The contract includes the following geographical areas (D2-S01): Finnmark.
The work will be remunerated by round sum for round sum processes, in accordance with amounts and unit prices for other processes and as cost-plus work in accordance with the hourly rates for crew and machinery.
The contract will be valid from 01.09.2023 - 31.08.2028 for all of the described assignments. The contracting authority has an option to extend the contract for 12 months, from 01-09-2038 to 31.08.2029.. The most important systems and installations that are covered by the assignment consist, among other things, of:
Number of tunnels with electrical installations: 3
Number of traffic signal systems: 41
Number of weather stations: 3
Number of camera stations: 7
Number of speed indication boards: 5
Number of traffic counting places Level 1 (Level 2): 22
Number of bridges with electrical installations: 2
Number of heater cable installations: 14
Number of lighting points outside tunnels: 1340
Number of bridges with electrical installations: 14
Quays with raising/lowering (concrete) 15(2)
Number of distribution cupboards for street lights: 55
The assignment includes, amongst other things, inspections, function testing and internal control, as well as periodical work, repair of damage, and replacement/installation of objects. The assignment also includes registration, planning of the work, contingency, documentation, reporting to the builder and handling of other assignments that are necessary for the operation and maintenance of electrical installations on the road network.