IG CaSo c/o Cavigelli Ingenieure Ag from Llanzper secured the EUR566,049 (CHF637,550) contract, excluding VAT, for providing a new fire-fighting water supply line in the 757 m Viamala tunnel on the N13 motorway. For further information please visit
http://www.simap.ch/shabforms/servlet/Search?NOTICE_NR=1066823 (French) or
http://www.simap.ch/shabforms/servlet/Search?NOTICE_NR=1066817 (German).
Contact Ofrou, Bellizona, tel +41 58 469 68 11, fax +41 58 469 68 90, email acquistipubblici@astra.admin.ch. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=135488-2019.
Ref.n. 120023. 12/19.