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Finland, Helsinki Region - fi/14


Proposed third metro line will link Ruoholati with Lauttasaari along an alignment yet to be decided up to 17 km long. Sections Grasviken to Drumso and Bjorkholmen to Otnas will be in twin 25 sq m tunnels using drill/blast with rockbolts and sprayed concrete. Final design underway with invitations to tender expected late-2002 for a start in 2003. July 2000.Accelerated restricted invitation to tender, deadline 24th September, 2008 for engineering related to the 13.9 km western extension of the Helsinki metro to Espoo. The section will all run underground in a twin tube tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=234626-2008, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=234627-2008, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=234628-2008, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=234629-2008, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=234630-2008, http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=234631-2008, OJ S 176, or contact Länsimetro, Espoo, tel. +358 503471558 or fax +358 9141132. E-mail etunimi.sukunimi@espoo.fr or etunimi.sukunimi@sweco.fi. Visit www.lansimetro.fi 38/08.Länsimetro, which is owned jointly by the cities of Helsinki and Espoo, has awarded Sweco a project management contract, worth close to EUR10 million, in connection with the western extension of Helsinki's sole metro line that will link Helsinki and Espoo. The project is the largest infrastructure initiative of all time in Finland, with an estimated price tag of around EUR700 million. The western metro extension consists of a 13.5 km subway section with a total of eight stations (Lauttasaari, Koivusaari, Keilaniemi, Otaniemi, Tapiola, Niittymaa, provision made for a later station in Niittykumpu and Matinkylä), starting from the present end of the line in Ruoholahti. The extension will be completely underground. One of the biggest challenges will be to plan the extensive construction activities and material transports to avoid disruption to local residents or existing traffic flows during the building phase. The line extension is scheduled for completion at the end of 2013. Visit www.sweco.se and www.lansimetro.fi 40/08.Rock and tunnel engineering design contracts value EUR1.3 million awarded to Poyry by Lansimetro Oy for the Keilaniemi and Matinkyla tunnels and 5 stations together with HVAC and electrical engineering for the tunnels and shafts section of the whole 14 km-long Western Metro extension. Visit www.poyry.com. Lansimetro has commenced gathering information for a proposed restricted invitation to tender, deadline 30.12.2009, for extensive related activities such as quarrying, material transport and trackwork. More information from Matti Kokkinen at Lansimetro in Espoo, tel +358 503471558, e-mail matti.kokkinen@espoo.fi, to whom expressions of interest, requests to participate, and tenders should be sent. Sweco in Helsinki may also be approached through Kari Auranen, Ulla Valtonen, or Aku Kallio, tel +358 108205000, e-mail etunimi.sukunimi@sweco.fi. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=044279-2009 11/09.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 20.05.2009, for the construction of 800 m-long safety tunnel and Ruoholahti-Lauttasaarenranta metro section, part of the 13.9 km-long extension of Western Metro in Helsinki from Ruoholahti to Matinkyla. Contract duration 12 months. Click here for the alignment. For more contact Matti Kokkinen at Lansimetro, Espoo, tel +358 503471558, e-mail matti.kokkinen@espoo.fi. http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=125947-2009. 20/09.


Request for information from specialist design companies on rock blasting, construction, M & E, and rail works with respect to proposed 13.9 km-long twin-tube Western Metro with seven stations. Seven driving shafts and 15 vertical shafts are planned, with shaft site preparation in 2009. Rock blasting in tunnels starts in 2010 with a view to project completion in 2014. Visit tunnelbuilder archive fi/14 for full background to this project. Enrollment by Aku Kallio of Sweco PM Oy, PL 10491 (Tapiontori 3 A), 02070 Espoon kaupunki, Finland, e-mail aku.kallio@sweco.fi http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=179956-2009 27/09.


Lansimetro awarded ODEN Anlaggningsentreprenad AB, the fully-owned Swedish subsidiary of STRABAG construction group, the contract to establish a 1.8 km track tunnel with intermediate stations for the metro phase 1, LU1 Matinkyla in Helsinki, Finland. The works will start this month for completion November, 2013. The contract value is EUR27.12 million excluding VAT. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=202041-2011, www.strabag.com and www.oden.se. 34/11.


Solicitud de información a empresas especializadas en voladuras, construcción, M & E, y trabajos de construcción de ferrocarriles, con la intención de construir el Metro Occidental formado por 7 estaciones, 13,9 Km de longitud y de doble tubo. Están proyectados 7 ejes de conducción y 15 pozos verticales. Los túneles empezarán en 2010 para poder terminar el proyecto en el 2014. Viste el archivo fi/14 en Tunnelbuilder, si quiere tener acceso a los antecedentes de este proyecto. Para realizar la inscripción contacte con Aku Kallio de Sweco PM Oy, PL 10491 (Tapiontori 3 A), 02070 Espoon kaupunki, Finland, correo electrónico: aku.kallio@sweco.fi. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=179956-2009 28/09.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 28.08.2012, for tunnel construction planning of the Western Metro extension from Matinkyla to Kivenlahti in Helsinki. Contract duration 01.11.2012 to 30.9.2014. Contact Espoo City Council, Espoo, e-mail hankinta@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=232573-2012. 31/12.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 28.08.2012, for railway planning of the Western Metro extension from Matinkyla to Kivenlahti in Helsinki. Contract duration 01.11.2012 to 29.12.2017. Contact Espoo City Council, Espoo, e-mail hankinta@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=232572-2012. 31/12.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 28.08.2012, for PS Structural Engineering of the Western Metro extension from Matinkyla to Kivenlahti in Helsinki. Contract duration 01.11.2012 to 28.06.2019. Contact Espoo City Council, Espoo, e-mail hankinta@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=232571-2012. 31/12.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 28.08.2012, for Architectural Design of the Western Metro extension from Matinkyla to Kivenlahti in Helsinki. Contract duration 01.11.2012 to 28.06.2019. Contact Espoo City Council, Espoo, e-mail hankinta@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=232567-2012. 31/12.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 28.08.2012, for engineering services for the Western Metro extension from Matinkyla to Kivenlahti in Helsinki. Contract duration 01.11.2012 to 28.06.2019. Contact Espoo City Council, Espoo, e-mail hankinta@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=232565-2012. 31/12.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 28.08.2012, for architectural, engineering and planning services for the Western Metro extension from Matinkyla to Kivenlahti in Helsinki. Contract duration 01.11.2012 to 28.06.2019. Contact Espoo City Council, Espoo, e-mail hankinta@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=232564-2012. 31/12.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 03.04.2013, for design, delivery and commissioning supervision of security lighting in underground stations, tunnel, safety tunnel access and exit on the 13.9 km-long extension of Helsinki metro. More information from Matti Kokkinen at Lansimetro in Espoo, tel +358 503471558, e-mail etunimi.sukunimi@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=082306-2013. 11/13.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 16.04.2013, for Tapiola station construction on the west extension of Helsinki metro to Espoo (lot RU4). More information from Matti Kokkinen at Lansimetro in Espoo, tel +358 503471558, e-mail etunimi.sukunimi@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=098070-2013. 15/13


Destia of Vantaa has been awarded the contract for building work in the West Metro tunnels between Lauttasaari and Keilaniemi (lot RU13A). Contract covers technical construction work in a 3.5 km-long section and construction of five vertical shafts, including surface buildings. Contract value EUR16.33 million, excluding VAT. More information from Matti Kokkinen at Lansimetro in Espoo, tel +358 503471558, e-mail matti.kokkinen@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=079338-2013. 15/13.


Arkkitehtitoimisto CJN Oy of Espoo secured the EUR4.1 million contract, excluding VAT, for engineering services for the Western Metro extension from Matinkyla to Kivenlahti in Helsinki. Contact Espoo City Council, Espoo, e-mail hankinta@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=300860-2013. 37/13.


Finnmap Infra Oy of Helsinki secured the EUR1,358,500 contract, excluding VAT, for tunnel construction planning of the Western Metro extension from Matinkyla to Kivenlahti in Helsinki. Contact Espoo City Council, Espoo, e-mail hankinta@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=309597-2013. 38/13.


Poyry Finland Oy of Vantaa secured the EUR794,650 contract, excluding VAT, for railway planning of the Western Metro extension from Matinkyla to Kivenlahti in Helsinki. Contact Espoo City Council, Espoo, e-mail hankinta@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=309584-2013. 38/13.


Poyry-Ramboll of Vantaa secured the EUR1,725,500 contract, excluding VAT, for PS Structural Engineering of the Western Metro extension from Matinkyla to Kivenlahti in Helsinki. Contact Espoo City Council, Espoo, e-mail hankinta@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=309456-2013. 38/13.


Konsulttiryhma PES-Arkkitehdit Oy ja Poyry Architects Oy of Helsinki secured lot 1 and 2, value EUR4,836,000, excluding VAT; Arkkitehtitoimisto ALA Oy of Helsinki secured lot 3 and 3, value EUR5,112,500, excluding VAT, for Architectural Design of the Western Metro extension from Matinkyla to Kivenlahti in Helsinki. Contact Espoo City Council, Espoo, e-mail hankinta@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=319760-2013. 40/13.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 05.12.2013, for firefighting equipment in the tunnels and stations of the 13.9 km-long extension of Western Metro in Helsinki from Ruoholahti to Matinkyla. More information from Aku Kallio  at Sweco PM Oy, e-mail etunimi.sukunimi@sweco.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=388798-2013. 47/13.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 03.02.2014, for uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems on the 13.9 km-long extension of Helsinki metro to Espoo. Duration of contract 17 months from award. Contact Matti Kokkinen at Lansimetro in Espoo, tel +358 503471558, e-mail etunimi.sukunimi@espoo.fi. More information from Aku Kallio at Sweco PM, tel +358 405260671, e-mail etunimi.sukunimi@sweco.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=010360-2014. 03/14.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 03.02.2014, for installation work for GSM, VIRVE, WLAN network in the 13.9 km-long extension of Helsinki metro to Espoo. Duration of contract 17 months from award. Contact Matti Kokkinen at Lansimetro in Espoo, tel +358 503471558, e-mail etunimi.sukunimi@espoo.fi. More information from Aku Kallio at Sweco PM, tel +358 405260671, e-mail etunimi.sukunimi@sweco.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=010316-2014. 03/14.


Siemens of Espoo secured the EUR3,499,097 contract, excluding VAT, for fire-alarm system installation work in the western extension of Helsinki's sole metro line that will link Helsinki and Espoo. Duration of contract 28 months from award. Contact Lansimetro, att.n Matti Kokkinen, Espoo, tel +358 503471558, e-mail matti.kokkinen@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=065249-2014. 10/14.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 27.08.2014, for excavation work of Kivenlahti (lot LU26A) and Espoonlahti (lot LU24A) tunnels in the Western Metro extension from Matinkyla to Kivenlahti. Contract duration 10 months after award. Contact Espoo City Council, attn Matti Kokkinen, Espoo, tel +358 503471558, e-mail matti.kokkinen@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=252184-2014. 31/14.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 08.08.2014, for excavation work of Sammalvuoren (lot LU5A) and Finnoon (lot LU1A) tunnels in the Western Metro extension from Matinkyla to Kivenlahti. Contract duration 11 months after award. Contact Espoo City Council, attn Matti Kokkinen, Espoo, tel +358 503471558, e-mail matti.kokkinen@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=216394-2014. 31/14.


Not awarded: the restricted invitation to tender, deadline 03.02.2014, for uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems on the 13.9 km-long extension of Helsinki metro to Espoo. Contact Matti Kokkinen at Lansimetro in Espoo, tel +358 503471558, e-mail etunimi.sukunimi@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=325252-2014. 40/14.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 16.10.2014, for uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems on the 13.9 km-long extension of Helsinki metro to Espoo. Duration of contract 15 months from award. Contact Matti Kokkinen at Lansimetro in Espoo, tel +358 503471558, e-mail etunimi.sukunimi@espoo.fi. More information from Aku Kallio at Sweco PM, tel +358 405260671, e-mail etunimi.sukunimi@sweco.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=328989-2014. 40/14.


Palokatkomiehet of Parainen secured the EUR246,599 contract, excluding VAT, for firefighting equipment in the tunnels and stations of the 13.9 km-long extension of Western Metro in Helsinki from Ruoholahti to Matinkyla. Contact Matti Kokkinen at Lansimetro in Espoo, tel +358 503471558, e-mail etunimi.sukunimi@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=328947-2014. 40/14.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 31.03.2015, for delivery of transport equipment and auxiliary products to Western Metro of Helsinki and HKL (Helsinki City Transport). Duration of contract 18 months from award. Contact Matti Kokkinen at Lansimetro in Espoo, tel +358 503471558, e-mail etunimi.sukunimi@espoo.fi. More information from Aku Kallio at Sweco PM, tel +358 405260671, e-mail etunimi.sukunimi@sweco.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=87674-2015. 11/15.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 21.05.2015, for vibration monitoring and measurements during Western Metro extension from Matinkyla to Kivenlahti. Contract duration 30 months after award. Contact Espoo City Council, attn Matti Kokkinen, Espoo, tel +358 503471558, e-mail matti.kokkinen@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=150318-2015. 19/15.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 07.07.2015, for delivery, instaRestricted invitation to tender, deadline 07.07.2015, for delivery, installation and running of rock mechanical monitoring devices during the construction of the Matinkyla - Kivenlahti section of the West metro in Helsinki. The new section will be 7 km-long with five new underground stations (Finnoo, Kaitaa, Soukka, Espoonlahti and Kivenlahti) and the underground Sammalvuori metro depot. Duration of contract 50 months from award. Contact Lansimetro Oy, attn Matti Kokkinen, Espoo, tel +358 503471558, e-mail matti.kokkinen@espoo.fi   or  Sweco PM Oy, attn Aku Kallio, tel +358 405260671, email etunimi.sukunimi@sweco.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=210546-2015. 25/15.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 07.07.2015, for site measurements for the construction of the Matinkyla - Kivenlahti section of the West metro in Helsinki. The new section will be 7 km-long with five new underground stations (Finnoo, Kaitaa, Soukka, Espoonlahti and Kivenlahti) and the underground Sammalvuori metro depot. The measurements are both above ground and underground. Duration of contract 50 months from award. Contact Lansimetro Oy, attn Matti Kokkinen, Espoo, tel +358 503471558, e-mail matti.kokkinen@espoo.fi or Sweco PM Oy, attn Aku Kallio, tel +358 405260671, email etunimi.sukunimi@sweco.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=210545-2015. 25/15.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 23.06.2015, for construction of LU26 Kivenlahti station and its tunnels. The station is part of the 7 km-long Matinkyla - Kivenlahti section of the West metro in Helsinki with five new stations and a metro depot at Sammalvuori. Duration of contract 20 months from award. Contact Lansimetro Oy, attn Matti Kokkinen, Espoo, tel +358 503471558, e-mail matti.kokkinen@espoo.fi or Sweco PM Oy, attn Aku Kallio, tel +358 405260671, email etunimi.sukunimi@sweco.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=189700-2015. 25/15.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 23.06.2015, for construction of LU24 Espoonlahti station and 1.5 km of tunnels. The station is part of the 7 km-long Matinkyla - Kivenlahti section of the West metro in Helsinki with five new stations and a metro depot at Sammalvuori. Duration of contract 20 months from award. Contact Lansimetro Oy, attn Matti Kokkinen, Espoo, tel +358 503471558, e-mail matti.kokkinen@espoo.fi  or Sweco PM Oy, attn Aku Kallio, tel +358 405260671, email etunimi.sukunimi@sweco.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=189701-2015. 25/15.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 07.08.2015, for design, supply and installation of signalling for the Ruoholahti-Matinkyla section of the West metro in Helsinki. The underground section will be 13.9 km-long with 7+1 stations. Duration of contract 10 months from award. Contact Lansimetro Oy, attn Matti Kokkinen, Espoo, tel +358 503471558, e-mail matti.kokkinen@espoo.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=255389-2015. 30/15.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 14.03.2018, for the construction work of the Kivenlahti Station RU26 on  the Matinkyla-Kivenlahti project.

The metro in the Helsinki metropolitan area is set to continue from Ruoholahti via Lauttasaari to Espoo. In the first phase, a rail line of 14 km from Ruoholahti to Matinkylä was completed including 8 new stations.

The Matinkyla–Kivenlahti stretch of the west metro will be the next construction phase consisting of 7 km and including the stations Finnoo, Kaitaa, Soukka, Espoonlahti, and Kivenlahti. The duration of the contract will be 50 months.

Tenders must be submitted electronically via https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/lansimetro?id=176377&tpk=48b1afd0-3924-44dd-a18e-e1734e76dbdf.

Contact Lansimetro Oy, Espoo, email hankinnat@lansimetro.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=090567-2018.



Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 09.04.2018, for the construction work of the Kaitaa Station RU22 on  the Matinkyla-Kivenlahti stretch of the west metro in Helsinki consisting of 7 km and including the stations Finnoo, Kaitaa, Soukka, Espoonlahti, and Kivenlahti. The duration of the contract will be 50 months. Tenders must be submitted electronically via https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/lansimetro?id=180779&tpk=91664e4e-fe6e-4b21-be61-27a8748cc0a6.

Contact Lansimetro Oy, Espoo, email hankinnat@lansimetro.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=133361-2018.13/18.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 07.01.2019, for the track superstructure on 7km of the Matinkyla-Kivenlahti stretch of the Helsinki metro. The duration of the contract will be 50 months. Tenders must be submitted electronically via https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/lansimetro?id=213018&tpk=e4c186b2-99d3-4b3b-bb39-54875d50b99c.

Contact Lansimetro Oy, Espoo, email hankinnat@lansimetro.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=553470-2018.



Prior information to tender, deadline 07.01.2019, for tunnel and track maintenance support works on the Helsinki metro. Estimated date of publication of a notice or invitation to tender under this procedure will be 09/08/2024. Contact HKL - Helsingin Kaupungin Liikenneliikelaitos, attn Hansel Oy, Helsinki, tel +358 294444200, email kilpailutus@hansel.fi; Lansimetro Oy, attn Hansel Oy, Espoo, email kilpailutus@hansel.fi. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/256916-2024. Ref.n. 509116. 18/24. 


Open invitation to tender, the deadline was 30/09/2024, for auxiliary works for the tunnel structures and track maintenance, as well as rail wheel extender services for the Helsinki metro line and public transport in Helsinki-Uusimaa region.  The contract is composed of  two lots. Click here for bid/tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR1.82 million, excluding VAT. Duration of contract 48 months. Contact Paakaupunkiseudun Kaupunkiliikenne Oy and/or Lansimetro Oy and/or Helsingin Kaupungin Liikenneliikelaitos, tel +358 294444200, email kilpailutus@hansel.fi. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/562399-2024 and https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/506182-2024. Ref.n. 509116. 39/24.


Prior information notice for the market dialogue/presentation that will take place on 18 December 2024 at 09:00 - 11:00 in relation to the Rautatientor station modernisation on the Helsinki metro. A questionnaire related to the market dialogue will be sent to participants on 19/12/2024. Responses to the survey shared in the market dialogue must be submitted by 19/01/2025. The request for participation in the project tender will be published in winter 2025. The submission of offers and selection of the contractor will take place in spring 2025. Registration for the market dialogue must be made by 5 December 2024 at 12:00 via the portal https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/.Contact Paakaupunkiseudun Kaupunkiliikenne Oy, Helsinki, tel +358 951046000, email kilpailutus@kaupunkiliikenne.fi. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/701912-2024 Ref. n. 772645. 47/24.


Finland, Turku-Helsinki - fi/13


Preliminary design underway for 5-7 tunnels up to 2.5 km-long in 60 km section of national highway E18 between Muurla and Lohjanharju. Probably drill/blast in granite or schist with projected cost $325 million. Consultants are Viatek and Soil & Water. Visit www.viatek.fi July 2000. Seven twin-tube tunnels in design phase by Jaakko Pöyry for the Muurla-Lohja section of the E18 Highway: Hepomäki (240 m), Lakiamäki (480 m), Tervakorpi (575 m), Pitkämäki (618 m), Orosmäki (645 m), Karnainen (2,228 m) and Lehmihaanmäki (265 m). Drill/blast mainly through granite and gneiss with bolting and shotcreting. Visit www.poyry.fi 43/01. Open call for bids, deadline 8th January, 2003 for ground investigation studies for the seven tunnels planned on section Muurla-Lohja of highway E18: Hepomäki (240 m), Lakiamäki (480 m), Tervakorpi (575 m), Pitkämäki (618 m), Orosmäki (645 m), Karnainen (2,228 m) and Lehmihaanmäki (265 m). Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=170215-2002, OJ S 214, or contact Finnish road administration, Turku, fax +358 204444535. E-mail kari.partiainen@tiehallinto.fi 49/02.Negotiated procedure, deadline 14th April 2003 for engineering and planning to prepare the tender documents and improve the present plans which will be annexed to the call for tenders to construct about 50 km of motorway, 5.1 km of tunnels, etc. Detailed plans will be designed by the contractor who will win the tender competition. A time estimate for the call for tenders for construction will take place in early 2004. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=041945-2003, OJ S 48, or contact Tiehallinto, Turku, fax +358 204222709 or 757. E-mail esko.liimatta@tiehallinto.fi and leo.koivula@tiehallinto.fi 12/03.Restricted procedure, deadline 7th April, 2004 for engineering and consultancy services for the 50 km Muurla-Lohja section of the E18 highway between Helsinki and Turku. The project will be developed under a 25-year PPP (Public Private Partnership) contract, worth EUR650-700 million, starting at fall 2005 to end at fall 2029. Building costs amount to approximately EUR335 million. Opening in end-2009. Includes seven twin-tube tunnels, totalling 2 x 5 km. Click fi/13 for details. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=039092-2004, OJ S 45, or contact Finnish Road Administration, Helsinki, fax +358 204224535. E-mail matti.vehvilainen@tiehallinto.fi 13/04.Negotiated procedure, deadline 30th July, 2004 for 20-22 year concession for a 50 km section between Muurla and Lohja to be developed under a DBFO agreement using the PPP contract model. The section includes seven twin tunnels with a length of 5.1 km (250 m, 480 m, 575 m, 620 m, 645 m, 2,230 m and 265 m). Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=075204-2004, OJ S 93, or contact Finnish National Road Administration, Helsinki, fax +358 204224535. E-mail matti.vehvilainen@tiehallinto.fi. Also visit www.tiehallinto.fi/vt1/index_e.htm 21/04.The Finnish Road Administration has selected Tieyhtiö Ykköstie Oy to negotiate for the construction of the E18 Muurla-Lohja motorway project. The 51 km road section, which will complete the motorway between Turku and Helsinki, includes seven twin-tube tunnels with a length of 5.1 km (250 m, 480 m, 575 m, 620 m, 645 m, 2,230 m and 265 m). Tieyhtiö Ykköstie will plan, build, finance and maintain the motorway for a period of 21 years from the date of its completion. Lemminkäinen is joint owner of the road company established for the project together with Skanka BOT of Sweden and Laing Roads of the UK. Lemcon, part of the Lemminkäinen Group, and Skanska Tekra will be responsible for the actual construction work as a consortium. Contract signing is scheduled at the end of August 2005. Work will begin in the autumn for opening to traffic towards the end of 2008. Click fi/13. Visit www.lemminkainen.com and http://alk.tiehallinto.fi/e18/english/index.html 26/05.On 27th October, 2005 the Finnish Road Administration and road company Tieyhtiö Ykköstie signed an agreement on the construction of the Muurla-Lohja motorway. Together with Skanska Infrastructure Developments (formerly Skanska BOT) and Laing Roads of the UK, Lemminkainen is a partner in the road company set up for the motorway project. The motorway will be actually built by a consortium consisting of Lemcon and Skanska Tekra. The construction works are worth EUR299 million, of which Lemcon's share is approx. EUR135 million. The project includes seven twin bored tunnels. Initial construction work on the Muurla-Lohja motorway has already begun, and it is intended that the 51 km-long motorway section will be opened in late 2008. Click fi/13. Visit www.lemminkainen.com 46/05.JP-Suoraplan and JP-Transplan, which are part of the Jaakko Poyry Group, Ramboll Finland and Sito are members of the consulting joint venture which has received from the Skanska Tekra and Lemcon consortium an assignment to provide construction phase engineering services, including geotechnical engineering, for the road, bridges and tunnels for the Muurla-Lohja section of the E18 motorway. The project comprises a 51 km road section with some five kilometres of twin tunnels. This section of the E18 completes the motorway between Turku and Helsinki. Special attention will be given to environmental issues in the construction by adjusting the motorway to the landscape and by tunnelling it where necessary. The value of JP-Suoraplan's and JP-Transplan's assignment is about EUR4 million. Visit www.poyry.com, www.ramboll.fi and www.sito.fi 48/05.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 07/06/2022, for the project management and supervision service of  the E18 Muurla-Lohja, opened to traffic in 2008 and 2009 and including 7 tunnels with a total length of more than 5 km. The longest of the tunnels is the Karnainen tunnel (2.2 km). Please click here for btender documents and where tenders must be sent. Duration of the contract from 23/08/2022 to 31/12/2032. Contact Väylävirasto, attn Janne Wikström, Helsinki, tel +358 295343600, email janne.wikstrom@vayla.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=247942-2022. Ref.n. VÄYLÄ/1141/02.01.07/2022. 19/22.   


Rakennuttajatoimisto HTJ Oy from Vantaa secured the EUR1.40 million contract, excluding VAT, for the project management and supervision service of the E18 Muurla-Lohja, opened to traffic in 2008 and 2009 and including 7 tunnels with a total length of more than 5 km. The longest of the tunnels is the Karnainen tunnel (2.2 km). Contact Väylävirasto, attn Janne Wikström, Helsinki, tel +358 295343600, email janne.wikstrom@vayla.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=469352-2022. Ref.n. VÄYLÄ/1141/02.01.07/2022. 35/22.   


Finland, Salo - fi/12

Tendering for construction of 450 m Isokyla tunnel on E18 road Turku to Muurla, fax +358 204 444953. Sept 1999.


Finland, Espoo - fi/11

Ring Road

500 m-long x 150m2 Hiidenkallio road tunnel to commence before the end of 1999. Support by rockbolts. Design by Viatek Yhtiot and Oy Suoraplan. Financed jointly by government and city of Espoo. August 1999.Restricted call for bids, deadline 14th November, 2003 for engineering services for the second ring road in Helsinki, section Turuntie-Hämeenlinnanväylä, 11.5 km in length. Includes two double-tube rock tunnels and one cut-and-cover tunnel ranging from approx. 500 m to 1.3 km, two or three lanes. Includes the 485 m Hiidenkallio tunnel. SCC Viatek and Jaakko Pí¿ry Infra are consulting firms. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=178606-2003, OJ S 198, or contact Tiehallinto, Helsinki, fax +358 204222717. E-mail ari.puhakka@tiehallinto.fi 46/03.



France, Provence-Alps-French Riviera - fr/149


Nouvetra from Lyon and Colas RTS from Lione secured the EUR 6.15 million contract, excluding VAT, for the concrete lining of the railway (2624 m) Mussuguet tunnel, between Aubagne and Cassis stations, on Line 930 from Marseille to Ventimiglia. Contact SNCF, attn Ludovic Lidy, Lyon, tel +33 6 23 72 19 56, email ludovic.lidy@reseau.sncf.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=507666-2022. Ref.n. 2019DOS1221264. 37/22. 



UIF France from Breaute secured the EUR7.47 million contract, excluding VAT, for track regeneration works (track works, catenary and hydraulic works) on the section between km 240+439 and km 43+262 of the Line 930 from Marseille to Ventimiglia. The section includes the Monaco-Monte Carlo tunnel (3240 m) Contact SNCF Reseau, att.ne Patricia Molina, Lione, tel +33 628508845, email patricia.molina@sncf.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=706310-2022. Ref.n. 2021DOS0532507. 51/22.  


France, Centre-Val de Loire - fr/148

Orbital Motorway

Closing Date: 12.02.2021 (Tender Closed)

Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 12/02/2021, for the installation, wiring and commissioning of the 1.7km covered trench of the North Angers Bypass on the A11 motorway. For tender documents please click here. Value of the contract is EUR1.2 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 22 months. Contact Cofiroute, Rueil-Malmaison, tel +33 155947000, email marches.cofiroute@vinci-autoroutes.com. For further on the tender, please click here. 02/21. 



Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 28/01/2021,  for the TMA (Tierce Maintenance Applicative)  services for systems ensuring safety and viability in the tunnels operated by Cofiroute : tunnel Duplex on A86 and covered trench of the A11 North Angers Bypass. For tender documents please click here. Value of the contract is EUR9 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 48 months. Contact Cofiroute, Rueil-Malmaison, tel +33 155947000, email marches.cofiroute@vinci-autoroutes.com. For furtheron the tender, please click here. 02/21. 



France, National - fr/147


EUR142,48 million contracts have been awarded, excluding VAT, for the 19 lots involving studies and monitoring services during upgrading, refurbishment and improvements works on Frances national railway network. SNCF Réseau is in charge of the general management. Contact SNCF Réseau, La Plaine-Saint-Denis, email s.dalle@reseau.sncf.fr. For further information click here. Ref.n. 2015/S 090-162486. 47/20. 



France, Occitanie & Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes - fr/146

Road & Motorway

Closing Date: 06.05.2020 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 06/05/2020, for preventive and curative maintenance of the systems in tunnels, cut&cover sections and associated  buildings belonging to DIR Massif Central. The value of the contract is EUR1.25 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 49 months. The contract is composed of 2 lots. For tender documents please click here  where tenders must be sent. Contact Direction interdepartementale des routes Massif central, Clermont-Ferrand, email Bas.dpee.dirmc@developpement-durable.gouv.fr.

For further tender information please click here. 14/20.


SARL Scheffer  from Mende secured the EUR647,806 contract, excluding VAT,  for preventive and curative maintenance of the systems in tunnels, cut&cover sections and associated  buildings belonging to DIR Massif Central. The contract is composed of 2 lots. For tender documents please click here. Contact Direction interdepartementale des routes Massif central, Clermont-Ferrand, email Bas.dpee.dirmc@developpement-durable.gouv.fr. For further tender information please click here. 30/20.



Open invitation to tender, deadline 18/05/2021, for the monitoring of bridges and tunnels and for detailed inspections of tunnels - 2021 campaign. Duration of the contract is 2 months. Contact Conseil departemental de l'Aveyron, Flavin, tel +33 565593420, email st.marches.admin@aveyron.fr. For further tender information please click here and here. Ref.n. 20S0175. 16/21.  



The consortium SPIE from Feyzin (F) and Flir from  Meer (L) secured the EUR 1.47 million contract, excluding VAT,  for the video renovation of the incident detection systems in 4 DIRMc’s tunnels. Contact Direction interdepartementale des routes Massif central, Clermont-Ferrand, tel +33 473297979, fax +33 473297974, email Bas.dpee.dirmc@developpement-durable.gouv.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=522508 -2021. Ref.n. DPEE-TTI-DAI2021. 41/21.


France, Rhone-Alps - fr/145


Closing Date: 28.02.2020 (Tender Closed)

Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 28/02/2020, for general management of the construction of the section from Aliï to Part-Dieu of the new metro Line E in Lyon. Duration of the contract is 156 months. For tender documents https://www.marches-publics.info. Contact Sytral,  Lyon, +33 472845800, email unitemarches@sytral.fr. For further tender information please click here and here.

Ref.n. 20s0004. 04/20.


Additional information for negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 28/02/2020, for general management of the construction of the section from Aliï to Part-Dieu of the new metro Line E in Lyon. Duration of the contract is 156 months. For tender documents please click here . Contact Sytral,  Lyon, tel +33 472845800, fax +33 478531284, email unitemarches@sytral.fr . For further tender information please click here. Ref.n. 20s0004. 09/20.


France, National - fr/144


Closing Date: 20.12.2018 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline  20.12.2018, for detailed inspections, measurements and metrology of the infrastructures  on the APRR, AREA and ADELAC motorways. The contract is divided into 14 lots and Lot 8 involves tunnel inspection.

The contract duration is 24months.  For bid documents https://aprr.achatpublic.com.  Offers must be sent to https://www.achatpublic.com/sdm/ent/gen/ent_detail.do?PCSLID=CSL_2018_E9RvIRqRPO .

Contact APRR, attn Jean-Philippe Marion, Saint-Apollinaire, tel  +33 380776538, fax +33 380776720, email jeanphilippe.marion@aprr.fr. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=512733-2018 .

Ref. 180155. 47/18.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 08.07.2019, for acoustic studies (Lot 1);  studies, supply and commissioning of equipment (Lot2) in  10 tunnels on over 35 km of the APRR, AREA and ADELAC motorways, in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes & Grand Est Regions. For bid documents https://aprr.achatpublic.com where offers must be sent. Duration of the contract is 48 months. Contact APRR , Saint-Apollinaire, attn Stephane Baudoin, tel+33 380776764, email  stephane.baudoin@aprr.fr.  Visit




Ref.n. 1901508. 24/19.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 07/10/2021, for supply and installation of active signaling equipment (signs with variable alphanumeric messages and pictograms) on the network of the APRR group (APRR / AREA / ADELAC) and its subsidiaries CEVM and A'LIENOR. The contract is divided into 3 lots and Lot 3 involves pictograms and active signaling equipment for a tunnel. For tender documents click here, where tenders must be sent. The contract duration is 12 months.  Contact APRR, attn Jean- Christelle Coron, Saint-Apollinaire, tel + 33 380776659, email christelle.coron@aprr.fr. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=426213-2021. Ref. 2101005. 34/21. 


The contracts have been awarded for the supply and installation of signaling equipment (signs with variable alphanumeric messages and pictograms) on the network of the APRR group (APRR / AREA / ADELAC) and its subsidiaries CEVM and A'LIENOR.

The JV  S.V.M.S. from Urrugne/SIGNATURE - Agence Centre Est from Venissieux secured the EUR 2.10 million contract, excluding VAT, for Lot 3 involving pictograms and dynamic signaling equipment for a tunnel. Contact APRR, attn Jean- Christelle Coron, Saint-Apollinaire, tel + 33 380776659, email christelle.coron@aprr.fr. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=672206-2021. Ref. 2101005. 52/21. 
