RFI have awarded to the consortium composed of Webuild (leader, 75% including 5% held by its Seli Overseas subsidiary) and Ghella (25%, including 10% owned by its subsidiary TunnelPro) the EUR 1.32bn contract for the design and construction of Lot1+2 Fiumetorto - Lercara, part of the new Palermo - Catania - Messina railway. The contract involves the doubling of the section between Fiumetorto station (not included) and Lercara Diramazione Station (included), from km 0+000,000 to km 29+773, with a new 19.9km twin tube tunnel, named Alia (km 8+100÷km28+050). Contact Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, attn Alessio Sammartino, Rome, email rfi-ad-dac.pa@pec.rfi.it. Visit https://www.fsnews.it, https://www.webuildgroup.com and https://www.ghella.com. Ref.n. DAC.0269.2022. 23/23.