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Italy, Tuscany - it/25

San Stefano Railway

Seven tunnels totalling 3.4 km on the San Stefano di Magra-Aulla-Chiesaccia line awarded to Pizzarotti. Excavation through clay, flysch and alluvia using shotcrete, steel arches and forepoling. Six tubes are twin-track at 65m2 and seventh is single-track at 31.5m2. August 1999.


Italy, Brenner - it/24


  2.2 km twin tube Mori west tunnel awarded to Cariboni Paride to commence September, 1999. Support by rockbolts and steel arches. August 1999.  Cariboni established east portals of 2 x 2.2 km, 90 sq m Mori bypass tunnels with umbrella arches of 40-44 x 110 mm x 12 m micropiles for first 36 m, and then drill/blast using Atlas Copco WL3C computerised drillrig with ABC in 80% sedimentary and 20% volcanic strata. 4.5 m rounds with steel arches, rockbolts, mesh, and reinforced shotcrete. 350 m advance to date. Contract for hydrogeological studies for Brenner base tunnel itself awarded to jv of ILF and Geoconsulting International for completion end-2001. Visit www.cariboni.it and www.atlascopco.com 14/01.


Italy, Bologna-Milan - it/23

High Speed Railway

Eleven contracting joint ventures prequalified for twin 6.1 km x 9 m-diameter single-track tunnels required for Bologna section including large central station. Tenders closed end-May for 1.27 km access tunnel in Bologna. Tunnels will also be required at San Ruffillo, south of Bologna, to connect with existing line. August 1999.   S. Ruffillo, a jv of Necso/Salini/Ghella, has purchased a new 9.4 m-diameter Lovat RME370SE TBM to excavate the 6.11 km Galleria Passante to connect the TAV high-speed railway to Bologna. At 30 m below water table, geology is: clay, 840 m; silt with gravel, 350 m; gravel with sandy-silt, 3.2 km; silty-clay and sand, 1.72 km. TBM has fully hydraulic bi-directional, multiple speed, mixed face cuttinghead with disc cutters interchangeable with ripper teeth, ground conditioning ports, and screw. It will negotiate a horizontal curve of 470 m minimum radius. Vacuum segment erector will install 1.5 m-wide x 9.1 m o.d./8.3 m i.d. segments. Visit www.lovat.com and www.necso.es November 2000.Lovat announced sale of second 9.4 m-diameter RME370SE TBM for delivery September, 2001 to Necso/Salini/Ghella for the parallel 6.11 km-long tube from San Ruffilo to Bologna city centre. Visit www.lovat.com December 2000.   Open invitation to tender, deadline 22nd October, 2001, for construction of Parma section of Milan-Bologna HSR link with two tunnels. Contact Cepav Uno, tel +39 025 205 2305. 41/01.  Two cut-and-cover tunnels under construction in Somaglia (1,069 m) in the Lodi Province and Fontanelatto (1,635 m) in the Parma Province by consortium Cepav Uno including Aquater, Consorzio Cooperative Costruzioni, Grandi Lavori Fincosit, Pizzarotti, Snamprogetti, and Saipem. Visit www.tav.it 50/01.


RFI Spa awarded two contracts for repair, maintenance and associated services related to railways and other equipment on Bologna-Milan High Speed Railway. Ansaldo STS SpA (Genova) secured the EUR 5.7 million contract. Bid Code DLE.BO.2010.005. Alstom ferroviaria SpA (Savigliano) secured the EUR1.9 million contract. Bid Code DLE.BO.2010.007. Contact RFI SpA, Bologna, tel +39 0512586036, fax +39 0512586016. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=119154-2010 and www.gare.rfi.it/cms-file/allegati/gare-rfi/BO_2010_005_ESITO.pdf and www.gare.rfi.it/cms-file/allegati/gare-rfi/BO_2010_007_ESITO.pdf. 17/10.


Italy, Trans-Apennine - it/22

Bologna-Florence High Speed Railway

  Work proceeding on 75 km of difficult tunnels. August 1999.   Tunnelling commenced October, 1996 and is due for completion end-2002. Seven running tunnels are involved as follows, from Bologna to Firenze: Pianoro (10.7 km), Sadurano (3.77 km), Monte Bibele (9.1 km), Raticosa (10.39 km), Scheggianico (3.54 km), Firenzuola (15.06 km), and Vaglia (18.35 km). Also 12 access tunnels total length 8.8 km are required to split the route into sections of not more than 3.5 km.   Main contractor Cavet reports 20 km of 71 km alignment has been excavated to date, 60 % of which has also been fully lined. Some 32 x 130 m² faces open at present. The access tunnels are generally 60 m² with 14 % maximum gradient, and 2.4 km have been fully lined on Raticosa tunnel due to poor ground conditions. North portal of Firenzuola at San Pellegrino is being driven at 21 m wide for 600 m to accommodate siding for spare train. All equipment used in these tunnels is flameproofed. October 1999.   Boring of 6.5 km Vaglia segmentally-lined service tunnel to commence in June using Wirth double telescopic shield TBM from a quarry near the Firenze end of the proposed 18 km-long main tunnel. Geology is marly limestones and lime marls with marly strata. Contract also includes 2.7 km of access adits. The northernmost 7.5 km of Vaglia running tunnel was completed a year ago, and completion is now scheduled for 2005. Visit www.wirth-drilling.com May 2000.Restricted tendering for construction of section of 9.243 km Monte Bibele tunnel, deadline 1st August, 2000. Contact Cavet, fax +39 051 651 8327 and visit www.rocksoil.com July 2000.   Tunnel advance on 32 faces currently averaging 1.6 km/month with less than 5 % variation from budgeted cost. Crown excavation and lining of 728 m-long San Pellegrino chamber at the north end of Firenzuola tunnel nearly completed at 2-3 m/day average advance. Final design of 18 km-long Vaglia tunnel at south end of alignment includes 9.26 km-long x 5.6 m i.d. service tunnel to be driven using double telescopic shield Wirth TBM type 630 E/TS erecting 250 mm-thick trapezoidal reinforced concrete segmental lining. This will run parallel to main tunnel for 6.5 km, with connections at 250 m intervals. Main tunnel currently underway from Carlone access and north portal at 7 m/day of finished tunnel in marly limestones and lime marls with marly strata. Visit www.rocksoil.com and www.wirth-drilling.com July 2000.  Rocksoil has reported progress on the Bologna-Firenze (BO-FI) section of the Italian high speed railway. Around 59 km of main and service tunnels, constituting 64% of the total, and 10 km of access adits, have been completed.Some 7.2 km of the 10.71 km-long Pianoro tunnel is complete, and work continues on four faces. The 418 m-long caverns required for interconnection with the existing railway are still in design. The 3.77 km-long Sadurano has been completed at an average of 4 m/day of finished tunnel. Some 5.87 km of the 9.1 km Monte Bibele has been excavated, with 3 m/day average advance from the north portal, and 1.66 m/day from the south. Work has started from the base of the 1.54 km-long Quinzano adit on two faces, advancing around 1.2 m/day apiece. At Raticosa, 7.2 km of the 10.37 km-long main tunnel has been driven, and work is proceeding on the north face and two faces each from the Osteria and Castelvecchio adits. Excavation of the 3.56 km-long Scheggianico was completed in 1999, and lining is in progress, and 75% complete.The 14.34 km-long Firenzuola is being developed in sections, with the San Pellegrino chamber and 3 km of main tunnel at the BO end complete, together with 1.8 km in each direction from the San Giorgio adit, and 300 m in each direction from the Marzano adit. The central 1.5 km Osteto adit is also complete, and faces are being formed at its base. Four faces are being worked at present, one from Rovigo, two from Marzano, and one from San Giorgio. The 528 m-long Borgo Rinzelli shallow tunnel near Mugello was completed in May, 2001, and the adjacent and similar 654 m Morticine is underway. Excavation of the 18 km-long Vaglia main running tunnel is 50% complete, and the BO end is advancing off a single face from the Carlone adit at 5.8 m/day. The FI section is still in design. Some 1.6 km of the 9.26 km-long, 5.6 m-internal diameter Ginori service tunnel has been completed using an innovative Wirth TBM which is setting 25 cm-thick trapezoidal lining segments. The service tunnel will run parallel with the main tunnel with connections at 250 m intervals. More from rocksoil@tin.it. Visit www.rocksoil.com and www.tav.it 44/01.Italferr appointed Astaldi to build the underground station for high speed trains in Bologna. The 640 m-long 40 m-wide station will be dug 23 m under the surface on three levels. Contract value: €300.6 million. Visit www.italferr.it, www.tav.it and www.astaldi.it 43/03.Open call for tenders, deadline 24th March, 2006 for executive design, work supervision and construction of the high speed line in Florence for the Bologna-Florence fast trains. The new 9 km-long line includes a 2 x 5,574 m-long single-track tunnel to be built by TBM, the new underground station in Belfiore (600 m), trenches and cut-and-cover tunnels at the north portal in Rifredi (1,768 m) and the start shaft in Campo di Marte. Total value: EUR915.3 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=06936-2006, OJ S 6, or contact Italferr, fax +39 0649752445. E-mail appalti.italferr@legalmail.it. Visit www.italferr.it/gare/1018-ALL5b-ELENCO-VOCI.pdf and www.italferr.it/gare/1018-ALL1-SCHEMA-CONVENZIONE.pdf 04/06.The successful bidder for the executive design and construction of the high speed rail tunnel under Florence is a JV headed by Coopsette, with consortium Ergon Engineering and Contracting, whose partners are CO.ES.TRA., Inso and the Etruria consortium. The contract is worth EUR685 million and includes a 2 x 5,574 m-long single-track TBM-built tunnel from Ponte al Pino to Castello, the new underground station in Belfiore (600 m), trenches and cut-and-cover tunnels at the north portal in Rifredi (1,768 m) and the start shaft in Campo di Marte. The TBMs are scheduled to commence boring in the second half of 2008. Visit www.coopsette.it, www.coestra.it, www.inso.it, www.gruppoconsorzioetruria.com 13/07.


Open call for tenders, deadline 12/10/2022, for the execution and completion of the works on the High Speed Railway Bypass and the High Speed Station of the Florence Node and for the construction of the screen hill in the former mining area of S.Barbara using the earth from the excavation. Click here for tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract will be EUR1.15 bn, excluding VAT, with EUR 343.03 million belonging to OG4 category. Duration of contract 2481 days. Contact Rete Ferroviaria Italiana SpA, att Luca Lancieri, Rome, email l.lancieri@rfi.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=438417-2022. Ref.n. DAC.0145.2022. 32/22.  


Italy-Rome: Railway construction works

2022/S 153-438417

Contract notice – utilities


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/25/EU

Section I: Contracting entity

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.p.A. – Società con socio unico soggetta alla direzione e coordinamento di Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A. a norma dell’art. 2497 sexies Codice Civile e del D.Lgs. 112/2015. Direzione Acquisti – Sede di Roma.
Postal address: Via dello Scalo Prenestino, 25
Town: Roma
NUTS code: ITI43 Roma
Postal code: 00159
Country: Italy
Contact person: Responsabile del Procedimento per la fase di affidamento: Luca Lancieri
E-mail: l.lancieri@rfi.it
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://www.gare.rfi.it
I.6)Main activity
Railway services

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

Esecuzione e completamento dei lavori del Passante Ferroviario ad Alta Velocità e della Stazione Alta Velocità del Nodo di Firenze

Reference number: DAC.0145.2022
II.1.2)Main CPV code
45234100 Railway construction works
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.5)Estimated total value
Value excluding VAT: 1 153 813 527.59 EUR
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: ITI14 Firenze
II.2.6)Estimated value
Value excluding VAT: 1 153 813 527.59 EUR
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in days: 2481
This contract is subject to renewal: no

Section IV: Procedure

IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.2)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate


Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) awarded to the consortium of Pizzarotti and Saipem the EUR 1.15 bn, excluding VAT, contract to build the 7km the High Speed Railway Bypass and the Belfiore High Speed Station in Florence, Italy. The two parallel tunnels will be constructed at an average depth of 20m using a TBM. The station has been designed by the architect Foster and engineering firm Ove Arup and partners. 

In recent months, the revamping of the TBM at the Campo Marte site has continued. The preparatory activities for the disassembly of the machine were started in August and will continue until March 2023. They will also continue with overhauling, replacing components and reassembling. By the end of March 2023, once all operations and preliminary tests have been completed, the TBM can be put into operation. 

Contact Rete Ferroviaria Italiana SpA, att Luca Lancieri, Rome, email l.lancieri@rfi.it. Visit  

https://www.rfi.it/en.html . Ref.n. DAC.0145.2022. 32/22.   


Italy, Bologna-Florence - it/21


Invitation to tender for 2.25 km Monte Mario tunnel. August 1999.   ANAS, the national roads agency; has given the go-ahead to the 32.5 km Variante di valico between Sasso Marconi and Barberino di Mugello on highway A 1 linking Bologna to Florence, including a twin two-lane 8.6 km tunnel running under the Appennines between La Quercia and Aglio. There will be eight drives. Bids will be invited by the summer. The tunnel will cost €720 million. Time frame for construction of five years, commissioning in 2008. Visit www.enteanas.it 28/02.The European Investment Bank has loaned €450 million to Dexia-Crediop SpA who will grant the loan to Autostrade to build the highway. This is the first tranche of a €900 million loan. Visit www.eib.org 28/02.   Open call for bids, deadline 20th September, 2002 for construction of the 2 x 8.6 km La Quercia-Aglio basis tunnel through the Apennines between Sasso Marconi and Barberino di Mugello. Tender value €555.7 million. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=125810-2002, OJ S 157, or contact Autostrade, Rome, fax +39 0643634288. E-mail amanno@autostrade.it 34/02.   On section Casalecchio di Reno-Sasso Marconi, lot 3 has been awarded to Toto Costruzioni Generali and Carena, requiring two bored three-lane tunnels in Alloco (1.7 km) and Vado (1,130 m). Contract value €126.4 million. Lot 4 has been commissioned to Nino Ferrari and IRA. Includes the 2 x 240 m Campolungo bored tunnel and the 2 x 840 m Gardelletta cut-and-cover tunnel, with three traffic lanes and an emergency lane for each direction. Contract value €83.5 million. Work to last four years. Visit www.autostrade.it 40/02.   Tenders have been opened for the €555.75 million 8.7 km dual-lane twin-tube tunnel under the Appennines between La Quercia and Aglio required for the dualling of motorway A1 between Sasso Marconi and Barberino di Mugello (32.5 km). The lowest bidder is Consorzio Risalto, a consortium including contractors Rizzani, Salini and Todini, which proposed a -11.11% discount, followed by CCC, Grandi Lavori Fincosit, Coestra and SELI (-8.16%); Vianini, Toto Costruzioni, Cir and Carena (-7.26%); Condotte d'Acqua (-7.01%); Astaldi (-6.03%); and Strabag with Torno Internazionale and Lombardini (-5.3%). The best bid was actually proposed by a JV led by Baldassini-Tognozzi including Ira, Ferrari, Giustino and Locatelli (-13.59%) but the JV has been eliminated for failing to present a document. They have asked their bid to be reassessed and threatened to appeal. 15/03. Risalto, a consortium between Rizzani de Eccher, Salini and Todini has won the €555.7 million tender to upgrade the La Quercia-Aglio section of motorway A1 in the Appennines. The consortium proposed a 11.11% discount. The Lazio administrative court rejected shortly before the appeal presented by Baldassini Tognozzi. The scheme, better known as Variante di Valico, requires a double 8.6 km-long base tunnel. Visit www.autostrade.it, www.rizzanideeccher.com, www.salini.it and www.todini.it 31/03.Restricted procedure, deadline 18th September, 2003 for widening to three lanes of the Barberino del Mugello-Incisa Valdarno section, subsection Florence north-Florence south, stretch C, contracts 7 and 8. Includes the excavation of the Pozzolatico single-tube tunnel, length 2,255 m, cross section 170 sq m and the lenghening of the Brancolano tunnel, 17 m for the tunnel itself and 35 m for the portal. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=142307-2003, OJ S 156, or contact Autostrade, Rome, fax +39 0643634288. E-mail amanno@autostrade.it 35/03.Restricted procedure, deadline 19th September, 2003 for upgrading of the Sasso Marconi-Barberino del Mugello section, subsection La Quercia-Aglio, contract 12. Includes three twin cut-and-cover tunnels: Bollone 1 (81 m + 36 m); Bollone 2 (251 m + 180 m); and Bollone 3 (2 x 110 m). Width 13.7 m, cross section 75 sq m. Also includes two twin bored tunnels: Buttoli (510 m + 545 m) and Largnano (713 m + 680 m). Width 13.86 m, cross section 94 sq m. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=142312-2003, OJ S 156, or contact Autostrade, Rome, fax +39 0643634288. E-mail amanno@autostrade.it 35/03.Restricted procedure, deadline 26th July, 2004 for design and construction of section La Quercia-Badia Nuova, contract 5a, on the Bologna-Florence motorway A1, including tunnels. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=102947-2004, OJ S 122, or contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Rome, fax +39 0643634288. E-mail amanno@autostrade.it 29/04.Restricted procedure, deadline 26th July, 2004 for design and construction of section La Quercia-Badia Nuova, contract 5b, on the Bologna-Florence motorway A1, including tunnels. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=102948-2004, OJ S 122, or contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Rome, fax +39 0643634288. E-mail amanno@autostrade.it 29/04.Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 15th September, 2004 for construction of the 11.5 km Florence north-Florence south section on motorway A1. This tender includes three subsections. Subsection 4 spans 4,655 m and includes the Casellina cut-and-cover tunnel, a 2 x 460 m-long 17.5 m-wide 5.2 m-high tunnel. Subsection 5 spans 3,492 m and includes the 1,096 m 160 sq m three-lane Melarancio bored tunnel, the 77 m-long 14.7 m-wide 5.2 m-high Melarancio II cut-and-cover tunnel and the 160 m-long 14.7 m-wide 5.2 m-high Lastrone cut-and-cover tunnel. These three tunnels are single tubes. Subsection 6 includes bored tunnels in Le Romite (260 m, 85 sq m), Poggio Seco (1,231 m, 85 sq m) and Del Colle (678 m, 85 sq m). These three tunnels are single bores for two 3.75 m-wide lanes. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=135369-2004, OJ S 156, or contact Autostrade, Rome, fax +39 0643634288. E-mail amanno@autostrade.it 36/04.The design and construction of subsection 5A (7,638 m) on section La Quercia-Badia Nuova of the Bologna-Florence motorway A1 includes three bored tunnels, a single bore and two twin tubes, respectively located in La Quercia (332.5 m), Rioveggio 1 (347.3 m / 347.4 m) and Grizzana (2,321 m / 2,342.5 m) and two twin cut-and-cover tunnels in Casino (332.2 m / 353.45 m) and Rioveggio 2 (57 m / 70 m). The bored tunnels will accommodate two 3.75 m lanes and an emergency lane of the same width and a 0.7 m left shoulder. The cut-and-cover tunnels will accommodate two 3.75 m lanes and two 3.75 m emergency lanes and a 0.7 m left shoulder.The design and construction of subsection 5B (2,412 m) on section La Quercia-Badia Nuova of the Bologna-Florence motorway A1 includes a twin bored tunnel in Val di Sambro (877 m / 873.2 m) and a 75 sq m cross passage. The tunnel will accommodate two 3.75 m lanes, an emergency lane of the same width and a 0.7 m left shoulder. The bids are being assessed. Visit www.stradeanas.it 37/04.Ing. Nino Ferrari Impresa Costruzioni Generali, IRA Costruzioni Generali and Maire Lavori secured a EUR195.8 million contract for the design and construction of section La Quercia-Badia Nuova, contract 5a, on the Bologna-Florence motorway A1. This is a 7,638 m section including three bored tunnels: La Quercia (332.5 m), Rioveggio 1 (347.3 m / 347.4 m) and Grizzana (2,321 m / 2,342.5 m) and two twin cut-and-cover tunnels in Casino (332.2 m / 353.45 m) and Rioveggio 2 (57 m / 70 m). Visit www.ninoferrari.it 22/05.Autostrade per l'Italia has awarded a EUR97.2 million contract to CMB, CCC (Consorzio Cooperative Costruzioni), CFM, Electrowatt Infra and Politecnica Ingegneria ed Architectura to design and build subsection 5B (2,412 m) between La Quercia and Badia Nuova on the Bologna-Florence motorway A1 across the Apennines. This section includes a twin bored tunnel in Val di Sambro (877 m / 873.2 m) and a 75 sq m cross passage. The tunnel will accommodate two 3.75 m lanes, an emergency lane of the same width and a 0.7 m left shoulder. Visit www.cmbcarpi.it and www.ccc-acam.it 33-34/05.Restricted call for tenders, deadline 16th September, 2005 for construction of lots 6 and 7, section La Quercia-Badia Nuova on the Sasso Marconi-Barberino di Mugello section of motorway A1 Bologna-Florence. The length of lots 6 and 7 is 7.5 km, including the 3 km Val di Sambro tunnel (in addition to the 880 m built as part of lot 5b) and the approx. 2 km Sparvo tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=153845-2005, OJ S 154, or contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Rome, fax +39 06436342060. E-mail amanno@autostrade.it 35/05.Baldassini Tognozzi-Pontello secured a EUR220.9 million contract to build the 11.5 km Florence north-Florence south section on motorway A1. Subsection 4 spans 4,655 m and includes the Casellina cut-and-cover tunnel, a 2 x 460 m-long 17.5 m-wide 5.2 m-high tunnel. Subsection 5 spans 3,492 m and includes the 1,096 m 160 sq m three-lane Melarancio bored tunnel, the 77 m-long 14.7 m-wide 5.2 m-high Melarancio II cut-and-cover tunnel and the 160 m-long 14.7 m-wide 5.2 m-high Lastrone cut-and-cover tunnel. These three tunnels are single tubes. Subsection 6 includes bored tunnels in Le Romite (260 m, 85 sq m), Poggio Seco (1,231 m, 85 sq m) and Del Colle (678 m, 85 sq m). These three tunnels are single bores for two 3.75 m-wide lanes. Visit www.baldassinitognozzi.it 42/05.Contract package 7-8 for widening the roadway between Florence Certosa interchange and South Florence and building a new south carriageway farther north has been awarded to Baldassini Tognozzi-Pontello for EUR103.4 million. The contract includes the Pozzolatico single-tube tunnel (2,255 m, cross section 170 sq) and a 50 m extension of the Brancolano tunnel. Click here. Visit www.baldassinitognozzi.it and www.osservatorioterzacorsia.it 17/06.Toto secured a EUR142.3 million contract to build lot 13 of the 'Variante di valico' bypass through the Apennines between Aglio and Barberino di Mugello (6.1 km), including three tunnels: Puliana (1,353 m), Alteta (240 m) and Poggio Manganaccia (2,037 m). Read E-News Weekly 37/2005. Click here. Visit www.totospa.it 28/06.Vianini Lavori, Toto and Profacta signed a EUR361.1 million contract to build lots 6 and 7 as part of the upgrading of highway A1 Milan-Naples on its Apennine section between Sasso Marconi (Emilia Romagna) and Barberino di Mugello (Tuscany). This 7.5 km section includes the Val di Sambro and Sparvo tunnels, the latter having a length of 1,950 m, and the Molino di Setta cut-and-cover (360 m). The length of the Val di Sambro tunnel is 2,900 m, i.e. the length which is not part of lot 5B. Click here.Visit www.vianinigroup.it, www.gruppototo.it or www.totospa.it 23-24/07.


The 15.62 m-diameter, 4,500 t, 12,000 kW Herrenknecht EPB is under assembly at site for a July, 2011 start on the 2.5 km-long Sparvo tunnel first drive north. The machine is the largest ever built, and features a 1.6 m-diameter screw conveyor to handle muck from its 16-channel intake. The 70 cm-thick concrete segments weigh up to 16 t apiece. The conveyor system is from H+E Logistiks, VMT supplied the navigation system, and Euroform supplied the segment formwork. For 10-year project history visit tunnelbuilder archive it/21. More from www.herrenknecht.com/news/press-section/gigantic-tbm-for-italy.html. 22/11.


The company Sider Costruzione Srl (AG) secured the EUR144,095 contract for the extraordinary maintenance of crosspassages of 2.2 km Monte Mario, Campegne-Sasso Marconi section, motorway A1 Milano-Napoli. Visit http://www5.autostrade.it/applica/gare/gareapp.nsf/vwESDT/2F5B730D86A980CCC1257A08005DE3F7?opendocument&initPos=3&Lavori. Bid Code 470/BOLOGNA/A1. 22/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 22.10.2012, for delivery and installation of safety barriers on the section La Quercia-Aglio, base tunnel (ex lots 9, 10 and 11) of the Bologna-Florence motorway A1, including Val Bisenzio interchange. Contract value EUR3.3 million, duration 113 days. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Rome, tel +39 06 43634247, fax +39 06 43634226, e-mail gareappalti@autostrade.it. Visit  http://www5.autostrade.it/applica/gare/gareapp.nsf/vwBDDT/A6241EA04508318EC1257A8A002275B2?opendocument&initPos=3&Lavori. Bid Code N. 0869/A01. 41/12.


The JV Satrel/CITEM (Prato) secured the EUR403,976 contract for the completion of E&M systems in the tunnels in Lot 12 of the Bologna-Florence motorway A1. Visit

http://www5.autostrade.it/applica/gare/gareapp.nsf/0/F3159F1C359FC4E3C1257A84002E0263/$file/esito%200866-A01.pdf?openelement. Bid Code N. 0866/A01. 41/12.


Geom. Santalucia Matteo of Salerno secured the EUR2.29 million contract for delivery and installation of safety barriers on the section La Quercia-Aglio base tunnel (ex lots 9, 10 and 11) of the Bologna-Florence motorway A1, including Val Bisenzio interchange. Contract value EUR3.3 million, duration 113 days. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia, Rome, tel +39 06 43634247, fax +39 06 43634226, e-mail gareappalti@autostrade.it. Visit  http://www5.autostrade.it/applica/gare/gareapp.nsf/0/54F6D96E90752F74C1257AF40039F5C5/$file/ESITO%20GURI%200869-A01.pdf?openelement. Bid Code N. 0869/A01. 04/13.


The company CML Costruzioni Srl (IS) secured the EUR334,072 contract for the visibility improvement in Monte Mario tunnel (km 206+324), Campegine-Sasso Marconi section, motorway A1 Milano-Napoli. Visit http://www5.autostrade.it/applica/gare/gareapp.nsf/vwESDT/EF5B7186E14FA483C1257B5600468C84?opendocument&initPos=3&Lavori. Bid Code 499/BOLOGNA/A1. 18/13.


CP Technology won the contract to design and construct formworks for line section, parking area, by-pass, niches of the new 1,988 m Boscaccio tunnel on the Barberino del Mugello-Incisa Valdarno section of highway A1 Milan-Naples, widening to a third lane (lot 0). CP Technology's solution has been judged as best technical and economical study by Pavimental SpA. Delivery scheduled for April, 2014. Visit http://tunnelbuilder.com/Suppliers/CPtechnology/.  50/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 22.05.2017, for the refurbishment, Phase 2, Lot 2A, of tunnels Citerna (680 m, 668 m), Croci di Calenzano (842 m, 834 m), Melarancio (1144 m, 580 m) and San Donato (937 m, 937 m) all are part of the Milan-Naples A1vmotorway. The contract value is EUR7.03 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 420 days from award. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia, attn Mauro Moretti, Rome, tel +39 0643632525, fax +39 0643634206, email gareappalti@autostrade.it. Visit  http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=127066-2017. Contract n. 0948/A01. Order n. G156. 14/17.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 24.05.2018, for extension works to the third lane of the Florence Sud - Incisa section, from p.k.306 + 986 to p.k. km 318 + 511, of the A1 Milan - Naples motorway (Lot 2B+1S). Contract value 317.36 million euro, excluding VAT, of which 91.35 million euro excluding VAT, belonging to the OG4 category. Contract duration 1638 days from award. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, att.ne Ing. Alberto Baldeschi, Rome, tel +39 0643632511, fax +39 0643634206, email gareappalti@autostrade.it. Please visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=163020-2018, OJ S 073. Contract No. 0954/A01. Order No 0G099.  16/18.


The JV Valori Scarl/I.G. Group Srl from Rome secured the EUR5,11 million contract, excluding VAT, for the refurbishment, Phase 2, Lot 2A, of tunnels Citerna (680 m, 668 m), Croci di Calenzano (842 m, 834 m), Melarancio (1144 m, 580 m) and San Donato (937 m, 937 m) all are part of the Milan-Naples A1vmotorway. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia, attn eng.

Savino Seccia, Rome, tel +39 0643632253, fax +39 0643634206, email gareappalti@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=544957-2018.

Contract n. 0948/A01. Order n. G156. 50/18.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 17.01.2019, for the supply of LED lighting in the adit section of the following 5 motorway tunnels: Melarancio (1144 m, 580 m) on Milan-Naples A1 motorway, San Marco (980 m, 770 m), Colle Marino (1004 m, 951 m), Colle Pino (586 m, 591 m) and Pianacce (966 m, 966 m) on the A14 motorway Bologna - Bari - Taranto. The contract value is EUR464.333,92, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 12 months.  Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, attn Paolantonio Mazzarella, Rome, tel +39 0643632064, email paolantonio.mazzarella@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=543094-2018.

Bid Code n. 27619. 50/18.


Hydrodata SpA from Turin secured the EUR261,660 contract, excluding VAT, for the hydrogeological monitoring of the Sparvo and Val di Sambro tunnels and of the sub horizontal drainage system at the stacks of the Rio Piazza viaduct on the Sasso Marconi-Barberino di Mugello section of motorway A1 Bologna-Florence. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, attn Eng. Andrea D'Addetta, Rome, email andrea.daddetta@autostrade.it. For tender information please click here. 05/20.


Open invitation to tender, deadline  18/05/2020, for the ordinary maintenance of the horizontal signs and painting the side walls of the tunnels on the following highways A01 Milan-Naples  km 210+100 -km 417+600; A01 Variante di Valico, km 0+000 - km 32+966; A11 Florence-Pisa North,  km 0+000 - km 81+700. Value of the contract is EUR12.40 million, excluding VAT.

Duration of the contract is 1095 days. For tender documents https://autostrade.bravosolution.com. Contact  Autostrade per l'Italia Spa, attn Simona Stella, Campi Bisenzio (FI), tel +39 554203299, fax +39 554203263, email simona.stella@autostrade.it. For further tender information please click here. Ref.n. 17/Firenze/2020. 13/20.


Open invitation to tender, deadline  20/07/2020, for the maintenance of the horizontal signs and the painting of the side walls of the tunnels on the following motorways: A1 Milan-Naples sections Campegine-Sasso Marconi from km 119+500 to km 210+100 and connection with R43; A13 Bologna-Padova, sections Bologna-Padova from km 0+000 to km 116+735; connection with SS16 at Ferrara South from km 0+000 to km  116+6+270; connection with SS16 at Padova South from km 0+000 to  km 4+338; A14 Bologna-Bari-Taranto, sections Bologna-Cattolica from km 0+000 to km 144+247; connection with Casalecchio from km 0+000 to km 5+700; ring  144+road Bologna from km 0+000 to km 22+231; green section from km 0+000 to km 3+300; section toward Ravenna from km 0+000 to km 29+800. For tender documents https://autostrade.bravosolution.com where tenders must be sent. The value of the contract is EUR17.48 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the  contract is 24 + (24 optional) months. Contact  Autostrade per l'Italia Spa, Casalecchio di Reno (BO), tel +39 051599419, fax +39 051599439, email acquisticontratti.3tronco@autostrade.it. For further tender information please click here. Ref.n. 002/BOLOGNA/2020. 23/20.


Invitation for Expression of Interest, deadline 30/03/2021, for the adaptation works of the Apennine crossing section between Sasso Marconi and Barberino del Mugello, Badia Nuova - Barberino del Mugello section. PREVAM Works (Landscape Restoration and Environmental Enhancement Project) connected to the Base Tunnel Lot (ex Lots 9-10-11). Value of the contract EUR2.69 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract 545 days. Contact Autostrade per L’Italia Spa, Rome, tel +39 06 43631, email autostrade@pec.autostrade.it. For further on the tender, please click here. Ref. n. 48571. 12/21. 



Prometeo Engineering Srl from Rome secured the EUR300,000 contract, excluding VAT, for the supply of the dynamic risk analysis system, Galleria Melarancio (right), on the A1 Milan - Naples motorway. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, attn Paolantonio Mazzarella, Rome, tel +39 0643632064, email paolantonio.mazzarella@autostrade.it.  For further on TED tender, please click here. Ref.n. 48900. 14/21. 



Safe Certified Structure Ingegneria Srl from Rome secured the EUR645,000 contract, excluding VAT, for the technical support for the analysis of investigations, monitoring and distortions of the Val di Sambro and Sparvo tunnels  on the Apennine section - between Sasso Marconi and Barberino di Mugello – of the A1 motorway Milan-Naples. Contact Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, Rome, email acquisti-operations@pec.autostrade.it. For further on the tender, please click here. 18/21. 



AVR Spa from Rome secured the EUR9.53 million contract, excluding VAT, for the ordinary maintenance of the horizontal signs and for painting the side walls of the tunnels on the following highways A01 Milan-Naples  km 210+100 -km 417+600; A01 Variante di Valico, km 0+000 - km 32+966; A11 Florence-Pisa North,  km 0+000 - km 81+700. Contact  Autostrade per l'Italia Spa, attn Simona Stella, Campi Bisenzio (FI), tel +39 554203299, fax +39 554203263, email simona.stella@autostrade.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=672062-2021. Ref.n. 17/Firenze/2020. 53/21. 


Italy, Bari - it/20


Invitation to tender for 1.6 km cut-and-cover. August 1999.  Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 31st July, 2001, for construction of 7 km-long metro extension to include 5 km cut and cover. Contact Ferrotramviaria, Bari, fax +39 080 5235480. 30/01.


Italy, Monza - it/19


Invitation to tender for construction of 3 km-long, 7 m-diameter section. Sept 1999.


Italy, Trieste - it/18


Bypass. Consultant Geoconsult E-mail office@gcs.co.at contact F L Jansky.


Italy, Sicily - it/17

Palermo-Messina Highway

  Six twin 67 m2 tunnels ranging between 483 m and 1836 m in length. February 1999.  Construction well underway on last 11 km of 37 km of two-lane, twin-tube tunnels to complete Palermo-Messina A20 coastal motorway: Halaesa 595 m; Tusa 2.1 km; Piano Paradiso 2.88 km; Pollina 1.04 km; Torre Finale 1.1 km; Cipollazzo 518 m; Cozzo Minneria 2.5 km; and Piana. Visit www.autostradesiciliane.it and www.atlascopco.com 15/01.


Pre-information procedure for safety upgrading of the bi-tube Capo d’Orland tunnel (2,011 m, 1,980 m) on the Palermo-Messina A20 coastal motorway. Value of contract EUR 10.5 million excluding VAT. Contact CAS (Consorzio per le Autostrade Siciliane), Bids Office, Messina, tel +39 09037111, fax +39 0903711244, e-mail mlonostro@autostradesiciliane.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=306415-2013. 38/13.


Pre-information procedure for safety upgrading of the bi-tube Tindari tunnel (2,136m, 2,136 m) on the Palermo-Messina A20 coastal motorway. Value of contract EUR13.7 million, excluding VAT. Contact CAS (Consorzio per le Autostrade Siciliane), Bids Office, Messina, tel +39 09037111, fax +39 0903711244, e-mail mlonostro@autostradesiciliane.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=306416-2013. 38/13.


Pre-information procedure for safety upgrading of the bi-tube Tindari tunnel (2,136 m, 2,136 m) on the Palermo-Messina A20 coastal motorway. Value of contract EUR12.95 million, excluding VAT. Duration of contract 15 months from award. Contact CAS (Consorzio per le Autostrade Siciliane), Bids Office, Messina, tel +39 09037111, fax +39 0903711244, e-mail mlonostro@autostradesiciliane.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=008794-2014. 03/14.


Pre-information procedure for safety upgrading of the Capo d’Orland tunnel (2,011 m, 1,980 m) on the Palermo-Messina A20 coastal motorway. Value of contract EUR 9.79 million excluding VAT, duration 12 months from award. Contact CAS (Consorzio per le Autostrade Siciliane), Bids Office, Messina, tel +39 09037111, fax +39 0903711244, e-mail mlonostro@autostradesiciliane.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=008798-2014. 03/14.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 18.09.2014, for safety upgrading of the bi-tube Tindari tunnel (2,136 m, 2,136 m) on the Palermo-Messina A20 coastal motorway. Value of contract EUR12,851,444, excluding VAT, duration 455 days after award. Further information, specs and docs from CAS (Consorzio per le Autostrade Siciliane), Bids Office, Messina, tel +39 09037111, fax +39 0903711244, e-mail mlonostro@autostradesiciliane.it, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Time limit for accessing documents 12.09.2014. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=275850-2014. NUTS-code ITG13. 33/14.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 18.09.2014, for safety upgrading of the Capo d’Orlando tunnel (2,011 m, 1,980 m) on the Palermo-Messina A20 coastal motorway. Value of contract EUR9,786,333 excluding VAT, duration 365 days after award. Contact CAS (Consorzio per le Autostrade Siciliane), Bids Office, Messina, tel +39 09037111, fax +39 0903711244, e-mail mlonostro@autostradesiciliane.it, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Time limit for accessing documents 12.09.2014. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=275860-2014. NUTS-code ITG13. 33/14.


Luigi Notari SpA-Bruno Teodoro SpA JV at Milano secured the EUR6,862,107 contract, excluding VAT, for safety upgrading of the Capo d’Orlando tunnel (2,011 m, 1,980 m) on the Palermo-Messina A20 coastal motorway. Contact CAS (Consorzio per le Autostrade Siciliane), Bids Office, Messina, tel +39 09037111, fax +39 0903711244, e-mail mlonostro@autostradesiciliane.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=22285-2015 Ref.n. CAS 087. 05/15.


Luigi Notario SpA-Bruno Teodoro SpA JV of Milano secured the EUR 8,764,127 contract, excluding VAT, for safety upgrading of the bi-tube Tindari tunnel (2,136 m, 2,136 m) on the Palermo-Messina A20 coastal motorway. Contact CAS (Consorzio per le Autostrade Siciliane), Bids Office, Messina, tel +39 09037111, fax +39 0903711244, e-mail mlonostro@autostradesiciliane.it  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=22300-2015. NUTS-code ITG13. 05/15.


Elimar Srl of Palermo secured the EUR65,736, excluding VAT, for fault and lights reset in Trapani, Salice and Bazia parking areas, Messina North barrier, Rometta, Milazzo, Barcellona, Falcone and Patti junctions, in the tunnels Mongiove (600 m, 600 m), Brolo, Rocca di Caprileone (129 m, 129 m), S. Agata di Militello, Telegrafo (1,563 m, 1,526 m), Tindari (2,136 m, 2,136 m), Capo Calavà (3,160 m, 3,114 m), S. Cono (1,421 m, 1,436 m), Capo d’Orlando (2,011 m, 1,980 m) and San Bartolomeo (414 m, 494 m) on A20 Palermo-Messina Highway, section Messina-S.Agata Militello. Visit http://www.autostradesiciliane.it/files/upload/PortaleBando/allegati/esito_117.pdf. Bid n. 117. 29/15.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 16/09/2019, for structural monitoring and georadar surveys inside the tunnels on the A20 Messina-Palermo motorway. Value of contract EUR1,387,671 excluding VAT, duration 360 days. For bid documents https://appalti-cas.maggiolicloud.it/PortaleAppalti/it/homepage.wp, where offers must be sent. Contact CAS (Consorzio per le Autostrade Siciliane), Bids Office, Messina, tel +39 0903711370, email wzampogna@autostradesiciliane.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=372598-2019.



The Joint Venture L & R Laboratori e Ricerche Srl from San Giovanni La Punta (CT) and GIS Design Srl from San Giovanni La Punta (CT)  secured the EUR 1.18 million contract, excluding VAT, for structural monitoring and georadar surveys inside of the tunnels on the A20 Messina-Palermo motorway. Contact CAS (Consorzio per le Autostrade Siciliane), Messina, email autostradesiciliane@posta-cas.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=034727-2022. Ref.n. 7470137. 04/22.


Italy, Milan - it/16


Extension to Line 3 between Zara and Maciachini with 980 m in driven tunnel commenced September, 1998 and 1,330 m extension to Line 2 between Famagosta and Abbiategrasso with 188 m in tunnel will start April, 1999. April 1999.   Invitation to tender by prequalified contractors for extension to Line 3, deadline 20th January, 2000. Fax Metropolitana Milanese +39 02780033. December 1999.   Award of line 3 extension contract between Machiachini and Dergano stations to CMC/Torno. Visit www.torno.it 23/01.   Extensions to lines 1, 3, 4 and 5 in design totalling 29.5 km of 9 m-diameter tunnel with 34 stations. Invitations to tender expected 2002-2004. Fax Metro Milan +39 027 80033 or visit www.atm-mi.it 37/01.   Preinformation notice for construction of the Molino Dorino-Rho Fiera extension to Line 1, running 2.1 km underground with two stations. Cost ?115 million. Bids will be invited by end October 2002. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=126737-2002, OJ S 158, or contact Metropolitana Milanese, Milan, fax +39 02780033. 35/02.   Open call for bids, deadline 5th December, 2002 for construction of the 2.1 km-long Molino Dorino-Rho Fiera extension to Line 1 serving two stations. Tender value €122 million. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=174838-2002, OJ S 220, or contact Metropolitana Milanese, Milan, fax +39 027780033. 47/02.  A JV formed by Torno Internazionale, FIAT Engineering and ICLET has been awarded a €87 million contract to design and build the Molino Dorino-Rho Fiera extension to line 1. Visit www.atm-mi.it 06/03.A group of companies headed by Astaldi, including Torno Internazionale, Ansaldo Trasporti Ferroviari, AnsaldoBreda and Alstom has won a 27-year concession contract to design and build Line 5 for €504 million. The 5.6 km line is fully underground, starting in Garibaldi with stops in Isola, Zara, Marche, Istria, Ca' Granda, Rodi, Bicocca and Bignami. Time frame: five years. Visit www.astaldi.it and www.torno.com 49/03.Open call for bids, deadline 7th July, 2004 for construction of the 1.6 km Dergano-Affori FNM extension to Line 3 with two stations in Affori Centro and Affori FNM. From Dergano, this dual-track tunnel includes two 8.7 m-diameter bored stretches, 338 m and 700 m in length, separated by a 10 m-long conical junction at the entrance of Affori Centro station, a 96.5 m-long 8.9 m-diameter cut-and-cover portion, a 51 m-long 8.7 m-diameter bored tunnel segment and a 82.4 m-long 8.7 m-diameter cut-and-cover stretch. Equipment is not included. Tender value: EUR67 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=079389-2004, OJ S 100, or contact Metropolitana Milanese, Milan, fax +39 02780033. E-mail info@metropolitanamilanese.it 23/04.Torno Internazionale secured a EUR48 million contract for the civil engineering of the 1.6 km Dergano-Affori FNM extension to Line 3 with two stations in Affori Centro and Affori FNM. From Dergano, this dual-track tunnel includes two 8.7 m-diameter bored stretches, 338 m and 700 m in length, separated by a 10 m-long conical junction at the entrance of Affori Centro station, a 96.5 m-long 8.9 m-diameter cut-and-cover portion, a 51 m-long 8.7 m-diameter bored tunnel segment and a 82.4 m-long 8.7 m-diameter cut-and-cover stretch. Visit www.torno.com 02/05.Notice of works contract, deadline 13th June, 2005 for construction of the Famagosta-Assago section on Line 2, including approx. 1.5 km of cut-and-cover tunnel and two stations in Assago Milanofiori Nord and Assago Milanofiori Forum. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=070349-2005, OJ S 73, or contact Metropolitana Milanese, Milan, fax +39 02780033. E-mail info@metropolitanamilanese.it or visit http://osservatorio.oopp.regione.lombardia.it 16/05.Concession contract, deadline 30th May, 2005 for final and construction design, construction and operation during 27 years of Line 5. This is a 5,645 m line, entirely underground, between Garibaldi station on Line 2 and Bignami, to serve 9 stations every 600 m approximately (Garibaldi, Isola, Zara, Marche, Istria, Ca' Granda, Bicocca, Ponale and Bignami). A project financing proposal presented by Astaldi, Torno Internazionale, Ansaldobreda, Ansaldo Trasporti Sistemi Ferroviari and Alstom has been accepted in November 2003 to promote the project. This consortium has a right of preemption on the project. If the city of Milan receives better offers from other bidders, the Astaldi-led JV will be allowed to modify its bid in accordance with the best offer. Tender estimate: EUR503.1 million (VAT not included). Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=071216-2005, OJ S 74, or contact Comune di Milano, Milan, fax +39 0288467226. E-mail giuseppe.cozza@comune.milano.it. Also visit www.comune.milano.it/bandi/index.html 17/05.Line 5 of Milan's metro will be Italy's first metro line to be designed, built and operated under a concession contract by a private operator. The line is proposed by a consortium formed by Astaldi, Torno Internazionale, Alstom, Ansaldobreda and Ansaldo Trasporti Sistemi Ferroviari. Their proposal has been declared of public interest. Last May, when the invitation to tender expired, another consortium of companies, including Impregilo, Condotte and Grassetto, requested to participate in the tender, by submitting a prequalification request for the design, construction and operation of the new line. On 18th October, the City of Milan received a financial and technical bid submitted by this consortium. The concession contract for the line should be awarded by year's end. The 5.6 km fully automatic driverless line will run completely underground and serve nine stations. The estimated cost is EUR504 million (EUR193 million paid by the private sector and EUR311 million by public financing). Construction to last 5 ½ years. 50-51/05.A JV headed by Astaldi and including Torno Internazionale, Ansaldo Trasporti Sistemi Ferroviari, Ansaldobreda, Alstom and ATM, Milan's public transport operator, received a EUR504 million contract to design, build and operate during 27 years Line 5 of the Milan metro. Fully automatic driverless light trains will travel below ground along the Zara-Testi axis and serve nine stations (5.6 km). Completion of the project will take five years. Click it/16 and here. Visit www.comune.milano.it, www.astaldi.it and www.torno.com 09/06.Notice of works contract awarded by the concessionnaire, deadline 3rd May, 2006 for design and construction of the 1.2 km Affori FNM-Comasina extension of Line 3 in north Milan, Comasina station and service and security structures. The internal diameter of the twin-track tunnel is 8.9 m. It will be built using the jet grouting method and open cut excavation. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=050110-2006, OJ S 48, or contact Metropolitana Milanese, Milan, fax +39 02780033. E-mail dac@metropolitanamilanese.it 12/06.Notice of public works concession, deadline 28th July, 2006 for design and construction of Line 4 of the Milan metro. The 7.5 km line will serve 13 stations. The contract is estimated at EUR717 million. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=118613-2006, OJ S 111, or contact Comune di Milano, Milan, fax +39 0288467221. E-mail giuseppe.cozza@comune.milano.it 25/06. The concessionaire led by Astaldi, and including Ansaldo Trasporti Sistemi Ferroviari (STS), Ansaldobreda, Torno, Alstom Trasporti and Azienda Trasporti Municipalizzata (ATM), has signed its contract with the city of Milan for the construction of Line 5 of the metro, for a total value of EUR502 million. The signing paves the way to Italy's first ever urban transport infrastructure to be developed under concession, which includes the line's management for 27 years. Astaldi and Ansaldo STS hold stakes of 23.3% and 26.4% respectively. For the design and the construction activities, Astaldi's share equals to EUR119 million, with Ansaldo STS accounting for EUR118 million and Alstom for EUR46 million, while EUR35 million corresponds to Ansaldobreda's supply of rolling stock. The 5.6 km light, fully automated underground Line 5 will link Garibaldi station to Via Bignami in Milan's eastern outskirts, through nine stations. Click here. Visit www.astaldi.it and www.ansaldo-sts.com 25/06.Europea 92 has been awarded a EUR25.8 million contract for design and construction of the 1.2 km Affori FNM-Comasina extension of Line 3 in north Milan, Comasina station and service and security structures. The internal diameter of the twin-track tunnel is 8.9 m. It will be built using the jet grouting method and open cut excavation. Visit www.europea92spa.it 49/06.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 14.07.2009, for equipment and finishing works at Maciachini-Comasina section of Milan Metro Line 3, including Dergano, Affori Centro, Affori FNM and Comasina stations. Contract value EUR54,562,444, duration 456 days. Latest date for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents is 26.06.2009. Contact Metropolitana Milanese S.p.A, Direzione Appalti e Contratti, Milan, tel +39 0277471, fax +39 02780033, e-mail dac@metropolitanamilanese.it. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=132319-2009. 21/09.


The JV A.M.G.C./Appalti Setter/Elevatori Normac/Montanari (Genoa) secured the contract, value EUR16.4 million, for technological systems, completion structural works and surface arrangements of the Famagosta-Assago extension of Line 2 metro Milan. Duration of work 305 days. Contact Metropolitana Milanese SpA, Direzione Appalti e Contratti, Milan, tel +39 0277471, fax +39 02780033, e-mail dac@metropolitanamilanese.it. Visit www.amgc.it and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=256742-2009. 39/09.


Consorzio Ravennate (Ravenna) secured the contract for equipment and finishing works at Maciachini-Comasina section of Milan Metro Line 3, including Dergano, Affori Centro, Affori FNM and Comasina stations. Contract value EUR 33,377,768, duration 456 days. Contact Metropolitana Milanese SpA, Direzione Appalti e Contratti, Milan, tel +39 (0)2 77471, fax +39 (0)2 780033, e-mail dac@metropolitanamilanese.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=306906-2009. 47/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 30.06.2010, for design and equipment of the 1.8 km-long Line 1 metro extension from Sesto FS to Monza in Milan. Contract value EUR 89,711,702 excluding VAT, duration 1,460 days. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents 18.06.2010. Contact Metropolitana milanese SpA, att.n Direzione appalti e contratti, Milan, tel +39 (0)2 77471, fax +39 (0)2 780033, e-mail dac@metropolitanamilanese.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=130057-2010. 19/10.


SIFEL SpA at Spigno Monferrato (AL) secured the EUR1.7 million contract, VAT not included, for overhead line construction in the M1 and M2 tunnels at Milan. Bid Code n. 486.Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=326389-2010. 45/10.


On 02.02.2011 Metro 5 SpA, the concessionaire led by Astaldi, and including Ansaldo STS, Ansaldo Breda, Azienda Trasporti Municipalizzata (ATM) of Milan and Alstom signed its contract with the city of Milan for the extension Garibaldi station - San Siro Stadium (7 km with 10 new stations) of driverless automatic Line 5 of the metro, for a total value of EUR872 million. Four TBMs will be used. End of construction is scheduled to coincide with Expo 2015. Metro SpA will manage the new metro secton for 25 years and 7 months. For more click here and it/16. Visit www.metro-5.com. 06/11.


The JV Coestra/Bonciani/ACMAR di Firenze secured the EUR61.05 million contract, VAT not included, for design and equipment of the 1.8 km-long Line 1 metro extension from Sesto FS to Monza in Milan. Contract duration 1,460 days. Contact Metropolitana milanese SpA, att.n Direzione appalti e contratti, Milan, tel +39 (0)2 77471, fax +39 (0)2 780033, e-mail dac@metropolitanamilanese.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=059598-2011. 09/11.


Notice of qualification system for suppliers for waterproofing work in tunnels and stations of the Milan metro lines 1, 2 and 3, classified in three amount groups: to EUR5 million; to EUR10 million; and to EUR15 million, excluding VAT. Further information, specs and docs from ATM SpA, Direzione logistica, Milan, tel +39 02 48038301, fax +39 02 6887778, website www.atm-mi.it. Bid Code n.524. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=099270-2011. 14/11.


The ATI comprising Impregilo (leader), with Astaldi, Ansaldo STS, Ansaldo Breda, ATM and Sirti has been provisionally awarded the tender to select a private partner for Public Private Partnership for the concession for engineering, construction and operation of the proposed Milan metro blue line 4. The 15.2 km line from Linate to San Cristoforo Fs will be driverless and fully automated. The project covers detailed and executive design and construction of two single-track tunnels with 21 stations and a workshop depot. The overall value of the investment is approximately EUR1.7 billion, two thirds of which will be provided by the Italian State and Milan City Council. Impregilo and Astaldi will be responsible for the civil works, value EUR870 million. The concession is for 30 years, with 6.5 years for engineering and construction works and 23.5 years for the operating phase. The project envisages total operating revenues of approximately EUR2.7 billion from 86 million passengers/year, guaranteed by Milan City Council. Impregilo and Astaldi have a 9.6 percent participation in the concession project. 22/11.


Notice of the existence of a qualification system with licitation, 3 years duration, for list of qualified companies for maintenance of fire fighting equipment and for adaptation to UNI laws of existing fire fighting equipment in tunnels and stations of metro lines. Bid Code n. 541. Contact ATM SpA, Direzione acquisti, Milan, tel +39 0248038218, fax +39 026887778. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=261446-2011. 38/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 07.05.2013, for the maintenance of fire protection systems installed at metro stations, car parks, depots, and offices. Contract value EUR7.93 million, excluding VAT, duration 48 months after award. Time limit for access to documents 29.04.2013. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=102706-2013. Bid Code n. 607. 14/13.


Mosconi of Edolo (BS) secured the EUR1.54 million contract, excluding VAT, for waterproofing work in tunnels and stations of the Milan metro lines 1, 2 and 3. Contact ATM SpA, Milan, tel +39 02 480311. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=175058-2013. Bid Code n. 580. 23/13.



Open invitation to tender, deadline 07.01.2016, for maintenance of electrical systems in some sections of Metro Line 1 in Milan. Value of the contract is EUR4.95 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract will be 420 days from award. Contact  ATM SpA, att.n Valeria Banfi, Milan, tel +39 0248038312, fax +39 026887778, e-mail valeria.banfi@atm.it.Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=401759-2015. Ref.n. 738. 47/15.


Sifel SpA at Spigno Monferrato (AL) secured the EUR 2.41 million contract, excluding VAT, for the maintenance of electrical systems on sections of the Metro Line 1 in Milan. Contact  ATM SpA, Milano, tel +39 02480311, e-mail responsabileacquisti@atm.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=176290-2016. Ref.n. 738. 21/16.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 03.08.2017, for the monitoring of water resources during the phase III of the Brenner Base Tunnel. The Phase III includes the construction of the main tunnels and the remaining sections of the exploratory tunnels leading the main tubes. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 02.08.2017.

Contract duration 93 months from award, estimated value EUR10.70 million, excluding VAT. Contact Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE, attn Avv. Arturo Piero Mazzucato, Bolzano, tel +39 0471 062210, fax 39 0471 062211, email ava@bbtse.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=246436-2017.

Ref.n. AP268. 26/17.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 10.04.2018, for ordinary maintenance of metro superstructures. Value of the contract is EUR2.40 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract will be 30 months. Contact ATM SpA, Milan, tel , tel  +39 0248038301, fax +39 026887778, email valeria.banfi@atm.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=101725-2018.Ref.n. 854. 10/18.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 25.09.2018, for the refurbishment works in the tunnel between Piola and Lambrate stations, on the Milan Metro Line 2. Value of the contract is EUR11.28 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract will be 698 months. Contact ATM SpA, Milan, tel  +39 02 4803811, email responsabileacquisti@atm.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=391310-2018 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=311613-2018.

Ref.n. 888. 37/18.


Palingeo Srl (Carpenedolo,BS)/Consorzio italiano costruzioni, manutenzioni e servizi società cooperativa (Bologna) secured the EUR8.03 million contract, excluding VAT, for the refurbishment works in the tunnel between Piola and Lambrate stations, on the Milan Metro Line 2. Contact ATM SpA, Milan, tel  +39 02 4803811, email responsabileacquisti@atm.it. Click here  for bid docs. Ref.n. 888. 05/19.


The JV G.C.F. SpA (Rome)/Uniferr Srl (Reggio Emilia) secured the EUR2.22 million contract, excluding VAT, for ordinary maintenance of metro superstructures. Contact ATM SpA, Milan tel  +39 02480311, email responsabileacquisti@atm.it. Click here for more Ref.n. 854. 05/19.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 06/09/2019, for the supply, installation and commissioning of the M1 line presence/absence voltage signalling devices (750 Vcc) and for checking the grounding of the third and fourth track  in the tunnel sections near to the station platforms and along the entire Milan M1 subway line. Value of the contract is EUR839,365.86, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract will be 267 days from award. Further information from ATM SpA, att.n Valeria Banfi, Milan, tel +39 0248038301, fax +39 026887778, email valeria.banfi@atm.it.For bid documents click here Ref.n. 3700000000. 31/19.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 18/11/2019, for the facility management service for buildings, stations, tunnels, depots, parking and rolling stock in the Milan M1, M2, M3 and M5 subways. Value of the contract is EUR 144 989 630.00 excluding VAT. The duration of the contract will be 36 months. Further information from ATM SpA, Milan, tel +39 0248038313, fax +39 026887778, email andrea.virgilio@atm.it. For bid documents click here .

Ref.n. 3600000039. 38/19.


Colas Rail Italia SpA from Milano secured the EUR820 206.47 contract, excluding VAT,  for the supply, installation and commissioning of the M1 line presence/absence voltage signalling devices (750 Vcc). And for checking the grounding of the third and fourth track  in the tunnel sections near to the station platforms and along the entire Milan M1 subway line. Further information from ATM SpA, Milan, tel +39 02480311, email responsabileacquisti@atm.it. For tender information please click here.  Ref.n. 3700000001. 11/20


Open invitation to tender, deadline 22/10/2020, for work on track system of Metro Line 2 in Milan. Value of the contract is EUR33.77 million, excluding VAT. Contact  ATM SpA, Milan, tel  +39 0248038301, fax +39 026887778, email valeria.banfi@atm.it. Click here for more information. Ref.n. 3600000081. 37/20. 



The contract for the open invitation to tender, deadline 22/10/2020, for work on track system of Metro Line 2 in Milan was not awarded. Value of the contract is EUR33.77 million, excluding VAT. Contact  ATM SpA, Milan, tel  +39 0248038301, fax +39 026887778, email valeria.banfi@atm.it. Click here for more information. Ref.n. 3600000081. 44/20.



Open invitation to tender, deadline 27/04/2021, for work on track system of Metro Line 2 in Milan. Value of the contract is EUR 37.36 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 2530 days. Contact  ATM SpA, Milan, tel  +39 0248038301, fax +39 026887778, email valeria.banfi@atm.it. Click here for more information. Ref.n. 3600000097. 12/21.  


The contracts for the 3 lots for the facility management services for buildings, stations, tunnels, depots, parking and rolling stock for the Milan M1, M2, M3 and M5 subways, have been awarded: 

  • Lot 1: RTI MIORELLI SERVICE SPA (Trento), B&B SERVICE SOC. COOP. (Pietrasanta), TEPOR SPA (Cagliari), value contract EUR42.92 million, excluding VAT;
  • Lot 2:  RTI LA LUCENTE SPA (Modugno), VIVALDI & CARDINO SPA (Milan), ALFREDO CECCHINI SRL (Rome), value contract EUR36,33 million, excluding VAT;
  • Lot 3: CONSORZIO STABILE CMF (Trento), value contract EUR44,92 million, excluding VAT. 

Contact ATM SpA, Milan, tel +39 02480311, email responsabileacquisti@atm.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=120829-2022. Ref.n. 3600000039. 11/22.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 29/04/2022, for cleaning services for the metro M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5 underground lines in Milan. Click here where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR7.83 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 36 months. Contact Azienda Trasporti Milanesi SpA, Milan, tel +39 0248037430, email  andrea.virgilio@atm.it. Visit https://www.atm.it/it/ImpreseEFornitori/BandiGara/Pagine/3600000131.aspx.  Ref.n. o 3600000131. 13/22



Open invitation to tender, deadline 26/05/2023, for fire-fighting adaptation interventions pursuant to Ministerial Decree 10.21.2015 of the water systems installed in the stations and tunnels of the M1 and M2 metro lines in Milan. Click here where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR12.11 million, excluding VAT. Contact Azienda Trasporti Milanesi SpA, attn Valeria Banfi, Milan, tel +39 0248037431, email  valeria.banfi@atm.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-deliver&language=en&docid=164056-2023.  Ref.n. 3600000172. 11/23. 



ELETECNO ST SpA from Robbiate (LC) have secured the EUR 4.58 million contract, excluding VAT, for fire-fighting adaptation interventions pursuant to the Ministerial Decree 10.21.2015 of the water systems installed in the stations and tunnels of the M1 metro line (Lot 1) in Milan. Contact Azienda Trasporti Milanesi SpA, Milan, tel +39 02480311, email  responsabileacquisti@atm.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-deliver&language=en&docid=644008-2023.  Ref.n. 3600000172. 43/23. 


ELETECNO ST SpA from Robbiate (LC) secured the EUR 2.43 million contract, excluding VAT, for fire-fighting adaptation interventions pursuant to the Ministerial Decree 10.21.2015 of the water systems installed in the stations and tunnels of the M2 metro line (Lot 2) in Milan. Contact Azienda Trasporti Milanesi SpA, Milan, tel +39 02480311, email  responsabileacquisti@atm.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-deliver&language=en&docid=645980-2023.  Ref.n. 3600000172. 43/23. 


Open invitation to tender, deadline 23/07/2024, for the assignment of works for the construction of the 3.3 km extension of the M1 line through the Baggio, Olmi and Valsesia districts in Milan. The westward extension of the M1 line will run from the existing Bisceglie station to a completely underground section and will include three stations (Parri-Valsesia, Baggio and Olmi), six structures along the line and a new train depot. The tunnel will be almost entirely built with TBMs, to minimise surface impacts. The tender includes an option for works to complete the extension of the M1 metro line on the north side from Sesto FS station to Monza. Click here for bid/tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of contract EUR433.48 million, excluding VAT, for the main lot and EUR50.89 million, excluding VAT, for the option. Duration of contract 2026 days. Contact MM SpA, Milan, tel +39 0277471, email info@pec.metropolitanamilanese.it. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/412108-2024 and https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/311778-2024.  Ref.n. 03/2024/APL. 29/24.
