Terra Vermessungen AG from Othmarsingen have secured the EUR 835,662.92 (CHF 819'724.05) contract, including VAT 8.1%, for the survey and second refurbishment of the Belchen’s MIT and BAS tubes on the N02. For further information please click here (German) and/or here. (French). Contact Ofrou, Zofingue, tel 41 58 482 75 11, fax +41 58 482 75 90, email beschaffung.zofingen@astra.admin.ch. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/256731-2024. Ref.n. MP-120093. 18/24.
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12.11.2024 Germany
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28.11.2024 Austria
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12.12.2024 Belgium
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