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Spain, Barcelona - es/48


Closing Date: 23.12.2024 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 23/12/2024, for the completion of Campus Nord and Manuel Girona stations and ventilation shafts construction on section 3, Zona Universitaria - Sagrera Meridiana, of metro Line 9  in Barcelona. Click here for tender documents and here where offers must be sent. The value of the 2lots contract  is EUR51.03 million, excluding VAT. Contact Infraestructures de la Generalitat de Catalunya SAU, attn Merce Martinez Gonzalez, Barcelona, tel +34 934444444, fax +34 934444488, email mmartinezgonzalez@infraestructures.cat. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/709169-2024. Ref.n. TM-00509.4A-A2.B. 48/24.
