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Roads, Ring Roads and Motorways, Brussels-Capital - be/27

Lombardi Ingenierie from Lyon secured the EUR 145,109.25 contract, excluding VAT, for the optimization of tunnel closure planning in the Brussels Capital Region. Contact Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Brussels, tel +32 28003566, fax +32 28003815, email bsermeus@sprb.brussels.. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/773741-2024Ref.n. BMB/DGI-DBI/F21.013. 51/24.

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Motorway , Baden-Württemberg - de/15

SPIE OSMO GmbH from Georgsmarienhütte have secured the contract for for the refurbishment of the following tunnels Lämmerbuckel (625 m) on A8 (Lot1) and Rappenstein (395 m) and Grosshrstädt (280 m) on A98 (Lot 3); Actemium Cegelec Mitte GmbH, Niederlassung Dresden from Dresda secured the contract for the refurbishment of the following tunnels Nollingerberg (1268 m) on A 861 (Lot 2) and Hölzern (470 m) on A81  (Lot 4). Contact Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes - NL Südwest, Stuttgart, tel +49 711342500, email . Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/753105-2024.  Ref.n. SUW-2024-0012. 50/24.

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Motorway , Semmering - at/19

PKE Verkehrstechnik GmbH from Vienna have secured the EUR 110.94 million contract, excluding VAT, for E&M, Safety and Operation equipment renovation in the tunnels Ganzstein (2100 m), Spital (2600 m), Steinhaus (2900 m), Semmering (3500 m), Grasberg (372 m) and Eselstein (175 m)  on S06 Semmering expressway. Contact ASFINAG Bau Management GmbH, attn Markus Gutjahr , Vienna, tel +436646010814555, email markus.gutjahr@asfinag.at. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/758930-2024. Ref.ProVia n. 121951. 50/24.

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Motorway , Styria & Upper Austria - at/17

Hodapp Austria GmbH from Leoben have secured the EUR 4.41million contract, excluding VAT, for the refurbishment of doors and gates in the Ganzstein (2100 m), Spital (2600 m), Steinhaus (2900 m), Semmering (3500 m), Eselstein (175 m) e Grasber (372 m) tunnels on highway S06 Semmering. Contact Asfinag AG, attn Markus Gutjahr, Vienna, tel +43 6646010814555, email markus.gutjahr@asfinag.at. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/758986-2024 . Ref. n. ProVia ID. 121960. 50/24.

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Expressway, Masovia - pl/29

Transprojekt Gdanski Społka from Gdansk secured the EUR 12.72 million (PLN54.24 million) contract, excluding VAT, for the design of the new 12.9 km S7 expressway section between Kiełpin and the Armii Krajowej Route (S8) in Warsaw. The new route - the northern exit and entry to Warsaw - will have a dual carriageway with three lanes, including two tunnels in Bielany (approx. 1,000 m) and Bemowo (approx. 1,100 m) and four junctions: Łomianki, Warszawa Wólka Węglowa, Warszawa Chomiczówka, Warszawa Północ (connection with the Armii Krajowej Route S8). Contact GDDKiA (Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad), Warsaw, tel +48 222092391, email mbakula@gddkia.gov.pl. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/665949-2024. Ref.n. O/WA.D-3.2411.33.2023. 49/24.

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Road, Akershus , Innlandet, Oslo, Ostfold Counties - no/289

Vianova AS from Sandvika secured theEUR849,090.91 (NOK10 million) contract, excluding VAT, for framework agreement for assistance with maintenance of signal plans, as well as the preparation and entry of signal plans on new installations, in STS (Siemens traffic management system) at the Road Traffic Centre East. technical installations in tunnels and open air installations in the operations area east are controlled and monitored from the Road Traffic Centre East (VTS) in Oslo. Contact Norwegian Public Roads Administration, attn Debra Gunnerød, Moss, tel +47 22073000, email debgun@vegvesen.no. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/748196-2024. Ref.n. 24/97071. 49/24.

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Railway , Zurich - Thalwil - ch/13

ILF Beratende Ingenieure AG from Zurich secured the EUR 87.32 million (CHF81.30 million) contract for general planner services from the construction to commissioning of the Zimmerberg Base Tunnel 2 (ZBT2) project. The tunnel is approximately 10.8 km long and consists of two single-track tubes. It connects to the Zimmerberg Base Tunnel 1 and extends to the south portal Litti near Baar. The project is divided into the following areas: Nidelbad, tunnel and Deinikon/Litti. Contact SBB, att.ne Benjamin Karli, Zurigo, tel +417900000, email einkauf.bauprojekte.ost@sbb.ch. Visit  https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/707548-2024. Ref.n. 1161142. 48/24.

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Metro , Transylvania - ro/22

Systra from Paris/ Metrans Engineering from Bucharest secured the EUR 40.19 million (RON200.02 million) Project Management Consultancy (PMC) contract to supervise the design and construction of the Giluu - Floresti - Cluj-Napoca - Baciu - Apahida - Jucu - Bonțida metro/train - stage I of the Cluj fast metropolitan transport system.. Contact Municipiul Cluj-Napoca, attn Ramona Gabor, Cluj-Napoca, tel +40 264596030, fax +40 264431575, email ramona.gabor@primariaclujnapoca.ro. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/608976-2024. Ref. n. 4305857/2023. 48/24.

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Ring Road, Besancon - fr/22

Awarded the contracts for the maintenance of equipment in the Bois de Peu and Fontain tunnel on the southeast ring road of Besancon, named Voie des Mercureaux, on national road RN 57. Cegelec from Allenjoie secured Lot 1 (Lighting, HT, Automation, Safety, Firefighting, Closing systems); Enfrasys from Rillieux la Pape secured Lot 2 (ventilation, air conditioning of technical rooms); Ineo Infracom Snc from Dijon secured Lot 3 (video surveillance). Contact Direst, Nancy, :tel +33 383509600, email pole-administratif-marches.bgam.sg.dire@developpement-durable.gouv.fr

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Railway, Scania County - se/99

WSP Sverige AB from Stockholm-Globen secured EUR7.78 million (SEK90 million) contract, excluding VAT, for the preparation of consultation documents and consultation documents, for the selection of Maria-Helsingborg double track extension location alternatives  in Helsingborg Municipality. : The stretch between Maria station and Helsingborg C is a 4.5km long single-track railway that goes through a tunnel. In the early 1990s, it was decided that the West Coast Railway's long-term standard should be double-track. When Angelholm-Maria and Varbergstunnel are completed, only the Maria-Helsingborg section does not meet this requirement. Contact Trafikverket Myndighet,  attn Malin Isaksson, Borlange, tel +46-70-724 52 48, email  malin.isaksson@trafikverket.se. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/697499-2024. Ref.n. KOM-413177. 46/24.

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