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France, Occitanie & Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes - fr/146

Road & Motorway

Closing Date: 06.05.2020 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 06/05/2020, for preventive and curative maintenance of the systems in tunnels, cut&cover sections and associated  buildings belonging to DIR Massif Central. The value of the contract is EUR1.25 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 49 months. The contract is composed of 2 lots. For tender documents please click here  where tenders must be sent. Contact Direction interdepartementale des routes Massif central, Clermont-Ferrand, email Bas.dpee.dirmc@developpement-durable.gouv.fr.

For further tender information please click here. 14/20.


SARL Scheffer  from Mende secured the EUR647,806 contract, excluding VAT,  for preventive and curative maintenance of the systems in tunnels, cut&cover sections and associated  buildings belonging to DIR Massif Central. The contract is composed of 2 lots. For tender documents please click here. Contact Direction interdepartementale des routes Massif central, Clermont-Ferrand, email Bas.dpee.dirmc@developpement-durable.gouv.fr. For further tender information please click here. 30/20.



Open invitation to tender, deadline 18/05/2021, for the monitoring of bridges and tunnels and for detailed inspections of tunnels - 2021 campaign. Duration of the contract is 2 months. Contact Conseil departemental de l'Aveyron, Flavin, tel +33 565593420, email st.marches.admin@aveyron.fr. For further tender information please click here and here. Ref.n. 20S0175. 16/21.  



The consortium SPIE from Feyzin (F) and Flir from  Meer (L) secured the EUR 1.47 million contract, excluding VAT,  for the video renovation of the incident detection systems in 4 DIRMc’s tunnels. Contact Direction interdepartementale des routes Massif central, Clermont-Ferrand, tel +33 473297979, fax +33 473297974, email Bas.dpee.dirmc@developpement-durable.gouv.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=522508 -2021. Ref.n. DPEE-TTI-DAI2021. 41/21.


France, Rhone-Alps - fr/145


Closing Date: 28.02.2020 (Tender Closed)

Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 28/02/2020, for general management of the construction of the section from Aliï to Part-Dieu of the new metro Line E in Lyon. Duration of the contract is 156 months. For tender documents https://www.marches-publics.info. Contact Sytral,  Lyon, +33 472845800, email unitemarches@sytral.fr. For further tender information please click here and here.

Ref.n. 20s0004. 04/20.


Additional information for negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 28/02/2020, for general management of the construction of the section from Aliï to Part-Dieu of the new metro Line E in Lyon. Duration of the contract is 156 months. For tender documents please click here . Contact Sytral,  Lyon, tel +33 472845800, fax +33 478531284, email unitemarches@sytral.fr . For further tender information please click here. Ref.n. 20s0004. 09/20.


France, National - fr/144


Closing Date: 20.12.2018 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline  20.12.2018, for detailed inspections, measurements and metrology of the infrastructures  on the APRR, AREA and ADELAC motorways. The contract is divided into 14 lots and Lot 8 involves tunnel inspection.

The contract duration is 24months.  For bid documents https://aprr.achatpublic.com.  Offers must be sent to https://www.achatpublic.com/sdm/ent/gen/ent_detail.do?PCSLID=CSL_2018_E9RvIRqRPO .

Contact APRR, attn Jean-Philippe Marion, Saint-Apollinaire, tel  +33 380776538, fax +33 380776720, email jeanphilippe.marion@aprr.fr. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=512733-2018 .

Ref. 180155. 47/18.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 08.07.2019, for acoustic studies (Lot 1);  studies, supply and commissioning of equipment (Lot2) in  10 tunnels on over 35 km of the APRR, AREA and ADELAC motorways, in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes & Grand Est Regions. For bid documents https://aprr.achatpublic.com where offers must be sent. Duration of the contract is 48 months. Contact APRR , Saint-Apollinaire, attn Stephane Baudoin, tel+33 380776764, email  stephane.baudoin@aprr.fr.  Visit




Ref.n. 1901508. 24/19.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 07/10/2021, for supply and installation of active signaling equipment (signs with variable alphanumeric messages and pictograms) on the network of the APRR group (APRR / AREA / ADELAC) and its subsidiaries CEVM and A'LIENOR. The contract is divided into 3 lots and Lot 3 involves pictograms and active signaling equipment for a tunnel. For tender documents click here, where tenders must be sent. The contract duration is 12 months.  Contact APRR, attn Jean- Christelle Coron, Saint-Apollinaire, tel + 33 380776659, email christelle.coron@aprr.fr. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=426213-2021. Ref. 2101005. 34/21. 


The contracts have been awarded for the supply and installation of signaling equipment (signs with variable alphanumeric messages and pictograms) on the network of the APRR group (APRR / AREA / ADELAC) and its subsidiaries CEVM and A'LIENOR.

The JV  S.V.M.S. from Urrugne/SIGNATURE - Agence Centre Est from Venissieux secured the EUR 2.10 million contract, excluding VAT, for Lot 3 involving pictograms and dynamic signaling equipment for a tunnel. Contact APRR, attn Jean- Christelle Coron, Saint-Apollinaire, tel + 33 380776659, email christelle.coron@aprr.fr. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=672206-2021. Ref. 2101005. 52/21. 


France, Ile-de-France - fr/143

Electric Cables

Closing Date: 14.09.2018 (Tender Closed)

Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 14.09.2018, for the design and the partial underground works of 225 kV Plessis-Gassot / Seine 1-2-3-4 overhead lines. The project includes a 2.5km technical tunnel 3 m diameters wide. Further information can be sought from https://rte-france.bravosolution.com.

Contact RTE (Reseau de Transport d'Electricite), attn Juliette Betemps, Nanterre, tel  +33 149013062, email juliette.betemps@rte-france.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=325504-2018 and


Ref.n. 17869. 34/18.


Postponed from 14.09.2018 to 20.09.2018 the deadline of the negotiated invitation to tender for the design and the partial underground works of 225 kV Plessis-Gassot / Seine 1-2-3-4 overhead lines. The project includes a 2.5km technical tunnel which will have a 3 m diameter. Further information can be sought from https://rte-france.bravosolution.com. Contact RTE (Reseau de Transport d'Electricite), attn Juliette Betemps, Nanterre, tel  +33 149013062, email juliette.betemps@rte-france.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=399867-2018.

Ref.n. 17869. 37/18.


France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - fr/142


The European Laboratory of Particle Physics (CERN) has awarded the joint venture between Implenia (60%)/Baresel GmbH (40%) for a construction project to build several underground structures as well as various surface buildings in the French town of Cessy, around 15 kms from Meyrin (GE). This new infrastructure is required for CERN’s flagship upgrade project, the High Luminosity LHC. The contract is worth EUR 58 million. The joint venture is building an underground network of tunnels connected to the existing tunnels at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Access to the tunnels is provided by a new 60-m deep shaft, at the foot of which a cavern is being created for technical infrastructure installations. The joint venture is also building an underground power converter gallery, service tunnels and personnel safety exits. Visit https://www.implenia.com. 17/18.

High Luminosity LHC =>http://voisins.cern/en/hl-lhc



France, National - fr/141


Closing Date: 11.01.2018 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 11.01.2018, for works on the 2300 km of APRR (APRR and AREA companies), including 10 tunnels. The contract is composed by 5 lots. Duration of the contract 12 months. Bid documents from https://www.marches-securises.fr. Contact APRR, Saint-Apollinaire, tel +33 380776493, fax +33 380776720, email absamad.elabd@aprr.fr where tenders have to be sent. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=487410-2017. Ref.n. 171039. 49/17.


Postponed from 11.01.2018 to 23.01.2018 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for works on the 2300 km of APRR (APRR and AREA companies), including 10 tunnels. The contract is composed of 5 lots. The duration of the contract is 12 months. Bid documents from https://www.marches-securises.fr. Contact APRR, Saint-Apollinaire, tel +33 380776493, fax +33 380776720, email absamad.elabd@aprr.fr  where tenders have to be sent. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=017584-2018.

Ref.n. 171039. 03/18.


The following companies have been awarded the following contracts for crack treatment works on the 2300 km of APRR (APRR and AREA companies), including 10 tunnels:

             Neovia SAS from Evry, EUR218 860 contract, excluding VAT, Lots 1, 2 and 5;

             SBTP from Ennery, EUR127 522 contract, excluding VAT, Lot 3;

             Neovia SAS from  Evry/ SBTP at Ennery,  EUR129 950 contract, excluding VAT,

Contact APRR, attn Absamad El Abd, Saint-Apollinaire, tel  +33 380776493, email absamad.elabd@aprr.fr or AREA, attn Absamad El Abd, Bron, tel +33380776700, email absamad.elabd@aprr.fr. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=232299-2018. Ref.n. 171039. 22/18.


France, Centre-Val de Loire - fr/140


CLMTP from Sable sur Sarthe secured the EUR346,851 contract, excluding VAT, for the renewal of tracks in the Alouette railway tunnel (1237 m) at Vierzon on Line 590 000 from Aubrais to Montauban. Contact SNCF Reseau, Nantes, tel +33 272203623, email cecile.berthier@reseau.sncf.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=398968-2017. Ref.n. 48083. 42/17.


France, Rhone-Alps - fr/139


IM projet from Miribel secured the EUR226,045.00 contract, excluding VAT, for general management during the construction and commissioning of the line using  cut and cover between Annemasse station and the French border, which is part of the CEVA project.

The CEVA project is comprised of 2 subprojects: CEVA Switzerland where the General Management is covered by Canton of Geneve and the Federal Railways; CEVA France where the General Management is covered by SNCF Reseau. Please contact SNCF Réseau ingénierie et projets, att.n M. Pascal Blachier, Lyon, tel +33 427854920, fax +33 427854961, email ceva@orga.setec.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=034575-2017. Ref.n. CEVA_5927_OPC. 05/17.


France, Paris - fr/138


Closing Date: 09.12.2015 (Tender Closed)

Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 09.12.2015, for separation of rainwater under the Roissy CDH platform. The contract, is composed of 4 lots, and includes the construction of a 1.3km pipe at a depth of 15 to 25 m. Duration of contract is for 48 months after award. Contact Paris Airports, Buyer Dept, att.n Rachel Delorme, Paris, tel +33 148624730, e-mail rachel.delorme@adp.fr.. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=412068-2015. Ref n. SPA009058. 48/15.


France, Upper Normandy - fr/137


Closing Date: 15.06.2015 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 15.06.2015, for general management during upgrading and important maintenance work in the five underground stations, 1.6 km-long tunnel and viaduct of the Rouen tramway. Value of contract EUR3,321,000, excluding VAT. Contact Metropole Rouen Normandie, Rouen, tel +33 232764422, fax +33 232764429, e-mail demat.marches@metropole-rouen-normandie.fr. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=148520-2015. Ref. n. 2015-VEP-MoTram. 19/15.
