Open invitation to tender, deadline 30.03.2015, for the main construction work for the new Boezberg railway tunnel, 2.5 km-long, double-track and with a 4 m-high section. The current double-track Boezberg tunnel has a lower section and will become the rescue tunnel by 2021, linked with the new tube through five bypasses. The north portal of the new tunnel will be located at Effingen and the south portal will be at Schinznach-Dorf. Contract duration 21.3.2016 to 30.4.2022. Contact SBB Infrastruktur, att.n Thomas Zieger, Lucerne, e-mail Tenders must be sent to SBB Infrastruktur, att.n Kurt Fehr, Lucerne, e-mail Visit Ref. n. 1120809. 40/14.