Core drills undertaken in Alicante by Coput, the public works and transport division of the Valencian government, have confirmed the feasibility of an underground section in the city centre for the proposed light rail. The underground section would be 1,500 m-long beneath Avenidas de la Estacií³n, Avenidas Alfonso El Sabio, Plaza de los Luceros, and Mount Benacantil. Construction to start in 2005. Visit 06/02.Open call for bids, deadline 19th February, 2008 for design and construction of the Finca Adoc section on the tram line 1 in Alicante. The line currently runs along the beach parallel to Avenida de Villajoyosa between La Sangueta and Isleta stops. The aim is to build a new 2 km dual-track section to free the space along the beach. It includes a 1,470 m tunnel through Serra Grossa. An escape exit perpendicular to the tunnel will also be constructed. Visit, OJ S 250, or contact GVA, Valencia, fax +34 963976465. E-mail 02/08.Open invitation to tender, deadline 9th June, 2008 for detailed design of the first phase of the extension of tram line 1 in Alicante to El Altet airport. The 11.5 km extension from the intermodal station to the airport will run underground on two kilometres in the urban area, starting from the intermodal station beneath Ausí³ and Monzí³ streets and Avenida de Orihuela to emerge to the daylight in Babel. This first phase includes three stations (Gran Vía, Avenida de Orihuela and Babel, the first two being underground stations). The line will reach the airport in 2011. Visit, OJ S 79, or contact Generalitat Valenciana, Valencia, tel. +34 963866425. 19/08.FCC and Enrique Ortiz e Hijos bagged a EUR32 million contract to design and construct the Finca Adoc section on the tram line 1 in Alicante. A new 2 km dual-track section will be built, including a 1,470 m tunnel through Serra Grossa. An escape exit perpendicular to the tunnel will also be constructed. Visit 24/08.