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Switzerland, Oenzberg - ch/31


Award of 3 km-long tunnel to be constructed by TBM by consortium of Zschokke-Locher/Prader/Murer/CSC/Wayss & Freytag. Visit www.wayss-freytag.de March 2000.   Preconstruction work underway of $60 million, 3.161 km-long x 10.85 m-diameter single tube in molasse and moraine while awaiting delivery of Herrenknecht TBM ex-Thalwil scheduled March, 2001. Completion 2002 for opening of 45 km-long Mattstetten-Rotthrist section end-2004. Visit www.wayssfreytag.de and www.herrenknecht.de December 2000.  The 3,160 m-long Oenzberg tunnel has been holed through on 14th February, 2003 on the Mattstetten-Rothrist section of the Bern-Olten high speed railway in Switzerland. The contracting JV formed by Zschokke-Locher, Prader, Murer, CSC and Wayss & Freytag used a Herrenknecht mixshield TBM equipped with a 12.36 m-diameter cutting head. Tunnelling lasted 17 months. Visit www.herrenknecht.com. Read E-News Weekly # 52. 09/03.


Switzerland, Jura - ch/30


Theiler & Kalbermatten boring 3.5 km pilot using refurbished Robbins TBM. May 1998.3.1 km x 3.5 m-diameter pilot bore due to get underway early-2000 using hardrock TBM in limestone and marls. Contracting jv comprising Batigroup, Frutiger and Infra 2000, value $9 million. Sept 1999. 4 km of single 75 sq m tubes commencing February, 2000 for tunnels de la Perche and du Banne using Tamrock Titan 3-boom Superdrilling jumbo by jv of Rothpletz & Lienhard, Walo Bertschinger, Courbat and Doyon. Second Tamrock machine employed on rockbolting. More from www.ulrich-ammann.ch November 1999.Open call for tenders, deadline 30th September, 2005 for construction of the 2 x 750 m-long 3.6 m-diameter pilot tunnel of the Neu-Bois tunnel on the A16. A TBM will be used to excavate through limestone. Support with welded wire fabric, anchors, steel arches and plates. This ground investigation bore will then be enlarged by a roadheader machine to build the future tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=111507-2005, OJ S 112, or contact Republique et Canton du Jura, Delemont, fax +41 324207301. Visit www.a16.ch. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 16/2005, 13/2004 & 35/2002. 25/05.Open call for tenders, deadline 28th October, 2005 for ground exploration gallery for the Choindez tunnel on section 8 of the trans-Jura motorway A16. Length to be built with traditional method is 605 m, section 15.4 sq m. Length to be driven by a TBM is 2,395 m, excavated diameter 3.6 m. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=132118-2005, OJ S 133, or contact Republique et Canton du Jura, Delemont, fax +41 324207301. 29/05.Open call for bids, deadline 27th June, 2006 for construction of the 2,901 m-long Bure tunnel (contract 2.602) on section 2 Boncourt-Porrentruy west of the A16 highway, cut-and-cover portals (94 m), 10 cross passages, niches, three vertical shafts, a ventilation station, etc. A pilot tunnel has already been bored. Read E-News Weekly 41/2005, 16/2005, 34/2004, 13/2004, 32/2006 & 35/2002. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=051678-2006, OJ S 49, or contact Republique et Canton du Jura, Delemont. 12/06.PraderLosinger has launched tunnelling of the Choindez ground exploratory tunnel on section 8 of motorway A16. The first 625 metres will be built using a roadheader, cross section of 15.4 sq m, while the remaining 2,400 metres will be dug by means of a TBM, outer diameter of 3.6 m.The works freshly commenced will allow to know more precisely the geological, hydrological and geotechnical nature of the bedrock through which the main tunnel will run in a few years. The exploratory tunnel has a total length of 3,024 metres for a 3.6 m diameter and will be excavated from its north portal towards Vicques until its south portal. This work phase will end in June 2008. The contract amounts to CHF16.5 million. Then, this pilot bore will be used in particular for ventilation and water drainage during construction of the main tunnel. In the end, it will be used as a safety tunnel. The final design of the Choindez main tunnel, to be driven at about 40 metres east and parallel to the exploratory bore, will be finalised by end 2007. The engineering contract has yet to be awarded.The ground investigation tunnel will be bored using traditional means, i.e. a roadheader on the first 625 metres and a 3.6 m-diameter TBM on the remaining 2,400 metres. A separate bidding process to build the main tunnel will be launched in 2008 or early 2009. The tunnel will be a single bored two-way tunnel. The diameter and exact cross section will be defined later. From north to south, the geology will be Alsacian molasse (625 metres) and Jurassic limestone (2,400 metres). Visit www.praderlosinger.ch 44/06.Construction of the 2 x 750 m Neu-Bois exploratory tunnel has been awarded to a JV of Infra Tunnel (leader), Implenia, LGV Impresa Construzioni, G. Comte, Les Fils de Marc Joliat, R. Seuret, S. Facchinetti and G. Chetelat. The contract amounts to CHF56.9 million. Tunnelling will proceed as follows: construction of a pilot bore by means of a 3.6 m-diameter TBM designed to allow for probe drilling during tunnelling; enlargement of each pilot bore to the final cross section using a roadheader; and building of cross passages by drilling and blasting. Visit www.infratunnel.ch, www.implenia.com and www.a16.ch 44/06.PraderLosinger will use a Voest Alpine ATM 50 roadheader for the first 625 metres of the 3.6 m-diameter Choindez ground exploratory tunnel on section 8 of motorway A16 and a Herrenknecht TBM (machine S-96), belonging to the company, for the remaining 2.4 km. For both methods, Belloli anchors and Bruno Fratelli steel arches. Concrete to be supplied by Sabag. Mucking-out by two 7.5 cu m GHH MK-A15 dump trucks at the roadheader section. Mucking-out for the TBM section will be undertaken by a muck train. The process is still under study. Construction of the roadheader section commenced on 1st September, 2006 and will end on 30th June, 2007. The TBM section will start afterwards from 1st July, 2007 to 30th June, 2008. Click ch/30. Visit www.miningandconstruction.sandvik.com, www.herrenknecht.com, www.belloli.ch, www.belloli-italia.com, www.brunofratelli.com, www.matsabag.ch and www.ghh-fahrzeuge.de 46/06.Work at the Graitery tunnel on the N16, between Roches and Court, began on 6th November. The construction contract of the Graitery tunnel has recently been awarded to GTG (Groupement du Tunnel de Graitery), a consortium led by Marti Tunnelbau and including Parietti et Gindrat, Marti Travaux Spéciaux and Pro Routes. This is a 2,462 m-long two-way tunnel. The alignment runs along the pilot tunnel already built, which will serve as escape tunnel when the main tunnel is in service. The 7.5 m-wide roadway is bordered by two pavements. A ventilation duct in the tunnel crown will extract contaminated air, or smokes in case of fire, from a ventilation plant built at the north portal. The tunnel crosses several calcareous and marly layers. The limestone, about 48% of the volume, will be excavated using drilling and blasting, then crushed. It will be reused at different worksites of the N16. The marls will be excavated using a roadheader. They will not be recycled but trucked to the final disposal site in Chaluet. Preliminary works, awarded to local companies, have already been performed at the two portals since fall 2005. Tunnelling itself will commence with the construction of the access trench to the north portal in Moutier. This access trench will be finished in spring 2007. Excavation of the tunnel from Moutier to Court will then commence. Another attack from Court will be started between 2007 and 2008. The tunnel will break through in 2009 and all excavations will be completed in 2010. Concreting inside the tunnel will begin in 2010, then E&M equipment will be installed until end 2012, the expected date for opening of the tunnel. Visit www.a16.ch and www.martiag.ch 50/06.A JV of Marti Tunnelbau, Parietti et Gindrat, and MTS (Marti Travaux Spéciaux) signed a CHF131.2 million contract to build the 3,059 m Bure tunnel (lot 2.602) on the A16, whereof 2,901 metres will be bored and 158 metres will be built in cut-and-cover at the portals. A TBM will be used. From north to south, the geology consists of 15% of limestone (mid Oxfordian) containing astartes and natices, 40% of marls (mid to upper Oxfordian) containing astartes and 45% limestone (upper Oxfordian and Kimmerridgian) containing lower pterocere, cardium and terebratule. Visit www.martiag.ch, www.parietti-gindrat.ch and www.a16.ch 06/07.Open call for tenders, deadline 23rd July, 2007 for geological, geotechnical, hydrogeological and civil engineering consultancy for the Choindez tunnel. Click ch/30. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=105868-2007, OJ S 86, or contact République et Canton du Jura, Delémont. 21/07.


Open call for tenders, deadline 10.09.2010, for A16 - Section 8 - Lot 8.500: north cut/cover section, north and south portals, north and south access for the Choindez tunnel east tube, length 2,786 m. Contract duration 01.03.2011 to 30.04.2015. Time limit for receipt of requests or for accessing documents, 10.06.2010. Contact bridge and roads office, national roads section, Delemont, tel +41 324207-300, fax -301. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=154028-2010. 23/10.


JV of Marti Tunnelbau, Parietti et Gindrat, and MTS (Marti Travaux Spéciaux) signed the contract for the 3,287 m-long Choindez tunnel on the A16 highway in the canton of Jura. The tunnel will be open to traffic in the year 2016. The project includes seven crosscuts for persons, three parking bays with crosscuts for vehicles, and two ventilation control centres. Expected rock quality is a sequence of Jurassic and Tertiary sediments, which require different excavation methods. Drill/blast will be used for 1,700 m, road headers for 680 m, and excavation under the protection of pipe umbrellas for 400 m. A Marti Technik AG conveyor will be used in the existing pilot tunnels. Visit www.martiag.ch, www.parietti-gindrat.ch and www.a16.ch. 09/11.


The JV Tunnel de Choindez (Schoenbuehl) secured the EUR147.9 million contract for A16 - Section 8 - Lot 8.500: north cut/cover section, north and south portals, north and south access for the Choindez tunnel east tube, length 2,786 m. Contact bridge and roads office, national roads section, Thierry BeuchatDelemont, tel +41 324207-362, fax -301. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=078579-2011. 11/11.


Open call for bids, deadline 20.06.2012, for remote video equipment installation in the tunnels Bure (3,059 m) and Bois de Montaigre (907 m, 820 m) on the A16 highway. Duration contract 1.10.2012-31.12.2013. Time limit for requests for documents is 16.04.2012. Contact Mr Morisoli Matteo, Service des ponts et chaussees, section route nationale, Delemont, e-mail matteo.morisoli@jura.ch. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=087117-2012. 12/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline13.11.2013, for ventilation equipment for 3,287 m-long Choindez tunnel on the A16 highway in the Canton of Jura. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents 14.08.2013. Duration of contract 01.06.2015 to 31.08.2016. Contact Service des ponts et chaussees, section route nationale, attn Mr Morisoli Matteo, Delemont, e-mail matteo.morisoli@jura.ch. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=225505-2013.



Open invitation to tender, deadline 12.06.2014, for delivery, installation and commission of lighting equipment for 3,287 m-long Choindez tunnel, connection tunnels and safety tunnel on the A16 highway in the Canton of Jura. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents 11.03.2014. Duration of contract 01.09.2015 to 31.08.2016. Contact Service des ponts et chaussees, section route nationale, attn Mr Morisoli Matteo, Delemont, e-mail matteo.morisoli@jura.ch. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=061881-2014. Ref. Lot 10.5. 09/14.


Switzerland, Graubunden - ch/28


Construction of the 1.3 km Muttnertobel tunnel on the road between Solis and Mutten commencing. Contractor Murer will excavate by drill/blast with support by rockbolts and fibre-reinforced sprayed concrete. Sept 1999.


Switzerland, Hergiswil - ch/27


  Invitation to tender closing 11th February, 2000 for construction of Kirchenwald tunnel, lot 321, 300,000 cu m excavated volume. Contact Tiefbauamt Nidwalden, fax +41 917 439737. Sept 1999.   Joint venture of Murer/Zchokke/Locher/Gasser awarded 2.5 km x 80 sq m single tube from north portal using Atlas Copco 135H to drill 9 m-long umbrella holes in blocky blue limestone and fines to establish drive. Face split into five separate compartments to counter weak conditions. It is expected that the 400 m advance will take up to two years. Drive from south portal has been awarded for a start end-2000, but contract not yet signed. Visit www.murer.ch for details of earlier contracts. April 2000.Construction of 1.5 km-long Kirchenwald twin-tube tunnel underway in two lots: 150 m by Murer/Gasser/Prader/Riva/Zschokke/Locher using steel arches and rockbolts with shotcrete, contract value $20 million for completion 2003; and 1.4 km by Batigroup/Bilfinger & Berger/Frutiger/Garovi-Odermatt using drill/blast in sections ranging from 72 sq m to 116 sq m, contract value $70 million for completion 2007. Engineering consultants are Lombardi SA. Visit www.lombardi.ch October 2000.


Switzerland, Flulen - ch/26


  Open tender, deadline 12th November, 1999 for construction of 2.5 km tunnel on N4 highway. Fax +41 418752610. Sept 1999.  Contract awarded to joint venture of Zschokke/Locher/Murer/CSC/Rothpletz & Reinhard who will utilise Robbins Herrenknecht TBM ex Bozberg and Murgenthal. Segmentally lined, single tube for bi-directional traffic will commence boring Summer, 2000. TBM has been cleaned and overhauled and is stored near Murgenthal ready for reassembly at site. Visit www.murer.ch April 2000.


Switzerland, Engelbeg - ch/25


Invitation to tender 4.1 km tunnel. August 1999.


Switzerland, Uetliberg - ch/24

Zurich Motorway

  Tenders called for Uetliberg (4,340 m) and Eggrain (500 m) by Zurich Canton Tiefbauamt. Eggrain will have maximum cross-section of 136 m2 with support by pipe spiles and sprayed concrete. May 1999.Twin 4.4 km three-lane tunnels at 34 m separation with crosscuts every 300 m, every third wide enough for car turning. 3.3 km rock section may utilise 15 m-diameter TBM. 330 m cut-and-cover, 770 m soft ground. Major box section beneath Reppisch river will house crossover and services. Designed by Amberg Consulting Engineers, e-mail amberg@amberg.ch for details. August 1999.   Construction of twin-tube 4.4 km x 145 sq m Uetliberg tunnel in hard sandstone and soft marls as part of Zurich western bypass to commence Spring, 2001. Value $590 million financed 80% by Swiss State and 20% Canton of Zurich. Visit www.amberg.ch October 2000.  Breakthrough of pilot tunnel 20th February, 2003. Reaming to 14.2/14.4 m-diameter commenced using Wirth TBE. Cutters on this model displace radially on a spiral, requiring 8-10 rotations of cutterhead for 20 cm advance. For a full technical description click here. Visit www.wirth-europe.com and www.amberg.ch 19/03.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 25/04/2025, for a construction site manager for  surveillance for the Zurich Western Bypass upgrading project (lot D-x-5-1). The contract includes local construction management for the monitoring systems (fire detectors, NTA, radio). The Zurich Western Bypass (N03/N04) was opened in stages in 2006 and 2009. The Federal Roads Office (FEDRO) plans to replace the operating and safety equipment (OSE). In addition, measures to reallocate the emergency lane are planned in accordance with the VM-CH roadmap. In addition, an HV-AD system and ramp control will help limit traffic jams. The work will also include measures to implement the Swiss Federal Energy Strategy. Click here for bid documents. Duration of contract from 01/04/2025 to 31/12/2034. Contact Ofrou, Winterthur, tel +41 58 4804711, email beschaffung.winterthur@astra.admin.ch. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/150327-2025. Ref.n. MP-210059. 11/25. 


Switzerland, Lungern - ch/23


  Invitation to tender for 3.2 km x 5 m-diameter pilot drive for proposed bypass tunnel. August 1999.Pilot drive for N8 highway tunnel under excavation by jv of Batigroup/Frutiger/Bilfinger & Berger using Robbins 4.75 m-diameter TBM refurbished at Robbins' new Cesate plant in Italy, and supplied with backup and continuous conveyor. Visit www.bilfingerberger.de and www.robbinstbm.com October 2000.


Switzerland, Gotthard Base - ch/22

Sedrun Section High Speed Railway

Sinking of 9 m-diameter subvertical shaft passed 360 m mark at rate of 3 m/day on target to reach 800 m final depth by February, 2000. Completed shaft will have 6,000 t/day capacity using 5MW winder to hoist 80 t skips. August 1999. Open invitation to tender, deadline 27th April, 2001, for lot 360 comprising two 6 km-long tunnels with sections 60 sq m to 140 sq m to be advanced simultaneously in both directions from base of completed 800 m-deep Sedrun shaft, which is accessed by 1 km-long gallery at surface. Contract includes 1.7 km-long multi-function station and other galleries together with crosspassages between main tubes. Start July, 2002 for completion June, 2012. Telephone queries to K Aerni +41 226 0634, or contact via www.electrowatt.ch Notice posted at http://ted.eur-op.eu.int November 2000.   The TRANSCO Gottardo consortium, including Batigroup, Frutiger, Bilfinger + Berger, and Pizzarotti has been awarded contract 360 for SF1.25 billion. Includes two 6.2 km tunnels in Sedrun through very tricky geology and a 800 m-deep shaft. The contractors will enlarge the second shaft from 4 to 7 metres to remove bigger volumes of muck. Mucking-out and the lowering of heavy equipment and construction materials will take place in separate shafts. Work to begin in April, 2002. Visit www.batigroup.ch and www.alptransit.ch 52/01.  Thyssen Schachtbau, in jv with Ostu Stettin and Murray & Roberts RUC of South Africa, reports that it will use a type HG 330-SP Wirth raise borer to drill the 1.8 m-diameter pilot hole, and then ream it to 7 m-diameter using a Wirth VSB V1 shaft borer for the 800 m-deep Sedrun II shaft. During the construction phase of the Gotthard base tunnel, the shaft will be used for ventilation and transport of heavy plant and materials. Boring is expected to be completed by June 2003. Visit www.thyssen-schachtbau.de and www.wirth-europe.com 30/02.


Switzerland, Gotthard Base - ch/21

Faido Section High Speed Railway

Invitation to tender for 2.65 km-long access tunnel at Mairengo. August 1999.   Faido section has shortfall in dumping capacity and can accommodate only 2 million tonnes. Possible solution is a separate 5 km-long muck transport tunnel to meet the advancing east tube from Bodio. Some spoil will be selected by the geologist at the face for crushing as aggregate. October 1999.Open invitation to tender for lot 452 of Gotthard AlpTransit project involving construction of access galleries and the Faido multi-functional station, deadline 7th December, 2000. Contact Lucerne office, fax +41 412 260600. Visit www.alptransit.ch July 2000.   Award of 14 km-long Faido-Sedrun sections, including Faido emergency station, to TAT consortium of Zschokke Locher, Alpine Mayreder, CSC, Impregilo, and Hochtief. Visit www.zschokke.ch 31/01.   Atlas Copco announced an order for five drill rigs placed by Consorzio TAT (Tunnel AlpTransit), including Zschokke Locher, Alpine Mayreder Bau, Hochtief, CSC, and Impregilo to construct the 16.6 km Bodio and 15.1 km Faido sections of the Gotthard base tunnel. Excavation to start in spring 2002. Atlas Copco will deliver the first part of the order during the first quarter. Visit www.atlascopco.com/rde and www.boomer-rig.com 52/01.  2.65 km-long Faido access completed at 12% downgrade and caverns for multifunctional ststions under excavation using Atlas Copco Rocket Boomer L3C and Cat 966G loaders and 725 dumptrucks. Herrenknecht TBMs from Bodio will pass through Faido and relaunch at 9.3 m-diameter. 27/02.

