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Switzerland, Cantons fribourg & Neuchatel - ch/72


Closing Date: 17.01.2025 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 17/01/2025, for the adaptation of the lighting (upgrading to LED):

  • of crossings in the Hauts-Geneveys tunnel (810 m), in the Malvilliers and Boudevilliers covered trenches;
  • in the MontSagne (1355 m), Vue des Alpes (3250 m), Hauts-Geneveys (810 m) and Gorges du Seyon (m 1020 m, 860 m) tunnels, in the Malvilliers and Boudevilliers covered trenches;
  • in the escape routes of the Boudevilliers covered trench and of the Gorges du Seyon tunnel (m 1020 m, 860 m);
  • for the replacement of 2 traffic census stations
  • for the delivery and installation (or renewal) of safety road signs (emergency exits, SOS niches, direction and distance of emergency exits, emergency exits in escape tunnels)

For further click here. Duration of the contract from 28/03/2025 to 31/12/2025. Contact Ofrou, Estavayer-le-Lac, tel +41 58 461 87 11, email marchespublics.estavayer@astra.admin.ch. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/712197-2024. Ref.n. N20.72 MP-200061. 48/24.
