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Switzerland, Canton of Grisons - ch/117


Closing Date: 11.04.2025

Open invitation to tender, deadline 11/04/2025, for exploratory drilling of the subsurface (Lot 1) near the west adit of the 2350 m Tasna tunnel to be refurbished on the Ardez-Ftan section of the Rhaetian Railway. The drilling is part of geological exploration. Click here for bid documents. Duration of contract from  01/05/2025 to 31/12/2025. 

Contact Rhaetische Bahn AG, attn Flavio Modetta, Chur, tel +41 812886322, email flavio.modetta@rhb.ch. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/152043-2025. Rif.n. RPF47.1-3946-4071. 11/25. 
