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United States

United States, New York - us/118

Queens Midtown tunnel

Closing Date: 14.02.2012 (Tender Closed)

Invitation of expressions of interest, deadline 14.02.2012, for construction management and inspection services for project QM-30 replacement of electrical switchgear and power distribution at Queens Midtown tunnel. Contract value USD4-7 million (EUR3.05-5.34 million), duration 5 years 2 months. Forms available for download at www.mta.info/bandt/procure/homeprocure.htm. Contact B Bajor/B Walsh at Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority in New York, e-mail www.mta.info/bandt/. Solicitation number PSC-11-2901. 06/12.


United States, New York - us/117


Closing Date: 23.01.2012 (Tender Closed)

RFQ, Pin No 82612W000125, seeks qualifications from construction firms to establish a pre-qualified list of bidders for construction of shafts for bypass tunnel to the Rondout West Branch Tunnel (RWBT) under contract BT1 for New York City Department for Environmental Protection. Queries to PREQUAL@DEP.NYC.GOV by 11.01.2012, no telephone calls. Contact Glorivee Roman, tel +1 718 595-3226, fax –3208, glroman@dep.nyc.gov, 59-17 Junction Blvd, 17th Floor, Flushing, NY 11373, US.  51/11.


Invitation to tender by competitive sealed bids under PIN No 82612MET704, deadline 18.01.2012, for preventive maintenance and repair of electrical instrumentation and telemetry systems in water tunnel No 3 and BWSO facilities, citywide New York. Pre-bid conference on 04.01.2012 at 59-17 Junction Blvd, 12th Floor at 09.30 and site visit 10.01.2012. Further information from project manager Baldemiro Leon at Flushing, NY 11373, tel +1 718 595 4880. Agency contact Greg Hall, tel +1 718 595 3236, e-mail G.Hall@dep.nyc.gov. 01/12


The JV Kiewit-Shea Constructors secured the EUR643,830,988 (USD706,605,852) contract for construction of the Delaware-Rondout Aqueduct Bypass Tunnel (4.02 km-length). The other bidders were Bypass Tunnel Constructors at EUR768,239,087 (USD843,144,000) and JV Skanska-Traylor at EUR 830,888,626 (USD911,902,000). Visit http://www.nyc.gov/html/dep/html/businesses/pact_bid_results.shtml. Project N. WFF-BT-2. 15/15.


United States, New York - us/116

Brooklyn Battery tunnel

Closing Date: 02.11.2011 (Tender Closed)

Invitation of expressions of interest, deadline 02.11.2011, for design and construction support services for project BB-54 rehabilitation of the Brooklyn Plaza pavement/structural slab at the Brooklyn Battery tunnel. Contact B Walsh at Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority in New York, e-mail www.mta.info/bandt/ or Victoria Warren at MTA Bridges & Tunnels in New York, e-mail vprocure@mtabt.org. 42/11.


Tully Construction Company secured the four-year EUR231.4 million (USD282.5 million) contract for repairs and restoration projects related to damages at the Brooklyn Battery tunnel (officially Hugh L. Carey Tunnel) caused by Superstorm Sandy. The tunnel connects Brooklyn and Manhattan. Visit http://www.mta.info/news-bridges-and-tunnels-hugh-l-carey-tunnel/2014/11/17/queens-firm-be-awarded-2825-million-contract. 52/14.


United States, Maryland - us/115

Broad Creek Sewer

Closing Date: 17.11.2011 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to prequalify, deadline 17.11.2011, for microtunnelling contracts at upcoming Broad Creek Augmentation Conveyance Project, solicitation number CP4231C05 MT RFQu. Further information from Jessica Wright at Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, tel +1 301 206-8245, or visit www.wsscwater.com/home/jsp/content/contract-business-ops.faces. 40/11.


United States, Pennsylvania - us/114

Penn Turnpike

Closing Date: 26.10.2011 (Tender Closed)

Invitation for statements of interest, deadline 26.10.2011, from engineering firms to perform engineering design services for rehabilitation of both tubes and the portal buildings of Tuscarora tunnel located at milepost 186.20 on Penn Turnpike in Huntingdon county. Construction contract programmed to cost EUR6 million (USD8 million). Further information from Kenneth Slippey at Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission in Middletown, tel +1 717 939-9551 ext 5150, e-mail kslippey@paturnpike.com. Contractual questions to Donald Klingensmith, tel +1 717 939-9551 ext 5850, e-mail dklingen@paturnpike.com, to whom statements of interest and required information must be sent. Visit www.paturnpike.com/OUTPUT/PDFs/e20009.pdf. 40/11.


United States, Massachusetts - us/113

Boston Metro

Closing Date: 27.10.2011 (Tender Closed)

MBTA is soliciting bids for Cambridge and Boston Red Line tunnel leak repairs as part of systemwide rehabilitation/repair sponsored by ARRA. Contract no Y44CN01, value EUR1.5 million (USD2 million). Site tour 02.00h on 06.10.2011 assemble at Alewife station. Prebid meeting 07.10.2011 at 11.00h at MBTA , 500 Arborway, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130. Further information from Ken Lim, tel +1 617-222-4487. Visit www.mbta.com/business_center/. 39/11.


United States, Minnesota - us/112

Interceptor sewers

Closing Date: 11.10.2011 (Tender Closed)

Request for bids from pre-qualified contractors, deadline 11.10.2011, for rehabilitation work including repair of cracks within the crown of the interceptor and grouting of void. Value range EUR1.3-1.6 million (USD1.8-2.2 million). For availability of contract documents and assistance in downloading or working with digital documents contact www.questcdn.com at +1 952-233-`632 or info@questcdn.com. For direct enquiries contact Seng Thongvanh on +1 212 435-3953, e-mail seng.thongvanh@metc.state.mn.us quoting contract 1-MN-310. Prebid meeting scheduled 27.09.2011 at RMF, Eagan, MN at 10.00h. 38/11.


Request for proposal, deadline 17.11.2011, for interceptor sewer tunnelling master contract number 11P179 to provide A/E services to support several projects. Contract value EUR723,000 (USD1 million), duration five years. Contact QuestCDN.com +1 952 233 1632, e-mail info@questcdn.com for assistance with downloading and working with the digital documents. Further information from Laron Weddington at METC in St Paul, MN, tel +1 651 601 1801, e-mail laron.weddington@metc.state.mn.us or visit www.metrocouncil.org. 42/11.


United States, New Jersey - us/111

Lincoln road tunnel

Closing Date: 13.10.2011 (Tender Closed)

Request for bids, deadline 13.10.2011, for rehabilitation of drum rings, sealing leaks, repairing cracks in ventilation ducts and removal and repair of hollow or delaminated concrete sections on underside of roadway in three tubes of Lincoln road tunnel. Value range EUR730,000-3.65 million (USD1-5 million). For availability of contract documents go to www.panynj.gov/business-opportunities/bid-proposal-advertisements.html. For further information contact Jessamma Vatakencherry on +1 212 435-3953, e-mail jvataken@panynj.gov quoting contract LT-234.048. 38/11.


Request for bids, deadline 25.10.2011, for replacement of electrical and mechanical equipment in three mid-river pumprooms of Lincoln road tunnel with explosion-proof equipment. Value range EUR730,000-3.65 million (USD1-5 million). For availability of contract documents go to www.panynj.gov/business-opportunities/bid-proposal-advertisements.html. For further information contact Jessamma Vatakencherry on +1 212 435-3953, e-mail jvataken@panynj.gov quoting contract LT-234.131. 38/11.


United States, Florida - us/110

Government Cut Utility Tunnel

Phase 1 requires replacement of wastewater pipe between Miami Beach and Fisher Island with 350 m-long x 1.9 m-diameter drive using microtunnelling between deep shafts. Phase 2 requires new 2.5 km x 3.8 m-diameter (8,000 ft x 12 ft-diameter) utility tunnel at 25 m below mean sea level under Government Cut shipping channel to accommodate three wastewater lines, one reclaimed water main and four utility ducts. Anticipated EPB drive with segmental concrete lining. Project requires 9 m-diameter launch shaft on Fisher Island and 7.6 m-diameter shaft on Miami Beach. For latest AECOM project presentation visit www.governmentcututilitytunnel.com/Publish/Data/Gov Cut - Information Exchange 121709.pdf. 38/10.


United States, Washington D.C - us/109

Combined sewer overflow

DC Water is planning to construct a series of tunnels over the next 15 years to capture excess sewer flow and convey it to the Blue Plains wastewater treatment plant. The major tunnel projects are: the 7.5 km x 7.3 m-diameter Blue Plains Tunnel (23,600 ft x 23 ft-diameter); the 4 km-long x 7.3 m-diameter Anacostia River Tunnel (12,500 ft x 23 ft-diameter); the 5.5 km-long x 7.3 m-diameter NE Boundary Tunnel (17,500 ft x 23 ft-diameter); and the 3.6 km-long x 4.8 m-diameter NE Boundary Branch Tunnels (11,300 ft x 15 ft-diameter). Proposals for the construction management services contract are under appraisal, with award expected in March, 2011. Three design-build companies have qualified for the Blue Plains Tunnels, and price and technical proposals are due 02.12.2010 with award expected in April, 2011 for construction start in July, 2011. A request for proposals for the Anacostia River is expected in early 2012. More from Ronald Bizzarri at DCWASA in Washington, e-mail rbizzarri@dcwasa.com. For project details visit www.dcwater.com/site_archive/news/documents/DC WASAs Long Term Control Plan_2009.pdf. 37/10.


Design/build contract for TBM-driven, segmentally-lined 7.5 km x 7.3 m-diameter Blue Plains Tunnel (23,600 ft x 23 ft-diameter) awarded by DC Water to Traylor/Skanska/JayDee JV with design engineer Halcrow, value EUR235 million. Construction start expected in July, 2011. More from Ronald Bizzarri at DCWASA in Washington, e-mail rbizzarri@dcwasa.com. For full project details visit tunnelbuilder archive us/109 and www.dcwater.com/site_archive/news/documents/DC WASAs Long Term Control Plan_2009.pdf. 13/11.


The JV Impregilo (65 percent)/Healy-Parsons (35 percent) secured the EUR193 million (US$254 million) contract for the design and construction of the second portion of the massive tunnel system that will bring relief from combined sewer overflows (CSOs) to the Anacostia River. Named the Anacostia River Tunnel, this will be 7 m-diameter and 3,810 m-long beneath the Anacostia River. It begins at Poplar Point and ends near RFK Stadium. Construction will start at the north and work south, connecting to the Blue Plains Tunnel in 2017. The contract also includes six shafts with a depth of approximately 30 m and three diversion structures. The first tunnel portion of the Clean Rivers Project is already underway. For more click here. For tunnelbuilder archive click here and us/109. Visit http://www.dcwater.com. 19/13.


The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water) was won by the Joint-venture of Salini Impregilo (30%) and S.A. Healy. (70%) the EUR506 million (USD580 million) contract is to build the Northeast Boundary Tunnel (NEBT) project in Washington, D.C.

The NEBT is the biggest component of DC Water’s Clean Rivers Project. It will be 50 -160 feet below ground and run 27,000 feet from just south of Robert F. Kennedy Stadium to the intersection of Rhode Island Avenue NW and 6th Street NW. It will be aligned to intersect the existing chronic flood areas along Rhode Island Avenue NW.

In times of flooding, the tunnel will receive flows from the sewer system captured by diversion facilities and convey them to DC Water’s Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant. The NEBT project will also include the construction of ventilation control facilities, storm water inlets, and green infrastructure.

Once it is connected to the other Clean Rivers Project tunnels, the NEBT will help reduce combined sewer overflows to the Anacostia River by 98 percent and the chance of flooding in the areas it serves from about 50 percent to seven percent in any given year.

Work is expected to begin in September 2017 and be completed in 2023 - two years ahead of the Consent Decree schedule. Visit https://www.dcwater.com, http://www.laneconstruct.com/  and https://www.salini-impregilo.com/en/. 28/17.


DC Water (District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority) has issued notice to proceed to the CBNA-Halmar Clean Rivers Joint Venture comprising CBNA (a US based subsidiary of Bouygues Construction) and Halmar International for the design-build contract for the Potomac River Tunnel. The tunnel is a project part of DC Water’s USD 2.99bn (EUR 2.76 bn) Clean rivers project designed to control combined sewer overflows and to improve water quality in the Potomac River in Washington D.C. The contract value is USD 819 million (EUR 757.13 million).  The main tunnel, which is 5.5 miles (8.9 km) long and approximately 100 feet (30 m) deep with internal diameter of 18 feet (5.5 m), will cross variable geological conditions (clay, alluvium, hard rock) and will pass close to Washington D.C's iconic monuments. It will require the use of two TBMs customized specifically for these soil conditions. Ancillary structures comprise of 9 shafts, adits connecting to the main tunnel, and near surface structures which link the new infrastructure to the existing sewage system. Visit https://www.bouygues.com/ and https://www.dcwater.com/. 49/23.  
