Motorway, Upper Austria-Styria - at/79
Metz & Partner Baumanagement Ziviltechniker GesmbH from Vienna have secured the EUR 525.088,39 contract, excluding VAT, for the accompanying inspection (BK) during the refurbishment phase of the Steinhaus (2.3km), Taxlberg and Noitzmühle (1.6 km) tunnels on the A08 Innkreis motorway. Contact ASFINAG, attn Martin Grasmuck, Vienna, tel +43 664 6010814946, email . Visit Ref.n. Provia n. 119129. 42/24.
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Railway, Basque Region - es/35
Moyua-Jaizubia-Geotunel from Donostia/San Sebastian secured the EUR 30.61 million contract, excluding VAT, for construction of the 1.28 km-long twin track Aginaga tunnel on Bilbao-Donostia line. Contact ETS - Euskal Trenbide Sarea, Bilbao, tel +34 946572600, email Visit Ref.n. P20025381. 42/24.
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Metro, Stockholm - se/91
Rosenqvist Entreprenad AB from Vallentuna have secured the EUR25.23 million (SEK287.02 million) contract, excluding VAT, for track, ground and power rail works for the section Kungstradgarden (KTG) up to and including Parish Plan (SOP), which is part of Stockholm metro blue line extension from Kungstradgarden to Nacka and the south. Contact Region Stockholm, Förvaltning for utbyggd tunnelbana, attn Lars Marmnas, Stockholm, tel +46-8-7372500 email Visit Ref.n. FUT 2022-0019. 40/24.
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Expressway, Lesser Poland - pl/31
Voltar System Sp. z o.o. from Tychy and Wasko S.A. from Gliwice secured the 6 months contract for maintenance of safety systems and tunnel service devices along the national road S7 Myslenice - Rabka Zdroj near Lubon Mały, together with the associated infrastructure and service of the Tunnel Management Center at the Expressway Maintenance District Skomielna Biała. The section includes the 2058 m Maria and Lech Kaczynski tunnel. Contact Generalna Dyrekcja Drog Krajowych i Autostrad, Krakow, tel +48124172500 48124172179, fax +48124110118, email Visit Ref.n. O.KR.D-3.2421.25.2024. 40/24.
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Motorway, South Australia - au/44
The consortium, comprising John Holland, Bouygues Construction, Arcadis Australia, Jacobs and Ventia secured the EUR9.6 bn (AUD15.4 bn) contract for the T2D Project, involving 10.5km of non-stop motorway between the River Torrens and Darlington, completing the 78km North-South Corridor between Gawler and Old Noarlunga. Visit, and 33/24.
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Road, Vestland - no/232
AS Birkeland Entreprenørforretning from Dalsoyra secured the EUR18.41 million (NOK216,24 million) contract, excluding VAT, for the contract for the E39 Bogs tunnel upgrading. The tunnel is located in Hoyanger municipality. Contact Norwegian Public Roads Administration, attn Kristian Dahle Sylta, Moss, tel +4722073000, email Visit Ref. n. 20/25146. 40/24.
Other project numbers in the tunnelbuilder archive this award is associated with are:
Norway - Vestland - no/188 - Road
Norway - Vestland - no/150 - Road
Norway - Vestland - no/117 - Road
Norway - Vestland - no/72 - Road
Norway - Vestland - no/48 - Highway
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