Tinsa will build a 11,820 m tunnel for Akenerji, as part of the Uluabat hydropower project in Bursa province, Marmara region. The excavated diameter is 5 m and the lined diameter 4.3 m. The project also includes a surge tank and down surge tunnel. A Herrenknecht slurry and hard rock mixshield will be used. The geology is weak metadetritic formation with clay zone on most of the length (10,800 m) and limestone (1,500 m). The tunnel will be lined with six 1.2 m-long precast concrete segments per ring, produced by the contractor Tinsa. Mucking-out by locomotive and muck cars. The expected date for tunnelling start is eight months from now. Visit www.akenerji.com.tr, www.tinsa.com.tr and www.herrenknecht.com 31-32/05.