identificatienummer: 0308.357.852_16607
Postadres: Vooruitgangstraat 56
Plaats: Brussel
NUTS-code: BE100 Arr. de Bruxelles-Capitale / Arr. Brussel-Hoofdstad
Postcode: 1210
Land: België
E-mail: aanbestedingen.beliris@mobilit.fgov.be
Telefoon: +32 22774665
Hoofdadres: http://www.beliris.be
Adres van het kopersprofiel: https://enot.publicprocurement.be/enot-war/preViewNotice.do?noticeId=453022

Afdeling II: Voorwerp

II.1)Omvang van de aanbesteding
II.1.1)Benaming: Uitbreiding van het hoogperformant openbaar vervoersnetwerk naar het Noorden van Brussel : Bouw van een nieuwe stelplaats voor de metro in Haren - Opdracht - Onderhandelingsprocedure met voorafgaande oproep tot mededinging

Referentienummer: Beliris-
II.1.2)CPV-code hoofdcategorie
45213221 Bouwen van magazijnen
II.1.3)Type opdracht
II.1.4)Korte beschrijving:

Naast de bouw van een structuur van 170 m onder het spoorwegnet van het Noordstation, waarvoor

een afzonderlijk contract is gesloten, omvat de uitvoering van het programma Metro Noord ook de bouw van een 4,5 km lange

tunnel, 7 nieuwe stations uitgevoerd in open opgravingen en een nieuw stelplaats op de site van Haren.

De stelplaats in Haren is één van de twee nieuwe metrostelplaatsen die gebouwd worden ter aanvulling van het bestaande


Het betreft de bouw van een sleutel-op-de-deur stelplaats, het is te zeggen een volledig afgewerkte eenheid (civiel-technisch,

ruwbouw, speciale technieken, afwerking, buiteninrichting). Bij de voorlopige oplevering moet de stelplaats klaar zijn voor


Meer bepaald betreft het een opslagplaats en onderhoudswerkplaats voor automatische metro's, bestaande uit de volgende

elementen om aan de behoeften van de MIVB's Business Unit Metro (BUM) te beantwoorden:

- een administratief gebouw: atrium en lokalen/kantoren voor het personeel, technische lokalen, circulatieruimtes en levering

van materialen;

- een werkplaats: laad- en losruimte, containerruimte en opslag voor clarcks, sporen met werkputten, ontvettings – en

ontstoffingsspoor met toegang tot het dak van de metro’s, hefstand, opstal- en oplsagsporen en een automatische metrowasstraat;

- een infrastructuur-werkplaats: opslag- en laadruimte voor werktreinen;

- een infrastructuurkantoor: werkplaats en personeelsruimten.

Afdeling VI: Aanvullende inlichtingen

VI.5)Datum van verzending van deze aankondiging:
VI.6)Referentie van de oorspronkelijke aankondiging
Nummer van de aankondiging in het PB S: 2022/S 140-401430

Afdeling VII: Wijzigingen

VII.1)Informatie die moet worden gewijzigd of toegevoegd
VII.1.2)Te corrigeren tekst in de oorspronkelijke aankondiging
Afdelingsnummer: IV.2.2)
Plaats waar de te wijzigen tekst staat: Termijn voor ontvangst van inschrijvingen of deelnemingsaanvragen
In plaats van:
Datum: 31/10/2022
Plaatselijke tijd: 11:00
Te lezen:
Datum: 19/01/2023
Plaatselijke tijd: 11:00
VII.2)Overige nadere inlichtingen:

De inschrijvers dienen kennis te nemen van rechtzettingsbericht nr. 2 en zijn bijlagen (zie document ‘ERRATUM 2 – Rechtzettingsbericht nr. 2 - Avis rectificatif n° 2.pdf’). Deze zijn beschikbaar via https://enot.publicprocurement.be


Belgium, Antwerp-Amsterdam - be/12

High Speed Railway

Twin tube 8,530 m x 10.5 m diameter tunnel, of which 6,680 m may be bored at depths to 30 m commencing end-1999 with completion in 2005. Contractor selection under way. May 1998.


Belgium, Brussels-Koln - be/11

High Speed Railway

  Commencing 1999. One 6.2 km tunnel required at Soumagne. August 1998.   Restricted tendering for 5.94 km-long double-track Soumagne tunnel on German border published by SNCB, Belgian state railways. Cut-and-cover sections of 177 m and 388 m at the portals. Excavated section 110 sq m for finished section of 69 sq m. Geology comprises coal-bearing, calcaceous and siliceous schists with limestone. NATM excavation supported by fibre-reinforced shotcrete, rockbolts and lattice girders with final lining of cast concrete with waterproof geomembrane. Construction to take 40 months. November 1999.   Open invitation to tender, deadline 23rd April, 2001, for construction of section of Brussels-Liege railway including five cut-and-cover tunnels totalling 2 km in length. Contact SNCB, fax +32 252 97810. Published European Gazette 22nd February, 2001 and at http://ted.eur-op.eu.int Visit www.tucrail.com 12/01.   Award of $130 million contract for twin-track, 6 km-long Soumagne tunnel on Brussels-Cologne line to consortium of Galere, CFE, Duchene, and Bouygues using drill/blast and roadheaders for completion 2004. Visit www.tucrail.com 20/01.   Award of construction contract to Betonac for 4.5 km section of Brussels-Liege-Koln railway with five cut and cover tunnels totalling 2 km. Visit www.tucrail.com 41/01.  Excavation start on 29th November, 2001 of the 6.4 km Soumagne tunnel between Vaux-sous-Chèvremont and Ayeneux. Four attacks, one from Vaux, two from the 30 m-deep 20 m-wide Bay Bonnet shaft, and one from Ayeneux. Geology consisting of shale with coal veins, sandstone, and limestone. Completion in August, 2005. 51/01.Negotiated procedure, deadline 15th March, 2004 for anti-fire equipment, fitting out of the track bench and lighting of the 5,940 m dual-track Soumagne tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=027571-2004, OJ S 31, or contact SNCB, Brussels, fax +32 25297810. E-mail scb@tucrail.be or nde@tucrail.be 10/04.Galere, the Belgian unit of BAM NBM, won a EUR82 million contract to build the 14 km subsection Elsaute-German border subsection of the Liege-Aachen section, including a 1.1 km cut-and-cover tunnel. The dual-track tunnel will be 17.7 m in width and 7.35 to 12.3 m in height. Diaphragm walls, 1.2 to 1.5 m-thick, will first be built and a concrete slab will be installed. Excavation will take place under the concrete slab. Ground investigation is under way to determine the excavation method. Visit www.galere.be 14/04.SM Paque, Besix, VS & E and Danheux & Maroye have secured a EUR10.8 million contract for fire protection equipment, track bench outfit and lighting of the 5,940 m dual-track Soumagne tunnel. Visit www.besix.com 41/04.



Bhutan, Trongsa district - bt/14


Hindustan Construction Company Ltd (HCC) has been awarded a US$68.5 million (INR4.56 billion) EPC contract from the Tangsibji Hydro Energy Ltd of Bhutan for constructing the Nikachhu Hydropower Project in in Tangsibji Gewog,Trongsa district. The dam site is located in Lorim which is 6km downstream from the Chendibji chorten. A design discharge of 25.45m3/s is to be diverted through a 4 m finished diameter head race tunnel which is 12,144 m long and goes through two turbines in  the Power House generating a capacity of 118MW.The water is then discharged into the reservior of Mangdechhu Hydropower Project. For further information visit http://www.hccindia.com/hcc_admin/data_content/pdf_files/Press_Release_-_Nikachhu_HEP_and_Sawalkot_tunnel_order_.pdf. 13/16.


Bhutan, Dagana District - bt/13


The Dagachhu Hydro Power Corporation (DHPC) invites sealed bids, deadline 30th September, 2008, for design, build and completion of Lot I (civil works), consisting of engineering, procurement and construction of a diversion weir, connection channel and tunnel, desilter, shafts, powerhouse, maintenance and control buildings, water supply, sewerage and sewage treatment system, lighting and small power distribution system. The civil engineering component of the project is difficult due to extreme gradients and unstable slopes. Water from the Dagachhu is diverted by a small dam at an altitude of approx. 825 m above sea level through a short tunnel into the de-silting basin. From there, the water will flow through the main tunnel (approx. 7,700 m) and through the steel penstock (approx. 360 m) into the powerhouse. Contact Dagachhu Hydro Power Corporation (DHPC), General manager, Changangkhang, Post Box No. 1223, Thimpu, Bhutan. Tel. +975 2336095, Fax +975 2336093. E-mail dhpc@druknet.bt 36/08.


Bhutan, Wangduephodrang District - bt/12


Tender notice, deadline 31st March, 2008 for the purchase of tunnelling machinery for implementation of the 1,095 MW Punatsangchhu I hydropower project, which includes a 137 m-high concrete gravity dam, a 10.3 m-diameter 7.5 km-long headrace tunnel and an underground power house. The construction equipment required involves: 1) three two boom hydraulic drill jumbos, with two service platforms for high speed tunnelling, advance boom control, including hydraulic driven compressor, with water booster pumps, cable reel, lights, etc. suitable for cross-section up to 110 square metres; 2) three fully mechanised hydraulic rock bolting rigs for roof height up to 11 metres, suitable for drill steel support with three positions (drilling, bolting and grouting) with one feed for all operations, storage for 10 bolts, bolt length up to 6 metres; 3) three wet shotcrete machines complete with carrier telescopic spraying arm, hydraulic unit, lighting platform, liquid dozing unit. etc. with pumping capacity of about 30 cu m/h; 4) six hydraulic excavators having bucket capacities of about 1 cu m (3 units) and about 1.5 to 2 cu m (3 units) and powered by electric engine, suitable for underground/open excavations, 360 continuous slew type undercarriage tracked; 5) three wheel loaders having bucket capacity of about 3 cu m, front as well as side dump, complete in all respects; 6) nine transit mixers (off highway mobile) having drum concrete capacities of 4 cu m (3 units) and 6 cu m (6 units), truck-mounted, with all the standard accessories complete in all respects; 7) 14 rear dumpers suitable for working inside a 10.3 m-diameter circle-shaped tunnel/open areas having approximate capacities of 12 tonnes (3 units), 18 to 20 tonnes (9 units) and 25 tonnes (2 units); 8) 12 tippers having approximately 6 cu m capacity which can reverse easily; 9) six stationery water cooled electric screw type air compressors having 500 cfm capacity and working pressure 7.5 to 10 kg/sq cm; 10) three 630 kVA, 11/0. 433 KV distribution transformers. Contact Punatsangchhu I hydroelectric project authority, Office of the superintending engineer (mech.), PO Box 290, Phuentsholing, Bhutan. Tel. +975 5252038, fax +975 5252841, e-mail semthpa@druknet.btThe Punatsangchhu I hydropower scheme in Wangduephodrang district is about 240 km from Phuentsholing, the border town of Bhutan with India's West Bengal located 170 km from Siliguri. The project is a joint venture of the governments of Bhutan and India. 11/08.


Award of two contracts for 990 MW Punatsangchu 2 hydropower project to Jaiprakash Associates: EUR190 million for construction of diversion tunnel, dam intake and desilting arrangements including hydro-mechanical works, and highway tunnel; EUR130 million for construction of headrace tunnel from surge shaft, surge shaft, butterfly valve chamber, pressure shafts, powerhouse and tailrace tunnel including hydro-mechanical works. Visit tunnelbuilder archive bt/12 for project history. More from www.jalindia.com. 30/11.


Bhutan, Tala - bt/11

Tala Hydro - Drill / Blast

  Project on Wangchu river will generate 1020 MW and will require 22.25 km x 50 m² headrace tunnel, 2 x 992 m long pressure shafts, 2.2 km x 60 m² tailrace tunnel and underground powerhouse. Mainly Atlas Copco equipment delivered under $8 million package.  Work commenced November, 1998 for completion May, 2004. Larsen & Toubro awarded RS900 million contract November, 1998 to build tunnel for Tala Hydroelectric Project Authority for completion early 2004. February 1999.   Five contract packages numbered C-1 to C-5. C-1 comprises the dam complex and 6 km of headrace tunnel (HRT) awarded to Hindustan Construction Company (HCC); C-2 excavation of HRT from 6 km mark to 11 km mark awarded to Jaiprakash Industries; C-3 excavation of HRT from 11 km mark to 15 km mark awarded to Larsen & Toubro; C-4 excavation of HRT from 15 km mark to 22.9 km mark awarded to HCC; C-5 comprises surge shaft, pressure shafts, powerhouse, and 2.2 km tailrace tunnel awarded to Jaiprakash. Each of the contracts has its own access roads and adits, and the individual sites are self-sufficient. Client THPA has built 80 km of access roads to date and work is proceeding on another 20 km to complete. THPA also procured a starter pack of equipment for each contract during tender phase in order to speed up mobilisation. These were on a cost reimbursement basis and included per contract: an Atlas Copco 352 drillrig; a Boltec 435 H rockbolter; a CIFA CSS 2 Spritzsystem shotcrete jumbo; a CK90E 1.2 cu m electric loader; and two Wagner MT 420 dumptrucks. Contractors have since been adding to the fleet, generally purchasing more of the same models.   To date, HCC has completed the diversion tunnel under C-1 and is proceeding to establish three massive desilting chambers and the first section of HRT. Jaiprakash has not been so fortunate on C-2 where it had to deal with a 15 m-long face collapse when it intersected an aquifer 122 m from the portal in its Pade Chu adit. Currently advancing with caution under the protection of 15 m probeholes. Larsen & Toubro has more than half completed its 975 m-long Gedu Chu access adit under C-3, and HCC has nearly completed its 301 m-long Mirchan Chu access adit on C-4. Jaiprakash is portalling at the surge shaft position on C-5. More information from mdthpa@druknet.net.bt October 1999. Shri R. N. Khazanchi, MD of Tala Hydroelectric Project Authority (THPA) in the Himalayan mountain kingdom of Bhutan, has commented on the widespread damage caused to the project by the unprecedented rainfall in early August. Flooding affected the five worksites strung out along the Wangchu river, washing out access roads and destroying workshops and machinery. Even the main highway from Phuntsholing, along which vital supplies are transported, was cut by landslides in a number of places. Measures have been initiated to minimise the impact on the commissioning schedule of the project, despite the severe losses of infrastructural facilities, construction equipment and civil engineering works. Undaunted, THPA has commenced the construction of two 400 kV double circuit transmission lines for the 1,020 MW project for export of surplus power to India through a proposed substation at Siliguri. The lines will be completed in 3 years time to match the commissioning of the generating units. Within Bhutan they will be installed by Larsen & Toubro, and from the Indo-Bhutan border for 1,500 km to Muzaffarnagar in Uttar Pradesh, near Delhi, by Power Grid Corporation of India Limited.  Lyonpo Khandu Wangchuk, Minister for Trade, Industry & Power, Royal Government of Bhutan, who is also the chairman of THPA, commended the management and contractors for the speedy restoration of works. More from linkman@druknet.net.bt or mdthpa@druknet.net.bt October 2000.



Bolivia, Sucre - bo/15

Water Conveyance System

Prior Information Notice for the Sucre III Water Conveyance System, Lot 3: Tunnels, bridges and aqueducts. The conveyance system has a total length of 10.34 km, and consists roughly of the following main components:

  • Three tunnels with a total length of 7,754 m (Fisculco tunnel: 5.484 km; Aritu Mayu tunnel: 0.21 km; Punilla tunnel: 2.06 km) with a main horseshoe-shaped tunnel section of 10 m2.
  • Interconnections between Fisculco – Aritu Mayu and Aritu Mayu – Punilla tunnels, consisting of an embankment (of 103 m crown length made up of tunnel extracted materials) and a post-tensioned concrete bridge aqueduct (with a total length of 157 m + 56 m of accesses) respectively.
  • Main pipeline conveyance made up of following stretches:
    •  8.15 km Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) pipe, ø = 1,200 mm, free surface flow (the pipeline will be installed inside the completed tunnels and on top of the interconnection structures)
    • 0.85 km High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) buried pipe, ø = 1,200 mm, free surface flow
    •  1.22 km GRP pipe, ø = 900 mm (Santa Catalina Pressure Pipe)  

The conveyance system is designed for a maximum flow capacity of 1,200 l/s, which corresponds to the water demand for Sucre in the year 2050.

The estimated contract value for Lot 3 works is equivalent to EUR 33 million. Estimated date of publication of procurement notice: Third or Fourth Quarter of 2020. For further information click here (English) and/or here (Spanish).  20/20.


Notice to tender, deadline 03/08/2021,  for the construction of the Sucre III Water Conveyance System (Lot 3). The conveyance system has a total length of 10.34 km, and consists roughly of the following main components: 

  • Three tunnels with a total length of 7,754 m (Fisculco tunnel: 5.484 km; Aritu Mayu tunnel: 0.21 km; Punilla tunnel: 2.06 km) with a main horseshoe-shaped tunnel section of 10 m2. 
  • Interconnections between Fisculco – Aritu Mayu and Aritu Mayu – Punilla tunnels, consisting of an embankment (of 103 m crown length made up of tunnel extracted materials) and a post-tensioned concrete bridge aqueduct (with a total length of 157 m + 56 m of accesses) respectively. 
  • Main pipeline conveyance made up of following stretches: 
    • 8.15 km Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) pipe, ø = 1,200 mm, free surface flow (the pipeline will be installed inside the completed tunnels and on top of the interconnection structures) 
    • 0.85 km High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) buried pipe, ø = 1,200 mm, free surface flow 
    • 1.22 km GRP pipe, ø = 900 mm (Santa Catalina Pressure Pipe)    

A site visit is scheduled on 29/06/2021 at 08:00 AM. Following the site visit, a Pre-bid meeting  will take place on 30/06/2021 at 02:00 PM.  Participation in the site visit is mandatory. Prospective Bidders who do not participate in the pre-scheduled visit shall undertake it on their own.  

Value of the contract is EUR 32.82 million. Contact ELAPAS (Empresa Local de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado Sucre), attn Eng. Willheim Pierola , tel 591 (4) 645-5211,  email sucre3@elapas.com.bo.  For further information click here (English) and/or here (Spanish) and visit https://www.infosicoes.com/. Cuce .n 21-0802-00-1141935-1-1,  Ref.n. BMZ-Nr. 2009 65 608. 24/21. 


Bolivia, Tarija Department - bo/14


The Bolivian road administration (ABC) has started on 26th August the construction of the Falda de la Queí±ua bypass road tunnel, during an official ceremony held in El Molino in the Iscayachi municipality. The Falda de la Queí±ua bypass road, which forms part of the Potosi-Tarija road link, will reduce transport time from Potosi to Tarija, avoiding the Sama hill. The 1,220 m tunnel, located at El Condor mountain pass in the Tarija department, will be constructed by the La Queí±ua joint venture, led by construction company Roca, for USD8.4 million. The project will be supervised by the CPS-Belmonte joint venture. The detailed design of the Falda de la Queí±ua bypass road was carried out by the Ecoplan-Noronha joint venture. The tunnel will cross rock of Class III (Bieniawski) with some stretches falling within Class IV and Class V associated with faults. The west mouth is located at a height of 3,402 m above sea level whereas the east mouth lies at a height of 3,339 m asl. There is a 63 m difference in height between the two sides. The tunnel will make the existing road seven kilometres shorter and reduce in approximately 500 metres the altitude of the 100% mountainous road through the Sama hill. The portals will be cut in rock and stabilised with steel anchors, metallic netting and a concrete layer. The tunnel will be concluded in August next year. Click here for more details (in Spanish). 36/08.


Bolivia, La Paz - bo/13


Two-lane, 1.3 km-long, $25 million San Rafael tunnel on Cotapata-Santa Barbara highway under construction from both portals by Andrade Gutierrez with Copesa and Minerva for completion end-2002. 20/01.
