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Italy, Naples - it/51


    Work underway on 3.6 km-long TBM extension of Line 1 from Dante to Garibaldi with seven stations, and parts of 8.75 km-long stretch from Garibaldi to Piscinola. Ansaldo is TBM-driving 5.8 km-long Line 6 extension with nine stations from Municipio to Campi Flegrei. 4.8 km-long Line 8 with seven stations and 3.6 km-long Line 9 with six stations in design by Metronapoli. Visit www.metronapoli.it 42/01.


Open invitation to tender, closing date 11/06/2018, for the construction of the 2 one track tunnels by TBM EPB, of two launch shafts, of two pre-adit tunnels by NATM  and of the Ventilation chamber n.3 for the Poggioreale-Capodichino section, metro Line 1, Naples. Duration contract

914 days. Value contract EUR39.25 million, excluding VAT. Contact M.N.

Metropolitana di Napoli SpA, attn Argenziano Giovanni, Naples, Tel  +39 0812272209, fax +39 0812272260, email argenziano@metropolitanadinapoli.it.





Consorzio Stabile Infratech di Napoli secured the EUR3,92 million contract, excluding VAT, for the railway equipment in CDN (Centro Direzionale Napoli) station and in Ventilation chambers n.1 and n.2 on the 3.4km CDN - Capodichino section, metro Line 1, Naples. Contact M.N. Metropolitana di Napoli SpA, attn Argenziano Giovanni, Naples, Tel  +39 0812272209, fax +39 0812272260, email argenziano@metropolitanadinapoli.it.

Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=245376-2018.24/18.


Consorzio Integra società cooperativa from Bologna secured the EUR37.56 million contract, excluding VAT, for the construction of the 2 one track tunnels by TBM EPB, of two launch shafts, of two pre-adit tunnels by NATM and of the Ventilation chamber n.3 for the Poggioreale-Capodichino section, metro Line 1, Naples. Contact M.N. Metropolitana di Napoli SpA, attn Argenziano Giovanni, Naples, Tel  +39 0812272209, fax +39 0812272260, email argenziano@metropolitanadinapoli.it.

Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=078003-2019.



Italy, Asti-Cuneo - it/50


Prequalification for construction of section of Asti-Cuneo motorway with 800 m-long twin-tube tunnel. Contact ANAS, fax +39 0644 56224. Visit www.enteanas.it 39/01.Work has started on several sections of the Asti-Cuneo motorway while others, now in the planning phase, have been approved. Between Consovero di Margarita and Cuneo (subsections 1.3 to 1.6), Lot 1.5 includes two artificial tunnels (932 and 119 m). Between Guarene and Roddi (subsection 2.5), a 1 km twin tunnel is planned under river Tanaro. Between Roddi and diga Enel (subsection 2.6), the 3,538 m Verduno tunnel will be driven, a twin tube with 2,984 m bored plus 495 m in cut-and-cover on the Cuneo side and 59 m on the Asti side. Each tube will feature two 3.75 m-wide lanes, and a safety lane of 3 m. Visit www.provincia.cuneo.it and www.enteanas.it 11/02.Autostrada Asti-Cuneo - including Salt, Grassetto Lavori and Itinera - won the concession contract for the Asti-Cuneo motorway A33. These three companies hold 65% of the new concession company while ANAS, the public road administration, holds 35%. The 90 km Asti-Cuneo motorway has been divided into 16 subsections, worth EUR1.6 billion. ANAS has financed seven of these subsections, either already opened or nearing end. The new concessionaire will finance, build and operate the remaining nine subsections. The subsections to be constructed by the new concessionaire are: 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 on section 1 and 2.5, 2.6, 2.1A, 2.1B and 2.1.Dir on section 2. The subsections financed by ANAS are: 1.1 and 1.2 (both opened in July 2005) on section 1 and 2.2, 2.3A, 2.4, 2.7 and 2.8 on section 2 (all under construction). The concession has not taken effect yet, the contract has still to be signed. Construction of the tunnels commissioned to the concessionaire has not commenced. The subsections financed by ANAS will be transferred to the new concesionaire once their construction is finished.The project includes several tunnels: Sant'Albano (2 x 180 m) and Mercatale (2 x 621 m), both on subsection 1.5 (Cuneo slip road), Alba (3,527 m / 3,356 m) on subsection 2.5 Guarene-Roddi and Verduno (4,023 m / 4,119 m) on subsection 2.6 Roddi-Diga Enel. The Roreto tunnel (800 m / 650 m) is under construction on subsection 2.8 Cherasco-Marene toll plaza on the A6, financed by ANAS. All are mined tunnels except the cut-and-cover Sant'Albano tunnel. The Alba tunnel will cross river Tanaro.The mined length of the Roreto tunnel spans 645 m for each bore. Progress on the first tube has reached 77% (500 m), the second is 48% complete (310 m). The cut-and-cover part is finished. The contractor is CMB (Cooperativa Muratori e Braccianti di Carpi). Visit www.cmbcarpi.itFor tunnelling, two Hitachi ZAXIS 350 excavators are used. The face is supported with 60 18 m-long glass fibre bolts, injected at low pressure with expansive grout, and umbrella vaults formed by 41 FE510 steel pipes, 14 m long, installed around the crown. The contour is supported with 55 18 m-long glass fibre bolts, injected with low pressure expansive grout. The wall base is supported with 10 14 m-long glass fibre bolts, injected with low pressure expansive grout. Six forepoles are implemented at the face as excavation progresses (length of 30 m) with overlap of 10-20 m minimum. Steel arches (type 2IPN) are subsequently installed every metre, then wire mesh, steel fibre-reinforced shotcrete around the contour (thickness 25 cm) and at the face (thickness 10 cm). The minimum dosage is 30 kg/cu m. The suppliers are Ellas Geotecnica for the expansive grouts and glass fibre bolts at the face, Calcestruzzi (Italcementi Group) for the concrete and shotcrete, Metallegno for the steel arches, wire mesh and steel profiles in general and Maccaferri for the steel fibres to reinforce the shotcrete. Visit www.hcme.com, www.calcestruzzi.it, www.metallegno.com, www.maccaferri.com and www.provincia.cuneo.it/llpp/grandi_infrastrutture/autostrade.jsp 52/05-01/06.


Italy, Genoa - it/49


High Point Rendel has formed a consortium to bid for construction of a 1.4 km-long immersed tube tunnel beneath port. Mayor of Genoa has invited other parties to prequalify, probably for early-2002. Visit www.hprendel.com and www.communedegenoa.gov.it 38/01. Open call for bids, deadline 14th January, 2003 for preliminary design of the 1,830 m-long submarine tunnel in the Genoa harbour between San Benigno and La Foce. Project estimated at €620 million. Time frame for construction of three years. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=181692-2002, OJ S 228, or contact Tunnel di Genova SpA, Genoa, fax+39 0102412628. 48/02.A JV headed by High Point Rendel and including Tunnel Engineering Consultants of the Netherlands and Italian consultancies D'Appolonia and Technital has been awarded a €2.5 million contract to undertake the preliminary design of the 1,830 m-long harbour tunnel. Project to be ready on 10th June, 2003. Visit www.highpointrendel.com 06/03.


Italy, South Tyrol - it/48


Work underway by Condotte d'Acqua from two portals on 2.2 km-long single-tube Bronzolo-Bolzano tunnel under difficult conditions in porphyry using Tamrock Axera T12 computerised drillrigs for completion end-2002. Visit www.enteanas.it and www.sandvik.com 34/01.The feasibility study of the 11.6 km bypass for highway A22 in Bolzano proposes 7 km of bored tunnels and 1,090 m in cut-and-cover. Beyond road SS 12 road, the alignment follows a first tunnel, 1,655 m in length, to resurface in Val d'Ega and carry on in viaduct prior to crossing Colle dei Signori through a nearly 5.5 km tunnel and resurfacing south of the San Giacomo airport. It is not determined yet if the tunnels would be single tubes or double bores. Visit www.autobrennero.it 36/02.Open invitation to tender, deadline 23rd April, 2008 for construction of the Laives tunnel on the SS 12 road bypass between Bronzolo and Bolzano. This is a 2,882 m single-tube two-lane bidirectional tunnel, with escape exits every 500 metres, semi-transverse ventilation, to be built using the drill-and-blast method. Support will use steel arches and fibre-reinforced shotcrete. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=55392-2008, OJ S 40, or contact Autonomous province of Bolzano, Bolzano, fax +39 0471412539. E-mail gare-11.5@provincia.bz.it 10/08.The new Laives tunnel will be constructed by a consortium led by Conbau (Bolzano) in partnership with Edilmac (Bergamo), PAC (Brescia) and Fondazioni Speciali (Parma). The contract is worth EUR32.8 million. This nearly 2.9 km single-tube two-lane bidirectional tunnel is on the 9 km road SS 12 road bypass between Bronzolo and Bolzano. Click it/48 and here. Visit www.edilmac.com and www.pacspa.it 23/08.Construction of 2.88 km-long Laives tunnel on SS 12 between Bronzolo and Bolzano awarded to PAC in association with CSCAA, value EUR22.75 million excluding VAT. Contact tel +39 03 6433 1037, e-mail info@pacspa.it 44/08.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.12.2011, for the equipment of the 2,882 m Laives tunnel on the SS 12 road bypass between Bronzolo and Bolzano. Contract value EUR10,246,048 excluding VAT, duration 425 days. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents 11.11.2011. Contact autonomous province of Bolzano, Bids Office 11.5, Bolzano, e-mail ufficio.appalti@provincia.bz.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=322292-2011. Bid Code n. 92/2011. 42/11.


Additional information about the open invitation to tender, deadline 20.12.2011, for the equipment of the 2,882 m Laives tunnel on the SS 12 road bypass between Bronzolo and Bolzano. Contact Autonomous province of Bolzano, Bids Office 11.5, Bolzano, e-mail: ufficio.appalti@provincia.bz.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=329361-2011. Bid Code n. 92/2011. 44/11.


Elpo Srl (Brunico), leader in ATI with Obrist Srl and Oberosler Spa secured the EUR6.9  million contract, excluding VAT, for equipping the 2,882 m Laives tunnel on the SS 12 road bypass between Bronzolo and Bolzano. Contact autonomous province of Bolzano, Bids Office 11.5, Bolzano, e-mail ufficio.appalti@provincia.bz.it. Visit http://www.bandi-altoadige.it/awards/detail/id/15041, http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=227855-2012 and www.elpo.it. Bid Code n. 92/2011. 30/12.


Italy, Venezia - it/47


Contract under negotiation for construction of two 3.8 m-diameter tunnels, 2 km and 1.5 km-long for SNAM, fax +39 0252 041866. Visit www.snam.it 31/01.


Italy, Campania, Basilicata and Calabria - it/46


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 17th July, 2001, for construction of Salerno-Avellino section of motorway including tunnels for ANAS, fax +39 0644 56224. Visit www.enteanas.it 26/01. Accelerated restricted procedure, deadline 16th May, 2003 for upgrading of the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway, from km 393.5 in Gioia Tauro to km 423.3 in Scilla. Thirteen new double tunnels will be built except the south Feliciuso tunnel, which will be widened. On the north carriageway, there are 944.5 m of cut-and-cover tunnels and 13.2 km of bored tunnels while the south carriageway requires 1,174.5 m of cut-and-cover tunnels and 12.7 km of bored tunnels. In following details, first lengths specified are for the north carriageway and second figures for the south carriageway. DG18 includes the Iropo cut-and-cover tunnel, lengths 320.4 m + 320 m, and the San Filippo tunnel (995.4 m + 1.1 km), cut-and-cover lengths 55.5 m + 100 m, bored lengths 939.9 m + 1 km. DG19 is the Santa Lucia tunnel (1,133.5 m + 1,112 m), cut-and-cover lengths 137 m + 74 m, bored lengths 996.5 m + 1,038 m. DG20 is the Barrittieri tunnel (2,591.9 m + 2,633.8 m), cut-and-cover lengths 298.4 m + 278.1 m, bored lengths 2,293.4 m + 2,355.7 m. DG21 is the Fontanelle tunnel (862.4 m + 716.5 m), cut-and-cover lengths 184.6 m + 152.4 m, bored lengths 677.8 m + 564.1 m. DG35-36 is the Vardaru tunnel (1,228.9 m + 992 m), cut-and-cover lengths 53.9 m + 60 m, bored lengths 1,175 m + 932 m, the Cacciapuio tunnel (535 m + 449.5 m), cut-and-cover lengths 42 m + 28 m, bored lengths 493 m + 421.5 m, and the Bagnara tunnel (1,367 m + 1,348 m), cut-and-cover lengths 50 m + 60 m, bored lengths 1,317 m + 1,288 m. DG37 is the San Giovanni tunnel (1,306.1 m + 1,194.6 m), cut-and-cover lengths 23 m + 32 m, bored lengths 1,283.1 m + 1,162.6 m. DG38 is the Feliciuso tunnel (530 m + 510 m), cut-and-cover lengths 60 m + 30 m, bored lengths 470 m + 480 m. DG38 is the Muro tunnel (1 km + 955 m), cut-and-cover lengths 40 m + 40 m, bored lengths 960 m + 915 m. DG39 is the Brancato bored tunnel (1,734 m + 1,721 m). DG39 is the Costaviola bored tunnel (922 m + 839 m). Tender value: €887.7 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=069951-2003, OJ S 79, or contact ANAS, Roma, fax +39 064454956 or 0644462545. Visit www.enteanas.it 18/03. The tenderers still in the race for the first maxi tender of the modernization of the A3 motorway between Salerno and Reggio Calabria are Astaldi / Grandi Lavori Fincosit / Vianini; Condotte d'Acqua; CMC; and Pizzarotti / Snamprogetti. This maxi tender runs from km 53.8 in Sicignano to km 82.3 in Atena Lucana. Five double-tube tunnels will be built: Tanagro (1.2 km), Costa Incoronata (1.8 km), Baltassare (480 m), Intagliata (440 m) and Lontrano (800 m) and the Casteluccio tunnel will be widened (600 m). Tender value: €512.6 million. 20/03.ANAS has awarded to Cooperativa Muratori e Cementisti (CMC) the construction of the first of six mega tenders to upgrade the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway. This first tender is for the Sicignano degli Alburni-Atena Lucana section which requires the boring of double-tube tunnels for a total length of 9.4 km approximately and the widening of a 600 m tunnel. Contract value: €512.6 million. Time frame to complete the job is 3.5 years. Visit www.stradeanas.it and www.cmc.coop 31/03.Impregilo and Condotte d'Acqua won the second mega tender to upgrade the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway, section Gioia Tauro-Scilla. The project includes 13 twin-tube tunnels totalling 28 km. Construction to take three and a half years. Click it/46 for details. Visit www.impregilo.it and www.condottespa.it 13/04.CMC acquired two Atlas Copco Rocket Boomer XL3 C drill rigs to excavate the 2 x 1.8 km Costa Incoronata tunnel and the Tanagro tunnel (900 m and 1.2 km), cross section 150-155 sq m, on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway, section from Sicignano to Atena Lucana. The machines are due to arrive in April. Support with Swellex bolts and grouted rebars, steel arches and 20-30 cm-thick shotcrete, with and without fibres. The supplier of the explosives is to be chosen soon. Four tunnels, either single or twin bores, must also be widened using microblasting but the machinery has not been choosen yet. Visit www.cmcra.com and www.atlascopco.com 15/04.Accelerated restricted procedure, deadline 21st December, 2004 for construction of the 31 km Padula-Lauria section of the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway upgrade. Includes five tunnels (Casalbuono, Tempa Ospedale, Renazza, Taggine and Sirino). Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194837-2004, OJ S 226, or contact ANAS, Rome, fax +39 064454956. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 34/2004. 49/04.Impregilo and Condotte won the third mega bid for the upgrading of the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway A3, from Scilla junction to Reggio Calabria Porto junction (19.6 km). The section includes five bored and five false tunnels. Contract price: EUR446,2 million. Visit www.impregilo.it and www.condottespa.it 51-52/04.ANAS has awarded a contract worth EUR380 million to Pizzarotti to construct section 4b running from Altilia Grimaldi, in Cosenza province, to Falerna, in Catanzaro province. This 18.2 km section requires to build a dual carriageway, carrying two 3.75 m-wide lanes and a 3 m-wide emergency lane per roadway. Nearly 30% of the project runs on viaducts and in tunnels. There will be four bored tunnels, three twin tubes and one single tube: Ogliastro (single bore, 834 m for the north tube, whereof 715.74 m bored and 121.16 m in cut-and-cover), Monaco (497 m for the north tube, whereof 475.98 m bored and 21.02 m in cut-and-cover / 729.75 m for the south tube, whereof 697.4 m mined and 32.35 m in cut-and-cover), Giurio (472.44 m for the north tube, whereof 396.62 m bored and 75.82 m in cut-and-cover / 463.6 m for the south tube, whereof 389.4 m mined and 74.2 m in cut-and-cover) and Timpa delle Vigne (798 m for the south tube, whereof 740 m mined and 58 m in cut-and-cover / 783 m for the south tube, whereof 605 m bored and 178 m in cut-and-cover). The excavated cross section is about 160 sq m, with a radius to the crown ranging from 6.5 m to 7.05 m. Project duration is 1,340 days. Read E-News Weekly 34/2004. Visit www.stradeanas.it and www.pizzarotti.it 40/05.Restricted call for tenders, deadline 29th November, 2005 for control and supervision during construction of section Altilia Grimaldi-Falerna (18.5 km), which forms part of the upgrading of the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway A3, from km 286 to km 304.2. Click it/46. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=195630-2005, OJ S 206, or contact ANAS, Rome, fax +39 064454956. 44/05.Consortium SIS formed by Sacyr Vallehermoso (60%), INC and Sipal (40%) pocketed a mega contract worth EUR789 million to build the Padula-North Lauria section (31 km) on the A3 motorway. The section includes five tunnels (Casalbuono, Tempa Ospedale, Renazza, Taggine and Sirino). ANAS - the national road administration - will finance up to EUR250 million and SIS a share of 20%. Construction will last three years for opening scheduled in 2009. Read E-News Weekly 34/2004. Visit www.gruposyv.com 21/06.Sacyr Vallehermoso, through consortium SIS, secured the upgrading and conversion to first level highway of a 31 km section on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria freeway, for EUR815 million. The section runs from Calore viaduct (chainage 108) to Lauria North interchange (chainage 139). The project will cross a mountainous area and includes 36 new viaducts totalling 12.65 km, 13 twin bored tunnels totalling 14.12 km and six twin cut-and-cover tunnels of 2 km in length in all. Click here to see the detailed tunnel lengths. Read E-News Weekly 34/2004. Visit www.gruposyv.com 27/06.Restricted call for bids, deadline 26th September, 2007 for reconstruction of a 9 km section from Lauria to the Fossino tunnel (excluded) on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway A3 (third mega lot, first part) in Potenza province. This section includes the Serra Rotonda 1 and Serra Rotonda 2 tunnels, 3.7 km in length altogether and the Costa del Monte tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=185064-2007, OJ S 149, or contact ANAS, Rome, fax +39 064456224 or 06444462009. 35/07.Restricted call for bids, deadline 26th September, 2007 for reconstruction of a 20.5 km section from Laino Borgo to Campotenese on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway A3 in Cosenza province (third mega lot, second part). This section includes six tunnels. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=185065-2007, OJ S 149, or contact ANAS, Rome, fax +39 064456224 or 06444462009. 35/07.Restricted call for tenders, deadline 30th January, 2008 for executive design and reconstruction of a 11.1 km section of motorway A3 in Cosenza province. This section includes six tunnels (five bored and one using the cut-and-cover method). Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=288228-2007, OJ S 237, or contact ANAS, Rome, fax +39 064456224 or 0644462009. E-mail r.memoli@stradeanas.it 52/07-01/08.Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 27th June, 2008 for review and update of the preliminary planning, environmental impact study and final design of the Pizzo Calabro junction-Sant'Onofrio junction (10.8 km) on the A3 motorway in Calabria. This section includes tunnels. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=129176-2008, OJ 95, and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=148092-2008, OJ S 111, or contact ANAS, Rome, fax +39 064456224 or 0644462009. E-mail p.carretta@stradeanas.it 26/08.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 01.09.2009, for maintenance of A3 Salerno Reggio-Calabria tunnels, between km 148 +442 and 286 +000. Contract value EUR1 million, duration contract one year. Tenders to Anas SpA, Office for Highway Sa-Rc, Contrada Ligiuri, Cosenza, tel +39 (0) 984 308311, fax +39 (0) 984 36500. Contract Code: 30 -2009 T, Gara No 31 -2009. Visit www.stradeanas.it. 26/09.


The contractor Grandi Lavori Fincosit SpA of Rome secured the EUR334.6 million contract (third mega lot, first part) for reconstruction of a 9 km section from Lauria to the portal of Fossino tunnel on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway A3 in Potenza province. This section includes the Serra Rotonda 1, Serra Rotonda 2, and Costa del Monte tunnels. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=347182-2009 and www.glf.it. 52/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 01.02.2010, for the securing of the km 148+000 -153+400 section, from northern portal of Fossino tunnel to Laino Borgo junction of the motorway A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria, including Fossino tunnel (1,584 m, 1,596 m). Contract value EUR86.4 million, duration for design and construction 920 days. For more click here and contact Anas SpA, Direzione Generale, Via Monzambano 10, Roma, tel +39 (0)6 490326, fax +39 (0)6 44462009-4456224, e-mail g.alimonti@stradeanas.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=352465-2009 and www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/15711. Bid code: ASR 22-09. 53/09.


The JV Carena SpA-IELPO Societa generale di costruzioni SRL of Genoa secured the EUR53.59 million contract, VAT not included, for construction of the km 148+000 -153+400 section from northern portal of Fossino tunnel to Laino Borgo junction of the motorway A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria, including Fossino tunnel (1,584 m, 1,596 m). For more contact Anas SpA, Roma, tel +39 (0)6 490326, fax +39 (0)6 44462009-4456224, e-mail s.coltellacci@stradeanas.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=174699-2011 and www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/41410. Bid code: ASR 22-09. 23/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 19.10.2011, for equipment o.m. of the A3 Salerno Reggio-Calabria tunnels Sagginara (350 m, 450 m) and Serrone Tondo (1,210 m, 1,087 m) in Salerno province. Contract value EUR150,000 excluding VAT, duration 90 days. Contact Anas SpA, Offices for A3 motorway, Cosenza, tel +39 984 308311, fax + 39 984 36500, e-mail UCS-GareContr@postacert.stradeanas.it. Bid n. 20-2011. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/43736. 39/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 27.10.2011, for painting of A3 Salerno Reggio-Calabria tunnels between km 0+000 - km 148+442, in Salerno and Potenza provinces. Contract value EUR250,000 excluding VAT, duration 60 days. Contact Anas SpA, Offices for A3 motorway, Cosenza, tel +39 984 308311, fax + 39 984 36500, e-mail: UCS-GareContr@postacert.stradeanas.it. Bid n. 24-2011. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/43740. Open invitation to tender, deadline 27.10.2011, for painting of A3 Salerno Reggio-Calabria tunnels between km 148+442 e i km 304+000, in Potenza, Cosenza and Catanzaro provinces. Contract value EUR200,000 excluding VAT, duration 90 days. Contact Anas SpA, Offices for A3 motorway, Cosenza, tel +39 984 308311, fax + 39 984 36500, e-mail: UCS-GareContr@postacert.stradeanas.it. Bid n. 25-2011. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/43741. Open invitation to tender, deadline 27.10.2011, for painting of A3 Salerno Reggio-Calabria tunnels between km 304+000 e i km 442+920, in Catanzaro, Vibo Valentia and Reggio Calabria provinces. Contract value EUR150,000 excluding VAT, duration 60 days. Contact Anas SpA, Offices for A3 motorway, Cosenza, tel +39 984 308311, fax + 39 984 36500, e-mail: UCS-GareContr@postacert.stradeanas.it. Bid n. 26-2011. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/43742. 39/11.


New Tre Esse Srl secured the EUR103,705 contract for equipment OM of the A3 Salerno Reggio-Calabria tunnels Sagginara (350 m, 450 m) and Serrone Tondo (1,210 m, 1,087 m) in Salerno province. Contact Anas SpA, Offices for A3 motorway, Cosenza, tel +39 984 308311, fax + 39 984 36500, e-mail UCS-GareContr@postacert.stradeanas.it. Bid no 20-2011. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/45792. 45/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 17.04.2012, for equipment o.m. for A3 Salerno Reggio-Calabria section between km 0+000 and km 442+920, tunnels included. Value contract EUR 600,000, VAT not included. Duration contract 365 days. Contact Anas SpA, Bids and tender office, Cosenza, tel +39 (0)984 308311, fax +39 (0)984 36500. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/48586.  12/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 18.09.2012, for o.m. of A3 Salerno Reggio-Calabria tunnels painting, between km 0+000 and km 148+442, in Salerno and Potenza provinces. Contract value EUR125,000 excluding VAT, duration 45 days. Contact Anas SpA, Bid and Contract Office, Cosenza, tel +39 (0)984 308311, fax +39 (0)984 36500. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/50463. Bid Code 22-2012. 33/12


Open invitation to tender, deadline 09.04.2013, for technological equipment o.m. on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway A3, tunnels included, from km 0+000 to km 442+920. Value contract EUR490,000, excluding VAT. Contact Anas Spa, Bid and Contract Office, Cosenza, tel +39 (0)984 308311, fax +39 (0)984 36500. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/54411. Bid Code n. uclav007. 12/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 11.04.2013, for lighting electrical equipment o.m. on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway A3, tunnels included, from km 0+000 to km 442+920. The contract is composed of 3 lots: Lot 1, km 0+000 to km 148+442, value EUR300,000, excluding VAT; Lot 2, km 148+442to km 304+000, value EUR300,000, excluding VAT; Lot 3, km 304+000 to km 442+920, value EUR249,902.80, excluding VAT. Contact Anas Spa, Bid and Contract Office, Cosenza, tel +39 (0)984 308311, fax +39 (0)984 36500. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/54408.  Bid Code n. UCLAV006-13. 12/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 11.12.2013, for upgrading of equipment in the 1.1 km-long Serralunga tunnel on A3 Salerno–Reggio Calabria motorway. Contact Anas SpA, Office for Highway Sa-Rc, Contrada Ligiuri, att.n Giuseppe Orsino, Cosenza, tel +39 0984 308311, fax +39 0984 36500, e-mail g.orsino@stradeanas.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=352528-2013. Ref. n. UCLAV028-13. 43/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 04.03.2014, for maintenance of technological equipment on A3 Salerno Reggio-Calabria motorway, section km 0+000 - 442+920, tunnels included. Contract value EUR450,000 excluding VAT, duration 1 year. Contact Anas SpA, Offices for A3 motorway, Cosenza, tel +39 984 308311, fax + 39 984 36500. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/63043.   Bid code n. LAV002-14. 09/14.


Elef Srl of Vicenza secured the EUR2,550,040 contract for upgrading of equipment in the 1.1 km-long Serralunga tunnel on A3 Salerno–Reggio Calabria motorway. Contact Anas SpA, Office for Highway Sa-Rc, Contrada Ligiuri, att.n Giuseppe Orsino, Cosenza, tel +39 0984 308311, fax +39 0984 36500, e-mail g.orsino@stradeanas.it. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/64437 and http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/64773.

Ref. n. UCLAV028-13. 15/14.

. n. UCLAV028-13. 15/14.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 03.07.2014, for upgrading and modernization to law CNR/80 (1/A) of the A3 motorway between Rogliano interchange (included) to Altilia interchange (included) : from Km 270+700 ca to Km 286+000 ca. Macrolot 4 - part II - 2° stralcio: from km 280+350 (viaduct Stupino not included) to Km 286+050 Altilia interchange (included). Contract value EUR260,275,088 Euro, with EUR46,41 million belonging to OG4 category. Contract duration: 1,256 days. Contact Anas, attn Eng Maurizio Aramini, Roma, tel +39 0644464716, fax+39 0644462009, e-mail d.decarolis@stradeanas.it or g.alimonti@stradeanas.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=175905-2014 and http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/64918. Bid n. ASR 03-14. 22/14.


The joint venture group consisting of Pagano & Ascolillo SpA (Rome) / Eurowork Srl (Reggio Calabria) / Visco Daniele and Raffaele Snc (Prignano Cilento) has been awarded the contract for the extraordinary maintenance work for the technology in the gallery and the mt / bt booths for service of the electrical systems of tunnels and junctions of the A / 3 Motorway Salerno - Reggio Calabria. Contact ANAS SpA, Rome, tel. +39 06490326, fax +39 064456224, email v.dambrosio@stradeanas.it. Connect to http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=432331-2017, GU S 209. Ref. ASR 06/16. 47/17.


Italy, Veneto - it/45


Open call for bids, deadline 10th July, 2003 for construction of a 1,450 m tunnel on ex trunk road SS 203 between Taibon Agordino and Cencenighe Agordino in Belluno province. Tender value: €20.7 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=089415-2003, OJ S 100, or contact Veneto Strade, Venezia, fax +39 0412907852 or 0437853283. E-mail r.zambello@ve.venetostrade.it and segretaria@bl.venetostrade.it 23/03.Veneto Strade has awarded the construction of the 1,450 m Listolade tunnel in Belluno province to Adanti for €14 million. Work will start this fall to last three and a half years. Visit www.venetostrade.it and www.adanti.it 38/03.


Tecno Signal Srl secured the EUR76,540 contract for o.m of A3 Salerno Reggio-Calabria tunnels painting, between km 0+000 and km 148+442, in Salerno and Potenza provinces. Contact Anas SpA, Bid and Contract Office, Cosenza, tel +39 (0)984 308311, fax +39 (0)984 36500. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/53015. Bid Code 22-2012. 50/12.


Italy, Venice - it/44


Mestre bypass on A4 Turin-Milan-Trieste motorway will involve four projects: 2 x 3 lane cut and cover tunnel on abandoned railway in waterbearing strata; two long tunnels using 16.9 m-diameter EPB in soft soil; twin tunnels 12.8 m-diameter and 30 m-deep in waterbearing strata running parallel to the existing bypass; and a 30 km-long two-lane motorway with 10 km in a twin tunnel with links to the old motorway at Mirano and in Quarto d'Altino. Visit www.norconsult.no 06/01. EIS to be launched for the Mestre interchange, on the A4 motorway on the mainland opposite Venice. Includes a TBM-driven 2 x 9 km tunnel between Dolo and Quarto d'Altino, for a cost of €1 billion. The scheme is to be built under a concession agreement. A joint company has been established between the three motorway companies Autostrade, Autovie Venete and Autostrada Venezia-Padova plus Veneto Sviluppo and banks to build and operate the motorway section but the EU has warned the project must be tendered at European level. Geotechnical studies by Rocksoil. Visit www.enteanas.it 18/02. ANAS, the national road administration, has approved the 32.3 km three-lane dual carriageway bypass in Mestre and its financing by the three motorway concessionaires - Autostrade, Autovie Venete and Societí  delle Autostrade di Venezia e Padova - who will build it. The scheme requires a 9 km dual tunnel that will be built and operated by ANAS. Total cost of €700 million. Work to commence in 2004 for completion in 2007. Visit www.enteanas.it 39/02. Government decision to build first the 32.4 km motorway bypass Dolo-Quarto d'Altino and the 9.5 km double-tube tunnel in a second phase. The motorway is known as Passante, a three-lane dual-carriageway to connect together three motorway sections, Milan-Venice and Venice-Trieste both on the A4, and Venice-Belluno on the A27. There will be seven cut-and-cover tunnels totalling 1,367 m. The required investment totals €699 million, €113.6 million of which on the state budget. Work may start in early 2004 for completion in second half of 2007. 46/02.ANAS, the road administration, has approved the preliminary study and the environmental impact survey for the Mestre tunnel. CIPE, the interministerial council for economic planning, has now to give its green light for the financing and construction. A company named Nuova Romea has been set up to build, finance and manage the tunnel. It comprises motorway concessionaires Autostrada Brescia-Verona-Vicenza-Padova (22%), Societí  delle Autostrade di Venezia e Padova (14%), Autostrade (20%), Autovie Venete (8%), Impregilo International (22%), contractors Impregilo, CMC, CCC, Grandi Lavori Fincosit, Mantovani, Strata (2% each), Adria Infrastrutture (1%), and banks Unicredit, Antonveneta, Opi (San Paolo-Imi), Banco Popolare di Verona e Novara. The 9 km twin tunnel will cost €1.34 billion to build. Visit www.enteanas.it 27/03.


Italy, Bergamo - it/43


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 6th February, 2001, for SS 42 main highway construction including 2.3 km (C&C) and 2.9 km-long natural tunnels. Contact ANAS fax +39 0644 54956. Visit www.enteanas.it 05/01. Contract for exploration pilot hole of 3.7 km-long Zogno tunnel on SS 470 linking Bergamo to Foppolo awarded to Locatelli Gabriele, value $8 million. Adjacent 2.15 km-long San Pellegrino tunnel will open shortly. More from eazagor@infinito.it or visit www.enteanas.it 13/01.Accelerated restricted procedure, deadline 21st July, 2004 for design and build contract for the ventilation station and equipment of the 3,350 m single-tube two-lane Montenegrone tunnel on the Seriate-Nembro-Gazzanica connection. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=101160-2004, OJ S 120, or contact ANAS, Rome, fax +39 064454956. Also visit www.stradeanas.it 28/04.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 30.07.2009, for refurbishment of 8.3 km Darfo-Edolo section on SS 42 Tonale-Mendola to complete lots 4, 5 and 6-1 Stralcio for the Niardo-Braone-Ceto-Nadro-Capo di Ponte-Sellero and Cedegolo bypass. Contract value EUR48.2 million. The contract includes installation of ventilation, lighting and safety equipment in the tunnels. The contractor Collini-Cossi-Giudici and Aster JV started the main works on 09.02.2009 and are proceeding as scheduled. End of works scheduled by June 2012. Click here for information in Italian on the project. Send offers to ANAS, Direzione Generale - Protocollo Generale, Unití  Gare e Contratti - Servizio Gare, Via Monzambano 10 - 00185 Roma. Contract duration 580 days total. Visit www.stradeanas.it and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=169093-2009. 27/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 05.03.2010, for construction and safety installations at 3.7 km-long Zogno tunnel on SS470 Bergamo-Foppolo road. Estimated contract value EUR43.7 million excluding VAT, duration 990 days. More information, specs and docs from Katia Nava at Provincia di Bergamo, tel +39 0353873-05, fax -24, e-mail katia.nava@provincia.bergamo.it. Tenders or requests to participate should be sent to Ufficio Protocollo, via T Tasso n.8, 24100 Bergamo, Italy. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=356008-2009. 53/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 05.03.2010, for 4.8 km-long Zogno bypass design and construction on SP ex SS 470 with two rock tunnels: Inzogno (646 m) and Monte di Zogno (1,792 m). Contract value EUR43.6 million, duration 990 days. Contact Mrs Katia Nava at Provincia di Bergamo, via T. Tasso, 8, 24121 Bergamo, tel +39 0353873-05, fax -24, e-mail katia.nava@provincia.bergamo.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=356008-2009. 53/09.


Postponed from 05.03.2010 to 09.04.2010, the deadline for open invitation to tender for design and construction of 4.8 km-long Zogno bypass on SP ex SS 470 with two rock tunnels: Inzogno (646 m) and Monte di Zogno (1,792 m). Contact Mrs Katia Nava at Provincia di Bergamo, Bergamo, tel +39 0353873-05, fax -24, e-mail katia.nava@provincia.bergamo.it, renato.stilliti@provincia.bergamo.it, and cinzia.neviani@provincia.bergamo.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=043311-2010. 07/10.


Contract for Zogno bypass with two rock tunnels awarded to Itinera SpA of Tortona, value EUR28,778,646 excluding VAT, lowest of 26 offers received. Engineer's estimate EUR43,657,577. More from Itinera, tel +39 0131869-1, fax -279, e-mail itinera@itineraspa.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=245026-2010. 33/10.


The JV Oberosler Cav Pietro SpA/Elef Srl secured the EUR29,976,703 contract for refurbishment of 8.3 km Darfo-Edolo section on SS 42 Tonale-Mendola to complete lots 4, 5 and 6-1 for the Niardo-Braone-Ceto-Nadro-Capo di Ponte-Sellero and Cedegolo bypass. The contract includes installation of ventilation, lighting and safety equipment in the tunnels. Visit www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/32543. Bid Code MI 01-09. 49/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 09.09.2013, for firefighting pipeline in the 3,350 m single-tube two-lane Montenegrone tunnel on the Seriate-Nembro-Albino-Gazzanica connection, Lot 1 from the Cassinone di Seriate junction (SS 498) – Southern Bypass of  Bergamo,  to SP 65 along SS 42 of Tonale and Mendola. Contract value EUR200,000 excluding VAT. Contract duration 60 days. Contact Anas Spa, Tenders and Contracts Office, Milan, tel +39 02 82685251, fax +39 02 82685501, e-mail migarecontr@postacert.stradeanas.it. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/59294. Bid Code n. MI025-13. 33/13.


Consorzio Stabile Pedron at Villa del Conte (PD) secured the EUR151,001 contract for firefighting pipeline in the 3,350 m single-tube two-lane Montenegrone tunnel on the Seriate-Nembro-Albino-Gazzanica connection, Lot 1 from the Cassinone di Seriate junction (SS 498) – Southern Bypass of  Bergamo, to SP 65 along SS 42 of Tonale and Mendola. Contact Anas Spa, Tenders and Contracts Office, Milan, tel +39 02 82685251, fax +39 02 82685501, e-mail migarecontr@postacert.stradeanas.it. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/60293. Bid Code n. MI025-13. 42/13.


Open invitation to tender, closing date: 14.01.2019, for the completion of the 4.3 km Zogno bypass on S.P. ex S.S. 470 of the Brembana Valley, including two open air sections for a total of 2180 m and two rock tunnels Inzogno (654 m) and Monte di Zogno (2211 m). Start of work is estimated for Spring 2019, with the end of works in 2020.  The Value of the contract is EUR 24.32 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 425 days. Contact Infrastrutture Lombarde SpA (Ilspa), att.n eng. Guido Bonomelli, Milano, tel +39 02 607971711, fax +39 026797178, email ufficiogare@ilspa.it.Visit

http://www.sintel.regione.lombardia.it/eprocdata/auctionDetail.xhtml?id=104567020 and click here. Ref.n. GL18009_LAVORI_ZOGNO. 49/18.


Italy, National - it/42


Restricted tendering, deadline 1st February, 2001, for five contracts which include tunnels as follows: Latium SS156, 850 m; Cagliari SS 125, with tunnels 200 m, 1.2 km, 120 m (C&C), and 500 m in three tenders; Firenze SS 429, 1.8 km; Asti SS 231, 11.15 km; Vibo Valentina motorway, 550 m (C&C) and 900 m. Contact ANAS fax +39 0644 54956. Visit www.enteanas.it 04/01.
