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Highway , Innsbruck - at/32

zConsult ZT GmbH from Faistenau secured the EUR797,130 contract, excluding VAT, for the refurbishment of the safety tunnel and bypasses of the 6.5km Landecker tunnel on A12. Contact ASFINAG, attn Dagmar Eder, Vienna, tel +43 664 6010810847, email dagmar.eder@asfinag.at. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/22551-2025. Ref. PROVIA n. 124244. 03/25.

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Road, Madrid - es/96

TECSIDEL ITS SLU from Madrid secured the EUR401,099.50 contract, excluding VAT, for operation and maintenance of the tunnels in Malaga-Costa del Sol Airport. Contact Aena SME SA, Madrid, tel +34 913212710, email PLACSP.Aena.DirecciondeContratacion@aena.es. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/24864-2025. Ref.n. AGP-371/2024. 03/25.

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Highway , National - hr/21

ZG-PROJEKT d.o.o. from Zagreb secured the EUR690,000 contract, excluding VAT, for revision of project documentation of existing algorithms and scenarios for all sections and tunnels on highways under the jurisdiction of Hrvatske autoceste (HAC). Contact Hrvatske autoceste (HAC), attn Marin Lozancic, Zagreb, tel +385 14694689, email marin.lozancic@hac.hr. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/23841-2025. Ref.n. M-2024-657. 03/25.

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High Speed Railway, Galicia - es/45

The Joint Venture Zamora -Pedralba-Taboadela, composed of Sociedad Iberica de Construcciones Elecricas SA and Syneox Rail SLU, from Madrid, secured the EUR9.38 million contract, excluding VAT, for the comprehensive management service for civil protection facilities in the following 29 tunnels on Zamora-Pedralba-Taboadela section, Madrid- Galicia high-speed line:

  • section Zamora-Pedralba: Otero (1183 m) , Puebla de Sanabria (1538 m), Bolon (430 m), Valorio (193 m), Campina (200 m), Tunel I (185 m), Tunel II (100 m), Ecoducto Otero de Bodas (200 m), Ecoducto Monmbuey (220 m), Boveda Arroyo Calzada (110 m);
  • section Pedralba-Vilarino: Pedralba (1670 m), Requejo (2518,44 m, 2466,39 m), Padornelo (5964,17, 6382,66 m), Avesedimas (415,1 m), Hedroso (693,72, 896,6 m), Lubian (1686,58 m, 1693,58 m), La Canda (7287,82 m, 7284,84 m), Vilavella (853,78 m, 886,78 m), O Canizo (5350,92 m, 5353,17 m), Espino (7893,62 m, 7907,69 m);
  • sezction Vilarino-Taboadela: Bolanos (6754,05 m, 6770,94 m), Portocamba (3730,16 m, 3665,51 m), Cerdedelo (1687,52 m, 1682,52 m), El Corno (8556,37 m, 8548,92 m), Corga de vela (1134,80 m, 1133,98 m), Prado (7597,12 m, 7575,71 m), Seiro (1780,81 m), Bouzas (825,42 m), Os Casares (3457,76 m).

Contact Adif-Alta Velocidad, Madrid, tel 34 913007453, email comprascontratacion@adif.es. Visit  https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/19520-2025. Ref.n. 2.23/21506.0039. 03/25.

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High Speed Railway, Castilla & Leon - es/110

The Joint Venture Zamora -Pedralba-Taboadela, composed of Sociedad Iberica de Construcciones Elecricas SA and Syneox Rail SLU, from Madrid, secured the EUR9.38 million contract, excluding VAT, for the comprehensive management service for civil protection facilities in the following 29 tunnels on Zamora-Pedralba-Taboadela section, Madrid- Galicia high-speed line:

  • section Zamora-Pedralba: Otero (1183 m) , Puebla de Sanabria (1538 m), Bolon (430 m), Valorio (193 m), Campina (200 m), Tunel I (185 m), Tunel II (100 m), Ecoducto Otero de Bodas (200 m), Ecoducto Monmbuey (220 m), Boveda Arroyo Calzada (110 m);
  • section Pedralba-Vilarino: Pedralba (1670 m), Requejo (2518,44 m, 2466,39 m), Padornelo (5964,17, 6382,66 m), Avesedimas (415,1 m), Hedroso (693,72, 896,6 m), Lubian (1686,58 m, 1693,58 m), La Canda (7287,82 m, 7284,84 m), Vilavella (853,78 m, 886,78 m), O Canizo (5350,92 m, 5353,17 m), Espino (7893,62 m, 7907,69 m);
  • sezction Vilarino-Taboadela: Bolanos (6754,05 m, 6770,94 m), Portocamba (3730,16 m, 3665,51 m), Cerdedelo (1687,52 m, 1682,52 m), El Corno (8556,37 m, 8548,92 m), Corga de vela (1134,80 m, 1133,98 m), Prado (7597,12 m, 7575,71 m), Seiro (1780,81 m), Bouzas (825,42 m), Os Casares (3457,76 m).

Contact Adif-Alta Velocidad, Madrid, tel 34 913007453, email comprascontratacion@adif.es. Visit  https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/19520-2025. Ref.n. 2.23/21506.0039. 03/25.

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Motorway, Semmering - at/19

The Joint Venture Oestu Stettin Hoch- und Tiefbau GmbH/VOGL.PLUS GmbH from Leoben secured the EUR 62.60 million contract for the refurbishment of the tunnels Semmering (3,5 km), Steinhaus (1,8 km), Spital (2,5 km), Ganzstein (2,1 km), Eselstein (175 m) and Grasberg (370 m) on the Semmering motorway S06. Contact Asfinag AG, attn Claus Barboric, Vienna, tel +43 6646010814236, email claus.barboric@asfinag.at. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/17641-2025. ref. ProVia n. 122079. 02/25.

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Road, Rhone - Alps - fr/55

EVJ from Chatuzange-Le-Goubet secured the EUR122,389.50 contract for maintenance, cleaning and video inspection of the sanitation networks in the tunnels of Drome department. Contact Departement de la Drome, Valence, tel +33 475 792626, email consultations-achats@ladrome.fr. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/17966-2025. Ref.n. S-PF-1540928. 02/25.

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Road , Provence - Alps - French Riviera - fr/69

The group INEO Provence er Cote d’Azur/INEO Reseaux Sud secured the EUR1.19 million contract, for the maintenance of electrical power, lighting and ventilation equipment in the tunnel of Metropole Nice Cote d'Azur (MNCA) road network. Contact Metropole Nice Cote d'Azur, Nice, tel +33 497133774, email dao@nicecotedazur.org. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/503-2025. Ref.n. 24N0020. 02/25.

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Motorway, Upper Austria Lainberg - at/29

Tecton Consult Baumanagement GmbH from Vienna secured the EUR3.90 million contract, excluding VAT,  for renovation of road, bridge, noise protection, Hungerbichl (510 m) and Kienberg (1,430 m) tunnels, including E&M equipment and local construction supervision. Contact Asfinag Bau Management GmbH, attn Hannes Seebacher, Vienna, tel +43 664 6010814240,  email hannes.seebacher@asfinag.at. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/777067-2024. Ref. Provia n. 119511. 52/24.

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Motorway, Styria & Upper Austria - at/17

Tecton Consult Baumanagement GmbH from Vienna secured the EUR3.90 million contract, excluding VAT,  for renovation of road, bridge, noise protection, Hungerbichl (510 m) and Kienberg (1,430 m) tunnels, including E&M equipment and local construction supervision. Contact Asfinag Bau Management GmbH, attn Hannes Seebacher, Vienna, tel +43 664 6010814240,  email hannes.seebacher@asfinag.at. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/777067-2024. Ref. Provia n. 119511. 52/24.

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