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Norway, Vestland - no/80


The JV Roldalstunnelen Metrostav Norge AS  Bertelsen & Garpestad AS have secured the EUR 240.87 million (NOK2.8 bn) contract, excluding VAT, for construction stage 1 E134 Roldal-Seljestad, which is located in Ullensvang municipality in Vestland county. Construction phase 1 mainly comprises the construction of the  new Roldalstunnel (12.4 km) between Liamyrane and Seljestad, in addition to the existing road.  Contact Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Moss, tel +47 22073000, email firmapost@vegvesen.no. Visit https://www.vegvesen.no, https://metrostav-norge.no/ and https://www.bg.no/. Ref.n. 24/86721. 11/25. 
