The JV Comsa-Campezo-Azvi-Nortunel from Barcelona secured the EUR 73.61 million contract, excluding VAT, for the construction of the Altza-Galtzaraborda section part of the San Sebastian (Donostia) metro line including the Altza-Pasaia tunnel (934.20 m), Pasaia-Galtzaraborda tunnel (724 m), E. Pasaia cut & cover tunnel (221.80 m), approach and ventilation tunnel c/ SASUATEGUI- (339.13 m), Safety tunnel (53 m), ventilation tunnel c/LORETE (28.50 m), ventilation tunnel Parque Molinao (18.80) and ventilation tunnel c/PARKE (24.04 m). Contact ETS - Euskal Trenbide Sarea, Bilbao, tel +34 946572601, email Visit Ref.n. P20021748. 02/22.